1# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
6Repair actions and verifiers relating to CrOS firmware.
8This contains the repair actions and verifiers need to find problems
9with the firmware installed on Chrome OS DUTs, and when necessary, to
10fix problems by updating or re-installing the firmware.
12The operations in the module support two distinct use cases:
13  * DUTs used for FAFT tests can in some cases have problems with
14    corrupted firmware.  The module supplies `FirmwareStatusVerifier`
15    to check for corruption, and supplies `FirmwareRepair` to re-install
16    firmware via servo when needed.
17  * DUTs used for general testing normally should be running a
18    designated "stable" firmware version.  This module supplies
19    `FirmwareVersionVerifier` to detect and automatically update
20    firmware that is out-of-date from the designated version.
22For purposes of the operations in the module, we distinguish three kinds
23of DUT, based on pool assignments:
24  * DUTs used for general testing.  These DUTs automatically check for
25    and install the stable firmware using `FirmwareVersionVerifier`.
26  * DUTs in pools used for FAFT testing.  These check for bad firmware
27    builds with `FirmwareStatusVerifier`, and will fix problems using
28    `FirmwareRepair`.  These DUTs don't check for or install the
29    stable firmware.
30  * DUTs not in general pools, and not used for FAFT.  These DUTs
31    are expected to be managed by separate processes and are excluded
32    from all of the verification and repair code in this module.
35# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
37import logging
38import re
40import common
41from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
42from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import hosts
43from autotest_lib.server import afe_utils
44from autotest_lib.server.hosts import repair_utils
47# _FIRMWARE_REPAIR_POOLS - The set of pools that should be
48# managed by `FirmwareStatusVerifier` and `FirmwareRepair`.
51    global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
52            'CROS',
53            'pools_support_firmware_repair',
54            type=str).split(','))
57def _is_firmware_repair_supported(host):
58    """
59    Check if a host supports firmware repair.
61    When this function returns true, the DUT should be managed by
62    `FirmwareStatusVerifier` and `FirmwareRepair`, but not
63    `FirmwareVersionVerifier`.  In general, this applies to DUTs
64    used for firmware testing.
66    @return A true value if the host should use `FirmwareStatusVerifier`
67            and `FirmwareRepair`; a false value otherwise.
68    """
69    info = host.host_info_store.get()
70    return bool(info.pools & _FIRMWARE_REPAIR_POOLS)
73def _is_firmware_update_supported(host):
74    """
75    Return whether a DUT should be running the standard firmware.
77    In the test lab, DUTs used for general testing, (e.g. the `bvt`
78    pool) need their firmware kept up-to-date with
79    `FirmwareVersionVerifier`.  However, some pools have alternative
80    policies for firmware management.  This returns whether a given DUT
81    should be updated via the standard stable version update, or
82    managed by some other procedure.
84    @param host   The host to be checked for update policy.
85    @return A true value if the host should use
86            `FirmwareVersionVerifier`; a false value otherwise.
87    """
88    return not _is_firmware_repair_supported(host)
91def _get_firmware_version(output):
92    """Parse the output and get the firmware version.
94    @param output   The standard output of chromeos-firmwareupdate script.
95    @return Firmware version if found, else, None.
96    """
97    # At one point, the chromeos-firmwareupdate script was updated to
98    # add "RW" version fields.  The old string, "BIOS version:" still
99    # appears in the new output, however it now refers to the RO
100    # firmware version.  Therefore, we try searching for the new string
101    # first, "BIOS (RW) version".  If that string isn't found, we then
102    # fallback to searching for old string.
103    version = re.search(r'BIOS \(RW\) version:\s*(?P<version>.*)', output)
105    if not version:
106        version = re.search(r'BIOS version:\s*(?P<version>.*)', output)
108    if version is not None:
109        return version.group('version')
111    return None
114def _get_available_firmware(host, model):
115    """Get the available firmware version given the model.
117    @param host     The host to get available firmware for.
118    @param model    The model name to get corresponding firmware version.
119    @return The available firmware version if found, else, None.
120    """
121    result = host.run('chromeos-firmwareupdate -V', ignore_status=True)
123    if result.exit_status == 0:
124        unibuild = False
125        paragraphs = result.stdout.split('\n\n')
126        for p in paragraphs:
127            match = re.search(r'Model:\s*(?P<model>.*)', p)
128            if match:
129                unibuild = True
130                if model == match.group('model'):
131                    return _get_firmware_version(p)
133        if not unibuild:
134            return _get_firmware_version(result.stdout)
136    return None
139class FirmwareStatusVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
140    """
141    Verify that a host's firmware is in a good state.
143    For DUTs that run firmware tests, it's possible that the firmware
144    on the DUT can get corrupted.  This verifier checks whether it
145    appears that firmware should be re-flashed using servo.
146    """
148    def verify(self, host):
149        if not _is_firmware_repair_supported(host):
150            return
151        try:
152            # Read the AP firmware and dump the sections that we're
153            # interested in.
154            cmd = ('mkdir /tmp/verify_firmware; '
155                   'cd /tmp/verify_firmware; '
156                   'for section in VBLOCK_A VBLOCK_B FW_MAIN_A FW_MAIN_B; '
157                   'do flashrom -p host -r -i $section:$section; '
158                   'done')
159            host.run(cmd)
161            # Verify the firmware blocks A and B.
162            cmd = ('vbutil_firmware --verify /tmp/verify_firmware/VBLOCK_%c'
163                   ' --signpubkey /usr/share/vboot/devkeys/root_key.vbpubk'
164                   ' --fv /tmp/verify_firmware/FW_MAIN_%c')
165            for c in ('A', 'B'):
166                rv = host.run(cmd % (c, c), ignore_status=True)
167                if rv.exit_status:
168                    raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
169                            'Firmware %c is in a bad state.' % c)
170        finally:
171            # Remove the temporary files.
172            host.run('rm -rf /tmp/verify_firmware')
174    @property
175    def description(self):
176        return 'Firmware on this DUT is clean'
179class FirmwareRepair(hosts.RepairAction):
180    """
181    Reinstall the firmware image using servo.
183    This repair function attempts to use servo to install the DUT's
184    designated "stable firmware version".
186    This repair method only applies to DUTs used for FAFT.
187    """
189    def repair(self, host):
190        if not _is_firmware_repair_supported(host):
191            raise hosts.AutoservRepairError(
192                    'Firmware repair is not applicable to host %s.' %
193                    host.hostname, 'not_applicable')
194        repair_utils.require_servo(host)
195        host.firmware_install()
197    @property
198    def description(self):
199        return 'Re-install the stable firmware via servo'
202class FirmwareVersionVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
203    """
204    Check for a firmware update, and apply it if appropriate.
206    This verifier checks to ensure that either the firmware on the DUT
207    is up-to-date, or that the target firmware can be installed from the
208    currently running build.
210    Failure occurs when all of the following apply:
211     1. The DUT is not excluded from updates.  For example, DUTs used
212        for FAFT testing use `FirmwareRepair` instead.
213     2. The DUT's board has an assigned stable firmware version.
214     3. The DUT is not running the assigned stable firmware.
215     4. The firmware supplied in the running OS build is not the
216        assigned stable firmware.
218    If the DUT needs an upgrade and the currently running OS build
219    supplies the necessary firmware, the verifier installs the new
220    firmware using `chromeos-firmwareupdate`.  Failure to install will
221    cause the verifier to fail.
223    This verifier nominally breaks the rule that "verifiers must succeed
224    quickly", since it can invoke `reboot()` during the success code
225    path.  We're doing it anyway for two reasons:
226      * The time between updates will typically be measured in months,
227        so the amortized cost is low.
228      * The reason we distinguish repair from verify is to allow
229        rescheduling work immediately while the expensive repair happens
230        out-of-band.  But a firmware update will likely hit all DUTs at
231        once, so it's pointless to pass the buck to repair.
233    N.B. This verifier is a trigger for all repair actions that install
234    the stable repair image.  If the firmware is out-of-date, but the
235    stable repair image does *not* contain the proper firmware version,
236    _the target DUT will fail repair, and will be unable to fix itself_.
237    """
239    @staticmethod
240    def _get_rw_firmware(host):
241        result = host.run('crossystem fwid', ignore_status=True)
242        if result.exit_status == 0:
243            return result.stdout
244        else:
245            return None
247    @staticmethod
248    def _check_hardware_match(version_a, version_b):
249        """
250        Check that two firmware versions identify the same hardware.
252        Firmware version strings look like this:
253            Google_Gnawty.5216.239.34
254        The part before the numbers identifies the hardware for which
255        the firmware was built.  This function checks that the hardware
256        identified by `version_a` and `version_b` is the same.
258        This is a sanity check to protect us from installing the wrong
259        firmware on a DUT when a board label has somehow gone astray.
261        @param version_a  First firmware version for the comparison.
262        @param version_b  Second firmware version for the comparison.
263        """
264        hardware_a = version_a.split('.')[0]
265        hardware_b = version_b.split('.')[0]
266        if hardware_a != hardware_b:
267            message = 'Hardware/Firmware mismatch updating %s to %s'
268            raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
269                    message % (version_a, version_b))
271    def verify(self, host):
272        # Test 1 - The DUT is not excluded from updates.
273        if not _is_firmware_update_supported(host):
274            return
275        # Test 2 - The DUT has an assigned stable firmware version.
276        info = host.host_info_store.get()
277        if info.model is None:
278            raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
279                    'Can not verify firmware version. '
280                    'No model label value found')
282        stable_firmware = afe_utils.get_stable_firmware_version(info.model)
283        if stable_firmware is None:
284            # This DUT doesn't have a firmware update target
285            return
287        # For tests 3 and 4:  If the output from `crossystem` or
288        # `chromeos-firmwareupdate` isn't what we expect, we log an
289        # error, but don't fail:  We don't want DUTs unable to test a
290        # build merely because of a bug or change in either of those
291        # commands.
293        # Test 3 - The DUT is not running the target stable firmware.
294        current_firmware = self._get_rw_firmware(host)
295        if current_firmware is None:
296            logging.error('DUT firmware version can\'t be determined.')
297            return
298        if current_firmware == stable_firmware:
299            return
300        # Test 4 - The firmware supplied in the running OS build is not
301        # the assigned stable firmware.
302        available_firmware = _get_available_firmware(host, info.model)
303        if available_firmware is None:
304            logging.error('Supplied firmware version in OS can\'t be '
305                          'determined.')
306            return
307        if available_firmware != stable_firmware:
308            raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
309                    'DUT firmware requires update from %s to %s' %
310                    (current_firmware, stable_firmware))
311        # Time to update the firmware.
312        logging.info('Updating firmware from %s to %s',
313                     current_firmware, stable_firmware)
314        self._check_hardware_match(current_firmware, stable_firmware)
315        try:
316            host.run('chromeos-firmwareupdate --mode=autoupdate')
317            host.reboot()
318        except Exception as e:
319            message = ('chromeos-firmwareupdate failed: from '
320                       '%s to %s')
321            logging.exception(message, current_firmware, stable_firmware)
322            raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
323                    message % (current_firmware, stable_firmware))
324        final_firmware = self._get_rw_firmware(host)
325        if final_firmware != stable_firmware:
326            message = ('chromeos-firmwareupdate failed: tried upgrade '
327                       'to %s, now running %s instead')
328            raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
329                    message % (stable_firmware, final_firmware))
331    @property
332    def description(self):
333        return 'The firmware on this DUT is up-to-date'