1# Copyright 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
4"""Utilities to run commands in outside/inside chroot and on the board."""
6from __future__ import print_function
8import getpass
9import os
10import re
11import select
12import signal
13import subprocess
14import sys
15import tempfile
16import time
18import logger
19import misc
21mock_default = False
23LOG_LEVEL = ('none', 'quiet', 'average', 'verbose')
26def InitCommandExecuter(mock=False):
27  # pylint: disable=global-statement
28  global mock_default
29  # Whether to default to a mock command executer or not
30  mock_default = mock
33def GetCommandExecuter(logger_to_set=None, mock=False, log_level='verbose'):
34  # If the default is a mock executer, always return one.
35  if mock_default or mock:
36    return MockCommandExecuter(log_level, logger_to_set)
37  else:
38    return CommandExecuter(log_level, logger_to_set)
41class CommandExecuter(object):
42  """Provides several methods to execute commands on several environments."""
44  def __init__(self, log_level, logger_to_set=None):
45    self.log_level = log_level
46    if log_level == 'none':
47      self.logger = None
48    else:
49      if logger_to_set is not None:
50        self.logger = logger_to_set
51      else:
52        self.logger = logger.GetLogger()
54  def GetLogLevel(self):
55    return self.log_level
57  def SetLogLevel(self, log_level):
58    self.log_level = log_level
60  def RunCommandGeneric(self,
61                        cmd,
62                        return_output=False,
63                        machine=None,
64                        username=None,
65                        command_terminator=None,
66                        command_timeout=None,
67                        terminated_timeout=10,
68                        print_to_console=True,
69                        except_handler=lambda p, e: None):
70    """Run a command.
72    Returns triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr).
73    """
75    cmd = str(cmd)
77    if self.log_level == 'quiet':
78      print_to_console = False
80    if self.log_level == 'verbose':
81      self.logger.LogCmd(cmd, machine, username, print_to_console)
82    elif self.logger:
83      self.logger.LogCmdToFileOnly(cmd, machine, username)
84    if command_terminator and command_terminator.IsTerminated():
85      if self.logger:
86        self.logger.LogError('Command was terminated!', print_to_console)
87      return (1, '', '')
89    if machine is not None:
90      user = ''
91      if username is not None:
92        user = username + '@'
93      cmd = "ssh -t -t %s%s -- '%s'" % (user, machine, cmd)
95    # We use setsid so that the child will have a different session id
96    # and we can easily kill the process group. This is also important
97    # because the child will be disassociated from the parent terminal.
98    # In this way the child cannot mess the parent's terminal.
99    p = None
100    try:
101      p = subprocess.Popen(
102          cmd,
103          stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
104          stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
105          shell=True,
106          preexec_fn=os.setsid,
107          executable='/bin/bash')
109      full_stdout = ''
110      full_stderr = ''
112      # Pull output from pipes, send it to file/stdout/string
113      out = err = None
114      pipes = [p.stdout, p.stderr]
116      my_poll = select.poll()
117      my_poll.register(p.stdout, select.POLLIN)
118      my_poll.register(p.stderr, select.POLLIN)
120      terminated_time = None
121      started_time = time.time()
123      while len(pipes):
124        if command_terminator and command_terminator.IsTerminated():
125          os.killpg(os.getpgid(p.pid), signal.SIGTERM)
126          if self.logger:
127            self.logger.LogError('Command received termination request. '
128                                 'Killed child process group.',
129                                 print_to_console)
130          break
132        l = my_poll.poll(100)
133        for (fd, _) in l:
134          if fd == p.stdout.fileno():
135            out = os.read(p.stdout.fileno(), 16384)
136            if return_output:
137              full_stdout += out
138            if self.logger:
139              self.logger.LogCommandOutput(out, print_to_console)
140            if out == '':
141              pipes.remove(p.stdout)
142              my_poll.unregister(p.stdout)
143          if fd == p.stderr.fileno():
144            err = os.read(p.stderr.fileno(), 16384)
145            if return_output:
146              full_stderr += err
147            if self.logger:
148              self.logger.LogCommandError(err, print_to_console)
149            if err == '':
150              pipes.remove(p.stderr)
151              my_poll.unregister(p.stderr)
153        if p.poll() is not None:
154          if terminated_time is None:
155            terminated_time = time.time()
156          elif (terminated_timeout is not None and
157                time.time() - terminated_time > terminated_timeout):
158            if self.logger:
159              self.logger.LogWarning('Timeout of %s seconds reached since '
160                                     'process termination.' %
161                                     terminated_timeout, print_to_console)
162            break
164        if (command_timeout is not None and
165            time.time() - started_time > command_timeout):
166          os.killpg(os.getpgid(p.pid), signal.SIGTERM)
167          if self.logger:
168            self.logger.LogWarning('Timeout of %s seconds reached since process'
169                                   'started. Killed child process group.' %
170                                   command_timeout, print_to_console)
171          break
173        if out == err == '':
174          break
176      p.wait()
177      if return_output:
178        return (p.returncode, full_stdout, full_stderr)
179      return (p.returncode, '', '')
180    except BaseException as e:
181      except_handler(p, e)
182      raise
184  def RunCommand(self, *args, **kwargs):
185    """Run a command.
187    Takes the same arguments as RunCommandGeneric except for return_output.
188    Returns a single value returncode.
189    """
190    # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output'
191    assert len(args) <= 1
192    assert 'return_output' not in kwargs
193    kwargs['return_output'] = False
194    return self.RunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)[0]
196  def RunCommandWExceptionCleanup(self, *args, **kwargs):
197    """Run a command and kill process if exception is thrown.
199    Takes the same arguments as RunCommandGeneric except for except_handler.
200    Returns same as RunCommandGeneric.
201    """
203    def KillProc(proc, _):
204      if proc:
205        os.killpg(os.getpgid(proc.pid), signal.SIGTERM)
207    # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'except_handler'
208    assert len(args) <= 8
209    assert 'except_handler' not in kwargs
210    kwargs['except_handler'] = KillProc
211    return self.RunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)
213  def RunCommandWOutput(self, *args, **kwargs):
214    """Run a command.
216    Takes the same arguments as RunCommandGeneric except for return_output.
217    Returns a triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr).
218    """
219    # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output'
220    assert len(args) <= 1
221    assert 'return_output' not in kwargs
222    kwargs['return_output'] = True
223    return self.RunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)
225  def RemoteAccessInitCommand(self, chromeos_root, machine):
226    command = ''
227    command += '\nset -- --remote=' + machine
228    command += '\n. ' + chromeos_root + '/src/scripts/common.sh'
229    command += '\n. ' + chromeos_root + '/src/scripts/remote_access.sh'
230    command += '\nTMP=$(mktemp -d)'
231    command += "\nFLAGS \"$@\" || exit 1"
232    command += '\nremote_access_init'
233    return command
235  def WriteToTempShFile(self, contents):
236    handle, command_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=os.uname()[1], suffix='.sh')
237    os.write(handle, '#!/bin/bash\n')
238    os.write(handle, contents)
239    os.close(handle)
240    return command_file
242  def CrosLearnBoard(self, chromeos_root, machine):
243    command = self.RemoteAccessInitCommand(chromeos_root, machine)
244    command += '\nlearn_board'
245    command += '\necho ${FLAGS_board}'
246    retval, output, _ = self.RunCommandWOutput(command)
247    if self.logger:
248      self.logger.LogFatalIf(retval, 'learn_board command failed')
249    elif retval:
250      sys.exit(1)
251    return output.split()[-1]
253  def CrosRunCommandGeneric(self,
254                            cmd,
255                            return_output=False,
256                            machine=None,
257                            command_terminator=None,
258                            chromeos_root=None,
259                            command_timeout=None,
260                            terminated_timeout=10,
261                            print_to_console=True):
262    """Run a command on a ChromeOS box.
264    Returns triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr).
265    """
267    if self.log_level != 'verbose':
268      print_to_console = False
270    if self.logger:
271      self.logger.LogCmd(cmd, print_to_console=print_to_console)
272      self.logger.LogFatalIf(not machine, 'No machine provided!')
273      self.logger.LogFatalIf(not chromeos_root, 'chromeos_root not given!')
274    else:
275      if not chromeos_root or not machine:
276        sys.exit(1)
277    chromeos_root = os.path.expanduser(chromeos_root)
279    # Write all commands to a file.
280    command_file = self.WriteToTempShFile(cmd)
281    retval = self.CopyFiles(
282        command_file,
283        command_file,
284        dest_machine=machine,
285        command_terminator=command_terminator,
286        chromeos_root=chromeos_root,
287        dest_cros=True,
288        recursive=False,
289        print_to_console=print_to_console)
290    if retval:
291      if self.logger:
292        self.logger.LogError('Could not run remote command on machine.'
293                             ' Is the machine up?')
294      return (retval, '', '')
296    command = self.RemoteAccessInitCommand(chromeos_root, machine)
297    command += '\nremote_sh bash %s' % command_file
298    command += "\nl_retval=$?; echo \"$REMOTE_OUT\"; exit $l_retval"
299    retval = self.RunCommandGeneric(
300        command,
301        return_output,
302        command_terminator=command_terminator,
303        command_timeout=command_timeout,
304        terminated_timeout=terminated_timeout,
305        print_to_console=print_to_console)
306    if return_output:
307      connect_signature = (
308          'Initiating first contact with remote host\n' + 'Connection OK\n')
309      connect_signature_re = re.compile(connect_signature)
310      modded_retval = list(retval)
311      modded_retval[1] = connect_signature_re.sub('', retval[1])
312      return modded_retval
313    return retval
315  def CrosRunCommand(self, *args, **kwargs):
316    """Run a command on a ChromeOS box.
318    Takes the same arguments as CrosRunCommandGeneric except for return_output.
319    Returns a single value returncode.
320    """
321    # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output'
322    assert len(args) <= 1
323    assert 'return_output' not in kwargs
324    kwargs['return_output'] = False
325    return self.CrosRunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)[0]
327  def CrosRunCommandWOutput(self, *args, **kwargs):
328    """Run a command on a ChromeOS box.
330    Takes the same arguments as CrosRunCommandGeneric except for return_output.
331    Returns a triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr).
332    """
333    # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output'
334    assert len(args) <= 1
335    assert 'return_output' not in kwargs
336    kwargs['return_output'] = True
337    return self.CrosRunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)
339  def ChrootRunCommandGeneric(self,
340                              chromeos_root,
341                              command,
342                              return_output=False,
343                              command_terminator=None,
344                              command_timeout=None,
345                              terminated_timeout=10,
346                              print_to_console=True,
347                              cros_sdk_options=''):
348    """Runs a command within the chroot.
350    Returns triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr).
351    """
353    if self.log_level != 'verbose':
354      print_to_console = False
356    if self.logger:
357      self.logger.LogCmd(command, print_to_console=print_to_console)
359    handle, command_file = tempfile.mkstemp(
360        dir=os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'src/scripts'),
361        suffix='.sh',
362        prefix='in_chroot_cmd')
363    os.write(handle, '#!/bin/bash\n')
364    os.write(handle, command)
365    os.write(handle, '\n')
366    os.close(handle)
368    os.chmod(command_file, 0777)
370    # if return_output is set, run a dummy command first to make sure that
371    # the chroot already exists. We want the final returned output to skip
372    # the output from chroot creation steps.
373    if return_output:
374      ret = self.RunCommand('cd %s; cros_sdk %s -- true' % (chromeos_root,
375                                                            cros_sdk_options))
376      if ret:
377        return (ret, '', '')
379    # Run command_file inside the chroot, making sure that any "~" is expanded
380    # by the shell inside the chroot, not outside.
381    command = ("cd %s; cros_sdk %s -- bash -c '%s/%s'" %
382               (chromeos_root, cros_sdk_options, misc.CHROMEOS_SCRIPTS_DIR,
383                os.path.basename(command_file)))
384    ret = self.RunCommandGeneric(
385        command,
386        return_output,
387        command_terminator=command_terminator,
388        command_timeout=command_timeout,
389        terminated_timeout=terminated_timeout,
390        print_to_console=print_to_console)
391    os.remove(command_file)
392    return ret
394  def ChrootRunCommand(self, *args, **kwargs):
395    """Runs a command within the chroot.
397    Takes the same arguments as ChrootRunCommandGeneric except for
398    return_output.
399    Returns a single value returncode.
400    """
401    # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output'
402    assert len(args) <= 2
403    assert 'return_output' not in kwargs
404    kwargs['return_output'] = False
405    return self.ChrootRunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)[0]
407  def ChrootRunCommandWOutput(self, *args, **kwargs):
408    """Runs a command within the chroot.
410    Takes the same arguments as ChrootRunCommandGeneric except for
411    return_output.
412    Returns a triplet (returncode, stdout, stderr).
413    """
414    # Make sure that args does not overwrite 'return_output'
415    assert len(args) <= 2
416    assert 'return_output' not in kwargs
417    kwargs['return_output'] = True
418    return self.ChrootRunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)
420  def RunCommands(self,
421                  cmdlist,
422                  machine=None,
423                  username=None,
424                  command_terminator=None):
425    cmd = ' ;\n'.join(cmdlist)
426    return self.RunCommand(
427        cmd,
428        machine=machine,
429        username=username,
430        command_terminator=command_terminator)
432  def CopyFiles(self,
433                src,
434                dest,
435                src_machine=None,
436                dest_machine=None,
437                src_user=None,
438                dest_user=None,
439                recursive=True,
440                command_terminator=None,
441                chromeos_root=None,
442                src_cros=False,
443                dest_cros=False,
444                print_to_console=True):
445    src = os.path.expanduser(src)
446    dest = os.path.expanduser(dest)
448    if recursive:
449      src = src + '/'
450      dest = dest + '/'
452    if src_cros == True or dest_cros == True:
453      if self.logger:
454        self.logger.LogFatalIf(src_cros == dest_cros,
455                               'Only one of src_cros and desc_cros can '
456                               'be True.')
457        self.logger.LogFatalIf(not chromeos_root, 'chromeos_root not given!')
458      elif src_cros == dest_cros or not chromeos_root:
459        sys.exit(1)
460      if src_cros == True:
461        cros_machine = src_machine
462      else:
463        cros_machine = dest_machine
465      command = self.RemoteAccessInitCommand(chromeos_root, cros_machine)
466      ssh_command = (
467          'ssh -p ${FLAGS_ssh_port}' + ' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' +
468          ' -o UserKnownHostsFile=$(mktemp)' + ' -i $TMP_PRIVATE_KEY')
469      rsync_prefix = "\nrsync -r -e \"%s\" " % ssh_command
470      if dest_cros == True:
471        command += rsync_prefix + '%s root@%s:%s' % (src, dest_machine, dest)
472        return self.RunCommand(
473            command,
474            machine=src_machine,
475            username=src_user,
476            command_terminator=command_terminator,
477            print_to_console=print_to_console)
478      else:
479        command += rsync_prefix + 'root@%s:%s %s' % (src_machine, src, dest)
480        return self.RunCommand(
481            command,
482            machine=dest_machine,
483            username=dest_user,
484            command_terminator=command_terminator,
485            print_to_console=print_to_console)
487    if dest_machine == src_machine:
488      command = 'rsync -a %s %s' % (src, dest)
489    else:
490      if src_machine is None:
491        src_machine = os.uname()[1]
492        src_user = getpass.getuser()
493      command = 'rsync -a %s@%s:%s %s' % (src_user, src_machine, src, dest)
494    return self.RunCommand(
495        command,
496        machine=dest_machine,
497        username=dest_user,
498        command_terminator=command_terminator,
499        print_to_console=print_to_console)
501  def RunCommand2(self,
502                  cmd,
503                  cwd=None,
504                  line_consumer=None,
505                  timeout=None,
506                  shell=True,
507                  join_stderr=True,
508                  env=None,
509                  except_handler=lambda p, e: None):
510    """Run the command with an extra feature line_consumer.
512    This version allow developers to provide a line_consumer which will be
513    fed execution output lines.
515    A line_consumer is a callback, which is given a chance to run for each
516    line the execution outputs (either to stdout or stderr). The
517    line_consumer must accept one and exactly one dict argument, the dict
518    argument has these items -
519      'line'   -  The line output by the binary. Notice, this string includes
520                  the trailing '\n'.
521      'output' -  Whether this is a stdout or stderr output, values are either
522                  'stdout' or 'stderr'. When join_stderr is True, this value
523                  will always be 'output'.
524      'pobject' - The object used to control execution, for example, call
525                  pobject.kill().
527    Note: As this is written, the stdin for the process executed is
528    not associated with the stdin of the caller of this routine.
530    Args:
531      cmd: Command in a single string.
532      cwd: Working directory for execution.
533      line_consumer: A function that will ba called by this function. See above
534        for details.
535      timeout: terminate command after this timeout.
536      shell: Whether to use a shell for execution.
537      join_stderr: Whether join stderr to stdout stream.
538      env: Execution environment.
539      except_handler: Callback for when exception is thrown during command
540        execution. Passed process object and exception.
542    Returns:
543      Execution return code.
545    Raises:
546      child_exception: if fails to start the command process (missing
547                       permission, no such file, etc)
548    """
550    class StreamHandler(object):
551      """Internal utility class."""
553      def __init__(self, pobject, fd, name, line_consumer):
554        self._pobject = pobject
555        self._fd = fd
556        self._name = name
557        self._buf = ''
558        self._line_consumer = line_consumer
560      def read_and_notify_line(self):
561        t = os.read(fd, 1024)
562        self._buf = self._buf + t
563        self.notify_line()
565      def notify_line(self):
566        p = self._buf.find('\n')
567        while p >= 0:
568          self._line_consumer(
569              line=self._buf[:p + 1], output=self._name, pobject=self._pobject)
570          if p < len(self._buf) - 1:
571            self._buf = self._buf[p + 1:]
572            p = self._buf.find('\n')
573          else:
574            self._buf = ''
575            p = -1
576            break
578      def notify_eos(self):
579        # Notify end of stream. The last line may not end with a '\n'.
580        if self._buf != '':
581          self._line_consumer(
582              line=self._buf, output=self._name, pobject=self._pobject)
583          self._buf = ''
585    if self.log_level == 'verbose':
586      self.logger.LogCmd(cmd)
587    elif self.logger:
588      self.logger.LogCmdToFileOnly(cmd)
590    # We use setsid so that the child will have a different session id
591    # and we can easily kill the process group. This is also important
592    # because the child will be disassociated from the parent terminal.
593    # In this way the child cannot mess the parent's terminal.
594    pobject = None
595    try:
596      pobject = subprocess.Popen(
597          cmd,
598          cwd=cwd,
599          bufsize=1024,
600          env=env,
601          shell=shell,
602          universal_newlines=True,
603          stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
604          stderr=subprocess.STDOUT if join_stderr else subprocess.PIPE,
605          preexec_fn=os.setsid)
607      # We provide a default line_consumer
608      if line_consumer is None:
609        line_consumer = lambda **d: None
610      start_time = time.time()
611      poll = select.poll()
612      outfd = pobject.stdout.fileno()
613      poll.register(outfd, select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI)
614      handlermap = {
615          outfd: StreamHandler(pobject, outfd, 'stdout', line_consumer)
616      }
617      if not join_stderr:
618        errfd = pobject.stderr.fileno()
619        poll.register(errfd, select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI)
620        handlermap[errfd] = StreamHandler(pobject, errfd, 'stderr',
621                                          line_consumer)
622      while len(handlermap):
623        readables = poll.poll(300)
624        for (fd, evt) in readables:
625          handler = handlermap[fd]
626          if evt & (select.POLLPRI | select.POLLIN):
627            handler.read_and_notify_line()
628          elif evt & (select.POLLHUP | select.POLLERR | select.POLLNVAL):
629            handler.notify_eos()
630            poll.unregister(fd)
631            del handlermap[fd]
633        if timeout is not None and (time.time() - start_time > timeout):
634          os.killpg(os.getpgid(pobject.pid), signal.SIGTERM)
636      return pobject.wait()
637    except BaseException as e:
638      except_handler(pobject, e)
639      raise
642class MockCommandExecuter(CommandExecuter):
643  """Mock class for class CommandExecuter."""
645  def __init__(self, log_level, logger_to_set=None):
646    super(MockCommandExecuter, self).__init__(log_level, logger_to_set)
648  def RunCommandGeneric(self,
649                        cmd,
650                        return_output=False,
651                        machine=None,
652                        username=None,
653                        command_terminator=None,
654                        command_timeout=None,
655                        terminated_timeout=10,
656                        print_to_console=True,
657                        except_handler=lambda p, e: None):
658    assert not command_timeout
659    cmd = str(cmd)
660    if machine is None:
661      machine = 'localhost'
662    if username is None:
663      username = 'current'
664    logger.GetLogger().LogCmd('(Mock) ' + cmd, machine, username,
665                              print_to_console)
666    return (0, '', '')
668  def RunCommand(self, *args, **kwargs):
669    assert 'return_output' not in kwargs
670    kwargs['return_output'] = False
671    return self.RunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)[0]
673  def RunCommandWOutput(self, *args, **kwargs):
674    assert 'return_output' not in kwargs
675    kwargs['return_output'] = True
676    return self.RunCommandGeneric(*args, **kwargs)
679class CommandTerminator(object):
680  """Object to request termination of a command in execution."""
682  def __init__(self):
683    self.terminated = False
685  def Terminate(self):
686    self.terminated = True
688  def IsTerminated(self):
689    return self.terminated