1 // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
3 /*
4 **********************************************************************
5 *   Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
6 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
7 **********************************************************************
8 *
9 *   ucnv_cnv.h:
10 *   Definitions for converter implementations.
11 *
12 * Modification History:
13 *
14 *   Date        Name        Description
15 *   05/09/00    helena      Added implementation to handle fallback mappings.
16 *   06/29/2000  helena      Major rewrite of the callback APIs.
17 */
19 #ifndef UCNV_CNV_H
20 #define UCNV_CNV_H
22 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
26 #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
27 #include "unicode/ucnv_err.h"
28 #include "unicode/uset.h"
29 #include "uset_imp.h"
33 /* this is used in fromUnicode DBCS tables as an "unassigned" marker */
34 #define missingCharMarker 0xFFFF
36 /*
37  * #define missingUCharMarker 0xfffe
38  *
39  * commented out because there are actually two values used in toUnicode tables:
40  * U+fffe "unassigned"
41  * U+ffff "illegal"
42  */
44 /** Forward declaration, see ucnv_bld.h */
45 struct UConverterSharedData;
46 typedef struct UConverterSharedData UConverterSharedData;
48 /* function types for UConverterImpl ---------------------------------------- */
50 /* struct with arguments for UConverterLoad and ucnv_load() */
51 typedef struct {
52     int32_t size;               /* sizeof(UConverterLoadArgs) */
53     int32_t nestedLoads;        /* count nested ucnv_load() calls */
54     UBool onlyTestIsLoadable;   /* input: don't actually load */
55     UBool reserved0;            /* reserved - for good alignment of the pointers */
56     int16_t reserved;           /* reserved - for good alignment of the pointers */
57     uint32_t options;
58     const char *pkg, *name, *locale;
59 } UConverterLoadArgs;
62     { (int32_t)sizeof(UConverterLoadArgs), 0, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }
64 typedef void (*UConverterLoad) (UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
65                                 UConverterLoadArgs *pArgs,
66                                 const uint8_t *raw, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
67 typedef void (*UConverterUnload) (UConverterSharedData *sharedData);
69 typedef void (*UConverterOpen) (UConverter *cnv, UConverterLoadArgs *pArgs, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
70 typedef void (*UConverterClose) (UConverter *cnv);
72 typedef enum UConverterResetChoice {
76 } UConverterResetChoice;
78 typedef void (*UConverterReset) (UConverter *cnv, UConverterResetChoice choice);
80 /*
81  * Converter implementation function(s) for ucnv_toUnicode().
82  * If the toUnicodeWithOffsets function pointer is NULL,
83  * then the toUnicode function will be used and the offsets will be set to -1.
84  *
85  * Must maintain state across buffers. Use toUBytes[toULength] for partial input
86  * sequences; it will be checked in ucnv.c at the end of the input stream
87  * to detect truncated input.
88  * Some converters may need additional detection and may then set U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND.
89  *
90  * The toUnicodeWithOffsets must write exactly as many offset values as target
91  * units. Write offset values of -1 for when the source index corresponding to
92  * the output unit is not known (e.g., the character started in an earlier buffer).
93  * The pArgs->offsets pointer need not be moved forward.
94  *
95  * At function return, either one of the following conditions must be true:
96  * - U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and the target is full: target==targetLimit
97  * - another error code with toUBytes[toULength] set to the offending input
98  * - no error, and the source is consumed: source==sourceLimit
99  *
100  * The ucnv.c code will handle the end of the input (reset)
101  * (reset, and truncation detection) and callbacks.
102  */
103 typedef void (*UConverterToUnicode) (UConverterToUnicodeArgs *, UErrorCode *);
105 /*
106  * Same rules as for UConverterToUnicode.
107  * A lead surrogate is kept in fromUChar32 across buffers, and if an error
108  * occurs, then the offending input code point must be put into fromUChar32
109  * as well.
110  */
111 typedef void (*UConverterFromUnicode) (UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *, UErrorCode *);
113 /*
114  * Converter implementation function for ucnv_convertEx(), for direct conversion
115  * between two charsets without pivoting through UTF-16.
116  * The rules are the same as for UConverterToUnicode and UConverterFromUnicode.
117  * In addition,
118  * - The toUnicode side must behave and keep state exactly like the
119  *   UConverterToUnicode implementation for the same source charset.
120  * - A U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING can be set to request to temporarily fall back
121  *   to pivoting. When this function is called, the conversion framework makes
122  *   sure that this warning is not set on input.
123  * - Continuing a partial match and flushing the toUnicode replay buffer
124  *   are handled by pivoting, using the toUnicode and fromUnicode functions.
125  */
126 typedef void (*UConverterConvert) (UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *pFromUArgs,
127                                    UConverterToUnicodeArgs *pToUArgs,
128                                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
130 /*
131  * Converter implementation function for ucnv_getNextUChar().
132  * If the function pointer is NULL, then the toUnicode function will be used.
133  *
134  * Will be called at a character boundary (toULength==0).
135  * May return with
136  * - U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR if there was no output for the input
137  *   (the return value will be ignored)
138  * - U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND or another error code (never U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR!)
139  *   with toUBytes[toULength] set to the offending input
140  *   (the return value will be ignored)
141  * - return UCNV_GET_NEXT_UCHAR_USE_TO_U, without moving the source pointer,
142  *   to indicate that the ucnv.c code shall call the toUnicode function instead
143  * - return a real code point result
144  *
145  * Unless UCNV_GET_NEXT_UCHAR_USE_TO_U is returned, the source bytes must be consumed.
146  *
147  * The ucnv.c code will handle the end of the input (reset)
148  * (except for truncation detection!) and callbacks.
149  */
150 typedef UChar32 (*UConverterGetNextUChar) (UConverterToUnicodeArgs *, UErrorCode *);
152 typedef void (*UConverterGetStarters)(const UConverter* converter,
153                                       UBool starters[256],
154                                       UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
156 /* If this function pointer is null or if the function returns null
157  * the name field in static data struct should be returned by
158  * ucnv_getName() API function
159  */
160 typedef const char * (*UConverterGetName) (const UConverter *cnv);
162 /**
163  * Write the codepage substitution character.
164  * If this function is not set, then ucnv_cbFromUWriteSub() writes
165  * the substitution character from UConverter.
166  * For stateful converters, it is typically necessary to handle this
167  * specificially for the converter in order to properly maintain the state.
168  */
169 typedef void (*UConverterWriteSub) (UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *pArgs, int32_t offsetIndex, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
171 /**
172  * For converter-specific safeClone processing
173  * If this function is not set, then ucnv_safeClone assumes that the converter has no private data that changes
174  * after the converter is done opening.
175  * If this function is set, then it is called just after a memcpy() of
176  * converter data to the new, empty converter, and is expected to set up
177  * the initial state of the converter.  It is not expected to increment the
178  * reference counts of the standard data types such as the shared data.
179  */
180 typedef UConverter * (*UConverterSafeClone) (const UConverter   *cnv,
181                                              void               *stackBuffer,
182                                              int32_t            *pBufferSize,
183                                              UErrorCode         *status);
185 /**
186  * Filters for some ucnv_getUnicodeSet() implementation code.
187  */
188 typedef enum UConverterSetFilter {
191     UCNV_SET_FILTER_2022_CN,
196 } UConverterSetFilter;
198 /**
199  * Fills the set of Unicode code points that can be converted by an ICU converter.
200  * The API function ucnv_getUnicodeSet() clears the USet before calling
201  * the converter's getUnicodeSet() implementation; the converter should only
202  * add the appropriate code points to allow recursive use.
203  * For example, the ISO-2022-JP converter will call each subconverter's
204  * getUnicodeSet() implementation to consecutively add code points to
205  * the same USet, which will result in a union of the sets of all subconverters.
206  *
207  * For more documentation, see ucnv_getUnicodeSet() in ucnv.h.
208  */
209 typedef void (*UConverterGetUnicodeSet) (const UConverter *cnv,
210                                          const USetAdder *sa,
211                                          UConverterUnicodeSet which,
212                                          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
214 UBool CONVERSION_U_SUCCESS (UErrorCode err);
216 /**
217  * UConverterImpl contains all the data and functions for a converter type.
218  * Its function pointers work much like a C++ vtable.
219  * Many converter types need to define only a subset of the functions;
220  * when a function pointer is NULL, then a default action will be performed.
221  *
222  * Every converter type must implement toUnicode, fromUnicode, and getNextUChar,
223  * otherwise the converter may crash.
224  * Every converter type that has variable-length codepage sequences should
225  * also implement toUnicodeWithOffsets and fromUnicodeWithOffsets for
226  * correct offset handling.
227  * All other functions may or may not be implemented - it depends only on
228  * whether the converter type needs them.
229  *
230  * When open() fails, then close() will be called, if present.
231  */
232 struct UConverterImpl {
233     UConverterType type;
235     UConverterLoad load;
236     UConverterUnload unload;
238     UConverterOpen open;
239     UConverterClose close;
240     UConverterReset reset;
242     UConverterToUnicode toUnicode;
243     UConverterToUnicode toUnicodeWithOffsets;
244     UConverterFromUnicode fromUnicode;
245     UConverterFromUnicode fromUnicodeWithOffsets;
246     UConverterGetNextUChar getNextUChar;
248     UConverterGetStarters getStarters;
249     UConverterGetName getName;
250     UConverterWriteSub writeSub;
251     UConverterSafeClone safeClone;
252     UConverterGetUnicodeSet getUnicodeSet;
254     UConverterConvert toUTF8;
255     UConverterConvert fromUTF8;
256 };
258 extern const UConverterSharedData
259     _MBCSData, _Latin1Data,
260     _UTF8Data, _UTF16BEData, _UTF16LEData, _UTF32BEData, _UTF32LEData,
261     _ISO2022Data,
262     _LMBCSData1,_LMBCSData2, _LMBCSData3, _LMBCSData4, _LMBCSData5, _LMBCSData6,
263     _LMBCSData8,_LMBCSData11,_LMBCSData16,_LMBCSData17,_LMBCSData18,_LMBCSData19,
264     _HZData,_ISCIIData, _SCSUData, _ASCIIData,
265     _UTF7Data, _Bocu1Data, _UTF16Data, _UTF32Data, _CESU8Data, _IMAPData, _CompoundTextData;
269 /** Always use fallbacks from codepage to Unicode */
270 #define TO_U_USE_FALLBACK(useFallback) TRUE
271 #define UCNV_TO_U_USE_FALLBACK(cnv) TRUE
273 /** Use fallbacks from Unicode to codepage when cnv->useFallback or for private-use code points */
274 #define IS_PRIVATE_USE(c) ((uint32_t)((c)-0xe000)<0x1900 || (uint32_t)((c)-0xf0000)<0x20000)
275 #define FROM_U_USE_FALLBACK(useFallback, c) ((useFallback) || IS_PRIVATE_USE(c))
276 #define UCNV_FROM_U_USE_FALLBACK(cnv, c) FROM_U_USE_FALLBACK((cnv)->useFallback, c)
278 /**
279  * Magic number for ucnv_getNextUChar(), returned by a
280  * getNextUChar() implementation to indicate to use the converter's toUnicode()
281  * instead of the native function.
282  * @internal
283  */
286 U_CFUNC void
287 ucnv_getCompleteUnicodeSet(const UConverter *cnv,
288                    const USetAdder *sa,
289                    UConverterUnicodeSet which,
290                    UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
292 U_CFUNC void
293 ucnv_getNonSurrogateUnicodeSet(const UConverter *cnv,
294                                const USetAdder *sa,
295                                UConverterUnicodeSet which,
296                                UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
298 U_CFUNC void
299 ucnv_fromUWriteBytes(UConverter *cnv,
300                      const char *bytes, int32_t length,
301                      char **target, const char *targetLimit,
302                      int32_t **offsets,
303                      int32_t sourceIndex,
304                      UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
305 U_CFUNC void
306 ucnv_toUWriteUChars(UConverter *cnv,
307                     const UChar *uchars, int32_t length,
308                     UChar **target, const UChar *targetLimit,
309                     int32_t **offsets,
310                     int32_t sourceIndex,
311                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
313 U_CFUNC void
314 ucnv_toUWriteCodePoint(UConverter *cnv,
315                        UChar32 c,
316                        UChar **target, const UChar *targetLimit,
317                        int32_t **offsets,
318                        int32_t sourceIndex,
319                        UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
321 #endif
323 #endif /* UCNV_CNV */