1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2#  Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
16import os
17import tempfile
18import unittest
19import textwrap
20import re
21import sys
23import itertools
25import subprocess
27import pytest
29from fruit_test_config import *
31run_under_valgrind = RUN_TESTS_UNDER_VALGRIND.lower() not in ('false', 'off', 'no', '0', '')
33def pretty_print_command(command):
34    return ' '.join('"' + x + '"' for x in command)
36class CommandFailedException(Exception):
37    def __init__(self, command, stdout, stderr, error_code):
38        self.command = command
39        self.stdout = stdout
40        self.stderr = stderr
41        self.error_code = error_code
43    def __str__(self):
44        return textwrap.dedent('''\
45        Ran command: {command}
46        Exit code {error_code}
47        Stdout:
48        {stdout}
50        Stderr:
51        {stderr}
52        ''').format(command=pretty_print_command(self.command), error_code=self.error_code, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr)
54def run_command(executable, args=[], modify_env=lambda env: env):
55    command = [executable] + args
56    modified_env = modify_env(os.environ)
57    print('Executing command:', pretty_print_command(command))
58    try:
59        p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, env=modified_env)
60        (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
61    except Exception as e:
62        raise Exception("While executing: %s" % command)
63    if p.returncode != 0:
64        raise CommandFailedException(command, stdout, stderr, p.returncode)
65    print('Execution successful.')
66    print('stdout:')
67    print(stdout)
68    print('')
69    print('stderr:')
70    print(stderr)
71    print('')
72    return (stdout, stderr)
74def run_compiled_executable(executable):
75    if run_under_valgrind:
76        args = VALGRIND_FLAGS.split() + [executable]
77        run_command('valgrind', args = args, modify_env = modify_env_for_compiled_executables)
78    else:
79        run_command(executable, modify_env = modify_env_for_compiled_executables)
81class CompilationFailedException(Exception):
82    def __init__(self, command, error_message):
83        self.command = command
84        self.error_message = error_message
86    def __str__(self):
87        return textwrap.dedent('''\
88        Ran command: {command}
89        Error message:
90        {error_message}
91        ''').format(command=pretty_print_command(self.command), error_message=self.error_message)
93class PosixCompiler:
94    def __init__(self):
95        self.executable = CXX
96        self.name = CXX_COMPILER_NAME
98    def compile_discarding_output(self, source, include_dirs, args=[]):
99        try:
100            args = args + ['-c', source, '-o', os.path.devnull]
101            self._compile(include_dirs, args=args)
102        except CommandFailedException as e:
103            raise CompilationFailedException(e.command, e.stderr)
105    def compile_and_link(self, source, include_dirs, output_file_name, args=[]):
106        self._compile(
107            include_dirs,
108            args = (
109                [source]
110                + ADDITIONAL_LINKER_FLAGS.split()
111                + args
112                + ['-o', output_file_name]
113            ))
115    def _compile(self, include_dirs, args):
116        include_flags = ['-I%s' % include_dir for include_dir in include_dirs]
117        args = (
118            FRUIT_COMPILE_FLAGS.split()
119            + include_flags
120            + ['-g0', '-Werror']
121            + args
122        )
123        run_command(self.executable, args)
125    def get_disable_deprecation_warning_flags(self):
126        return ['-Wno-deprecated-declarations']
128    def get_disable_all_warnings_flags(self):
129        return ['-Wno-error']
131class MsvcCompiler:
132    def __init__(self):
133        self.executable = CXX
134        self.name = CXX_COMPILER_NAME
136    def compile_discarding_output(self, source, include_dirs, args=[]):
137        try:
138            args = args + ['/c', source]
139            self._compile(include_dirs, args = args)
140        except CommandFailedException as e:
141            # Note that we use stdout here, unlike above. MSVC reports compilation warnings and errors on stdout.
142            raise CompilationFailedException(e.command, e.stdout)
144    def compile_and_link(self, source, include_dirs, output_file_name, args=[]):
145        self._compile(
146            include_dirs,
147            args = (
148                [source]
149                + ADDITIONAL_LINKER_FLAGS.split()
150                + args
151                + ['/Fe' + output_file_name]
152            ))
154    def _compile(self, include_dirs, args):
155        include_flags = ['-I%s' % include_dir for include_dir in include_dirs]
156        args = (
157            FRUIT_COMPILE_FLAGS.split()
158            + include_flags
159            + ['/WX']
160            + args
161        )
162        run_command(self.executable, args)
164    def get_disable_deprecation_warning_flags(self):
165        return ['/wd4996']
167    def get_disable_all_warnings_flags(self):
168        return ['/WX:NO']
171    compiler = MsvcCompiler()
172    if PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB.endswith('.dll'):
173        path_to_fruit_lib = PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB[:-4] + '.lib'
174    else:
175        path_to_fruit_lib = PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB
176    fruit_tests_linker_flags = [path_to_fruit_lib]
177    fruit_error_message_extraction_regex = 'error C2338: (.*)'
179    compiler = PosixCompiler()
180    fruit_tests_linker_flags = [
181        '-lfruit',
182        '-L' + PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT,
183        '-Wl,-rpath,' + PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT,
184    ]
185    fruit_error_message_extraction_regex = 'static.assert(.*)'
187fruit_tests_include_dirs = ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS.splitlines() + [
193_assert_helper = unittest.TestCase()
195def modify_env_for_compiled_executables(env):
196    env = env.copy()
197    path_to_fruit_lib_dir = os.path.dirname(PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB)
199    print('Adding directory to PATH:', path_to_fruit_lib_dir)
200    env["PATH"] += os.pathsep + path_to_fruit_lib_dir
201    return env
203def _create_temporary_file(file_content, file_name_suffix=''):
204    file_descriptor, file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True, suffix=file_name_suffix)
205    file = os.fdopen(file_descriptor, mode='w')
206    file.write(file_content)
207    file.close()
208    return file_name
210def _cap_to_lines(s, n):
211    lines = s.splitlines()
212    if len(lines) <= n:
213        return s
214    else:
215        return '\n'.join(lines[0:n] + ['...'])
217def _replace_using_test_params(s, test_params):
218    for var_name, value in test_params.items():
219        if isinstance(value, str):
220            s = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % var_name, value, s)
221    return s
223def _construct_final_source_code(setup_source_code, source_code, test_params):
224    setup_source_code = textwrap.dedent(setup_source_code)
225    source_code = textwrap.dedent(source_code)
226    source_code = _replace_using_test_params(source_code, test_params)
227    return setup_source_code + source_code
229def try_remove_temporary_file(filename):
230    try:
231        os.remove(filename)
232    except:
233        # When running Fruit tests on Windows using Appveyor, the remove command fails for temporary files sometimes.
234        # This shouldn't cause the tests to fail, so we ignore the exception and go ahead.
235        pass
237def normalize_error_message_lines(lines):
238    # Different compilers output a different number of spaces when pretty-printing types.
239    # When using libc++, sometimes std::foo identifiers are reported as std::__1::foo.
240    return [line.replace(' ', '').replace('std::__1::', 'std::') for line in lines]
242def expect_compile_error_helper(
243        check_error_fun,
244        setup_source_code,
245        source_code,
246        test_params={},
247        ignore_deprecation_warnings=False,
248        ignore_warnings=False):
249    source_code = _construct_final_source_code(setup_source_code, source_code, test_params)
251    source_file_name = _create_temporary_file(source_code, file_name_suffix='.cpp')
253    try:
254        args = []
255        if ignore_deprecation_warnings:
256            args += compiler.get_disable_deprecation_warning_flags()
257        if ignore_warnings:
258            args += compiler.get_disable_all_warnings_flags()
259        if ENABLE_COVERAGE:
260            # When collecting coverage these arguments are enabled by default; however we must disable them in tests
261            # expected to fail at compile-time because GCC would otherwise fail with an error like:
262            # /tmp/tmp4m22cey7.cpp:1:0: error: cannot open /dev/null.gcno
263            args += ['-fno-profile-arcs', '-fno-test-coverage']
264        compiler.compile_discarding_output(
265            source=source_file_name,
266            include_dirs=fruit_tests_include_dirs,
267            args=args)
268        raise Exception('The test should have failed to compile, but it compiled successfully')
269    except CompilationFailedException as e1:
270        e = e1
272    error_message = e.error_message
273    error_message_lines = error_message.splitlines()
274    error_message_lines = error_message.splitlines()
275    error_message_head = _cap_to_lines(error_message, 40)
277    check_error_fun(e, error_message_lines, error_message_head)
279    try_remove_temporary_file(source_file_name)
281def apply_any_error_context_replacements(error_string, following_lines):
282    if CXX_COMPILER_NAME == 'MSVC':
283        # MSVC errors are of the form:
284        #
285        # C:\Path\To\header\foo.h(59): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'fruit::impl::NoBindingFoundError<fruit::Annotated<Annotation,U>>' being compiled
286        #         with
287        #         [
288        #              Annotation=Annotation1,
289        #              U=std::function<std::unique_ptr<ScalerImpl,std::default_delete<ScalerImpl>> (double)>
290        #         ]
291        #
292        # So we need to parse the following few lines and use them to replace the placeholder types in the Fruit error type.
293        replacement_lines = []
294        if len(following_lines) >= 4 and following_lines[0].strip() == 'with':
295            assert following_lines[1].strip() == '[', 'Line was: ' + following_lines[1]
296            for line in itertools.islice(following_lines, 2, None):
297                line = line.strip()
298                if line == ']':
299                    break
300                if line.endswith(','):
301                    line = line[:-1]
302                replacement_lines.append(line)
304        for replacement_line in replacement_lines:
305            match = re.search('([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)=(.*)', replacement_line)
306            if not match:
307                raise Exception('Failed to parse replacement line: %s' % replacement_line)
308            (type_variable, type_expression) = match.groups()
309            error_string = re.sub(r'\b' + type_variable + r'\b', type_expression, error_string)
310    return error_string
312def expect_generic_compile_error(expected_error_regex, setup_source_code, source_code, test_params={}):
313    """
314    Tests that the given source produces the expected error during compilation.
316    :param expected_fruit_error_regex: A regex used to match the Fruit error type,
317           e.g. 'NoBindingFoundForAbstractClassError<ScalerImpl>'.
318           Any identifiers contained in the regex will be replaced using test_params (where a replacement is defined).
319    :param expected_fruit_error_desc_regex: A regex used to match the Fruit error description,
320           e.g. 'No explicit binding was found for C, and C is an abstract class'.
321    :param setup_source_code: The first part of the source code. This is dedented separately from source_code and it's
322           *not* subject to test_params, unlike source_code.
323    :param source_code: The second part of the source code. Any identifiers will be replaced using test_params
324           (where a replacement is defined). This will be dedented.
325    :param test_params: A dict containing the definition of some identifiers. Each identifier in
326           expected_fruit_error_regex and source_code will be replaced (textually) with its definition (if a definition
327           was provided).
328    """
330    expected_error_regex = _replace_using_test_params(expected_error_regex, test_params)
331    expected_error_regex = expected_error_regex.replace(' ', '')
333    def check_error(e, error_message_lines, error_message_head):
334        error_message_lines_with_replacements = [
335            apply_any_error_context_replacements(line, error_message_lines[line_number + 1:])
336            for line_number, line in enumerate(error_message_lines)]
338        normalized_error_message_lines = normalize_error_message_lines(error_message_lines_with_replacements)
340        for line in normalized_error_message_lines:
341            if re.search(expected_error_regex, line):
342                return
343        raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\
344            Expected error {expected_error} but the compiler output did not contain that.
345            Compiler command line: {compiler_command}
346            Error message was:
347            {error_message}
348            ''').format(expected_error = expected_error_regex, compiler_command=e.command, error_message = error_message_head))
350    expect_compile_error_helper(check_error, setup_source_code, source_code, test_params)
352def expect_compile_error(
353        expected_fruit_error_regex,
354        expected_fruit_error_desc_regex,
355        setup_source_code,
356        source_code,
357        test_params={},
358        ignore_deprecation_warnings=False,
359        ignore_warnings=False,
360        disable_error_line_number_check=False):
361    """
362    Tests that the given source produces the expected error during compilation.
364    :param expected_fruit_error_regex: A regex used to match the Fruit error type,
365           e.g. 'NoBindingFoundForAbstractClassError<ScalerImpl>'.
366           Any identifiers contained in the regex will be replaced using test_params (where a replacement is defined).
367    :param expected_fruit_error_desc_regex: A regex used to match the Fruit error description,
368           e.g. 'No explicit binding was found for C, and C is an abstract class'.
369    :param setup_source_code: The first part of the source code. This is dedented separately from source_code and it's
370           *not* subject to test_params, unlike source_code.
371    :param source_code: The second part of the source code. Any identifiers will be replaced using test_params
372           (where a replacement is defined). This will be dedented.
373    :param test_params: A dict containing the definition of some identifiers. Each identifier in
374           expected_fruit_error_regex and source_code will be replaced (textually) with its definition (if a definition
375           was provided).
376    :param ignore_deprecation_warnings: A boolean. If True, deprecation warnings will be ignored.
377    :param ignore_warnings: A boolean. If True, all warnings will be ignored.
378    :param disable_error_line_number_check: A boolean. If True, the test will not fail if there are other diagnostic
379           lines before the expected error.
380    """
381    if '\n' in expected_fruit_error_regex:
382        raise Exception('expected_fruit_error_regex should not contain newlines')
383    if '\n' in expected_fruit_error_desc_regex:
384        raise Exception('expected_fruit_error_desc_regex should not contain newlines')
386    expected_fruit_error_regex = _replace_using_test_params(expected_fruit_error_regex, test_params)
387    expected_fruit_error_regex = expected_fruit_error_regex.replace(' ', '')
389    def check_error(e, error_message_lines, error_message_head):
390        normalized_error_message_lines = normalize_error_message_lines(error_message_lines)
392        for line_number, line in enumerate(normalized_error_message_lines):
393            match = re.search('fruit::impl::(.*Error<.*>)', line)
394            if match:
395                actual_fruit_error_line_number = line_number
396                actual_fruit_error = match.groups()[0]
397                actual_fruit_error = apply_any_error_context_replacements(actual_fruit_error, normalized_error_message_lines[line_number + 1:])
398                break
399        else:
400            raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\
401                Expected error {expected_error} but the compiler output did not contain user-facing Fruit errors.
402                Compiler command line: {compiler_command}
403                Error message was:
404                {error_message}
405                ''').format(expected_error = expected_fruit_error_regex, compiler_command = e.command, error_message = error_message_head))
407        for line_number, line in enumerate(error_message_lines):
408            match = re.search(fruit_error_message_extraction_regex, line)
409            if match:
410                actual_static_assert_error_line_number = line_number
411                actual_static_assert_error = match.groups()[0]
412                break
413        else:
414            raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\
415                Expected error {expected_error} but the compiler output did not contain static_assert errors.
416                Compiler command line: {compiler_command}
417                Error message was:
418                {error_message}
419                ''').format(expected_error = expected_fruit_error_regex, compiler_command=e.command, error_message = error_message_head))
421        try:
422            regex_search_result = re.search(expected_fruit_error_regex, actual_fruit_error)
423        except Exception as e:
424            raise Exception('re.search() failed for regex \'%s\'' % expected_fruit_error_regex) from e
425        if not regex_search_result:
426            raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\
427                The compilation failed as expected, but with a different error type.
428                Expected Fruit error type:    {expected_fruit_error_regex}
429                Error type was:               {actual_fruit_error}
430                Expected static assert error: {expected_fruit_error_desc_regex}
431                Static assert was:            {actual_static_assert_error}
432                Error message was:
433                {error_message}
434                '''.format(
435                expected_fruit_error_regex = expected_fruit_error_regex,
436                actual_fruit_error = actual_fruit_error,
437                expected_fruit_error_desc_regex = expected_fruit_error_desc_regex,
438                actual_static_assert_error = actual_static_assert_error,
439                error_message = error_message_head)))
440        try:
441            regex_search_result = re.search(expected_fruit_error_desc_regex, actual_static_assert_error)
442        except Exception as e:
443            raise Exception('re.search() failed for regex \'%s\'' % expected_fruit_error_desc_regex) from e
444        if not regex_search_result:
445            raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\
446                The compilation failed as expected, but with a different error message.
447                Expected Fruit error type:    {expected_fruit_error_regex}
448                Error type was:               {actual_fruit_error}
449                Expected static assert error: {expected_fruit_error_desc_regex}
450                Static assert was:            {actual_static_assert_error}
451                Error message:
452                {error_message}
453                '''.format(
454                expected_fruit_error_regex = expected_fruit_error_regex,
455                actual_fruit_error = actual_fruit_error,
456                expected_fruit_error_desc_regex = expected_fruit_error_desc_regex,
457                actual_static_assert_error = actual_static_assert_error,
458                error_message = error_message_head)))
460        # 6 is just a constant that works for both g++ (<=6.0.0 at least) and clang++ (<=4.0.0 at least).
461        # It might need to be changed.
462        if not disable_error_line_number_check and (actual_fruit_error_line_number > 6 or actual_static_assert_error_line_number > 6):
463            raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\
464                The compilation failed with the expected message, but the error message contained too many lines before the relevant ones.
465                The error type was reported on line {actual_fruit_error_line_number} of the message (should be <=6).
466                The static assert was reported on line {actual_static_assert_error_line_number} of the message (should be <=6).
467                Error message:
468                {error_message}
469                '''.format(
470                actual_fruit_error_line_number = actual_fruit_error_line_number,
471                actual_static_assert_error_line_number = actual_static_assert_error_line_number,
472                error_message = error_message_head)))
474        for line in error_message_lines[:max(actual_fruit_error_line_number, actual_static_assert_error_line_number)]:
475            if re.search('fruit::impl::meta', line):
476                raise Exception(
477                    'The compilation failed with the expected message, but the error message contained some metaprogramming types in the output (besides Error). Error message:\n%s' + error_message_head)
479    expect_compile_error_helper(check_error, setup_source_code, source_code, test_params, ignore_deprecation_warnings, ignore_warnings)
482def expect_runtime_error(
483        expected_error_regex,
484        setup_source_code,
485        source_code,
486        test_params={},
487        ignore_deprecation_warnings=False):
488    """
489    Tests that the given source (compiles successfully and) produces the expected error at runtime.
491    :param expected_error_regex: A regex used to match the content of stderr.
492           Any identifiers contained in the regex will be replaced using test_params (where a replacement is defined).
493    :param setup_source_code: The first part of the source code. This is dedented separately from source_code and it's
494           *not* subject to test_params, unlike source_code.
495    :param source_code: The second part of the source code. Any identifiers will be replaced using test_params
496           (where a replacement is defined). This will be dedented.
497    :param test_params: A dict containing the definition of some identifiers. Each identifier in
498           expected_error_regex and source_code will be replaced (textually) with its definition (if a definition
499           was provided).
500    """
501    expected_error_regex = _replace_using_test_params(expected_error_regex, test_params)
502    source_code = _construct_final_source_code(setup_source_code, source_code, test_params)
504    source_file_name = _create_temporary_file(source_code, file_name_suffix='.cpp')
505    executable_suffix = {'posix': '', 'nt': '.exe'}[os.name]
506    output_file_name = _create_temporary_file('', executable_suffix)
508    args = fruit_tests_linker_flags.copy()
509    if ignore_deprecation_warnings:
510        args += compiler.get_disable_deprecation_warning_flags()
511    compiler.compile_and_link(
512        source=source_file_name,
513        include_dirs=fruit_tests_include_dirs,
514        output_file_name=output_file_name,
515        args=args)
517    try:
518        run_compiled_executable(output_file_name)
519        raise Exception('The test should have failed at runtime, but it ran successfully')
520    except CommandFailedException as e1:
521        e = e1
523    stderr = e.stderr
524    stderr_head = _cap_to_lines(stderr, 40)
526    if '\n' in expected_error_regex:
527        regex_flags = re.MULTILINE
528    else:
529        regex_flags = 0
531    try:
532        regex_search_result = re.search(expected_error_regex, stderr, flags=regex_flags)
533    except Exception as e:
534        raise Exception('re.search() failed for regex \'%s\'' % expected_error_regex) from e
535    if not regex_search_result:
536        raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\
537            The test failed as expected, but with a different message.
538            Expected: {expected_error_regex}
539            Was:
540            {stderr}
541            '''.format(expected_error_regex = expected_error_regex, stderr = stderr_head)))
543    # Note that we don't delete the temporary files if the test failed. This is intentional, keeping them around helps debugging the failure.
544    if not ENABLE_COVERAGE:
545        try_remove_temporary_file(source_file_name)
546        try_remove_temporary_file(output_file_name)
549def expect_success(setup_source_code, source_code, test_params={}, ignore_deprecation_warnings=False):
550    """
551    Tests that the given source compiles and runs successfully.
553    :param setup_source_code: The first part of the source code. This is dedented separately from source_code and it's
554           *not* subject to test_params, unlike source_code.
555    :param source_code: The second part of the source code. Any identifiers will be replaced using test_params
556           (where a replacement is defined). This will be dedented.
557    :param test_params: A dict containing the definition of some identifiers. Each identifier in
558           source_code will be replaced (textually) with its definition (if a definition was provided).
559    """
560    source_code = _construct_final_source_code(setup_source_code, source_code, test_params)
562    if 'main(' not in source_code:
563        source_code += textwrap.dedent('''
564            int main() {
565            }
566            ''')
568    source_file_name = _create_temporary_file(source_code, file_name_suffix='.cpp')
569    executable_suffix = {'posix': '', 'nt': '.exe'}[os.name]
570    output_file_name = _create_temporary_file('', executable_suffix)
572    args = fruit_tests_linker_flags.copy()
573    if ignore_deprecation_warnings:
574        args += compiler.get_disable_deprecation_warning_flags()
575    compiler.compile_and_link(
576        source=source_file_name,
577        include_dirs=fruit_tests_include_dirs,
578        output_file_name=output_file_name,
579        args=args)
581    run_compiled_executable(output_file_name)
583    # Note that we don't delete the temporary files if the test failed. This is intentional, keeping them around helps debugging the failure.
584    if not ENABLE_COVERAGE:
585        try_remove_temporary_file(source_file_name)
586        try_remove_temporary_file(output_file_name)
589# Note: this is not the main function of this file, it's meant to be used as main function from test_*.py files.
590def main(file):
591    code = pytest.main(args = sys.argv + [os.path.realpath(file)])
592    exit(code)