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41 /*
42 //               Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives
43 //                   Cryptographic Primitives (ippcp)
44 //
45 */
47 #ifndef __PCPNAME_H__
48 #define __PCPNAME_H__
50 /*
51    The prefix of library without the quotes. The prefix is directly used to generate the
52    GetLibVersion function. It is used to generate the names in the dispatcher code, in
53    the version description and in the resource file.
54 */
55 #define LIB_PREFIX          ippcp
57 /*
58    Names of library. It is used in the resource file and is used to generate the names
59    in the dispatcher code.
60 */
61 #define IPP_LIB_LONGNAME()     "Cryptography"
62 #define IPP_LIB_SHORTNAME()    "ippCP"
65 #define GET_STR2(x)      #x
66 #define GET_STR(x)       GET_STR2(x)
69 #define IPP_INC_NAME()   "ippcp.h"
71 #endif /* __PCPNAME_H__ */
72 /* ///////////////////////// End of file "pcpname.h" ///////////////////////// */