2# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6import argparse
7import logging
8import sys
9import xmlrpclib
11import common
13from config import rpm_config
14from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
15from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry
17RPM_FRONTEND_URI = global_config.global_config.get_config_value('CROS',
18        'rpm_frontend_uri', type=str, default='')
20                                          'call_timeout_mins')
22POWERUNIT_HOSTNAME_KEY = 'powerunit_hostname'
23POWERUNIT_OUTLET_KEY = 'powerunit_outlet'
24HYDRA_HOSTNAME_KEY = 'hydra_hostname'
27class RemotePowerException(Exception):
28    """This is raised when we fail to set the state of the device's outlet."""
29    pass
32def set_power(host, new_state, timeout_mins=RPM_CALL_TIMEOUT_MINS):
33    """Sends the power state change request to the RPM Infrastructure.
35    @param host: A CrosHost or ServoHost instance.
36    @param new_state: State we want to set the power outlet to.
37    """
38    # servo V3 is handled differently from the rest.
39    # The best heuristic we have to determine servo V3 is the hostname.
40    if host.hostname.endswith('servo'):
41        args_tuple = (host.hostname, new_state)
42    else:
43        info = host.host_info_store.get()
44        try:
45            args_tuple = (host.hostname,
46                          info.attributes[POWERUNIT_HOSTNAME_KEY],
47                          info.attributes[POWERUNIT_OUTLET_KEY],
48                          info.attributes.get(HYDRA_HOSTNAME_KEY),
49                          new_state)
50        except KeyError as e:
51            raise RemotePowerException('Powerunit information not found. '
52                                       'Missing: %s in data_info_store.' % e)
53    _set_power(args_tuple, timeout_mins)
56def _set_power(args_tuple, timeout_mins=RPM_CALL_TIMEOUT_MINS):
57    """Sends the power state change request to the RPM Infrastructure.
59    @param args_tuple: A args tuple for rpc call. See example below:
60        (hostname, powerunit_hostname, outlet, hydra_hostname, new_state)
61    """
62    client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(RPM_FRONTEND_URI,
63                                   verbose=False,
64                                   allow_none=True)
65    timeout = None
66    result = None
67    endpoint = (client.set_power_via_poe if len(args_tuple) == 2
68                else client.set_power_via_rpm)
69    try:
70        timeout, result = retry.timeout(endpoint,
71                                        args=args_tuple,
72                                        timeout_sec=timeout_mins * 60,
73                                        default_result=False)
74    except Exception as e:
75        logging.exception(e)
76        raise RemotePowerException(
77                'Client call exception: ' + str(e))
78    if timeout:
79        raise RemotePowerException(
80                'Call to RPM Infrastructure timed out.')
81    if not result:
82        error_msg = ('Failed to change outlet status for host: %s to '
83                     'state: %s.' % (args_tuple[0], args_tuple[-1]))
84        logging.error(error_msg)
85        raise RemotePowerException(error_msg)
88# This function will be removed once we try to move tests running in
89# the chaos lab to skylab. See crbug.com/863217.
90def set_power_afe(hostname, new_state, timeout_mins=RPM_CALL_TIMEOUT_MINS):
91    """Sends the power state change request to the RPM Infrastructure.
93    @param hostname: host who's power outlet we want to change.
94    @param new_state: State we want to set the power outlet to.
95    """
96    client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(RPM_FRONTEND_URI, verbose=False)
97    timeout = None
98    result = None
99    try:
100        timeout, result = retry.timeout(client.queue_request,
101                                        args=(hostname, new_state),
102                                        timeout_sec=timeout_mins * 60,
103                                        default_result=False)
104    except Exception as e:
105        logging.exception(e)
106        raise RemotePowerException(
107                'Client call exception: ' + str(e))
108    if timeout:
109        raise RemotePowerException(
110                'Call to RPM Infrastructure timed out.')
111    if not result:
112        error_msg = ('Failed to change outlet status for host: %s to '
113                     'state: %s.' % (hostname, new_state))
114        logging.error(error_msg)
115        raise RemotePowerException(error_msg)
118def parse_options():
119    """Parse the user supplied options."""
120    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
121    parser.add_argument('-m', '--machine', dest='machine', required=True,
122                        help='Machine hostname to change outlet state.')
123    parser.add_argument('-s', '--state', dest='state', required=True,
124                        choices=['ON', 'OFF', 'CYCLE'],
125                        help='Power state to set outlet: ON, OFF, CYCLE')
126    parser.add_argument('-p', '--powerunit_hostname', dest='p_hostname',
127                        help='Powerunit hostname of the host.')
128    parser.add_argument('-o', '--outlet', dest='outlet',
129                        help='Outlet of the host.')
130    parser.add_argument('-y', '--hydra_hostname', dest='hydra', default='',
131                        help='Hydra hostname of the host.')
132    parser.add_argument('-d', '--disable_emails', dest='disable_emails',
133                        help='Hours to suspend RPM email notifications.')
134    parser.add_argument('-e', '--enable_emails', dest='enable_emails',
135                        action='store_true',
136                        help='Resume RPM email notifications.')
137    return parser.parse_args()
140def main():
141    """Entry point for rpm_client script."""
142    options = parse_options()
143    if options.machine.endswith('servo'):
144        args_tuple = (options.machine, options.state)
145    elif not options.p_hostname or not options.outlet:
146        print "Powerunit hostname and outlet info are required for DUT."
147        return
148    else:
149        args_tuple = (options.machine, options.p_hostname, options.outlet,
150                      options.hydra, options.state)
151    _set_power(args_tuple)
153    if options.disable_emails is not None:
154        client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(RPM_FRONTEND_URI, verbose=False)
155        client.suspend_emails(options.disable_emails)
156    if options.enable_emails:
157        client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(RPM_FRONTEND_URI, verbose=False)
158        client.resume_emails()
161if __name__ == "__main__":
162    sys.exit(main())