1 // Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #ifndef V8_HEAP_WORKLIST_H_
6 #define V8_HEAP_WORKLIST_H_
8 #include <cstddef>
9 #include <utility>
11 #include "src/base/atomic-utils.h"
12 #include "src/base/logging.h"
13 #include "src/base/macros.h"
14 #include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"
15 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h"  // nogncheck
17 namespace v8 {
18 namespace internal {
20 // A concurrent worklist based on segments. Each tasks gets private
21 // push and pop segments. Empty pop segments are swapped with their
22 // corresponding push segments. Full push segments are published to a global
23 // pool of segments and replaced with empty segments.
24 //
25 // Work stealing is best effort, i.e., there is no way to inform other tasks
26 // of the need of items.
27 template <typename EntryType, int SEGMENT_SIZE>
28 class Worklist {
29  public:
30   class View {
31    public:
View(Worklist<EntryType,SEGMENT_SIZE> * worklist,int task_id)32     View(Worklist<EntryType, SEGMENT_SIZE>* worklist, int task_id)
33         : worklist_(worklist), task_id_(task_id) {}
35     // Pushes an entry onto the worklist.
Push(EntryType entry)36     bool Push(EntryType entry) { return worklist_->Push(task_id_, entry); }
38     // Pops an entry from the worklist.
Pop(EntryType * entry)39     bool Pop(EntryType* entry) { return worklist_->Pop(task_id_, entry); }
41     // Returns true if the local portion of the worklist is empty.
IsLocalEmpty()42     bool IsLocalEmpty() { return worklist_->IsLocalEmpty(task_id_); }
44     // Returns true if the worklist is empty. Can only be used from the main
45     // thread without concurrent access.
IsEmpty()46     bool IsEmpty() { return worklist_->IsEmpty(); }
IsGlobalPoolEmpty()48     bool IsGlobalPoolEmpty() { return worklist_->IsGlobalPoolEmpty(); }
LocalPushSegmentSize()50     size_t LocalPushSegmentSize() {
51       return worklist_->LocalPushSegmentSize(task_id_);
52     }
54    private:
55     Worklist<EntryType, SEGMENT_SIZE>* worklist_;
56     int task_id_;
57   };
59   static const int kMaxNumTasks = 8;
60   static const size_t kSegmentCapacity = SEGMENT_SIZE;
Worklist()62   Worklist() : Worklist(kMaxNumTasks) {}
Worklist(int num_tasks)64   explicit Worklist(int num_tasks) : num_tasks_(num_tasks) {
65     for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks_; i++) {
66       private_push_segment(i) = NewSegment();
67       private_pop_segment(i) = NewSegment();
68     }
69   }
~Worklist()71   ~Worklist() {
72     CHECK(IsEmpty());
73     for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks_; i++) {
74       DCHECK_NOT_NULL(private_push_segment(i));
75       DCHECK_NOT_NULL(private_pop_segment(i));
76       delete private_push_segment(i);
77       delete private_pop_segment(i);
78     }
79   }
81   // Swaps content with the given worklist. Local buffers need to
82   // be empty, not thread safe.
Swap(Worklist<EntryType,SEGMENT_SIZE> & other)83   void Swap(Worklist<EntryType, SEGMENT_SIZE>& other) {
84     CHECK(AreLocalsEmpty());
85     CHECK(other.AreLocalsEmpty());
87     global_pool_.Swap(other.global_pool_);
88   }
Push(int task_id,EntryType entry)90   bool Push(int task_id, EntryType entry) {
91     DCHECK_LT(task_id, num_tasks_);
92     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(private_push_segment(task_id));
93     if (!private_push_segment(task_id)->Push(entry)) {
94       PublishPushSegmentToGlobal(task_id);
95       bool success = private_push_segment(task_id)->Push(entry);
96       USE(success);
97       DCHECK(success);
98     }
99     return true;
100   }
Pop(int task_id,EntryType * entry)102   bool Pop(int task_id, EntryType* entry) {
103     DCHECK_LT(task_id, num_tasks_);
104     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(private_pop_segment(task_id));
105     if (!private_pop_segment(task_id)->Pop(entry)) {
106       if (!private_push_segment(task_id)->IsEmpty()) {
107         Segment* tmp = private_pop_segment(task_id);
108         private_pop_segment(task_id) = private_push_segment(task_id);
109         private_push_segment(task_id) = tmp;
110       } else if (!StealPopSegmentFromGlobal(task_id)) {
111         return false;
112       }
113       bool success = private_pop_segment(task_id)->Pop(entry);
114       USE(success);
115       DCHECK(success);
116     }
117     return true;
118   }
LocalPushSegmentSize(int task_id)120   size_t LocalPushSegmentSize(int task_id) {
121     return private_push_segment(task_id)->Size();
122   }
IsLocalEmpty(int task_id)124   bool IsLocalEmpty(int task_id) {
125     return private_pop_segment(task_id)->IsEmpty() &&
126            private_push_segment(task_id)->IsEmpty();
127   }
IsGlobalPoolEmpty()129   bool IsGlobalPoolEmpty() { return global_pool_.IsEmpty(); }
IsEmpty()131   bool IsEmpty() {
132     if (!AreLocalsEmpty()) return false;
133     return global_pool_.IsEmpty();
134   }
AreLocalsEmpty()136   bool AreLocalsEmpty() {
137     for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks_; i++) {
138       if (!IsLocalEmpty(i)) return false;
139     }
140     return true;
141   }
LocalSize(int task_id)143   size_t LocalSize(int task_id) {
144     return private_pop_segment(task_id)->Size() +
145            private_push_segment(task_id)->Size();
146   }
148   // Clears all segments. Frees the global segment pool.
149   //
150   // Assumes that no other tasks are running.
Clear()151   void Clear() {
152     for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks_; i++) {
153       private_pop_segment(i)->Clear();
154       private_push_segment(i)->Clear();
155     }
156     global_pool_.Clear();
157   }
159   // Calls the specified callback on each element of the deques and replaces
160   // the element with the result of the callback.
161   // The signature of the callback is
162   //   bool Callback(EntryType old, EntryType* new).
163   // If the callback returns |false| then the element is removed from the
164   // worklist. Otherwise the |new| entry is updated.
165   //
166   // Assumes that no other tasks are running.
167   template <typename Callback>
Update(Callback callback)168   void Update(Callback callback) {
169     for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks_; i++) {
170       private_pop_segment(i)->Update(callback);
171       private_push_segment(i)->Update(callback);
172     }
173     global_pool_.Update(callback);
174   }
176   // Calls the specified callback on each element of the deques.
177   // The signature of the callback is:
178   //   void Callback(EntryType entry).
179   //
180   // Assumes that no other tasks are running.
181   template <typename Callback>
Iterate(Callback callback)182   void Iterate(Callback callback) {
183     for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks_; i++) {
184       private_pop_segment(i)->Iterate(callback);
185       private_push_segment(i)->Iterate(callback);
186     }
187     global_pool_.Iterate(callback);
188   }
190   template <typename Callback>
IterateGlobalPool(Callback callback)191   void IterateGlobalPool(Callback callback) {
192     global_pool_.Iterate(callback);
193   }
FlushToGlobal(int task_id)195   void FlushToGlobal(int task_id) {
196     PublishPushSegmentToGlobal(task_id);
197     PublishPopSegmentToGlobal(task_id);
198   }
MergeGlobalPool(Worklist * other)200   void MergeGlobalPool(Worklist* other) {
201     auto pair = other->global_pool_.Extract();
202     global_pool_.MergeList(pair.first, pair.second);
203   }
205  private:
206   FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentCreate);
207   FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentPush);
208   FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentPushPop);
209   FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentIsEmpty);
210   FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentIsFull);
211   FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentClear);
212   FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentFullPushFails);
213   FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentEmptyPopFails);
214   FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentUpdateFalse);
215   FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentUpdate);
217   class Segment {
218    public:
219     static const size_t kCapacity = kSegmentCapacity;
Segment()221     Segment() : index_(0) {}
Push(EntryType entry)223     bool Push(EntryType entry) {
224       if (IsFull()) return false;
225       entries_[index_++] = entry;
226       return true;
227     }
Pop(EntryType * entry)229     bool Pop(EntryType* entry) {
230       if (IsEmpty()) return false;
231       *entry = entries_[--index_];
232       return true;
233     }
Size()235     size_t Size() const { return index_; }
IsEmpty()236     bool IsEmpty() const { return index_ == 0; }
IsFull()237     bool IsFull() const { return index_ == kCapacity; }
Clear()238     void Clear() { index_ = 0; }
240     template <typename Callback>
Update(Callback callback)241     void Update(Callback callback) {
242       size_t new_index = 0;
243       for (size_t i = 0; i < index_; i++) {
244         if (callback(entries_[i], &entries_[new_index])) {
245           new_index++;
246         }
247       }
248       index_ = new_index;
249     }
251     template <typename Callback>
Iterate(Callback callback)252     void Iterate(Callback callback) const {
253       for (size_t i = 0; i < index_; i++) {
254         callback(entries_[i]);
255       }
256     }
next()258     Segment* next() const { return next_; }
set_next(Segment * segment)259     void set_next(Segment* segment) { next_ = segment; }
261    private:
262     Segment* next_;
263     size_t index_;
264     EntryType entries_[kCapacity];
265   };
267   struct PrivateSegmentHolder {
268     Segment* private_push_segment;
269     Segment* private_pop_segment;
270     char cache_line_padding[64];
271   };
273   class GlobalPool {
274    public:
GlobalPool()275     GlobalPool() : top_(nullptr) {}
277     // Swaps contents, not thread safe.
Swap(GlobalPool & other)278     void Swap(GlobalPool& other) {
279       Segment* temp = top_;
280       set_top(other.top_);
281       other.set_top(temp);
282     }
Push(Segment * segment)284     V8_INLINE void Push(Segment* segment) {
285       base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&lock_);
286       segment->set_next(top_);
287       set_top(segment);
288     }
Pop(Segment ** segment)290     V8_INLINE bool Pop(Segment** segment) {
291       base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&lock_);
292       if (top_ != nullptr) {
293         *segment = top_;
294         set_top(top_->next());
295         return true;
296       }
297       return false;
298     }
IsEmpty()300     V8_INLINE bool IsEmpty() {
301       return base::AsAtomicPointer::Relaxed_Load(&top_) == nullptr;
302     }
Clear()304     void Clear() {
305       base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&lock_);
306       Segment* current = top_;
307       while (current != nullptr) {
308         Segment* tmp = current;
309         current = current->next();
310         delete tmp;
311       }
312       set_top(nullptr);
313     }
315     // See Worklist::Update.
316     template <typename Callback>
Update(Callback callback)317     void Update(Callback callback) {
318       base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&lock_);
319       Segment* prev = nullptr;
320       Segment* current = top_;
321       while (current != nullptr) {
322         current->Update(callback);
323         if (current->IsEmpty()) {
324           if (prev == nullptr) {
325             top_ = current->next();
326           } else {
327             prev->set_next(current->next());
328           }
329           Segment* tmp = current;
330           current = current->next();
331           delete tmp;
332         } else {
333           prev = current;
334           current = current->next();
335         }
336       }
337     }
339     // See Worklist::Iterate.
340     template <typename Callback>
Iterate(Callback callback)341     void Iterate(Callback callback) {
342       base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&lock_);
343       for (Segment* current = top_; current != nullptr;
344            current = current->next()) {
345         current->Iterate(callback);
346       }
347     }
Extract()349     std::pair<Segment*, Segment*> Extract() {
350       Segment* top = nullptr;
351       {
352         base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&lock_);
353         if (top_ == nullptr) return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
354         top = top_;
355         set_top(nullptr);
356       }
357       Segment* end = top;
358       while (end->next() != nullptr) end = end->next();
359       return std::make_pair(top, end);
360     }
MergeList(Segment * start,Segment * end)362     void MergeList(Segment* start, Segment* end) {
363       if (start == nullptr) return;
364       {
365         base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&lock_);
366         end->set_next(top_);
367         set_top(start);
368       }
369     }
371    private:
set_top(Segment * segment)372     void set_top(Segment* segment) {
373       base::AsAtomicPointer::Relaxed_Store(&top_, segment);
374     }
376     base::Mutex lock_;
377     Segment* top_;
378   };
private_push_segment(int task_id)380   V8_INLINE Segment*& private_push_segment(int task_id) {
381     return private_segments_[task_id].private_push_segment;
382   }
private_pop_segment(int task_id)384   V8_INLINE Segment*& private_pop_segment(int task_id) {
385     return private_segments_[task_id].private_pop_segment;
386   }
PublishPushSegmentToGlobal(int task_id)388   V8_INLINE void PublishPushSegmentToGlobal(int task_id) {
389     if (!private_push_segment(task_id)->IsEmpty()) {
390       global_pool_.Push(private_push_segment(task_id));
391       private_push_segment(task_id) = NewSegment();
392     }
393   }
PublishPopSegmentToGlobal(int task_id)395   V8_INLINE void PublishPopSegmentToGlobal(int task_id) {
396     if (!private_pop_segment(task_id)->IsEmpty()) {
397       global_pool_.Push(private_pop_segment(task_id));
398       private_pop_segment(task_id) = NewSegment();
399     }
400   }
StealPopSegmentFromGlobal(int task_id)402   V8_INLINE bool StealPopSegmentFromGlobal(int task_id) {
403     if (global_pool_.IsEmpty()) return false;
404     Segment* new_segment = nullptr;
405     if (global_pool_.Pop(&new_segment)) {
406       delete private_pop_segment(task_id);
407       private_pop_segment(task_id) = new_segment;
408       return true;
409     }
410     return false;
411   }
NewSegment()413   V8_INLINE Segment* NewSegment() {
414     // Bottleneck for filtering in crash dumps.
415     return new Segment();
416   }
418   PrivateSegmentHolder private_segments_[kMaxNumTasks];
419   GlobalPool global_pool_;
420   int num_tasks_;
421 };
423 }  // namespace internal
424 }  // namespace v8
426 #endif  // V8_HEAP_WORKLIST_H_