1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
15"""Helper to upload Jenkins test results to BQ"""
17from __future__ import print_function
19import os
20import six
21import sys
22import time
23import uuid
25gcp_utils_dir = os.path.abspath(
26    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../gcp/utils'))
28import big_query_utils
30_DATASET_ID = 'jenkins_test_results'
31_DESCRIPTION = 'Test results from master job run on Jenkins'
32# 90 days in milliseconds
33_EXPIRATION_MS = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
35_PROJECT_ID = 'grpc-testing'
37    ('job_name', 'STRING', 'Name of Jenkins job'),
38    ('build_id', 'INTEGER', 'Build ID of Jenkins job'),
39    ('build_url', 'STRING', 'URL of Jenkins job'),
40    ('test_name', 'STRING', 'Individual test name'),
41    ('language', 'STRING', 'Language of test'),
42    ('platform', 'STRING', 'Platform used for test'),
43    ('config', 'STRING', 'Config used for test'),
44    ('compiler', 'STRING', 'Compiler used for test'),
45    ('iomgr_platform', 'STRING', 'Iomgr used for test'),
46    ('result', 'STRING', 'Test result: PASSED, TIMEOUT, FAILED, or SKIPPED'),
47    ('timestamp', 'TIMESTAMP', 'Timestamp of test run'),
48    ('elapsed_time', 'FLOAT', 'How long test took to run'),
49    ('cpu_estimated', 'FLOAT', 'Estimated CPU usage of test'),
50    ('cpu_measured', 'FLOAT', 'Actual CPU usage of test'),
51    ('return_code', 'INTEGER', 'Exit code of test'),
54    ('job_name', 'STRING', 'Name of Jenkins/Kokoro job'),
55    ('build_id', 'INTEGER', 'Build ID of Jenkins/Kokoro job'),
56    ('build_url', 'STRING', 'URL of Jenkins/Kokoro job'),
57    ('test_name', 'STRING',
58     'Unique test name combining client, server, and test_name'),
59    ('suite', 'STRING',
60     'Test suite: cloud_to_cloud, cloud_to_prod, or cloud_to_prod_auth'),
61    ('client', 'STRING', 'Client language'),
62    ('server', 'STRING', 'Server host name'),
63    ('test_case', 'STRING', 'Name of test case'),
64    ('result', 'STRING', 'Test result: PASSED, TIMEOUT, FAILED, or SKIPPED'),
65    ('timestamp', 'TIMESTAMP', 'Timestamp of test run'),
66    ('elapsed_time', 'FLOAT', 'How long test took to run'),
70def _get_build_metadata(test_results):
71    """Add Kokoro build metadata to test_results based on environment
72  variables set by Kokoro.
73  """
74    build_id = os.getenv('KOKORO_BUILD_NUMBER')
75    build_url = 'https://source.cloud.google.com/results/invocations/%s' % os.getenv(
76        'KOKORO_BUILD_ID')
77    job_name = os.getenv('KOKORO_JOB_NAME')
79    if build_id:
80        test_results['build_id'] = build_id
81    if build_url:
82        test_results['build_url'] = build_url
83    if job_name:
84        test_results['job_name'] = job_name
87def _insert_rows_with_retries(bq, bq_table, bq_rows):
88    """Insert rows to bq table. Retry on error."""
89    # BigQuery sometimes fails with large uploads, so batch 1,000 rows at a time.
90    for i in range((len(bq_rows) / 1000) + 1):
91        max_retries = 3
92        for attempt in range(max_retries):
93            if big_query_utils.insert_rows(bq, _PROJECT_ID, _DATASET_ID,
94                                           bq_table,
95                                           bq_rows[i * 1000:(i + 1) * 1000]):
96                break
97            else:
98                if attempt < max_retries - 1:
99                    print('Error uploading result to bigquery, will retry.')
100                else:
101                    print(
102                        'Error uploading result to bigquery, all attempts failed.'
103                    )
104                    sys.exit(1)
107def upload_results_to_bq(resultset, bq_table, extra_fields):
108    """Upload test results to a BQ table.
110  Args:
111      resultset: dictionary generated by jobset.run
112      bq_table: string name of table to create/upload results to in BQ
113      extra_fields: dict with extra values that will be uploaded along with the results
114  """
115    bq = big_query_utils.create_big_query()
116    big_query_utils.create_partitioned_table(
117        bq,
118        _PROJECT_ID,
119        _DATASET_ID,
120        bq_table,
121        _RESULTS_SCHEMA,
122        _DESCRIPTION,
123        partition_type=_PARTITION_TYPE,
124        expiration_ms=_EXPIRATION_MS)
126    bq_rows = []
127    for shortname, results in six.iteritems(resultset):
128        for result in results:
129            test_results = {}
130            _get_build_metadata(test_results)
131            test_results['cpu_estimated'] = result.cpu_estimated
132            test_results['cpu_measured'] = result.cpu_measured
133            test_results['elapsed_time'] = '%.2f' % result.elapsed_time
134            test_results['result'] = result.state
135            test_results['return_code'] = result.returncode
136            test_results['test_name'] = shortname
137            test_results['timestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
138            for field_name, field_value in six.iteritems(extra_fields):
139                test_results[field_name] = field_value
140            row = big_query_utils.make_row(str(uuid.uuid4()), test_results)
141            bq_rows.append(row)
142    _insert_rows_with_retries(bq, bq_table, bq_rows)
145def upload_interop_results_to_bq(resultset, bq_table):
146    """Upload interop test results to a BQ table.
148  Args:
149      resultset: dictionary generated by jobset.run
150      bq_table: string name of table to create/upload results to in BQ
151  """
152    bq = big_query_utils.create_big_query()
153    big_query_utils.create_partitioned_table(
154        bq,
155        _PROJECT_ID,
156        _DATASET_ID,
157        bq_table,
159        _DESCRIPTION,
160        partition_type=_PARTITION_TYPE,
161        expiration_ms=_EXPIRATION_MS)
163    bq_rows = []
164    for shortname, results in six.iteritems(resultset):
165        for result in results:
166            test_results = {}
167            _get_build_metadata(test_results)
168            test_results['elapsed_time'] = '%.2f' % result.elapsed_time
169            test_results['result'] = result.state
170            test_results['test_name'] = shortname
171            test_results['suite'] = shortname.split(':')[0]
172            test_results['client'] = shortname.split(':')[1]
173            test_results['server'] = shortname.split(':')[2]
174            test_results['test_case'] = shortname.split(':')[3]
175            test_results['timestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
176            row = big_query_utils.make_row(str(uuid.uuid4()), test_results)
177            bq_rows.append(row)
178    _insert_rows_with_retries(bq, bq_table, bq_rows)