1# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15require_relative '../grpc'
16require_relative 'active_call'
17require_relative 'service'
18require 'thread'
20# GRPC contains the General RPC module.
21module GRPC
22  # Pool is a simple thread pool.
23  class Pool
24    # Default keep alive period is 1s
27    def initialize(size, keep_alive: DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE)
28      fail 'pool size must be positive' unless size > 0
29      @jobs = Queue.new
30      @size = size
31      @stopped = false
32      @stop_mutex = Mutex.new # needs to be held when accessing @stopped
33      @stop_cond = ConditionVariable.new
34      @workers = []
35      @keep_alive = keep_alive
37      # Each worker thread has its own queue to push and pull jobs
38      # these queues are put into @ready_queues when that worker is idle
39      @ready_workers = Queue.new
40    end
42    # Returns the number of jobs waiting
43    def jobs_waiting
44      @jobs.size
45    end
47    def ready_for_work?
48      # Busy worker threads are either doing work, or have a single job
49      # waiting on them. Workers that are idle with no jobs waiting
50      # have their "queues" in @ready_workers
51      !@ready_workers.empty?
52    end
54    # Runs the given block on the queue with the provided args.
55    #
56    # @param args the args passed blk when it is called
57    # @param blk the block to call
58    def schedule(*args, &blk)
59      return if blk.nil?
60      @stop_mutex.synchronize do
61        if @stopped
62          GRPC.logger.warn('did not schedule job, already stopped')
63          return
64        end
65        GRPC.logger.info('schedule another job')
66        fail 'No worker threads available' if @ready_workers.empty?
67        worker_queue = @ready_workers.pop
69        fail 'worker already has a task waiting' unless worker_queue.empty?
70        worker_queue << [blk, args]
71      end
72    end
74    # Starts running the jobs in the thread pool.
75    def start
76      @stop_mutex.synchronize do
77        fail 'already stopped' if @stopped
78      end
79      until @workers.size == @size.to_i
80        new_worker_queue = Queue.new
81        @ready_workers << new_worker_queue
82        next_thread = Thread.new(new_worker_queue) do |jobs|
83          catch(:exit) do  # allows { throw :exit } to kill a thread
84            loop_execute_jobs(jobs)
85          end
86          remove_current_thread
87        end
88        @workers << next_thread
89      end
90    end
92    # Stops the jobs in the pool
93    def stop
94      GRPC.logger.info('stopping, will wait for all the workers to exit')
95      @stop_mutex.synchronize do  # wait @keep_alive seconds for workers to stop
96        @stopped = true
97        loop do
98          break unless ready_for_work?
99          worker_queue = @ready_workers.pop
100          worker_queue << [proc { throw :exit }, []]
101        end
102        @stop_cond.wait(@stop_mutex, @keep_alive) if @workers.size > 0
103      end
104      forcibly_stop_workers
105      GRPC.logger.info('stopped, all workers are shutdown')
106    end
108    protected
110    # Forcibly shutdown any threads that are still alive.
111    def forcibly_stop_workers
112      return unless @workers.size > 0
113      GRPC.logger.info("forcibly terminating #{@workers.size} worker(s)")
114      @workers.each do |t|
115        next unless t.alive?
116        begin
117          t.exit
118        rescue StandardError => e
119          GRPC.logger.warn('error while terminating a worker')
120          GRPC.logger.warn(e)
121        end
122      end
123    end
125    # removes the threads from workers, and signal when all the
126    # threads are complete.
127    def remove_current_thread
128      @stop_mutex.synchronize do
129        @workers.delete(Thread.current)
130        @stop_cond.signal if @workers.size.zero?
131      end
132    end
134    def loop_execute_jobs(worker_queue)
135      loop do
136        begin
137          blk, args = worker_queue.pop
138          blk.call(*args)
139        rescue StandardError, GRPC::Core::CallError => e
140          GRPC.logger.warn('Error in worker thread')
141          GRPC.logger.warn(e)
142        end
143        # there shouldn't be any work given to this thread while its busy
144        fail('received a task while busy') unless worker_queue.empty?
145        @stop_mutex.synchronize do
146          return if @stopped
147          @ready_workers << worker_queue
148        end
149      end
150    end
151  end
153  # RpcServer hosts a number of services and makes them available on the
154  # network.
155  class RpcServer
156    include Core::CallOps
157    include Core::TimeConsts
158    extend ::Forwardable
160    def_delegators :@server, :add_http2_port
162    # Default thread pool size is 30
165    # Deprecated due to internal changes to the thread pool
168    # Default poll period is 1s
171    # Signal check period is 0.25s
174    # setup_connect_md_proc is used by #initialize to validate the
175    # connect_md_proc.
176    def self.setup_connect_md_proc(a_proc)
177      return nil if a_proc.nil?
178      fail(TypeError, '!Proc') unless a_proc.is_a? Proc
179      a_proc
180    end
182    # Creates a new RpcServer.
183    #
184    # The RPC server is configured using keyword arguments.
185    #
186    # There are some specific keyword args used to configure the RpcServer
187    # instance.
188    #
189    # * pool_size: the size of the thread pool the server uses to run its
190    # threads. No more concurrent requests can be made than the size
191    # of the thread pool
192    #
193    # * max_waiting_requests: Deprecated due to internal changes to the thread
194    # pool. This is still an argument for compatibility but is ignored.
195    #
196    # * poll_period: The amount of time in seconds to wait for
197    # currently-serviced RPC's to finish before cancelling them when shutting
198    # down the server.
199    #
200    # * pool_keep_alive: The amount of time in seconds to wait
201    # for currently busy thread-pool threads to finish before
202    # forcing an abrupt exit to each thread.
203    #
204    # * connect_md_proc:
205    # when non-nil is a proc for determining metadata to to send back the client
206    # on receiving an invocation req.  The proc signature is:
207    #   {key: val, ..} func(method_name, {key: val, ...})
208    #
209    # * server_args:
210    # A server arguments hash to be passed down to the underlying core server
211    #
212    # * interceptors:
213    # Am array of GRPC::ServerInterceptor objects that will be used for
214    # intercepting server handlers to provide extra functionality.
215    # Interceptors are an EXPERIMENTAL API.
216    #
217    def initialize(pool_size: DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE,
218                   max_waiting_requests: DEFAULT_MAX_WAITING_REQUESTS,
219                   poll_period: DEFAULT_POLL_PERIOD,
220                   pool_keep_alive: GRPC::RpcServer::DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE,
221                   connect_md_proc: nil,
222                   server_args: {},
223                   interceptors: [])
224      @connect_md_proc = RpcServer.setup_connect_md_proc(connect_md_proc)
225      @max_waiting_requests = max_waiting_requests
226      @poll_period = poll_period
227      @pool_size = pool_size
228      @pool = Pool.new(@pool_size, keep_alive: pool_keep_alive)
229      @run_cond = ConditionVariable.new
230      @run_mutex = Mutex.new
231      # running_state can take 4 values: :not_started, :running, :stopping, and
232      # :stopped. State transitions can only proceed in that order.
233      @running_state = :not_started
234      @server = Core::Server.new(server_args)
235      @interceptors = InterceptorRegistry.new(interceptors)
236    end
238    # stops a running server
239    #
240    # the call has no impact if the server is already stopped, otherwise
241    # server's current call loop is it's last.
242    def stop
243      @run_mutex.synchronize do
244        fail 'Cannot stop before starting' if @running_state == :not_started
245        return if @running_state != :running
246        transition_running_state(:stopping)
247        deadline = from_relative_time(@poll_period)
248        @server.shutdown_and_notify(deadline)
249      end
250      @pool.stop
251    end
253    def running_state
254      @run_mutex.synchronize do
255        return @running_state
256      end
257    end
259    # Can only be called while holding @run_mutex
260    def transition_running_state(target_state)
261      state_transitions = {
262        not_started: :running,
263        running: :stopping,
264        stopping: :stopped
265      }
266      if state_transitions[@running_state] == target_state
267        @running_state = target_state
268      else
269        fail "Bad server state transition: #{@running_state}->#{target_state}"
270      end
271    end
273    def running?
274      running_state == :running
275    end
277    def stopped?
278      running_state == :stopped
279    end
281    # Is called from other threads to wait for #run to start up the server.
282    #
283    # If run has not been called, this returns immediately.
284    #
285    # @param timeout [Numeric] number of seconds to wait
286    # @return [true, false] true if the server is running, false otherwise
287    def wait_till_running(timeout = nil)
288      @run_mutex.synchronize do
289        @run_cond.wait(@run_mutex, timeout) if @running_state == :not_started
290        return @running_state == :running
291      end
292    end
294    # handle registration of classes
295    #
296    # service is either a class that includes GRPC::GenericService and whose
297    # #new function can be called without argument or any instance of such a
298    # class.
299    #
300    # E.g, after
301    #
302    # class Divider
303    #   include GRPC::GenericService
304    #   rpc :div DivArgs, DivReply    # single request, single response
305    #   def initialize(optional_arg='default option') # no args
306    #     ...
307    #   end
308    #
309    # srv = GRPC::RpcServer.new(...)
310    #
311    # # Either of these works
312    #
313    # srv.handle(Divider)
314    #
315    # # or
316    #
317    # srv.handle(Divider.new('replace optional arg'))
318    #
319    # It raises RuntimeError:
320    # - if service is not valid service class or object
321    # - its handler methods are already registered
322    # - if the server is already running
323    #
324    # @param service [Object|Class] a service class or object as described
325    #        above
326    def handle(service)
327      @run_mutex.synchronize do
328        unless @running_state == :not_started
329          fail 'cannot add services if the server has been started'
330        end
331        cls = service.is_a?(Class) ? service : service.class
332        assert_valid_service_class(cls)
333        add_rpc_descs_for(service)
334      end
335    end
337    # runs the server
338    #
339    # - if no rpc_descs are registered, this exits immediately, otherwise it
340    #   continues running permanently and does not return until program exit.
341    #
342    # - #running? returns true after this is called, until #stop cause the
343    #   the server to stop.
344    def run
345      @run_mutex.synchronize do
346        fail 'cannot run without registering services' if rpc_descs.size.zero?
347        @pool.start
348        @server.start
349        transition_running_state(:running)
350        @run_cond.broadcast
351      end
352      loop_handle_server_calls
353    end
355    alias_method :run_till_terminated, :run
357    # Sends RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED if there are too many unprocessed jobs
358    def available?(an_rpc)
359      return an_rpc if @pool.ready_for_work?
360      GRPC.logger.warn('no free worker threads currently')
361      noop = proc { |x| x }
363      # Create a new active call that knows that metadata hasn't been
364      # sent yet
365      c = ActiveCall.new(an_rpc.call, noop, noop, an_rpc.deadline,
366                         metadata_received: true, started: false)
367      c.send_status(GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED,
368                    'No free threads in thread pool')
369      nil
370    end
372    # Sends UNIMPLEMENTED if the method is not implemented by this server
373    def implemented?(an_rpc)
374      mth = an_rpc.method.to_sym
375      return an_rpc if rpc_descs.key?(mth)
376      GRPC.logger.warn("UNIMPLEMENTED: #{an_rpc}")
377      noop = proc { |x| x }
379      # Create a new active call that knows that
380      # metadata hasn't been sent yet
381      c = ActiveCall.new(an_rpc.call, noop, noop, an_rpc.deadline,
382                         metadata_received: true, started: false)
383      c.send_status(GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNIMPLEMENTED, '')
384      nil
385    end
387    # handles calls to the server
388    def loop_handle_server_calls
389      fail 'not started' if running_state == :not_started
390      while running_state == :running
391        begin
392          an_rpc = @server.request_call
393          break if (!an_rpc.nil?) && an_rpc.call.nil?
394          active_call = new_active_server_call(an_rpc)
395          unless active_call.nil?
396            @pool.schedule(active_call) do |ac|
397              c, mth = ac
398              begin
399                rpc_descs[mth].run_server_method(
400                  c,
401                  rpc_handlers[mth],
402                  @interceptors.build_context
403                )
404              rescue StandardError
405                c.send_status(GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::INTERNAL,
406                              'Server handler failed')
407              end
408            end
409          end
410        rescue Core::CallError, RuntimeError => e
411          # these might happen for various reasons.  The correct behavior of
412          # the server is to log them and continue, if it's not shutting down.
413          if running_state == :running
414            GRPC.logger.warn("server call failed: #{e}")
415          end
416          next
417        end
418      end
419      # @running_state should be :stopping here
420      @run_mutex.synchronize do
421        transition_running_state(:stopped)
422        GRPC.logger.info("stopped: #{self}")
423        @server.close
424      end
425    end
427    def new_active_server_call(an_rpc)
428      return nil if an_rpc.nil? || an_rpc.call.nil?
430      # allow the metadata to be accessed from the call
431      an_rpc.call.metadata = an_rpc.metadata  # attaches md to call for handlers
432      connect_md = nil
433      unless @connect_md_proc.nil?
434        connect_md = @connect_md_proc.call(an_rpc.method, an_rpc.metadata)
435      end
437      return nil unless available?(an_rpc)
438      return nil unless implemented?(an_rpc)
440      # Create the ActiveCall. Indicate that metadata hasnt been sent yet.
441      GRPC.logger.info("deadline is #{an_rpc.deadline}; (now=#{Time.now})")
442      rpc_desc = rpc_descs[an_rpc.method.to_sym]
443      c = ActiveCall.new(an_rpc.call,
444                         rpc_desc.marshal_proc,
445                         rpc_desc.unmarshal_proc(:input),
446                         an_rpc.deadline,
447                         metadata_received: true,
448                         started: false,
449                         metadata_to_send: connect_md)
450      c.attach_peer_cert(an_rpc.call.peer_cert)
451      mth = an_rpc.method.to_sym
452      [c, mth]
453    end
455    protected
457    def rpc_descs
458      @rpc_descs ||= {}
459    end
461    def rpc_handlers
462      @rpc_handlers ||= {}
463    end
465    def assert_valid_service_class(cls)
466      unless cls.include?(GenericService)
467        fail "#{cls} must 'include GenericService'"
468      end
469      fail "#{cls} should specify some rpc descriptions" if
470        cls.rpc_descs.size.zero?
471    end
473    # This should be called while holding @run_mutex
474    def add_rpc_descs_for(service)
475      cls = service.is_a?(Class) ? service : service.class
476      specs, handlers = (@rpc_descs ||= {}), (@rpc_handlers ||= {})
477      cls.rpc_descs.each_pair do |name, spec|
478        route = "/#{cls.service_name}/#{name}".to_sym
479        fail "already registered: rpc #{route} from #{spec}" if specs.key? route
480        specs[route] = spec
481        rpc_name = GenericService.underscore(name.to_s).to_sym
482        if service.is_a?(Class)
483          handlers[route] = cls.new.method(rpc_name)
484        else
485          handlers[route] = service.method(rpc_name)
486        end
487        GRPC.logger.info("handling #{route} with #{handlers[route]}")
488      end
489    end
490  end