1syntax = "proto3";
3import "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.proto";
4import "tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto";
6package tensorflow.tfprof;
8message TFProfTensorProto {
9  DataType dtype = 1;
10  // Flatten tensor in row-major.
11  // Only one of the following array is set.
12  repeated double value_double = 2;
13  repeated int64 value_int64 = 3;
14  repeated string value_str = 4;
17// A node in TensorFlow graph. Used by scope/graph view.
18message GraphNodeProto {
19  // op name.
20  string name = 1;
21  // tensor value restored from checkpoint.
22  TFProfTensorProto tensor_value = 15;
23  // op execution time.
24  // A node can be defined once but run multiple times in tf.while_loop.
25  // the times sum up all different runs.
26  int64 run_count = 21;
27  int64 exec_micros = 2;
28  int64 accelerator_exec_micros = 17;
29  int64 cpu_exec_micros = 18;
31  // Total bytes requested by the op.
32  int64 requested_bytes = 3;
33  // Max bytes allocated and being used by the op at a point.
34  int64 peak_bytes = 24;
35  // Total bytes requested by the op and not released before end.
36  int64 residual_bytes = 25;
37  // Total bytes output by the op (not necessarily allocated by the op).
38  int64 output_bytes = 26;
40  // Number of parameters if available.
41  int64 parameters = 4;
42  // Number of float operations.
43  int64 float_ops = 13;
44  // Device the op is assigned to.
45  // Since an op can fire multiple kernel calls, there can be multiple devices.
46  repeated string devices = 10;
48  // The following are the aggregated stats from all *accounted* children and
49  // the node itself. The actual children depend on the data structure used.
50  // In graph view, children are inputs recursively.
51  // In scope view, children are nodes under the name scope.
52  int64 total_definition_count = 23;
53  int64 total_run_count = 22;
54  int64 total_exec_micros = 6;
55  int64 total_accelerator_exec_micros = 19;
56  int64 total_cpu_exec_micros = 20;
58  int64 total_requested_bytes = 7;
59  int64 total_peak_bytes = 27;
60  int64 total_residual_bytes = 28;
61  int64 total_output_bytes = 29;
63  int64 total_parameters = 8;
64  int64 total_float_ops = 14;
66  // shape information, if available.
67  // TODO(xpan): Why is this repeated?
68  repeated TensorShapeProto shapes = 11;
70  map<int32, TensorShapeProto> input_shapes = 16;
72  // Descendants of the graph. The actual descendants depend on the data
73  // structure used (scope, graph).
74  repeated GraphNodeProto children = 12;
77// A node that groups multiple GraphNodeProto.
78// Depending on the 'view', the semantics of the TFmultiGraphNodeProto
79// is different:
80// code view: A node groups all TensorFlow graph nodes created by the
81//            Python code.
82// op view:   A node groups all TensorFlow graph nodes that are of type
83//            of the op (e.g. MatMul, Conv2D).
84message MultiGraphNodeProto {
85  // Name of the node.
86  string name = 1;
88  // code execution time.
89  int64 exec_micros = 2;
90  int64 accelerator_exec_micros = 12;
91  int64 cpu_exec_micros = 13;
93  // Total requested bytes by the code.
94  int64 requested_bytes = 3;
95  // Max bytes allocated and being used by the op at a point.
96  int64 peak_bytes = 16;
97  // Total bytes requested by the op and not released before end.
98  int64 residual_bytes = 17;
99  // Total bytes output by the op (not necessarily allocated by the op).
100  int64 output_bytes = 18;
102  // Number of parameters if available.
103  int64 parameters = 4;
104  // Number of float operations.
105  int64 float_ops = 5;
107  // The following are the aggregated stats from descendants.
108  // The actual descendants depend on the data structure used.
109  int64 total_exec_micros = 6;
110  int64 total_accelerator_exec_micros = 14;
111  int64 total_cpu_exec_micros = 15;
113  int64 total_requested_bytes = 7;
114  int64 total_peak_bytes = 19;
115  int64 total_residual_bytes = 20;
116  int64 total_output_bytes = 21;
118  int64 total_parameters = 8;
119  int64 total_float_ops = 9;
121  // TensorFlow graph nodes contained by the MultiGraphNodeProto.
122  repeated GraphNodeProto graph_nodes = 10;
123  // Descendants of the node. The actual descendants depend on the data
124  // structure used.
125  repeated MultiGraphNodeProto children = 11;
128message AdviceProto {
129  // checker name -> a list of reports from the checker.
130  map<string, Checker> checkers = 1;
131  message Checker {
132    repeated string reports = 2;
133  }