1 /*
2  * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
21 #error "This file should only be included in debug mode or in tests."
22 #endif
24 namespace fruit {
25 namespace impl {
26 namespace meta {
28 // Checks whether Proof is entailed by Forest, i.e. whether there is a corresponding Proof1 in Forest with the same
29 // thesis
30 // and with the same hypotheses as Proof (or a subset).
31 struct IsProofEntailedByForest {
32   template <typename ProofTh, typename ProofHps, typename Forest>
33   struct apply {
34     using ForestHps = FindInMap(Forest, ProofTh);
35     using type = If(IsNone(ForestHps), Bool<false>, IsContained(ForestHps, ProofHps));
36   };
37 };
39 struct IsForestEntailedByForest {
40   template <typename EntailedForest, typename Forest>
41   struct apply {
42     struct Helper {
43       template <typename CurrentResult, typename EntailedProof>
44       struct apply;
46       template <typename CurrentResult, typename EntailedProofTh, typename EntailedProofHps>
47       struct apply<CurrentResult, Pair<EntailedProofTh, EntailedProofHps>> {
48         using type = And(CurrentResult, IsProofEntailedByForest(EntailedProofTh, EntailedProofHps, Forest));
49       };
50     };
52     using type = FoldVector(EntailedForest, Helper, Bool<true>);
53   };
54 };
56 // Given two proof trees, check if they are equal.
57 // Only for debugging.
58 struct IsProofTreeEqualTo {
59   template <typename Proof1, typename Proof2>
60   struct apply {
61     using type = And(IsSame(typename Proof1::First, typename Proof2::First),
62                      IsSameSet(typename Proof1::Second, typename Proof2::Second));
63   };
64 };
66 // Given two proofs forests, check if they are equal.
67 // This is not very efficient, consider re-implementing if it will be used often.
68 // Only for debugging.
69 struct IsForestEqualTo {
70   template <typename Forest1, typename Forest2>
71   struct apply {
72     using type = And(IsForestEntailedByForest(Forest1, Forest2), IsForestEntailedByForest(Forest2, Forest1));
73   };
74 };
76 // Only for debugging, similar to checking IsProofEntailedByForest but gives a detailed error.
77 // Only for debugging.
78 struct CheckProofEntailedByForest {
79   template <typename ProofTh, typename ProofHps, typename Forest>
80   struct apply {
81     using ForestHps = FindInMap(Forest, ProofTh);
82     using type = If(IsNone(ForestHps),
83                     ConstructError(ProofNotEntailedByForestBecauseThNotFoundErrorTag, ProofTh, GetMapKeys(Forest)),
84                     If(IsContained(ForestHps, ProofHps), Bool<true>,
85                        ConstructError(ProofNotEntailedByForestBecauseHpsNotASubsetErrorTag, ForestHps, ProofHps,
86                                       SetDifference(ForestHps, ProofHps))));
87   };
88 };
90 // Only for debugging, similar to checking IsProofEntailedByForest but gives a detailed error.
91 // Only for debugging.
92 struct CheckForestEntailedByForest {
93   template <typename EntailedForest, typename Forest>
94   struct apply {
95     struct Helper {
96       template <typename CurrentResult, typename EntailedProof>
97       struct apply;
99       template <typename CurrentResult, typename EntailedProofTh, typename EntailedProofHps>
100       struct apply<CurrentResult, Pair<EntailedProofTh, EntailedProofHps>> {
101         using type = PropagateError(CurrentResult,
102                                     CheckProofEntailedByForest(EntailedProofTh, EntailedProofHps, Forest));
103       };
104     };
106     using type = FoldVector(EntailedForest, Helper, Bool<true>);
107   };
108 };
110 // Given two proofs forests, check if they are equal.
111 // This is not very efficient, consider re-implementing if it will be used often.
112 // Only for debugging.
113 struct CheckForestEqualTo {
114   template <typename Forest1, typename Forest2>
115   struct apply {
116     using type = PropagateError(CheckForestEntailedByForest(Forest1, Forest2),
117                                 CheckForestEntailedByForest(Forest2, Forest1));
118   };
119 };
121 } // namespace meta
122 } // namespace impl
123 } // namespace fruit