1 //===-- sanitizer_common.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file is shared between run-time libraries of sanitizers.
11 //
12 // It declares common functions and classes that are used in both runtimes.
13 // Implementation of some functions are provided in sanitizer_common, while
14 // others must be defined by run-time library itself.
15 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
19 #include "sanitizer_flags.h"
20 #include "sanitizer_interface_internal.h"
21 #include "sanitizer_internal_defs.h"
22 #include "sanitizer_libc.h"
23 #include "sanitizer_list.h"
24 #include "sanitizer_mutex.h"
26 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
27 extern "C" void _ReadWriteBarrier();
28 #pragma intrinsic(_ReadWriteBarrier)
29 #endif
31 namespace __sanitizer {
32 struct StackTrace;
33 struct AddressInfo;
35 // Constants.
36 const uptr kWordSize = SANITIZER_WORDSIZE / 8;
37 const uptr kWordSizeInBits = 8 * kWordSize;
39 #if defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__powerpc64__)
40   const uptr kCacheLineSize = 128;
41 #else
42   const uptr kCacheLineSize = 64;
43 #endif
45 const uptr kMaxPathLength = 4096;
47 const uptr kMaxThreadStackSize = 1 << 30;  // 1Gb
49 static const uptr kErrorMessageBufferSize = 1 << 16;
51 // Denotes fake PC values that come from JIT/JAVA/etc.
52 // For such PC values __tsan_symbolize_external() will be called.
53 const u64 kExternalPCBit = 1ULL << 60;
55 extern const char *SanitizerToolName;  // Can be changed by the tool.
57 extern atomic_uint32_t current_verbosity;
SetVerbosity(int verbosity)58 INLINE void SetVerbosity(int verbosity) {
59   atomic_store(&current_verbosity, verbosity, memory_order_relaxed);
60 }
Verbosity()61 INLINE int Verbosity() {
62   return atomic_load(&current_verbosity, memory_order_relaxed);
63 }
65 uptr GetPageSize();
66 extern uptr PageSizeCached;
GetPageSizeCached()67 INLINE uptr GetPageSizeCached() {
68   if (!PageSizeCached)
69     PageSizeCached = GetPageSize();
70   return PageSizeCached;
71 }
72 uptr GetMmapGranularity();
73 uptr GetMaxVirtualAddress();
74 // Threads
75 uptr GetTid();
76 uptr GetThreadSelf();
77 void GetThreadStackTopAndBottom(bool at_initialization, uptr *stack_top,
78                                 uptr *stack_bottom);
79 void GetThreadStackAndTls(bool main, uptr *stk_addr, uptr *stk_size,
80                           uptr *tls_addr, uptr *tls_size);
82 // Memory management
83 void *MmapOrDie(uptr size, const char *mem_type, bool raw_report = false);
MmapOrDieQuietly(uptr size,const char * mem_type)84 INLINE void *MmapOrDieQuietly(uptr size, const char *mem_type) {
85   return MmapOrDie(size, mem_type, /*raw_report*/ true);
86 }
87 void UnmapOrDie(void *addr, uptr size);
88 void *MmapFixedNoReserve(uptr fixed_addr, uptr size,
89                          const char *name = nullptr);
90 void *MmapNoReserveOrDie(uptr size, const char *mem_type);
91 void *MmapFixedOrDie(uptr fixed_addr, uptr size);
92 void *MmapFixedNoAccess(uptr fixed_addr, uptr size, const char *name = nullptr);
93 void *MmapNoAccess(uptr size);
94 // Map aligned chunk of address space; size and alignment are powers of two.
95 void *MmapAlignedOrDie(uptr size, uptr alignment, const char *mem_type);
96 // Disallow access to a memory range.  Use MmapFixedNoAccess to allocate an
97 // unaccessible memory.
98 bool MprotectNoAccess(uptr addr, uptr size);
99 bool MprotectReadOnly(uptr addr, uptr size);
101 // Used to check if we can map shadow memory to a fixed location.
102 bool MemoryRangeIsAvailable(uptr range_start, uptr range_end);
103 void FlushUnneededShadowMemory(uptr addr, uptr size);
104 void IncreaseTotalMmap(uptr size);
105 void DecreaseTotalMmap(uptr size);
106 uptr GetRSS();
107 void NoHugePagesInRegion(uptr addr, uptr length);
108 void DontDumpShadowMemory(uptr addr, uptr length);
109 // Check if the built VMA size matches the runtime one.
110 void CheckVMASize();
111 void RunMallocHooks(const void *ptr, uptr size);
112 void RunFreeHooks(const void *ptr);
114 // InternalScopedBuffer can be used instead of large stack arrays to
115 // keep frame size low.
116 // FIXME: use InternalAlloc instead of MmapOrDie once
117 // InternalAlloc is made libc-free.
118 template<typename T>
119 class InternalScopedBuffer {
120  public:
InternalScopedBuffer(uptr cnt)121   explicit InternalScopedBuffer(uptr cnt) {
122     cnt_ = cnt;
123     ptr_ = (T*)MmapOrDie(cnt * sizeof(T), "InternalScopedBuffer");
124   }
~InternalScopedBuffer()125   ~InternalScopedBuffer() {
126     UnmapOrDie(ptr_, cnt_ * sizeof(T));
127   }
128   T &operator[](uptr i) { return ptr_[i]; }
data()129   T *data() { return ptr_; }
size()130   uptr size() { return cnt_ * sizeof(T); }
132  private:
133   T *ptr_;
134   uptr cnt_;
135   // Disallow evil constructors.
136   InternalScopedBuffer(const InternalScopedBuffer&);
137   void operator=(const InternalScopedBuffer&);
138 };
140 class InternalScopedString : public InternalScopedBuffer<char> {
141  public:
InternalScopedString(uptr max_length)142   explicit InternalScopedString(uptr max_length)
143       : InternalScopedBuffer<char>(max_length), length_(0) {
144     (*this)[0] = '\0';
145   }
length()146   uptr length() { return length_; }
clear()147   void clear() {
148     (*this)[0] = '\0';
149     length_ = 0;
150   }
151   void append(const char *format, ...);
153  private:
154   uptr length_;
155 };
157 // Simple low-level (mmap-based) allocator for internal use. Doesn't have
158 // constructor, so all instances of LowLevelAllocator should be
159 // linker initialized.
160 class LowLevelAllocator {
161  public:
162   // Requires an external lock.
163   void *Allocate(uptr size);
164  private:
165   char *allocated_end_;
166   char *allocated_current_;
167 };
168 typedef void (*LowLevelAllocateCallback)(uptr ptr, uptr size);
169 // Allows to register tool-specific callbacks for LowLevelAllocator.
170 // Passing NULL removes the callback.
171 void SetLowLevelAllocateCallback(LowLevelAllocateCallback callback);
173 // IO
174 void RawWrite(const char *buffer);
175 bool ColorizeReports();
176 void RemoveANSIEscapeSequencesFromString(char *buffer);
177 void Printf(const char *format, ...);
178 void Report(const char *format, ...);
179 void SetPrintfAndReportCallback(void (*callback)(const char *));
180 #define VReport(level, ...)                                              \
181   do {                                                                   \
182     if ((uptr)Verbosity() >= (level)) Report(__VA_ARGS__); \
183   } while (0)
184 #define VPrintf(level, ...)                                              \
185   do {                                                                   \
186     if ((uptr)Verbosity() >= (level)) Printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
187   } while (0)
189 // Can be used to prevent mixing error reports from different sanitizers.
190 extern StaticSpinMutex CommonSanitizerReportMutex;
192 struct ReportFile {
193   void Write(const char *buffer, uptr length);
194   bool SupportsColors();
195   void SetReportPath(const char *path);
197   // Don't use fields directly. They are only declared public to allow
198   // aggregate initialization.
200   // Protects fields below.
201   StaticSpinMutex *mu;
202   // Opened file descriptor. Defaults to stderr. It may be equal to
203   // kInvalidFd, in which case new file will be opened when necessary.
204   fd_t fd;
205   // Path prefix of report file, set via __sanitizer_set_report_path.
206   char path_prefix[kMaxPathLength];
207   // Full path to report, obtained as <path_prefix>.PID
208   char full_path[kMaxPathLength];
209   // PID of the process that opened fd. If a fork() occurs,
210   // the PID of child will be different from fd_pid.
211   uptr fd_pid;
213  private:
214   void ReopenIfNecessary();
215 };
216 extern ReportFile report_file;
218 extern uptr stoptheworld_tracer_pid;
219 extern uptr stoptheworld_tracer_ppid;
221 enum FileAccessMode {
222   RdOnly,
223   WrOnly,
224   RdWr
225 };
227 // Returns kInvalidFd on error.
228 fd_t OpenFile(const char *filename, FileAccessMode mode,
229               error_t *errno_p = nullptr);
230 void CloseFile(fd_t);
232 // Return true on success, false on error.
233 bool ReadFromFile(fd_t fd, void *buff, uptr buff_size,
234                   uptr *bytes_read = nullptr, error_t *error_p = nullptr);
235 bool WriteToFile(fd_t fd, const void *buff, uptr buff_size,
236                  uptr *bytes_written = nullptr, error_t *error_p = nullptr);
238 bool RenameFile(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath,
239                 error_t *error_p = nullptr);
241 // Scoped file handle closer.
242 struct FileCloser {
FileCloserFileCloser243   explicit FileCloser(fd_t fd) : fd(fd) {}
~FileCloserFileCloser244   ~FileCloser() { CloseFile(fd); }
245   fd_t fd;
246 };
248 bool SupportsColoredOutput(fd_t fd);
250 // Opens the file 'file_name" and reads up to 'max_len' bytes.
251 // The resulting buffer is mmaped and stored in '*buff'.
252 // The size of the mmaped region is stored in '*buff_size'.
253 // The total number of read bytes is stored in '*read_len'.
254 // Returns true if file was successfully opened and read.
255 bool ReadFileToBuffer(const char *file_name, char **buff, uptr *buff_size,
256                       uptr *read_len, uptr max_len = 1 << 26,
257                       error_t *errno_p = nullptr);
258 // Maps given file to virtual memory, and returns pointer to it
259 // (or NULL if mapping fails). Stores the size of mmaped region
260 // in '*buff_size'.
261 void *MapFileToMemory(const char *file_name, uptr *buff_size);
262 void *MapWritableFileToMemory(void *addr, uptr size, fd_t fd, OFF_T offset);
264 bool IsAccessibleMemoryRange(uptr beg, uptr size);
266 // Error report formatting.
267 const char *StripPathPrefix(const char *filepath,
268                             const char *strip_file_prefix);
269 // Strip the directories from the module name.
270 const char *StripModuleName(const char *module);
272 // OS
273 uptr ReadBinaryName(/*out*/char *buf, uptr buf_len);
274 uptr ReadBinaryNameCached(/*out*/char *buf, uptr buf_len);
275 uptr ReadLongProcessName(/*out*/ char *buf, uptr buf_len);
276 const char *GetProcessName();
277 void UpdateProcessName();
278 void CacheBinaryName();
279 void DisableCoreDumperIfNecessary();
280 void DumpProcessMap();
281 bool FileExists(const char *filename);
282 const char *GetEnv(const char *name);
283 bool SetEnv(const char *name, const char *value);
284 const char *GetPwd();
285 char *FindPathToBinary(const char *name);
286 bool IsPathSeparator(const char c);
287 bool IsAbsolutePath(const char *path);
288 // Starts a subprocess and returs its pid.
289 // If *_fd parameters are not kInvalidFd their corresponding input/output
290 // streams will be redirect to the file. The files will always be closed
291 // in parent process even in case of an error.
292 // The child process will close all fds after STDERR_FILENO
293 // before passing control to a program.
294 pid_t StartSubprocess(const char *filename, const char *const argv[],
295                       fd_t stdin_fd = kInvalidFd, fd_t stdout_fd = kInvalidFd,
296                       fd_t stderr_fd = kInvalidFd);
297 // Checks if specified process is still running
298 bool IsProcessRunning(pid_t pid);
299 // Waits for the process to finish and returns its exit code.
300 // Returns -1 in case of an error.
301 int WaitForProcess(pid_t pid);
303 u32 GetUid();
304 void ReExec();
305 char **GetArgv();
306 void PrintCmdline();
307 bool StackSizeIsUnlimited();
308 uptr GetStackSizeLimitInBytes();
309 void SetStackSizeLimitInBytes(uptr limit);
310 bool AddressSpaceIsUnlimited();
311 void SetAddressSpaceUnlimited();
312 void AdjustStackSize(void *attr);
313 void PrepareForSandboxing(__sanitizer_sandbox_arguments *args);
314 void CovPrepareForSandboxing(__sanitizer_sandbox_arguments *args);
315 void SetSandboxingCallback(void (*f)());
317 void CoverageUpdateMapping();
318 void CovBeforeFork();
319 void CovAfterFork(int child_pid);
321 void InitializeCoverage(bool enabled, const char *coverage_dir);
322 void ReInitializeCoverage(bool enabled, const char *coverage_dir);
324 void InitTlsSize();
325 uptr GetTlsSize();
327 // Other
328 void SleepForSeconds(int seconds);
329 void SleepForMillis(int millis);
330 u64 NanoTime();
331 int Atexit(void (*function)(void));
332 void SortArray(uptr *array, uptr size);
333 bool TemplateMatch(const char *templ, const char *str);
335 // Exit
336 void NORETURN Abort();
337 void NORETURN Die();
338 void NORETURN
339 CheckFailed(const char *file, int line, const char *cond, u64 v1, u64 v2);
340 void NORETURN ReportMmapFailureAndDie(uptr size, const char *mem_type,
341                                       const char *mmap_type, error_t err,
342                                       bool raw_report = false);
344 // Set the name of the current thread to 'name', return true on succees.
345 // The name may be truncated to a system-dependent limit.
346 bool SanitizerSetThreadName(const char *name);
347 // Get the name of the current thread (no more than max_len bytes),
348 // return true on succees. name should have space for at least max_len+1 bytes.
349 bool SanitizerGetThreadName(char *name, int max_len);
351 // Specific tools may override behavior of "Die" and "CheckFailed" functions
352 // to do tool-specific job.
353 typedef void (*DieCallbackType)(void);
355 // It's possible to add several callbacks that would be run when "Die" is
356 // called. The callbacks will be run in the opposite order. The tools are
357 // strongly recommended to setup all callbacks during initialization, when there
358 // is only a single thread.
359 bool AddDieCallback(DieCallbackType callback);
360 bool RemoveDieCallback(DieCallbackType callback);
362 void SetUserDieCallback(DieCallbackType callback);
364 typedef void (*CheckFailedCallbackType)(const char *, int, const char *,
365                                        u64, u64);
366 void SetCheckFailedCallback(CheckFailedCallbackType callback);
368 // Callback will be called if soft_rss_limit_mb is given and the limit is
369 // exceeded (exceeded==true) or if rss went down below the limit
370 // (exceeded==false).
371 // The callback should be registered once at the tool init time.
372 void SetSoftRssLimitExceededCallback(void (*Callback)(bool exceeded));
374 // Functions related to signal handling.
375 typedef void (*SignalHandlerType)(int, void *, void *);
376 bool IsHandledDeadlySignal(int signum);
377 void InstallDeadlySignalHandlers(SignalHandlerType handler);
378 // Alternative signal stack (POSIX-only).
379 void SetAlternateSignalStack();
380 void UnsetAlternateSignalStack();
382 // We don't want a summary too long.
383 const int kMaxSummaryLength = 1024;
384 // Construct a one-line string:
385 //   SUMMARY: SanitizerToolName: error_message
386 // and pass it to __sanitizer_report_error_summary.
387 void ReportErrorSummary(const char *error_message);
388 // Same as above, but construct error_message as:
389 //   error_type file:line[:column][ function]
390 void ReportErrorSummary(const char *error_type, const AddressInfo &info);
391 // Same as above, but obtains AddressInfo by symbolizing top stack trace frame.
392 void ReportErrorSummary(const char *error_type, StackTrace *trace);
394 // Math
395 #if SANITIZER_WINDOWS && !defined(__clang__) && !defined(__GNUC__)
396 extern "C" {
397 unsigned char _BitScanForward(unsigned long *index, unsigned long mask);  // NOLINT
398 unsigned char _BitScanReverse(unsigned long *index, unsigned long mask);  // NOLINT
399 #if defined(_WIN64)
400 unsigned char _BitScanForward64(unsigned long *index, unsigned __int64 mask);  // NOLINT
401 unsigned char _BitScanReverse64(unsigned long *index, unsigned __int64 mask);  // NOLINT
402 #endif
403 }
404 #endif
MostSignificantSetBitIndex(uptr x)406 INLINE uptr MostSignificantSetBitIndex(uptr x) {
407   CHECK_NE(x, 0U);
408   unsigned long up;  // NOLINT
409 #if !SANITIZER_WINDOWS || defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
410 # ifdef _WIN64
411   up = SANITIZER_WORDSIZE - 1 - __builtin_clzll(x);
412 # else
413   up = SANITIZER_WORDSIZE - 1 - __builtin_clzl(x);
414 # endif
415 #elif defined(_WIN64)
416   _BitScanReverse64(&up, x);
417 #else
418   _BitScanReverse(&up, x);
419 #endif
420   return up;
421 }
LeastSignificantSetBitIndex(uptr x)423 INLINE uptr LeastSignificantSetBitIndex(uptr x) {
424   CHECK_NE(x, 0U);
425   unsigned long up;  // NOLINT
426 #if !SANITIZER_WINDOWS || defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
427 # ifdef _WIN64
428   up = __builtin_ctzll(x);
429 # else
430   up = __builtin_ctzl(x);
431 # endif
432 #elif defined(_WIN64)
433   _BitScanForward64(&up, x);
434 #else
435   _BitScanForward(&up, x);
436 #endif
437   return up;
438 }
IsPowerOfTwo(uptr x)440 INLINE bool IsPowerOfTwo(uptr x) {
441   return (x & (x - 1)) == 0;
442 }
RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(uptr size)444 INLINE uptr RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(uptr size) {
445   CHECK(size);
446   if (IsPowerOfTwo(size)) return size;
448   uptr up = MostSignificantSetBitIndex(size);
449   CHECK(size < (1ULL << (up + 1)));
450   CHECK(size > (1ULL << up));
451   return 1ULL << (up + 1);
452 }
RoundUpTo(uptr size,uptr boundary)454 INLINE uptr RoundUpTo(uptr size, uptr boundary) {
455   RAW_CHECK(IsPowerOfTwo(boundary));
456   return (size + boundary - 1) & ~(boundary - 1);
457 }
RoundDownTo(uptr x,uptr boundary)459 INLINE uptr RoundDownTo(uptr x, uptr boundary) {
460   return x & ~(boundary - 1);
461 }
IsAligned(uptr a,uptr alignment)463 INLINE bool IsAligned(uptr a, uptr alignment) {
464   return (a & (alignment - 1)) == 0;
465 }
Log2(uptr x)467 INLINE uptr Log2(uptr x) {
468   CHECK(IsPowerOfTwo(x));
469   return LeastSignificantSetBitIndex(x);
470 }
472 // Don't use std::min, std::max or std::swap, to minimize dependency
473 // on libstdc++.
Min(T a,T b)474 template<class T> T Min(T a, T b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
Max(T a,T b)475 template<class T> T Max(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
Swap(T & a,T & b)476 template<class T> void Swap(T& a, T& b) {
477   T tmp = a;
478   a = b;
479   b = tmp;
480 }
482 // Char handling
IsSpace(int c)483 INLINE bool IsSpace(int c) {
484   return (c == ' ') || (c == '\n') || (c == '\t') ||
485          (c == '\f') || (c == '\r') || (c == '\v');
486 }
IsDigit(int c)487 INLINE bool IsDigit(int c) {
488   return (c >= '0') && (c <= '9');
489 }
ToLower(int c)490 INLINE int ToLower(int c) {
491   return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? (c + 'a' - 'A') : c;
492 }
494 // A low-level vector based on mmap. May incur a significant memory overhead for
495 // small vectors.
496 // WARNING: The current implementation supports only POD types.
497 template<typename T>
498 class InternalMmapVectorNoCtor {
499  public:
Initialize(uptr initial_capacity)500   void Initialize(uptr initial_capacity) {
501     capacity_ = Max(initial_capacity, (uptr)1);
502     size_ = 0;
503     data_ = (T *)MmapOrDie(capacity_ * sizeof(T), "InternalMmapVectorNoCtor");
504   }
Destroy()505   void Destroy() {
506     UnmapOrDie(data_, capacity_ * sizeof(T));
507   }
508   T &operator[](uptr i) {
509     CHECK_LT(i, size_);
510     return data_[i];
511   }
512   const T &operator[](uptr i) const {
513     CHECK_LT(i, size_);
514     return data_[i];
515   }
push_back(const T & element)516   void push_back(const T &element) {
517     CHECK_LE(size_, capacity_);
518     if (size_ == capacity_) {
519       uptr new_capacity = RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(size_ + 1);
520       Resize(new_capacity);
521     }
522     internal_memcpy(&data_[size_++], &element, sizeof(T));
523   }
back()524   T &back() {
525     CHECK_GT(size_, 0);
526     return data_[size_ - 1];
527   }
pop_back()528   void pop_back() {
529     CHECK_GT(size_, 0);
530     size_--;
531   }
size()532   uptr size() const {
533     return size_;
534   }
data()535   const T *data() const {
536     return data_;
537   }
data()538   T *data() {
539     return data_;
540   }
capacity()541   uptr capacity() const {
542     return capacity_;
543   }
clear()545   void clear() { size_ = 0; }
empty()546   bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
begin()548   const T *begin() const {
549     return data();
550   }
begin()551   T *begin() {
552     return data();
553   }
end()554   const T *end() const {
555     return data() + size();
556   }
end()557   T *end() {
558     return data() + size();
559   }
561  private:
Resize(uptr new_capacity)562   void Resize(uptr new_capacity) {
563     CHECK_GT(new_capacity, 0);
564     CHECK_LE(size_, new_capacity);
565     T *new_data = (T *)MmapOrDie(new_capacity * sizeof(T),
566                                  "InternalMmapVector");
567     internal_memcpy(new_data, data_, size_ * sizeof(T));
568     T *old_data = data_;
569     data_ = new_data;
570     UnmapOrDie(old_data, capacity_ * sizeof(T));
571     capacity_ = new_capacity;
572   }
574   T *data_;
575   uptr capacity_;
576   uptr size_;
577 };
579 template<typename T>
580 class InternalMmapVector : public InternalMmapVectorNoCtor<T> {
581  public:
InternalMmapVector(uptr initial_capacity)582   explicit InternalMmapVector(uptr initial_capacity) {
583     InternalMmapVectorNoCtor<T>::Initialize(initial_capacity);
584   }
~InternalMmapVector()585   ~InternalMmapVector() { InternalMmapVectorNoCtor<T>::Destroy(); }
586   // Disallow evil constructors.
587   InternalMmapVector(const InternalMmapVector&);
588   void operator=(const InternalMmapVector&);
589 };
591 // HeapSort for arrays and InternalMmapVector.
592 template<class Container, class Compare>
InternalSort(Container * v,uptr size,Compare comp)593 void InternalSort(Container *v, uptr size, Compare comp) {
594   if (size < 2)
595     return;
596   // Stage 1: insert elements to the heap.
597   for (uptr i = 1; i < size; i++) {
598     uptr j, p;
599     for (j = i; j > 0; j = p) {
600       p = (j - 1) / 2;
601       if (comp((*v)[p], (*v)[j]))
602         Swap((*v)[j], (*v)[p]);
603       else
604         break;
605     }
606   }
607   // Stage 2: swap largest element with the last one,
608   // and sink the new top.
609   for (uptr i = size - 1; i > 0; i--) {
610     Swap((*v)[0], (*v)[i]);
611     uptr j, max_ind;
612     for (j = 0; j < i; j = max_ind) {
613       uptr left = 2 * j + 1;
614       uptr right = 2 * j + 2;
615       max_ind = j;
616       if (left < i && comp((*v)[max_ind], (*v)[left]))
617         max_ind = left;
618       if (right < i && comp((*v)[max_ind], (*v)[right]))
619         max_ind = right;
620       if (max_ind != j)
621         Swap((*v)[j], (*v)[max_ind]);
622       else
623         break;
624     }
625   }
626 }
628 template<class Container, class Value, class Compare>
InternalBinarySearch(const Container & v,uptr first,uptr last,const Value & val,Compare comp)629 uptr InternalBinarySearch(const Container &v, uptr first, uptr last,
630                           const Value &val, Compare comp) {
631   uptr not_found = last + 1;
632   while (last >= first) {
633     uptr mid = (first + last) / 2;
634     if (comp(v[mid], val))
635       first = mid + 1;
636     else if (comp(val, v[mid]))
637       last = mid - 1;
638     else
639       return mid;
640   }
641   return not_found;
642 }
644 // Represents a binary loaded into virtual memory (e.g. this can be an
645 // executable or a shared object).
646 class LoadedModule {
647  public:
LoadedModule()648   LoadedModule() : full_name_(nullptr), base_address_(0) { ranges_.clear(); }
649   void set(const char *module_name, uptr base_address);
650   void clear();
651   void addAddressRange(uptr beg, uptr end, bool executable);
652   bool containsAddress(uptr address) const;
full_name()654   const char *full_name() const { return full_name_; }
base_address()655   uptr base_address() const { return base_address_; }
657   struct AddressRange {
658     AddressRange *next;
659     uptr beg;
660     uptr end;
661     bool executable;
AddressRangeAddressRange663     AddressRange(uptr beg, uptr end, bool executable)
664         : next(nullptr), beg(beg), end(end), executable(executable) {}
665   };
ranges()667   const IntrusiveList<AddressRange> &ranges() const { return ranges_; }
669  private:
670   char *full_name_;  // Owned.
671   uptr base_address_;
672   IntrusiveList<AddressRange> ranges_;
673 };
675 // List of LoadedModules. OS-dependent implementation is responsible for
676 // filling this information.
677 class ListOfModules {
678  public:
ListOfModules()679   ListOfModules() : modules_(kInitialCapacity) {}
~ListOfModules()680   ~ListOfModules() { clear(); }
681   void init();
begin()682   const LoadedModule *begin() const { return modules_.begin(); }
begin()683   LoadedModule *begin() { return modules_.begin(); }
end()684   const LoadedModule *end() const { return modules_.end(); }
end()685   LoadedModule *end() { return modules_.end(); }
size()686   uptr size() const { return modules_.size(); }
687   const LoadedModule &operator[](uptr i) const {
688     CHECK_LT(i, modules_.size());
689     return modules_[i];
690   }
692  private:
clear()693   void clear() {
694     for (auto &module : modules_) module.clear();
695     modules_.clear();
696   }
698   InternalMmapVector<LoadedModule> modules_;
699   // We rarely have more than 16K loaded modules.
700   static const uptr kInitialCapacity = 1 << 14;
701 };
703 // Callback type for iterating over a set of memory ranges.
704 typedef void (*RangeIteratorCallback)(uptr begin, uptr end, void *arg);
706 enum AndroidApiLevel {
708   ANDROID_KITKAT = 19,
711 };
713 void WriteToSyslog(const char *buffer);
716 void LogFullErrorReport(const char *buffer);
717 #else
LogFullErrorReport(const char * buffer)718 INLINE void LogFullErrorReport(const char *buffer) {}
719 #endif
722 void WriteOneLineToSyslog(const char *s);
723 void LogMessageOnPrintf(const char *str);
724 #else
WriteOneLineToSyslog(const char * s)725 INLINE void WriteOneLineToSyslog(const char *s) {}
LogMessageOnPrintf(const char * str)726 INLINE void LogMessageOnPrintf(const char *str) {}
727 #endif
730 // Initialize Android logging. Any writes before this are silently lost.
731 void AndroidLogInit();
732 #else
AndroidLogInit()733 INLINE void AndroidLogInit() {}
734 #endif
737 void SanitizerInitializeUnwinder();
738 AndroidApiLevel AndroidGetApiLevel();
739 #else
AndroidLogWrite(const char * buffer_unused)740 INLINE void AndroidLogWrite(const char *buffer_unused) {}
SanitizerInitializeUnwinder()741 INLINE void SanitizerInitializeUnwinder() {}
AndroidGetApiLevel()742 INLINE AndroidApiLevel AndroidGetApiLevel() { return ANDROID_NOT_ANDROID; }
743 #endif
GetPthreadDestructorIterations()745 INLINE uptr GetPthreadDestructorIterations() {
747   return (AndroidGetApiLevel() == ANDROID_LOLLIPOP_MR1) ? 8 : 4;
749   return 4;
750 #else
751 // Unused on Windows.
752   return 0;
753 #endif
754 }
756 void *internal_start_thread(void(*func)(void*), void *arg);
757 void internal_join_thread(void *th);
758 void MaybeStartBackgroudThread();
760 // Make the compiler think that something is going on there.
761 // Use this inside a loop that looks like memset/memcpy/etc to prevent the
762 // compiler from recognising it and turning it into an actual call to
763 // memset/memcpy/etc.
SanitizerBreakOptimization(void * arg)764 static inline void SanitizerBreakOptimization(void *arg) {
765 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
766   _ReadWriteBarrier();
767 #else
768   __asm__ __volatile__("" : : "r" (arg) : "memory");
769 #endif
770 }
772 struct SignalContext {
773   void *context;
774   uptr addr;
775   uptr pc;
776   uptr sp;
777   uptr bp;
778   bool is_memory_access;
780   enum WriteFlag { UNKNOWN, READ, WRITE } write_flag;
SignalContextSignalContext782   SignalContext(void *context, uptr addr, uptr pc, uptr sp, uptr bp,
783                 bool is_memory_access, WriteFlag write_flag)
784       : context(context),
785         addr(addr),
786         pc(pc),
787         sp(sp),
788         bp(bp),
789         is_memory_access(is_memory_access),
790         write_flag(write_flag) {}
792   // Creates signal context in a platform-specific manner.
793   static SignalContext Create(void *siginfo, void *context);
795   // Returns true if the "context" indicates a memory write.
796   static WriteFlag GetWriteFlag(void *context);
797 };
799 void GetPcSpBp(void *context, uptr *pc, uptr *sp, uptr *bp);
801 void MaybeReexec();
803 template <typename Fn>
804 class RunOnDestruction {
805  public:
RunOnDestruction(Fn fn)806   explicit RunOnDestruction(Fn fn) : fn_(fn) {}
~RunOnDestruction()807   ~RunOnDestruction() { fn_(); }
809  private:
810   Fn fn_;
811 };
813 // A simple scope guard. Usage:
814 // auto cleanup = at_scope_exit([]{ do_cleanup; });
815 template <typename Fn>
at_scope_exit(Fn fn)816 RunOnDestruction<Fn> at_scope_exit(Fn fn) {
817   return RunOnDestruction<Fn>(fn);
818 }
820 // Linux on 64-bit s390 had a nasty bug that crashes the whole machine
821 // if a process uses virtual memory over 4TB (as many sanitizers like
822 // to do).  This function will abort the process if running on a kernel
823 // that looks vulnerable.
825 void AvoidCVE_2016_2143();
826 #else
AvoidCVE_2016_2143()827 INLINE void AvoidCVE_2016_2143() {}
828 #endif
830 }  // namespace __sanitizer
new(__sanitizer::operator_new_size_type size,__sanitizer::LowLevelAllocator & alloc)832 inline void *operator new(__sanitizer::operator_new_size_type size,
833                           __sanitizer::LowLevelAllocator &alloc) {
834   return alloc.Allocate(size);
835 }
837 struct StackDepotStats {
838   uptr n_uniq_ids;
839   uptr allocated;
840 };
842 #endif  // SANITIZER_COMMON_H