1# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15require_relative 'client_stub'
16require_relative 'rpc_desc'
18# GRPC contains the General RPC module.
19module GRPC
20  # Provides behaviour used to implement schema-derived service classes.
21  #
22  # Is intended to be used to support both client and server
23  # IDL-schema-derived servers.
24  module GenericService
25    # creates a new string that is the underscore separate version of s.
26    #
27    # E.g,
28    # PrintHTML -> print_html
29    # AMethod -> a_method
30    # AnRpc -> an_rpc
31    #
32    # @param s [String] the string to be converted.
33    def self.underscore(s)
34      s.gsub!(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2')
35      s.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2')
36      s.tr!('-', '_')
37      s.downcase!
38      s
39    end
41    # Used to indicate that a name has already been specified
42    class DuplicateRpcName < StandardError
43      def initialize(name)
44        super("rpc (#{name}) is already defined")
45      end
46    end
48    # Provides a simple DSL to describe RPC services.
49    #
50    # E.g, a Maths service that uses the serializable messages DivArgs,
51    # DivReply and Num might define its endpoint uses the following way:
52    #
53    # rpc :div DivArgs, DivReply    # single request, single response
54    # rpc :sum stream(Num), Num     # streamed input, single response
55    # rpc :fib FibArgs, stream(Num) # single request, streamed response
56    # rpc :div_many stream(DivArgs), stream(DivReply)
57    #                               # streamed req and resp
58    #
59    # Each 'rpc' adds an RpcDesc to classes including this module, and
60    # #assert_rpc_descs_have_methods is used to ensure the including class
61    # provides methods with signatures that support all the descriptors.
62    module Dsl
63      # This configures the method names that the serializable message
64      # implementation uses to marshal and unmarshal messages.
65      #
66      # - unmarshal_class method must be a class method on the serializable
67      # message type that takes a string (byte stream) and produces and object
68      #
69      # - marshal_class_method is called on a serializable message instance
70      # and produces a serialized string.
71      #
72      # The Dsl verifies that the types in the descriptor have both the
73      # unmarshal and marshal methods.
74      attr_writer(:marshal_class_method, :unmarshal_class_method)
76      # This allows configuration of the service name.
77      attr_accessor(:service_name)
79      # Adds an RPC spec.
80      #
81      # Takes the RPC name and the classes representing the types to be
82      # serialized, and adds them to the including classes rpc_desc hash.
83      #
84      # input and output should both have the methods #marshal and #unmarshal
85      # that are responsible for writing and reading an object instance from a
86      # byte buffer respectively.
87      #
88      # @param name [String] the name of the rpc
89      # @param input [Object] the input parameter's class
90      # @param output [Object] the output parameter's class
91      def rpc(name, input, output)
92        fail(DuplicateRpcName, name) if rpc_descs.key? name
93        assert_can_marshal(input)
94        assert_can_marshal(output)
95        rpc_descs[name] = RpcDesc.new(name, input, output,
96                                      marshal_class_method,
97                                      unmarshal_class_method)
98        define_method(GenericService.underscore(name.to_s).to_sym) do |_, _|
99          fail GRPC::BadStatus.new_status_exception(
100            GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNIMPLEMENTED)
101        end
102      end
104      def inherited(subclass)
105        # Each subclass should have a distinct class variable with its own
106        # rpc_descs
107        subclass.rpc_descs.merge!(rpc_descs)
108        subclass.service_name = service_name
109      end
111      # the name of the instance method used to marshal events to a byte
112      # stream.
113      def marshal_class_method
114        @marshal_class_method ||= :marshal
115      end
117      # the name of the class method used to unmarshal from a byte stream.
118      def unmarshal_class_method
119        @unmarshal_class_method ||= :unmarshal
120      end
122      def assert_can_marshal(cls)
123        cls = cls.type if cls.is_a? RpcDesc::Stream
124        mth = unmarshal_class_method
125        unless cls.methods.include? mth
126          fail(ArgumentError, "#{cls} needs #{cls}.#{mth}")
127        end
128        mth = marshal_class_method
129        return if cls.methods.include? mth
130        fail(ArgumentError, "#{cls} needs #{cls}.#{mth}")
131      end
133      # @param cls [Class] the class of a serializable type
134      # @return cls wrapped in a RpcDesc::Stream
135      def stream(cls)
136        assert_can_marshal(cls)
137        RpcDesc::Stream.new(cls)
138      end
140      # the RpcDescs defined for this GenericService, keyed by name.
141      def rpc_descs
142        @rpc_descs ||= {}
143      end
145      # Creates a rpc client class with methods for accessing the methods
146      # currently in rpc_descs.
147      def rpc_stub_class
148        descs = rpc_descs
149        route_prefix = service_name
150        Class.new(ClientStub) do
151          # @param host [String] the host the stub connects to
152          # @param creds [Core::ChannelCredentials|Symbol] The channel
153          #     credentials to use, or :this_channel_is_insecure otherwise
154          # @param kw [KeywordArgs] the channel arguments, plus any optional
155          #                         args for configuring the client's channel
156          def initialize(host, creds, **kw)
157            super(host, creds, **kw)
158          end
160          # Used define_method to add a method for each rpc_desc.  Each method
161          # calls the base class method for the given descriptor.
162          descs.each_pair do |name, desc|
163            mth_name = GenericService.underscore(name.to_s).to_sym
164            marshal = desc.marshal_proc
165            unmarshal = desc.unmarshal_proc(:output)
166            route = "/#{route_prefix}/#{name}"
167            if desc.request_response?
168              define_method(mth_name) do |req, metadata = {}|
169                GRPC.logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}")
170                request_response(route, req, marshal, unmarshal, metadata)
171              end
172            elsif desc.client_streamer?
173              define_method(mth_name) do |reqs, metadata = {}|
174                GRPC.logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}")
175                client_streamer(route, reqs, marshal, unmarshal, metadata)
176              end
177            elsif desc.server_streamer?
178              define_method(mth_name) do |req, metadata = {}, &blk|
179                GRPC.logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}")
180                server_streamer(route, req, marshal, unmarshal, metadata, &blk)
181              end
182            else  # is a bidi_stream
183              define_method(mth_name) do |reqs, metadata = {}, &blk|
184                GRPC.logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}")
185                bidi_streamer(route, reqs, marshal, unmarshal, metadata, &blk)
186              end
187            end
188          end
189        end
190      end
191    end
193    def self.included(o)
194      o.extend(Dsl)
195      # Update to the use the service name including module. Provide a default
196      # that can be nil e.g. when modules are declared dynamically.
197      return unless o.service_name.nil?
198      if o.name.nil?
199        o.service_name = 'GenericService'
200      else
201        modules = o.name.split('::')
202        if modules.length > 2
203          o.service_name = modules[modules.length - 2]
204        else
205          o.service_name = modules.first
206        end
207      end
208    end
209  end