1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
22 #include <grpc/impl/codegen/byte_buffer_reader.h>
23 #include <grpc/impl/codegen/grpc_types.h>
24 #include <grpc/impl/codegen/sync.h>
25 #include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/config.h>
26 #include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/status.h>
28 namespace grpc {
30 /// Interface between the codegen library and the minimal subset of core
31 /// features required by the generated code.
32 ///
33 /// All undocumented methods are simply forwarding the call to their namesakes.
34 /// Please refer to their corresponding documentation for details.
35 ///
36 /// \warning This interface should be considered internal and private.
37 class CoreCodegenInterface {
38  public:
39   virtual ~CoreCodegenInterface() = default;
41   /// Upon a failed assertion, log the error.
42   virtual void assert_fail(const char* failed_assertion, const char* file,
43                            int line) = 0;
45   virtual const grpc_completion_queue_factory*
46   grpc_completion_queue_factory_lookup(
47       const grpc_completion_queue_attributes* attributes) = 0;
48   virtual grpc_completion_queue* grpc_completion_queue_create(
49       const grpc_completion_queue_factory* factory,
50       const grpc_completion_queue_attributes* attributes, void* reserved) = 0;
51   virtual grpc_completion_queue* grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(
52       void* reserved) = 0;
53   virtual grpc_completion_queue* grpc_completion_queue_create_for_pluck(
54       void* reserved) = 0;
55   virtual void grpc_completion_queue_destroy(grpc_completion_queue* cq) = 0;
56   virtual grpc_event grpc_completion_queue_pluck(grpc_completion_queue* cq,
57                                                  void* tag,
58                                                  gpr_timespec deadline,
59                                                  void* reserved) = 0;
61   virtual void* gpr_malloc(size_t size) = 0;
62   virtual void gpr_free(void* p) = 0;
64   // These are only to be used to fix edge cases involving grpc_init and
65   // grpc_shutdown. Calling grpc_init from the codegen interface before
66   // the real grpc_init is called will cause a crash, so if you use this
67   // function, ensure that it is not the first call to grpc_init.
68   virtual void grpc_init() = 0;
69   virtual void grpc_shutdown() = 0;
71   virtual void gpr_mu_init(gpr_mu* mu) = 0;
72   virtual void gpr_mu_destroy(gpr_mu* mu) = 0;
73   virtual void gpr_mu_lock(gpr_mu* mu) = 0;
74   virtual void gpr_mu_unlock(gpr_mu* mu) = 0;
75   virtual void gpr_cv_init(gpr_cv* cv) = 0;
76   virtual void gpr_cv_destroy(gpr_cv* cv) = 0;
77   virtual int gpr_cv_wait(gpr_cv* cv, gpr_mu* mu,
78                           gpr_timespec abs_deadline) = 0;
79   virtual void gpr_cv_signal(gpr_cv* cv) = 0;
80   virtual void gpr_cv_broadcast(gpr_cv* cv) = 0;
82   virtual grpc_byte_buffer* grpc_byte_buffer_copy(grpc_byte_buffer* bb) = 0;
83   virtual void grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(grpc_byte_buffer* bb) = 0;
84   virtual size_t grpc_byte_buffer_length(grpc_byte_buffer* bb)
85       GRPC_MUST_USE_RESULT = 0;
87   virtual int grpc_byte_buffer_reader_init(grpc_byte_buffer_reader* reader,
88                                            grpc_byte_buffer* buffer)
89       GRPC_MUST_USE_RESULT = 0;
90   virtual void grpc_byte_buffer_reader_destroy(
91       grpc_byte_buffer_reader* reader) = 0;
92   virtual int grpc_byte_buffer_reader_next(grpc_byte_buffer_reader* reader,
93                                            grpc_slice* slice) = 0;
95   virtual grpc_byte_buffer* grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(grpc_slice* slice,
96                                                         size_t nslices) = 0;
97   virtual grpc_slice grpc_slice_new_with_user_data(void* p, size_t len,
98                                                    void (*destroy)(void*),
99                                                    void* user_data) = 0;
100   virtual grpc_slice grpc_slice_new_with_len(void* p, size_t len,
101                                              void (*destroy)(void*,
102                                                              size_t)) = 0;
103   virtual grpc_call_error grpc_call_cancel_with_status(grpc_call* call,
104                                                        grpc_status_code status,
105                                                        const char* description,
106                                                        void* reserved) = 0;
107   virtual void grpc_call_ref(grpc_call* call) = 0;
108   virtual void grpc_call_unref(grpc_call* call) = 0;
109   virtual void* grpc_call_arena_alloc(grpc_call* call, size_t length) = 0;
110   virtual grpc_slice grpc_empty_slice() = 0;
111   virtual grpc_slice grpc_slice_malloc(size_t length) = 0;
112   virtual void grpc_slice_unref(grpc_slice slice) = 0;
113   virtual grpc_slice grpc_slice_ref(grpc_slice slice) = 0;
114   virtual grpc_slice grpc_slice_split_tail(grpc_slice* s, size_t split) = 0;
115   virtual grpc_slice grpc_slice_split_head(grpc_slice* s, size_t split) = 0;
116   virtual grpc_slice grpc_slice_sub(grpc_slice s, size_t begin, size_t end) = 0;
117   virtual void grpc_slice_buffer_add(grpc_slice_buffer* sb,
118                                      grpc_slice slice) = 0;
119   virtual void grpc_slice_buffer_pop(grpc_slice_buffer* sb) = 0;
120   virtual grpc_slice grpc_slice_from_static_buffer(const void* buffer,
121                                                    size_t length) = 0;
122   virtual grpc_slice grpc_slice_from_copied_buffer(const void* buffer,
123                                                    size_t length) = 0;
125   virtual void grpc_metadata_array_init(grpc_metadata_array* array) = 0;
126   virtual void grpc_metadata_array_destroy(grpc_metadata_array* array) = 0;
128   virtual const Status& ok() = 0;
129   virtual const Status& cancelled() = 0;
131   virtual gpr_timespec gpr_inf_future(gpr_clock_type type) = 0;
132   virtual gpr_timespec gpr_time_0(gpr_clock_type type) = 0;
133 };
135 extern CoreCodegenInterface* g_core_codegen_interface;
137 /// Codegen specific version of \a GPR_ASSERT.
138 #define GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(x)                                              \
139   do {                                                                     \
140     if (!(x)) {                                                            \
141       grpc::g_core_codegen_interface->assert_fail(#x, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
142     }                                                                      \
143   } while (0)
145 }  // namespace grpc