1* CName CCode CPopulation CLiteracy CGdp OfficialStatus Language LCode LPopulation WritingPop References Notes 2Afghanistan AF "34,124,811" 28% "69,550,000,000" official_regional Baluchi bal "228,000" 3Afghanistan AF "34,124,811" 28% "69,550,000,000" Hazaragi haz 5.9% 4Afghanistan AF "34,124,811" 28% "69,550,000,000" Kazakh (Arabic) kk_Arab "2,000" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_language - the script is an assumption, needs a reference" 5Afghanistan AF "34,124,811" 28% "69,550,000,000" Parsi-Dari prd "399,000" 6Afghanistan AF "34,124,811" 28% "69,550,000,000" official Pashto ps 43% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pashto_language 42.6% of population 7Afghanistan AF "34,124,811" 28% "69,550,000,000" official Persian fa 50% 8Afghanistan AF "34,124,811" 28% "69,550,000,000" official_regional Turkmen tk "569,000" 9Afghanistan AF "34,124,811" 28% "69,550,000,000" Uyghur ug "3,000" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_language - primarily written using an Arabic-derived alphabet 10Afghanistan AF "34,124,811" 28% "69,550,000,000" official_regional Uzbek (Arabic) uz_Arab 4.7% 11Afghanistan AF "34,124,811" 28% "69,550,000,000" Western Balochi bgn "214,000" 5% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/bgn low literacy 12Åland Islands AX "26,200" 100% "929,800,000" official Swedish sv 99% 13Albania AL "3,047,987" 97% "35,970,000,000" official Albanian sq 100% 14Albania AL "3,047,987" 97% "35,970,000,000" Greek el "57,300" 15Albania AL "3,047,987" 97% "35,970,000,000" Macedonian mk "14,300" 16Algeria DZ "40,969,443" 73% "632,900,000,000" Algerian Arabic arq 83% 17Algeria DZ "40,969,443" 73% "632,900,000,000" official Arabic ar 74% 18Algeria DZ "40,969,443" 73% "632,900,000,000" English en 7% 19Algeria DZ "40,969,443" 73% "632,900,000,000" official French fr 20% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algerian_language estimate 20% of Algerians can use French 20Algeria DZ "40,969,443" 73% "632,900,000,000" Kabyle kab 7.8% 10% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=kab French mostly used in commerce 21American Samoa AS "51,504" 97% "658,000,000" de_facto_official English en 97% 22American Samoa AS "51,504" 97% "658,000,000" official Samoan sm 99% 23Andorra AD "85,702" 100% "3,327,000,000" official Catalan ca 51% 24Andorra AD "85,702" 100% "3,327,000,000" French fr "5,780" 25Andorra AD "85,702" 100% "3,327,000,000" Spanish es 43% 26Angola AO "29,310,273" 70% "190,300,000,000" Kimbundu kmb 25% 10% http://www.ethnologue.com/14/show_iso639.asp?code=kmb 25% of pop 27Angola AO "29,310,273" 70% "190,300,000,000" Lingala ln "197,000" http://www.joshuaproject.net/people-profile.php?peo3=13068&rog3=AO 28Angola AO "29,310,273" 70% "190,300,000,000" official Portuguese pt 67% 29Angola AO "29,310,273" 70% "190,300,000,000" Umbundu umb 29% 30Anguilla AI "17,087" 95% "175,400,000" official English en 95% 31Antarctica AQ 300 99% "17,810,000" Unknown language und 300 http://www.nsf.gov/od/opp/support/southp.jsp http://astro.uchicago.edu/cara/vtour/mcmurdo/ http://www.usap.gov/videoclipsandmaps/mcmwebcam.cfm Winter population is listed. 32Antigua & Barbuda AG "94,731" 99% "2,393,000,000" official English en 86% 33Antigua & Barbuda AG "94,731" 99% "2,393,000,000" Portuguese pt "1,600" 34Argentina AR "44,293,293" 98% "920,200,000,000" English en 7% 35Argentina AR "44,293,293" 98% "920,200,000,000" Guarani gn "21,000" 36Argentina AR "44,293,293" 98% "920,200,000,000" official Spanish es 100% 37Argentina AR "44,293,293" 98% "920,200,000,000" Welsh cy "29,000" 38Armenia AM "3,045,191" 100% "28,280,000,000" official Armenian hy 98% 39Armenia AM "3,045,191" 100% "28,280,000,000" Azerbaijani az 1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Census_in_Armenia - near-zero Azeri population in last census http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijanis_in_Armenia#Current_situation 40Armenia AM "3,045,191" 100% "28,280,000,000" Kurdish ku 3.3% 41Aruba AW "115,120" 97% "2,516,000,000" official Dutch nl 97% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/aa.html Dutch official 42Aruba AW "115,120" 97% "2,516,000,000" English en "3,000" 43Aruba AW "115,120" 97% "2,516,000,000" official Papiamento pap 61% 44Ascension Island AC 940 99% "42,290,000" English en 931 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascension_Island 45Australia AU "23,232,413" 99% "1,246,000,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant "492,000" 46Australia AU "23,232,413" 99% "1,246,000,000,000" de_facto_official English en 96% http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?ID=72 At most 6% are not fluent in English 47Australia AU "23,232,413" 99% "1,246,000,000,000" Italian it "445,000" 48Australia AU "23,232,413" 99% "1,246,000,000,000" Warlpiri wbp "2,500" 49Austria AT "8,754,413" 98% "439,600,000,000" Bavarian bar 95% 50Austria AT "8,754,413" 98% "439,600,000,000" official_regional Croatian hr "109,000" 51Austria AT "8,754,413" 98% "439,600,000,000" English en 73% 52Austria AT "8,754,413" 98% "439,600,000,000" French fr 11% 53Austria AT "8,754,413" 98% "439,600,000,000" official German de 97% 54Austria AT "8,754,413" 98% "439,600,000,000" official_regional Hungarian hu "23,200" 55Austria AT "8,754,413" 98% "439,600,000,000" Italian it 9% 56Austria AT "8,754,413" 98% "439,600,000,000" official_regional Slovenian sl "32,600" 57Azerbaijan AZ "9,961,396" 100% "171,800,000,000" official Azerbaijani az 89% "http://www.nvtc.gov/lotw/months/march/Azerbaijani.html#writ Latin script official, used 98.8% of pop * 10% for the usage figure" 58Azerbaijan AZ "9,961,396" 100% "171,800,000,000" official Azerbaijani (Cyrillic) az_Cyrl 9.9% "http://www.nvtc.gov/lotw/months/march/Azerbaijani.html#writ Latin script official, used 98.8% of pop * 90% for the usage figure" 59Azerbaijan AZ "9,961,396" 100% "171,800,000,000" Kurdish ku "24,200" 60Azerbaijan AZ "9,961,396" 100% "171,800,000,000" Muslim Tat ttt "21,900" 61Azerbaijan AZ "9,961,396" 100% "171,800,000,000" Talysh tly 9.8% 62Azerbaijan AZ "9,961,396" 100% "171,800,000,000" Tsakhur tkr "15,800" 63Bahamas BS "329,988" 96% "11,600,000,000" official English en 100% 64Bahrain BH "1,410,942" 95% "70,440,000,000" official Arabic ar 87% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=Bahrain Arabic official, the figure is derived from literacy * lang pop" 65Bahrain BH "1,410,942" 95% "70,440,000,000" Malayalam ml 3.3% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=Bahrain 66Bangladesh BD "157,826,578" 58% "687,100,000,000" official Bangla bn 98% 67Bangladesh BD "157,826,578" 58% "687,100,000,000" Burmese my "338,000" 68Bangladesh BD "157,826,578" 58% "687,100,000,000" Chakma ccp "351,000" 69Bangladesh BD "157,826,578" 58% "687,100,000,000" English en 18% 70Bangladesh BD "157,826,578" 58% "687,100,000,000" Garo grt "115,000" 71Bangladesh BD "157,826,578" 58% "687,100,000,000" Manipuri mni "17,000" 72Bangladesh BD "157,826,578" 58% "687,100,000,000" Mru mro "28,500" https://www.ethnologue.com/language/mro and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mru_language 73Bangladesh BD "157,826,578" 58% "687,100,000,000" Rangpuri rkt 6.5% 20% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=rkt 74Bangladesh BD "157,826,578" 58% "687,100,000,000" Sylheti syl 5% 35% 75Barbados BB "292,336" 100% "5,244,000,000" official English en 100% 76Belarus BY "9,549,747" 100% "178,900,000,000" official Belarusian be 100% 77Belarus BY "9,549,747" 100% "178,900,000,000" official Russian ru 12% 78Belgium BE "11,491,346" 99% "528,500,000,000" official Dutch nl 55% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=NL The figure includes 'Vlaams' population from Ethnologue 79Belgium BE "11,491,346" 99% "528,500,000,000" English en 59% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population The figure is from Wikipedia article on English-speaking populations 80Belgium BE "11,491,346" 99% "528,500,000,000" official French fr 38% 81Belgium BE "11,491,346" 99% "528,500,000,000" official German de 22% 82Belgium BE "11,491,346" 99% "528,500,000,000" Walloon wa 5.8% 5% "http://www.orbilat.com/Languages/Walloon/Walloon.htm It is estimated that Walloon is used actively by 10-20% of the total population of Wallonia or between 300,000 and 600,000 people. For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 83Belgium BE "11,491,346" 99% "528,500,000,000" West Flemish vls 10% 84Belize BZ "360,346" 77% "3,211,000,000" official English en 100% 85Belize BZ "360,346" 77% "3,211,000,000" Spanish es 28% 86Benin BJ "11,038,805" 42% "25,330,000,000" Fon fon 25% 87Benin BJ "11,038,805" 42% "25,330,000,000" official French fr 35% 88Benin BJ "11,038,805" 42% "25,330,000,000" Yoruba yo 6.7% 89Bermuda BM "70,864" 98% "6,127,000,000" official English en 92% 90Bhutan BT "758,288" 53% "7,030,000,000" official Dzongkha dz 47% 91Bhutan BT "758,288" 53% "7,030,000,000" English en 11% 92Bhutan BT "758,288" 53% "7,030,000,000" Lepcha lep 3.9% 93Bhutan BT "758,288" 53% "7,030,000,000" Nepali ne 17% 94Bhutan BT "758,288" 53% "7,030,000,000" Tshangla tsj 15% 95Bolivia BO "11,138,234" 91% "83,550,000,000" Araona aro 110 96Bolivia BO "11,138,234" 91% "83,550,000,000" official Aymara ay 20% 97Bolivia BO "11,138,234" 91% "83,550,000,000" Guarani gn "50,500" 98Bolivia BO "11,138,234" 91% "83,550,000,000" official Quechua qu 32% "http://lanic.utexas.edu/project/tilan/reports/rtf359/bolivia1.html Spanish is the official language, only about 60-70% of the population speaks it at all ;" 99Bolivia BO "11,138,234" 91% "83,550,000,000" official Spanish es 61% "https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bl.html http://lanic.utexas.edu/project/tilan/reports/rtf359/bolivia1.html Spanish is the official language, only about 60-70% of the population speaks it at all ;" 100Bosnia & Herzegovina BA "3,856,181" 98% "44,620,000,000" official Bosnian bs 99% 101Bosnia & Herzegovina BA "3,856,181" 98% "44,620,000,000" official Bosnian (Cyrillic) bs_Cyrl 99% 5% http://www.bhas.ba/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&itemid=80&lang=en&Itemid= also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnian_language 102Bosnia & Herzegovina BA "3,856,181" 98% "44,620,000,000" official Croatian hr 12% 103Bosnia & Herzegovina BA "3,856,181" 98% "44,620,000,000" English en 45% 104Bosnia & Herzegovina BA "3,856,181" 98% "44,620,000,000" official Serbian sr 10% 105Bosnia & Herzegovina BA "3,856,181" 98% "44,620,000,000" official Serbian (Latin) sr_Latn 10% 5% "While Cyrillic is customary, the vast majority of the population can read both.For languages not customarily written, the writing populiation is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 106Botswana BW "2,214,858" 85% "38,860,000,000" Afrikaans af "6,000" 107Botswana BW "2,214,858" 85% "38,860,000,000" official English en 81% "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bc.html English official, 81% literacy; the figure is derived from literacy * lang pop" 108Botswana BW "2,214,858" 85% "38,860,000,000" official Tswana tn 62% 109Bouvet Island BV 1 99% "44,990" Unknown language und 1 110Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" English en 8% 111Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" German de "1,740,000" 112Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" Guajajára gub "17,400" 113Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" Italian it "579,000" 114Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" Japanese ja "440,000" 115Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" Kaingang kgp "20,800" 116Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" Korean ko "42,900" 117Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" Nheengatu yrl "10,800" 118Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" official Portuguese pt 91% 119Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" Spanish es "75,700" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Brazil 120Brazil BR "207,353,391" 90% "3,240,000,000,000" Xavánte xav "10,000" 121British Indian Ocean Territory IO "3,500" 99% "157,500,000" official English en "3,500" 100% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/io.html No indigenous inhabitants. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Indian_Ocean_Territory 122British Virgin Islands VG "35,015" 98% "500,000,000" official English en 98% 123Brunei BN "443,593" 95% "33,540,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant 11% 124Brunei BN "443,593" 95% "33,540,000,000" English en "8,000" 125Brunei BN "443,593" 95% "33,540,000,000" official Malay ms 93% 126Brunei BN "443,593" 95% "33,540,000,000" official Malay (Arabic) ms_Arab 5% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Brunei Modern use of Arabic (Jawi) seems to be minimal, but is co-official with ms; set to 5% for now." 127Bulgaria BG "7,101,510" 98% "153,100,000,000" official Bulgarian bg 100% 128Bulgaria BG "7,101,510" 98% "153,100,000,000" English en 25% 129Bulgaria BG "7,101,510" 98% "153,100,000,000" German de 8% 130Bulgaria BG "7,101,510" 98% "153,100,000,000" Russian ru 23% 131Bulgaria BG "7,101,510" 98% "153,100,000,000" Turkish tr 11% 132Burkina Faso BF "20,107,509" 29% "35,780,000,000" Dyula dyu 32% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=dyu 133Burkina Faso BF "20,107,509" 29% "35,780,000,000" official French fr 22% 134Burkina Faso BF "20,107,509" 29% "35,780,000,000" Fulah ff 1 No estimate available. 135Burkina Faso BF "20,107,509" 29% "35,780,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No estimate available. 136Burkina Faso BF "20,107,509" 29% "35,780,000,000" Mossi mos 40% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=mos Also called Moré 137Burundi BI "11,466,756" 67% "7,990,000,000" official English en "6,240" "http://www.iwacu-burundi.org/blogs/english/english-is-now-official-language-of-burundi/ Newly designated official, not so widely used" 138Burundi BI "11,466,756" 67% "7,990,000,000" official French fr 59% 139Burundi BI "11,466,756" 67% "7,990,000,000" official Rundi rn 63% 140Burundi BI "11,466,756" 67% "7,990,000,000" Swahili sw "6,360" 141Cambodia KH "16,204,486" 74% "64,250,000,000" official Khmer km 89% 142Cambodia KH "16,204,486" 74% "64,250,000,000" Kuy kdt "17,900" 143Cambodia KH "16,204,486" 74% "64,250,000,000" Western Cham cja "255,000" 144Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Aghem agq "36,100" 20% 145Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Akoose bss "135,000" 30% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/bss 2nd lang literacy 30% 146Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Arabic ar "96,900" 147Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Bafia ksf "81,200" 148Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Bafut bfd "143,000" 30% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/bfd 30% literacy 149Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Bamun bax "291,000" 150Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Basaa bas "311,000" 25% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/bas 25-50% literacy 151Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Bulu bum 4.6% 152Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Duala dua "119,000" 25% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/dua 2nd lang literacy 25-50% 153Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" official English en 38% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameroon English 1/5 of pop, used 1/5 of pop * literacy rate" 154Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Ewondo ewo 3.1% 15% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/ewo 2nd lang literacy 15-25% 155Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" official French fr 68% 156Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Fulah ff 3.6% "This is base pop for """"""""""""""""fub"""""""""""""""" lang code; ff shows as a macrolanguage" 157Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No estimate available. 158Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Ghomala bbj "352,000" 25% "http://www.ethnologue.com/language/bbj 2nd lang literacy 25-50%, taught formally" 159Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Hausa (Arabic) ha_Arab "35,900" 160Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Kako kkj "135,000" 161Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Kom bkm "316,000" 5% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/bkm 162Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Kwasio nmg "9,000" 10% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/nmg 163Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Mafa maf "184,000" 164Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Medumba byv "284,000" 15% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/byv literacy 15-25% 165Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Metaʼ mgo "118,000" 5% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/mgh low litreracy ~5% 166Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Mundang mua "258,000" 167Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Ngiemboon nnh "338,000" 8% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/nnh 1st lang literacy 8% 168Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Ngomba jgo "85,300" 30% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/jgo 2nd lang literacy 30% 169Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Yangben yav "2,300" 170Cameroon CM "24,994,885" 71% "88,860,000,000" Yemba ybb "406,000" 2% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/ybb 171Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Atikamekw atj "5,650" "Canadian census shows 97,230 total population for all Cree languages" 172Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Chipewyan chp 770 "Canadian census shows 97,230 total population for all Cree languages" 173Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Cree cr "39,100" "Canadian census shows 97,230 total population for all Cree languages" 174Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Dogrib dgr "2,640" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tlicho_Yatii_language also called Dogrib 175Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" official English en 86% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Canada 176Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" official French fr 22% 177Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" German de "668,000" 178Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Gwichʼin gwi 570 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwichin_language 300 speakers out of 1100 pop; 1998 census shows 770 179Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" official_regional Inuinnaqtun ikt "4,000" 30% "http://www12.statcan.ca/census-recensement/2006/dp-pd/tbt/Rp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=3&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=0&GID=837928&GK=0&GRP=1&PID=89189&PRID=0&PTYPE=88971,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=70&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" 180Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" official_regional Inuktitut iu "15,000" 30% "http://www12.statcan.ca/census-recensement/2006/dp-pd/tbt/Rp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=3&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=0&GID=837928&GK=0&GRP=1&PID=89189&PRID=0&PTYPE=88971,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=70&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" 181Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" official_regional Inuktitut (Latin) iu_Latn "15,000" 30% "http://www12.statcan.ca/census-recensement/2006/dp-pd/tbt/Rp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=3&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=0&GID=837928&GK=0&GRP=1&PID=89189&PRID=0&PTYPE=88971,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=70&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" 182Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" Italian it "709,000" "http://www12.statcan.ca/census-recensement/2006/dp-pd/tbt/Rp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=3&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=0&GID=837928&GK=0&GRP=1&PID=89189&PRID=0&PTYPE=88971,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=70&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" 183Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" Mohawk moh "3,500" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohawk_language 184Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Montagnais moe "11,800" "Canadian census shows 97,230 total population for all Cree languages" 185Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Moose Cree crm "4,500" "Canadian census shows 97,230 total population for all Cree languages" 186Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Naskapi nsk "1,180" "Canadian census shows 97,230 total population for all Cree languages" 187Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized North Slavey scs "1,240" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Slavey 188Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Northern East Cree crl "5,310" "Canadian census shows 97,230 total population for all Cree languages" 189Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Plains Cree crk "37,900" "Canadian census shows 97,230 total population for all Cree languages" 190Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" Plautdietsch pdt "85,800" 191Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Slave den "2,310" 192Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Southern East Cree crj "7,310" "Canadian census shows 97,230 total population for all Cree languages" 193Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" recognized Swampy Cree csw "5,000" "Canadian census shows 97,230 total population for all Cree languages" 194Canada CA "35,623,680" 99% "1,769,000,000,000" Yiddish yi "16,100" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Canada#Languages_by_mother_tongue 195Canary Islands IC "2,098,593" 98% "76,040,000,000" official Spanish es 98% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canary_islands 196Cape Verde CV "560,899" 85% "3,735,000,000" recognized Kabuverdianu kea 91% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=CV Official language, 37-77% literacy" 197Cape Verde CV "560,899" 85% "3,735,000,000" official Portuguese pt 76% 198Caribbean Netherlands BQ "20,000" 96% "418,000,000" official Dutch nl "1,600" 199Caribbean Netherlands BQ "20,000" 96% "418,000,000" recognized Papiamento pap 81% 200Cayman Islands KY "58,441" 99% "2,507,000,000" official English en 98% 201Central African Republic CF "5,625,118" 57% "3,373,000,000" official French fr 49% 202Central African Republic CF "5,625,118" 57% "3,373,000,000" Lingala ln "13,500" 203Central African Republic CF "5,625,118" 57% "3,373,000,000" official Sango sg 49% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=sag Ethnologue: 350k in CAF + 1.6 million 2nd lang speakers 204Ceuta & Melilla EA "150,000" 98% "5,435,000,000" official Spanish es 98% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceuta 205Chad TD "12,075,985" 35% "28,560,000,000" official Arabic ar 17% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cd.html low literacy and >120 langs in country 206Chad TD "12,075,985" 35% "28,560,000,000" official French fr 26% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cd.html low literacy and >120 langs in country 207Chile CL "17,789,267" 99% "451,100,000,000" English en 9.5% 208Chile CL "17,789,267" 99% "451,100,000,000" Mapuche arn "270,000" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapuche_language 209Chile CL "17,789,267" 99% "451,100,000,000" official Spanish es 98% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Chile#Languages Spanish ""universal"", set to 98%" 210China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Cantonese (Simplified) yue_Hans 5.2% 5% "Mainly in Guangdong Prov, ~70-80 million" 211China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" official Chinese zh 90% 212China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" English en "62,700" 213China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Gan Chinese gan "22,800,000" 214China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Hakka Chinese hak "31,100,000" 215China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Kazakh (Arabic) kk_Arab "1,180,000" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_language 216China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" official_regional Korean ko "2,030,000" 217China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Kyrgyz (Arabic) ky_Arab "464,000" 218China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Lisu lis "615,000" 219China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Literary Chinese lzh 1 No estimate available. 220China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Lü khb "266,000" "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=khb (= Tai Lu, Xishuangbanna Dai; New Tai Lue script)" 221China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Min Nan Chinese nan "26,700,000" 222China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" official_regional Mongolian (Mongolian) mn_Mong "3,590,000" 223China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Naxi nxq "328,000" 224China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Russian ru "14,300" 225China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Sichuan Yi ii "8,230,000" 60% 226China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Tai Nüa tdd "266,000" 227China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" official_regional Tibetan bo "2,710,000" 228China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" official_regional Uyghur ug "7,650,000" 229China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Uzbek (Cyrillic) uz_Cyrl "5,000" 230China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Vietnamese vi "7,200" 231China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Western Lawa lcp "79,600" 232China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Wu Chinese wuu 6% 233China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" Xiang Chinese hsn "39,400,000" 234China CN "1,379,302,771" 95% "23,160,000,000,000" official_regional Zhuang za "4,240,000" 235Christmas Island CX "2,205" 99% "118,300,000" official English en "1,400" 236Clipperton Island CP 1 99% "42,260" Unknown language und 1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clipperton_Island 237Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC 596 99% "31,960,000" de_facto_official English en 100 238Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC 596 99% "31,960,000" Malay (Arabic) ms_Arab 496 239Colombia CO "47,698,524" 94% "714,000,000,000" official Spanish es 93% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/co.html Spanish official 240Colombia CO "47,698,524" 94% "714,000,000,000" Wayuu guc "129,000" 241Comoros KM "808,080" 76% "1,313,000,000" official Arabic ar 66% 242Comoros KM "808,080" 76% "1,313,000,000" official French fr 56% 243Comoros KM "808,080" 76% "1,313,000,000" official Ndzwani Comorian wni 34% https://www.ethnologue.com/language/wni 244Comoros KM "808,080" 76% "1,313,000,000" official Ngazidja Comorian zdj 37% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=zdj 245Congo - Brazzaville CG "4,954,674" 84% "28,880,000,000" official French fr 84% 246Congo - Brazzaville CG "4,954,674" 84% "28,880,000,000" recognized Lingala ln "118,000" 247Congo - Kinshasa CD "83,301,151" 67% "68,450,000,000" official French fr 3.8% "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/cg.html French official, the figure is derived from literacy * population" 248Congo - Kinshasa CD "83,301,151" 67% "68,450,000,000" Kinyarwanda rw "317,000" 249Congo - Kinshasa CD "83,301,151" 67% "68,450,000,000" official_regional Kongo kg "1,270,000" 250Congo - Kinshasa CD "83,301,151" 67% "68,450,000,000" official_regional Lingala ln 3.1% 251Congo - Kinshasa CD "83,301,151" 67% "68,450,000,000" Luba-Katanga lu "1,900,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=lub 252Congo - Kinshasa CD "83,301,151" 67% "68,450,000,000" official_regional Luba-Lulua lua 9.6% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=lua 253Congo - Kinshasa CD "83,301,151" 67% "68,450,000,000" Mongo lol "507,000" 254Congo - Kinshasa CD "83,301,151" 67% "68,450,000,000" official_regional Swahili sw 50% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swahili_language - five eastern provinces of the DRC are Swahili speaking. Nearly half the 66 million Congolese speak it. 255Cook Islands CK "9,290" 95% "299,900,000" official English en "8,830" 256Costa Rica CR "4,930,258" 96% "83,850,000,000" official Spanish es 95% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_Rica https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cs.html 257Côte d’Ivoire CI "24,184,810" 57% "96,920,000,000" Baoulé bci 11% 10% 258Côte d’Ivoire CI "24,184,810" 57% "96,920,000,000" Cebaara Senoufo sef 4.3% 5% 259Côte d’Ivoire CI "24,184,810" 57% "96,920,000,000" Dan dnj 4% 1% 260Côte d’Ivoire CI "24,184,810" 57% "96,920,000,000" official French fr 49% 261Côte d’Ivoire CI "24,184,810" 57% "96,920,000,000" Koro kfo "56,500" 262Côte d’Ivoire CI "24,184,810" 57% "96,920,000,000" Koro Wachi bqv "41,900" 10% 263Croatia HR "4,292,095" 99% "101,300,000,000" official Croatian hr 99% 264Croatia HR "4,292,095" 99% "101,300,000,000" English en 49% 265Croatia HR "4,292,095" 99% "101,300,000,000" official_regional Italian it "66,600" 266Cuba CU "11,147,407" 100% "137,000,000,000" official Spanish es 100% 267Curaçao CW "149,648" 96% "3,128,000,000" official Dutch nl 8% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cc.html 268Curaçao CW "149,648" 96% "3,128,000,000" de_facto_official Papiamento pap 81% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cc.html 269Curaçao CW "149,648" 96% "3,128,000,000" Spanish es "5,690" https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cc.html 270Cyprus CY "1,221,549" 99% "31,590,000,000" Arabic ar "1,300" 271Cyprus CY "1,221,549" 99% "31,590,000,000" Armenian hy "2,740" 272Cyprus CY "1,221,549" 99% "31,590,000,000" English en 73% 273Cyprus CY "1,221,549" 99% "31,590,000,000" French fr 7% 274Cyprus CY "1,221,549" 99% "31,590,000,000" official Greek el 95% 275Cyprus CY "1,221,549" 99% "31,590,000,000" official Turkish tr 23% 276Czechia CZ "10,674,723" 99% "375,700,000,000" official Czech cs 98% 277Czechia CZ "10,674,723" 99% "375,700,000,000" English en 27% 278Czechia CZ "10,674,723" 99% "375,700,000,000" German de 15% 279Czechia CZ "10,674,723" 99% "375,700,000,000" Polish pl "52,300" 280Czechia CZ "10,674,723" 99% "375,700,000,000" Slovak sk 16% 281Denmark DK "5,605,948" 99% "286,800,000,000" official Danish da 93% 282Denmark DK "5,605,948" 99% "286,800,000,000" English en 86% 283Denmark DK "5,605,948" 99% "286,800,000,000" Faroese fo "21,100" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faroese_language 284Denmark DK "5,605,948" 99% "286,800,000,000" official_regional German de 47% "protected minority, southern Jutland" 285Denmark DK "5,605,948" 99% "286,800,000,000" Jutish jut 1 No estimate available. 286Denmark DK "5,605,948" 99% "286,800,000,000" official_regional Kalaallisut kl "7,000" 287Denmark DK "5,605,948" 99% "286,800,000,000" Swedish sv 13% No estimate available. 288Diego Garcia DG 500 99% "22,500,000" de_facto_official English en 495 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diego_Garcia 289Djibouti DJ "865,267" 68% "3,632,000,000" Afar aa 42% 290Djibouti DJ "865,267" 68% "3,632,000,000" official Arabic ar 7.3% 291Djibouti DJ "865,267" 68% "3,632,000,000" official French fr "18,600" 292Djibouti DJ "865,267" 68% "3,632,000,000" Somali so 41% 293Dominica DM "73,897" 94% "785,000,000" official English en 94% 294Dominican Republic DO "10,734,247" 90% "172,400,000,000" English en "8,000" 295Dominican Republic DO "10,734,247" 90% "172,400,000,000" official Spanish es 78% 296Ecuador EC "16,290,913" 92% "192,600,000,000" Chimborazo Highland Quichua qug 5.7% 297Ecuador EC "16,290,913" 92% "192,600,000,000" official Quechua qu 17% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quechua_language 298Ecuador EC "16,290,913" 92% "192,600,000,000" official Spanish es 96% "percentage calculated from http://www.spanishcourses.info/Mains/SpanishSpoken_EN.htm , see also http://www.spanishseo.org/resources/worldwide-spanish-speaking-population" 299Egypt EG "97,041,072" 74% "1,201,000,000,000" official Arabic ar 94% 300Egypt EG "97,041,072" 74% "1,201,000,000,000" Egyptian Arabic arz 64% 301Egypt EG "97,041,072" 74% "1,201,000,000,000" English en 35% 302Egypt EG "97,041,072" 74% "1,201,000,000,000" Greek el "59,400" 303El Salvador SV "6,172,011" 85% "56,990,000,000" official Spanish es 89% 304Equatorial Guinea GQ "778,358" 94% "30,350,000,000" Bube bvb 7.9% 305Equatorial Guinea GQ "778,358" 94% "30,350,000,000" Fang fan 51% 306Equatorial Guinea GQ "778,358" 94% "30,350,000,000" official French fr 8.8% http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/equatorial_guinea.htm French is a minority official language. Crude estimate of usage based on import partner data. 307Equatorial Guinea GQ "778,358" 94% "30,350,000,000" official Portuguese pt 1 No estimate available. 308Equatorial Guinea GQ "778,358" 94% "30,350,000,000" official Spanish es 87% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equatorial_guinea#Official_languages The great majority of Equatorial Guineans speak Spanish, especially those living in the capital, Malabo. Spanish has been an official language since 1844." 309Eritrea ER "5,918,919" 69% "9,382,000,000" Afar aa 3.6% 310Eritrea ER "5,918,919" 69% "9,382,000,000" official Arabic ar 4.9% 5% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=ER Official language, used in some schools." 311Eritrea ER "5,918,919" 69% "9,382,000,000" Blin byn "75,300" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blin_language 312Eritrea ER "5,918,919" 69% "9,382,000,000" official English en 59% etimate only based on literacy; no population data currently available 313Eritrea ER "5,918,919" 69% "9,382,000,000" Saho ssy 3.6% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saho_language 314Eritrea ER "5,918,919" 69% "9,382,000,000" Tigre tig 18% 315Eritrea ER "5,918,919" 69% "9,382,000,000" de_facto_official Tigrinya ti 60% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eritrea#Languages Tigrinya ethnic pop is about 60% 316Estonia EE "1,251,581" 100% "41,560,000,000" English en 50% 317Estonia EE "1,251,581" 100% "41,560,000,000" official Estonian et 71% 318Estonia EE "1,251,581" 100% "41,560,000,000" Finnish fi 21% 319Estonia EE "1,251,581" 100% "41,560,000,000" Russian ru 56% 320Estonia EE "1,251,581" 100% "41,560,000,000" Võro vro 5.7% 321Ethiopia ET "105,350,020" 39% "200,200,000,000" Afar aa "1,470,000" 322Ethiopia ET "105,350,020" 39% "200,200,000,000" official Amharic am 33% 323Ethiopia ET "105,350,020" 39% "200,200,000,000" English en 43% 324Ethiopia ET "105,350,020" 39% "200,200,000,000" Oromo om 32% 325Ethiopia ET "105,350,020" 39% "200,200,000,000" Sidamo sid 3.5% 326Ethiopia ET "105,350,020" 39% "200,200,000,000" Somali so 6% 327Ethiopia ET "105,350,020" 39% "200,200,000,000" Tigrinya ti 6% 328Ethiopia ET "105,350,020" 39% "200,200,000,000" Wolaytta wal "1,850,000" 329Falkland Islands FK "2,931" 99% "206,400,000" official English en "2,810" 330Faroe Islands FO "50,730" 99% "2,001,000,000" official Faroese fo 95% 331Fiji FJ "920,938" 94% "8,652,000,000" official English en 94% 332Fiji FJ "920,938" 94% "8,652,000,000" official Fiji Hindi hif 41% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiji_Hindi 333Fiji FJ "920,938" 94% "8,652,000,000" official Fijian fj 39% 334Fiji FJ "920,938" 94% "8,652,000,000" Hindi hi 44% http://www.uwplatt.edu/news/2005/02/uw-platteville-announces-study-abroad.html Estimates Indian ethnic 44% ; see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-resident_Indian_and_Person_of_Indian_Origin and http://www.vanuatu.usp.ac.fj/paclangunit/English_South_Pacific.htm 335Fiji FJ "920,938" 94% "8,652,000,000" Rotuman rtm "2,500" 336Finland FI "5,518,371" 100% "244,000,000,000" English en 70% http://www.vaestorekisterikeskus.fi/vrk/home.nsf/pages/index_eng 337Finland FI "5,518,371" 100% "244,000,000,000" Estonian et "6,000" 338Finland FI "5,518,371" 100% "244,000,000,000" official Finnish fi 94% 339Finland FI "5,518,371" 100% "244,000,000,000" German de 18% 340Finland FI "5,518,371" 100% "244,000,000,000" Inari Sami smn 600 http://www.kotus.fi/?l=en&s=207 341Finland FI "5,518,371" 100% "244,000,000,000" Kalo Finnish Romani rmf "5,000" http://www.kotus.fi/index.phtml?l=en&s=512 342Finland FI "5,518,371" 100% "244,000,000,000" Northern Sami se "2,000" 343Finland FI "5,518,371" 100% "244,000,000,000" Russian ru "44,600" http://www.vaestorekisterikeskus.fi/vrk/home.nsf/pages/index_eng 344Finland FI "5,518,371" 100% "244,000,000,000" Skolt Sami sms 600 http://www.kotus.fi/?l=en&s=207 345Finland FI "5,518,371" 100% "244,000,000,000" official Swedish sv 44% 346France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Arpitan frp "62,900" 347France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Basque eu "85,300" 348France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Breton br "559,000" 3% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breton_language http://www.ofis-bzh.org/fr/langue_bretonne/chiffres_cles/index.php France blocks other languages in state schools; 1.4% attended Breton schools and 3% is estimated as family transmission rate 349France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Catalan ca "112,000" 350France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Corsican co "162,000" 5% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=cos Corsican has been recognized as a language by the French government. Speakers also use French but many are not fluent in it. For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5%" 351France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Dutch nl "89,400" 352France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" English en 39% 353France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" official French fr 99% 354France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" German de 5% http://www.interlingua.com/statutos leading Interlingua assoc (Union Mundial pro Interlingua) registered French non-profit - real user pop figure is unknown but low 355France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Interlingua ia 100 http://www.interlingua.com/statutos leading Interlingua assoc (Union Mundial pro Interlingua) registered French non-profit - real user pop figure is unknown but low 356France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Italian it "1,120,000" 357France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Occitan oc 3% 5% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=lnc Languedocien = Occitan 'Everyone speaks French as first or second language.' For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5%" 358France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Picard pcd "733,000" 359France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Portuguese pt "840,000" 360France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Spanish es 13% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsatian_language 361France FR "67,106,161" 99% "2,836,000,000,000" Swiss German gsw "613,000" 5% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsatian_language 362French Guiana GF "199,509" 83% "1,551,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant "5,000" 363French Guiana GF "199,509" 83% "1,551,000,000" official French fr 77% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=GF French official; the figure is derived from literacy * lang pop 364French Guiana GF "199,509" 83% "1,551,000,000" Guianese Creole French gcr 26% 365French Polynesia PF "287,881" 98% "5,490,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant 7.8% 366French Polynesia PF "287,881" 98% "5,490,000,000" official French fr 61% 367French Polynesia PF "287,881" 98% "5,490,000,000" official Tahitian ty 31% 368French Southern Territories TF 140 99% "5,917,000" French fr 140 100% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/fs.html No indigenous inhabitants. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Southern_Territories 369Gabon GA "1,772,255" 89% "36,730,000,000" official French fr 63% 370Gabon GA "1,772,255" 89% "36,730,000,000" Punu puu 9% 371Gambia GM "2,051,363" 51% "3,602,000,000" official English en 40% 372Gambia GM "2,051,363" 51% "3,602,000,000" Fulah ff 1 373Gambia GM "2,051,363" 51% "3,602,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 374Gambia GM "2,051,363" 51% "3,602,000,000" Mandingo man 29% 375Georgia GE "4,926,330" 100% "39,700,000,000" official_regional Abkhazian ab "110,000" 376Georgia GE "4,926,330" 100% "39,700,000,000" Armenian hy 7% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/fields/2098.html 377Georgia GE "4,926,330" 100% "39,700,000,000" official Georgian ka 86% 378Georgia GE "4,926,330" 100% "39,700,000,000" Kurdish ku "43,600" 379Georgia GE "4,926,330" 100% "39,700,000,000" Mingrelian xmf 11% 380Georgia GE "4,926,330" 100% "39,700,000,000" official_regional Ossetic os "109,000" 381Georgia GE "4,926,330" 100% "39,700,000,000" Russian ru 9% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/fields/2098.html 382Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Bavarian bar 17% 5% "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bavarian_language Widely spoken less written, and most speakers know standard German as well" 383Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Colognian ksh "245,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=ksh 384Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Croatian hr "636,000" 385Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Danish da "1,610,000" http://www.bevoelkerungsschutz-portal.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Broschueren/2008/Regional_und_Minderheitensprachen.pdf 386Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Dutch nl 9% http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1138/umfrage/fremdsprachenkenntnisse/ 387Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Eastern Frisian frs "2,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/language/frs Moribund language 388Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" English en 64% 389Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" French fr 18% http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1138/umfrage/fremdsprachenkenntnisse/ 390Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" official German de 91% 391Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Greek el "306,000" 392Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Italian it 7% http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1138/umfrage/fremdsprachenkenntnisse/ 393Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Kurdish ku "534,000" 394Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Low German nds 12% 5% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=nds understood by 10 million, perhaps. Figure is questionable writing pop artificially set to 5% see also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_German (understood by 10 million people, and native to about 3 million people all around northern Germany)" 395Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Lower Sorbian dsb "7,000" 5% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=dsb pop 7k. Figure is questionable writing pop artificially set to 5% see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_Sorbian 396Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Main-Franconian vmf 6% 397Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Northern Frisian frr "10,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/language/frr 398Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Palatine German pfl 1 No estimate available. 399Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Polish pl "235,000" 400Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Russian ru 6% http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1138/umfrage/fremdsprachenkenntnisse/ 401Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Saterland Frisian stq "1,000" 402Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Spanish es 6% http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1138/umfrage/fremdsprachenkenntnisse/ 403Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Swabian swg "816,000" 5% 404Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Swiss German gsw "1,890,000" 5% 405Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Turkish tr "2,050,000" 406Germany DE "80,594,017" 99% "4,171,000,000,000" Upper Sorbian hsb "12,700" 5% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=hsb pop 13k. Figure is questionable writing pop artificially set to 5% see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Sorbian 407Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" Abron abr 5% 408Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" Adangme ada "825,000" 409Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" official_regional Akan ak 39% 410Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" official English en 21% "https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gh.html English official in education, 36.1% 2000 census" 411Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" official_regional Ewe ee 11% 412Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" Frafra gur 3.5% 413Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" Fulah ff 1 No estimate available. 414Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No estimate available. 415Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" official_regional Ga gaa "783,000" 416Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" Hausa ha "238,000" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausa_people 417Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" Nzima nzi "280,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=saf no other info available for now 418Ghana GH "27,499,924" 72% "133,700,000,000" Safaliba saf "4,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=saf no other info available for now 419Gibraltar GI "29,396" 80% "2,044,000,000" official English en 80% "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gi.html English official, the figure is derived from literacy * lang pop" 420Gibraltar GI "29,396" 80% "2,044,000,000" Spanish es 50% "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gi.html English official, the figure is derived from literacy * lang pop" 421Greece GR "10,768,477" 97% "298,700,000,000" Albanian sq "10,000" 422Greece GR "10,768,477" 97% "298,700,000,000" Bulgarian bg "29,100" 423Greece GR "10,768,477" 97% "298,700,000,000" English en 51% 424Greece GR "10,768,477" 97% "298,700,000,000" French fr 9% 425Greece GR "10,768,477" 97% "298,700,000,000" German de 5% 426Greece GR "10,768,477" 97% "298,700,000,000" official Greek el 99% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gr.html 427Greece GR "10,768,477" 97% "298,700,000,000" Macedonian mk "175,000" 428Greece GR "10,768,477" 97% "298,700,000,000" Pontic pnt 3.7% 429Greece GR "10,768,477" 97% "298,700,000,000" Tsakonian tsd 200 430Greece GR "10,768,477" 97% "298,700,000,000" Turkish tr "125,000" 431Greenland GL "57,713" 100% "2,413,000,000" Danish da "7,830" 432Greenland GL "57,713" 100% "2,413,000,000" official Kalaallisut kl 84% 433Grenada GD "111,724" 96% "1,606,000,000" official English en 96% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gj.html English official; the figure is derived from literacy * lang pop 434Guadeloupe GP "452,776" 90% "3,513,000,000" official French fr 90% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=GP French official; the figure is derived from literacy * lang pop 435Guam GU "167,358" 99% "5,793,000,000" official Chamorro ch 22% 436Guam GU "167,358" 99% "5,793,000,000" de_facto_official English en 91% 437Guatemala GT "15,460,732" 76% "137,800,000,000" official_regional Kʼicheʼ quc 7% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K'iche'_language 438Guatemala GT "15,460,732" 76% "137,800,000,000" official Spanish es 93% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatemala#Language https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gt.html Spanish official 439Guernsey GG "66,502" 100% "3,465,000,000" official English en 100% 440Guinea GN "12,413,867" 41% "26,470,000,000" official French fr 29% No figures found for use of French. Used literacy 29.5% times population to get the writing pop; French is the only official language. 441Guinea GN "12,413,867" 41% "26,470,000,000" Fulah ff 26% 442Guinea GN "12,413,867" 41% "26,470,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No Data Available at present. 443Guinea GN "12,413,867" 41% "26,470,000,000" Kpelle kpe 3.8% 444Guinea GN "12,413,867" 41% "26,470,000,000" Mandingo (N’Ko) man_Nkoo 23% 445Guinea GN "12,413,867" 41% "26,470,000,000" N’Ko nqo 5% No figures available for this language. Estimating at 5%. 446Guinea GN "12,413,867" 41% "26,470,000,000" Susu sus 11% 447Guinea-Bissau GW "1,792,338" 55% "3,137,000,000" Fulah ff 1 No estimate available. 448Guinea-Bissau GW "1,792,338" 55% "3,137,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No estimate available. 449Guinea-Bissau GW "1,792,338" 55% "3,137,000,000" Mankanya knf "46,800" http://www.ethnologue.com/18/language/knf/ 450Guinea-Bissau GW "1,792,338" 55% "3,137,000,000" official Portuguese pt 100% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/pu.html Many minor langs; Portuguese official 451Guyana GY "737,718" 92% "6,287,000,000" official English en 100% 452Haiti HT "10,646,714" 49% "19,930,000,000" official French fr 4.7% 100% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=fra 400k 2nd language speakers 453Haiti HT "10,646,714" 49% "19,930,000,000" official Haitian Creole ht 81% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=hat Most of the population uses Creole; see also http://www.country-studies.com/haiti/creole,-literacy,-and-education.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_language#Haiti" 454Heard & McDonald Islands HM 1 99% "53,630" Unknown language und 1 100% "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/hm.html Uninhabited, barren, sub-Antarctic islands" 455Honduras HN "9,038,741" 85% "46,200,000,000" English en "39,800" 456Honduras HN "9,038,741" 85% "46,200,000,000" official Spanish es 78% 457Hong Kong SAR China HK "7,191,503" 94% "454,900,000,000" Cantonese yue 90% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/hk.html and https://www.ethnologue.com/language/yue 458Hong Kong SAR China HK "7,191,503" 94% "454,900,000,000" Chinese zh 5% Hans literacy is unknown; set to 5% artificially pending better or official figures. 459Hong Kong SAR China HK "7,191,503" 94% "454,900,000,000" official Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant 95% 460Hong Kong SAR China HK "7,191,503" 94% "454,900,000,000" official English en 51% 461Hungary HU "9,850,845" 99% "289,000,000,000" Croatian hr "31,400" 462Hungary HU "9,850,845" 99% "289,000,000,000" English en 20% 463Hungary HU "9,850,845" 99% "289,000,000,000" French fr "296,000" 464Hungary HU "9,850,845" 99% "289,000,000,000" German de 18% 465Hungary HU "9,850,845" 99% "289,000,000,000" official Hungarian hu 100% 466Hungary HU "9,850,845" 99% "289,000,000,000" Romanian ro "97,500" 467Hungary HU "9,850,845" 99% "289,000,000,000" Slovak sk "11,300" 468Hungary HU "9,850,845" 99% "289,000,000,000" Slovenian sl "4,980" 469Iceland IS "339,747" 99% "17,620,000,000" Danish da "2,250" 470Iceland IS "339,747" 99% "17,620,000,000" official Icelandic is 100% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceland - Icelandic official 471India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Ao Naga njo "291,000" 472India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Assamese as "16,700,000" 473India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Awadhi awa "23,700,000" 5% 474India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Badaga bfq "291,000" 475India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Bagheli bfy "470,000" 476India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Balti bft "79,500" 477India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Bangla bn 8.1% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 478India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Bateri btv "33,500" 479India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Bhilali bhi "1,180,000" 480India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Bhili bhb "1,540,000" 481India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Bhojpuri bho "29,100,000" 30% 482India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Bishnupriya bpy "86,600" 483India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Bodo brx "1,790,000" 484India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Braj bra "52,300" 485India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Chakma ccp "357,000" 486India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Chhattisgarhi hne "13,700,000" 487India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Deccan dcc "12,800,000" 488India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Divehi dv "4,500" 489India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Dogri doi "2,500,000" 490India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Dzongkha dz "3,000" 491India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official English en 19% http://www.ciil.org/Main/Announcement/MBE_Programme/paper/paper2.htm http://www.censusindia.net/cendat/datatable26.html 492India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Garhwali gbm "3,460,000" 493India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Garo grt "682,000" 494India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Goan Konkani gom "4,050,000" 495India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Gondi gon "3,130,000" 496India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Gujarati gu 4.5% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 497India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Hadothi hoj "1,050,000" 498India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Haryanvi bgc "15,400,000" 55% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haryanvi http://www.indianetzone.com/7/haryanvi.htm little literature mostly folksongs; writers use std Hindi; claim of 55% literacy 499India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official Hindi hi 41% "http://www.censusindia.net/ Figure for Hindi includes 2nd language users, India Census data." 500India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Ho hoc "1,280,000" https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 501India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Kachhi kfr "957,000" 502India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Kanauji bjj "7,120,000" 60% 503India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Kangri xnr "2,020,000" 504India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Kannada kn 3.7% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 505India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Kashmiri ks "5,220,000" 506India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Khamti kht "8,880" 507India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Khandesi khn "1,880,000" 508India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Khasi kha "1,030,000" 29% 509India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Konkani kok "4,750,000" 510India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Kumaoni kfy "2,800,000" 511India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Kurukh kru "2,440,000" 512India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Lahnda lah "32,500" 513India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Lambadi lmn "3,400,000" 514India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Lepcha lep "45,100" 515India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Limbu lif "33,300" 516India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Magahi mag "15,400,000" 30% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=mag 517India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Maithili mai "15,300,000" https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 518India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Malayalam ml 3.2% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 519India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Manipuri mni "1,470,000" 520India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Marathi mr 7% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 521India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Marwari mwr "15,400,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=rwr 522India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Mewari mtr "1,250,000" 523India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Mewati wtm "5,930,000" 25% 524India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Munda unx "616,000" 525India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Mundari unr "1,210,000" 526India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Nepali ne "7,120,000" 527India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Nimadi noe "1,610,000" 528India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Odia or 3.2% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 529India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Punjabi pa "35,900,000" https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 530India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Rajasthani raj "1,310,000" 531India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Rangpuri rkt "5,580,000" 20% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=rkt language also called Kamta in India 532India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Riang [India] ria "165,000" 533India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Sadri sck "2,330,000" 534India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Sanskrit sa "15,800" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskrit - 14k reported as native. Taught as elective subject in grades 5-8; not widely spoken as primary communication. 535India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Santali sat "7,070,000" 536India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Saurashtra saz "368,000" 537India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Shekhawati swv "3,570,000" 538India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Sindhi sd "3,340,000" 539India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Sindhi (Devanagari) sd_Deva "334,000" http://www.lmp.ucla.edu/Profile.aspx?menu=004&LangID=201 - Not widely used; set to 10%. 540India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Sirmauri srx "447,000" "http://www.himachalonline.com/temp/languages.htm Sirmauri (srx) Mahasui = Himachali, Pahari, Sirmouri, Sirmuri" 541India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Tamil ta 5.9% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 542India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Telugu te 7.2% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 543India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Tibetan bo "147,000" 544India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Tulu tcy "1,920,000" 545India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" official_regional Urdu ur 5% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 546India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Waddar wbq "2,290,000" 547India IN "1,281,935,911" 63% "9,459,000,000,000" Wagdi wbr "1,920,000" 548Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Achinese ace "3,590,000" 549Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Balinese ban "4,660,000" 10% http://yamiproject.cs.pu.edu.tw/yami/conference/paper/015.pdf http://www.statemaster.com/encyclopedia/Balinese-language widely used; taught in school as a main lang 550Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Banjar bjn "3,840,000" 10% 551Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Batak Toba bbc "2,390,000" 552Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Betawi bew "5,490,000" 553Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Buginese bug "4,180,000" 10% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buginese_language widely used in its cultural areas, often in Latin script" 554Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant "2,390,000" 555Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Gayo gay "308,000" 556Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Gorontalo gor "1,080,000" 557Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" official Indonesian id 64% 558Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Javanese jv 34% 10% Indonesia high literacy; low written use of local languages 559Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Kerinci kvr "359,000" 560Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Komering kge "837,000" 561Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Lampung Api ljp "1,790,000" 562Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Madurese mad 6.3% 40% 563Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Makasar mak "1,910,000" 564Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Malay (Arabic) ms_Arab 4.6% 565Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Mandar mdr "239,000" 566Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Mentawai mwv "63,600" 567Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Minangkabau min "7,770,000" 10% 568Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Ngaju nij "957,000" 569Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Rejang rej "1,190,000" 570Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Sangir sxn "239,000" 571Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Sasak sas "2,520,000" 572Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Selayar sly "141,000" 573Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Sundanese su 12% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundanese_language recognized in West Java 574Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Tae' rob "298,000" 575Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Tolaki lbw "336,000" 576Indonesia ID "260,580,739" 93% "3,243,000,000,000" Uab Meto aoz "700,000" 577Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Arabic ar "1,640,000" 578Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Armenian hy "199,000" 579Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Azerbaijani (Arabic) az_Arab 24% 580Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Bakhtiari bqi "1,170,000" 581Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Baluchi bal "1,640,000" 582Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Central Kurdish ckb 3.9% www.amar.org.ir 583Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Domari rmt "1,550,000" 1% Mainly unwritten 584Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Georgian ka "58,100" 585Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Gilaki glk 4.6% 586Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Kazakh (Arabic) kk_Arab "3,000" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_language - the script is an assumption, needs a reference" 587Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Laki lki "623,000" www.amar.org.ir 588Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Mazanderani mzn 5% 589Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Northern Luri lrc "1,750,000" 10% 590Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Parsi-Dari prd "407,000" 591Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Pashto ps "132,000" 592Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" official Persian fa 75% 593Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Southern Kurdish sdh 3.7% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/sdh 594Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Southern Luri luz "1,010,000" 595Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Turkmen tk "2,320,000" 596Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Western Balochi bgn "458,000" 5% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/bgn low literacy 597Iran IR "82,021,564" 85% "1,645,000,000,000" Zoroastrian Dari gbz "8,000" 598Iraq IQ "39,192,111" 79% "658,800,000,000" official Arabic ar 68% 599Iraq IQ "39,192,111" 79% "658,800,000,000" official_regional Azerbaijani (Arabic) az_Arab "722,000" 600Iraq IQ "39,192,111" 79% "658,800,000,000" official_regional Central Kurdish ckb 20% "https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/iz.html Lang pop est, CIA factbook 15-20% country pop" 601Iraq IQ "39,192,111" 79% "658,800,000,000" English en 35% 602Iraq IQ "39,192,111" 79% "658,800,000,000" Northern Luri lrc "241,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/language/lrc 603Iraq IQ "39,192,111" 79% "658,800,000,000" Persian fa "342,000" 604Iraq IQ "39,192,111" 79% "658,800,000,000" Syriac syr "195,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=cld syr is a macrolang containing cld and aii) 605Ireland IE "5,011,102" 99% "357,200,000,000" official English en 98% http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/ebs/ebs_243_en.pdf 606Ireland IE "5,011,102" 99% "357,200,000,000" French fr 17% 607Ireland IE "5,011,102" 99% "357,200,000,000" official Irish ga 22% http://www.cso.ie/census/documents/Final%20Principal%20Demographic%20Results%202006.pdf 608Isle of Man IM "88,815" 99% "6,792,000,000" official English en 100% 609Isle of Man IM "88,815" 99% "6,792,000,000" official Manx gv "1,690" 610Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" Amharic am "48,900" 611Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" official Arabic ar 20% 612Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" English en 85% 613Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" official Hebrew he 100% 614Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" Hungarian hu "85,400" 615Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" Ladino lad "106,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/language/lad 616Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" Malayalam ml "8,000" http://www.jewish-languages.org/jewish-malayalam.html 617Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" Polish pl "122,000" 618Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" Romanian ro 3.7% 619Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" Russian ru 11% 620Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" Tigrinya ti "10,000" 621Israel IL "8,299,706" 97% "316,500,000,000" Yiddish yi 3% 622Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Catalan ca "21,600" 623Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Croatian hr "3,500" 624Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Emilian egl "31,000" Estimated. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emilian_language 625Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" English en 34% 626Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" official_regional French fr 6.3% Aosta Valley 627Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" recognized Friulian fur "37,300" 5% 5% mainly spoken 628Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" recognized German de "994,000" co-official in South Tyrol 629Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Greek el "21,600" 630Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" official Italian it 95% 631Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Ligurian lij "534,000" 632Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Lombard lmo "18,600" 633Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Neapolitan nap "602,000" 5% 5% writing pop estimated in absence of other data; literacy rate reported at 12% 634Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Piedmontese pms "6,170" 635Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Romagnol rgn 1 No estimate available. 636Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" recognized Sardinian sc "1,060,000" 637Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Sassarese Sardinian sdc "107,000" 638Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Sicilian scn "510,000" 5% 5% writing pop estimated in absence of other data; literacy rate reported at ~8% 639Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" recognized Slovenian sl "108,000" in Trieste and Gorizia 640Italy IT "62,137,802" 99% "2,311,000,000,000" Venetian vec "802,000" http://www.orbilat.com/Languages/Venetan/Venetan.html - est 50% pop of Veneto area 641Jamaica JM "2,990,561" 87% "26,060,000,000" official English en 98% 642Jamaica JM "2,990,561" 87% "26,060,000,000" Jamaican Creole English jam 95% 643Japan JP "126,451,398" 99% "5,429,000,000,000" Central Okinawan ryu "973,000" 5% 5% writing pop estimated in absence of other data; Japanese is lingua franca here 644Japan JP "126,451,398" 99% "5,429,000,000,000" official Japanese ja 95% 645Japan JP "126,451,398" 99% "5,429,000,000,000" Korean ko "662,000" 646Jersey JE "98,840" 99% "5,569,000,000" official English en 95% 647Jordan JO "10,248,069" 96% "89,100,000,000" official Arabic ar 100% "http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field(DOCID+jo0039) says: All Jordanians, regardless of ethnicity or religion, speak Arabic, the official language of Jordan" 648Jordan JO "10,248,069" 96% "89,100,000,000" English en 45% "http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field(DOCID+jo0039) says: All Jordanians, regardless of ethnicity or religion, speak Arabic, the official language of Jordan" 649Kazakhstan KZ "18,556,698" 100% "477,600,000,000" English en 15% 650Kazakhstan KZ "18,556,698" 100% "477,600,000,000" German de 6.4% 651Kazakhstan KZ "18,556,698" 100% "477,600,000,000" official Kazakh kk 64% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/kz.html CIA Factbook entry on Kazakhstan 652Kazakhstan KZ "18,556,698" 100% "477,600,000,000" official Russian ru 72% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/kz.html CIA Factbook entry on Kazakhstan http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2013/12/window-on-eurasia-de-russianization.html http://www.stoletie.ru/vzglyad/derusifikacija_nabirajet_oboroty_934.htm http://www.stoletie.ru/vzglyad/derusifikacija_nabirajet_oboroty_934.htm 653Kazakhstan KZ "18,556,698" 100% "477,600,000,000" Uyghur (Cyrillic) ug_Cyrl "371,000" 654Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Arabic ar "22,100" 655Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Embu ebu "727,000" 1% 656Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" official English en 19% 657Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Gujarati gu "5,000" 658Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Gusii guz 4.9% 659Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Kalenjin kln 7.6% 660Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Kamba kam 7.6% 661Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Kikuyu ki 17% 662Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Luo luo 9.8% 663Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Luyia luy 11% 664Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Masai mas "741,000" 50% 665Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Meru mer 4% 666Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Oromo om "223,000" 667Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Pökoot pko "331,000" 1% 668Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Punjabi pa "10,000" 669Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Samburu saq "218,000" 1% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=saq Many also use Swahili 670Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Somali so "617,000" 671Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" official Swahili sw 66% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swahili_language - Most educated Kenyans are able to communicate fluently in Swahili, since it is a compulsory subject in school" 672Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Taita dav "391,000" 5% 673Kenya KE "47,615,739" 87% "163,100,000,000" Teso teo "350,000" 674Kiribati KI "108,145" 90% "226,000,000" official English en 100% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiribati English official; Kiribati widespread 675Kiribati KI "108,145" 90% "226,000,000" official Gilbertese gil 60% 676Kosovo XK "1,895,250" 92% "19,630,000,000" official Albanian sq 92% 677Kosovo XK "1,895,250" 92% "19,630,000,000" Gheg Albanian aln 74% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/aln 678Kosovo XK "1,895,250" 92% "19,630,000,000" official Serbian sr 5% Information on the Latin/Cyrillic script percentages for Kosovo not currently found. 679Kosovo XK "1,895,250" 92% "19,630,000,000" official Serbian (Latin) sr_Latn 5% Information on the Latin/Cyrillic script percentages for Kosovo not currently found. 680Kuwait KW "2,875,422" 94% "291,500,000,000" official Arabic ar 100% 681Kyrgyzstan KG "5,789,122" 99% "22,970,000,000" official Kyrgyz ky 48% 682Kyrgyzstan KG "5,789,122" 99% "22,970,000,000" official Russian ru 36% http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2013/12/window-on-eurasia-de-russianization.html http://www.stoletie.ru/vzglyad/derusifikacija_nabirajet_oboroty_934.htm 683Laos LA "7,126,706" 73% "49,210,000,000" Khmu kjg 5.8% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khmu_language 684Laos LA "7,126,706" 73% "49,210,000,000" Kuy kdt "68,300" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuy_language 685Laos LA "7,126,706" 73% "49,210,000,000" official Lao lo 69% 686Latvia LV "1,944,643" 100% "53,910,000,000" English en 46% 687Latvia LV "1,944,643" 100% "53,910,000,000" Latgalian ltg 8.9% 688Latvia LV "1,944,643" 100% "53,910,000,000" official Latvian lv 61% 689Latvia LV "1,944,643" 100% "53,910,000,000" Russian ru 38% 690Lebanon LB "6,229,794" 90% "87,680,000,000" official Arabic ar 86% 691Lebanon LB "6,229,794" 90% "87,680,000,000" Armenian hy 5.2% 692Lebanon LB "6,229,794" 90% "87,680,000,000" English en 40% 693Lebanon LB "6,229,794" 90% "87,680,000,000" French fr "22,800" 694Lebanon LB "6,229,794" 90% "87,680,000,000" Kurdish (Arabic) ku_Arab "103,000" 695Lesotho LS "1,958,042" 90% "6,955,000,000" official English en 27% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=LS Lesotho English-using pop estimated at 5%, no figs available. Probably too low." 696Lesotho LS "1,958,042" 90% "6,955,000,000" official Southern Sotho st 98% 697Lesotho LS "1,958,042" 90% "6,955,000,000" Swati ss "46,600" 698Lesotho LS "1,958,042" 90% "6,955,000,000" Xhosa xh "19,500" 699Lesotho LS "1,958,042" 90% "6,955,000,000" Zulu zu 14% 700Liberia LR "4,689,021" 61% "6,099,000,000" official English en 83% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/fields/2098.html English 20% 701Liberia LR "4,689,021" 61% "6,099,000,000" Fulah ff 1 No estimate available. 702Liberia LR "4,689,021" 61% "6,099,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No estimate available. 703Liberia LR "4,689,021" 61% "6,099,000,000" Kpelle kpe 14% 704Liberia LR "4,689,021" 61% "6,099,000,000" Mende men "22,300" 705Liberia LR "4,689,021" 61% "6,099,000,000" Vai vai "123,000" Vai script is the main script for this language. 706Liberia LR "4,689,021" 61% "6,099,000,000" Vai (Latin) vai_Latn 1 Latin listed as being used (Scriptsource) but no pop figures available. 707Libya LY "6,653,210" 90% "64,400,000,000" official Arabic ar 74% 708Liechtenstein LI "38,244" 100% "4,978,000,000" official German de 100% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ls.html German official 709Liechtenstein LI "38,244" 100% "4,978,000,000" de_facto_official Swiss German gsw 85% 5% 710Liechtenstein LI "38,244" 100% "4,978,000,000" Walser wae "1,300" 711Lithuania LT "2,823,859" 100% "91,240,000,000" English en 38% 712Lithuania LT "2,823,859" 100% "91,240,000,000" German de 14% 713Lithuania LT "2,823,859" 100% "91,240,000,000" official Lithuanian lt 86% 714Lithuania LT "2,823,859" 100% "91,240,000,000" Russian ru 80% 715Lithuania LT "2,823,859" 100% "91,240,000,000" Samogitian sgs 1 Estimate not available. 716Luxembourg LU "594,130" 100% "62,730,000,000" English en 56% 717Luxembourg LU "594,130" 100% "62,730,000,000" official French fr 87% 718Luxembourg LU "594,130" 100% "62,730,000,000" official German de 63% 719Luxembourg LU "594,130" 100% "62,730,000,000" official Luxembourgish lb 67% 5% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=ltz Some 99% of users are literate in French or German. For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 720Luxembourg LU "594,130" 100% "62,730,000,000" Portuguese pt 16% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_Luxembourger 721Macau SAR China MO "601,969" 96% "71,780,000,000" Chinese zh 5% Hans literacy is unknown; set to 5% artificially pending better or official figures. 722Macau SAR China MO "601,969" 96% "71,780,000,000" official Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant 98% 723Macau SAR China MO "601,969" 96% "71,780,000,000" English en "13,800" https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/mc.html and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macau 724Macau SAR China MO "601,969" 96% "71,780,000,000" official Portuguese pt 5% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_distribution_of_Portuguese Macao reported 5% native Portuguese speakers. 725Macedonia MK "2,103,721" 97% "30,960,000,000" official_regional Albanian sq 25% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/fields/2098.html Albanian 25.1% 726Macedonia MK "2,103,721" 97% "30,960,000,000" official Macedonian mk 67% 727Macedonia MK "2,103,721" 97% "30,960,000,000" Turkish tr 3.5% 728Madagascar MG "25,054,161" 65% "39,730,000,000" official English en 18% No literacy figure available for English in Madagascar; newly adopted official language; 5% is an estimate. 729Madagascar MG "25,054,161" 65% "39,730,000,000" official French fr 69% 730Madagascar MG "25,054,161" 65% "39,730,000,000" official Malagasy mg 90% http://www.wildmadagascar.org/overview/loc/27-minorities.html 731Malawi MW "19,196,246" 75% "22,370,000,000" official English en 63% 732Malawi MW "19,196,246" 75% "22,370,000,000" official Nyanja ny 63% 733Malawi MW "19,196,246" 75% "22,370,000,000" Nyasa Tonga tog "188,000" 734Malawi MW "19,196,246" 75% "22,370,000,000" Tumbuka tum 8.4% 735Malawi MW "19,196,246" 75% "22,370,000,000" Zulu zu "64,200" 736Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" Banjar bjn "5,000" 737Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" Buginese bug "24,900" http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=101703&rog3=MY 738Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" Central Dusun dtp "175,000" 739Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant 17% 740Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" English en 21% 741Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" Iban iba "781,000" 742Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" Javanese jv "374,000" 743Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" official Malay ms 75% 744Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" Malayalam ml "46,000" 745Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" Negeri Sembilan Malay zmi "374,000" 746Malaysia MY "31,381,992" 93% "930,800,000,000" Tamil ta 4.2% 747Maldives MV "392,709" 98% "6,887,000,000" official Divehi dv 94% 748Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Arabic ar "160,000" 749Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Bambara bm 46% 750Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Bambara (N’Ko) bm_Nkoo "358,000" No figures available for breakdown of Latin vs. N'Ko for Bambara. The 2% figure is an estimate. 751Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Bomu bmq "154,000" 752Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" official French fr 46% 753Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Jenaama Bozo bze "151,000" 754Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Kita Maninkakan mwk 5% 755Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Koyra Chiini khq "300,000" 756Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Koyraboro Senni ses 3.4% 757Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Maasina Fulfulde ffm 7.7% 758Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Soninke snk 5.9% 759Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Tamashek tmh "376,000" 760Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Tomo Kan Dogon dtm "200,000" 761Mali ML "17,885,245" 33% "41,000,000,000" Xaasongaxango kao "180,000" 762Malta MT "416,338" 92% "19,310,000,000" official English en 88% 763Malta MT "416,338" 92% "19,310,000,000" French fr 11% 764Malta MT "416,338" 92% "19,310,000,000" Italian it 56% http://nso.gov.mt/en/publicatons/Publications_by_Unit/Documents/C1_Living_Conditions_and_Culture_Statistics/Culture_Participation_Survey_2011.pdf 765Malta MT "416,338" 92% "19,310,000,000" official Maltese mt 100% 766Marshall Islands MH "74,539" 94% "189,000,000" official English en 93% 767Marshall Islands MH "74,539" 94% "189,000,000" official Marshallese mh 73% 768Martinique MQ "436,131" 98% "6,117,000,000" official French fr 98% 769Mauritania MR "3,758,571" 59% "17,250,000,000" official Arabic ar 85% 770Mauritania MR "3,758,571" 59% "17,250,000,000" French fr 17% http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/mauritania.htm Crude estimate based on import partner data. http://www.answers.com/topic/mauritania 771Mauritania MR "3,758,571" 59% "17,250,000,000" Fulah ff 5.7% 772Mauritania MR "3,758,571" 59% "17,250,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No estimate available. 773Mauritania MR "3,758,571" 59% "17,250,000,000" Wolof wo "10,000" 774Mauritius MU "1,356,388" 89% "27,460,000,000" Bhojpuri bho 27% 775Mauritius MU "1,356,388" 89% "27,460,000,000" official English en 72% http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~cpercy/courses/6362-chiba.htm 776Mauritius MU "1,356,388" 89% "27,460,000,000" official French fr "40,700" 777Mauritius MU "1,356,388" 89% "27,460,000,000" Morisyen mfe 90% 778Mauritius MU "1,356,388" 89% "27,460,000,000" Tamil ta "34,000" 779Mauritius MU "1,356,388" 89% "27,460,000,000" Urdu ur 5.2% 780Mayotte YT "194,000" 92% "953,600,000" Bushi buc 23% 781Mayotte YT "194,000" 92% "953,600,000" Comorian swb 88% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayotte#Languages See the 2006 language survey data for 2nd langs = Shimaore 782Mayotte YT "194,000" 92% "953,600,000" official French fr 57% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayotte#Languages See the 2006 language survey data for 2nd langs 783Mayotte YT "194,000" 92% "953,600,000" Swahili sw "2,740" 784Mexico MX "124,574,795" 94% "2,458,000,000,000" Central Huasteca Nahuatl nch "239,000" 785Mexico MX "124,574,795" 94% "2,458,000,000,000" Central Mazahua maz "419,000" 786Mexico MX "124,574,795" 94% "2,458,000,000,000" Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl nhe "491,000" 787Mexico MX "124,574,795" 94% "2,458,000,000,000" English en 13% 788Mexico MX "124,574,795" 94% "2,458,000,000,000" Seri sei 900 789Mexico MX "124,574,795" 94% "2,458,000,000,000" de_facto_official Spanish es 83% 790Mexico MX "124,574,795" 94% "2,458,000,000,000" Western Huasteca Nahuatl nhw "480,000" 791Mexico MX "124,574,795" 94% "2,458,000,000,000" Yucateco yua "839,000" 792Micronesia FM "104,196" 89% "347,000,000" Chuukese chk 30% 793Micronesia FM "104,196" 89% "347,000,000" official English en 57% 794Micronesia FM "104,196" 89% "347,000,000" Kosraean kos "8,000" 795Micronesia FM "104,196" 89% "347,000,000" Pohnpeian pon 23% 796Micronesia FM "104,196" 89% "347,000,000" Ulithian uli "3,000" 797Micronesia FM "104,196" 89% "347,000,000" Yapese yap "6,590" 798Moldova MD "3,474,121" 99% "20,080,000,000" Bulgarian bg 9.4% 799Moldova MD "3,474,121" 99% "20,080,000,000" recognized Gagauz gag 3.3% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gagauz_language 800Moldova MD "3,474,121" 99% "20,080,000,000" official Romanian ro 63% 801Moldova MD "3,474,121" 99% "20,080,000,000" recognized Russian ru "104,000" https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/md.html Russian 5.8%. 802Moldova MD "3,474,121" 99% "20,080,000,000" recognized Ukrainian uk 14% 803Monaco MC "30,645" 99% "7,672,000,000" official French fr 99% 804Mongolia MN "3,068,243" 97% "39,700,000,000" Chinese zh "42,700" 805Mongolia MN "3,068,243" 97% "39,700,000,000" Kazakh (Arabic) kk_Arab 7.2% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_language - the script is an assumption, needs a reference" 806Mongolia MN "3,068,243" 97% "39,700,000,000" official Mongolian mn 93% 807Mongolia MN "3,068,243" 97% "39,700,000,000" Russian ru "4,000" 808Mongolia MN "3,068,243" 97% "39,700,000,000" Uyghur (Cyrillic) ug_Cyrl "1,000" 809Montenegro ME "642,550" 99% "11,050,000,000" Albanian sq 7.9% 810Montenegro ME "642,550" 99% "11,050,000,000" Serbian sr 5% Information on the Latin/Cyrillic script percentages for Montenegro not currently found. 811Montenegro ME "642,550" 99% "11,050,000,000" official Serbian (Latin) sr_Latn 100% 812Montserrat MS "5,292" 97% "167,400,000" official English en "3,490" 813Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" official Arabic ar 62% 814Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" official Central Atlas Tamazight tzm 9.8% 25% 815Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" English en 14% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=MA Ethnologue says 80k users of French. No other figures found yet, but this seems too low." 816Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" de_facto_official French fr 20% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=MA Ethnologue says 80k users of French. No other figures found yet, but this seems too low." 817Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" Moroccan Arabic ary 87% 818Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" Riffian rif 4.9% 5% 819Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" Riffian (Latin) rif_Latn 4.9% 5% 820Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" Spanish es "22,200" 821Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" Standard Moroccan Tamazight zgh 22% http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/attachment/ticket/5887/zgh-ISO639-2-certif.pdf 822Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" Tachelhit shi 8.7% 823Morocco MA "33,986,655" 67% "298,600,000,000" Tachelhit (Latin) shi_Latn 8.7% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=shi Latin is not shown as being used, rather Arabic" 824Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Lomwe ngl 6.8% 825Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Makhuwa vmw 13% 826Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Makhuwa-Meetto mgh 4.5% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/mgh but no literacy data 827Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Ndau ndc 9.9% 828Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Nyanja ny "693,000" 829Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" official Portuguese pt 27% 830Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Ronga rng 3.4% 831Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Sena seh 4.6% 832Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Swahili sw "9,230" 833Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Tsonga ts 7.9% 834Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Yao yao "625,000" 835Mozambique MZ "26,573,706" 56% "36,730,000,000" Zulu zu "1,800" 836Myanmar (Burma) MM "55,123,814" 93% "328,700,000,000" official Burmese my 64% 837Myanmar (Burma) MM "55,123,814" 93% "328,700,000,000" Kachin kac "937,000" 838Myanmar (Burma) MM "55,123,814" 93% "328,700,000,000" Khamti kht "4,240" 839Myanmar (Burma) MM "55,123,814" 93% "328,700,000,000" Mon mnw "821,000" 840Myanmar (Burma) MM "55,123,814" 93% "328,700,000,000" Shan shn 6.4% 841Namibia NA "2,484,780" 89% "26,510,000,000" Afrikaans af 75% "https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/wa.html most of population use Afrikaans commonly, about 89% literacy" 842Namibia NA "2,484,780" 89% "26,510,000,000" official English en 7% 843Namibia NA "2,484,780" 89% "26,510,000,000" German de "22,400" 844Namibia NA "2,484,780" 89% "26,510,000,000" Herero hz 9.1% 845Namibia NA "2,484,780" 89% "26,510,000,000" Kuanyama kj 35% 846Namibia NA "2,484,780" 89% "26,510,000,000" Nama naq 11% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=naq Used in schools up to University. 847Namibia NA "2,484,780" 89% "26,510,000,000" Ndonga ng 21% 848Namibia NA "2,484,780" 89% "26,510,000,000" Tswana tn "13,900" 849Nauru NR "9,642" 99% "159,000,000" official English en "9,390" 850Nauru NR "9,642" 99% "159,000,000" official Nauru na "6,890" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nauru_language almost all speakers bilingual in English 851Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Awadhi awa "654,000" 852Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Bagheli bfy "159,000" 853Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Bangla bn "27,500" 854Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Bantawa bap "433,000" 855Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Bhojpuri bho 6.8% 856Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Dangaura Tharu thl "583,000" 857Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Dotyali dty "749,000" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doteli_language 858Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Eastern Gurung ggn "122,000" 859Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Eastern Magar mgp "337,000" 860Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Eastern Tamang taj 3% 861Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" English en 3% 862Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Gurung gvr "83,900" 863Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Hindi hi "123,000" 864Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Jumli jml 3.2% 865Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Kathoriya Tharu tkt "70,000" 866Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Kochila Tharu thq "301,000" 867Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Lepcha lep "2,830" 868Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Limbu lif "333,000" 869Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Maithili mai 11% 870Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Mundari (Devanagari) unr_Deva "5,700" 871Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" official Nepali ne 44% 872Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Newari new 3.3% 873Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Rajbanshi rjs "129,000" 67% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=rjs 874Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Rana Tharu thr "355,000" 875Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Sherpa xsr "152,000" 876Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Southwestern Tamang tsf "127,000" 877Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Thulung tdh "34,900" 878Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Tibetan bo "70,000" 879Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Western Magar mrd "245,000" 880Nepal NP "29,384,297" 57% "78,590,000,000" Western Tamang tdg "376,000" 881Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" official Dutch nl 100% "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/nl.html Used CIA literacy figure times population, added 'Vlaams' population" 882Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" English en 90% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population The figure is from Wikipedia article on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population The figure is from Wikipedia article on English-speaking populations 883Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" French fr 29% 884Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" German de 71% 5% 885Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" Gronings gos 3.6% 5% 886Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" Indonesian id "314,000" 887Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" Limburgish li 5.5% 5% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=lim Nearly all speakers are literate in a 2nd language. For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5%" 888Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" Low German nds 11% 5% 889Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" Riffian (Latin) rif_Latn "210,000" 890Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" Turkish tr "201,000" 891Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" official_regional Western Frisian fy 4.3% 892Netherlands NL "17,084,719" 99% "916,100,000,000" Zeelandic zea "231,000" 893New Caledonia NC "279,070" 96% "11,110,000,000" official French fr 96% 894New Zealand NZ "4,510,327" 99% "188,600,000,000" de_facto_official English en 98% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/nz.html 895New Zealand NZ "4,510,327" 99% "188,600,000,000" official Maori mi "128,000" "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=mri 70,000 in 1991, 100,000 who understand it, but do not speak it ; ethnic pop 530,000 in 2002" 896Nicaragua NI "6,025,951" 78% "36,380,000,000" official Spanish es 78% 897Niger NE "19,245,344" 29% "21,840,000,000" Arabic ar "39,800" 898Niger NE "19,245,344" 29% "21,840,000,000" Central-Eastern Niger Fulfulde fuq 7% 899Niger NE "19,245,344" 29% "21,840,000,000" official French fr 29% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ng.html French official; the figure is derived from literacy * lang pop 900Niger NE "19,245,344" 29% "21,840,000,000" Fulah ff 1 No estimate available. 901Niger NE "19,245,344" 29% "21,840,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No estimate available. 902Niger NE "19,245,344" 29% "21,840,000,000" Hausa ha 41% 903Niger NE "19,245,344" 29% "21,840,000,000" Tamashek tmh 6% 904Niger NE "19,245,344" 29% "21,840,000,000" Tasawaq twq "8,000" 905Niger NE "19,245,344" 29% "21,840,000,000" Zarma dje 17% 906Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Amo amo "16,700" 907Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Arabic ar "136,000" 908Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Atsam cch "40,800" 909Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Bini bin "1,360,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=bin 910Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Efik efi "2,720,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=efi 911Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" official English en 53% 912Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Fulah ff 1 No estimate available. 913Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No estimate available. 914Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Hausa ha 13% 915Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Hausa (Arabic) ha_Arab "1,900,000" Data completely unknown for Hausa in Arabic in Nigeria 916Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Ibibio ibb "2,720,000" 917Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Igbo ig 13% 918Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Jju kaj "408,000" 919Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Nigerian Fulfulde fuv 6.7% 20% 920Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Nigerian Pidgin pcm 21% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/pcm Including 1st and 2nd lang speakers 921Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Tiv tiv "3,010,000" 25% 922Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" Tyap kcg "178,000" 923Nigeria NG "190,632,261" 61% "1,119,000,000,000" official Yoruba yo 13% 924Niue NU "1,626" 95% "10,010,000" official English en "1,130" 925Niue NU "1,626" 95% "10,010,000" official Niuean niu "1,130" https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/NE.html Pop decline to ~1398 in 2009 926Norfolk Island NF "2,210" 99% "118,500,000" official English en "1,680" 927North Korea KP "25,248,140" 100% "40,000,000,000" official Korean ko 88% 928Northern Mariana Islands MP "52,263" 97% "1,242,000,000" Chamorro ch "9,270" 929Northern Mariana Islands MP "52,263" 97% "1,242,000,000" de_facto_official English en 97% 930Norway NO "5,320,045" 100% "380,000,000,000" official_regional Northern Sami se "15,400" 931Norway NO "5,320,045" 100% "380,000,000,000" official Norwegian Bokmål nb 100% 932Norway NO "5,320,045" 100% "380,000,000,000" official Norwegian Nynorsk nn 25% 933Oman OM "3,424,386" 87% "186,600,000,000" official Arabic ar 81% 934Oman OM "3,424,386" 87% "186,600,000,000" Baluchi bal 4.9% 935Oman OM "3,424,386" 87% "186,600,000,000" Persian fa "32,100" 936Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Balti bft "365,000" 937Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Baluchi bal 3.7% 938Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Bateri btv "38,000" 939Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Brahui brh "2,700,000" 940Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" official English en 50% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Pakistan - More than 95% of Pakistanis can speak or understand Urdu as their second or third language 941Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Gujari gju "404,000" 942Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Indus Kohistani mvy "297,000" 943Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Kachi Koli gjk "229,000" 944Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Kashmiri ks "141,000" 945Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Khowar khw "300,000" 946Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Lahnda lah 40% 947Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Northern Hindko hno "2,530,000" 948Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Parkari Koli kvx "336,000" 949Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Pashto ps 15% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pashto_language 15.42% of population 950Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Persian fa "1,350,000" 951Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Punjabi (Arabic) pa_Arab 70% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Pakistan#Punjabi Spoken by 70% of population, assumed to use Arabic script in Pakistan" 952Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Saraiki skr 9.1% 1% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=skr 953Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Sindhi sd 12% 954Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Southern Hindko hnd "843,000" 955Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Tajik (Arabic) tg_Arab "674,000" 956Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" official Urdu ur 95% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Pakistan - More than 95% of Pakistanis can speak or understand Urdu as their second or third language 957Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Wadiyara Koli kxp "236,000" 958Pakistan PK "204,924,861" 55% "1,057,000,000,000" Western Balochi bgn "1,170,000" 5% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/bgn low literacy 959Palau PW "21,431" 92% "291,000,000" official English en "1,880" "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/fields/2098.html English official on some islands, total 9.4%" 960Palau PW "21,431" 92% "291,000,000" official Palauan pau 74% 961Palestinian Territories PS "4,543,126" 95% "21,220,000,000" official Arabic ar 100% 962Panama PA "3,753,142" 94% "103,900,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant "6,000" 963Panama PA "3,753,142" 94% "103,900,000,000" English en 14% 964Panama PA "3,753,142" 94% "103,900,000,000" official Spanish es 69% 965Papua New Guinea PG "6,909,701" 62% "30,330,000,000" official English en 50% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papua_New_Guinea Low literacy, high linguistic diversity; English official (govt) but not widely spoken" 966Papua New Guinea PG "6,909,701" 62% "30,330,000,000" official Hiri Motu ho "148,000" 5% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=hmo A pidginizatino of Motu; 120k 2nd lang speakers, very few 1st lang." 967Papua New Guinea PG "6,909,701" 62% "30,330,000,000" official Tok Pisin tpi 71% 45% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=tpi 4mil 2nd lang speakers, 120k 1st lang, 20k monolinguals. English creole; 40-45% literacy." 968Paraguay PY "6,943,739" 94% "68,330,000,000" German de "199,000" 969Paraguay PY "6,943,739" 94% "68,330,000,000" official Guarani gn 80% 970Paraguay PY "6,943,739" 94% "68,330,000,000" official Spanish es 3.2% 971Peru PE "31,036,656" 90% "424,400,000,000" Aymara ay "499,000" 972Peru PE "31,036,656" 90% "424,400,000,000" official Quechua qu 15% 973Peru PE "31,036,656" 90% "424,400,000,000" official Spanish es 73% 974Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Albay Bicolano bhk "2,390,000" 975Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Bikol bik "3,130,000" 976Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Buhid bku "8,000" 977Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Capiznon cps "693,000" 978Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" official_regional Cebuano ceb 24% 13% http://www.census.gov.ph/data/sectordata/sr05153tx.html 979Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant "756,000" 980Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" official English en 64% http://www.census.gov.ph/data/sectordata/sr05153tx.html 981Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" official Filipino fil 60% "http://www.seasite.niu.edu/tagalog/essays_on_philippine_languages.htm In this and other sources, such as Ethnologue, there is no estimate for number of users. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipino_language http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=fil " 982Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Hanunoo hnn "16,400" 983Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" official_regional Hiligaynon hil 8.4% 8% http://www.census.gov.ph/data/sectordata/sr05153tx.html 984Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" official_regional Iloko ilo 9.6% 10% http://www.census.gov.ph/data/sectordata/sr05153tx.html 985Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Kinaray-a krj "411,000" 986Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" official_regional Maguindanaon mdh "1,260,000" 987Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Pampanga pam "2,390,000" 988Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" official_regional Pangasinan pag "1,460,000" 989Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Rinconada Bikol bto "294,000" 990Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Spanish es 31% 991Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" Tagbanwa tbw "10,000" 36% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=tbw 992Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" official_regional Tausug tsg "1,130,000" 993Philippines PH "104,256,076" 95% "875,600,000,000" official_regional Waray war "3,060,000" 994Pitcairn Islands PN 54 99% "2,429,000" official English en 46 995Poland PL "38,476,269" 100% "1,121,000,000,000" Belarusian be "222,000" 996Poland PL "38,476,269" 100% "1,121,000,000,000" English en 33% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_minority_in_Poland regional-official in part of Opole Voivodeship; in Poland 325 schools with primary instr in German, estimate 37000 students. Real figure probably higher." 997Poland PL "38,476,269" 100% "1,121,000,000,000" official_regional German de 19% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_minority_in_Poland regional-official in part of Opole Voivodeship; in Poland 325 schools with primary instr in German, estimate 37000 students. Real figure probably higher." 998Poland PL "38,476,269" 100% "1,121,000,000,000" official_regional Kashubian csb "50,000" "http://ec.europa.eu/education/languages/archive/languages/langmin/euromosaic/pol3_en.html - regional lang community status, taught in some schools" 999Poland PL "38,476,269" 100% "1,121,000,000,000" official_regional Lithuanian lt "8,000" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithuanian_minority_in_Poland , Podlaskie Voivodeship " 1000Poland PL "38,476,269" 100% "1,121,000,000,000" Lower Silesian sli "12,000" 1001Poland PL "38,476,269" 100% "1,121,000,000,000" official Polish pl 96% 1002Poland PL "38,476,269" 100% "1,121,000,000,000" Russian ru 18% 1003Poland PL "38,476,269" 100% "1,121,000,000,000" Silesian szl "510,000" 1004Poland PL "38,476,269" 100% "1,121,000,000,000" Ukrainian uk "151,000" 1005Portugal PT "10,839,514" 95% "313,400,000,000" English en 27% 1006Portugal PT "10,839,514" 95% "313,400,000,000" French fr 15% 1007Portugal PT "10,839,514" 95% "313,400,000,000" Galician gl "15,600" 1008Portugal PT "10,839,514" 95% "313,400,000,000" official Portuguese pt 96% 1009Portugal PT "10,839,514" 95% "313,400,000,000" Spanish es 10% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Portugal#Immigration 1010Puerto Rico PR "3,351,827" 90% "121,000,000,000" de_facto_official English en 49% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population The figure is from Wikipedia article on English-speaking populations 1011Puerto Rico PR "3,351,827" 90% "121,000,000,000" official Spanish es 87% 1012Qatar QA "2,314,307" 96% "340,600,000,000" official Arabic ar 89% 1013Qatar QA "2,314,307" 96% "340,600,000,000" Malayalam ml "6,500" 1014Qatar QA "2,314,307" 96% "340,600,000,000" Persian fa 11% 1015Réunion RE "787,584" 88% "4,791,000,000" official French fr 89% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%A9union - Education is in French; using literacy rate * pop for French-using population 1016Réunion RE "787,584" 88% "4,791,000,000" Réunion Creole French rcf 71% 1017Réunion RE "787,584" 88% "4,791,000,000" Tamil ta 15% 1018Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" Bulgarian bg "6,750" 1019Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" English en 31% 1020Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" French fr 17% 1021Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" German de "44,300" 1022Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" Greek el "4,150" 1023Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" Hungarian hu 6.6% 1024Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" Polish pl "2,760" 1025Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" official Romanian ro 90% 1026Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" Serbian (Latin) sr_Latn "26,600" 1027Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" Spanish es 10% 1028Romania RO "21,529,967" 98% "481,500,000,000" Turkish tr "28,200" 1029Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Adyghe ady "125,000" 1030Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Armenian hy "1,200,000" 50% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenians_in_Russia Census figures cited there seem to put Armenian using pop between 50-75%. Using 50%. 1031Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Avaric av "553,000" 1032Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Azerbaijani (Cyrillic) az_Cyrl "132,000" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijanis_in_Russia regional in Dagestan, population estimate" 1033Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Bashkir ba "1,790,000" 1034Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Buriat bua "317,000" 1035Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Chechen ce "940,000" 1036Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Church Slavic cu 1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_russia#Russian_Orthodoxy 1037Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Chuvash cv "1,790,000" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuvash_language#Language_use Reported to be (regional) official in Chuvashia, central Russia: taught at schools. However: http://cv.wikipedia.org/ Chuvash Wikipedia on-line." 1038Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Dargwa dar "363,000" 1039Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Erzya myv "437,000" 1040Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Finnish fi "17,000" 1041Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Ingrian izh 120 1042Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Ingush inh "230,000" 1043Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Kabardian kbd "440,000" 1044Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Karachay-Balkar krc "235,000" 1045Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Karelian krl "117,000" 1046Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Komi kv "261,000" 1047Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Komi-Permyak koi "63,800" 1048Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Kumyk kum "280,000" 1049Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Lak lbe "111,000" 1050Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Lezghian lez "256,000" 1051Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Mari chm "522,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=mhr 1052Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Moksha mdf "296,000" 1053Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Mongolian mn "2,100" 1054Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Ossetic os "456,000" http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/per-itog/tab6.xls census data 1055Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official Russian ru 94% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_language (94% of studends in Russia receive primarily Russian-language ed) 1056Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Sakha sah "461,000" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakha_language Also called Sakha. 1057Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Serbian (Latin) sr_Latn "5,000" 1058Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Southern Altai alt "19,900" 1059Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Tatar tt "2,020,000" "http://www.tatar.ru/ - 52.9% of Tatarstan is ethnic Tatar, the pop figure is an upper bound" 1060Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Tuvinian tyv "179,000" 1061Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" official_regional Udmurt udm "547,000" 1062Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" recognized Veps vep "3,610" 1063Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Votic vot 68 1064Russia RU "142,257,519" 100% "4,008,000,000,000" Western Mari mrj "30,400" 1065Rwanda RW "11,901,484" 71% "24,630,000,000" official English en 15% "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/rw.html English is an official language, not widely spoken" 1066Rwanda RW "11,901,484" 71% "24,630,000,000" official French fr "2,300" 1067Rwanda RW "11,901,484" 71% "24,630,000,000" official Kinyarwanda rw 77% 1068Samoa WS "200,108" 99% "1,134,000,000" official English en "4,340" 1069Samoa WS "200,108" 99% "1,134,000,000" official Samoan sm 100% 1070San Marino SM "33,537" 96% "2,052,000,000" Esperanto eo 300 "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akademio_Internacia_de_la_Sciencoj_San_Marino - estimate 100% of the academy can use Esperanto; the language is used as 1st language of instruction; academy has 300 """"""""""""""""members""""""""""""""""." 1071San Marino SM "33,537" 96% "2,052,000,000" official Italian it 89% 1072São Tomé & Príncipe ST "201,025" 70% "676,000,000" official Portuguese pt 85% 1073Saudi Arabia SA "28,571,770" 87% "1,774,000,000,000" official Arabic ar 100% 1074Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Balanta-Ganja bjt "89,100" 100% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senegal 50k Europeans, mostly French. The figure for writing population is derived from literacy * population, and may be too high." 1075Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Bassari bsc "14,300" 10% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/dyo only 10% monolingual 1076Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official French fr 39% 100% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senegal 50k Europeans, mostly French. The figure for writing population is derived from literacy * population, and may be too high." 1077Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Fulah ff 21% 1078Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No estimate available. 1079Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Hassaniyya mey "7,190" 10% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/dyo only 10% monolingual 1080Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Jola-Fonyi dyo "388,000" 10% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/dyo only 10% monolingual 1081Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Mandjak mfv "113,000" 10% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/dyo only 10% monolingual 1082Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Mankanya knf "31,400" 10% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/dyo only 10% monolingual 1083Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Ménik tnr "3,380" 10% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/dyo only 10% monolingual 1084Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Noon snf "35,400" 10% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/dyo only 10% monolingual 1085Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Saafi-Saafi sav "215,000" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senegal 50k Europeans, mostly French. The figure for writing population is derived from literacy * population, and may be too high." 1086Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" official_regional Serer srr 11% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senegal 50k Europeans, mostly French. The figure for writing population is derived from literacy * population, and may be too high." 1087Senegal SN "14,668,522" 50% "43,240,000,000" de_facto_official Wolof wo 70% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolof_language 1088Serbia RS "7,111,024" 98% "105,500,000,000" Albanian sq 19% 1089Serbia RS "7,111,024" 98% "105,500,000,000" official_regional Croatian hr "66,000" official in Vojvodina only 1090Serbia RS "7,111,024" 98% "105,500,000,000" official_regional Hungarian hu 4.8% official in Vojvodina only 1091Serbia RS "7,111,024" 98% "105,500,000,000" official_regional Romanian ro "151,000" official in Vojvodina only 1092Serbia RS "7,111,024" 98% "105,500,000,000" official Serbian sr 99% 1093Serbia RS "7,111,024" 98% "105,500,000,000" official Serbian (Latin) sr_Latn 99% 5% "For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 1094Serbia RS "7,111,024" 98% "105,500,000,000" official_regional Slovak sk "60,800" official in Vojvodina only 1095Serbia RS "7,111,024" 98% "105,500,000,000" official_regional Ukrainian uk 1 official in Vojvodina only; no pop data yet found 1096Seychelles SC "93,920" 92% "2,718,000,000" official English en 38% 1097Seychelles SC "93,920" 92% "2,718,000,000" official French fr 60% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_French 1098Seychelles SC "93,920" 92% "2,718,000,000" Seselwa Creole French crs 98% http://www.flw.com/languages/creoleseychelles.htm http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/2436.html 1099Sierra Leone SL "6,163,195" 43% "11,500,000,000" official English en 35% 1100Sierra Leone SL "6,163,195" 43% "11,500,000,000" Fulah ff 1 No estimate available. 1101Sierra Leone SL "6,163,195" 43% "11,500,000,000" Fulah (Adlam) ff_Adlm 1 No estimate available. 1102Sierra Leone SL "6,163,195" 43% "11,500,000,000" Krio kri 95% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/fields/2098.html 'A lingua franca and a first language for 10% of the population but understood by 95%' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krio_language 1103Sierra Leone SL "6,163,195" 43% "11,500,000,000" Mende men 27% 1104Sierra Leone SL "6,163,195" 43% "11,500,000,000" Timne tem 26% 6% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=tem 1.2mil 1st lang + 240k 2nd lang users, low literacy" 1105Singapore SG "5,888,926" 96% "527,000,000,000" official Chinese zh 77% 1106Singapore SG "5,888,926" 96% "527,000,000,000" official English en 93% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore English is the first language learned by half the children by the time they reach preschool age; using 92.6% of pop for the English figure 1107Singapore SG "5,888,926" 96% "527,000,000,000" official Malay ms 14% 1108Singapore SG "5,888,926" 96% "527,000,000,000" Malayalam ml "10,000" 1109Singapore SG "5,888,926" 96% "527,000,000,000" Punjabi pa "9,500" 1110Singapore SG "5,888,926" 96% "527,000,000,000" official Tamil ta "123,000" 1111Sint Maarten SX "42,083" 99% "365,800,000" official Dutch nl "1,590" https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sk.html 1112Sint Maarten SX "42,083" 99% "365,800,000" official English en 68% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sk.html 1113Sint Maarten SX "42,083" 99% "365,800,000" Spanish es "4,880" https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sk.html 1114Sint Maarten SX "42,083" 99% "365,800,000" Virgin Islands Creole English vic "3,100" https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sk.html 1115Slovakia SK "5,445,829" 100% "179,400,000,000" Czech cs 47% 1116Slovakia SK "5,445,829" 100% "179,400,000,000" English en 26% 1117Slovakia SK "5,445,829" 100% "179,400,000,000" German de 22% 1118Slovakia SK "5,445,829" 100% "179,400,000,000" Hungarian hu 11% 1119Slovakia SK "5,445,829" 100% "179,400,000,000" Polish pl "50,500" 1120Slovakia SK "5,445,829" 100% "179,400,000,000" official Slovak sk 90% 1121Slovakia SK "5,445,829" 100% "179,400,000,000" Ukrainian uk "101,000" 1122Slovenia SI "1,972,126" 100% "71,080,000,000" Croatian hr 61% 1123Slovenia SI "1,972,126" 100% "71,080,000,000" English en 59% 1124Slovenia SI "1,972,126" 100% "71,080,000,000" German de 42% 1125Slovenia SI "1,972,126" 100% "71,080,000,000" Hungarian hu "9,240" 1126Slovenia SI "1,972,126" 100% "71,080,000,000" Italian it "4,010" 1127Slovenia SI "1,972,126" 100% "71,080,000,000" official Slovenian sl 87% 1128Solomon Islands SB "647,581" 84% "1,324,000,000" official English en 100% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bp.html Melanesian pidgin in much of the country is lingua franca; English (official; but spoken by only 1%-2% of the population); 120 indigenous languages 1129Solomon Islands SB "647,581" 84% "1,324,000,000" Roviana rug "9,870" 1130Somalia SO "11,031,386" 38% "18,660,000,000" official Arabic ar 34% 99% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/so.html - estimate 90%of literate pop can use Arabic; Lpop = 99% 1131Somalia SO "11,031,386" 38% "18,660,000,000" Oromo om "46,100" 1132Somalia SO "11,031,386" 38% "18,660,000,000" official Somali so 78% 1133Somalia SO "11,031,386" 38% "18,660,000,000" Swahili sw "221,000" 1134South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official_regional Afrikaans af 13% 99% 1135South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official English en 31% 99% "Estimate based on 90% of literate pop > 15 years (71% of Cpop) can use English, for lack of official number of users" 1136South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" Hindi hi "1,070,000" 69% 1137South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official_regional Northern Sotho nso 9.4% 50% 1138South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official_regional South Ndebele nr "877,000" 50% 1139South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official_regional Southern Sotho st 7.9% 50% 1140South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" Swahili sw "1,000" 50% 1141South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official_regional Swati ss "1,490,000" 50% 1142South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official_regional Tsonga ts 4.4% 50% 1143South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official_regional Tswana tn 8.2% 50% 1144South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official_regional Venda ve "1,260,000" 50% 1145South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official_regional Xhosa xh 18% 50% 1146South Africa ZA "54,841,552" 93% "765,600,000,000" official_regional Zulu zu 24% 50% 1147South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands GS 20 99% "899,800" Unknown language und 20 100% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sx.html No indigenous inhabitants. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heard_Island_and_McDonald_Islands 1148South Korea KR "51,181,299" 98% "2,029,000,000,000" official Korean ko 100% 1149South Sudan SS "13,026,129" 27% "18,740,000,000" Arabic ar 27% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/od.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Sudan 1150South Sudan SS "13,026,129" 27% "18,740,000,000" official English en 27% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/od.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Sudan 1151South Sudan SS "13,026,129" 27% "18,740,000,000" Nuer nus 5.6% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/nus unknown literacy 1152Spain ES "48,958,159" 98% "1,774,000,000,000" official_regional Asturian ast "651,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=ast 1153Spain ES "48,958,159" 98% "1,774,000,000,000" official_regional Basque eu "979,000" https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sp.html 1154Spain ES "48,958,159" 98% "1,774,000,000,000" official_regional Catalan ca 17% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sp.html 1155Spain ES "48,958,159" 98% "1,774,000,000,000" English en 24% 1156Spain ES "48,958,159" 98% "1,774,000,000,000" Extremaduran ext "242,000" 1157Spain ES "48,958,159" 98% "1,774,000,000,000" official_regional Galician gl 7% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sp.html 1158Spain ES "48,958,159" 98% "1,774,000,000,000" official Spanish es 99% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_language#Spain 98.8% speak Spanish. Also, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sp.html" 1159Sri Lanka LK "22,409,381" 91% "274,700,000,000" English en 10% 1160Sri Lanka LK "22,409,381" 91% "274,700,000,000" official Sinhala si 68% 1161Sri Lanka LK "22,409,381" 91% "274,700,000,000" official Tamil ta 15% 1162St. Barthélemy BL "7,184" 99% "255,000,000" official French fr "6,850" 1163St. Helena SH "7,828" 97% "31,100,000" official English en "5,400" 1164St. Kitts & Nevis KN "52,715" 98% "1,528,000,000" official English en 98% 1165St. Lucia LC "164,994" 90% "2,536,000,000" official English en 90% 1166St. Martin MF "32,125" 99% "561,500,000" official French fr 100% 1167St. Pierre & Miquelon PM "5,533" 99% "261,300,000" English en 188 1168St. Pierre & Miquelon PM "5,533" 99% "261,300,000" official French fr "5,110" 1169St. Vincent & Grenadines VC "102,089" 96% "1,266,000,000" official English en 96% 1170Sudan SD "37,345,935" 72% "187,000,000,000" official Arabic ar 61% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/su.html - source for GDP 1171Sudan SD "37,345,935" 72% "187,000,000,000" Beja bej 5.4% http://www.axl.cefan.ulaval.ca/afrique/soudan.htm 1172Sudan SD "37,345,935" 72% "187,000,000,000" official English en 61% "https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/su.html - source for GDP Level of English usage unclear, but official for govt and education" 1173Sudan SD "37,345,935" 72% "187,000,000,000" Fur fvr "1,010,000" http://www.axl.cefan.ulaval.ca/afrique/soudan.htm 1174Sudan SD "37,345,935" 72% "187,000,000,000" Hausa (Arabic) ha_Arab "672,000" http://www.axl.cefan.ulaval.ca/afrique/soudan.htm 1175Sudan SD "37,345,935" 72% "187,000,000,000" Masalit mls "368,000" 1176Sudan SD "37,345,935" 72% "187,000,000,000" Nobiin fia "310,000" 1177Sudan SD "37,345,935" 72% "187,000,000,000" Zaghawa zag "189,000" 1178Suriname SR "591,919" 95% "8,508,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant "7,010" 1179Suriname SR "591,919" 95% "8,508,000,000" official Dutch nl 90% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suriname#Languages Dutch is spoken as a mother tongue by about 60% of the Surinamese, while most others speak it as a second or third language." 1180Suriname SR "591,919" 95% "8,508,000,000" Sranan Tongo srn 68% 75% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=srn The lingua franca of 80% of the population 1181Svalbard & Jan Mayen SJ "2,667" 100% "190,500,000" official Norwegian Bokmål nb "1,500" "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sv.html CIA Factbook lists spoken language, the entry for Bokmål only on Svalbard and Jan Mayan is an assumption." 1182Svalbard & Jan Mayen SJ "2,667" 100% "190,500,000" Russian ru "1,200" https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sv.html CIA Factbook 1183Swaziland SZ "1,467,152" 88% "11,340,000,000" official English en 80% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/wz.html 1184Swaziland SZ "1,467,152" 88% "11,340,000,000" official Swati ss 58% 1185Swaziland SZ "1,467,152" 88% "11,340,000,000" Tsonga ts "24,900" 1186Swaziland SZ "1,467,152" 88% "11,340,000,000" Zulu zu 6.8% 1187Sweden SE "9,960,487" 99% "520,900,000,000" English en 86% 1188Sweden SE "9,960,487" 99% "520,900,000,000" official_regional Finnish fi "219,000" 1189Sweden SE "9,960,487" 99% "520,900,000,000" Interlingua ia 1 " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua#Community Has a regular conf in Sweden, also Brazil; an auxiliary language with tiny population worldwide" 1190Sweden SE "9,960,487" 99% "520,900,000,000" Lule Sami smj "1,500" 1191Sweden SE "9,960,487" 99% "520,900,000,000" recognized Northern Sami se "33,100" 1192Sweden SE "9,960,487" 99% "520,900,000,000" Southern Sami sma 300 75% 1193Sweden SE "9,960,487" 99% "520,900,000,000" official Swedish sv 95% "http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/ebs/ebs_243_en.pdf Europeans and their languages survey, page 7" 1194Sweden SE "9,960,487" 99% "520,900,000,000" recognized Tavringer Romani rmu "9,500" 1195Sweden SE "9,960,487" 99% "520,900,000,000" recognized Tornedalen Finnish fit "55,100" 1196Sweden SE "9,960,487" 99% "520,900,000,000" recognized Yiddish yi "3,000" 1197Switzerland CH "8,236,303" 99% "517,200,000,000" English en 61% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_language 1198Switzerland CH "8,236,303" 99% "517,200,000,000" official French fr 21% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_language 1199Switzerland CH "8,236,303" 99% "517,200,000,000" official German de 73% 1200Switzerland CH "8,236,303" 99% "517,200,000,000" official Italian it 4.3% 1201Switzerland CH "8,236,303" 99% "517,200,000,000" Lombard lmo 4.1% 5% 5% writing pop estimated in absence of other data 1202Switzerland CH "8,236,303" 99% "517,200,000,000" Portuguese pt 3.4% http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/en/index/themen/01/05/blank/key/sprachen.html 1203Switzerland CH "8,236,303" 99% "517,200,000,000" official_regional Romansh rm "41,200" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romansh_language http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/de/index/infothek/lexikon/bienvenue___login/blank/zugang_lexikon.Document.62669.xls 1204Switzerland CH "8,236,303" 99% "517,200,000,000" Sinte Romani rmo "23,500" 1205Switzerland CH "8,236,303" 99% "517,200,000,000" de_facto_official Swiss German gsw 65% 5% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=CH http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Switzerland Literacy rate for gsw is 5% of reported speaker population; literacy is mostly in standard German. For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 1206Switzerland CH "8,236,303" 99% "517,200,000,000" Walser wae "10,000" 1207Syria SY "18,028,549" 84% "50,280,000,000" official Arabic ar 80% 1208Syria SY "18,028,549" 84% "50,280,000,000" Armenian hy "324,000" 1209Syria SY "18,028,549" 84% "50,280,000,000" official French fr 5.9% http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/syria.htm Crude estimate based on import partner data. 1210Syria SY "18,028,549" 84% "50,280,000,000" Kurdish ku 8% 1211Syria SY "18,028,549" 84% "50,280,000,000" Syriac syr "15,200" 5% "For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 1212Taiwan TW "23,508,428" 96% "1,185,000,000,000" official Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant 95% 1213Taiwan TW "23,508,428" 96% "1,185,000,000,000" Taroko trv "4,750" 1214Tajikistan TJ "8,468,555" 100% "28,380,000,000" Arabic ar "1,000" 1215Tajikistan TJ "8,468,555" 100% "28,380,000,000" Persian fa "65,800" 1216Tajikistan TJ "8,468,555" 100% "28,380,000,000" Russian ru 12% http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2013/12/window-on-eurasia-de-russianization.html http://www.stoletie.ru/vzglyad/derusifikacija_nabirajet_oboroty_934.htm 1217Tajikistan TJ "8,468,555" 100% "28,380,000,000" official Tajik tg 100% 1218Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Asu asa "671,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=asa Most also use Swahili with 50% literacy. Only 5% monolingual. 1219Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Bena bez "899,000" 1220Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" official English en 69% "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/tz.html English (official, primary language of commerce, administration, and higher education)" 1221Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Langi lag "470,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=lag Most also use Swahili 1222Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Machame jmc "402,000" 1223Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Makonde kde "1,320,000" 1224Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Masai mas "791,000" 50% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=mas Shows 50% literacy 1225Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Mbunga mgy "731,000" 1226Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Nyamwezi nym 3.3% "https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/tz.html English (official, primary language of commerce, administration, and higher education)" 1227Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Rombo rof "402,000" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rombo_language 1228Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Rwa rwk "121,000" 1229Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Sangu sbp "107,000" 1% "http://www.ethnologue.com/language/sbp near zero literacy; pop ~80000 (2009) see David Lawrence, Tanzania and its People, page 121, Google books" 1230Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Shambala ksb "891,000" 1231Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Sukuma suk 8.7% 1232Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" official Swahili sw 90% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swahili_language - 90 percent of approximately 39 million Tanzanians speak Swahili 1233Tanzania TZ "53,950,935" 68% "162,200,000,000" Vunjo vun "402,000" 1234Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant "1,230,000" 1235Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Eastern Lawa lwl "7,000" 1236Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" English en 27% 1237Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Kuy kdt "329,000" 50% 1238Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Mon mnw "118,000" 1239Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Northeastern Thai tts 24% 5% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isan_language main language of trade and comm. in Isan region, except ... media where it gives way to Thai; now largely an unwritten language. 10% writing pop estimated in absence of other data" 1240Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Northern Khmer kxm "1,160,000" 1241Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Northern Thai nod 9.6% 5% 1242Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Pattani Malay mfa 5% 1243Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Shan shn "65,800" 1244Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Southern Thai sou 8% 5% 1245Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" official Thai th 80% 93% http://www.mapsofworld.com/thailand/geography/demographics.html More than 80 % of the total Thai population speaks the native Thai language. 1246Thailand TH "68,414,135" 94% "1,234,000,000,000" Western Lawa lcp "7,000" 25% 1247Timor-Leste TL "1,291,358" 58% "6,753,000,000" official Portuguese pt 59% 100% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=por Official language. Probably 2% of the population from East Timor worldwide can function in it 1248Timor-Leste TL "1,291,358" 58% "6,753,000,000" official Tetum tet 59% https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/tt.html CIA Factbook. See also http://www.jsmp.minihub.org/Reports/jsmpreports/Language%20Report/LanguageReport(english).pdf 1249Togo TG "7,965,055" 60% "12,940,000,000" Ewe ee 17% 1250Togo TG "7,965,055" 60% "12,940,000,000" official French fr 61% 1251Togo TG "7,965,055" 60% "12,940,000,000" Ifè ife "104,000" 15% http://www.ethnologue.com/18/language/ife/ 1252Tokelau TK "1,285" 94% "1,500,000" official English en 100% 1253Tokelau TK "1,285" 94% "1,500,000" official Tokelau tkl 100% 5% https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/tl.html 1254Tonga TO "106,479" 99% "587,000,000" official English en 28% "http://www.pressreference.com/Sw-Ur/Tonga.html The Tonga Chronicle is a government-owned newspaper... It publishes two editions, one in Tongan with a circulation of 5,000, and one in English with a circulation of 1,500; Writing pop figure shown for English is set to 30% of that for Tonga. " 1255Tonga TO "106,479" 99% "587,000,000" official Tongan to 95% 1256Trinidad & Tobago TT "1,218,208" 99% "43,010,000,000" official English en 88% 1257Trinidad & Tobago TT "1,218,208" 99% "43,010,000,000" Spanish es "4,100" 1258Tristan da Cunha TA 275 99% "12,370,000" English en 272 1259Tunisia TN "11,403,800" 79% "135,400,000,000" official Arabic ar 90% 1260Tunisia TN "11,403,800" 79% "135,400,000,000" official French fr 74% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunisia#Language - using pop * literacy rate 1261Tunisia TN "11,403,800" 79% "135,400,000,000" Tunisian Arabic aeb 90% 1262Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Abkhazian ab "4,000" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=abk 96% bilingual in Turkish. 1263Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Adyghe ady "314,000" 1264Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Albanian sq "16,800" 1265Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Arabic ar "451,000" 1266Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Armenian hy "45,100" 1267Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Azerbaijani az "597,000" 1268Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Azerbaijani (Arabic) az_Arab "525,000" 1269Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Balkan Gagauz Turkish bgx "368,000" 1270Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Bulgarian bg "339,000" 1271Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" English en 17% 1272Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Georgian ka "45,100" 1273Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Greek el "4,000" 1274Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Kabardian kbd "620,000" 1275Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Kazakh kk 600 "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_language - the script is an assumption, needs a reference" 1276Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Kirmanjki kiu "157,000" 1277Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Kurdish ku 5.5% 1278Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Kyrgyz (Latin) ky_Latn "1,140" 1279Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Laz lzz "22,500" 1280Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Serbian (Latin) sr_Latn "22,600" 5% "For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 1281Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" official Turkish tr 93% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_language#Geographic_distribution http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/ebs/ebs_243_en.pdf Europeans and their languages survey, page 7" 1282Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Turoyo tru "3,000" 1283Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Uzbek uz "1,980" 1284Turkey TR "80,845,215" 94% "2,173,000,000,000" Zaza zza "1,130,000" 1285Turkmenistan TM "5,351,277" 100% "103,500,000,000" Kurdish ku "21,700" 1286Turkmenistan TM "5,351,277" 100% "103,500,000,000" Russian ru 12% 1287Turkmenistan TM "5,351,277" 100% "103,500,000,000" official Turkmen tk 70% 1288Turkmenistan TM "5,351,277" 100% "103,500,000,000" Uzbek uz 9% 1289Turks & Caicos Islands TC "52,570" 98% "632,000,000" official English en 98% 1290Tuvalu TV "11,052" 95% "42,000,000" official English en "1,070" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuvalu The Tuvaluan language is spoken by virtually everyone, while Gilbertese is spoken by some people on Nui. English is also an official language, but is not spoken in daily use. Writing pop set to 10% of Tuvalu." 1291Tuvalu TV "11,052" 95% "42,000,000" official Tuvalu tvl "9,920" 1292U.S. Outlying Islands UM 316 99% "18,760,000" de_facto_official English en 316 "https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/UM.html basically unihabited, officially ; http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/phc3-us-pt1.pdf" 1293U.S. Virgin Islands VI "107,268" 99% "3,872,000,000" de_facto_official English en 75% 1294Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Acoli ach 3.7% http://www.ethnologue.com/language/ACH/ (baseline) 1295Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Chiga cgg 5.4% 1296Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" official English en 3.9% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=eng Ethnologue lists 1 million 2nd lang users of English; no other good figures found. 1297Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Ganda lg 13% 1298Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Hindi hi "2,200" 1299Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Kinyarwanda rw "814,000" 1300Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Lango [Uganda] laj 3.8% 1301Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Masaaba myx "1,150,000" 1302Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Nyankole nyn 6.3% 1303Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Soga xog 5.3% 1304Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" official Swahili sw 75% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swahili_language - Baganda generally don't speak Swahili, but it is in common use among the 25 million people elsewhere in the country, and is currently being implemented in schools nationwide (use 75% of Cpop for this figure)" 1305Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Teso teo 3.9% 1306Uganda UG "39,570,125" 73% "88,670,000,000" Tooro ttj "746,000" 1307Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" Belarusian be "367,000" 1308Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" Bulgarian bg "215,000" 1309Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" Crimean Turkish crh "247,000" http://2001.ukrcensus.gov.ua/eng/results/general/nationality/ 1310Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" Greek el "7,210" 1311Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" Hungarian hu "162,000" 1312Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" Polish pl "1,040,000" 1313Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" Romanian ro "230,000" 1314Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" de_facto_official Russian ru 46% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_language_in_Ukraine 1315Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" Rusyn rue "514,000" 1316Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" Turkish tr "184,000" 1317Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" official Ukrainian uk 65% 1318Ukraine UA "44,033,874" 100% "368,800,000,000" Yiddish yi "582,000" 1319United Arab Emirates AE "6,072,475" 90% "686,800,000,000" official Arabic ar 78% 1320United Arab Emirates AE "6,072,475" 90% "686,800,000,000" Baluchi bal "142,000" 1321United Arab Emirates AE "6,072,475" 90% "686,800,000,000" Malayalam ml 7% 1322United Arab Emirates AE "6,072,475" 90% "686,800,000,000" Pashto ps "179,000" 1323United Arab Emirates AE "6,072,475" 90% "686,800,000,000" Persian fa "113,000" 1324United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Bangla bn "436,000" 1325United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant "351,000" 1326United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Cornish kw "2,000" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornish_language The 2008 estimate is ~2000 speakers due to revival efforts 1327United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" official English en 99% 1328United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" French fr 19% 1329United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" German de 6% 1330United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Greek el "217,000" 1331United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" official_regional Irish ga "17,000" "As with IE, we have to adjust the figures for real usage " 1332United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Italian it "217,000" 1333United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Kashmiri ks "125,000" 1334United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Malayalam ml "22,900" http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=United+Kingdom 1335United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Punjabi pa "513,000" 1336United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Scots sco "1,750,000" 5% "http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=sco 100k+ native, plus 1.5 mil 2nd lang speakers. For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 1337United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" official_regional Scottish Gaelic gd "64,000" 5% "For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 1338United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Sylheti syl "327,000" 1339United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" official_regional Welsh cy "498,000" 1340United Kingdom GB "64,769,452" 99% "2,914,000,000,000" Yiddish yi "31,900" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yiddish_language#Numbers_of_speakers 1341United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Cajun French frc "27,600" 1342United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Central Yupik esu "20,400" 1343United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Cherokee chr "25,100" 5% "For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 1344United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant "2,240,000" 1345United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Choctaw cho "10,700" 1346United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Creek mus "4,000" 1347United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Dakota dak "19,300" 1348United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" de_facto_official English en 96% 1349United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Filipino fil "1,360,000" 1350United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" French fr "1,820,000" 1351United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" German de "1,540,000" 1352United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" official_regional Hawaiian haw "29,000" US 2005 census 1353United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Inupiaq ik "8,000" 5% "For languages not customarily written, the writing population is artificially set to 5% in the absence of better information." 1354United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Italian it "1,120,000" 1355United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Korean ko "994,000" 1356United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Lakota lkt "8,300" http://www.lakhota.org/html/status2.html (used lower figure) 1357United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Navajo nv "165,000" 1358United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Pennsylvania German pdc "127,000" 1359United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Russian ru "785,000" 1360United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" official_regional Spanish es 9.6% 1361United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Vietnamese vi "1,120,000" 1362United States US "326,625,791" 99% "19,390,000,000,000" Yiddish yi "161,000" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_United_States#Yiddish 1363Unknown Region ZZ 0 0% 0 Bihari bh NaN NaN% 1364Unknown Region ZZ 0 0% 0 Ido io 0 99% 1365Unknown Region ZZ 0 0% 0 Interlingua ia 0 99% 1366Unknown Region ZZ 0 0% 0 Kotava avk 0 99% 1367Unknown Region ZZ 0 0% 0 Lingua Franca Nova lfn 0 99% An artificial language. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingua_Franca_Nova 1368Unknown Region ZZ 0 0% 0 Novial nov 0 99% An artificial language. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novial_language 1369Unknown Region ZZ 0 0% 0 Twi tw NaN NaN% 1370Unknown Region ZZ 0 0% 0 Volapük vo 0 99% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volap%C3%BCk Artificial: 'There are an estimated 20-30 Volapük speakers in the world today.'; see also http://www.villagevoice.com/arts/0031,lafarge,16942,12.html" 1371Uruguay UY "3,360,148" 98% "78,150,000,000" official Spanish es 88% 1372Uzbekistan UZ "29,748,859" 99% "222,600,000,000" Kara-Kalpak kaa "468,000" 1373Uzbekistan UZ "29,748,859" 99% "222,600,000,000" Russian ru 14% 1374Uzbekistan UZ "29,748,859" 99% "222,600,000,000" Turkish tr "226,000" 1375Uzbekistan UZ "29,748,859" 99% "222,600,000,000" official Uzbek uz 85% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uzbek_language#Writing_systems https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/uz.html Latin/Cyrillic balance is estimated, based on literacy; younger education now in Latin" 1376Uzbekistan UZ "29,748,859" 99% "222,600,000,000" official Uzbek (Cyrillic) uz_Cyrl 15% "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uzbek_language#Writing_systems https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/uz.html Latin/Cyrillic balance is estimated, based on literacy; younger education now in Latin" 1377Vanuatu VU "282,814" 83% "770,000,000" official Bislama bi 90% "native speaker pop is low, ~6200; but is most widely spoken 2nd language" 1378Vanuatu VU "282,814" 83% "770,000,000" official English en 83% 1379Vanuatu VU "282,814" 83% "770,000,000" official French fr 50% 1380Vatican City VA "1,000" 100% "37,190,000" de_facto_official Italian it 824 https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/vt.html CIA Factbook. 1381Vatican City VA "1,000" 100% "37,190,000" Latin la 824 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4475099.stm No population figure yet on use of Latin in Vatican. Estimate 100% of Vatican residents can use Latin. 1382Venezuela VE "31,304,016" 96% "380,700,000,000" official Spanish es 82% 1383Vietnam VN "96,160,163" 93% "647,400,000,000" Chinese (Traditional) zh_Hant "1,010,000" 1384Vietnam VN "96,160,163" 93% "647,400,000,000" Eastern Cham cjm "85,200" 60% 1385Vietnam VN "96,160,163" 93% "647,400,000,000" official Vietnamese vi 86% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_language (could be higher if 2nd lang included; no data yet) 1386Wallis & Futuna WF "15,714" 50% "60,000,000" East Futuna fud "4,820" 1387Wallis & Futuna WF "15,714" 50% "60,000,000" official French fr "7,620" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallis_and_futuna#Languages 1388Wallis & Futuna WF "15,714" 50% "60,000,000" Wallisian wls "9,440" 1389Western Sahara EH "603,253" 50% "906,500,000" official Arabic ar 100% 1390Yemen YE "28,036,829" 65% "38,600,000,000" official Arabic ar 74% 1391Yemen YE "28,036,829" 65% "38,600,000,000" English en 9% 1392Zambia ZM "15,972,000" 61% "68,890,000,000" Bemba bem 31% http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=bem 1393Zambia ZM "15,972,000" 61% "68,890,000,000" official English en 16% 1394Zambia ZM "15,972,000" 61% "68,890,000,000" Lozi loz 6% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lozi_language 1395Zambia ZM "15,972,000" 61% "68,890,000,000" Nyanja ny 15% 1396Zimbabwe ZW "13,805,084" 84% "33,960,000,000" official English en 42% "Common lingua franca, widely used. High literacy." 1397Zimbabwe ZW "13,805,084" 84% "33,960,000,000" Kalanga kck 5.3% 1398Zimbabwe ZW "13,805,084" 84% "33,960,000,000" Manyika mxc 6.5% 1399Zimbabwe ZW "13,805,084" 84% "33,960,000,000" Ndau ndc 6.1% 1400Zimbabwe ZW "13,805,084" 84% "33,960,000,000" official North Ndebele nd 12% 1401Zimbabwe ZW "13,805,084" 84% "33,960,000,000" Nyanja ny "264,000" 1402Zimbabwe ZW "13,805,084" 84% "33,960,000,000" official Shona sn 81% 1403Zimbabwe ZW "13,805,084" 84% "33,960,000,000" Tswana tn "30,700" 1404Zimbabwe ZW "13,805,084" 84% "33,960,000,000" Venda ve "87,800" 1405