1syntax = "proto3";
3package tensorflow;
4option cc_enable_arenas = true;
5option java_outer_classname = "CostGraphProtos";
6option java_multiple_files = true;
7option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
8option go_package = "github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tensorflow/go/core/framework";
9import "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.proto";
10import "tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto";
12message CostGraphDef {
13  message Node {
14    // The name of the node. Names are globally unique.
15    string name = 1;
17    // The device of the node. Can be empty if the node is mapped to the
18    // default partition or partitioning hasn't been run yet.
19    string device = 2;
21    // The id of the node. Node ids are only unique inside a partition.
22    int32 id = 3;
24    // Inputs of this node. They must be executed before this node can be
25    // executed. An input is a particular output of another node, specified
26    // by the node id and the output index.
27    message InputInfo {
28      int32 preceding_node = 1;
29      int32 preceding_port = 2;
30    }
31    repeated InputInfo input_info = 4;
33    // Outputs of this node.
34    message OutputInfo {
35      int64 size = 1;
36      // If >= 0, the output is an alias of an input. Note that an alias input
37      // may itself be an alias. The algorithm will therefore need to follow
38      // those pointers.
39      int64 alias_input_port = 2;
40      TensorShapeProto shape = 3;
41      DataType dtype = 4;
42    }
43    repeated OutputInfo output_info = 5;
45    // Temporary memory used by this node.
46    int64 temporary_memory_size = 6;
48    // Persistent memory used by this node.
49    int64 persistent_memory_size = 12;
51    int64 host_temp_memory_size = 10 [deprecated = true];
52    int64 device_temp_memory_size = 11 [deprecated = true];
53    int64 device_persistent_memory_size = 16 [deprecated = true];
55    // Estimate of the computational cost of this node, in microseconds.
56    int64 compute_cost = 9;
58    // Analytical estimate of the computational cost of this node, in
59    // microseconds.
60    int64 compute_time = 14;
62    // Analytical estimate of the memory access cost of this node, in
63    // microseconds.
64    int64 memory_time = 15;
66    // If true, the output is permanent: it can't be discarded, because this
67    // node is part of the "final output". Nodes may depend on final nodes.
68    bool is_final = 7;
70    // Ids of the control inputs for this node.
71    repeated int32 control_input = 8;
73    // Are the costs inaccurate?
74    bool inaccurate = 17;
75  }
76  repeated Node node = 1;