1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
15"""Definition of targets to build artifacts."""
17import os.path
18import random
19import string
20import sys
22sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
23import python_utils.jobset as jobset
26def create_docker_jobspec(name,
27                          dockerfile_dir,
28                          shell_command,
29                          environ={},
30                          flake_retries=0,
31                          timeout_retries=0,
32                          timeout_seconds=30 * 60,
33                          docker_base_image=None,
34                          extra_docker_args=None,
35                          verbose_success=False):
36    """Creates jobspec for a task running under docker."""
37    environ = environ.copy()
38    environ['RUN_COMMAND'] = shell_command
39    environ['ARTIFACTS_OUT'] = 'artifacts/%s' % name
41    docker_args = []
42    for k, v in environ.items():
43        docker_args += ['-e', '%s=%s' % (k, v)]
44    docker_env = {
45        'DOCKERFILE_DIR': dockerfile_dir,
46        'DOCKER_RUN_SCRIPT': 'tools/run_tests/dockerize/docker_run.sh',
47        'OUTPUT_DIR': 'artifacts'
48    }
50    if docker_base_image is not None:
51        docker_env['DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE'] = docker_base_image
52    if extra_docker_args is not None:
53        docker_env['EXTRA_DOCKER_ARGS'] = extra_docker_args
54    jobspec = jobset.JobSpec(
55        cmdline=['tools/run_tests/dockerize/build_and_run_docker.sh'] +
56        docker_args,
57        environ=docker_env,
58        shortname='build_artifact.%s' % (name),
59        timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds,
60        flake_retries=flake_retries,
61        timeout_retries=timeout_retries,
62        verbose_success=verbose_success)
63    return jobspec
66def create_jobspec(name,
67                   cmdline,
68                   environ={},
69                   shell=False,
70                   flake_retries=0,
71                   timeout_retries=0,
72                   timeout_seconds=30 * 60,
73                   use_workspace=False,
74                   cpu_cost=1.0,
75                   verbose_success=False):
76    """Creates jobspec."""
77    environ = environ.copy()
78    if use_workspace:
79        environ['WORKSPACE_NAME'] = 'workspace_%s' % name
80        environ['ARTIFACTS_OUT'] = os.path.join('..', 'artifacts', name)
81        cmdline = ['bash', 'tools/run_tests/artifacts/run_in_workspace.sh'
82                  ] + cmdline
83    else:
84        environ['ARTIFACTS_OUT'] = os.path.join('artifacts', name)
86    jobspec = jobset.JobSpec(
87        cmdline=cmdline,
88        environ=environ,
89        shortname='build_artifact.%s' % (name),
90        timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds,
91        flake_retries=flake_retries,
92        timeout_retries=timeout_retries,
93        shell=shell,
94        cpu_cost=cpu_cost,
95        verbose_success=verbose_success)
96    return jobspec
99_MACOS_COMPAT_FLAG = '-mmacosx-version-min=10.7'
101_ARCH_FLAG_MAP = {'x86': '-m32', 'x64': '-m64'}
104class PythonArtifact:
105    """Builds Python artifacts."""
107    def __init__(self, platform, arch, py_version):
108        self.name = 'python_%s_%s_%s' % (platform, arch, py_version)
109        self.platform = platform
110        self.arch = arch
111        self.labels = ['artifact', 'python', platform, arch, py_version]
112        self.py_version = py_version
114    def pre_build_jobspecs(self):
115        return []
117    def build_jobspec(self):
118        environ = {}
119        if self.platform == 'linux_extra':
120            # Raspberry Pi build
121            environ['PYTHON'] = '/usr/local/bin/python{}'.format(
122                self.py_version)
123            environ['PIP'] = '/usr/local/bin/pip{}'.format(self.py_version)
124            # https://github.com/resin-io-projects/armv7hf-debian-qemu/issues/9
125            # A QEMU bug causes submodule update to hang, so we copy directly
126            environ['RELATIVE_COPY_PATH'] = '.'
127            extra_args = ' --entrypoint=/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static '
128            return create_docker_jobspec(
129                self.name,
130                'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_linux_{}'.format(self.arch),
131                'tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_python.sh',
132                environ=environ,
133                timeout_seconds=60 * 60 * 5,
134                docker_base_image='quay.io/grpc/raspbian_{}'.format(self.arch),
135                extra_docker_args=extra_args)
136        elif self.platform == 'linux':
137            if self.arch == 'x86':
138                environ['SETARCH_CMD'] = 'linux32'
139            # Inside the manylinux container, the python installations are located in
140            # special places...
141            environ['PYTHON'] = '/opt/python/{}/bin/python'.format(
142                self.py_version)
143            environ['PIP'] = '/opt/python/{}/bin/pip'.format(self.py_version)
144            # Platform autodetection for the manylinux1 image breaks so we set the
145            # defines ourselves.
146            # TODO(atash) get better platform-detection support in core so we don't
147            # need to do this manually...
148            environ['CFLAGS'] = '-DGPR_MANYLINUX1=1'
149            environ['GRPC_BUILD_GRPCIO_TOOLS_DEPENDENTS'] = 'TRUE'
150            environ['GRPC_BUILD_MANYLINUX_WHEEL'] = 'TRUE'
151            return create_docker_jobspec(
152                self.name,
153                'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_python_manylinux_%s' %
154                self.arch,
155                'tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_python.sh',
156                environ=environ,
157                timeout_seconds=60 * 60,
158                docker_base_image='quay.io/pypa/manylinux1_i686'
159                if self.arch == 'x86' else 'quay.io/pypa/manylinux1_x86_64')
160        elif self.platform == 'windows':
161            if 'Python27' in self.py_version or 'Python34' in self.py_version:
162                environ['EXT_COMPILER'] = 'mingw32'
163            else:
164                environ['EXT_COMPILER'] = 'msvc'
165            # For some reason, the batch script %random% always runs with the same
166            # seed.  We create a random temp-dir here
167            dir = ''.join(
168                random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(10))
169            return create_jobspec(
170                self.name, [
171                    'tools\\run_tests\\artifacts\\build_artifact_python.bat',
172                    self.py_version, '32' if self.arch == 'x86' else '64'
173                ],
174                environ=environ,
175                timeout_seconds=45 * 60,
176                use_workspace=True)
177        else:
178            environ['PYTHON'] = self.py_version
179            environ['SKIP_PIP_INSTALL'] = 'TRUE'
180            return create_jobspec(
181                self.name,
182                ['tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_python.sh'],
183                environ=environ,
184                timeout_seconds=60 * 60 * 2,
185                use_workspace=True)
187    def __str__(self):
188        return self.name
191class RubyArtifact:
192    """Builds ruby native gem."""
194    def __init__(self, platform, arch):
195        self.name = 'ruby_native_gem_%s_%s' % (platform, arch)
196        self.platform = platform
197        self.arch = arch
198        self.labels = ['artifact', 'ruby', platform, arch]
200    def pre_build_jobspecs(self):
201        return []
203    def build_jobspec(self):
204        # Ruby build uses docker internally and docker cannot be nested.
205        # We are using a custom workspace instead.
206        return create_jobspec(
207            self.name, ['tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_ruby.sh'],
208            use_workspace=True,
209            timeout_seconds=45 * 60)
212class CSharpExtArtifact:
213    """Builds C# native extension library"""
215    def __init__(self, platform, arch, arch_abi=None):
216        self.name = 'csharp_ext_%s_%s' % (platform, arch)
217        self.platform = platform
218        self.arch = arch
219        self.arch_abi = arch_abi
220        self.labels = ['artifact', 'csharp', platform, arch]
221        if arch_abi:
222            self.name += '_%s' % arch_abi
223            self.labels.append(arch_abi)
225    def pre_build_jobspecs(self):
226        return []
228    def build_jobspec(self):
229        if self.arch == 'android':
230            return create_docker_jobspec(
231                self.name,
232                'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_android_ndk',
233                'tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_csharp_android.sh',
234                environ={
235                    'ANDROID_ABI': self.arch_abi
236                })
237        elif self.arch == 'ios':
238            return create_jobspec(
239                self.name,
240                ['tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_csharp_ios.sh'],
241                use_workspace=True)
242        elif self.platform == 'windows':
243            cmake_arch_option = 'Win32' if self.arch == 'x86' else self.arch
244            return create_jobspec(
245                self.name, [
246                    'tools\\run_tests\\artifacts\\build_artifact_csharp.bat',
247                    cmake_arch_option
248                ],
249                use_workspace=True)
250        else:
251            environ = {
252                'CONFIG': 'opt',
253                'EMBED_OPENSSL': 'true',
254                'EMBED_ZLIB': 'true',
257                'LDFLAGS': ''
258            }
259            if self.platform == 'linux':
260                return create_docker_jobspec(
261                    self.name,
262                    'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_linux_%s' % self.arch,
263                    'tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_csharp.sh',
264                    environ=environ)
265            else:
266                archflag = _ARCH_FLAG_MAP[self.arch]
267                environ['CFLAGS'] += ' %s %s' % (archflag, _MACOS_COMPAT_FLAG)
268                environ['CXXFLAGS'] += ' %s %s' % (archflag, _MACOS_COMPAT_FLAG)
269                environ['LDFLAGS'] += ' %s' % archflag
270                return create_jobspec(
271                    self.name,
272                    ['tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_csharp.sh'],
273                    environ=environ,
274                    use_workspace=True)
276    def __str__(self):
277        return self.name
280class PHPArtifact:
281    """Builds PHP PECL package"""
283    def __init__(self, platform, arch):
284        self.name = 'php_pecl_package_{0}_{1}'.format(platform, arch)
285        self.platform = platform
286        self.arch = arch
287        self.labels = ['artifact', 'php', platform, arch]
289    def pre_build_jobspecs(self):
290        return []
292    def build_jobspec(self):
293        return create_docker_jobspec(
294            self.name, 'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_linux_{}'.format(
295                self.arch), 'tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_php.sh')
298class ProtocArtifact:
299    """Builds protoc and protoc-plugin artifacts"""
301    def __init__(self, platform, arch):
302        self.name = 'protoc_%s_%s' % (platform, arch)
303        self.platform = platform
304        self.arch = arch
305        self.labels = ['artifact', 'protoc', platform, arch]
307    def pre_build_jobspecs(self):
308        return []
310    def build_jobspec(self):
311        if self.platform != 'windows':
312            cxxflags = '-DNDEBUG %s' % _ARCH_FLAG_MAP[self.arch]
313            ldflags = '%s' % _ARCH_FLAG_MAP[self.arch]
314            if self.platform != 'macos':
315                ldflags += '  -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -s'
316            environ = {
317                'CONFIG': 'opt',
318                'CXXFLAGS': cxxflags,
319                'LDFLAGS': ldflags,
320                'PROTOBUF_LDFLAGS_EXTRA': ldflags
321            }
322            if self.platform == 'linux':
323                return create_docker_jobspec(
324                    self.name,
325                    'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_protoc',
326                    'tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_protoc.sh',
327                    environ=environ)
328            else:
329                environ[
330                    'CXXFLAGS'] += ' -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ %s' % _MACOS_COMPAT_FLAG
331                return create_jobspec(
332                    self.name,
333                    ['tools/run_tests/artifacts/build_artifact_protoc.sh'],
334                    environ=environ,
335                    timeout_seconds=60 * 60,
336                    use_workspace=True)
337        else:
338            generator = 'Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64' if self.arch == 'x64' else 'Visual Studio 14 2015'
339            return create_jobspec(
340                self.name,
341                ['tools\\run_tests\\artifacts\\build_artifact_protoc.bat'],
342                environ={'generator': generator},
343                use_workspace=True)
345    def __str__(self):
346        return self.name
349def targets():
350    """Gets list of supported targets"""
351    return ([
352        Cls(platform, arch)
353        for Cls in (CSharpExtArtifact, ProtocArtifact)
354        for platform in ('linux', 'macos', 'windows') for arch in ('x86', 'x64')
355    ] + [
356        CSharpExtArtifact('linux', 'android', arch_abi='arm64-v8a'),
357        CSharpExtArtifact('linux', 'android', arch_abi='armeabi-v7a'),
358        CSharpExtArtifact('linux', 'android', arch_abi='x86'),
359        CSharpExtArtifact('macos', 'ios'),
360        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x86', 'cp27-cp27m'),
361        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x86', 'cp27-cp27mu'),
362        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x86', 'cp34-cp34m'),
363        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x86', 'cp35-cp35m'),
364        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x86', 'cp36-cp36m'),
365        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x86', 'cp37-cp37m'),
366        PythonArtifact('linux_extra', 'armv7', '2.7'),
367        PythonArtifact('linux_extra', 'armv7', '3.4'),
368        PythonArtifact('linux_extra', 'armv7', '3.5'),
369        PythonArtifact('linux_extra', 'armv7', '3.6'),
370        PythonArtifact('linux_extra', 'armv6', '2.7'),
371        PythonArtifact('linux_extra', 'armv6', '3.4'),
372        PythonArtifact('linux_extra', 'armv6', '3.5'),
373        PythonArtifact('linux_extra', 'armv6', '3.6'),
374        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x64', 'cp27-cp27m'),
375        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x64', 'cp27-cp27mu'),
376        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x64', 'cp34-cp34m'),
377        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x64', 'cp35-cp35m'),
378        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x64', 'cp36-cp36m'),
379        PythonArtifact('linux', 'x64', 'cp37-cp37m'),
380        PythonArtifact('macos', 'x64', 'python2.7'),
381        PythonArtifact('macos', 'x64', 'python3.4'),
382        PythonArtifact('macos', 'x64', 'python3.5'),
383        PythonArtifact('macos', 'x64', 'python3.6'),
384        PythonArtifact('macos', 'x64', 'python3.7'),
385        PythonArtifact('windows', 'x86', 'Python27_32bits'),
386        PythonArtifact('windows', 'x86', 'Python34_32bits'),
387        PythonArtifact('windows', 'x86', 'Python35_32bits'),
388        PythonArtifact('windows', 'x86', 'Python36_32bits'),
389        PythonArtifact('windows', 'x86', 'Python37_32bits'),
390        PythonArtifact('windows', 'x64', 'Python27'),
391        PythonArtifact('windows', 'x64', 'Python34'),
392        PythonArtifact('windows', 'x64', 'Python35'),
393        PythonArtifact('windows', 'x64', 'Python36'),
394        PythonArtifact('windows', 'x64', 'Python37'),
395        RubyArtifact('linux', 'x64'),
396        RubyArtifact('macos', 'x64'),
397        PHPArtifact('linux', 'x64')
398    ])