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39 *******************************************************************************/
41 /*
42 //               Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives
43 //                   Cryptographic Primitives (ippcp)
44 //
45 //   Purpose:
46 //     Define ippCP variant
47 //
48 //
49 */
51 #if !defined(_CP_VARIANT_H)
52 #define _CP_VARIANT_H
54 /*
55 // set _AES_NI_ENABLING_
56 */
57 #if defined _IPP_AES_NI_
58    #if (_IPP_AES_NI_ == 0)
59       #define _AES_NI_ENABLING_  _FEATURE_OFF_
60    #elif  (_IPP_AES_NI_ == 1)
61       #define _AES_NI_ENABLING_  _FEATURE_ON_
62    #else
63       #error Define _IPP_AES_NI_=0 or 1 or omit _IPP_AES_NI_ at all
64    #endif
65 #else
66    #if (_IPP>=_IPP_P8) || (_IPP32E>=_IPP32E_Y8)
68    #else
69       #define _AES_NI_ENABLING_  _FEATURE_OFF_
70    #endif
71 #endif
73 /*
74 // select AES safe implementation
75 */
76 #define _ALG_AES_SAFE_COMPACT_SBOX_ (1)
77 #define _ALG_AES_SAFE_COMPOSITE_GF_ (2)
80    #define _ALG_AES_SAFE_   _FEATURE_OFF_
81 #else
82    #if (_IPP>=_IPP_V8) || (_IPP32E>=_IPP32E_U8)
84    #else
86       //#define _ALG_AES_SAFE_   _ALG_AES_SAFE_COMPOSITE_GF_
87    #endif
88 #endif
91 /*
92 // if there is no outside assignment
93 // set _SHA_NI_ENABLING_ based on CPU specification
94 */
95 #if !defined(_SHA_NI_ENABLING_)
96 #if (_IPP>=_IPP_P8) || (_IPP32E>=_IPP32E_Y8)
98 #else
99    #define _SHA_NI_ENABLING_  _FEATURE_OFF_
100 #endif
101 #endif
103 /*
104 // set/reset _ADCOX_NI_ENABLING_
105 */
106 #if (_IPP32E>=_IPP32E_L9)
107    #if !defined(_ADCOX_NI_ENABLING_)
109    #endif
110 #else
111    #undef  _ADCOX_NI_ENABLING_
113 #endif
115 /*
116 // Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel(R) IPP) supports several hash algorithms by default:
117 //    SHA-1
118 //    SHA-256
119 //    SHA-224  (or SHA256/224 by the FIPS180-4 classification)
120 //    SHA-512
121 //    SHA-384  (or SHA512/384 by the FIPS180-4 classification)
122 //    MD5
123 //    SM3
124 //
125 // By default all hash algorithms are included in Intel(R) IPP Crypto.
126 //
127 // If one need excludes code of particular hash, just define
128 // suitable _DISABLE_ALG_XXX, where XXX name of the hash algorithm
129 //
130 */
131 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ALG_SHA1_)
132 #define _ENABLE_ALG_SHA1_          /* SHA1        on  */
133 #else
134 #  undef  _ENABLE_ALG_SHA1_        /* SHA1        off */
135 #endif
137 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ALG_SHA256_)
138 #  define _ENABLE_ALG_SHA256_      /* SHA256      on  */
139 #else
140 #  undef  _ENABLE_ALG_SHA256_      /* SHA256      off */
141 #endif
143 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ALG_SHA224_)
144 #  define _ENABLE_ALG_SHA224_      /* SHA224      on  */
145 #else
146 #  undef  _ENABLE_ALG_SHA224_      /* SHA224      off */
147 #endif
149 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ALG_SHA512_)
150 #  define _ENABLE_ALG_SHA512_      /* SHA512      on  */
151 #else
152 #  undef  _ENABLE_ALG_SHA512_      /* SHA512      off */
153 #endif
155 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ALG_SHA384_)
156 #  define _ENABLE_ALG_SHA384_      /* SHA384      on  */
157 #else
158 #  undef  _ENABLE_ALG_SHA384_      /* SHA384      off */
159 #endif
161 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ALG_SHA512_224_)
162 #  define _ENABLE_ALG_SHA512_224_  /* SHA512/224  on  */
163 #else
164 #  undef  _ENABLE_ALG_SHA512_224_  /* SHA512/224  off */
165 #endif
167 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ALG_SHA512_256_)
168 #  define _ENABLE_ALG_SHA512_256_  /* SHA512/256  on  */
169 #else
170 #  undef  _ENABLE_ALG_SHA512_256_  /* SHA512/256  off */
171 #endif
173 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ALG_MD5_)
174 #  define _ENABLE_ALG_MD5_         /* MD5         on  */
175 #else
176 #  undef  _ENABLE_ALG_MD5_         /* MD5         off */
177 #endif
179 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ALG_SM3_)
180 #  define _ENABLE_ALG_SM3_         /* SM3         on  */
181 #else
182 #  undef  _ENABLE_ALG_SM3_         /* SM3         off */
183 #endif
185 /*
186 // SHA1 plays especial role in Intel(R) IPP. Thus Intel(R) IPP random generator
187 // and therefore prime number generator are based on SHA1.
188 // So, do no exclude SHA1 from the active list of hash algorithms
189 */
190 #if defined(_DISABLE_ALG_SHA1_)
191 #undef _DISABLE_ALG_SHA1_
192 #endif
194 /*
195 // Because of performane reason hash algorithms are implemented in form
196 // of unroller cycle and therefore these implementations are big enough.
197 // Intel(R) IPP supports "compact" implementation of some basic hash algorithms:
198 //    SHA-1
199 //    SHA-256
200 //    SHA-512
201 //    SM3
202 //
203 // Define any
204 //    _ALG_SHA1_COMPACT_
205 //    _ALG_SHA256_COMPACT_
206 //    _ALG_SHA512_COMPACT_
207 //    _ALG_SM3_COMPACT_
208 //
209 // to select "compact" implementation of particular hash algorithm.
210 // Intel(R) IPP does not define "compact" implementation by default.
211 //
212 // Don't know what performance degradation leads "compact"
213 // in comparison with default Intel(R) IPP implementation.
214 //
215 // Note: the definition like _ALG_XXX_COMPACT_ has effect
216 // if and only if Intel(R) IPP instance is _PX or _MX
217 */
218 //#define _ALG_SHA1_COMPACT_
219 //#define _ALG_SHA256_COMPACT_
220 //#define _ALG_SHA512_COMPACT_
221 //#define _ALG_SM3_COMPACT_
222 //#undef _ALG_SHA1_COMPACT_
223 //#undef _ALG_SHA256_COMPACT_
224 //#undef _ALG_SHA512_COMPACT_
225 //#undef _ALG_SM3_COMPACT_
228 /*
229 // BN arithmetic:
230 //    - do/don't use special implementation of sqr instead of usual multication
231 //    - do/don't use Karatsuba multiplication alg
232 */
233 #define _USE_SQR_          /*     use implementaton of sqr */
234 #if !defined(_DISABLE_WINDOW_EXP_)
235    #define _USE_WINDOW_EXP_   /*     use fixed window exponentiation */
236 #endif
239 /*
240 // RSA:
241 //    - do/don't use version 1 style mitigation of CBA
242 //    - do/don't use own style mitigation of CBA
243 //    - do/don't use Folding technique for RSA-1204 implementation
244 */
245 #define xUSE_VERSION1_CBA_MITIGATION_   /* not use (version 1)  mitigation of CBA */
246 #define _USE_IPP_OWN_CBA_MITIGATION_    /*     use (own) mitigation of CBA */
247 #define xUSE_FOLD_MONT512_              /*     use folding technique in RSA-1024 case */
250 /*
251 // Intel(R) IPP supports different implementation of NIST's (standard) EC over GF(0):
252 //    P-128 (IppECCPStd128r1, IppECCPStd128r2)
253 //    P-192 (IppECCPStd192r1)
254 //    P-224 (IppECCPStd224r1)
255 //    P-256 (IppECCPStd256r1)
256 //    P-384 (IppECCPStd384r1)
257 //    P-521 (IppECCPStd521r1)
258 //
259 // If one need replace the particular implementation by abritrary one
260 // assign _ECP_IMP_ARBIRTRARY_ to suitable symbol
261 //
262 // _ECP_IMPL_ARBIRTRARY_   means that implementtaion does not use any curve specific,
263 //                         provide the same (single) code for any type curve
264 //
265 // _ECP_IMPL_SPECIFIC_     means that implementation uses specific modular reduction
266 //                         based on prime structure;
267 //                         most of NIST's cures (p128, p192, p224, p256, p384, p521) are uses
268 //                         such kind of reduction procedure;
269 //                         in contrast with _ECP_IMPL_ARBIRTRARY_ and _ECP_IMPL_MFM_
270 //                         this type of implementation uses point representation in REGULAR residual
271 //                         (not Montgometry!!) domain
272 //
273 // _ECP_IMPL_MFM_          means that implementation uses "Montgomary Friendly Modulus" (primes);
274 //                         p256 and sm2 are using such kind of optimization
275 */
276 #define _ECP_IMPL_NONE_        0
277 #define _ECP_IMPL_ARBIRTRARY_  1
278 #define _ECP_IMPL_SPECIFIC_    2
279 #define _ECP_IMPL_MFM_         3
281 #if !defined(_ECP_112R1_)
282 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_112R1_)
283 #  define _ECP_112R1_    _ECP_IMPL_ARBIRTRARY_
284 #else
285 #  define _ECP_112R1_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
286 #endif
287 #endif
289 #if !defined(_ECP_112R2_)
290 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_112R2_)
291 #  define _ECP_112R2_    _ECP_IMPL_ARBIRTRARY_
292 #else
293 #  define _ECP_112R2_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
294 #endif
295 #endif
297 #if !defined(_ECP_160R1_)
298 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_160R1_)
299 #  define _ECP_160R1_    _ECP_IMPL_ARBIRTRARY_
300 #else
301 #  define _ECP_160R1_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
302 #endif
303 #endif
305 #if !defined(_ECP_160R2_)
306 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_160R2_)
307 #  define _ECP_160R2_    _ECP_IMPL_ARBIRTRARY_
308 #else
309 #  define _ECP_160R2_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
310 #endif
311 #endif
313 #if !defined(_ECP_128R1_)
314 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_128R1_)
315 #  define _ECP_128R1_    _ECP_IMPL_SPECIFIC_
316 #else
317 #  define _ECP_128R1_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
318 #endif
319 #endif
321 #if !defined(_ECP_128R2_)
322 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_128R2_)
323 #  define _ECP_128R2_    _ECP_IMPL_SPECIFIC_
324 #else
325 #  define _ECP_128R2_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
326 #endif
327 #endif
329 #if !defined(_ECP_192_)
330 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_192_)
331 #  if (_IPP32E >= _IPP32E_M7) || (_IPP >= _IPP_P8)
332 #     define _ECP_192_    _ECP_IMPL_MFM_
333 #  else
334 #     define _ECP_192_    _ECP_IMPL_SPECIFIC_
335 #  endif
336 #else
337 #  define _ECP_192_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
338 #endif
339 #endif
341 #if !defined(_ECP_224_)
342 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_224_)
343 #  if (_IPP32E >= _IPP32E_M7) || (_IPP >= _IPP_P8)
344 #     define _ECP_224_    _ECP_IMPL_MFM_
345 #  else
346 #     define _ECP_224_    _ECP_IMPL_SPECIFIC_
347 #  endif
348 #else
349 #  define _ECP_224_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
350 #endif
351 #endif
353 #if !defined(_ECP_256_)
354 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_256_)
355 #  if (_IPP32E >= _IPP32E_M7) || (_IPP >= _IPP_P8)
356 #     define _ECP_256_    _ECP_IMPL_MFM_
357 #  else
358 #     define _ECP_256_    _ECP_IMPL_SPECIFIC_
359 #  endif
360 #else
361 #  define _ECP_256_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
362 #endif
363 #endif
365 #if !defined(_ECP_384_)
366 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_384_)
367 #  if (_IPP32E >= _IPP32E_M7) || (_IPP >= _IPP_P8)
368 #     define _ECP_384_    _ECP_IMPL_MFM_
369 #  else
370 #     define _ECP_384_    _ECP_IMPL_SPECIFIC_
371 #  endif
372 #else
373 #  define _ECP_384_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
374 #endif
375 #endif
377 #if !defined(_ECP_521_)
378 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_521_)
379 #  if (_IPP32E >= _IPP32E_M7) || (_IPP >= _IPP_P8)
380 #     define _ECP_521_    _ECP_IMPL_MFM_
381 #  else
382 #     define _ECP_521_    _ECP_IMPL_SPECIFIC_
383 #  endif
384 #else
385 #  define _ECP_521_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
386 #endif
387 #endif
389 #if !defined(_ECP_SM2_)
390 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_SM2_)
391 #  if (_IPP32E >= _IPP32E_M7) || (_IPP >= _IPP_P8)
392 #     define _ECP_SM2_    _ECP_IMPL_MFM_
393 #  else
394 #     define _ECP_SM2_    _ECP_IMPL_SPECIFIC_
395 #  endif
396 #else
397 #  define _ECP_SM2_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
398 #endif
399 #endif
401 #if !defined(_ECP_BN_)
402 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_BN_)
403 #  define _ECP_BN_    _ECP_IMPL_ARBIRTRARY_
404 #else
405 #  define _ECP_BN_    _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
406 #endif
407 #endif
409 #if !defined(_DISABLE_ECP_GENERAL_)
411 #else
412 #  define _ECP_GENERAL_ _ECP_IMPL_NONE_
413 #endif
416 /*
417 // EC over GF(p):
418 //    - do/don't use mitigation of CBA
419 */
420 #define _USE_ECCP_SSCM_             /*     use SSCM ECCP */
423 #if defined ( _OPENMP )
424 #define DEFAULT_CPU_NUM    (8)
426 #define     BF_MIN_BLK_PER_THREAD (32)
427 #define     TF_MIN_BLK_PER_THREAD (16)
429 #define    DES_MIN_BLK_PER_THREAD (32)
430 #define   TDES_MIN_BLK_PER_THREAD (16)
432 #define  RC5_64_MIN_BLK_PER_THREAD (16)
433 #define RC5_128_MIN_BLK_PER_THREAD (32)
435 #define RIJ128_MIN_BLK_PER_THREAD (32)
436 #define RIJ192_MIN_BLK_PER_THREAD (16)
437 #define RIJ256_MIN_BLK_PER_THREAD (16)
439 #define AESNI128_MIN_BLK_PER_THREAD (256)
440 #endif
442 #endif /* _CP_VARIANT_H */