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1// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
4package dash
6import (
7	"bytes"
8	"encoding/json"
9	"fmt"
10	"io/ioutil"
11	"net/http"
12	"net/mail"
13	"regexp"
14	"strconv"
15	"strings"
16	"text/template"
17	"time"
19	"github.com/google/syzkaller/dashboard/dashapi"
20	"github.com/google/syzkaller/pkg/email"
21	"golang.org/x/net/context"
22	"google.golang.org/appengine"
23	"google.golang.org/appengine/log"
24	aemail "google.golang.org/appengine/mail"
27// Email reporting interface.
29func initEmailReporting() {
30	http.HandleFunc("/email_poll", handleEmailPoll)
31	http.HandleFunc("/_ah/mail/", handleIncomingMail)
32	http.HandleFunc("/_ah/bounce", handleEmailBounce)
34	mailingLists = make(map[string]bool)
35	for _, cfg := range config.Namespaces {
36		for _, reporting := range cfg.Reporting {
37			if cfg, ok := reporting.Config.(*EmailConfig); ok {
38				mailingLists[email.CanonicalEmail(cfg.Email)] = true
39			}
40		}
41	}
44const (
45	emailType = "email"
46	// This plays an important role at least for job replies.
47	// If we CC a kernel mailing list and it uses Patchwork,
48	// then any emails with a patch attached create a new patch
49	// entry pending for review. The prefix makes Patchwork
50	// treat it as a comment for a previous patch.
51	replySubjectPrefix = "Re: "
52	commitHashLen      = 12
53	commitTitleLen     = 47 // so that whole line fits into 78 chars
56var mailingLists map[string]bool
58type EmailConfig struct {
59	Email              string
60	Moderation         bool
61	MailMaintainers    bool
62	DefaultMaintainers []string
65func (cfg *EmailConfig) Type() string {
66	return emailType
69func (cfg *EmailConfig) NeedMaintainers() bool {
70	return cfg.MailMaintainers && len(cfg.DefaultMaintainers) == 0
73func (cfg *EmailConfig) Validate() error {
74	if _, err := mail.ParseAddress(cfg.Email); err != nil {
75		return fmt.Errorf("bad email address %q: %v", cfg.Email, err)
76	}
77	for _, email := range cfg.DefaultMaintainers {
78		if _, err := mail.ParseAddress(email); err != nil {
79			return fmt.Errorf("bad email address %q: %v", email, err)
80		}
81	}
82	if cfg.Moderation && cfg.MailMaintainers {
83		return fmt.Errorf("both Moderation and MailMaintainers set")
84	}
85	return nil
88// handleEmailPoll is called by cron and sends emails for new bugs, if any.
89func handleEmailPoll(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
90	c := appengine.NewContext(r)
91	if err := emailPollBugs(c); err != nil {
92		log.Errorf(c, "bug poll failed: %v", err)
93		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
94		return
95	}
96	if err := emailPollJobs(c); err != nil {
97		log.Errorf(c, "job poll failed: %v", err)
98		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
99		return
100	}
101	w.Write([]byte("OK"))
104func emailPollBugs(c context.Context) error {
105	reports := reportingPollBugs(c, emailType)
106	for _, rep := range reports {
107		cfg := new(EmailConfig)
108		if err := json.Unmarshal(rep.Config, cfg); err != nil {
109			log.Errorf(c, "failed to unmarshal email config: %v", err)
110			continue
111		}
112		if cfg.MailMaintainers {
113			rep.CC = email.MergeEmailLists(rep.CC, rep.Maintainers, cfg.DefaultMaintainers)
114		}
115		if err := emailReport(c, rep, "mail_bug.txt"); err != nil {
116			log.Errorf(c, "failed to report bug: %v", err)
117			continue
118		}
119		cmd := &dashapi.BugUpdate{
120			ID:         rep.ID,
121			Status:     dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
122			ReproLevel: dashapi.ReproLevelNone,
123			CrashID:    rep.CrashID,
124		}
125		if len(rep.ReproC) != 0 {
126			cmd.ReproLevel = dashapi.ReproLevelC
127		} else if len(rep.ReproSyz) != 0 {
128			cmd.ReproLevel = dashapi.ReproLevelSyz
129		}
130		ok, reason, err := incomingCommand(c, cmd)
131		if !ok || err != nil {
132			log.Errorf(c, "failed to update reported bug: ok=%v reason=%v err=%v", ok, reason, err)
133		}
134	}
135	return nil
138func emailPollJobs(c context.Context) error {
139	jobs, err := pollCompletedJobs(c, emailType)
140	if err != nil {
141		return err
142	}
143	for _, job := range jobs {
144		if err := emailReport(c, job, "mail_test_result.txt"); err != nil {
145			log.Errorf(c, "failed to report job: %v", err)
146			continue
147		}
148		if err := jobReported(c, job.JobID); err != nil {
149			log.Errorf(c, "failed to mark job reported: %v", err)
150			continue
151		}
152	}
153	return nil
156func emailReport(c context.Context, rep *dashapi.BugReport, templ string) error {
157	cfg := new(EmailConfig)
158	if err := json.Unmarshal(rep.Config, cfg); err != nil {
159		return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal email config: %v", err)
160	}
161	to := email.MergeEmailLists([]string{cfg.Email}, rep.CC)
162	// Build error output and failing VM boot log can be way too long to inline.
163	if len(rep.Error) > maxInlineError {
164		rep.Error = rep.Error[len(rep.Error)-maxInlineError:]
165	} else {
166		rep.ErrorLink = ""
167	}
168	from, err := email.AddAddrContext(fromAddr(c), rep.ID)
169	if err != nil {
170		return err
171	}
172	creditEmail, err := email.AddAddrContext(ownEmail(c), rep.ID)
173	if err != nil {
174		return err
175	}
176	userspaceArch := ""
177	if rep.Arch == "386" {
178		userspaceArch = "i386"
179	}
180	link := fmt.Sprintf("%v/bug?extid=%v", appURL(c), rep.ID)
181	// Data passed to the template.
182	type BugReportData struct {
183		First             bool
184		Link              string
185		CreditEmail       string
186		Moderation        bool
187		Maintainers       []string
188		CompilerID        string
189		KernelRepo        string
190		KernelCommit      string
191		KernelCommitTitle string
192		KernelCommitDate  string
193		UserSpaceArch     string
194		CrashTitle        string
195		Report            []byte
196		Error             []byte
197		ErrorLink         string
198		LogLink           string
199		KernelConfigLink  string
200		ReproSyzLink      string
201		ReproCLink        string
202		NumCrashes        int64
203		HappenedOn        []string
204		PatchLink         string
205	}
206	data := &BugReportData{
207		First:             rep.First,
208		Link:              link,
209		CreditEmail:       creditEmail,
210		Moderation:        cfg.Moderation,
211		Maintainers:       rep.Maintainers,
212		CompilerID:        rep.CompilerID,
213		KernelRepo:        rep.KernelRepoAlias,
214		KernelCommit:      rep.KernelCommit,
215		KernelCommitTitle: rep.KernelCommitTitle,
216		KernelCommitDate:  formatKernelTime(rep.KernelCommitDate),
217		UserSpaceArch:     userspaceArch,
218		CrashTitle:        rep.CrashTitle,
219		Report:            rep.Report,
220		Error:             rep.Error,
221		ErrorLink:         rep.ErrorLink,
222		LogLink:           rep.LogLink,
223		KernelConfigLink:  rep.KernelConfigLink,
224		ReproSyzLink:      rep.ReproSyzLink,
225		ReproCLink:        rep.ReproCLink,
226		NumCrashes:        rep.NumCrashes,
227		HappenedOn:        rep.HappenedOn,
228		PatchLink:         rep.PatchLink,
229	}
230	if len(data.KernelCommit) > commitHashLen {
231		data.KernelCommit = data.KernelCommit[:commitHashLen]
232	}
233	if len(data.KernelCommitTitle) > commitTitleLen {
234		data.KernelCommitTitle = data.KernelCommitTitle[:commitTitleLen-2] + ".."
235	}
236	log.Infof(c, "sending email %q to %q", rep.Title, to)
237	return sendMailTemplate(c, rep.Title, from, to, rep.ExtID, nil, templ, data)
240// handleIncomingMail is the entry point for incoming emails.
241func handleIncomingMail(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
242	c := appengine.NewContext(r)
243	if err := incomingMail(c, r); err != nil {
244		log.Errorf(c, "%v", err)
245	}
248func incomingMail(c context.Context, r *http.Request) error {
249	msg, err := email.Parse(r.Body, ownEmails(c))
250	if err != nil {
251		return err
252	}
253	log.Infof(c, "received email: subject %q, from %q, cc %q, msg %q, bug %q, cmd %q, link %q",
254		msg.Subject, msg.From, msg.Cc, msg.MessageID, msg.BugID, msg.Command, msg.Link)
255	if msg.Command == "fix:" && msg.CommandArgs == "exact-commit-title" {
256		// Sometimes it happens that somebody sends us our own text back, ignore it.
257		msg.Command, msg.CommandArgs = "", ""
258	}
259	bug, _, reporting := loadBugInfo(c, msg)
260	if bug == nil {
261		return nil // error was already logged
262	}
263	emailConfig := reporting.Config.(*EmailConfig)
264	// A mailing list can send us a duplicate email, to not process/reply
265	// to such duplicate emails, we ignore emails coming from our mailing lists.
266	mailingList := email.CanonicalEmail(emailConfig.Email)
267	fromMailingList := email.CanonicalEmail(msg.From) == mailingList
268	mailingListInCC := checkMailingListInCC(c, msg, mailingList)
269	log.Infof(c, "from/cc mailing list: %v/%v", fromMailingList, mailingListInCC)
270	if msg.Command == "test:" {
271		args := strings.Split(msg.CommandArgs, " ")
272		if len(args) != 2 {
273			return replyTo(c, msg, fmt.Sprintf("want 2 args (repo, branch), got %v",
274				len(args)), nil)
275		}
276		reply := handleTestRequest(c, msg.BugID, email.CanonicalEmail(msg.From),
277			msg.MessageID, msg.Link, msg.Patch, args[0], args[1], msg.Cc)
278		if reply != "" {
279			return replyTo(c, msg, reply, nil)
280		}
281		return nil
282	}
283	if fromMailingList && msg.Command != "" {
284		log.Infof(c, "duplicate email from mailing list, ignoring")
285		return nil
286	}
287	cmd := &dashapi.BugUpdate{
288		ID:    msg.BugID,
289		ExtID: msg.MessageID,
290		Link:  msg.Link,
291		CC:    msg.Cc,
292	}
293	switch msg.Command {
294	case "":
295		cmd.Status = dashapi.BugStatusUpdate
296	case "upstream":
297		cmd.Status = dashapi.BugStatusUpstream
298	case "invalid":
299		cmd.Status = dashapi.BugStatusInvalid
300	case "undup":
301		cmd.Status = dashapi.BugStatusOpen
302	case "fix:":
303		if msg.CommandArgs == "" {
304			return replyTo(c, msg, fmt.Sprintf("no commit title"), nil)
305		}
306		cmd.Status = dashapi.BugStatusOpen
307		cmd.FixCommits = []string{msg.CommandArgs}
308	case "dup:":
309		if msg.CommandArgs == "" {
310			return replyTo(c, msg, fmt.Sprintf("no dup title"), nil)
311		}
312		cmd.Status = dashapi.BugStatusDup
313		cmd.DupOf = msg.CommandArgs
314	default:
315		return replyTo(c, msg, fmt.Sprintf("unknown command %q", msg.Command), nil)
316	}
317	ok, reply, err := incomingCommand(c, cmd)
318	if err != nil {
319		return nil // the error was already logged
320	}
321	if !ok && reply != "" {
322		return replyTo(c, msg, reply, nil)
323	}
324	if !mailingListInCC && msg.Command != "" {
325		warnMailingListInCC(c, msg, mailingList)
326	}
327	return nil
330func handleEmailBounce(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
331	c := appengine.NewContext(r)
332	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
333	if err != nil {
334		log.Errorf(c, "email bounced: failed to read body: %v", err)
335		return
336	}
337	if nonCriticalBounceRe.Match(body) {
338		log.Infof(c, "email bounced: address not found")
339	} else {
340		log.Errorf(c, "email bounced")
341	}
342	log.Infof(c, "%s", body)
345// These are just stale emails in MAINTAINERS.
346var nonCriticalBounceRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\*\* Address not found \*\*|550 #5\.1\.0 Address rejected`)
348func loadBugInfo(c context.Context, msg *email.Email) (bug *Bug, bugReporting *BugReporting, reporting *Reporting) {
349	if msg.BugID == "" {
350		if msg.Command == "" {
351			// This happens when people CC syzbot on unrelated emails.
352			log.Infof(c, "no bug ID (%q)", msg.Subject)
353		} else {
354			log.Errorf(c, "no bug ID (%q)", msg.Subject)
355			if err := replyTo(c, msg, "Can't find the corresponding bug.", nil); err != nil {
356				log.Errorf(c, "failed to send reply: %v", err)
357			}
358		}
359		return nil, nil, nil
360	}
361	bug, _, err := findBugByReportingID(c, msg.BugID)
362	if err != nil {
363		log.Errorf(c, "can't find bug: %v", err)
364		if err := replyTo(c, msg, "Can't find the corresponding bug.", nil); err != nil {
365			log.Errorf(c, "failed to send reply: %v", err)
366		}
367		return nil, nil, nil
368	}
369	bugReporting, _ = bugReportingByID(bug, msg.BugID)
370	if bugReporting == nil {
371		log.Errorf(c, "can't find bug reporting: %v", err)
372		if err := replyTo(c, msg, "Can't find the corresponding bug.", nil); err != nil {
373			log.Errorf(c, "failed to send reply: %v", err)
374		}
375		return nil, nil, nil
376	}
377	reporting = config.Namespaces[bug.Namespace].ReportingByName(bugReporting.Name)
378	if reporting == nil {
379		log.Errorf(c, "can't find reporting for this bug: namespace=%q reporting=%q",
380			bug.Namespace, bugReporting.Name)
381		return nil, nil, nil
382	}
383	if reporting.Config.Type() != emailType {
384		log.Errorf(c, "reporting is not email: namespace=%q reporting=%q config=%q",
385			bug.Namespace, bugReporting.Name, reporting.Config.Type())
386		return nil, nil, nil
387	}
388	return bug, bugReporting, reporting
391func checkMailingListInCC(c context.Context, msg *email.Email, mailingList string) bool {
392	if email.CanonicalEmail(msg.From) == mailingList {
393		return true
394	}
395	for _, cc := range msg.Cc {
396		if email.CanonicalEmail(cc) == mailingList {
397			return true
398		}
399	}
400	msg.Cc = append(msg.Cc, mailingList)
401	return false
404func warnMailingListInCC(c context.Context, msg *email.Email, mailingList string) {
405	reply := fmt.Sprintf("Your '%v' command is accepted, but please keep %v mailing list"+
406		" in CC next time. It serves as a history of what happened with each bug report."+
407		" Thank you.",
408		msg.Command, mailingList)
409	if err := replyTo(c, msg, reply, nil); err != nil {
410		log.Errorf(c, "failed to send email reply: %v", err)
411	}
414func sendMailTemplate(c context.Context, subject, from string, to []string, replyTo string,
415	attachments []aemail.Attachment, template string, data interface{}) error {
416	body := new(bytes.Buffer)
417	if err := mailTemplates.ExecuteTemplate(body, template, data); err != nil {
418		return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute %v template: %v", template, err)
419	}
420	msg := &aemail.Message{
421		Sender:      from,
422		To:          to,
423		Subject:     subject,
424		Body:        body.String(),
425		Attachments: attachments,
426	}
427	if replyTo != "" {
428		msg.Headers = mail.Header{"In-Reply-To": []string{replyTo}}
429		msg.Subject = replySubjectPrefix + msg.Subject
430	}
431	return sendEmail(c, msg)
434func replyTo(c context.Context, msg *email.Email, reply string, attachment *aemail.Attachment) error {
435	var attachments []aemail.Attachment
436	if attachment != nil {
437		attachments = append(attachments, *attachment)
438	}
439	from, err := email.AddAddrContext(fromAddr(c), msg.BugID)
440	if err != nil {
441		return err
442	}
443	log.Infof(c, "sending reply: to=%q cc=%q subject=%q reply=%q",
444		msg.From, msg.Cc, msg.Subject, reply)
445	replyMsg := &aemail.Message{
446		Sender:      from,
447		To:          []string{msg.From},
448		Cc:          msg.Cc,
449		Subject:     replySubjectPrefix + msg.Subject,
450		Body:        email.FormReply(msg.Body, reply),
451		Attachments: attachments,
452		Headers:     mail.Header{"In-Reply-To": []string{msg.MessageID}},
453	}
454	return sendEmail(c, replyMsg)
457// Sends email, can be stubbed for testing.
458var sendEmail = func(c context.Context, msg *aemail.Message) error {
459	if err := aemail.Send(c, msg); err != nil {
460		return fmt.Errorf("failed to send email: %v", err)
461	}
462	return nil
465func ownEmail(c context.Context) string {
466	return fmt.Sprintf("syzbot@%v.appspotmail.com", appengine.AppID(c))
469func fromAddr(c context.Context) string {
470	return fmt.Sprintf("\"syzbot\" <%v>", ownEmail(c))
473func ownEmails(c context.Context) []string {
474	// Now we use syzbot@ but we used to use bot@, so we add them both.
475	return []string{
476		ownEmail(c),
477		fmt.Sprintf("bot@%v.appspotmail.com", appengine.AppID(c)),
478	}
481func externalLink(c context.Context, tag string, id int64) string {
482	if id == 0 {
483		return ""
484	}
485	return fmt.Sprintf("%v/x/%v?x=%v", appURL(c), textFilename(tag), strconv.FormatUint(uint64(id), 16))
488func appURL(c context.Context) string {
489	return fmt.Sprintf("https://%v.appspot.com", appengine.AppID(c))
492func formatKernelTime(t time.Time) string {
493	if t.IsZero() {
494		return ""
495	}
496	// This is how dates appear in git log.
497	return t.Format("Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 2006 -0700")
500func formatStringList(list []string) string {
501	return strings.Join(list, ", ")
504var (
505	mailTemplates = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(mailFuncs).ParseGlob("mail_*.txt"))
507	mailFuncs = template.FuncMap{
508		"formatTime": formatKernelTime,
509		"formatList": formatStringList,
510	}