1syntax = "proto3";
3package tensorflow.tpu;
5import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
7message ClippingLimits {
8  google.protobuf.FloatValue lower = 1;  // -inf if not set
9  google.protobuf.FloatValue upper = 2;  // +inf if not set
12// Dynamic learning rate specification in the TPUEmbeddingConfiguration. The
13// actual learning rates are provided as a scalar input list to the
14// SendTPUEmbeddingGradients Op indexed by their tag specified through the
15// following proto.
16message DynamicLearningRate {
17  // For tables where learning rates are dynamically computed and communicated
18  // to the TPU embedding program, a tag must be specified for the learning
19  // rate.
20  //
21  // The tag must be a non-negative  integer. The total number of unique tags
22  // must be less than or equal to the number of tables in the TPU embedding
23  // configuration (a table does not specify any tag if it uses a constant
24  // learning rate, and specifies exactly one tag if it uses dynamic learning
25  // rates).
26  //
27  // All tags in the range [0, number_of_unique_tags) must be present in the TPU
28  // embedding configuration, i.e. a tag cannot be skipped if a different tag
29  // numerically greater than it is used in the configuration.
30  //
31  // If multiple tables specify the same tag, they *MUST* have
32  // the same dynamic learning rate, for example, their dynamic learning rate
33  // could be computed by the same TensorFlow sub-graph. The partitioning of the
34  // embedding layer would be more optimal if the number_of_unique_tags is as
35  // *LOW* as possible, i.e., if many tables share the same tag.
36  //
37  // The learning_rate input of the SendTPUEmbeddingGradients op is used to
38  // communicate dynamic learning rates to the TPU embedding program.
39  // The learning_rate input is a list of scalars where the size of the list is
40  // equal to the number of unique tags. The learning rate associated with a
41  // particular tag is specified by populating its corresponding index in the
42  // list of learning_rate scalars.
43  int32 tag = 1;
46// Source of learning rate to use.
47message LearningRate {
48  oneof learning_rate {
49    float constant = 1;
50    DynamicLearningRate dynamic = 2;
51  }
54// Each optimizer's parameter proto has a link to its documentation and CPU
55// implementation (if available) for user reference.
57// https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/AdagradOptimizer
58// https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/c19e29306ce1777456b2dbb3a14f511edf7883a8/tensorflow/core/kernels/training_ops.cc#L151
59message AdagradParameters {
60  float initial_accumulator = 1;
63// https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/GradientDescentOptimizer
64// https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/c19e29306ce1777456b2dbb3a14f511edf7883a8/tensorflow/core/kernels/training_ops.cc#L423
65message StochasticGradientDescentParameters {
68// https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/FtrlOptimizer
69// https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/c19e29306ce1777456b2dbb3a14f511edf7883a8/tensorflow/core/kernels/training_ops.cc#L192
70message FtrlParameters {
71  float l1 = 1;
72  float l2 = 2;
73  float lr_power = 3;
74  float initial_accum = 4;
75  float initial_linear = 5;
78// The Adam optimizer does not implement hyper-parameter update; use the dynamic
79// learning rate feature instead, setting the learning rate to:
80// user learning_rate * sqrt(1 - beta2^t) / (1 - beta1^t)
81// Here, t is the current timestep.
83// https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/AdamOptimizer
84// https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/ab51450c817674c8ff08a7ae4f8ac50cdc4bed8b/tensorflow/python/training/adam.py#L54
86// Note that the code by default implements the lazy version of Adam
87// (https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/contrib/opt/LazyAdamOptimizer)
88// unless the use_non_lazy_adam parameter is set, in which case it implements
89// the normal version of Adam that updates all parameters in the embedding
90// table, even for entries that are not used in the current minibatch
91// (https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/contrib/opt/AdamOptimizer). If
92// use_non_lazy_adam is enabled, gradient accumulation is also required to be
93// enabled in order to get correct results; a warning will be printed otherwise
94// (which may change to an error in the future). If use_sum_inside_sqrt is set,
95// the Adam variable update formula will be changed from m / (sqrt(v) + epsilon)
96// to m / sqrt(v + epsilon**2); this option improves the performance of TPU
97// training and is not expected to harm model quality.
98message AdamParameters {
99  float beta1 = 3;
100  float beta2 = 4;
101  float epsilon = 5;
102  float initial_m = 6;
103  float initial_v = 7;
104  bool use_non_lazy_adam = 8;
105  bool use_sum_inside_sqrt = 10;
108// https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/MomentumOptimizer
109// https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/c19e29306ce1777456b2dbb3a14f511edf7883a8/tensorflow/core/kernels/training_ops.cc#L271
110message MomentumParameters {
111  float momentum = 1;
112  bool use_nesterov = 2;
113  float initial_accum = 3;
116// https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/RMSPropOptimizer
117// https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/c19e29306ce1777456b2dbb3a14f511edf7883a8/tensorflow/core/kernels/training_ops.cc#L356
118message RmsPropParameters {
119  float rho = 1;
120  float momentum = 2;
121  float epsilon = 3;
122  float initial_ms = 4;
123  float initial_mom = 5;
126// https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/RMSPropOptimizer
127// https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/c19e29306ce1777456b2dbb3a14f511edf7883a8/tensorflow/core/kernels/training_ops.cc#L372
128message CenteredRmsPropParameters {
129  float rho = 1;
130  float momentum = 2;
131  float epsilon = 3;
132  float initial_ms = 4;
133  float initial_mom = 5;
134  float initial_mg = 6;
137// Variant of algorithm in http://proceedings.mlr.press/v44/shamir15.pdf
138message MdlAdagradLightParameters {
139  float l2 = 1;
140  float lr_power = 2;
141  float min_servable_mdl_benefit = 3;
142  float mdl_mix_in_margin = 4;
143  float mdl_benefit_rampup_coeff = 5;
144  float mdl_min_weight = 6;
145  float benefit_revisit_scale = 7;
146  float max_event_benefit = 8;
147  float max_total_benefit = 9;
148  float mdl_hard_limit = 10;
149  bool hard_limit_min_benefit = 11;
150  bool mdl_regularize = 12;
151  float initial_accumulator = 13;
152  float initial_weight = 14;
153  float initial_benefit = 15;
156// https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/RMSPropOptimizer
157// https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/c19e29306ce1777456b2dbb3a14f511edf7883a8/tensorflow/core/kernels/training_ops.cc#L68
158message AdadeltaParameters {
159  float rho = 1;
160  float epsilon = 2;
161  float initial_accumulator = 3;
162  float initial_update = 4;
165// https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/RMSPropOptimizer
166// https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/c19e29306ce1777456b2dbb3a14f511edf7883a8/tensorflow/core/kernels/training_ops.cc#L164
167message ProximalAdagradParameters {
168  float l1 = 1;
169  float l2 = 2;
170  float initial_accumulator = 3;
173// Status of using gradient accumulation (doing two passes over the input
174// gradients: one to accumulate them into a temporary array and another to apply
175// them using the actual optimization algorithm). The extra message is to wrap
176// the enum for scoping.
177message GradientAccumulationStatus {
178  // if UNSPECIFIED (default), gradient accumulation is ENABLED.
179  enum Status {
180    UNSPECIFIED = 0;
181    ENABLED = 1;
182    DISABLED = 2;
183  }
186// Configuration proto for hot ID optimization. This is an experimental feature
187// that is currently disabled (by default).
188message HotIdOptimizerConfiguration {
189  // Whether to enable or disable hot ID optimization.
190  // If UNSPECIFIED (default), hot ID optimization is DISABLED.
191  enum Status {
192    UNSPECIFIED = 0;
193    ENABLED = 1;
194    DISABLED = 2;
195  }
196  Status status = 1;
198  // The following fields are never expected to be set by the TF model. However,
199  // a TF model could set them if it chooses to. If the fields are not set,
200  // meaningful default values will be chosen by the TPU software.
202  // Frequency above which an embedding ID is classified as hot. The valid
203  // range for the frequency is [0.0, 1.0]. The frequency of an embedding ID is
204  // defined as the ratio of the number of lookups for that ID to the total
205  // number of lookups for the embedding table.
206  float frequency_threshold = 2;
208  // The maximum number of hot IDs for the embedding table. If greater than
209  // max_id_count hot IDs exist for the table, the IDs with the highest
210  // frequencies are chosen.
211  int32 max_id_count = 3;
213  // The maximum number of slots reserved in HBM (across the entire TPU system)
214  // for storing the replicas of hot IDs for the embedding table. In future, the
215  // number of replicas for a particular hot ID could be adjusted based on its
216  // frequency. The max_slot_count value captures the total number of replicas
217  // across all hot IDs for the table.
218  int32 max_slot_count = 4;
221message OptimizationParameters {
222  // Learning rate used for updating the embedding layer parameters.
223  LearningRate learning_rate = 13;
224  reserved 1;  // Old learning rate tag.
226  // Limits to which to clip the weight values after the backward pass; not
227  // present means no limits are applied.
228  ClippingLimits clipping_limits = 2;
230  // Limits to which to clip the backward pass gradient before using it for
231  // updates; not present means no limits are applied.
232  ClippingLimits gradient_clipping_limits = 7;
234  // Amount of weight decay to apply; see weight_decay_optimizers.py for
235  // details. Almost all optimizers are supported with this option (MDL Adagrad
236  // Light does not work, and SGD does not behave as expected if it is enabled).
237  // Although there is no check, users who want weight decay will probably also
238  // want to enable gradient accumulation as well so that the decay will happen
239  // once per minibatch.
240  float weight_decay_factor = 16;
242  // Status of using gradient accumulation (doing two passes over the input
243  // gradients: one to accumulate them into a temporary array and another to
244  // apply them using the actual optimization algorithm).
245  GradientAccumulationStatus.Status gradient_accumulation_status = 17;
247  // Configuration proto for hot ID optimization. This is an experimental
248  // feature that is currently disabled (by default).
249  HotIdOptimizerConfiguration hot_id_optimizer_configuration = 18;
251  // Optimization algorithm parameters; which field is selected determines which
252  // algorithm to use.
253  oneof parameters {
254    AdagradParameters adagrad = 3;
255    StochasticGradientDescentParameters stochastic_gradient_descent = 4;
256    FtrlParameters ftrl = 5;
257    AdamParameters adam = 6;
258    MomentumParameters momentum = 8;
259    RmsPropParameters rms_prop = 9;
260    CenteredRmsPropParameters centered_rms_prop = 10;
261    MdlAdagradLightParameters mdl_adagrad_light = 11;
262    AdadeltaParameters adadelta = 12;
263    ProximalAdagradParameters proximal_adagrad = 14;
264  }
266  reserved 15;  // Old use_gradient_accumulation.
269// Specification of an optimization algorithm's state variables (both the main
270// value vector and any extra accumulators, etc.). This proto is only used
271// internally by the TPU software and is not exposed directly to the TF model.
272message StateVariableSpecification {
273  // Parameter name for the state variable.
274  string name = 1;
276  // A normal state variable that should be saved and restored in checkpoints
277  // and used as an input or output to non-debug TensorFlow ops.
278  message UserDefined {
279    // For padding embedding rows, this field specifies the initial value to be
280    // used. Separate initial values need to be specified for the embeddings and
281    // any extra accumulators. The initial values should be specified so as to
282    // maintain two invariants during model training:
283    // (1) The embedding vector multiplied by zero returns a vector containing
284    //     all zeros. To maintain this invariant, the embedding values should
285    //     never be NaNs or +-infinity.
286    // (2) Repeatedly applying the optimizer using a gradient vector of all
287    //     zeros does not cause the embeddings or slot variables to become NaNs
288    //     or +-infinity.
289    // The padding row is looked up when no embedding IDs are present for a
290    // feature. The semantics of embedding lookup dictate that the output must
291    // be zero under this scenario.
292    double padding_initial_value = 1;
293  }
295  // A state variable that should be filled with a constant and normally hidden
296  // from users (used for intermediate gradients being accumulated, for
297  // example).
298  message FillWithConstant {
299    double initial_value = 1;
300  }
302  // Usage type of this state variable.
303  oneof usage {
304    UserDefined user_defined = 2;
305    FillWithConstant fill_with_constant = 3;
306  }