1// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
4//go:generate bash -c "go run gen/gen.go gen/all-enc-instructions.txt > generated/insns.go"
6// Package ifuzz allows to generate and mutate x86 machine code.
7package ifuzz
9import (
10	"math/rand"
11	"sync"
14const (
15	ModeLong64 = iota
16	ModeProt32
17	ModeProt16
18	ModeReal16
19	ModeLast
22type Insn struct {
23	Name      string
24	Extension string
26	Mode   int  // bitmask of compatible modes
27	Priv   bool // CPL=0
28	Pseudo bool // pseudo instructions can consist of several real instructions
30	Opcode      []byte
31	Prefix      []byte
32	Suffix      []byte
33	Modrm       bool
34	Mod         int8
35	Reg         int8 // -6 - segment register, -8 - control register
36	Rm          int8
37	Srm         bool // register is embed in the first byte
38	NoSibDisp   bool // no SIB/disp even if modrm says otherwise
39	Imm         int8 // immediate size, -1 - immediate size, -2 - address size, -3 - operand size
40	Imm2        int8
41	NoRepPrefix bool
42	No66Prefix  bool
43	Rexw        int8 // 1 must be set, -1 must not be set
44	Mem32       bool // instruction always references 32-bit memory operand, 0x67 is illegal
45	Mem16       bool // instruction always references 16-bit memory operand
47	Vex        byte
48	VexMap     byte
49	VexL       int8
50	VexNoR     bool
51	VexP       int8
52	Avx2Gather bool
54	generator func(cfg *Config, r *rand.Rand) []byte // for pseudo instructions
57type Config struct {
58	Len        int         // number of instructions to generate
59	Mode       int         // one of ModeXXX
60	Priv       bool        // generate CPL=0 instructions
61	Exec       bool        // generate instructions sequences interesting for execution
62	MemRegions []MemRegion // generated instructions will reference these regions
65type MemRegion struct {
66	Start uint64
67	Size  uint64
70const (
71	typeExec = iota
72	typePriv
73	typeUser
74	typeAll
75	typeLast
78var modeInsns [ModeLast][typeLast][]*Insn
80var (
81	Insns    []*Insn
82	initOnce sync.Once
85func initInsns() {
86	if len(Insns) == 0 {
87		panic("no instructions")
88	}
89	initPseudo()
90	for mode := 0; mode < ModeLast; mode++ {
91		for _, insn := range Insns {
92			if insn.Mode&(1<<uint(mode)) == 0 {
93				continue
94			}
95			if insn.Pseudo {
96				modeInsns[mode][typeExec] = append(modeInsns[mode][typeExec], insn)
97			} else if insn.Priv {
98				modeInsns[mode][typePriv] = append(modeInsns[mode][typePriv], insn)
99				modeInsns[mode][typeAll] = append(modeInsns[mode][typeAll], insn)
100			} else {
101				modeInsns[mode][typeUser] = append(modeInsns[mode][typeUser], insn)
102				modeInsns[mode][typeAll] = append(modeInsns[mode][typeAll], insn)
103			}
104		}
105	}
108// ModeInsns returns list of all instructions for the given mode.
109func ModeInsns(cfg *Config) []*Insn {
110	initOnce.Do(initInsns)
111	if cfg.Mode < 0 || cfg.Mode >= ModeLast {
112		panic("bad mode")
113	}
114	var insns []*Insn
115	insns = append(insns, modeInsns[cfg.Mode][typeUser]...)
116	if cfg.Priv {
117		insns = append(insns, modeInsns[cfg.Mode][typePriv]...)
118		if cfg.Exec {
119			insns = append(insns, modeInsns[cfg.Mode][typeExec]...)
120		}
121	}
122	return insns
125func Generate(cfg *Config, r *rand.Rand) []byte {
126	initOnce.Do(initInsns)
127	var text []byte
128	for i := 0; i < cfg.Len; i++ {
129		insn := randInsn(cfg, r)
130		text = append(text, insn.Encode(cfg, r)...)
131	}
132	return text
135func Mutate(cfg *Config, r *rand.Rand, text []byte) []byte {
136	initOnce.Do(initInsns)
137	insns := split(cfg, text)
138	retry := false
139	for stop := false; !stop || retry || len(insns) == 0; stop = r.Intn(2) == 0 {
140		retry = false
141		switch x := r.Intn(100); {
142		case x < 10 && len(insns) != 0:
143			// delete instruction
144			i := r.Intn(len(insns))
145			copy(insns[i:], insns[i+1:])
146			insns = insns[:len(insns)-1]
147		case x < 40 && len(insns) != 0:
148			// replace instruction with another
149			insn := randInsn(cfg, r)
150			text1 := insn.Encode(cfg, r)
151			i := r.Intn(len(insns))
152			insns[i] = text1
153		case x < 70 && len(insns) != 0:
154			// mutate instruction
155			i := r.Intn(len(insns))
156			text1 := insns[i]
157			for stop := false; !stop || len(text1) == 0; stop = r.Intn(2) == 0 {
158				switch x := r.Intn(100); {
159				case x < 5 && len(text1) != 0:
160					// delete byte
161					pos := r.Intn(len(text1))
162					copy(text1[pos:], text1[pos+1:])
163					text1 = text1[:len(text1)-1]
164				case x < 40 && len(text1) != 0:
165					// replace a byte
166					pos := r.Intn(len(text1))
167					text1[pos] = byte(r.Intn(256))
168				case x < 70 && len(text1) != 0:
169					// flip a bit
170					pos := r.Intn(len(text1))
171					text1[pos] ^= 1 << byte(r.Intn(8))
172				default:
173					// insert a byte
174					pos := r.Intn(len(text1) + 1)
175					text1 = append(text1, 0)
176					copy(text1[pos+1:], text1[pos:])
177					text1[pos] = byte(r.Intn(256))
178				}
179			}
180			insns[i] = text1
181		case len(insns) < cfg.Len:
182			// insert a new instruction
183			insn := randInsn(cfg, r)
184			text1 := insn.Encode(cfg, r)
185			i := r.Intn(len(insns) + 1)
186			insns = append(insns, nil)
187			copy(insns[i+1:], insns[i:])
188			insns[i] = text1
189		default:
190			retry = true
191		}
192	}
193	text = nil
194	for _, insn := range insns {
195		text = append(text, insn...)
196	}
197	return text
200func randInsn(cfg *Config, r *rand.Rand) *Insn {
201	var insns []*Insn
202	if cfg.Priv && cfg.Exec {
203		insns = modeInsns[cfg.Mode][r.Intn(3)]
204	} else if cfg.Priv {
205		insns = modeInsns[cfg.Mode][r.Intn(2)]
206	} else {
207		insns = modeInsns[cfg.Mode][typeUser]
208	}
209	return insns[r.Intn(len(insns))]
212func split(cfg *Config, text []byte) [][]byte {
213	text = append([]byte{}, text...)
214	var insns [][]byte
215	var bad []byte
216	for len(text) != 0 {
217		n, err := Decode(cfg.Mode, text)
218		if err != nil || n == 0 {
219			bad = append(bad, text[0])
220			text = text[1:]
221			continue
222		}
223		if bad != nil {
224			insns = append(insns, bad)
225			bad = nil
226		}
227		insns = append(insns, text[:n])
228		text = text[n:]
229	}
230	if bad != nil {
231		insns = append(insns, bad)
232	}
233	return insns
236func generateArg(cfg *Config, r *rand.Rand, size int) []byte {
237	v := generateInt(cfg, r, size)
238	arg := make([]byte, size)
239	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
240		arg[i] = byte(v)
241		v >>= 8
242	}
243	return arg
246func (insn *Insn) isCompatible(cfg *Config) bool {
247	if cfg.Mode < 0 || cfg.Mode >= ModeLast {
248		panic("bad mode")
249	}
250	if insn.Priv && !cfg.Priv {
251		return false
252	}
253	if insn.Pseudo && !cfg.Exec {
254		return false
255	}
256	if insn.Mode&(1<<uint(cfg.Mode)) == 0 {
257		return false
258	}
259	return true
262func generateInt(cfg *Config, r *rand.Rand, size int) uint64 {
263	if size != 1 && size != 2 && size != 4 && size != 8 {
264		panic("bad arg size")
265	}
266	var v uint64
267	switch x := r.Intn(60); {
268	case x < 10:
269		v = uint64(r.Intn(1 << 4))
270	case x < 20:
271		v = uint64(r.Intn(1 << 16))
272	case x < 25:
273		v = uint64(r.Int63()) % (1 << 32)
274	case x < 30:
275		v = uint64(r.Int63())
276	case x < 40:
277		v = specialNumbers[r.Intn(len(specialNumbers))]
278		if r.Intn(5) == 0 {
279			v += uint64(r.Intn(33)) - 16
280		}
281	case x < 50 && len(cfg.MemRegions) != 0:
282		mem := cfg.MemRegions[r.Intn(len(cfg.MemRegions))]
283		switch x := r.Intn(100); {
284		case x < 25:
285			v = mem.Start
286		case x < 50:
287			v = mem.Start + mem.Size
288		case x < 75:
289			v = mem.Start + mem.Size/2
290		default:
291			v = mem.Start + uint64(r.Int63())%mem.Size
292		}
293		if r.Intn(10) == 0 {
294			v += uint64(r.Intn(33)) - 16
295		}
296	default:
297		v = uint64(r.Intn(1 << 8))
298	}
299	if r.Intn(50) == 0 {
300		v = uint64(-int64(v))
301	}
302	if r.Intn(50) == 0 && size != 1 {
303		v &^= 1<<12 - 1
304	}
305	return v
308var specialNumbers = []uint64{0, 1 << 15, 1 << 16, 1 << 31, 1 << 32, 1 << 47, 1 << 47, 1 << 63}