1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# This file is part of Scapy
4# Scapy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7# any later version.
9# Scapy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12# GNU General Public License for more details.
14# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15# along with Scapy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17# scapy.contrib.description = PPI
18# scapy.contrib.status = loads
20    ####################################################################
21    # This file holds the GSM UM interface implementation for Scapy    #
22    # author: Laurent Weber <k@0xbadcab1e.lu>                          #
23    #                                                                  #
24    # Some examples on how to use this script:                         #
25    #                      http://0xbadcab1e.lu/scapy_gsm_um-howto.txt #
26    #                                                                  #
27    # tested on: scapy-version: 2.2.0 (dev)                            #
28    ####################################################################
30from __future__ import print_function
31import logging
32from types import IntType
33from types import NoneType
34from types import StringType
35#from  time import sleep
36import socket
39from scapy.packet import *
40from scapy.fields import *
42# This method is intended to send gsm air packets. It uses a unix domain
43# socket. It opens a socket, sends the parameter to the socket and
44# closes the socket.
45# typeSock determines the type of the socket, can be:
46#                  0 for UDP Socket
47#                  1 for Unix Domain Socket
48#                  2 for TCP
51def sendum(x, typeSock=0):
52    try:
53        if not isinstance(x, str):
54            x = str(x)
55        if typeSock is 0:
56            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
57            host = ''
58            port = 28670       # default for openBTS
59            s.connect((host, port))
60        elif typeSock is 1:
61            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
62            s.connect("/tmp/osmoL")
63        elif typeSock is 2:
64            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
65            host = ''
66            port = 43797
67            s.connect((host, port))
68        s.send(x)
69        s.close()
70    except:
71        print("[Error]: There was a problem when trying to transmit data.\
72               Please make sure you started the socket server.")
74# Known Bugs/Problems:
75# If a message uses multiple times the same IE you cannot set the values
76# of this IE's if you use the preconfigured packets. You need to build
77# the IE's by hand and than assemble them as entire messages.
79# The ErrorLength class is a custom exception that gets raised when a
80# packet doesn't have the correct size.
83class ErrorLength(Exception):
84    def __str__(self):
85        error = "ERROR: Please make sure you build entire, 8 bit fields."
86        return repr(error)
88# This method computes the length of the actual IE.
89# It computes how many "None" fields have to be removed (if any).
90# The method returns an integer containing the number of bytes that have to be
91# cut off the packet.
92# parameter length contains the max length of the IE can be found in
93# 0408
94# The parameter fields contains the value of the fields (not the default but
95# the real, actual value.
96# The parameter fields2 contains fields_desc.
97# Location contains the location of the length field in the IE. Everything
98# after the the length field has to be counted (04.07
101def adapt(min_length, max_length, fields, fields2, location=2):
102    # find out how much bytes there are between min_length and the location of
103    # the length field
104    location = min_length - location
105    i = len(fields) - 1
106    rm = mysum = 0
107    while i >= 0:
108        if fields[i] is None:
109            rm += 1
110            try:
111                mysum += fields2[i].size
112            except AttributeError:  # ByteFields don't have .size
113                mysum += 8
114        else:
115            break
116        i -= 1
117    if mysum % 8 is 0:
118        length = mysum / 8  # Number of bytes we have to delete
119        dyn_length = (max_length - min_length - length)
120        if dyn_length < 0:
121            dyn_length = 0
122        if length is max_length:  # Fix for packets that have all values set
123            length -= min_length  # to None
124        return [length, dyn_length + location]
125    else:
126        raise ErrorLength()
129def examples(example=None):
130    if example == None:
131        print("""This command presents some example to introduce scapy
132gsm-um to new users.
133The following parameters can be used:
134    examples("imsiDetach")
135    examples("call")
136    examples("dissect")""")
137    elif example == "imsiDetach":
138        print("""
139>>> a=imsiDetachIndication()
140... a.typeOfId=1; a.odd=1; a.idDigit1=0xF;
141... a.idDigit2_1=2; a.idDigit2=7; a.idDigit3_1=0;
142... a.idDigit3=7; a.idDigit4_1=7; a.idDigit4=2;
143... a.idDigit5_1=0; a.idDigit5=0; a.idDigit6_1=0;
144... a.idDigit6=1; a.idDigit7_1=2; a.idDigit7=7;
145... a.idDigit8_1=7; a.idDigit8=5; a.idDigit9_1=1; a.idDigit9=4;
146>>> hexdump(a)
1470000   05 01 00 08 F0 27 07 72  00 01 27 75 14   .....'.r..'u.
148>>> sendum(a)
150    elif example == "call":
151        print("""
152If you use an USRP and the testcall function this sets up a phonecall:
153>>> sendum(setupMobileOriginated())
154>>> sendum(connectAcknowledge())
158# Section 10.2/3
159class TpPd(Packet):
160    """Skip indicator and transaction identifier and Protocol Discriminator"""
161    name = "Skip Indicator And Transaction Identifier and Protocol \
163    fields_desc = [
164               BitField("ti", 0x0, 4),
165               BitField("pd", 0x3, 4)
166               ]
169class MessageType(Packet):
170    """Message Type Section 10.4"""
171    name = "Message Type"
172    fields_desc = [
173               XByteField("mesType", 0x3C)
174               ]
178# Message for Radio Resources management (RR) Section 9.1
181# Network to MS
182def additionalAssignment(MobileAllocation_presence=0,
183                         StartingTime_presence=0):
184    """ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT Section 9.1.1"""
185    # Mandatory
186    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
187    b = MessageType(mesType=0x3B)  # 00111011
188    c = ChannelDescription()
189    packet = a / b / c
190    # Not Mandatory
191    if MobileAllocation_presence is 1:
192        d = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x72, eightBitMA=0x0)
193        packet = packet / d
194    if StartingTime_presence is 1:
195        e = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
196        packet = packet / e
197    return packet
200# Network to MS
201def assignmentCommand(FrequencyList_presence=0,
202                      CellChannelDescription_presence=0,
203                      CellChannelDescription_presence1=0,
204                      MultislotAllocation_presence=0,
205                      ChannelMode_presence=0, ChannelMode_presence1=0,
206                      ChannelMode_presence2=0, ChannelMode_presence3=0,
207                      ChannelMode_presence4=0, ChannelMode_presence5=0,
208                      ChannelMode_presence6=0, ChannelMode_presence7=0,
209                      ChannelDescription=0, ChannelMode2_presence=0,
210                      MobileAllocation_presence=0, StartingTime_presence=0,
211                      FrequencyList_presence1=0,
212                      ChannelDescription2_presence=0,
213                      ChannelDescription_presence=0,
214                      FrequencyChannelSequence_presence=0,
215                      MobileAllocation_presence1=0,
216                      CipherModeSetting_presence=0,
217                      VgcsTargetModeIdentication_presence=0,
218                      MultiRateConfiguration_presence=0):
219    """ASSIGNMENT COMMAND Section 9.1.2"""
220    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
221    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2e)  # 101110
222    c = ChannelDescription2()
223    d = PowerCommand()
224    packet = a / b / c / d
225    if FrequencyList_presence is 1:
226        e = FrequencyListHdr(ieiFL=0x05, eightBitFL=0x0)
227        packet = packet / e
228    if CellChannelDescription_presence is 1:
229        f = CellChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCCD=0x62, eightBitCCD=0x0)
230        packet = packet / f
231    if MultislotAllocation_presence is 1:
232        g = MultislotAllocationHdr(ieiMSA=0x10, eightBitMSA=0x0)
233        packet = packet / g
234    if ChannelMode_presence is 1:
235        h = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x63, eightBitCM=0x0)
236        packet = packet / h
237    if ChannelMode_presence1 is 1:
238        i = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x11, eightBitCM=0x0)
239        packet = packet / i
240    if ChannelMode_presence2 is 1:
241        j = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x13, eightBitCM=0x0)
242        packet = packet / j
243    if ChannelMode_presence3 is 1:
244        k = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x14, eightBitCM=0x0)
245        packet = packet / k
246    if ChannelMode_presence4 is 1:
247        l = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x15, eightBitCM=0x0)
248        packet = packet / l
249    if ChannelMode_presence5 is 1:
250        m = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x16, eightBitCM=0x0)
251        packet = packet / m
252    if ChannelMode_presence6 is 1:
253        n = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x17, eightBitCM=0x0)
254        packet = packet / n
255    if ChannelMode_presence7 is 1:
256        o = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x18, eightBitCM=0x0)
257        packet = packet / o
258    if ChannelDescription_presence is 1:
259        p = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x64, eightBitCD=0x0)
260        packet = packet / p
261    if ChannelMode2_presence is 1:
262        q = ChannelMode2Hdr(ieiCM2=0x66, eightBitCM2=0x0)
263        packet = packet / q
264    if MobileAllocation_presence is 1:
265        r = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x72, eightBitMA=0x0)
266        packet = packet / r
267    if StartingTime_presence is 1:
268        s = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
269        packet = packet / s
270    if FrequencyList_presence1 is 1:
271        t = FrequencyListHdr(ieiFL=0x19, eightBitFL=0x0)
272        packet = packet / t
273    if ChannelDescription2_presence is 1:
274        u = ChannelDescription2Hdr(ieiCD2=0x1C, eightBitCD2=0x0)
275        packet = packet / u
276    if ChannelDescription_presence is 1:
277        v = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x1D, eightBitCD=0x0)
278        packet = packet / v
279    if FrequencyChannelSequence_presence is 1:
280        w = FrequencyChannelSequenceHdr(ieiFCS=0x1E, eightBitFCS=0x0)
281        packet = packet / w
282    if MobileAllocation_presence1 is 1:
283        x = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x21, eightBitMA=0x0)
284        packet = packet / x
285    if CipherModeSetting_presence is 1:
286        y = CipherModeSettingHdr(ieiCMS=0x9, eightBitCMS=0x0)
287        packet = packet / y
288    if VgcsTargetModeIdentication_presence is 1:
289        z = VgcsTargetModeIdenticationHdr(ieiVTMI=0x01, eightBitVTMI=0x0)
290        packet = packet / z
291    if MultiRateConfiguration_presence is 1:
292        aa = MultiRateConfigurationHdr(ieiMRC=0x03, eightBitMRC=0x0)
293        packet = packet / aa
294    return packet
297# MS to Network
298def assignmentComplete():
299    """ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE Section 9.1.3"""
300    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
301    b = MessageType(mesType=0x29)  # 00101001
302    c = RrCause()
303    packet = a / b / c
304    return packet
307# MS to Network
308def assignmentFailure():
309    """ASSIGNMENT FAILURE Section 9.1.4"""
310    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
311    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2F)  # 00101111
312    c = RrCause()
313    packet = a / b / c
314    return packet
317# Network to MS
318def channelModeModify(VgcsTargetModeIdentication_presence=0,
319                      MultiRateConfiguration_presence=0):
320    """CHANNEL MODE MODIFY Section 9.1.5"""
321    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
322    b = MessageType(mesType=0x8)  # 0001000
323    c = ChannelDescription2()
324    d = ChannelMode()
325    packet = a / b / c / d
326    if VgcsTargetModeIdentication is 1:
327        e = VgcsTargetModeIdenticationHdr(ieiVTMI=0x01, eightBitVTMI=0x0)
328        packet = packet / e
329    if MultiRateConfiguration is 1:
330        f = MultiRateConfigurationHdr(ieiMRC=0x03, eightBitMRC=0x0)
331        packet = packet / f
332    return packet
335def channelModeModifyAcknowledge():
336    """CHANNEL MODE MODIFY ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.1.6"""
337    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
338    b = MessageType(mesType=0x17)  # 00010111
339    c = ChannelDescription2()
340    d = ChannelMode()
341    packet = a / b / c / d
342    return packet
345# Network to MS
346def channelRelease(BaRange_presence=0, GroupChannelDescription_presence=0,
347                   GroupCipherKeyNumber_presence=0, GprsResumption_presence=0,
348                   BaListPref_presence=0):
349    """CHANNEL RELEASE  Section 9.1.7"""
350    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
351    b = MessageType(mesType=0xD)  # 00001101
352    c = RrCause()
353    packet = a / b / c
354    if BaRange_presence is 1:
355        d = BaRangeHdr(ieiBR=0x73, eightBitBR=0x0)
356        packet = packet / d
357    if GroupChannelDescription_presence is 1:
358        e = GroupChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiGCD=0x74, eightBitGCD=0x0)
359        packet = packet / e
360    if GroupCipherKeyNumber_presence is 1:
361        f = GroupCipherKeyNumber(ieiGCKN=0x8)
362        packet = packet / f
363    if GprsResumption_presence is 1:
364        g = GprsResumptionHdr(ieiGR=0xC, eightBitGR=0x0)
365        packet = packet / g
366    if BaListPref_presence is 1:
367        h = BaListPrefHdr(ieiBLP=0x75, eightBitBLP=0x0)
368        packet = packet / h
369    return packet
372class ChannelRequest(Packet):
373    """Channel request Section 9.1.8"""
374    name = "Channel Request"
375    fields_desc = [
376             ByteField("estCause", 0x0)
377             ]
380def channelRequest():
381    return ChannelRequest()
384# Network to MS
385def cipheringModeCommand():
386    """CIPHERING MODE COMMAND  Section 9.1.9"""
387    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
388    b = MessageType(mesType=0x35)  # 00110101
389    c = RrCause()
390 #d=cipherModeSetting()
391 #e=cipherResponse()
392 # FIX
393    d = CipherModeSettingAndcipherResponse()
394    packet = a / b / c / d
395    return packet
398def cipheringModeComplete(MobileId_presence=0):
399    """CIPHERING MODE COMPLETE Section 9.1.10"""
400    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
401    b = MessageType(mesType=0x32)  # 00110010
402    packet = a / b
403    if MobileId_presence is 1:
404        c = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x17, eightBitMI=0x0)
405        packet = packet / c
406    return packet
409# Network to MS
410def classmarkChange(MobileStationClassmark3_presence=0):
411    """CLASSMARK CHANGE Section 9.1.11"""
412    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
413    b = MessageType(mesType=0x16)  # 00010110
414    c = MobileStationClassmark2()
415    packet = a / b / c
416    if MobileStationClassmark3_presence is 1:
417        e = MobileStationClassmark3(ieiMSC3=0x20)
418        packet = packet / e
419    return packet
422# Network to MS
423def classmarkEnquiry():
424    """CLASSMARK ENQUIRY Section 9.1.12"""
425    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
426    b = MessageType(mesType=0x13)  # 00010011
427    packet = a / b
428    return packet
429# 9.1.12a Spare
432# Network to MS
433def configurationChangeCommand(ChannelMode_presence=0,
434                               ChannelMode_presence1=0,
435                               ChannelMode_presence2=0,
436                               ChannelMode_presence3=0,
437                               ChannelMode_presence4=0,
438                               ChannelMode_presence5=0,
439                               ChannelMode_presence6=0,
440                               ChannelMode_presence7=0):
441    """CONFIGURATION CHANGE COMMAND Section 9.1.12b"""
442    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
443    b = MessageType(mesType=0x30)  # 00110000
444    c = MultislotAllocation()
445    packet = a / b / c
446    if ChannelMode_presence is 1:
447        d = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x63, eightBitCM=0x0)
448        packet = packet / d
449    if ChannelMode_presence1 is 1:
450        e = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x11, eightBitCM=0x0)
451        packet = packet / e
452    if ChannelMode_presence2 is 1:
453        f = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x13, eightBitCM=0x0)
454        packet = packet / f
455    if ChannelMode_presence3 is 1:
456        g = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x14, eightBitCM=0x0)
457        packet = packet / g
458    if ChannelMode_presence4 is 1:
459        h = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x15, eightBitCM=0x0)
460        packet = packet / h
461    if ChannelMode_presence5 is 1:
462        i = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x16, eightBitCM=0x0)
463        packet = packet / i
464    if ChannelMode_presence6 is 1:
465        j = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x17, eightBitCM=0x0)
466        packet = packet / j
467    if ChannelMode_presence7 is 1:
468        k = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x18, eightBitCM=0x0)
469        packet = packet / k
470    return packet
473def configurationChangeAcknowledge():
475    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
476    b = MessageType(mesType=0x31)  # 00110001
477    c = MobileId()
478    packet = a / b / c
479    return packet
482def configurationChangeReject():
483    """CONFIGURATION CHANGE REJECT Section 9.1.12d"""
484    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
485    b = MessageType(mesType=0x33)  # 00110011
486    c = RrCause()
487    packet = a / b / c
488    return packet
491# Network to MS
492def frequencyRedefinition(CellChannelDescription_presence=0):
493    """Frequency redefinition Section 9.1.13"""
494    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
495    b = MessageType(mesType=0x14)  # 00010100
496    c = ChannelDescription()
497    d = MobileAllocation()
498    e = StartingTime()
499    packet = a / b / c / d / e
500    if CellChannelDescription_presence is 1:
501        f = CellChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCCD=0x62, eightBitCCD=0x0)
502        packet = packet / f
503    return packet
506# Network to MS
507def pdchAssignmentCommand(ChannelDescription_presence=0,
508                          CellChannelDescription_presence=0,
509                          MobileAllocation_presence=0,
510                          StartingTime_presence=0, FrequencyList_presence=0,
511                          ChannelDescription_presence1=0,
512                          FrequencyChannelSequence_presence=0,
513                          MobileAllocation_presence1=0,
514                          PacketChannelDescription_presence=0,
515                          DedicatedModeOrTBF_presence=0):
516    """PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND Section 9.1.13a"""
517    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
518    b = MessageType(mesType=0x23)  # 00100011
519    c = ChannelDescription()
520    packet = a / b / c
521    if ChannelDescription_presence is 1:
522        d = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x62, eightBitCD=0x0)
523        packet = packet / d
524    if CellChannelDescription_presence is 1:
525        e = CellChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCCD=0x05, eightBitCCD=0x0)
526        packet = packet / e
527    if MobileAllocation_presence is 1:
528        f = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x72, eightBitMA=0x0)
529        packet = packet / f
530    if StartingTime_presence is 1:
531        g = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
532        packet = packet / g
533    if FrequencyList_presence is 1:
534        h = FrequencyListHdr(ieiFL=0x19, eightBitFL=0x0)
535        packet = packet / h
536    if ChannelDescription_presence1 is 1:
537        i = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x1C, eightBitCD=0x0)
538        packet = packet / i
539    if FrequencyChannelSequence_presence is 1:
540        j = FrequencyChannelSequenceHdr(ieiFCS=0x1E, eightBitFCS=0x0)
541        packet = packet / j
542    if MobileAllocation_presence1 is 1:
543        k = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x21, eightBitMA=0x0)
544        packet = packet / k
545    if PacketChannelDescription_presence is 1:
546        l = PacketChannelDescription(ieiPCD=0x22)
547        packet = packet / l
548    if DedicatedModeOrTBF_presence is 1:
549        m = DedicatedModeOrTBFHdr(ieiDMOT=0x23, eightBitDMOT=0x0)
550        packet = packet / m
551    return packet
554def gprsSuspensionRequest():
555    """GPRS SUSPENSION REQUEST Section 9.1.13b"""
556    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
557    b = MessageType()
558    c = Tlli()
559    d = RoutingAreaIdentification()
560    e = SuspensionCause()
561    packet = a / b / c / d / e
562    return packet
565class HandoverAccess(Packet):
566    name = "Handover Access"  # Section 9.1.14"
567    fields_desc = [
568             ByteField("handover", None),
569             ]
572# Network to MS
573def handoverCommand(SynchronizationIndication_presence=0,
574                    FrequencyShortList_presence=0, FrequencyList_presence=0,
575                    CellChannelDescription_presence=0,
576                    MultislotAllocation_presence=0,
577                    ChannelMode_presence=0, ChannelMode_presence1=0,
578                    ChannelMode_presence2=0,
579                    ChannelMode_presence3=0, ChannelMode_presence4=0,
580                    ChannelMode_presence5=0,
581                    ChannelMode_presence6=0, ChannelMode_presence7=0,
582                    ChannelDescription_presence1=0, ChannelMode2_presence=0,
583                    FrequencyChannelSequence_presence=0,
584                    MobileAllocation_presence=0,
585                    StartingTime_presence=0, TimeDifference_presence=0,
586                    TimingAdvance_presence=0,
587                    FrequencyShortList_presence1=0,
588                    FrequencyList_presence1=0,
589                    ChannelDescription2_presence=0,
590                    ChannelDescription_presence2=0,
591                    FrequencyChannelSequence_presence1=0,
592                    MobileAllocation_presence1=0,
593                    CipherModeSetting_presence=0,
594                    VgcsTargetModeIdentication_presence=0,
595                    MultiRateConfiguration_presence=0):
596    """HANDOVER COMMAND Section 9.1.15"""
597    name = "Handover Command"
598    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
599    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2b)  # 00101011
600    c = CellDescription()
601    d = ChannelDescription2()
602    e = HandoverReference()
603    f = PowerCommandAndAccessType()
604    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
605    if SynchronizationIndication_presence is 1:
606        g = SynchronizationIndicationHdr(ieiSI=0xD, eightBitSI=0x0)
607        packet = packet / g
608    if FrequencyShortList_presence is 1:
609        h = FrequencyShortListHdr(ieiFSL=0x02)
610        packet = packet / h
611    if FrequencyList_presence is 1:
612        i = FrequencyListHdr(ieiFL=0x05, eightBitFL=0x0)
613        packet = packet / i
614    if CellChannelDescription_presence is 1:
615        j = CellChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCCD=0x62, eightBitCCD=0x0)
616        packet = packet / j
617    if MultislotAllocation_presence is 1:
618        k = MultislotAllocationHdr(ieiMSA=0x10, eightBitMSA=0x0)
619        packet = packet / k
620    if ChannelMode_presence is 1:
621        l = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x63, eightBitCM=0x0)
622        packet = packet / l
623    if ChannelMode_presence1 is 1:
624        m = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x11, eightBitCM=0x0)
625        packet = packet / m
626    if ChannelMode_presence2 is 1:
627        n = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x13, eightBitCM=0x0)
628        packet = packet / n
629    if ChannelMode_presence3 is 1:
630        o = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x14, eightBitCM=0x0)
631        packet = packet / o
632    if ChannelMode_presence4 is 1:
633        p = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x15, eightBitCM=0x0)
634        packet = packet / p
635    if ChannelMode_presence5 is 1:
636        q = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x16, eightBitCM=0x0)
637        packet = packet / q
638    if ChannelMode_presence6 is 1:
639        r = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x17, eightBitCM=0x0)
640        packet = packet / r
641    if ChannelMode_presence7 is 1:
642        s = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x18, eightBitCM=0x0)
643        packet = packet / s
644    if ChannelDescription_presence1 is 1:
645        s1 = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x64, eightBitCD=0x0)
646        packet = packet / s1
647    if ChannelMode2_presence is 1:
648        t = ChannelMode2Hdr(ieiCM2=0x66, eightBitCM2=0x0)
649        packet = packet / t
650    if FrequencyChannelSequence_presence is 1:
651        u = FrequencyChannelSequenceHdr(ieiFCS=0x69, eightBitFCS=0x0)
652        packet = packet / u
653    if MobileAllocation_presence is 1:
654        v = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x72, eightBitMA=0x0)
655        packet = packet / v
656    if StartingTime_presence is 1:
657        w = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
658        packet = packet / w
659    if TimeDifference_presence is 1:
660        x = TimeDifferenceHdr(ieiTD=0x7B, eightBitTD=0x0)
661        packet = packet / x
662    if TimingAdvance_presence is 1:
663        y = TimingAdvanceHdr(ieiTA=0x7D, eightBitTA=0x0)
664        packet = packet / y
665    if FrequencyShortList_presence1 is 1:
666        z = FrequencyShortListHdr(ieiFSL=0x12)
667        packet = packet / z
668    if FrequencyList_presence1 is 1:
669        aa = FrequencyListHdr(ieiFL=0x19, eightBitFL=0x0)
670        packet = packet / aa
671    if ChannelDescription2_presence is 1:
672        ab = ChannelDescription2Hdr(ieiCD2=0x1C, eightBitCD2=0x0)
673        packet = packet / ab
674    if ChannelDescription_presence2 is 1:
675        ac = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x1D, eightBitCD=0x0)
676        packet = packet / ac
677    if FrequencyChannelSequence_presence1 is 1:
678        ad = FrequencyChannelSequenceHdr(ieiFCS=0x1E, eightBitFCS=0x0)
679        packet = packet / ad
680    if MobileAllocation_presence1 is 1:
681        ae = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x21, eightBitMA=0x0)
682        packet = packet / ae
683    if CipherModeSetting_presence is 1:
684        af = CipherModeSettingHdr(ieiCMS=0x9, eightBitCMS=0x0)
685        packet = packet / af
686    if VgcsTargetModeIdentication_presence is 1:
687        ag = VgcsTargetModeIdenticationHdr(ieiVTMI=0x01, eightBitVTMI=0x0)
688        packet = packet / ag
689    if MultiRateConfiguration_presence is 1:
690        ah = MultiRateConfigurationHdr(ieiMRC=0x03, eightBitMRC=0x0)
691        packet = packet / ah
692    return packet
695def handoverComplete(MobileTimeDifference_presence=0):
696    """HANDOVER COMPLETE Section 9.1.16"""
697    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
698    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2c)  # 00101100
699    c = RrCause()
700    packet = a / b / c
701    if MobileTimeDifference_presence is 1:
702        d = MobileTimeDifferenceHdr(ieiMTD=0x77, eightBitMTD=0x0)
703        packet = packet / d
704    return packet
707def handoverFailure():
708    """HANDOVER FAILURE Section 9.1.17"""
709    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
710    b = MessageType(mesType=0x28)  # 00101000
711    c = RrCause()
712    packet = a / b / c
713    return packet
716#The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all
717#information elements present in the message except
718#the IA Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length information elements.
719# Network to MS
720def immediateAssignment(ChannelDescription_presence=0,
721                        PacketChannelDescription_presence=0,
722                        StartingTime_presence=0):
723    """IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT Section 9.1.18"""
724    a = L2PseudoLength()
725    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
726    c = MessageType(mesType=0x3F)  # 00111111
727    d = PageModeAndDedicatedModeOrTBF()
728    packet = a / b / c / d
729    if ChannelDescription_presence is 1:
730        f = ChannelDescription()
731        packet = packet / f
732    if PacketChannelDescription_presence is 1:
733        g = PacketChannelDescription()
734        packet = packet / g
735    h = RequestReference()
736    i = TimingAdvance()
737    j = MobileAllocation()
738    packet = packet / h / i / j
739    if StartingTime_presence is 1:
740        k = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
741        packet = packet / k
742    l = IaRestOctets()
743    packet = packet / l
744    return packet
747#The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all
748#information elements present in the message except
749#the IAX Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length information elements.
751# Network to MS
752def immediateAssignmentExtended(StartingTime_presence=0):
753    """IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT EXTENDED Section 9.1.19"""
754    a = L2PseudoLength()
755    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
756    c = MessageType(mesType=0x39)  # 00111001
757    d = PageModeAndSpareHalfOctets()
758    f = ChannelDescription()
759    g = RequestReference()
760    h = TimingAdvance()
761    i = MobileAllocation()
762    packet = a / b / c / d / f / g / h / i
763    if StartingTime_presence is 1:
764        j = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
765        packet = packet / j
766    k = IaxRestOctets()
767    packet = packet / k
768    return packet
771# This message has L2 pseudo length 19
772# Network to MS
773def immediateAssignmentReject():
774    """IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT Section 9.1.20"""
775    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x13)
776    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
777    c = MessageType(mesType=0x3a)  # 00111010
778    d = PageModeAndSpareHalfOctets()
779    f = RequestReference()
780    g = WaitIndication()
781    h = RequestReference()
782    i = WaitIndication()
783    j = RequestReference()
784    k = WaitIndication()
785    l = RequestReference()
786    m = WaitIndication()
787    n = IraRestOctets()
788    packet = a / b / c / d / f / g / h / i / j / k / l / m / n
789    return packet
792def measurementReport():
793    """MEASUREMENT REPORT Section 9.1.21"""
794    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
795    b = MessageType(mesType=0x15)  # 00010101
796    c = MeasurementResults()
797    packet = a / b / c
798    return packet
801# len max 20
802class NotificationFacch():
803    """NOTIFICATION/FACCH Section 9.1.21a"""
804    name = "Notification/facch"
805    fields_desc = [
806             BitField("rr", 0x0, 1),
807             BitField("msgTyoe", 0x0, 5),
808             BitField("layer2Header", 0x0, 2),
809             BitField("frChanDes", 0x0, 24)
810             ]
813# The L2 pseudo length of this message has a value one
814# Network to MS
815def notificationNch():
816    """NOTIFICATION/NCH Section 9.1.21b"""
817    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
818    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
819    c = MessageType(mesType=0x20)  # 00100000
820    d = NtNRestOctets()
821    packet = a / b / c / d
822    return packet
825def notificationResponse():
826    """NOTIFICATION RESPONSE Section 9.1.21d"""
827    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
828    b = MessageType(mesType=0x26)  # 00100110
829    c = MobileStationClassmark2()
830    d = MobileId()
831    e = DescriptiveGroupOrBroadcastCallReference()
832    packet = a / b / c / d / e
833    return packet
836# Network to MS
837def rrCellChangeOrder():
838    """RR-CELL CHANGE ORDER  Section  9.1.21e"""
839    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
840    b = MessageType(mesType=0x8)  # 00001000
841    c = CellDescription()
842    d = NcModeAndSpareHalfOctets()
843    packet = a / b / c / d
844    return packet
847# Network to MS
848def pagingRequestType1(MobileId_presence=0):
849    """PAGING REQUEST TYPE 1 Section 9.1.22"""
850 #The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all
851 #information elements present in the message except
852 #the P1 Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length information elements.
853    a = L2PseudoLength()
854    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
855    c = MessageType(mesType=0x21)  # 00100001
856    d = PageModeAndChannelNeeded()
857    f = MobileId()
858    packet = a / b / c / d / f
859    if MobileId_presence is 1:
860        g = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x17, eightBitMI=0x0)
861        packet = packet / g
862    h = P1RestOctets()
863    packet = packet / h
864    return packet
867# The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all
868# information elements present in the message except
869# Network to MS
870def pagingRequestType2(MobileId_presence=0):
871    """PAGING REQUEST TYPE 2  Section 9.1.23"""
872    a = L2PseudoLength()
873    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
874    c = MessageType(mesType=0x22)  # 00100010
875    d = PageModeAndChannelNeeded()
876    f = MobileId()
877    g = MobileId()
878    packet = a / b / c / d / f / g
879    if MobileId_presence is 1:
880        h = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x17, eightBitMI=0x0)
881        packet = packet / h
882    i = P2RestOctets()
883    packet = packet / i
884    return packet
887# Network to MS
888def pagingRequestType3():
889    """PAGING REQUEST TYPE 3 Section 9.1.24"""
890# This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 19
891    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x13)
892    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
893    c = MessageType(mesType=0x24)  # 00100100
894    d = PageModeAndChannelNeeded()
895    e = TmsiPTmsi()
896    f = TmsiPTmsi()
897    g = TmsiPTmsi()
898    h = TmsiPTmsi()
899    i = P3RestOctets()
900    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i
901    return packet
904def pagingResponse():
905    """PAGING RESPONSE Section 9.1.25"""
906    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
907    b = MessageType(mesType=0x27)  # 00100111
908    c = CiphKeySeqNrAndSpareHalfOctets()
909    d = MobileStationClassmark2()
910    e = MobileId()
911    packet = a / b / c / d / e
912    return packet
915# Network to MS
916def partialRelease():
917    """PARTIAL RELEASE Section 9.1.26"""
918    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
919    b = MessageType(mesType=0xa)  # 00001010
920    c = ChannelDescription()
921    packet = a / b / c
922    return packet
925def partialReleaseComplete():
926    """PARTIAL RELEASE COMPLETE Section 9.1.27"""
927    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
928    b = MessageType(mesType=0xf)  # 00001111
929    packet = a / b
930    return packet
933# Network to MS
934def physicalInformation():
935    """PHYSICAL INFORMATION Section 9.1.28"""
936    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
937    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2d)  # 00101101
938    c = TimingAdvance()
939    packet = a / b / c
940    return packet
943def rrInitialisationRequest():
944    """RR Initialisation Request Section 9.1.28.a"""
945    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
946    b = MessageType(mesType=0x3c)  # 00111100
947    c = CiphKeySeqNrAndMacModeAndChannelCodingRequest()
948    e = MobileStationClassmark2()
949    f = Tlli()
950    g = ChannelRequestDescription()
951    h = GprsMeasurementResults()
952    packet = a / b / c / e / f / g / h
953    return packet
956def rrStatus():
957    """RR STATUS Section 9.1.29"""
958    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
959    b = MessageType(mesType=0x12)  # 00010010
960    c = RrCause()
961    packet = a / b / c
962    return packet
965# It does not
966# follow the basic format. Its length is _25_ bits. The
967# order of bit transmission is defined in GSM 04.04.
968# Network to MS
969class SynchronizationChannelInformation():
971    name = "Synchronization Channel Information"
972    fields_desc = [
973             BitField("bsic", 0x0, 5),
974             BitField("t1Hi", 0x0, 3),
975             ByteField("t1Mi", 0x0),
976             BitField("t1Lo", 0x0, 1),
977             BitField("t2", 0x0, 5),
978             BitField("t3Hi", 0x0, 2),
979             BitField("t3Lo", 0x0, 1)
980             ]
983# This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 21.
984# Network to MS
985def systemInformationType1():
986    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 1 Section 9.1.31"""
987    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x15)
988    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
989    c = MessageType(mesType=0x19)  # 00011001
990    d = CellChannelDescription()
991    e = RachControlParameters()
992    f = Si1RestOctets()
993    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
994    return packet
997# This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 22.
998# Network to MS
999def systemInformationType2():
1000    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2 Section 9.1.32"""
1001    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x16)
1002    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1003    c = MessageType(mesType=0x1a)  # 00011010
1004    d = NeighbourCellsDescription()
1005    e = NccPermitted()
1006    f = RachControlParameters()
1007    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
1008    return packet
1011# This message has a L2 pseudo length of 21
1012# Network to MS
1013def systemInformationType2bis():
1014    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2bis Section 9.1.33"""
1015    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x15)
1016    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1017    c = MessageType(mesType=0x2)  # 00000010
1018    d = NeighbourCellsDescription()
1019    e = RachControlParameters()
1020    f = Si2bisRestOctets()
1021    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
1022    return packet
1025# This message has a L2 pseudo length of 18
1026# Network to MS
1027def systemInformationType2ter():
1028    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2ter Section 9.1.34"""
1029    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
1030    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1031    c = MessageType(mesType=0x3)  # 00000011
1032    d = NeighbourCellsDescription2()
1033    e = Si2terRestOctets()
1034    packet = a / b / c / d / e
1035    return packet
1038# This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 18
1039# Network to MS
1040def systemInformationType3():
1041    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 3 Section 9.1.35"""
1042    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
1043    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1044    c = MessageType(mesType=0x1b)  # 00011011
1045    d = CellIdentity()
1046    e = LocalAreaId()
1047    f = ControlChannelDescription()
1048    g = CellOptionsBCCH()
1049    h = CellSelectionParameters()
1050    i = RachControlParameters()
1051    j = Si3RestOctets()
1052    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i / j
1053    return packet
1056#The L2 pseudo length of this message is the
1057#sum of lengths of all information elements present in the message except
1058#the SI 4 Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length
1059# Network to MS
1060def systemInformationType4(ChannelDescription_presence=0,
1061                           MobileAllocation_presence=0):
1062    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 4 Section 9.1.36"""
1063    a = L2PseudoLength()
1064    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1065    c = MessageType(mesType=0x1C)  # 000111100
1066    d = LocalAreaId()
1067    e = CellSelectionParameters()
1068    f = RachControlParameters()
1069    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
1070    if ChannelDescription_presence is 1:
1071        g = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x64, eightBitCD=0x0)
1072        packet = packet / g
1073    if MobileAllocation_presence is 1:
1074        h = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x72, eightBitMA=0x0)
1075        packet = packet / h
1076    i = Si4RestOctets()
1077    packet = packet / i
1078    return packet
1081#This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 18
1082# Network to MS
1083def systemInformationType5():
1084    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5 Section 9.1.37"""
1085    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
1086    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1087    c = MessageType(mesType=0x35)  # 000110101
1088    d = NeighbourCellsDescription()
1089    packet = a / b / c / d
1090    return packet
1093#This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 18
1094# Network to MS
1095def systemInformationType5bis():
1096    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5bis Section 9.1.38"""
1097    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
1098    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1099    c = MessageType(mesType=0x5)  # 00000101
1100    d = NeighbourCellsDescription()
1101    packet = a / b / c / d
1102    return packet
1105# This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 18
1106# Network to MS
1107def systemInformationType5ter():
1108    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5ter Section 9.1.39"""
1109    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
1110    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1111    c = MessageType(mesType=0x6)  # 00000110
1112    d = NeighbourCellsDescription2()
1113    packet = a / b / c / d
1114    return packet
1117#This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 11
1118# Network to MS
1119def systemInformationType6():
1120    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 6 Section 9.1.40"""
1121    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x0b)
1122    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1123    c = MessageType(mesType=0x1e)  # 00011011
1124    d = CellIdentity()
1125    e = LocalAreaId()
1126    f = CellOptionsBCCH()
1127    g = NccPermitted()
1128    h = Si6RestOctets()
1129    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f / g
1130    return packet
1133# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 1
1134# Network to MS
1135def systemInformationType7():
1136    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 7 Section 9.1.41"""
1137    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
1138    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1139    c = MessageType(mesType=0x37)  # 000110111
1140    d = Si7RestOctets()
1141    packet = a / b / c / d
1142    return packet
1145# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 1
1146# Network to MS
1147def systemInformationType8():
1148    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 8 Section 9.1.42"""
1149    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
1150    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1151    c = MessageType(mesType=0x18)  # 00011000
1152    d = Si8RestOctets()
1153    packet = a / b / c / d
1154    return packet
1157# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 1
1158# Network to MS
1159def systemInformationType9():
1160    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9 Section 9.1.43"""
1161    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
1162    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1163    c = MessageType(mesType=0x4)  # 00000100
1164    d = Si9RestOctets()
1165    packet = a / b / c / d
1166    return packet
1169# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 0
1170# Network to MS
1171def systemInformationType13():
1172    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 13 Section 9.1.43a"""
1173    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x00)
1174    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1175    c = MessageType(mesType=0x0)  # 00000000
1176    d = Si13RestOctets()
1177    packet = a / b / c / d
1178    return packet
1180# 9.1.43b / c spare
1184# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 1
1185# Network to MS
1186def systemInformationType16():
1187    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 16 Section 9.1.43d"""
1188    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
1189    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1190    c = MessageType(mesType=0x3d)  # 00111101
1191    d = Si16RestOctets()
1192    packet = a / b / c / d
1193    return packet
1196# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 1
1197# Network to MS
1198def systemInformationType17():
1199    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 17 Section 9.1.43e"""
1200    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
1201    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1202    c = MessageType(mesType=0x3e)  # 00111110
1203    d = Si17RestOctets()
1204    packet = a / b / c / d
1205    return packet
1208def talkerIndication():
1209    """TALKER INDICATION Section 9.1.44"""
1210    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1211    b = MessageType(mesType=0x11)  # 00010001
1212    c = MobileStationClassmark2()
1213    d = MobileId()
1214    packet = a / b / c / d
1215    return packet
1218class UplinkAccess():
1219    """UPLINK ACCESS Section 9.1.45"""
1220    name = "Uplink Access"
1221    fields_desc = [
1222             ByteField("establishment", 0x0)
1223             ]
1226# Network to MS
1227def uplinkBusy():
1228    """UPLINK BUSY Section 9.1.46"""
1229    name = "Uplink Busy"
1230    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1231    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2a)  # 00101010
1232    packet = a / b
1233    return packet
1236# Network to MS
1237class UplinkFree():
1238    """UPLINK FREE Section 9.1.47"""
1239    name = "Uplink Free"
1240    fields_desc = [
1241             BitField("pd", 0x0, 1),
1242             BitField("msgType", 0x0, 5),
1243             BitField("layer2Header", 0x0, 2),
1244             BitField("uplinkAccess", 0x0, 1),
1245             BitField("lOrH", 0x0, 1),  # 0 for L, 1 for H
1246             BitField("upIdCode", 0x0, 6),
1247             ]
1250def uplinkRelease():
1251    """UPLINK RELEASE Section 9.1.48"""
1252    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1253    b = MessageType(mesType=0xe)  # 00001110
1254    c = RrCause()
1255    packet = a / b / c
1256    return packet
1259# Network to MS
1260def vgcsUplinkGrant():
1261    """VGCS UPLINK GRANT Section 9.1.49"""
1262    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1263    b = MessageType(mesType=0x9)  # 00001001
1264    c = RrCause()
1265    d = RequestReference()
1266    e = TimingAdvance()
1267    packet = a / b / c / d / e
1268    return packet
1271# Network to MS
1272def systemInformationType10():
1273    """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 10 Section 9.1.50"""
1274    name = "SyStem Information Type 10"
1275    fields_desc = [
1276             BitField("pd", 0x0, 1),
1277             BitField("msgType", 0x0, 5),
1278             BitField("layer2Header", 0x0, 2),
1279             BitField("si10", 0x0, 160)
1280             ]
1283# Network to MS
1284# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 18
1285def extendedMeasurementOrder():
1286    """EXTENDED MEASUREMENT ORDER Section 9.1.51"""
1287    a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
1288    b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1289    c = MessageType(mesType=0x37)  # 00110111
1290    d = ExtendedMeasurementFrequencyList()
1291    packet = a / b / c / d
1292    return packet
1295def extendedMeasurementReport():
1296    """EXTENDED MEASUREMENT REPORT Section 9.1.52"""
1297    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1298    b = MessageType(mesType=0x36)  # 00110110
1299    c = ExtendedMeasurementResults()
1300    packet = a / b / c
1301    return packet
1304def applicationInformation():
1305    """APPLICATION INFORMATION Section 9.1.53"""
1306    a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
1307    b = MessageType(mesType=0x38)  # 00111000
1308    c = ApduIDAndApduFlags()
1309    e = ApduData()
1310    packet = a / b / c / e
1311    return packet
1313# 9.2 Messages for mobility management
1317# Network to MS
1318def authenticationReject():
1319    """AUTHENTICATION REJECT Section 9.2.1"""
1320    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1321    b = MessageType(mesType=0x11)  # 00010001
1322    packet = a / b
1323    return packet
1326# Network to MS
1327def authenticationRequest():
1328    """AUTHENTICATION REQUEST Section 9.2.2"""
1329    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1330    b = MessageType(mesType=0x12)  # 00010010
1331    c = CiphKeySeqNrAndSpareHalfOctets()
1332    d = AuthenticationParameterRAND()
1333    packet = a / b / c / d
1334    return packet
1337def authenticationResponse():
1338    """AUTHENTICATION RESPONSE Section 9.2.3"""
1339    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1340    b = MessageType(mesType=0x14)  # 00010100
1341    c = AuthenticationParameterSRES()
1342    packet = a / b / c
1343    return packet
1346def cmReestablishmentRequest(LocalAreaId_presence=0):
1347    """CM RE-ESTABLISHMENT REQUEST Section 9.2.4"""
1348    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1349    b = MessageType(mesType=0x28)  # 00101000
1350    c = CiphKeySeqNrAndSpareHalfOctets()
1351    e = MobileStationClassmark2()
1352    f = MobileId()
1353    if LocalAreaId_presence is 1:
1354        g = LocalAreaId(iei=0x13, eightbit=0x0)
1355        packet = packet / g
1356    packet = a / b / c / e / f
1357    return packet
1360# Network to MS
1361def cmServiceAccept():
1362    """CM SERVICE ACCEPT Section 9.2.5"""
1363    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1364    b = MessageType(mesType=0x21)  # 00100001
1365    packet = a / b
1366    return packet
1369# Network to MS
1370def cmServicePrompt():
1371    """CM SERVICE PROMPT Section 9.2.5a"""
1372    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1373    b = MessageType(mesType=0x25)  # 00100101
1374    c = PdAndSapi()
1375    packet = a / b / c
1376    return packet
1379# Network to MS
1380def cmServiceReject():
1381    """CM SERVICE REJECT Section 9.2.6"""
1382    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1383    b = MessageType(mesType=0x22)  # 00100010
1384    c = RejectCause()
1385    packet = a / b / c
1386    return packet
1389def cmServiceAbort():
1390    """CM SERVICE ABORT Section 9.2.7"""
1391    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1392    b = MessageType(mesType=0x23)  # 00100011
1393    packet = a / b
1394    return packet
1397# Network to MS
1398def abort():
1399    """ABORT Section 9.2.8"""
1400    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1401    b = MessageType(mesType=0x29)  # 00101001
1402    c = RejectCause()
1403    packet = a / b / c
1404    return packet
1407def cmServiceRequest(PriorityLevel_presence=0):
1408    """CM SERVICE REQUEST Section 9.2.9"""
1409    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1410    b = MessageType(mesType=0x24)  # 00100100
1411    c = CmServiceTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr()
1412    e = MobileStationClassmark2()
1413    f = MobileId()
1414    packet = a / b / c / e / f
1415    if PriorityLevel_presence is 1:
1416        g = PriorityLevelHdr(ieiPL=0x8, eightBitPL=0x0)
1417        packet = packet / g
1418    return packet
1421# Network to MS
1422def identityRequest():
1423    """IDENTITY REQUEST Section 9.2.10"""
1424    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1425    b = MessageType(mesType=0x8)  # 00001000
1426    c = IdentityTypeAndSpareHalfOctets()
1427    packet = a / b / c
1428    return packet
1431def identityResponse():
1432    """IDENTITY RESPONSE Section 9.2.11"""
1433    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1434    b = MessageType(mesType=0x9)  # 00001001
1435    c = MobileId()
1436    packet = a / b / c
1437    return packet
1440def imsiDetachIndication():
1441    """IMSI DETACH INDICATION Section 9.2.12"""
1442    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1443    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1)  # 00000001
1444    c = MobileStationClassmark1()
1445    d = MobileId()
1446    packet = a / b / c / d
1447    return packet
1450# Network to MS
1451def locationUpdatingAccept(MobileId_presence=0,
1452                           FollowOnProceed_presence=0,
1453                           CtsPermission_presence=0):
1454    """LOCATION UPDATING ACCEPT Section 9.2.13"""
1455    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1456    b = MessageType(mesType=0x02)  # 00000010
1457    c = LocalAreaId()
1458    packet = a / b / c
1459    if MobileId_presence is 1:
1460        d = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x17, eightBitMI=0x0)
1461        packet = packet / d
1462    if FollowOnProceed_presence is 1:
1463        e = FollowOnProceed(ieiFOP=0xA1)
1464        packet = packet / e
1465    if CtsPermission_presence is 1:
1466        f = CtsPermissionHdr(ieiCP=0xA2, eightBitCP=0x0)
1467        packet = packet / f
1468    return packet
1471# Network to MS
1472def locationUpdatingReject():
1473    """LOCATION UPDATING REJECT Section 9.2.14"""
1474    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1475    b = MessageType(mesType=0x4)  # 0x00000100
1476    c = RejectCause()
1477    packet = a / b / c
1478    return packet
1481def locationUpdatingRequest():
1482    """LOCATION UPDATING REQUEST Section 9.2.15"""
1483    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1484    b = MessageType(mesType=0x8)  # 00001000
1485    c = LocationUpdatingTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr()
1486    e = LocalAreaId()
1487    f = MobileStationClassmark1()
1488    g = MobileId()
1489    packet = a / b / c / e / f / g
1490    return packet
1493# Network to MS
1494def mmInformation(NetworkName_presence=0, NetworkName_presence1=0,
1495                  TimeZone_presence=0, TimeZoneAndTime_presence=0,
1496                  LsaIdentifier_presence=0):
1497    """MM INFORMATION Section 9.2.15a"""
1498    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1499    b = MessageType(mesType=0x32)  # 00110010
1500    packet = a / b
1501    if NetworkName_presence is 1:
1502        c = NetworkNameHdr(ieiNN=0x43, eightBitNN=0x0)
1503        packet = packet / c
1504    if NetworkName_presence1 is 1:
1505        d = NetworkNameHdr(ieiNN=0x45, eightBitNN=0x0)
1506        packet = packet / d
1507    if TimeZone_presence is 1:
1508        e = TimeZoneHdr(ieiTZ=0x46, eightBitTZ=0x0)
1509        packet = packet / e
1510    if TimeZoneAndTime_presence is 1:
1511        f = TimeZoneAndTimeHdr(ieiTZAT=0x47, eightBitTZAT=0x0)
1512        packet = packet / f
1513    if LsaIdentifier_presence is 1:
1514        g = LsaIdentifierHdr(ieiLI=0x48, eightBitLI=0x0)
1515        packet = packet / g
1516    return packet
1519def mmStatus():
1520    """MM STATUS Section 9.2.16"""
1521    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1522    b = MessageType(mesType=0x31)  # 00110001
1523    c = RejectCause()
1524    packet = a / b / c
1525    return packet
1528# Network to MS
1529def tmsiReallocationCommand():
1530    """TMSI REALLOCATION COMMAND Section 9.2.17"""
1531    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1532    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1a)  # 00011010
1533    c = LocalAreaId()
1534    d = MobileId()
1535    packet = a / b / c / d
1536    return packet
1539def tmsiReallocationComplete():
1540    """TMSI REALLOCATION COMPLETE Section 9.2.18"""
1541    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1542    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1b)  # 00011011
1543    packet = a / b
1544    return packet
1547def mmNull():
1548    """MM NULL Section 9.2.19"""
1549    a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
1550    b = MessageType(mesType=0x30)  # 00110000
1551    packet = a / b
1552    return packet
1555# 9.3 Messages for circuit-switched call control
1559# Network to MS
1560def alertingNetToMs(Facility_presence=0, ProgressIndicator_presence=0,
1561                    UserUser_presence=0):
1562    """ALERTING Section"""
1563    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1564    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1)  # 00000001
1565    packet = a / b
1566    if Facility_presence is 1:
1567        c = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C)
1568        packet = packet / c
1569    if ProgressIndicator_presence is 1:
1570        d = ProgressIndicatorHdr(ieiPI=0x1E)
1571        packet = packet / d
1572    if UserUser_presence is 1:
1573        e = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E)
1574        packet = packet / e
1575    return packet
1578def alertingMsToNet(Facility_presence=0, UserUser_presence=0,
1579                    SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
1580    """ALERTING Section"""
1581    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1582    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1)  # 00000001
1583    packet = a / b
1584    if Facility_presence is 1:
1585        c = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
1586        packet = packet / c
1587    if UserUser_presence is 1:
1588        d = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
1589        packet = packet / d
1590    if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
1591        e = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
1592        packet = packet / e
1593    return packet
1596def callConfirmed(RepeatIndicator_presence=0,
1597                  BearerCapability_presence=0, BearerCapability_presence1=0,
1598                  Cause_presence=0, CallControlCapabilities_presence=0):
1599    """CALL CONFIRMED Section 9.3.2"""
1600    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1601    b = MessageType(mesType=0x8)  # 00001000
1602    packet = a / b
1603    if RepeatIndicator_presence is 1:
1604        c = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
1605        packet = packet / c
1606    if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
1607        d = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
1608        packet = packet / d
1609    if BearerCapability_presence1 is 1:
1610        e = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
1611        packet = packet / e
1612    if Cause_presence is 1:
1613        f = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
1614        packet = packet / f
1615    if CallControlCapabilities_presence is 1:
1616        g = CallControlCapabilitiesHdr(ieiCCC=0x15, eightBitCCC=0x0)
1617        packet = packet / g
1618    return packet
1621# Network to MS
1622def callProceeding(RepeatIndicator_presence=0,
1623                   BearerCapability_presence=0,
1624                   BearerCapability_presence1=0,
1625                   Facility_presence=0, ProgressIndicator_presence=0,
1626                   PriorityLevel_presence=0):
1627    """CALL PROCEEDING Section 9.3.3"""
1628    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1629    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2)  # 00000010
1630    packet = a / b
1631    if RepeatIndicator_presence is 1:
1632        c = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
1633        packet = packet / c
1634    if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
1635        d = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
1636        packet = packet / d
1637    if BearerCapability_presence1 is 1:
1638        e = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
1639        packet = packet / e
1640    if Facility_presence is 1:
1641        f = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
1642        packet = packet / f
1643    if ProgressIndicator_presence is 1:
1644        g = ProgressIndicatorHdr(ieiPI=0x1E, eightBitPI=0x0)
1645        packet = packet / g
1646    if PriorityLevel_presence is 1:
1647        h = PriorityLevelHdr(ieiPL=0x80, eightBitPL=0x0)
1648        packet = packet / h
1649    return packet
1652# Network to MS
1653def congestionControl(Cause_presence=0):
1654    """CONGESTION CONTROL Section 9.3.4"""
1655    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1656    b = MessageType(mesType=0x39)  # 00111001
1657    c = CongestionLevelAndSpareHalfOctets()
1658    packet = a / b / c
1659    if Cause_presence is 1:
1660        e = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
1661        packet = packet / e
1662    return packet
1665# Network to MS
1666def connectNetToMs(Facility_presence=0, ProgressIndicator_presence=0,
1667                   ConnectedNumber_presence=0, ConnectedSubaddress_presence=0,
1668                   UserUser_presence=0):
1669    """CONNECT Section"""
1670    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1671    b = MessageType(mesType=0x7)  # 00000111
1672    packet = a / b
1673    if Facility_presence is 1:
1674        c = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
1675        packet = packet / c
1676    if ProgressIndicator_presence is 1:
1677        d = ProgressIndicatorHdr(ieiPI=0x1E, eightBitPI=0x0)
1678        packet = packet / d
1679    if ConnectedNumber_presence is 1:
1680        e = ConnectedNumberHdr(ieiCN=0x4C, eightBitCN=0x0)
1681        packet = packet / e
1682    if ConnectedSubaddress_presence is 1:
1683        f = ConnectedSubaddressHdr(ieiCS=0x4D, eightBitCS=0x0)
1684        packet = packet / f
1685    if UserUser_presence is 1:
1686        g = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7F, eightBitUU=0x0)
1687        packet = packet / g
1688    return packet
1691def connectMsToNet(Facility_presence=0, ConnectedSubaddress_presence=0,
1692                   UserUser_presence=0, SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
1693    """CONNECT Section"""
1694    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1695    b = MessageType(mesType=0x7)  # 00000111
1696    packet = a / b
1697    if Facility_presence is 1:
1698        c = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
1699        packet = packet / c
1700    if ConnectedSubaddress_presence is 1:
1701        d = ConnectedSubaddressHdr(ieiCS=0x4D, eightBitCS=0x0)
1702        packet = packet / d
1703    if UserUser_presence is 1:
1704        e = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7F, eightBitUU=0x0)
1705        packet = packet / e
1706    if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
1707        f = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
1708        packet = packet / f
1709    return packet
1712def connectAcknowledge():
1713    """CONNECT ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.3.6"""
1714    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1715    b = MessageType(mesType=0xf)  # 00001111
1716    packet = a / b
1717    return packet
1720# Network to MS
1721def disconnectNetToMs(Facility_presence=0, ProgressIndicator_presence=0,
1722                      UserUser_presence=0, AllowedActions_presence=0):
1723    """DISCONNECT Section"""
1724    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1725    b = MessageType(mesType=0x25)  # 00100101
1726    c = Cause()
1727    packet = a / b / c
1728    if Facility_presence is 1:
1729        d = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
1730        packet = packet / d
1731    if ProgressIndicator_presence is 1:
1732        e = ProgressIndicatorHdr(ieiPI=0x1E, eightBitPI=0x0)
1733        packet = packet / e
1734    if UserUser_presence is 1:
1735        f = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
1736        packet = packet / f
1737    if AllowedActions_presence is 1:
1738        g = AllowedActionsHdr(ieiAA=0x7B, eightBitAA=0x0)
1739        packet = packet / g
1740    return packet
1743def disconnectMsToNet(Facility_presence=0, UserUser_presence=0,
1744                      SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
1745    """Disconnect Section"""
1746    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1747    b = MessageType(mesType=0x25)  # 00100101
1748    c = Cause()
1749    packet = a / b / c
1750    if Facility_presence is 1:
1751        d = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
1752        packet = packet / d
1753    if UserUser_presence is 1:
1754        e = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
1755        packet = packet / e
1756    if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
1757        f = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
1758        packet = packet / f
1759    return packet
1762def emergencySetup(BearerCapability_presence=0):
1763    """EMERGENCY SETUP Section 9.3.8"""
1764    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1765    b = MessageType(mesType=0xe)  # 00001110
1766    packet = a / b
1767    if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
1768        c = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
1769        packet = packet / c
1770    return packet
1773# Network to MS
1774def facilityNetToMs():
1775    """FACILITY Section"""
1776    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1777    b = MessageType(mesType=0x3a)  # 00111010
1778    c = Facility()
1779    packet = a / b / c
1780    return packet
1783def facilityMsToNet(SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
1784    """FACILITY Section"""
1785    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1786    b = MessageType(mesType=0x3a)  # 00111010
1787    c = Facility()
1788    packet = a / b / c
1789    if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
1790        d = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
1791        packet = packet / d
1792    return packet
1795def hold():
1796    """HOLD Section 9.3.10"""
1797    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1798    b = MessageType(mesType=0x18)  # 00011000
1799    packet = a / b
1800    return packet
1803# Network to MS
1804def holdAcknowledge():
1805    """HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.3.11"""
1806    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1807    b = MessageType(mesType=0x19)  # 00011001
1808    packet = a / b
1809    return packet
1812# Network to MS
1813def holdReject():
1814    """HOLD REJECT Section 9.3.12"""
1815    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1816    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1a)  # 00011010
1817    c = Cause()
1818    packet = a / b / c
1819    return packet
1822def modify(LowLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
1823           HighLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
1824           ReverseCallSetupDirection_presence=0):
1825    """MODIFY Section 9.3.13"""
1826    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1827    b = MessageType(mesType=0x17)  # 00010111
1828    c = BearerCapability()
1829    packet = a / b / c
1830    if LowLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
1831        d = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
1832        packet = packet / d
1833    if HighLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
1834        e = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
1835        packet = packet / e
1836    if ReverseCallSetupDirection_presence is 1:
1837        f = ReverseCallSetupDirectionHdr(ieiRCSD=0xA3)
1838        packet = packet / f
1839    return packet
1842def modifyComplete(LowLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
1843                   HighLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
1844                   ReverseCallSetupDirection_presence=0):
1845    """MODIFY COMPLETE Section 9.3.14"""
1846    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1847    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1f)  # 00011111
1848    c = BearerCapability()
1849    packet = a / b / c
1850    if LowLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
1851        d = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
1852        packet = packet / d
1853    if HighLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
1854        e = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
1855        packet = packet / e
1856    if ReverseCallSetupDirection_presence is 1:
1857        f = ReverseCallSetupDirection(ieiRCSD=0xA3)
1858        packet = packet / f
1859    return packet
1862def modifyReject(LowLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
1863                 HighLayerCompatibility_presence=0):
1864    """MODIFY REJECT Section 9.3.15"""
1865    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1866    b = MessageType(mesType=0x13)  # 00010011
1867    c = BearerCapability()
1868    d = Cause()
1869    packet = a / b / c / d
1870    if LowLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
1871        e = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
1872        packet = packet / e
1873    if HighLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
1874        f = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
1875        packet = packet / f
1876    return packet
1879def notify():
1880    """NOTIFY Section 9.3.16"""
1881    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1882    b = MessageType(mesType=0x3e)  # 00111110
1883    c = NotificationIndicator()
1884    packet = a / b / c
1885    return packet
1888# Network to MS
1889def progress(UserUser_presence=0):
1890    """PROGRESS Section 9.3.17"""
1891    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1892    b = MessageType(mesType=0x3)  # 00000011
1893    c = ProgressIndicator()
1894    packet = a / b / c
1895    if UserUser_presence is 1:
1896        d = UserUserHdr()
1897        packet = packet / d
1898    return packet
1901# Network to MS
1902def ccEstablishment():
1903    """CC-ESTABLISHMENT Section 9.3.17a"""
1904    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1905    b = MessageType(mesType=0x4)  # 00000100
1906    c = SetupContainer()
1907    packet = a / b / c
1908    return packet
1911def ccEstablishmentConfirmed(RepeatIndicator_presence=0,
1912                             BearerCapability_presence=0,
1913                             BearerCapability_presence1=0,
1914                             Cause_presence=0):
1915    """CC-ESTABLISHMENT CONFIRMED Section 9.3.17b"""
1916    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1917    b = MessageType(mesType=0x6)  # 00000110
1918    packet = a / b
1919    if RepeatIndicator_presence is 1:
1920        c = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
1921        packet = packet / c
1922    if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
1923        d = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
1924        packet = packet / d
1925    if BearerCapability_presence1 is 1:
1926        e = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
1927        packet = packet / e
1928    if Cause_presence is 1:
1929        f = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
1930        packet = packet / f
1931    return packet
1934# Network to MS
1935def releaseNetToMs():
1936    """RELEASE Section"""
1937    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1938    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2d)  # 00101101
1939    c = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
1940    d = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
1941    e = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
1942    f = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
1943    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
1944    return packet
1947def releaseMsToNet(Cause_presence=0, Cause_presence1=0,
1948                   Facility_presence=0, UserUser_presence=0,
1949                   SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
1950    """RELEASE Section"""
1951    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1952    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2d)  # 00101101
1953    packet = a / b
1954    if Cause_presence is 1:
1955        c = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
1956        packet = packet / c
1957    if Cause_presence1 is 1:
1958        d = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
1959        packet = packet / d
1960    if Facility_presence is 1:
1961        e = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
1962        packet = packet / e
1963    if UserUser_presence is 1:
1964        f = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
1965        packet = packet / f
1966    if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
1967        g = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
1968        packet = packet / g
1969    return packet
1972# Network to MS
1973def recall():
1974    """RECALL Section 9.3.18a"""
1975    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1976    b = MessageType(mesType=0xb)  # 00001011
1977    c = RecallType()
1978    d = Facility()
1979    packet = a / b / c / d
1980    return packet
1983# Network to MS
1984def releaseCompleteNetToMs(Cause_presence=0, Facility_presence=0,
1985                           UserUser_presence=0):
1986    """RELEASE COMPLETE Section"""
1987    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
1988    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2a)  # 00101010
1989    packet = a / b
1990    if Cause_presence is 1:
1991        c = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
1992        packet = packet / c
1993    if Facility_presence is 1:
1994        d = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
1995        packet = packet / d
1996    if UserUser_presence is 1:
1997        e = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
1998        packet = packet / e
1999    return packet
2002def releaseCompleteMsToNet(Cause_presence=0, Facility_presence=0,
2003                           UserUser_presence=0, SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
2004    """RELEASE COMPLETE Section"""
2005    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2006    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2a)  # 00101010
2007    packet = a / b
2008    if Cause_presence is 1:
2009        c = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
2010        packet = packet / c
2011    if Facility_presence is 1:
2012        d = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
2013        packet = packet / d
2014    if UserUser_presence is 1:
2015        e = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
2016        packet = packet / e
2017    if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
2018        f = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
2019        packet = packet / f
2020    return packet
2023def retrieve():
2024    """RETRIEVE Section 9.3.20"""
2025    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2026    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1c)  # 00011100
2027    packet = a / b
2028    return packet
2031# Network to MS
2032def retrieveAcknowledge():
2033    """RETRIEVE ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.3.21"""
2034    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2035    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1d)  # 00011101
2036    packet = a / b
2037    return packet
2040# Network to MS
2041def retrieveReject():
2042    """RETRIEVE REJECT Section 9.3.22"""
2043    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2044    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1e)  # 00011110
2045    c = Cause()
2046    packet = a / b / c
2047    return packet
2050# Network to MS
2051def setupMobileTerminated(RepeatIndicator_presence=0,
2052                          BearerCapability_presence=0,
2053                          BearerCapability_presence1=0,
2054                          Facility_presence=0, ProgressIndicator_presence=0,
2055                          Signal_presence=0,
2056                          CallingPartyBcdNumber_presence=0,
2057                          CallingPartySubaddress_presence=0,
2058                          CalledPartyBcdNumber_presence=0,
2059                          CalledPartySubaddress_presence=0,
2060#                          RecallType_presence=0,
2061                          RedirectingPartyBcdNumber_presence=0,
2062                          RedirectingPartySubaddress_presence=0,
2063                          RepeatIndicator_presence1=0,
2064                          LowLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
2065                          LowLayerCompatibility_presence1=0,
2066                          RepeatIndicator_presence2=0,
2067                          HighLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
2068                          HighLayerCompatibility_presence1=0,
2069                          UserUser_presence=0, PriorityLevel_presence=0,
2070                          AlertingPattern_presence=0):
2071    """SETUP Section"""
2072    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2073    b = MessageType(mesType=0x5)  # 00000101
2074    packet = a / b
2075    if RepeatIndicator_presence is 1:
2076        c = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
2077        packet = packet / c
2078    if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
2079        d = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
2080        packet = packet / d
2081    if BearerCapability_presence1 is 1:
2082        e = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
2083        packet = packet / e
2084    if Facility_presence is 1:
2085        f = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
2086        packet = packet / f
2087    if ProgressIndicator_presence is 1:
2088        g = ProgressIndicatorHdr(ieiPI=0x1E, eightBitPI=0x0)
2089        packet = packet / g
2090    if Signal_presence is 1:
2091        h = SignalHdr(ieiS=0x34, eightBitS=0x0)
2092        packet = packet / h
2093    if CallingPartyBcdNumber_presence is 1:
2094        i = CallingPartyBcdNumberHdr(ieiCPBN=0x5C, eightBitCPBN=0x0)
2095        packet = packet / i
2096    if CallingPartySubaddress_presence is 1:
2097        j = CallingPartySubaddressHdr(ieiCPS=0x5D, eightBitCPS=0x0)
2098        packet = packet / j
2099    if CalledPartyBcdNumber_presence is 1:
2100        k = CalledPartyBcdNumberHdr(ieiCPBN=0x5E, eightBitCPBN=0x0)
2101        packet = packet / k
2102    if CalledPartySubaddress_presence is 1:
2103        l = CalledPartySubaddressHdr(ieiCPS=0x6D, eightBitCPS=0x0)
2104        packet = packet / l
2105    if RedirectingPartyBcdNumber_presence is 1:
2106        n = RedirectingPartyBcdNumberHdr(ieiRPBN=0x74, eightBitRPBN=0x0)
2107        packet = packet / n
2108    if RedirectingPartySubaddress_presence is 1:
2109        m = RedirectingPartySubaddress_presence(ieiRPBN=0x75, eightBitRPBN=0x0)
2110        packet = packet / m
2111    if RepeatIndicator_presence1 is 1:
2112        o = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD0, eightBitRI=0x0)
2113        packet = packet / o
2114    if LowLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
2115        p = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
2116        packet = packet / p
2117    if LowLayerCompatibility_presence1 is 1:
2118        q = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
2119        packet = packet / q
2120    if RepeatIndicator_presence2 is 1:
2121        r = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
2122        packet = packet / r
2123    if HighLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
2124        s = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
2125        packet = packet / s
2126    if HighLayerCompatibility_presence1 is 1:
2127        t = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
2128        packet = packet / t
2129    if UserUser_presence is 1:
2130        u = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
2131        packet = packet / u
2132    if PriorityLevel_presence is 1:
2133        v = PriorityLevelHdr(ieiPL=0x8, eightBitPL=0x0)
2134        packet = packet / v
2135    if AlertingPattern_presence is 1:
2136        w = AlertingPatternHdr(ieiAP=0x19, eightBitAP=0x0)
2137        packet = packet / w
2138    return packet
2141def setupMobileOriginated(RepeatIndicator_presence=0,
2142                          BearerCapability_presence=0,
2143                          BearerCapability_presence1=0,
2144                          Facility_presence=0,
2145                          CallingPartySubaddress_presence=0,
2146                          CalledPartyBcdNumber_presence=0,
2147                          CalledPartySubaddress_presence=0,
2148                          RepeatIndicator_presence1=0,
2149                          LowLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
2150                          LowLayerCompatibility_presence1=0,
2151                          RepeatIndicator_presence2=0,
2152                          HighLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
2153                          HighLayerCompatibility_presence1=0,
2154                          UserUser_presence=0, SsVersionIndicator_presence=0,
2155                          ClirSuppression_presence=0,
2156                          ClirInvocation_presence=0,
2157                          CallControlCapabilities_presence=0,
2158                          Facility_presence1=0,
2159                          Facility_presence2=0):
2160    """SETUP Section"""
2161    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2162    b = MessageType(mesType=0x5)  # 00000101
2163    packet = a / b
2164    if RepeatIndicator_presence is 1:
2165        c = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
2166        packet = packet / c
2167    if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
2168        d = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
2169        packet = packet / d
2170    if BearerCapability_presence1 is 1:
2171        e = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
2172        packet = packet / e
2173    if Facility_presence is 1:
2174        f = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
2175        packet = packet / f
2176    if CallingPartySubaddress_presence is 1:
2177        g = CallingPartySubaddressHdr(ieiCPS=0x5D, eightBitCPS=0x0)
2178        packet = packet / g
2179    if CalledPartyBcdNumber_presence is 1:
2180        h = CalledPartyBcdNumberHdr(ieiCPBN=0x5E, eightBitCPBN=0x0)
2181        packet = packet / h
2182    if CalledPartySubaddress_presence is 1:
2183        i = CalledPartySubaddressHdr(ieiCPS=0x6D, eightBitCPS=0x0)
2184        packet = packet / i
2185    if RepeatIndicator_presence1 is 1:
2186        j = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD0, eightBitRI=0x0)
2187        packet = packet / j
2188    if LowLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
2189        k = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
2190        packet = packet / k
2191    if LowLayerCompatibility_presence1 is 1:
2192        l = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
2193        packet = packet / l
2194    if RepeatIndicator_presence2 is 1:
2195        m = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
2196        packet = packet / m
2197    if HighLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
2198        n = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
2199        packet = packet / n
2200    if HighLayerCompatibility_presence1 is 1:
2201        o = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
2202        packet = packet / o
2203    if UserUser_presence is 1:
2204        p = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
2205        packet = packet / p
2206    if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
2207        q = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
2208        packet = packet / q
2209    if ClirSuppression_presence is 1:
2210        r = ClirSuppressionHdr(ieiCS=0xA1, eightBitCS=0x0)
2211        packet = packet / r
2212    if ClirInvocation_presence is 1:
2213        s = ClirInvocationHdr(ieiCI=0xA2, eightBitCI=0x0)
2214        packet = packet / s
2215    if CallControlCapabilities_presence is 1:
2216        t = CallControlCapabilitiesHdr(ieiCCC=0x15, eightBitCCC=0x0)
2217        packet = packet / t
2218    if Facility_presence1 is 1:
2219        u = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1D, eightBitF=0x0)
2220        packet = packet / u
2221    if Facility_presence2 is 1:
2222        v = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1B, eightBitF=0x0)
2223        packet = packet / v
2224    return packet
2227def startCc(CallControlCapabilities_presence=0):
2228    """START CC Section 9.3.23a"""
2229    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2230    b = MessageType(mesType=0x9)  # 00001001
2231    packet = a / b
2232    if CallControlCapabilities_presence is 1:
2233        c = CallControlCapabilitiesHdr(ieiCCC=0x15, eightBitCCC=0x0)
2234        packet = packet / c
2235    return packet
2238def startDtmf():
2239    """START DTMF Section 9.3.24"""
2240    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2241    b = MessageType(mesType=0x35)  # 00110101
2242    c = KeypadFacilityHdr(ieiKF=0x2C, eightBitKF=0x0)
2243    packet = a / b / c
2244    return packet
2247# Network to MS
2248def startDtmfAcknowledge():
2249    """START DTMF ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.3.25"""
2250    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2251    b = MessageType(mesType=0x32)  # 00110010
2252    c = KeypadFacilityHdr(ieiKF=0x2C, eightBitKF=0x0)
2253    packet = a / b / c
2254    return packet
2257# Network to MS
2258def startDtmfReject():
2259    """ START DTMF REJECT Section 9.3.26"""
2260    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2261    b = MessageType(mesType=0x37)  # 00110111
2262    c = Cause()
2263    packet = a / b / c
2264    return packet
2267def status(AuxiliaryStates_presence=0):
2268    """STATUS Section 9.3.27"""
2269    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2270    b = MessageType(mesType=0x3d)  # 00111101
2271    c = Cause()
2272    d = CallState()
2273    packet = a / b / c / d
2274    if AuxiliaryStates_presence is 1:
2275        e = AuxiliaryStatesHdr(ieiAS=0x24, eightBitAS=0x0)
2276        packet = packet / e
2277    return packet
2280def statusEnquiry():
2281    """STATUS ENQUIRY Section 9.3.28"""
2282    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2283    b = MessageType(mesType=0x34)  # 00110100
2284    packet = a / b
2285    return packet
2288def stopDtmf():
2289    """STOP DTMF Section 9.3.29"""
2290    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2291    b = MessageType(mesType=0x31)  # 00110001
2292    packet = a / b
2293    return packet
2296# Network to MS
2297def stopDtmfAcknowledge():
2298    """STOP DTMF ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.3.30"""
2299    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2300    b = MessageType(mesType=0x32)  # 00110010
2301    packet = a / b
2302    return packet
2305def userInformation(MoreData_presence=0):
2306    """USER INFORMATION Section 9.3.31"""
2307    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2308    b = MessageType(mesType=0x20)  # 000100000
2309    c = UserUser()
2310    packet = a / b / c
2311    if MoreData_presence is 1:
2312        d = MoreDataHdr(ieiMD=0xA0, eightBitMD=0x0)
2313        packet = packet / d
2314    return packet
2317# 9.4 GPRS Mobility Management Messages
2321def attachRequest(PTmsiSignature_presence=0, GprsTimer_presence=0,
2322                  TmsiStatus_presence=0):
2323    """ATTACH REQUEST Section 9.4.1"""
2324    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2325    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1)  # 0000001
2326    c = MsNetworkCapability()
2327    d = AttachTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr()
2328    f = DrxParameter()
2329    g = MobileId()
2330    h = RoutingAreaIdentification()
2331    i = MsRadioAccessCapability()
2332    packet = a / b / c / d / f / g / h / i
2333    if PTmsiSignature_presence is 1:
2334        j = PTmsiSignature(ieiPTS=0x19)
2335        packet = packet / j
2336    if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
2337        k = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x17)
2338        packet = packet / k
2339    if TmsiStatus_presence is 1:
2340        l = TmsiStatus(ieiTS=0x9)
2341        packet = packet / l
2342    return packet
2345def attachAccept(PTmsiSignature_presence=0, GprsTimer_presence=0,
2346                 MobileId_presence=0, MobileId_presence1=0,
2347                 GmmCause_presence=0):
2348    """ATTACH ACCEPT Section 9.4.2"""
2349    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2350    b = MessageType(mesType=0x2)  # 00000010
2351    c = AttachResult()
2352    d = ForceToStandby()
2353    e = GprsTimer()
2354    f = RadioPriorityAndSpareHalfOctets()
2355    h = RoutingAreaIdentification()
2356    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f / h
2357    if PTmsiSignature_presence is 1:
2358        i = PTmsiSignature(ieiPTS=0x19)
2359        packet = packet / i
2360    if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
2361        j = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x17)
2362        packet = packet / j
2363    if MobileId_presence is 1:
2364        k = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x18, eightBitMI=0x0)
2365        packet = packet / k
2366    if MobileId_presence1 is 1:
2367        l = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x23, eightBitMI=0x0)
2368        packet = packet / l
2369    if GmmCause_presence is 1:
2370        m = GmmCause(ieiGC=0x25)
2371        packet = packet / m
2372    return packet
2375def attachComplete():
2376    """ATTACH COMPLETE Section 9.4.3"""
2377    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2378    b = MessageType(mesType=0x3)  # 00000011
2379    packet = a / b
2380    return packet
2383def attachReject():
2384    """ATTACH REJECT Section 9.4.4"""
2385    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2386    b = MessageType(mesType=0x1)  # 00000001
2387    c = GmmCause()
2388    packet = a / b / c
2389    return packet
2392def detachRequest(GmmCause_presence=0):
2393    """DETACH REQUEST Section 9.4.5"""
2394    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2395    b = MessageType(mesType=0x5)  # 00000101
2396    c = DetachTypeAndForceToStandby()
2397    packet = a / b / c
2398    if GmmCause_presence is 1:
2399        e = GmmCause(ieiGC=0x25)
2400        packet = packet / e
2401    return packet
2404def detachRequestMsOriginating():
2405    """DETACH REQUEST Section"""
2406    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2407    b = MessageType(mesType=0x5)  # 00000101
2408    c = DetachTypeAndSpareHalfOctets()
2409    packet = a / b / c
2410    return packet
2413def detachAcceptMsTerminated():
2414    """DETACH ACCEPT Section"""
2415    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2416    b = MessageType(mesType=0x6)  # 00000110
2417    packet = a / b
2418    return packet
2421def detachAcceptMsOriginating():
2422    """DETACH ACCEPT Section"""
2423    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2424    b = MessageType(mesType=0x6)  # 00000110
2425    c = ForceToStandbyAndSpareHalfOctets()
2426    packet = a / b / c
2427    return packet
2430def ptmsiReallocationCommand(PTmsiSignature_presence=0):
2431    """P-TMSI REALLOCATION COMMAND Section 9.4.7"""
2432    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2433    b = MessageType(mesType=0x10)  # 00010000
2434    c = MobileId()
2435    d = RoutingAreaIdentification()
2436    e = ForceToStandbyAndSpareHalfOctets()
2437    packet = a / b / c / d / e
2438    if PTmsiSignature_presence is 1:
2439        g = PTmsiSignature(ieiPTS=0x19)
2440        packet = packet / g
2441    return packet
2444def ptmsiReallocationComplete():
2445    """P-TMSI REALLOCATION COMPLETE Section 9.4.8"""
2446    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2447    b = MessageType(mesType=0x11)  # 00010001
2448    packet = a / b
2449    return packet
2452def authenticationAndCipheringRequest(
2453                                      AuthenticationParameterRAND_presence=0,
2454                                      CiphKeySeqNr_presence=0):
2456    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2457    b = MessageType(mesType=0x12)  # 00010010
2458    d = CipheringAlgorithmAndImeisvRequest()
2459    e = ForceToStandbyAndAcReferenceNumber()
2460    packet = a / b / d / e
2461    if AuthenticationParameterRAND_presence is 1:
2462        g = AuthenticationParameterRAND(ieiAPR=0x21)
2463        packet = packet / g
2464    if CiphKeySeqNr_presence is 1:
2465        h = CiphKeySeqNrHdr(ieiCKSN=0x08, eightBitCKSN=0x0)
2466        packet = packet / h
2467    return packet
2470def authenticationAndCipheringResponse(
2471                                       AuthenticationParameterSRES_presence=0,
2472                                       MobileId_presence=0):
2474    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2475    b = MessageType(mesType=0x13)  # 00010011
2476    c = AcReferenceNumberAndSpareHalfOctets()
2477    packet = a / b / c
2478    if AuthenticationParameterSRES_presence is 1:
2479        e = AuthenticationParameterSRES(ieiAPS=0x22)
2480        packet = packet / e
2481    if MobileId_presence is 1:
2482        f = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x23, eightBitMI=0x0)
2483        packet = packet / f
2484    return packet
2487def authenticationAndCipheringReject():
2489    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2490    b = MessageType(mesType=0x14)  # 00010100
2491    packet = a / b
2492    return packet
2495def identityRequest():
2496    """IDENTITY REQUEST Section 9.4.12"""
2497    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2498    b = MessageType(mesType=0x15)  # 00010101
2499    c = IdentityType2AndforceToStandby()
2500    packet = a / b / c
2501    return packet
2504def identityResponse():
2505    """IDENTITY RESPONSE Section 9.4.13"""
2506    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2507    b = MessageType(mesType=0x16)  # 00010110
2508    c = MobileId()
2509    packet = a / b / c
2510    return packet
2513def routingAreaUpdateRequest(PTmsiSignature_presence=0,
2514                             GprsTimer_presence=0,
2515                             DrxParameter_presence=0,
2516                             TmsiStatus_presence=0):
2517    """ROUTING AREA UPDATE REQUEST Section 9.4.14"""
2518    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2519    b = MessageType(mesType=0x8)  # 00001000
2520    c = UpdateTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr()
2521    e = RoutingAreaIdentification()
2522    f = MsNetworkCapability()
2523    packet = a / b / c / e / f
2524    if PTmsiSignature_presence is 1:
2525        g = PTmsiSignature(ieiPTS=0x19)
2526        packet = packet / g
2527    if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
2528        h = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x17)
2529        packet = packet / h
2530    if DrxParameter_presence is 1:
2531        i = DrxParameter(ieiDP=0x27)
2532        packet = packet / i
2533    if TmsiStatus_presence is 1:
2534        j = TmsiStatus(ieiTS=0x9)
2535        packet = packet / j
2536    return packet
2539def routingAreaUpdateAccept(PTmsiSignature_presence=0,
2540                            MobileId_presence=0, MobileId_presence1=0,
2541                            ReceiveNpduNumbersList_presence=0,
2542                            GprsTimer_presence=0, GmmCause_presence=0):
2543    """ROUTING AREA UPDATE ACCEPT Section 9.4.15"""
2544    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2545    b = MessageType(mesType=0x9)  # 00001001
2546    c = ForceToStandbyAndUpdateResult()
2547    e = GprsTimer()
2548    f = RoutingAreaIdentification()
2549    packet = a / b / c / e / f
2550    if PTmsiSignature_presence is 1:
2551        g = PTmsiSignature(ieiPTS=0x19)
2552        packet = packet / g
2553    if MobileId_presence is 1:
2554        h = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x18, eightBitMI=0x0)
2555        packet = packet / h
2556    if MobileId_presence1 is 1:
2557        i = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x23, eightBitMI=0x0)
2558        packet = packet / i
2559    if ReceiveNpduNumbersList_presence is 1:
2560        j = ReceiveNpduNumbersList(ieiRNNL=0x26)
2561        packet = packet / j
2562    if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
2563        k = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x17)
2564        packet = packet / k
2565    if GmmCause_presence is 1:
2566        l = GmmCause(ieiGC=0x25)
2567        packet = packet / l
2568    return packet
2571def routingAreaUpdateComplete(ReceiveNpduNumbersList_presence=0):
2572    """ROUTING AREA UPDATE COMPLETE Section 9.4.16"""
2573    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2574    b = MessageType(mesType=0xa)  # 00001010
2575    packet = a / b
2576    if ReceiveNpduNumbersList_presence is 1:
2577        c = ReceiveNpduNumbersList(ieiRNNL=0x26)
2578        packet = packet / c
2579    return packet
2582def routingAreaUpdateReject():
2583    """ROUTING AREA UPDATE REJECT Section 9.4.17"""
2584    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2585    b = MessageType(mesType=0xb)  # 00001011
2586    c = GmmCause()
2587    d = ForceToStandbyAndSpareHalfOctets()
2588    packet = a / b / c / d
2589    return packet
2592def gmmStatus():
2593    """GMM STATUS Section 9.4.18"""
2594    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2595    b = MessageType(mesType=0x20)  # 00100000
2596    c = GmmCause()
2597    packet = a / b / c
2598    return packet
2601def gmmInformation(NetworkName_presence=0, NetworkName_presence1=0,
2602                   TimeZone_presence=0, TimeZoneAndTime_presence=0,
2603                   LsaIdentifier_presence=0):
2604    """GMM INFORMATION Section 9.4.19"""
2605    a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
2606    b = MessageType(mesType=0x21)  # 00100001
2607    packet = a / b
2608    if NetworkName_presence is 1:
2609        c = NetworkNameHdr(ieiNN=0x43, eightBitNN=0x0)
2610        packet = packet / c
2611    if NetworkName_presence1 is 1:
2612        d = NetworkNameHdr(ieiNN=0x45, eightBitNN=0x0)
2613        packet = packet / d
2614    if TimeZone_presence is 1:
2615        e = TimeZoneHdr(ieiTZ=0x46, eightBitTZ=0x0)
2616        packet = packet / e
2617    if TimeZoneAndTime_presence is 1:
2618        f = TimeZoneAndTimeHdr(ieiTZAT=0x47, eightBitTZAT=0x0)
2619        packet = packet / f
2620    if LsaIdentifier_presence is 1:
2621        g = LsaIdentifierHdr(ieiLI=0x48, eightBitLI=0x0)
2622        packet = packet / g
2623    return packet
2626# 9.5 GPRS Session Management Messages
2630def activatePdpContextRequest(AccessPointName_presence=0,
2631                              ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0):
2632    """ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT REQUEST Section 9.5.1"""
2633    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2634    b = MessageType(mesType=0x41)  # 01000001
2635    c = NetworkServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
2636    d = LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
2637    e = QualityOfService()
2638    f = PacketDataProtocolAddress()
2639    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
2640    if AccessPointName_presence is 1:
2641        g = AccessPointName(ieiAPN=0x28)
2642        packet = packet / g
2643    if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
2644        h = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
2645        packet = packet / h
2646    return packet
2649def activatePdpContextAccept(PacketDataProtocolAddress_presence=0,
2650                             ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0):
2651    """ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT ACCEPT Section 9.5.2"""
2652    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2653    b = MessageType(mesType=0x42)  # 01000010
2654    c = LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
2655    d = QualityOfService()
2656    e = RadioPriorityAndSpareHalfOctets()
2657    packet = a / b / c / d / e
2658    if PacketDataProtocolAddress_presence is 1:
2659        f = PacketDataProtocolAddress(ieiPDPA=0x2B)
2660        packet = packet / f
2661    if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
2662        g = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
2663        packet = packet / g
2664    return packet
2667def activatePdpContextReject(ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0):
2668    """ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT REJECT Section 9.5.3"""
2669    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2670    b = MessageType(mesType=0x43)  # 01000011
2671    c = SmCause()
2672    packet = a / b / c
2673    if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
2674        d = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
2675        packet = packet / d
2676    return packet
2679def requestPdpContextActivation(AccessPointName_presence=0):
2680    """REQUEST PDP CONTEXT ACTIVATION Section 9.5.4"""
2681    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2682    b = MessageType(mesType=0x44)  # 01000100
2683    c = PacketDataProtocolAddress()
2684    packet = a / b / c
2685    if AccessPointName_presence is 1:
2686        d = AccessPointName(ieiAPN=0x28)
2687        packet = packet / d
2688    return packet
2691def requestPdpContextActivationReject():
2693    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2694    b = MessageType(mesType=0x45)  # 01000101
2695    c = SmCause()
2696    packet = a / b / c
2697    return packet
2700def modifyPdpContextRequest():
2701    """MODIFY PDP CONTEXT REQUEST Section 9.5.6"""
2702    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2703    b = MessageType(mesType=0x48)  # 01001000
2704    c = RadioPriorityAndSpareHalfOctets()
2705    d = LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
2706    e = QualityOfService()
2707    packet = a / b / c / d / e
2708    return packet
2711def modifyPdpContextAccept():
2712    """MODIFY PDP CONTEXT ACCEPT Section 9.5.7"""
2713    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2714    b = MessageType(mesType=0x45)  # 01000101
2715    packet = a / b
2716    return packet
2719def deactivatePdpContextRequest():
2720    """DEACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT REQUEST Section 9.5.8"""
2721    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2722    b = MessageType(mesType=0x46)  # 01000110
2723    c = SmCause()
2724    packet = a / b / c
2725    return packet
2728def deactivatePdpContextAccept():
2729    """DEACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT ACCEPT Section 9.5.9"""
2730    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2731    b = MessageType(mesType=0x47)  # 01000111
2732    packet = a / b
2733    return packet
2736def activateAaPdpContextRequest(AccessPointName_presence=0,
2737                                ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0,
2738                                GprsTimer_presence=0):
2739    """ACTIVATE AA PDP CONTEXT REQUEST Section 9.5.10"""
2740    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2741    b = MessageType(mesType=0x50)  # 01010000
2742    c = NetworkServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
2743    d = LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
2744    e = QualityOfService()
2745    f = PacketDataProtocolAddress()
2746    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
2747    if AccessPointName_presence is 1:
2748        g = AccessPointName(ieiAPN=0x28)
2749        packet = packet / g
2750    if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
2751        h = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
2752        packet = packet / h
2753    if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
2754        i = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x29)
2755        packet = packet / i
2756    return packet
2759def activateAaPdpContextAccept(ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0,
2760                               GprsTimer_presence=0):
2761    """ACTIVATE AA PDP CONTEXT ACCEPT Section 9.5.11"""
2762    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2763    b = MessageType(mesType=0x51)  # 01010001
2764    c = LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
2765    d = QualityOfService()
2766    e = MobileId()
2767    f = PacketDataProtocolAddress()
2768    g = RadioPriorityAndSpareHalfOctets()
2769    packet = a / b / c / d / e / f / g
2770    if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
2771        i = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
2772        packet = packet / i
2773    if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
2774        j = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x29)
2775        packet = packet / j
2776    return packet
2779def activateAaPdpContextReject(ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0):
2780    """ACTIVATE AA PDP CONTEXT REJECT Section 9.5.12"""
2781    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2782    b = MessageType(mesType=0x52)  # 01010010
2783    c = SmCause()
2784    packet = a / b / c
2785    if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
2786        d = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
2787        packet = packet / d
2788    return packet
2791def deactivateAaPdpContextRequest():
2792    """DEACTIVATE AA PDP CONTEXT REQUEST Section 9.5.13"""
2793    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2794    b = MessageType(mesType=0x53)  # 01010011
2795    c = AaDeactivationCauseAndSpareHalfOctets()
2796    packet = a / b / c
2797    return packet
2800def deactivateAaPdpContextAccept():
2801    """DEACTIVATE AA PDP CONTEXT ACCEPT Section 9.5.14"""
2802    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2803    b = MessageType(mesType=0x54)  # 01010100
2804    packet = a / b
2805    return packet
2808def smStatus():
2809    """SM STATUS Section 9.5.15"""
2810    a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
2811    b = MessageType(mesType=0x55)  # 01010101
2812    c = SmCause()
2813    packet = a / b / c
2814    return packet
2817# ============================================#
2818# Information Elements contents (Section 10)  #
2819# =========================================== #
2822# This section contains the elements we need to build the messages
2826# Common information elements:
2828class CellIdentityHdr(Packet):
2829    """ Cell identity Section """
2830    name = "Cell Identity"
2831    fields_desc = [
2832             BitField("eightBitCI", None, 1),
2833             XBitField("ieiCI", None, 7),
2834             ByteField("ciValue1", 0x0),
2835             ByteField("ciValue2", 0x0)
2836             ]
2839class CiphKeySeqNrHdr(Packet):
2840    """ Ciphering Key Sequence Number Section """
2841    name = "Cipher Key Sequence Number"
2842    fields_desc = [
2843             XBitField("ieiCKSN", None, 4),
2844             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
2845             BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3)
2846             ]
2849# Fix 1/2 len problem
2850class CiphKeySeqNrAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
2851    name = "Cipher Key Sequence Number and Spare Half Octets"
2852    fields_desc = [
2853              BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
2854              BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3),
2855              BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
2856              ]
2859# Fix 1/2 len problem
2860class CiphKeySeqNrAndMacModeAndChannelCodingRequest(Packet):
2861    name = "Cipher Key Sequence Number and Mac Mode And Channel Coding Request"
2862    fields_desc = [
2863              BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
2864              BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3),
2865              BitField("macMode", 0x0, 2),
2866              BitField("cs", 0x0, 2)
2867              ]
2870class LocalAreaIdHdr(Packet):
2871    """ Local Area Identification Section """
2872    name = "Location Area Identification"
2873    fields_desc = [
2874             BitField("eightBitLAI", None, 1),
2875             XBitField("ieiLAI", None, 7),
2876             BitField("mccDigit2", 0x0, 4),
2877             BitField("mccDigit1", 0x0, 4),
2878             BitField("mncDigit3", 0x0, 4),
2879             BitField("mccDigit3", 0x0, 4),
2880             BitField("mncDigit2", 0x0, 4),
2881             BitField("mncDigit1", 0x0, 4),
2882             ByteField("lac1", 0x0),
2883             ByteField("lac2", 0x0)
2884             ]
2886# The Mobile Identity is a type 4 information element with a minimum
2887# length of 3 octet and 11 octets length maximal.
2891# len 3 - 11
2892class MobileIdHdr(Packet):
2893    """ Mobile Identity  Section """
2894    name = "Mobile Identity"
2895    fields_desc = [
2896             BitField("eightBitMI", 0x0, 1),
2897             XBitField("ieiMI", 0x0, 7),
2899             XByteField("lengthMI", None),
2901             BitField("idDigit1", 0x0, 4),
2902             BitField("oddEven", 0x0, 1),
2903             BitField("typeOfId", 0x0, 3),
2905             BitField("idDigit2_1", None, 4),  # optional
2906             BitField("idDigit2", None, 4),
2908             BitField("idDigit3_1", None, 4),
2909             BitField("idDigit3", None, 4),
2911             BitField("idDigit4_1", None, 4),
2912             BitField("idDigit4", None, 4),
2914             BitField("idDigit5_1", None, 4),
2915             BitField("idDigit5", None, 4),
2917             BitField("idDigit6_1", None, 4),
2918             BitField("idDigit6", None, 4),
2919             BitField("idDigit7_1", None, 4),
2920             BitField("idDigit7", None, 4),
2921             BitField("idDigit8_1", None, 4),
2922             BitField("idDigit8", None, 4),
2923             BitField("idDigit9_1", None, 4),
2924             BitField("idDigit9", None, 4),
2925             ]
2927    def post_build(self, p, pay):
2928        # this list holds the values of the variables, the
2929        # INTERESTING value!
2930        a = [getattr(self, fld.name, None) for fld in self.fields_desc]
2931        res = adapt(3, 11, a, self.fields_desc)
2932        if self.lengthMI is None:
2933            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
2934        if res[0] != 0:
2935            p = p[:-res[0]]
2936        return p + pay
2939class MobileStationClassmark1Hdr(Packet):
2940    """ Mobile Station Classmark 1 Section """
2941    name = "Mobile Station Classmark 1"
2942    fields_desc = [
2943             BitField("eightBitiMSC1", None, 1),
2944             XBitField("ieiMSC1", None, 7),
2945             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
2946             BitField("revisionLvl", 0x0, 2),
2947             BitField("esInd", 0x0, 1),
2948             BitField("a51", 0x0, 1),
2949             BitField("rfPowerCap", 0x0, 3)
2950             ]
2953class MobileStationClassmark2Hdr(Packet):
2954    """ Mobile Station Classmark 2 Section """
2955    name = "Mobile Station Classmark 2"
2956    fields_desc = [
2957             BitField("eightBitMSC2", None, 1),
2958             XBitField("ieiMSC2", None, 7),
2959             XByteField("lengthMSC2", 0x3),
2960             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
2961             BitField("revisionLvl", 0x0, 2),
2962             BitField("esInd", 0x0, 1),
2963             BitField("a51", 0x0, 1),
2964             BitField("rfPowerCap", 0x0, 3),
2965             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
2966             BitField("psCap", 0x0, 1),
2967             BitField("ssScreenInd", 0x0, 2),
2968             BitField("smCaPabi", 0x0, 1),
2969             BitField("vbs", 0x0, 1),
2970             BitField("vgcs", 0x0, 1),
2971             BitField("fc", 0x0, 1),
2972             BitField("cm3", 0x0, 1),
2973             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
2974             BitField("lcsvaCap", 0x0, 1),
2975             BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
2976             BitField("soLsa", 0x0, 1),
2977             BitField("cmsp", 0x0, 1),
2978             BitField("a53", 0x0, 1),
2979             BitField("a52", 0x0, 1)
2980             ]
2983# len max 14
2984class MobileStationClassmark3(Packet):
2985    """ Mobile Station Classmark 3 Section """
2986    name = "Mobile Station Classmark 3"
2987    fields_desc = [
2988             # FIXME
2989             ByteField("ieiMSC3", 0x0),
2990             ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
2991             ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
2992             ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
2993             ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
2994             ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
2995             ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
2996             ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
2997             ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
2998             ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
2999             ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
3000             ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
3001             ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
3002             ByteField("byte14", 0x0)
3003             ]
3006class SpareHalfOctets(Packet):
3007    """ Spare Half Octet Section """
3008    name = "Spare Half Octet"
3009    fields_desc = [
3010             BitField("filler", None, 4),
3011             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
3012             ]
3015class DescriptiveGroupOrBroadcastCallReferenceHdr(Packet):
3016    """ Descriptive group or broadcast call reference  Section """
3017    name = "Descriptive Group or Broadcast Call Reference"
3018    fields_desc = [
3019             BitField("eightBitDGOBCR", None, 1),
3020             XBitField("ieiDGOBCR", None, 7),
3021             BitField("binCallRef", 0x0, 27),
3022             BitField("sf", 0x0, 1),
3023             BitField("fa", 0x0, 1),
3024             BitField("callPrio", 0x0, 3),
3025             BitField("cipherInfo", 0x0, 4),
3026             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
3027             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
3028             BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
3029             BitField("spare4", 0x0, 1)
3030             ]
3033class GroupCipherKeyNumber(Packet):
3034    """ Group Cipher Key Number reference  Section """
3035    name = "Group Cipher Key Number"
3036    fields_desc = [
3037             XBitField("ieiGCKN", None, 4),
3038             BitField("groupCipher", 0x0, 4)
3039             ]
3042class PdAndSapiHdr(Packet):
3043    """ PD and SAPI $(CCBS)$  Section """
3044    name = "PD and SAPI $(CCBS)$"
3045    fields_desc = [
3046             BitField("eightBitPAS", None, 1),
3047             XBitField("ieiPAS", None, 7),
3048             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
3049             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
3050             BitField("sapi", 0x0, 2),
3051             BitField("pd", 0x0, 4)
3052             ]
3055class PriorityLevelHdr(Packet):
3056    """ Priority Level Section """
3057    name = "Priority Level"
3058    fields_desc = [
3059             XBitField("ieiPL", None, 4),
3060             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
3061             BitField("callPrio", 0x0, 3)
3062             ]
3065# Radio Resource management information elements
3069# len 6 to max for L3 message (251)
3070class BaRangeHdr(Packet):
3071    """ BA Range Section """
3072    name = "BA Range"
3073    fields_desc = [
3074             BitField("eightBitBR", None, 1),
3075             XBitField("ieiBR", None, 7),
3077             XByteField("lengthBR", None),
3078#error: byte format requires -128 <= number <= 127
3079             ByteField("nrOfRanges", 0x0),
3080#              # rX = range X
3081#              # L o = Lower H i = higher
3082#              # H p = high Part Lp = low Part
3083             ByteField("r1LoHp", 0x0),
3085             BitField("r1LoLp", 0x0, 3),
3086             BitField("r1HiHp", 0x0, 5),
3088             BitField("r1HiLp", 0x0, 4),
3089             BitField("r2LoHp", 0x0, 4),
3090             # optional
3091             BitField("r2LoLp", None, 5),
3092             BitField("r2HiHp", None, 3),
3094             ByteField("r2HiLp", None),
3095             ByteField("r3LoHp", None),
3097             BitField("r3LoLp", None, 5),
3098             BitField("r3HiHp", None, 3),
3100             ByteField("r3HiLp", None),
3101             ByteField("r4LoHp", None),
3103             BitField("r4LoLp", None, 5),
3104             BitField("r4HiHp", None, 3),
3105             ByteField("r4HiLp", None),
3106             ByteField("r5LoHp", None),
3108             BitField("r5LoLp", None, 5),
3109             BitField("r5HiHp", None, 3),
3110             ByteField("r5HiLp", None),
3111             ByteField("r6LoHp", None),
3113             BitField("r6LoLp", None, 5),
3114             BitField("r6HiHp", None, 3),
3115             ByteField("r6HiLp", None),
3116             ByteField("r7LoHp", None),
3118             BitField("r7LoLp", None, 5),
3119             BitField("r7HiHp", None, 3),
3120             ByteField("r7HiLp", None),
3121             ByteField("r8LoHp", None),
3123             BitField("r8LoLp", None, 5),
3124             BitField("r8HiHp", None, 3),
3125             ByteField("r8HiLp", None),
3126             ByteField("r9LoHp", None),
3128             BitField("r9LoLp", None, 5),
3129             BitField("r9HiHp", None, 3),
3130             ByteField("r9HiLp", None),
3131             ByteField("r10LoHp", None),
3133             BitField("r10LoLp", None, 5),
3134             BitField("r10HiHp", None, 3),
3135             ByteField("r10HiLp", None),
3136             ByteField("r11LoHp", None),
3138             BitField("r11LoLp", None, 5),
3139             BitField("r11HiHp", None, 3),
3140             ByteField("r11HiLp", None),
3141             ByteField("r12LoHp", None),
3143             BitField("r12LoLp", None, 5),
3144             BitField("r12HiHp", None, 3),
3145             ByteField("r12HiLp", None),
3146             ByteField("r13LoHp", None),
3148             BitField("r13LoLp", None, 5),
3149             BitField("r13HiHp", None, 3),
3150             ByteField("r13HiLp", None),
3151             ByteField("r14LoHp", None),
3153             BitField("r14LoLp", None, 5),
3154             BitField("r14HiHp", None, 3),
3155             ByteField("r14HiLp", None),
3156             ByteField("r15LoHp", None),
3158             BitField("r15LoLp", None, 5),
3159             BitField("r15HiHp", None, 3),
3160             ByteField("r15HiLp", None),
3161             ByteField("r16LoHp", None),
3163             BitField("r16LoLp", None, 5),
3164             BitField("r16HiHp", None, 3),
3165             ByteField("r16HiLp", None),
3166             ByteField("r17LoHp", None),
3168             BitField("r17LoLp", None, 5),
3169             BitField("r17HiHp", None, 3),
3170             ByteField("r17HiLp", None),
3171             ByteField("r18LoHp", None),
3173             BitField("r18LoLp", None, 5),
3174             BitField("r18HiHp", None, 3),
3175             ByteField("r18HiLp", None),
3176             ByteField("r19LoHp", None),
3178             BitField("r19LoLp", None, 5),
3179             BitField("r19HiHp", None, 3),
3180             ByteField("r19HiLp", None),
3181             ByteField("r20LoHp", None),
3183             BitField("r20LoLp", None, 5),
3184             BitField("r20HiHp", None, 3),
3185             ByteField("r20HiLp", None),
3186             ByteField("r21LoHp", None),
3188             BitField("r21LoLp", None, 5),
3189             BitField("r21HiHp", None, 3),
3190             ByteField("r21HiLp", None),
3191             ByteField("r22LoHp", None),
3193             BitField("r22LoLp", None, 5),
3194             BitField("r22HiHp", None, 3),
3195             ByteField("r22HiLp", None),
3196             ByteField("r23LoHp", None),
3198             BitField("r23LoLp", None, 5),
3199             BitField("r23HiHp", None, 3),
3200             ByteField("r23HiLp", None),
3201             ByteField("r24LoHp", None),
3203             BitField("r24LoLp", None, 5),
3204             BitField("r24HiHp", None, 3),
3205             ByteField("r24HiLp", None),
3206             ByteField("r25LoHp", None),
3208             BitField("r25LoLp", None, 5),
3209             BitField("r25HiHp", None, 3),
3210             ByteField("r25HiLp", None),
3211             ByteField("r26LoHp", None),
3213             BitField("r26LoLp", None, 5),
3214             BitField("r26HiHp", None, 3),
3215             ByteField("r26HiLp", None),
3216             ByteField("r27LoHp", None),
3218             BitField("r27LoLp", None, 5),
3219             BitField("r27HiHp", None, 3),
3220             ByteField("r27HiLp", None),
3221             ByteField("r28LoHp", None),
3223             BitField("r28LoLp", None, 5),
3224             BitField("r28HiHp", None, 3),
3225             ByteField("r28HiLp", None),
3226             ByteField("r29LoHp", None),
3228             BitField("r29LoLp", None, 5),
3229             BitField("r29HiHp", None, 3),
3230             ByteField("r29HiLp", None),
3231             ByteField("r30LoHp", None),
3233             BitField("r30LoLp", None, 5),
3234             BitField("r30HiHp", None, 3),
3235             ByteField("r30HiLp", None),
3236             ByteField("r31LoHp", None),
3238             BitField("r31LoLp", None, 5),
3239             BitField("r31HiHp", None, 3),
3240             ByteField("r31HiLp", None),
3241             ByteField("r32LoHp", None),
3243             BitField("r32LoLp", None, 5),
3244             BitField("r32HiHp", None, 3),
3245             ByteField("r32HiLp", None),
3246             ByteField("r33LoHp", None),
3248             BitField("r33LoLp", None, 5),
3249             BitField("r33HiHp", None, 3),
3250             ByteField("r33HiLp", None),
3251             ByteField("r34LoHp", None),
3253             BitField("r34LoLp", None, 5),
3254             BitField("r34HiHp", None, 3),
3255             ByteField("r34HiLp", None),
3256             ByteField("r35LoHp", None),
3258             BitField("r35LoLp", None, 5),
3259             BitField("r35HiHp", None, 3),
3260             ByteField("r35HiLp", None),
3261             ByteField("r36LoHp", None),
3263             BitField("r36LoLp", None, 5),
3264             BitField("r36HiHp", None, 3),
3265             ByteField("r36HiLp", None),
3266             ByteField("r37LoHp", None),
3268             BitField("r37LoLp", None, 5),
3269             BitField("r37HiHp", None, 3),
3270             ByteField("r37HiLp", None),
3271             ByteField("r38LoHp", None),
3273             BitField("r38LoLp", None, 5),
3274             BitField("r38HiHp", None, 3),
3275             ByteField("r38HiLp", None),
3276             ByteField("r39LoHp", None),
3278             BitField("r39LoLp", None, 5),
3279             BitField("r39HiHp", None, 3),
3280             ByteField("r39HiLp", None),
3281             ByteField("r40LoHp", None),
3283             BitField("r40LoLp", None, 5),
3284             BitField("r40HiHp", None, 3),
3285             ByteField("r40HiLp", None),
3286             ByteField("r41LoHp", None),
3288             BitField("r41LoLp", None, 5),
3289             BitField("r41HiHp", None, 3),
3290             ByteField("r41HiLp", None),
3291             ByteField("r42LoHp", None),
3293             BitField("r42LoLp", None, 5),
3294             BitField("r42HiHp", None, 3),
3295             ByteField("r42HiLp", None),
3296             ByteField("r43LoHp", None),
3298             BitField("r43LoLp", None, 5),
3299             BitField("r43HiHp", None, 3),
3300             ByteField("r43HiLp", None),
3301             ByteField("r44LoHp", None),
3303             BitField("r44LoLp", None, 5),
3304             BitField("r44HiHp", None, 3),
3305             ByteField("r44HiLp", None),
3306             ByteField("r45LoHp", None),
3308             BitField("r45LoLp", None, 5),
3309             BitField("r45HiHp", None, 3),
3310             ByteField("r45HiLp", None),
3311             ByteField("r46LoHp", None),
3313             BitField("r46LoLp", None, 5),
3314             BitField("r46HiHp", None, 3),
3315             ByteField("r46HiLp", None),
3316             ByteField("r47LoHp", None),
3318             BitField("r47LoLp", None, 5),
3319             BitField("r47HiHp", None, 3),
3320             ByteField("r47HiLp", None),
3321             ByteField("r48LoHp", None),
3323             BitField("r48LoLp", None, 5),
3324             BitField("r48HiHp", None, 3),
3325             ByteField("r48HiLp", None),
3326             ByteField("r49LoHp", None),
3328             BitField("r49LoLp", None, 5),
3329             BitField("r49HiHp", None, 3),
3330             ByteField("r49HiLp", None),
3331             ByteField("r50LoHp", None),
3333             BitField("r50LoLp", None, 5),
3334             BitField("r50HiHp", None, 3),
3335             ByteField("r50HiLp", None),
3336             ByteField("r51LoHp", None),
3338             BitField("r51LoLp", None, 5),
3339             BitField("r51HiHp", None, 3),
3340             ByteField("r51HiLp", None),
3341             ByteField("r52LoHp", None),
3343             BitField("r52LoLp", None, 5),
3344             BitField("r52HiHp", None, 3),
3345             ByteField("r52HiLp", None),
3346             ByteField("r53LoHp", None),
3348             BitField("r53LoLp", None, 5),
3349             BitField("r53HiHp", None, 3),
3350             ByteField("r53HiLp", None),
3351             ByteField("r54LoHp", None),
3353             BitField("r54LoLp", None, 5),
3354             BitField("r54HiHp", None, 3),
3355             ByteField("r54HiLp", None),
3356             ByteField("r55LoHp", None),
3358             BitField("r55LoLp", None, 5),
3359             BitField("r55HiHp", None, 3),
3360             ByteField("r55HiLp", None),
3361             ByteField("r56LoHp", None),
3363             BitField("r56LoLp", None, 5),
3364             BitField("r56HiHp", None, 3),
3365             ByteField("r56HiLp", None),
3366             ByteField("r57LoHp", None),
3368             BitField("r57LoLp", None, 5),
3369             BitField("r57HiHp", None, 3),
3370             ByteField("r57HiLp", None),
3371             ByteField("r58LoHp", None),
3373             BitField("r58LoLp", None, 5),
3374             BitField("r58HiHp", None, 3),
3375             ByteField("r58HiLp", None),
3376             ByteField("r59LoHp", None),
3378             BitField("r59LoLp", None, 5),
3379             BitField("r59HiHp", None, 3),
3380             ByteField("r59HiLp", None),
3381             ByteField("r60LoHp", None),
3383             BitField("r60LoLp", None, 5),
3384             BitField("r60HiHp", None, 3),
3385             ByteField("r60HiLp", None),
3386             ByteField("r61LoHp", None),
3388             BitField("r61LoLp", None, 5),
3389             BitField("r61HiHp", None, 3),
3390             ByteField("r61HiLp", None),
3391             ByteField("r62LoHp", None),
3393             BitField("r62LoLp", None, 5),
3394             BitField("r62HiHp", None, 3),
3395             ByteField("r62HiLp", None),
3396             ByteField("r63LoHp", None),
3398             BitField("r63LoLp", None, 5),
3399             BitField("r63HiHp", None, 3),
3400             ByteField("r63HiLp", None),
3401             ByteField("r64LoHp", None),
3403             BitField("r64LoLp", None, 5),
3404             BitField("r64HiHp", None, 3),
3405             ByteField("r64HiLp", None),
3406             ByteField("r65LoHp", None),
3408             BitField("r65LoLp", None, 5),
3409             BitField("r65HiHp", None, 3),
3410             ByteField("r65HiLp", None),
3411             ByteField("r66LoHp", None),
3413             BitField("r66LoLp", None, 5),
3414             BitField("r66HiHp", None, 3),
3415             ByteField("r66HiLp", None),
3416             ByteField("r67LoHp", None),
3418             BitField("r67LoLp", None, 5),
3419             BitField("r67HiHp", None, 3),
3420             ByteField("r67HiLp", None),
3421             ByteField("r68LoHp", None),
3423             BitField("r68LoLp", None, 5),
3424             BitField("r68HiHp", None, 3),
3425             ByteField("r68HiLp", None),
3426             ByteField("r69LoHp", None),
3428             BitField("r69LoLp", None, 5),
3429             BitField("r69HiHp", None, 3),
3430             ByteField("r69HiLp", None),
3431             ByteField("r70LoHp", None),
3433             BitField("r70LoLp", None, 5),
3434             BitField("r70HiHp", None, 3),
3435             ByteField("r70HiLp", None),
3436             ByteField("r71LoHp", None),
3438             BitField("r71LoLp", None, 5),
3439             BitField("r71HiHp", None, 3),
3440             ByteField("r71HiLp", None),
3441             ByteField("r72LoHp", None),
3443             BitField("r72LoLp", None, 5),
3444             BitField("r72HiHp", None, 3),
3445             ByteField("r72HiLp", None),
3446             ByteField("r73LoHp", None),
3448             BitField("r73LoLp", None, 5),
3449             BitField("r73HiHp", None, 3),
3450             ByteField("r73HiLp", None),
3451             ByteField("r74LoHp", None),
3453             BitField("r74LoLp", None, 5),
3454             BitField("r74HiHp", None, 3),
3455             ByteField("r74HiLp", None),
3456             ByteField("r75LoHp", None),
3458             BitField("r75LoLp", None, 5),
3459             BitField("r75HiHp", None, 3),
3460             ByteField("r75HiLp", None),
3461             ByteField("r76LoHp", None),
3463             BitField("r76LoLp", None, 5),
3464             BitField("r76HiHp", None, 3),
3465             ByteField("r76HiLp", None),
3466             ByteField("r77LoHp", None),
3468             BitField("r77LoLp", None, 5),
3469             BitField("r77HiHp", None, 3),
3470             ByteField("r77HiLp", None),
3471             ByteField("r78LoHp", None),
3473             BitField("r78LoLp", None, 5),
3474             BitField("r78HiHp", None, 3),
3475             ByteField("r78HiLp", None),
3476             ByteField("r79LoHp", None),
3478             BitField("r79LoLp", None, 5),
3479             BitField("r79HiHp", None, 3),
3480             ByteField("r79HiLp", None),
3481             ByteField("r80LoHp", None),
3483             BitField("r80LoLp", None, 5),
3484             BitField("r80HiHp", None, 3),
3485             ByteField("r80HiLp", None),
3486             ByteField("r81LoHp", None),
3488             BitField("r81LoLp", None, 5),
3489             BitField("r81HiHp", None, 3),
3490             ByteField("r81HiLp", None),
3491             ByteField("r82LoHp", None),
3493             BitField("r82LoLp", None, 5),
3494             BitField("r82HiHp", None, 3),
3495             ByteField("r82HiLp", None),
3496             ByteField("r83LoHp", None),
3498             BitField("r83LoLp", None, 5),
3499             BitField("r83HiHp", None, 3),
3500             ByteField("r83HiLp", None),
3501             ByteField("r84LoHp", None),
3503             BitField("r84LoLp", None, 5),
3504             BitField("r84HiHp", None, 3),
3505             ByteField("r84HiLp", None)
3506             ]
3508    def post_build(self, p, pay):
3509        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
3510        res = adapt(6, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
3511        if self.lengthBR is None:
3512            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
3513        if res[0] != 0:
3514            p = p[:-res[0]]
3515        return p + pay
3518# len 3 to max for L3 message (251)
3519class BaListPrefHdr(Packet):
3520    """ BA List Pref Section """
3521    name = "BA List Pref"
3522    fields_desc = [
3523             # FIXME dynamic
3524             BitField("eightBitBLP", None, 1),
3525             XBitField("ieiBLP", None, 7),
3527             XByteField("lengthBLP", None),
3529             BitField("fixBit", 0x0, 1),
3530             BitField("rangeLower", 0x0, 10),
3531             BitField("fixBit2", 0x0, 1),
3532             BitField("rangeUpper", 0x0, 10),
3533             BitField("baFreq", 0x0, 10),
3534             BitField("sparePad", 0x0, 8)
3535             ]
3538# len 17 || Have a look at the specs for the field format
3539# Bit map 0 format
3540# Range 1024 format
3541# Range  512 format
3542# Range  256 format
3543# Range  128 format
3544# Variable bit map format
3545class CellChannelDescriptionHdr(Packet):
3546    """ Cell Channel Description  Section """
3547    name = "Cell Channel Description "
3548    fields_desc = [
3549             BitField("eightBitCCD", None, 1),
3550             XBitField("ieiCCD", None, 7),
3551             BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
3552             BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
3553             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
3554             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
3555             BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
3556             BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
3557             BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
3558             BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
3559             ByteField("bit120", 0x0),
3560             ByteField("bit112", 0x0),
3561             ByteField("bit104", 0x0),
3562             ByteField("bit96", 0x0),
3563             ByteField("bit88", 0x0),
3564             ByteField("bit80", 0x0),
3565             ByteField("bit72", 0x0),
3566             ByteField("bit64", 0x0),
3567             ByteField("bit56", 0x0),
3568             ByteField("bit48", 0x0),
3569             ByteField("bit40", 0x0),
3570             ByteField("bit32", 0x0),
3571             ByteField("bit24", 0x0),
3572             ByteField("bit16", 0x0),
3573             ByteField("bit8", 0x0)
3574             ]
3577class CellDescriptionHdr(Packet):
3578    """ Cell Description  Section """
3579    name = "Cell Description"
3580    fields_desc = [
3581             BitField("eightBitCD", None, 1),
3582             XBitField("ieiCD", None, 7),
3583             BitField("bcchHigh", 0x0, 2),
3584             BitField("ncc", 0x0, 3),
3585             BitField("bcc", 0x0, 3),
3586             ByteField("bcchLow", 0x0)
3587             ]
3590class CellOptionsBCCHHdr(Packet):
3591    """ Cell Options (BCCH)  Section """
3592    name = "Cell Options (BCCH)"
3593    fields_desc = [
3594             BitField("eightBitCOB", None, 1),
3595             XBitField("ieiCOB", None, 7),
3596             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
3597             BitField("pwrc", 0x0, 1),
3598             BitField("dtx", 0x0, 2),
3599             BitField("rLinkTout", 0x0, 4)
3600             ]
3603class CellOptionsSACCHHdr(Packet):
3604    """ Cell Options (SACCH) Section """
3605    name = "Cell Options (SACCH)"
3606    fields_desc = [
3607             BitField("eightBitCOS", None, 1),
3608             XBitField("ieiCOS", None, 7),
3609             BitField("dtx", 0x0, 1),
3610             BitField("pwrc", 0x0, 1),
3611             BitField("dtx", 0x0, 1),
3612             BitField("rLinkTout", 0x0, 4)
3613             ]
3616class CellSelectionParametersHdr(Packet):
3617    """ Cell Selection Parameters Section """
3618    name = "Cell Selection Parameters"
3619    fields_desc = [
3620             BitField("eightBitCSP", None, 1),
3621             XBitField("ieiCSP", None, 7),
3622             BitField("cellReselect", 0x0, 3),
3623             BitField("msTxPwrMax", 0x0, 5),
3624             BitField("acs", None, 1),
3625             BitField("neci", None, 1),
3626             BitField("rxlenAccMin", None, 6)
3627             ]
3630class MacModeAndChannelCodingRequestHdr(Packet):
3631    """ MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested Section """
3632    name = "MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested"
3633    fields_desc = [
3634             XBitField("ieiMMACCR", None, 4),
3635             BitField("macMode", 0x0, 2),
3636             BitField("cs", 0x0, 2)
3637             ]
3640class ChannelDescriptionHdr(Packet):
3641    """ Channel Description  Section """
3642    name = "Channel Description"
3643    fields_desc = [
3644             BitField("eightBitCD", None, 1),
3645             XBitField("ieiCD", None, 7),
3647             BitField("channelTyp", 0x0, 5),
3648             BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
3650             BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
3651             BitField("h", 0x1, 1),
3652             # if h=1 maybe we find a better solution here...
3653             BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
3655             BitField("maioLo", 0x0, 2),
3656             BitField("hsn", 0x0, 6)
3657             #BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
3658             #BitField("arfcnHigh", 0x0, 2),
3659             #ByteField("arfcnLow", 0x0)
3660             ]
3663class ChannelDescription2Hdr(Packet):
3664    """ Channel Description 2 Section """
3665    name = "Channel Description 2"
3666    fields_desc = [
3667             BitField("eightBitCD2", None, 1),
3668             XBitField("ieiCD2", None, 7),
3669             BitField("channelTyp", 0x0, 5),
3670             BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
3671             BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
3672             BitField("h", 0x0, 1),
3673             # if h=1
3674             # BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
3675             # BitField("maioLo", 0x0, 2),
3676             # BitField("hsn", 0x0, 6)
3677             BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
3678             BitField("arfcnHigh", 0x0, 2),
3679             ByteField("arfcnLow", 0x0)
3680             ]
3683class ChannelModeHdr(Packet):
3684    """ Channel Mode Section """
3685    name = "Channel Mode"
3686    fields_desc = [
3687             BitField("eightBitCM", None, 1),
3688             XBitField("ieiCM", None, 7),
3689             ByteField("mode", 0x0)
3690             ]
3693class ChannelMode2Hdr(Packet):
3694    """ Channel Mode 2 Section """
3695    name = "Channel Mode 2"
3696    fields_desc = [
3697             BitField("eightBitCM2", None, 1),
3698             XBitField("ieiCM2", None, 7),
3699             ByteField("mode", 0x0)
3700             ]
3703class ChannelNeededHdr(Packet):
3704    """ Channel Needed Section """
3705    name = "Channel Needed"
3706    fields_desc = [
3707             XBitField("ieiCN", None, 4),
3708             BitField("channel2", 0x0, 2),
3709             BitField("channel1", 0x0, 2),
3710             ]
3713class ChannelRequestDescriptionHdr(Packet):
3714    """Channel Request Description  Section """
3715    name = "Channel Request Description"
3716    fields_desc = [
3717             BitField("eightBitCRD", None, 1),
3718             XBitField("ieiCRD", None, 7),
3719             BitField("mt", 0x0, 1),
3720             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 39),
3721                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 0),
3722             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
3723                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
3724             ConditionalField(BitField("priority", 0x0, 2),
3725                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
3726             ConditionalField(BitField("rlcMode", 0x0, 1),
3727                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
3728             ConditionalField(BitField("llcFrame", 0x1, 1),
3729                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
3730             ConditionalField(ByteField("reqBandMsb", 0x0),
3731                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
3732             ConditionalField(ByteField("reqBandLsb", 0x0),
3733                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
3734             ConditionalField(ByteField("rlcMsb", 0x0),
3735                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
3736             ConditionalField(ByteField("rlcLsb", 0x0),
3737                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1)
3738             ]
3741class CipherModeSettingHdr(Packet):
3742    """Cipher Mode Setting Section """
3743    name = "Cipher Mode Setting"
3744    fields_desc = [
3745             XBitField("ieiCMS", None, 4),
3746             BitField("algoId", 0x0, 3),
3747             BitField("sc", 0x0, 1),
3748             ]
3751class CipherResponseHdr(Packet):
3752    """Cipher Response Section """
3753    name = "Cipher Response"
3754    fields_desc = [
3755             XBitField("ieiCR", None, 4),
3756             BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
3757             BitField("cr", 0x0, 1),
3758             ]
3761# This  packet fixes the problem with the 1/2 Byte length. Concatenation
3762# of cipherModeSetting and cipherResponse
3763class CipherModeSettingAndcipherResponse(Packet):
3764    name = "Cipher Mode Setting And Cipher Response"
3765    fields_desc = [
3766             BitField("algoId", 0x0, 3),
3767             BitField("sc", 0x0, 1),
3768             BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
3769             BitField("cr", 0x0, 1)
3770             ]
3773class ControlChannelDescriptionHdr(Packet):
3774    """Control Channel Description Section """
3775    name = "Control Channel Description"
3776    fields_desc = [
3777             BitField("eightBitCCD", None, 1),
3778             XBitField("ieiCCD", None, 7),
3780             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
3781             BitField("att", 0x0, 1),
3782             BitField("bsAgBlksRes", 0x0, 3),
3783             BitField("ccchConf", 0x0, 3),
3785             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
3786             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
3787             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
3788             BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
3789             BitField("spare4", 0x0, 1),
3790             BitField("bsPaMfrms", 0x0, 3),
3792             ByteField("t3212", 0x0)
3793             ]
3796class FrequencyChannelSequenceHdr(Packet):
3797    """Frequency Channel Sequence Section"""
3798    name = "Frequency Channel Sequence"
3799    fields_desc = [
3800             BitField("eightBitFCS", None, 1),
3801             XBitField("ieiFCS", None, 7),
3802             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
3803             BitField("lowestArfcn", 0x0, 7),
3804             BitField("skipArfcn01", 0x0, 4),
3805             BitField("skipArfcn02", 0x0, 4),
3806             BitField("skipArfcn03", 0x0, 4),
3807             BitField("skipArfcn04", 0x0, 4),
3808             BitField("skipArfcn05", 0x0, 4),
3809             BitField("skipArfcn06", 0x0, 4),
3810             BitField("skipArfcn07", 0x0, 4),
3811             BitField("skipArfcn08", 0x0, 4),
3812             BitField("skipArfcn09", 0x0, 4),
3813             BitField("skipArfcn10", 0x0, 4),
3814             BitField("skipArfcn11", 0x0, 4),
3815             BitField("skipArfcn12", 0x0, 4),
3816             BitField("skipArfcn13", 0x0, 4),
3817             BitField("skipArfcn14", 0x0, 4),
3818             BitField("skipArfcn15", 0x0, 4),
3819             BitField("skipArfcn16", 0x0, 4)
3820             ]
3823class FrequencyListHdr(Packet):
3824    """Frequency List Section"""
3825    name = "Frequency List"
3826 # Problem:
3827 # There are several formats for the Frequency List information
3828 # element, distinguished by the "format indicator" subfield.
3829 # Some formats are frequency bit maps, the others use a special encoding
3830 # scheme.
3831    fields_desc = [
3832             BitField("eightBitFL", None, 1),
3833             XBitField("ieiFL", None, 7),
3834             XByteField("lengthFL", None),
3836             BitField("formatID", 0x0, 2),
3837             BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
3838             BitField("arfcn124", 0x0, 1),
3839             BitField("arfcn123", 0x0, 1),
3840             BitField("arfcn122", 0x0, 1),
3841             BitField("arfcn121", 0x0, 1),
3843             ByteField("arfcn120", 0x0),
3844             ByteField("arfcn112", 0x0),
3845             ByteField("arfcn104", 0x0),
3846             ByteField("arfcn96", 0x0),
3847             ByteField("arfcn88", 0x0),
3848             ByteField("arfcn80", 0x0),
3849             ByteField("arfcn72", 0x0),
3850             ByteField("arfcn64", 0x0),
3851             ByteField("arfcn56", 0x0),
3852             ByteField("arfcn48", 0x0),
3853             ByteField("arfcn40", 0x0),
3854             ByteField("arfcn32", 0x0),
3855             ByteField("arfcn24", 0x0),
3856             ByteField("arfcn16", 0x0),
3857             ByteField("arfcn8", 0x0)
3858             ]
3861class FrequencyShortListHdr(Packet):
3862    """Frequency Short List Section"""
3863    name = "Frequency Short List"
3864# len is 10
3865#This element is encoded exactly as the Frequency List information element,
3866#except that it has a fixed length instead of a
3867#variable length and does not contain a length indicator and that it
3868#shall not be encoded in bitmap 0 format.
3869    fields_desc = [
3870             ByteField("ieiFSL", 0x0),
3871             ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
3872             ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
3873             ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
3874             ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
3875             ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
3876             ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
3877             ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
3878             ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
3879             ByteField("byte10", 0x0)
3880             ]
3883class FrequencyShortListHdr2(Packet):
3884    """Frequency Short List2 Section"""
3885    name = "Frequency Short List 2"
3886    fields_desc = [
3887             ByteField("byte1", 0x0),
3888             ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
3889             ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
3890             ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
3891             ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
3892             ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
3893             ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
3894             ByteField("byte8", 0x0)
3895             ]
3898# len 4 to 13
3899class GroupChannelDescriptionHdr(Packet):
3900    """Group Channel Description Section"""
3901    name = "Group Channel Description"
3902    fields_desc = [
3903             BitField("eightBitGCD", None, 1),
3904             XBitField("ieiGCD", None, 7),
3906             XByteField("lengthGCD", None),
3908             BitField("channelType", 0x0, 5),
3909             BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
3911             BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
3912             BitField("h", 0x0, 1),
3913             # if  h == 0 the  packet looks the following way:
3914             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
3915                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
3916             ConditionalField(BitField("arfcnHi", 0x0, 2),
3917                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
3918             ConditionalField(ByteField("arfcnLo", None),
3919                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
3920             # if  h == 1 the  packet looks the following way:
3921             ConditionalField(BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
3922                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
3923             ConditionalField(BitField("maioLo", None, 2),
3924                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
3925             ConditionalField(BitField("hsn", None, 6),
3926                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
3927             # finished with conditional fields
3928             ByteField("maC6", None),
3929             ByteField("maC7", None),
3930             ByteField("maC8", None),
3931             ByteField("maC9", None),
3932             ByteField("maC10", None),
3933             ByteField("maC11", None),
3934             ByteField("maC12", None),
3935             ByteField("maC13", None),
3936             ByteField("maC14", None)
3937             ]
3939    def post_build(self, p, pay):
3940        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
3941        res = adapt(4, 13, a, self.fields_desc)
3942        if self.lengthGCD is None:
3943            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
3944        if res[0] != 0:
3945            p = p[:-res[0]]
3946        return p + pay
3949class GprsResumptionHdr(Packet):
3950    """GPRS Resumption  Section"""
3951    name = "GPRS Resumption"
3952    fields_desc = [
3953             XBitField("ieiGR", None, 4),
3954             BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
3955             BitField("ack", 0x0, 1)
3956             ]
3959class HandoverReferenceHdr(Packet):
3960    """Handover Reference Section"""
3961    name = "Handover Reference"
3962    fields_desc = [
3963             BitField("eightBitHR", None, 1),
3964             XBitField("ieiHR", None, 7),
3965             ByteField("handoverRef", 0x0)
3966             ]
3969# len 1-12
3970class IaRestOctets(Packet):
3971    """IA Rest Octets Section"""
3972    name = "IA Rest Octets"
3973    fields_desc = [
3974             ByteField("ieiIRO", 0x0),
3975             # FIXME brainfuck  packet
3976             XByteField("lengthIRO", None),
3977             ByteField("byte2", None),
3978             ByteField("byte3", None),
3979             ByteField("byte4", None),
3980             ByteField("byte5", None),
3981             ByteField("byte6", None),
3982             ByteField("byte7", None),
3983             ByteField("byte8", None),
3984             ByteField("byte9", None),
3985             ByteField("byte10", None),
3986             ByteField("byte11", None)
3987             ]
3989    def post_build(self, p, pay):
3990        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
3991        res = adapt(1, 12, a, self.fields_desc)
3992        if self.lengthIRO is None:
3993            if res[1] < 0: # FIXME better fix
3994                res[1] = 0
3995            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
3996        if res[0] != 0:
3997            p = p[:-res[0]]
3998        return p + pay
4001class IraRestOctetsHdr(Packet):
4002    """IAR Rest Octets Section"""
4003    name = "IAR Rest Octets"
4004    fields_desc = [
4005             BitField("eightBitIRO", None, 1),
4006             XBitField("ieiIRO", None, 7),
4007             BitField("spare01", 0x0, 1),
4008             BitField("spare02", 0x0, 1),
4009             BitField("spare03", 0x1, 1),
4010             BitField("spare04", 0x0, 1),
4011             BitField("spare05", 0x1, 1),
4012             BitField("spare06", 0x0, 1),
4013             BitField("spare07", 0x1, 1),
4014             BitField("spare08", 0x1, 1),
4015             BitField("spare09", 0x0, 1),
4016             BitField("spare10", 0x0, 1),
4017             BitField("spare11", 0x1, 1),
4018             BitField("spare12", 0x0, 1),
4019             BitField("spare13", 0x1, 1),
4020             BitField("spare14", 0x0, 1),
4021             BitField("spare15", 0x1, 1),
4022             BitField("spare16", 0x1, 1),
4023             BitField("spare17", 0x0, 1),
4024             BitField("spare18", 0x0, 1),
4025             BitField("spare19", 0x1, 1),
4026             BitField("spare20", 0x0, 1),
4027             BitField("spare21", 0x1, 1),
4028             BitField("spare22", 0x0, 1),
4029             BitField("spare23", 0x1, 1),
4030             BitField("spare24", 0x1, 1)
4031             ]
4034# len is 1 to 5 what do we do with the variable size? no length
4035# field?! WTF
4036class IaxRestOctetsHdr(Packet):
4037    """IAX Rest Octets Section"""
4038    name = "IAX Rest Octets"
4039    fields_desc = [
4040             BitField("eightBitIRO", None, 1),
4041             XBitField("ieiIRO", None, 7),
4042             BitField("spare01", 0x0, 1),
4043             BitField("spare02", 0x0, 1),
4044             BitField("spare03", 0x1, 1),
4045             BitField("spare04", 0x0, 1),
4046             BitField("spare05", 0x1, 1),
4047             BitField("spare06", 0x0, 1),
4048             BitField("spare07", 0x1, 1),
4049             BitField("spare08", 0x1, 1),
4050             ByteField("spareB1", None),
4051             ByteField("spareB2", None),
4052             ByteField("spareB3", None)
4053             ]
4056class L2PseudoLengthHdr(Packet):
4057    """L2 Pseudo Length Section"""
4058    name = "L2 Pseudo Length"
4059    fields_desc = [
4060             BitField("eightBitPL", None, 1),
4061             XBitField("ieiPL", None, 7),
4062             BitField("l2pLength", None, 6),
4063             BitField("bit2", 0x0, 1),
4064             BitField("bit1", 0x1, 1)
4065             ]
4068class MeasurementResultsHdr(Packet):
4069    """Measurement Results Section"""
4070    name = "Measurement Results"
4071    fields_desc = [
4072             BitField("eightBitMR", None, 1),
4073             XBitField("ieiMR", None, 7),
4074             BitField("baUsed", 0x0, 1),
4075             BitField("dtxUsed", 0x0, 1),
4076             BitField("rxLevFull", 0x0, 6),
4077             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4078             BitField("measValid", 0x0, 1),
4079             BitField("rxLevSub", 0x0, 6),
4080             BitField("spare0", 0x0, 1),
4081             BitField("rxqualFull", 0x0, 3),
4082             BitField("rxqualSub", 0x0, 3),
4083             BitField("noNcellHi", 0x0, 1),
4084             BitField("noNcellLo", 0x0, 2),
4085             BitField("rxlevC1", 0x0, 6),
4086             BitField("bcchC1", 0x0, 5),
4087             BitField("bsicC1Hi", 0x0, 3),
4088             BitField("bsicC1Lo", 0x0, 3),
4089             BitField("rxlevC2", 0x0, 5),
4090             BitField("rxlevC2Lo", 0x0, 1),
4091             BitField("bcchC2", 0x0, 5),
4092             BitField("bsicC1Hi", 0x0, 2),
4093             BitField("bscicC2Lo", 0x0, 4),
4094             BitField("bscicC2Hi", 0x0, 4),
4096             BitField("rxlevC3Lo", 0x0, 2),
4097             BitField("bcchC3", 0x0, 5),
4098             BitField("rxlevC3Hi", 0x0, 1),
4100             BitField("bsicC3Lo", 0x0, 5),
4101             BitField("bsicC3Hi", 0x0, 3),
4103             BitField("rxlevC4Lo", 0x0, 3),
4104             BitField("bcchC4", 0x0, 5),
4106             BitField("bsicC4", 0x0, 6),
4107             BitField("rxlevC5Hi", 0x0, 2),
4109             BitField("rxlevC5Lo", 0x0, 4),
4110             BitField("bcchC5Hi", 0x0, 4),
4112             BitField("bcchC5Lo", 0x0, 1),
4113             BitField("bsicC5", 0x0, 6),
4114             BitField("rxlevC6", 0x0, 1),
4116             BitField("rxlevC6Lo", 0x0, 5),
4117             BitField("bcchC6Hi", 0x0, 3),
4119             BitField("bcchC6Lo", 0x0, 3),
4120             BitField("bsicC6", 0x0, 5)
4121             ]
4124class GprsMeasurementResultsHdr(Packet):
4125    """GPRS Measurement Results Section"""
4126    name = "GPRS Measurement Results"
4127    fields_desc = [
4128             BitField("eightBitGMR", None, 1),
4129             XBitField("ieiGMR", None, 7),
4130             BitField("cValue", 0x0, 6),
4131             BitField("rxqualHi", 0x0, 2),
4132             BitField("rxqL", 0x0, 1),
4133             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4134             BitField("signVar", 0x0, 6)
4135             ]
4138# len 3 to 10
4139class MobileAllocationHdr(Packet):
4140    """Mobile Allocation Section"""
4141    name = "Mobile Allocation"
4142    fields_desc = [
4143             BitField("eightBitMA", None, 1),
4144             XBitField("ieiMA", None, 7),
4145             XByteField("lengthMA", None),
4146             ByteField("maC64", 0x12),
4147             ByteField("maC56", None),  # optional fields start here
4148             ByteField("maC48", None),
4149             ByteField("maC40", None),
4150             ByteField("maC32", None),
4151             ByteField("maC24", None),
4152             ByteField("maC16", None),
4153             ByteField("maC8", None)
4154             ]
4156    def post_build(self, p, pay):
4157        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
4158        res = adapt(3, 10, a, self.fields_desc)
4159        if self.lengthMA is None:
4160            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
4161        if res[0] != 0:
4162            p = p[:-res[0]]
4163        return p + pay
4166class MobileTimeDifferenceHdr(Packet):
4167    """Mobile Time Difference Section"""
4168    name = "Mobile Time Difference"
4169    fields_desc = [
4170             BitField("eightBitMTD", None, 1),
4171             XBitField("ieiMTD", None, 7),
4172             XByteField("lengthMTD", 0x5),
4173             ByteField("valueHi", 0x0),
4174             ByteField("valueCnt", 0x0),
4175             BitField("valueLow", 0x0, 5),
4176             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4177             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
4178             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1)
4179             ]
4182# min 4 octets max 8
4183class MultiRateConfigurationHdr(Packet):
4184    """ MultiRate configuration Section"""
4185    name = "MultiRate Configuration"
4186    fields_desc = [
4187             BitField("eightBitMRC", None, 1),
4188             XBitField("ieiMRC", None, 7),
4190             XByteField("lengthMRC", None),
4192             BitField("mrVersion", 0x0, 3),
4193             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4194             BitField("icmi", 0x0, 1),
4195             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4196             BitField("startMode", 0x0, 2),
4198             ByteField("amrCodec", 0x0),
4200             BitField("spare", None, 2),
4201             BitField("threshold1", None, 6),
4203             BitField("hysteresis1", None, 4),
4204             BitField("threshold2", None, 4),
4206             BitField("threshold2cnt", None, 2),
4207             BitField("hysteresis2", None, 4),
4208             BitField("threshold3", None, 2),
4210             BitField("threshold3cnt", None, 4),
4211             BitField("hysteresis3", None, 4)
4212             ]
4214    def post_build(self, p, pay):
4215        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
4216        res = adapt(4, 8, a, self.fields_desc)
4217        if self.lengthMRC is None:
4218            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
4219        if res[0] != 0:
4220            p = p[:-res[0]]
4221        return p + pay
4224# len 3 to 12
4225class MultislotAllocationHdr(Packet):
4226    """Multislot Allocation Section"""
4227    name = "Multislot Allocation"
4228    fields_desc = [
4229             BitField("eightBitMSA", None, 1),
4230             XBitField("ieiMSA", None, 7),
4231             XByteField("lengthMSA", None),
4232             BitField("ext0", 0x1, 1),
4233             BitField("da", 0x0, 7),
4234             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),  # optional
4235                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
4236             ConditionalField(BitField("ua", 0x0, 7),
4237                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
4238             ByteField("chan1", None),
4239             ByteField("chan2", None),
4240             ByteField("chan3", None),
4241             ByteField("chan4", None),
4242             ByteField("chan5", None),
4243             ByteField("chan6", None),
4244             ByteField("chan7", None),
4245             ByteField("chan8", None)
4246             ]
4248    def post_build(self, p, pay):
4249        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
4250        res = adapt(3, 12, a, self.fields_desc)
4251        if res[0] != 0:
4252            p = p[:-res[0]]
4253        if self.lengthMSA is None:
4254            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
4255        return p + pay
4258class NcModeHdr(Packet):
4259    """NC mode Section"""
4260    name = "NC Mode"
4261    fields_desc = [
4262             XBitField("ieiNM", None, 4),
4263             BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
4264             BitField("ncMode", 0x0, 2)
4265             ]
4268# Fix for len problem
4269# concatenation NC Mode And Spare Half Octets
4270class NcModeAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
4271    name = "NC Mode And Spare Half Octets"
4272    fields_desc = [
4273             BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
4274             BitField("ncMode", 0x0, 2),
4275             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
4276             ]
4279class NeighbourCellsDescriptionHdr(Packet):
4280    """Neighbour Cells Description Section"""
4281    name = "Neighbour Cells Description"
4282    fields_desc = [
4283             BitField("eightBitNCD", None, 1),
4284             XBitField("ieiNCD", None, 7),
4285             BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
4286             BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
4287             BitField("extInd", 0x0, 1),
4288             BitField("baInd", 0x0, 1),
4289             BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
4290             BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
4291             BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
4292             BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
4293             BitField("120bits", 0x0, 120)
4294             ]
4297class NeighbourCellsDescription2Hdr(Packet):
4298    """Neighbour Cells Description 2 Section"""
4299    name = "Neighbour Cells Description 2"
4300    fields_desc = [
4301             BitField("eightBitNCD2", None, 1),
4302             XBitField("ieiNCD2", None, 7),
4303             BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
4304             BitField("multiband", 0x0, 2),
4305             BitField("baInd", 0x0, 1),
4306             BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
4307             BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
4308             BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
4309             BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
4310             BitField("120bits", 0x0, 120)
4311             ]
4314class NtNRestOctets(Packet):
4315    """NT/N Rest Octets Section"""
4316    name = "NT/N Rest Octets"
4317    fields_desc = [
4318              BitField("nln", 0x0, 2),
4319              BitField("ncnInfo", 0x0, 4),
4320              BitField("spare", 0x0, 2)
4321              ]
4325# The following  packet has no length info!
4327# len 1-18
4328class P1RestOctets(Packet):
4329    """P1 Rest Octets Section"""
4330    name = "P1 Rest Octets"
4331    fields_desc = [
4332              BitField("nln", 0x0, 2),
4333              BitField("nlnStatus", 0x0, 1),
4334              BitField("prio1", 0x0, 3),
4335              BitField("prio2", 0x0, 3),
4336              # optional
4337              BitField("pageIndication1", 0x0, 1),
4338              BitField("pageIndication2", 0x0, 1),
4339              BitField("spare", 0x0, 5),
4340              ByteField("spareB1", None),
4341              ByteField("spareB2", None),
4342              ByteField("spareB3", None),
4343              ByteField("spareB4", None),
4344              ByteField("spareB5", None),
4345              ByteField("spareB6", None),
4346              ByteField("spareB7", None),
4347              ByteField("spareB8", None),
4348              ByteField("spareB9", None),
4349              ByteField("spareB10", None),
4350              ByteField("spareB11", None),
4351              ByteField("spareB12", None),
4352              ByteField("spareB13", None),
4353              ByteField("spareB14", None),
4354              ByteField("spareB15", None),
4355              ByteField("spareB16", None),
4356              ]
4359# len 2-12
4360class P2RestOctets(Packet):
4361    """P2 Rest Octets Section"""
4362    name = "P2 Rest Octets"
4363    fields_desc = [
4364              BitField("cn3", 0x0, 2),
4365              BitField("nln", 0x0, 2),
4366              BitField("nlnStatus", 0x0, 1),
4367              BitField("prio1", 0x0, 3),
4369              BitField("prio2", 0x0, 3),
4370              BitField("prio3", 0x0, 3),
4371              BitField("pageIndication3", 0x0, 1),
4372              BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4374              # optinal (No length field!)
4375              ByteField("spareB1", None),
4376              ByteField("spareB2", None),
4377              ByteField("spareB3", None),
4378              ByteField("spareB4", None),
4380              ByteField("spareB5", None),
4381              ByteField("spareB6", None),
4382              ByteField("spareB7", None),
4383              ByteField("spareB8", None),
4385              ByteField("spareB9", None),
4386              ByteField("spareB10", None)
4387              ]
4390# len 4
4391class P3RestOctets(Packet):
4392    """P3 Rest Octets Section"""
4393    name = "P3 Rest Octets"
4394    fields_desc = [
4395              BitField("cn3", 0x0, 2),
4396              BitField("cn4", 0x0, 2),
4397              BitField("nln", 0x0, 2),
4398              BitField("nlnStatus", 0x0, 1),
4399              BitField("prio1", 0x0, 3),
4400              BitField("prio2", 0x0, 3),
4401              BitField("prio3", 0x0, 3),
4402              BitField("prio4", 0x0, 3),
4403              BitField("spare", 0x0, 5)
4404              ]
4407# len 4
4408# strange  packet, lots of valid formats
4410# ideas for the dynamic  packets:
4411# 1] for user interaction: Create an interactive "builder" based on a
4412# Q/A process (not very scapy like)
4413# 2] for usage in scripts, create an alternative  packet for every
4414# possible  packet layout
4418class PacketChannelDescription(Packet):
4419    """Packet Channel Description Section"""
4420    name = "Packet Channel Description"
4421    fields_desc = [
4422              ByteField("ieiPCD", None),
4423              BitField("chanType", 0x0, 5),  # This  packet has multiple
4424                                  # possible layouts. I moddeled the first one
4425              BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),     # maybe build an
4426                                          #"interactive" builder. Like
4427                                          # a Q/A then propose a
4428                                          #  packet?
4429              BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
4430              BitField("chooser1", 0x0, 1),
4431              BitField("chooser2", 0x0, 1),
4432              BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
4433              BitField("arfcn", 0x0, 10),
4434              ]
4437class DedicatedModeOrTBFHdr(Packet):
4438    """Dedicated mode or TBF Section"""
4439    name = "Dedicated Mode or TBF"
4440    fields_desc = [
4441             XBitField("ieiDMOT", None, 4),
4442             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4443             BitField("tma", 0x0, 1),
4444             BitField("downlink", 0x0, 1),
4445             BitField("td", 0x0, 1)
4446             ]
4449# FIXME add implementation
4450class RrPacketUplinkAssignment(Packet):
4451    """RR Packet Uplink Assignment Section"""
4452    name = "RR Packet Uplink Assignment"
4453    fields_desc = [
4454             # Fill me
4455             ]
4458class PageModeHdr(Packet):
4459    """Page Mode Section"""
4460    name = "Page Mode"
4461    fields_desc = [
4462             XBitField("ieiPM", None, 4),
4463             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4464             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
4465             BitField("pm", 0x0, 2)
4466             ]
4469# Fix for 1/2 len problem
4470# concatenation: pageMode and dedicatedModeOrTBF
4471class PageModeAndDedicatedModeOrTBF(Packet):
4472    name = "Page Mode and Dedicated Mode Or TBF"
4473    fields_desc = [
4474             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4475             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
4476             BitField("pm", 0x0, 2),
4477             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4478             BitField("tma", 0x0, 1),
4479             BitField("downlink", 0x0, 1),
4480             BitField("td", 0x0, 1)
4481             ]
4484# Fix for 1/2 len problem
4485# concatenation: pageMode and spareHalfOctets
4486class PageModeAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
4487    name = "Page Mode and Spare Half Octets"
4488    fields_desc = [
4489             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4490             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
4491             BitField("pm", 0x0, 2),
4492             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
4493             ]
4496# Fix for 1/2 len problem
4497# concatenation: pageMode and Channel Needed
4498class PageModeAndChannelNeeded(Packet):
4499    name = "Page Mode and Channel Needed"
4500    fields_desc = [
4501             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4502             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
4503             BitField("pm", 0x0, 2),
4504             BitField("channel2", 0x0, 2),
4505             BitField("channel1", 0x0, 2)
4506             ]
4509class NccPermittedHdr(Packet):
4510    """NCC Permitted Section"""
4511    name = "NCC Permitted"
4512    fields_desc = [
4513             BitField("eightBitNP", None, 1),
4514             XBitField("ieiNP", None, 7),
4515             ByteField("nccPerm", 0x0)
4516             ]
4519class PowerCommandHdr(Packet):
4520    """Power Command Section"""
4521    name = "Power Command"
4522    fields_desc = [
4523             BitField("eightBitPC", None, 1),
4524             XBitField("ieiPC", None, 7),
4525             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4526             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
4527             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
4528             BitField("powerLvl", 0x0, 5)
4529             ]
4532class PowerCommandAndAccessTypeHdr(Packet):
4533    """Power Command and access type  Section"""
4534    name = "Power Command and Access Type"
4535    fields_desc = [
4536             BitField("eightBitPCAAT", None, 1),
4537             XBitField("ieiPCAAT", None, 7),
4538             BitField("atc", 0x0, 1),
4539             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4540             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
4541             BitField("powerLvl", 0x0, 5)
4542             ]
4545class RachControlParametersHdr(Packet):
4546    """RACH Control Parameters Section"""
4547    name = "RACH Control Parameters"
4548    fields_desc = [
4549             BitField("eightBitRCP", None, 1),
4550             XBitField("ieiRCP", None, 7),
4551             BitField("maxRetrans", 0x0, 2),
4552             BitField("txInteger", 0x0, 4),
4553             BitField("cellBarrAccess", 0x0, 1),
4554             BitField("re", 0x0, 1),
4555             BitField("ACC15", 0x0, 1),
4556             BitField("ACC14", 0x0, 1),
4557             BitField("ACC13", 0x0, 1),
4558             BitField("ACC12", 0x0, 1),
4559             BitField("ACC11", 0x0, 1),
4560             BitField("ACC10", 0x0, 1),
4561             BitField("ACC09", 0x0, 1),
4562             BitField("ACC08", 0x0, 1),
4563             BitField("ACC07", 0x0, 1),
4564             BitField("ACC06", 0x0, 1),
4565             BitField("ACC05", 0x0, 1),
4566             BitField("ACC04", 0x0, 1),
4567             BitField("ACC03", 0x0, 1),
4568             BitField("ACC02", 0x0, 1),
4569             BitField("ACC01", 0x0, 1),
4570             BitField("ACC00", 0x0, 1),
4571             ]
4574class RequestReferenceHdr(Packet):
4575    """Request Reference  Section"""
4576    name = "Request Reference"
4577    fields_desc = [
4578             BitField("eightBitRR", None, 1),
4579             XBitField("ieiRR", None, 7),
4580             ByteField("ra", 0x0),
4581             BitField("t1", 0x0, 5),
4582             BitField("t3Hi", 0x0, 3),
4583             BitField("t3Lo", 0x0, 3),
4584             BitField("t2", 0x0, 5)
4585             ]
4588class RrCauseHdr(Packet):
4589    """RR Cause  Section"""
4590    name = "RR Cause"
4591    fields_desc = [
4592             BitField("eightBitRC", None, 1),
4593             XBitField("ieiRC", None, 7),
4594             ByteField("rrCause", 0x0)
4595             ]
4598class Si1RestOctets(Packet):
4599    """SI 1 Rest Octets Section"""
4600    name = "SI 1 Rest Octets"
4601    fields_desc = [
4602             ByteField("nchPos", 0x0)
4603             ]
4606class Si2bisRestOctets(Packet):
4607    """SI 2bis Rest Octets Section"""
4608    name = "SI 2bis Rest Octets"
4609    fields_desc = [
4610             ByteField("spare", 0x0)
4611             ]
4614class Si2terRestOctets(Packet):
4615    """SI 2ter Rest Octets Section"""
4616    name = "SI 2ter Rest Octets"
4617    fields_desc = [
4618             ByteField("spare1", 0x0),
4619             ByteField("spare2", 0x0),
4620             ByteField("spare3", 0x0),
4621             ByteField("spare4", 0x0)
4622             ]
4625# len 5
4626class Si3RestOctets(Packet):
4627    """SI 3 Rest Octets Section"""
4628    name = "SI 3 Rest Octets"
4629    fields_desc = [
4630             ByteField("byte1", 0x0),
4631             ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
4632             ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
4633             ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
4634             ByteField("byte5", 0x0)
4635             ]
4638# len 1 to 11
4639class Si4RestOctets(Packet):
4640    """SI 4 Rest Octets Section"""
4641    name = "SI 4 Rest Octets"
4642    fields_desc = [
4643             XByteField("lengthSI4", None),
4644             ByteField("byte2", None),
4645             ByteField("byte3", None),
4646             ByteField("byte4", None),
4647             ByteField("byte5", None),
4648             ByteField("byte6", None),
4649             ByteField("byte7", None),
4650             ByteField("byte8", None),
4651             ByteField("byte9", None),
4652             ByteField("byte10", None),
4653             ByteField("byte11", None)
4654             ]
4656    def post_build(self, p, pay):
4657        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
4658        res = adapt(1, 11, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
4659        if self.lengthSI4 is None:
4660            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
4661        if res[0] != 0:
4662            p = p[:-res[0]]
4663        if len(p) is 1:  # length of this packet can be 0, but packet is
4664            p = ''       # but the IE is manadatory 0_o
4665        return p + pay
4668class Si6RestOctets(Packet):
4669    """SI 6 Rest Octets Section"""
4670    name = "SI 4 Rest Octets"
4671    fields_desc = [
4672             # FIXME
4673             ]
4676# len 21
4677class Si7RestOctets(Packet):
4678    """SI 7 Rest Octets Section"""
4679    name = "SI 7 Rest Octets"
4680    fields_desc = [
4681             # FIXME
4682             XByteField("lengthSI7", 0x15),
4683             ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
4684             ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
4685             ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
4686             ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
4687             ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
4688             ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
4689             ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
4690             ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
4691             ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
4692             ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
4693             ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
4694             ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
4695             ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
4696             ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
4697             ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
4698             ByteField("byte17", 0x0),
4699             ByteField("byte18", 0x0),
4700             ByteField("byte19", 0x0),
4701             ByteField("byte20", 0x0),
4702             ByteField("byte21", 0x0)
4703             ]
4706# len 21
4707class Si8RestOctets(Packet):
4708    """SI 8 Rest Octets Section"""
4709    name = "SI 8 Rest Octets"
4710    fields_desc = [
4711             # FIXME
4712             XByteField("lengthSI8", 0x15),
4713             ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
4714             ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
4715             ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
4716             ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
4717             ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
4718             ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
4719             ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
4720             ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
4721             ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
4722             ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
4723             ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
4724             ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
4725             ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
4726             ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
4727             ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
4728             ByteField("byte17", 0x0),
4729             ByteField("byte18", 0x0),
4730             ByteField("byte19", 0x0),
4731             ByteField("byte20", 0x0),
4732             ByteField("byte21", 0x0)
4733             ]
4736#len 17
4737class Si9RestOctets(Packet):
4738    """SI 9 Rest Octets Section"""
4739    name = "SI 9 Rest Octets"
4740    fields_desc = [
4741             # FIXME
4742             XByteField("lengthSI9", 0x11),
4743             ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
4744             ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
4745             ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
4746             ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
4747             ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
4748             ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
4749             ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
4750             ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
4751             ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
4752             ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
4753             ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
4754             ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
4755             ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
4756             ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
4757             ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
4758             ByteField("byte17", 0x0)
4759             ]
4762# len 21
4763class Si13RestOctets(Packet):
4764    """SI 13 Rest Octets Section"""
4765    name = "SI 13 Rest Octets"
4766    fields_desc = [
4767             # FIXME
4768             XByteField("lengthSI3", 0x15),
4769             ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
4770             ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
4771             ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
4772             ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
4773             ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
4774             ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
4775             ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
4776             ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
4777             ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
4778             ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
4779             ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
4780             ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
4781             ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
4782             ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
4783             ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
4784             ByteField("byte17", 0x0),
4785             ByteField("byte18", 0x0),
4786             ByteField("byte19", 0x0),
4787             ByteField("byte20", 0x0),
4788             ByteField("byte21", 0x0)
4789             ]
4792# [spare]
4793# [spare]
4796# len 21
4797class Si16RestOctets(Packet):
4798    """SI 16 Rest Octets Section"""
4799    name = "SI 16 Rest Octets"
4800    fields_desc = [
4801             # FIXME
4802             XByteField("lengthSI16", 0x15),
4803             ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
4804             ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
4805             ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
4806             ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
4807             ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
4808             ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
4809             ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
4810             ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
4811             ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
4812             ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
4813             ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
4814             ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
4815             ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
4816             ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
4817             ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
4818             ByteField("byte17", 0x0),
4819             ByteField("byte18", 0x0),
4820             ByteField("byte19", 0x0),
4821             ByteField("byte20", 0x0),
4822             ByteField("byte21", 0x0)
4823             ]
4826# len 21
4827class Si17RestOctets(Packet):
4828    """SI 17 Rest Octets Section"""
4829    name = "SI 17 Rest Octets"
4830    fields_desc = [
4831             # FIXME
4832             XByteField("lengthSI17", 0x15),
4833             ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
4834             ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
4835             ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
4836             ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
4837             ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
4838             ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
4839             ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
4840             ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
4841             ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
4842             ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
4843             ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
4844             ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
4845             ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
4846             ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
4847             ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
4848             ByteField("byte17", 0x0),
4849             ByteField("byte18", 0x0),
4850             ByteField("byte19", 0x0),
4851             ByteField("byte20", 0x0),
4852             ByteField("byte21", 0x0)
4853             ]
4856class StartingTimeHdr(Packet):
4857    """Starting Time Section"""
4858    name = "Starting Time"
4859    fields_desc = [
4860             BitField("eightBitST", None, 1),
4861             XBitField("ieiST", None, 7),
4862             ByteField("ra", 0x0),
4863             BitField("t1", 0x0, 5),
4864             BitField("t3Hi", 0x0, 3),
4865             BitField("t3Lo", 0x0, 3),
4866             BitField("t2", 0x0, 5)
4867             ]
4870class SynchronizationIndicationHdr(Packet):
4871    """Synchronization Indication Section"""
4872    name = "Synchronization Indication"
4873    fields_desc = [
4874             XBitField("ieiSI", None, 4),
4875             BitField("nci", 0x0, 1),
4876             BitField("rot", 0x0, 1),
4877             BitField("si", 0x0, 2)
4878             ]
4881class TimingAdvanceHdr(Packet):
4882    """Timing Advance Section"""
4883    name = "Timing Advance"
4884    fields_desc = [
4885             BitField("eightBitTA", None, 1),
4886             XBitField("ieiTA", None, 7),
4887             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4888             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
4889             BitField("timingVal", 0x0, 6)
4890             ]
4893class TimeDifferenceHdr(Packet):
4894    """ Time Difference Section"""
4895    name = "Time Difference"
4896    fields_desc = [
4897             BitField("eightBitTD", None, 1),
4898             XBitField("ieiTD", None, 7),
4899             XByteField("lengthTD", 0x3),
4900             ByteField("timeValue", 0x0)
4901             ]
4904class TlliHdr(Packet):
4905    """ TLLI Section Section"""
4906    name = "TLLI"
4907    fields_desc = [
4908             BitField("eightBitT", None, 1),
4909             XBitField("ieiT", None, 7),
4910             ByteField("value", 0x0),
4911             ByteField("value1", 0x0),
4912             ByteField("value2", 0x0),
4913             ByteField("value3", 0x0)
4914             ]
4917class TmsiPTmsiHdr(Packet):
4918    """ TMSI/P-TMSI Section"""
4919    name = "TMSI/P-TMSI"
4920    fields_desc = [
4921             BitField("eightBitTPT", None, 1),
4922             XBitField("ieiTPT", None, 7),
4923             ByteField("value", 0x0),
4924             ByteField("value1", 0x0),
4925             ByteField("value2", 0x0),
4926             ByteField("value3", 0x0)
4927             ]
4930class VgcsTargetModeIdenticationHdr(Packet):
4931    """ VGCS target Mode Indication"""
4932    name = "VGCS Target Mode Indication"
4933    fields_desc = [
4934             BitField("eightBitVTMI", None, 1),
4935             XBitField("ieiVTMI", None, 7),
4936             XByteField("lengthVTMI", 0x2),
4937             BitField("targerMode", 0x0, 2),
4938             BitField("cipherKeyNb", 0x0, 4),
4939             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
4940             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1)
4941             ]
4944class WaitIndicationHdr(Packet):
4945    """ Wait Indication Section"""
4946    name = "Wait Indication"
4947    fields_desc = [  # asciiart of specs strange
4948             BitField("eightBitWI", None, 1),
4949             XBitField("ieiWI", None, 7),
4950             ByteField("timeoutVal", 0x0)
4951             ]
4954# len 17
4955class ExtendedMeasurementResultsHdr(Packet):
4957    name = "Extended Measurement Results"
4958    fields_desc = [
4959             BitField("eightBitEMR", None, 1),
4960             XBitField("ieiEMR", None, 7),
4962             BitField("scUsed", None, 1),
4963             BitField("dtxUsed", None, 1),
4964             BitField("rxLevC0", None, 6),
4966             BitField("rxLevC1", None, 6),
4967             BitField("rxLevC2Hi", None, 2),
4969             BitField("rxLevC2Lo", None, 4),
4970             BitField("rxLevC3Hi", None, 4),
4972             BitField("rxLevC3Lo", None, 3),
4973             BitField("rxLevC4", None, 5),
4975             BitField("rxLevC5", None, 6),
4976             BitField("rxLevC6Hi", None, 2),
4978             BitField("rxLevC6Lo", None, 4),
4979             BitField("rxLevC7Hi", None, 4),
4981             BitField("rxLevC7Lo", None, 2),
4982             BitField("rxLevC8", None, 6),
4984             BitField("rxLevC9", None, 6),
4985             BitField("rxLevC10Hi", None, 2),
4987             BitField("rxLevC10Lo", None, 4),
4988             BitField("rxLevC11Hi", None, 4),
4990             BitField("rxLevC13Lo", None, 2),
4991             BitField("rxLevC12", None, 6),
4993             BitField("rxLevC13", None, 6),
4994             BitField("rxLevC14Hi", None, 2),
4996             BitField("rxLevC14Lo", None, 4),
4997             BitField("rxLevC15Hi", None, 4),
4999             BitField("rxLevC15Lo", None, 2),
5000             BitField("rxLevC16", None, 6),
5003             BitField("rxLevC17", None, 6),
5004             BitField("rxLevC18Hi", None, 2),
5006             BitField("rxLevC18Lo", None, 4),
5007             BitField("rxLevC19Hi", None, 4),
5009             BitField("rxLevC19Lo", None, 2),
5010             BitField("rxLevC20", None, 6)
5011             ]
5014# len 17
5015class ExtendedMeasurementFrequencyListHdr(Packet):
5016    """Extended Measurement Frequency List Section"""
5017    name = "Extended Measurement Frequency List"
5018    fields_desc = [
5019             BitField("eightBitEMFL", None, 1),
5020             XBitField("ieiEMFL", None, 7),
5022             BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
5023             BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
5024             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
5025             BitField("seqCode", 0x0, 1),
5026             BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
5027             BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
5028             BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
5029             BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
5031             BitField("bitsRest", 0x0, 128)
5032             ]
5035class SuspensionCauseHdr(Packet):
5036    """Suspension Cause Section"""
5037    name = "Suspension Cause"
5038    fields_desc = [
5039             BitField("eightBitSC", None, 1),
5040             XBitField("ieiSC", None, 7),
5041             ByteField("suspVal", 0x0)
5042             ]
5045class ApduIDHdr(Packet):
5046    """APDU Flags Section"""
5047    name = "Apdu Id"
5048    fields_desc = [
5049             XBitField("ieiAI", None, 4),
5050             BitField("id", None, 4)
5051             ]
5054class ApduFlagsHdr(Packet):
5055    """APDU Flags Section"""
5056    name = "Apdu Flags"
5057    fields_desc = [
5058             XBitField("iei", None, 4),
5059             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
5060             BitField("cr", 0x0, 1),
5061             BitField("firstSeg", 0x0, 1),
5062             BitField("lastSeg", 0x0, 1)
5063             ]
5066# Fix 1/2 len problem
5067class ApduIDAndApduFlags(Packet):
5068    name = "Apu Id and Apdu Flags"
5069    fields_desc = [
5070             BitField("id", None, 4),
5071             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
5072             BitField("cr", 0x0, 1),
5073             BitField("firstSeg", 0x0, 1),
5074             BitField("lastSeg", 0x0, 1)
5075             ]
5078# len 2 to max L3 (251) (done)
5079class ApduDataHdr(Packet):
5080    """APDU Data Section"""
5081    name = "Apdu Data"
5082    fields_desc = [
5083             BitField("eightBitAD", None, 1),
5084             XBitField("ieiAD", None, 7),
5085             XByteField("lengthAD", None),
5086             #optional
5087             ByteField("apuInfo1", None),
5088             ByteField("apuInfo2", None),
5089             ByteField("apuInfo3", None),
5090             ByteField("apuInfo4", None),
5091             ByteField("apuInfo5", None),
5092             ByteField("apuInfo6", None),
5093             ByteField("apuInfo7", None),
5094             ByteField("apuInfo8", None),
5095             ByteField("apuInfo9", None),
5096             ByteField("apuInfo10", None),
5097             ByteField("apuInfo11", None),
5098             ByteField("apuInfo12", None),
5099             ByteField("apuInfo13", None),
5100             ByteField("apuInfo14", None),
5101             ByteField("apuInfo15", None),
5102             ByteField("apuInfo16", None),
5103             ByteField("apuInfo17", None),
5104             ByteField("apuInfo18", None),
5105             ByteField("apuInfo19", None),
5106             ByteField("apuInfo20", None),
5107             ByteField("apuInfo21", None),
5108             ByteField("apuInfo22", None),
5109             ByteField("apuInfo23", None),
5110             ByteField("apuInfo24", None),
5111             ByteField("apuInfo25", None),
5112             ByteField("apuInfo26", None),
5113             ByteField("apuInfo27", None),
5114             ByteField("apuInfo28", None),
5115             ByteField("apuInfo29", None),
5116             ByteField("apuInfo30", None),
5117             ByteField("apuInfo31", None),
5118             ByteField("apuInfo32", None),
5119             ByteField("apuInfo33", None),
5120             ByteField("apuInfo34", None),
5121             ByteField("apuInfo35", None),
5122             ByteField("apuInfo36", None),
5123             ByteField("apuInfo37", None),
5124             ByteField("apuInfo38", None),
5125             ByteField("apuInfo39", None),
5126             ByteField("apuInfo40", None),
5127             ByteField("apuInfo41", None),
5128             ByteField("apuInfo42", None),
5129             ByteField("apuInfo43", None),
5130             ByteField("apuInfo44", None),
5131             ByteField("apuInfo45", None),
5132             ByteField("apuInfo46", None),
5133             ByteField("apuInfo47", None),
5134             ByteField("apuInfo48", None),
5135             ByteField("apuInfo49", None),
5136             ByteField("apuInfo50", None),
5137             ByteField("apuInfo51", None),
5138             ByteField("apuInfo52", None),
5139             ByteField("apuInfo53", None),
5140             ByteField("apuInfo54", None),
5141             ByteField("apuInfo55", None),
5142             ByteField("apuInfo56", None),
5143             ByteField("apuInfo57", None),
5144             ByteField("apuInfo58", None),
5145             ByteField("apuInfo59", None),
5146             ByteField("apuInfo60", None),
5147             ByteField("apuInfo61", None),
5148             ByteField("apuInfo62", None),
5149             ByteField("apuInfo63", None),
5150             ByteField("apuInfo64", None),
5151             ByteField("apuInfo65", None),
5152             ByteField("apuInfo66", None),
5153             ByteField("apuInfo67", None),
5154             ByteField("apuInfo68", None),
5155             ByteField("apuInfo69", None),
5156             ByteField("apuInfo70", None),
5157             ByteField("apuInfo71", None),
5158             ByteField("apuInfo72", None),
5159             ByteField("apuInfo73", None),
5160             ByteField("apuInfo74", None),
5161             ByteField("apuInfo75", None),
5162             ByteField("apuInfo76", None),
5163             ByteField("apuInfo77", None),
5164             ByteField("apuInfo78", None),
5165             ByteField("apuInfo79", None),
5166             ByteField("apuInfo80", None),
5167             ByteField("apuInfo81", None),
5168             ByteField("apuInfo82", None),
5169             ByteField("apuInfo83", None),
5170             ByteField("apuInfo84", None),
5171             ByteField("apuInfo85", None),
5172             ByteField("apuInfo86", None),
5173             ByteField("apuInfo87", None),
5174             ByteField("apuInfo88", None),
5175             ByteField("apuInfo89", None),
5176             ByteField("apuInfo90", None),
5177             ByteField("apuInfo91", None),
5178             ByteField("apuInfo92", None),
5179             ByteField("apuInfo93", None),
5180             ByteField("apuInfo94", None),
5181             ByteField("apuInfo95", None),
5182             ByteField("apuInfo96", None),
5183             ByteField("apuInfo97", None),
5184             ByteField("apuInfo98", None),
5185             ByteField("apuInfo99", None),
5186             ByteField("apuInfo100", None),
5187             ByteField("apuInfo101", None),
5188             ByteField("apuInfo102", None),
5189             ByteField("apuInfo103", None),
5190             ByteField("apuInfo104", None),
5191             ByteField("apuInfo105", None),
5192             ByteField("apuInfo106", None),
5193             ByteField("apuInfo107", None),
5194             ByteField("apuInfo108", None),
5195             ByteField("apuInfo109", None),
5196             ByteField("apuInfo110", None),
5197             ByteField("apuInfo111", None),
5198             ByteField("apuInfo112", None),
5199             ByteField("apuInfo113", None),
5200             ByteField("apuInfo114", None),
5201             ByteField("apuInfo115", None),
5202             ByteField("apuInfo116", None),
5203             ByteField("apuInfo117", None),
5204             ByteField("apuInfo118", None),
5205             ByteField("apuInfo119", None),
5206             ByteField("apuInfo120", None),
5207             ByteField("apuInfo121", None),
5208             ByteField("apuInfo122", None),
5209             ByteField("apuInfo123", None),
5210             ByteField("apuInfo124", None),
5211             ByteField("apuInfo125", None),
5212             ByteField("apuInfo126", None),
5213             ByteField("apuInfo127", None),
5214             ByteField("apuInfo128", None),
5215             ByteField("apuInfo129", None),
5216             ByteField("apuInfo130", None),
5217             ByteField("apuInfo131", None),
5218             ByteField("apuInfo132", None),
5219             ByteField("apuInfo133", None),
5220             ByteField("apuInfo134", None),
5221             ByteField("apuInfo135", None),
5222             ByteField("apuInfo136", None),
5223             ByteField("apuInfo137", None),
5224             ByteField("apuInfo138", None),
5225             ByteField("apuInfo139", None),
5226             ByteField("apuInfo140", None),
5227             ByteField("apuInfo141", None),
5228             ByteField("apuInfo142", None),
5229             ByteField("apuInfo143", None),
5230             ByteField("apuInfo144", None),
5231             ByteField("apuInfo145", None),
5232             ByteField("apuInfo146", None),
5233             ByteField("apuInfo147", None),
5234             ByteField("apuInfo148", None),
5235             ByteField("apuInfo149", None),
5236             ByteField("apuInfo150", None),
5237             ByteField("apuInfo151", None),
5238             ByteField("apuInfo152", None),
5239             ByteField("apuInfo153", None),
5240             ByteField("apuInfo154", None),
5241             ByteField("apuInfo155", None),
5242             ByteField("apuInfo156", None),
5243             ByteField("apuInfo157", None),
5244             ByteField("apuInfo158", None),
5245             ByteField("apuInfo159", None),
5246             ByteField("apuInfo160", None),
5247             ByteField("apuInfo161", None),
5248             ByteField("apuInfo162", None),
5249             ByteField("apuInfo163", None),
5250             ByteField("apuInfo164", None),
5251             ByteField("apuInfo165", None),
5252             ByteField("apuInfo166", None),
5253             ByteField("apuInfo167", None),
5254             ByteField("apuInfo168", None),
5255             ByteField("apuInfo169", None),
5256             ByteField("apuInfo170", None),
5257             ByteField("apuInfo171", None),
5258             ByteField("apuInfo172", None),
5259             ByteField("apuInfo173", None),
5260             ByteField("apuInfo174", None),
5261             ByteField("apuInfo175", None),
5262             ByteField("apuInfo176", None),
5263             ByteField("apuInfo177", None),
5264             ByteField("apuInfo178", None),
5265             ByteField("apuInfo179", None),
5266             ByteField("apuInfo180", None),
5267             ByteField("apuInfo181", None),
5268             ByteField("apuInfo182", None),
5269             ByteField("apuInfo183", None),
5270             ByteField("apuInfo184", None),
5271             ByteField("apuInfo185", None),
5272             ByteField("apuInfo186", None),
5273             ByteField("apuInfo187", None),
5274             ByteField("apuInfo188", None),
5275             ByteField("apuInfo189", None),
5276             ByteField("apuInfo190", None),
5277             ByteField("apuInfo191", None),
5278             ByteField("apuInfo192", None),
5279             ByteField("apuInfo193", None),
5280             ByteField("apuInfo194", None),
5281             ByteField("apuInfo195", None),
5282             ByteField("apuInfo196", None),
5283             ByteField("apuInfo197", None),
5284             ByteField("apuInfo198", None),
5285             ByteField("apuInfo199", None),
5286             ByteField("apuInfo200", None),
5287             ByteField("apuInfo201", None),
5288             ByteField("apuInfo202", None),
5289             ByteField("apuInfo203", None),
5290             ByteField("apuInfo204", None),
5291             ByteField("apuInfo205", None),
5292             ByteField("apuInfo206", None),
5293             ByteField("apuInfo207", None),
5294             ByteField("apuInfo208", None),
5295             ByteField("apuInfo209", None),
5296             ByteField("apuInfo210", None),
5297             ByteField("apuInfo211", None),
5298             ByteField("apuInfo212", None),
5299             ByteField("apuInfo213", None),
5300             ByteField("apuInfo214", None),
5301             ByteField("apuInfo215", None),
5302             ByteField("apuInfo216", None),
5303             ByteField("apuInfo217", None),
5304             ByteField("apuInfo218", None),
5305             ByteField("apuInfo219", None),
5306             ByteField("apuInfo220", None),
5307             ByteField("apuInfo221", None),
5308             ByteField("apuInfo222", None),
5309             ByteField("apuInfo223", None),
5310             ByteField("apuInfo224", None),
5311             ByteField("apuInfo225", None),
5312             ByteField("apuInfo226", None),
5313             ByteField("apuInfo227", None),
5314             ByteField("apuInfo228", None),
5315             ByteField("apuInfo229", None),
5316             ByteField("apuInfo230", None),
5317             ByteField("apuInfo231", None),
5318             ByteField("apuInfo232", None),
5319             ByteField("apuInfo233", None),
5320             ByteField("apuInfo234", None),
5321             ByteField("apuInfo235", None),
5322             ByteField("apuInfo236", None),
5323             ByteField("apuInfo237", None),
5324             ByteField("apuInfo238", None),
5325             ByteField("apuInfo239", None),
5326             ByteField("apuInfo240", None),
5327             ByteField("apuInfo241", None),
5328             ByteField("apuInfo242", None),
5329             ByteField("apuInfo243", None),
5330             ByteField("apuInfo244", None),
5331             ByteField("apuInfo245", None),
5332             ByteField("apuInfo246", None),
5333             ByteField("apuInfo247", None),
5334             ByteField("apuInfo248", None),
5335             ByteField("apuInfo249", None)
5336             ]
5338    def post_build(self, p, pay):
5339        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
5340        res = adapt(2, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
5341        if self.lengthAD is None:
5342            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
5343        if res[0] != 0:
5344            p = p[:-res[0]]
5345        return p + pay
5348# 10.5.3 Mobility management information elements
5352class AuthenticationParameterRAND(Packet):
5353    """Authentication parameter RAND Section"""
5354    name = "Authentication Parameter Rand"
5355    fields_desc = [
5356             ByteField("ieiAPR", None),
5357             BitField("randValue", 0x0, 128)
5358             ]
5361class AuthenticationParameterSRES(Packet):
5362    """Authentication parameter SRES Section"""
5363    name = "Authentication Parameter Sres"
5364    fields_desc = [
5365             ByteField("ieiAPS", None),
5366             BitField("sresValue", 0x0, 40)
5367             ]
5370class CmServiceType(Packet):
5371    """CM service type Section"""
5372    name = "CM Service Type"
5373    fields_desc = [
5374             XBitField("ieiCST", 0x0, 4),
5375             BitField("serviceType", 0x0, 4)
5376             ]
5379class CmServiceTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr(Packet):
5380    name = "CM Service Type and Cipher Key Sequence Number"
5381    fields_desc = [
5382             BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3),
5383             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
5384             BitField("serviceType", 0x0, 4)
5385             ]
5388class IdentityType(Packet):
5389    """Identity type Section"""
5390    name = "Identity Type"
5391    fields_desc = [
5392             XBitField("ieiIT", 0x0, 4),
5393             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
5394             BitField("idType", 0x1, 3)
5395             ]
5398# Fix 1/2 len problem
5399class IdentityTypeAndSpareHalfOctet(Packet):
5400    name = "Identity Type and Spare Half Octet"
5401    fields_desc = [
5402             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
5403             BitField("idType", 0x1, 3),
5404             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
5405             ]
5408class LocationUpdatingType(Packet):
5409    """Location updating type  Section"""
5410    name = "Location Updating Type"
5411    fields_desc = [
5412             XBitField("ieiLUT", 0x0, 4),
5413             BitField("for", 0x0, 1),
5414             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
5415             BitField("lut", 0x0, 2)
5416             ]
5419class LocationUpdatingTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr(Packet):
5420    name = "Location Updating Type and Cipher Key Sequence Number"
5421    fields_desc = [
5422             BitField("for", 0x0, 1),
5423             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
5424             BitField("lut", 0x0, 2),
5425             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
5426             BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3)
5427             ]
5430# len 3 to L3 max (251) (done)
5431class NetworkNameHdr(Packet):
5432    """Network Name Section"""
5433    name = "Network Name"
5434    fields_desc = [
5435             BitField("eightBitNN", None, 1),
5436             XBitField("ieiNN", None, 7),
5438             XByteField("lengthNN", None),
5440             BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
5441             BitField("codingScheme", 0x0, 3),
5442             BitField("addCi", 0x0, 1),
5443             BitField("nbSpare", 0x0, 3),
5444             # optional
5445             ByteField("txtString1", None),
5446             ByteField("txtString2", None),
5447             ByteField("txtString3", None),
5448             ByteField("txtString4", None),
5449             ByteField("txtString5", None),
5450             ByteField("txtString6", None),
5451             ByteField("txtString7", None),
5452             ByteField("txtString8", None),
5453             ByteField("txtString9", None),
5454             ByteField("txtString10", None),
5455             ByteField("txtString11", None),
5456             ByteField("txtString12", None),
5457             ByteField("txtString13", None),
5458             ByteField("txtString14", None),
5459             ByteField("txtString15", None),
5460             ByteField("txtString16", None),
5461             ByteField("txtString17", None),
5462             ByteField("txtString18", None),
5463             ByteField("txtString19", None),
5464             ByteField("txtString20", None),
5465             ByteField("txtString21", None),
5466             ByteField("txtString22", None),
5467             ByteField("txtString23", None),
5468             ByteField("txtString24", None),
5469             ByteField("txtString25", None),
5470             ByteField("txtString26", None),
5471             ByteField("txtString27", None),
5472             ByteField("txtString28", None),
5473             ByteField("txtString29", None),
5474             ByteField("txtString30", None),
5475             ByteField("txtString31", None),
5476             ByteField("txtString32", None),
5477             ByteField("txtString33", None),
5478             ByteField("txtString34", None),
5479             ByteField("txtString35", None),
5480             ByteField("txtString36", None),
5481             ByteField("txtString37", None),
5482             ByteField("txtString38", None),
5483             ByteField("txtString39", None),
5484             ByteField("txtString40", None),
5485             ByteField("txtString41", None),
5486             ByteField("txtString42", None),
5487             ByteField("txtString43", None),
5488             ByteField("txtString44", None),
5489             ByteField("txtString45", None),
5490             ByteField("txtString46", None),
5491             ByteField("txtString47", None),
5492             ByteField("txtString48", None),
5493             ByteField("txtString49", None),
5494             ByteField("txtString50", None),
5495             ByteField("txtString51", None),
5496             ByteField("txtString52", None),
5497             ByteField("txtString53", None),
5498             ByteField("txtString54", None),
5499             ByteField("txtString55", None),
5500             ByteField("txtString56", None),
5501             ByteField("txtString57", None),
5502             ByteField("txtString58", None),
5503             ByteField("txtString59", None),
5504             ByteField("txtString60", None),
5505             ByteField("txtString61", None),
5506             ByteField("txtString62", None),
5507             ByteField("txtString63", None),
5508             ByteField("txtString64", None),
5509             ByteField("txtString65", None),
5510             ByteField("txtString66", None),
5511             ByteField("txtString67", None),
5512             ByteField("txtString68", None),
5513             ByteField("txtString69", None),
5514             ByteField("txtString70", None),
5515             ByteField("txtString71", None),
5516             ByteField("txtString72", None),
5517             ByteField("txtString73", None),
5518             ByteField("txtString74", None),
5519             ByteField("txtString75", None),
5520             ByteField("txtString76", None),
5521             ByteField("txtString77", None),
5522             ByteField("txtString78", None),
5523             ByteField("txtString79", None),
5524             ByteField("txtString80", None),
5525             ByteField("txtString81", None),
5526             ByteField("txtString82", None),
5527             ByteField("txtString83", None),
5528             ByteField("txtString84", None),
5529             ByteField("txtString85", None),
5530             ByteField("txtString86", None),
5531             ByteField("txtString87", None),
5532             ByteField("txtString88", None),
5533             ByteField("txtString89", None),
5534             ByteField("txtString90", None),
5535             ByteField("txtString91", None),
5536             ByteField("txtString92", None),
5537             ByteField("txtString93", None),
5538             ByteField("txtString94", None),
5539             ByteField("txtString95", None),
5540             ByteField("txtString96", None),
5541             ByteField("txtString97", None),
5542             ByteField("txtString98", None),
5543             ByteField("txtString99", None),
5544             ByteField("txtString100", None),
5545             ByteField("txtString101", None),
5546             ByteField("txtString102", None),
5547             ByteField("txtString103", None),
5548             ByteField("txtString104", None),
5549             ByteField("txtString105", None),
5550             ByteField("txtString106", None),
5551             ByteField("txtString107", None),
5552             ByteField("txtString108", None),
5553             ByteField("txtString109", None),
5554             ByteField("txtString110", None),
5555             ByteField("txtString111", None),
5556             ByteField("txtString112", None),
5557             ByteField("txtString113", None),
5558             ByteField("txtString114", None),
5559             ByteField("txtString115", None),
5560             ByteField("txtString116", None),
5561             ByteField("txtString117", None),
5562             ByteField("txtString118", None),
5563             ByteField("txtString119", None),
5564             ByteField("txtString120", None),
5565             ByteField("txtString121", None),
5566             ByteField("txtString122", None),
5567             ByteField("txtString123", None),
5568             ByteField("txtString124", None),
5569             ByteField("txtString125", None),
5570             ByteField("txtString126", None),
5571             ByteField("txtString127", None),
5572             ByteField("txtString128", None),
5573             ByteField("txtString129", None),
5574             ByteField("txtString130", None),
5575             ByteField("txtString131", None),
5576             ByteField("txtString132", None),
5577             ByteField("txtString133", None),
5578             ByteField("txtString134", None),
5579             ByteField("txtString135", None),
5580             ByteField("txtString136", None),
5581             ByteField("txtString137", None),
5582             ByteField("txtString138", None),
5583             ByteField("txtString139", None),
5584             ByteField("txtString140", None),
5585             ByteField("txtString141", None),
5586             ByteField("txtString142", None),
5587             ByteField("txtString143", None),
5588             ByteField("txtString144", None),
5589             ByteField("txtString145", None),
5590             ByteField("txtString146", None),
5591             ByteField("txtString147", None),
5592             ByteField("txtString148", None),
5593             ByteField("txtString149", None),
5594             ByteField("txtString150", None),
5595             ByteField("txtString151", None),
5596             ByteField("txtString152", None),
5597             ByteField("txtString153", None),
5598             ByteField("txtString154", None),
5599             ByteField("txtString155", None),
5600             ByteField("txtString156", None),
5601             ByteField("txtString157", None),
5602             ByteField("txtString158", None),
5603             ByteField("txtString159", None),
5604             ByteField("txtString160", None),
5605             ByteField("txtString161", None),
5606             ByteField("txtString162", None),
5607             ByteField("txtString163", None),
5608             ByteField("txtString164", None),
5609             ByteField("txtString165", None),
5610             ByteField("txtString166", None),
5611             ByteField("txtString167", None),
5612             ByteField("txtString168", None),
5613             ByteField("txtString169", None),
5614             ByteField("txtString170", None),
5615             ByteField("txtString171", None),
5616             ByteField("txtString172", None),
5617             ByteField("txtString173", None),
5618             ByteField("txtString174", None),
5619             ByteField("txtString175", None),
5620             ByteField("txtString176", None),
5621             ByteField("txtString177", None),
5622             ByteField("txtString178", None),
5623             ByteField("txtString179", None),
5624             ByteField("txtString180", None),
5625             ByteField("txtString181", None),
5626             ByteField("txtString182", None),
5627             ByteField("txtString183", None),
5628             ByteField("txtString184", None),
5629             ByteField("txtString185", None),
5630             ByteField("txtString186", None),
5631             ByteField("txtString187", None),
5632             ByteField("txtString188", None),
5633             ByteField("txtString189", None),
5634             ByteField("txtString190", None),
5635             ByteField("txtString191", None),
5636             ByteField("txtString192", None),
5637             ByteField("txtString193", None),
5638             ByteField("txtString194", None),
5639             ByteField("txtString195", None),
5640             ByteField("txtString196", None),
5641             ByteField("txtString197", None),
5642             ByteField("txtString198", None),
5643             ByteField("txtString199", None),
5644             ByteField("txtString200", None),
5645             ByteField("txtString201", None),
5646             ByteField("txtString202", None),
5647             ByteField("txtString203", None),
5648             ByteField("txtString204", None),
5649             ByteField("txtString205", None),
5650             ByteField("txtString206", None),
5651             ByteField("txtString207", None),
5652             ByteField("txtString208", None),
5653             ByteField("txtString209", None),
5654             ByteField("txtString210", None),
5655             ByteField("txtString211", None),
5656             ByteField("txtString212", None),
5657             ByteField("txtString213", None),
5658             ByteField("txtString214", None),
5659             ByteField("txtString215", None),
5660             ByteField("txtString216", None),
5661             ByteField("txtString217", None),
5662             ByteField("txtString218", None),
5663             ByteField("txtString219", None),
5664             ByteField("txtString220", None),
5665             ByteField("txtString221", None),
5666             ByteField("txtString222", None),
5667             ByteField("txtString223", None),
5668             ByteField("txtString224", None),
5669             ByteField("txtString225", None),
5670             ByteField("txtString226", None),
5671             ByteField("txtString227", None),
5672             ByteField("txtString228", None),
5673             ByteField("txtString229", None),
5674             ByteField("txtString230", None),
5675             ByteField("txtString231", None),
5676             ByteField("txtString232", None),
5677             ByteField("txtString233", None),
5678             ByteField("txtString234", None),
5679             ByteField("txtString235", None),
5680             ByteField("txtString236", None),
5681             ByteField("txtString237", None),
5682             ByteField("txtString238", None),
5683             ByteField("txtString239", None),
5684             ByteField("txtString240", None),
5685             ByteField("txtString241", None),
5686             ByteField("txtString242", None),
5687             ByteField("txtString243", None),
5688             ByteField("txtString244", None),
5689             ByteField("txtString245", None),
5690             ByteField("txtString246", None),
5691             ByteField("txtString247", None),
5692             ByteField("txtString248", None)
5693             ]
5695    def post_build(self, p, pay):
5696        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
5697        res = adapt(3, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
5698        if self.lengthNN is None:
5699            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
5700        if res[0] != 0:
5701            p = p[:-res[0]]
5702        return p + pay
5705class RejectCause(Packet):
5706    """Reject cause Section"""
5707    name = "Reject Cause"
5708    fields_desc = [
5709             ByteField("ieiRC", 0x0),
5710             ByteField("rejCause", 0x0)
5711             ]
5714class FollowOnProceed(Packet):
5715    """Follow-on Proceed Section"""
5716    name = "Follow-on Proceed"
5717    fields_desc = [
5718             ByteField("ieiFOP", 0x0),
5719             ]
5722class TimeZoneHdr(Packet):
5723    """Time Zone  Section"""
5724    name = "Time Zone"
5725    fields_desc = [
5726             BitField("eightBitTZ", None, 1),
5727             XBitField("ieiTZ", None, 7),
5728             ByteField("timeZone", 0x0),
5729             ]
5732class TimeZoneAndTimeHdr(Packet):
5733    """Time Zone and Time Section"""
5734    name = "Time Zone and Time"
5735    fields_desc = [
5736             BitField("eightBitTZAT", None, 1),
5737             XBitField("ieiTZAT", None, 7),
5738             ByteField("year", 0x0),
5739             ByteField("month", 0x0),
5740             ByteField("day", 0x0),
5741             ByteField("hour", 0x0),
5742             ByteField("minute", 0x0),
5743             ByteField("second", 0x0),
5744             ByteField("timeZone", 0x0)
5745             ]
5748class CtsPermissionHdr(Packet):
5749    """CTS permission Section"""
5750    name = "Cts Permission"
5751    fields_desc = [
5752             BitField("eightBitCP", None, 1),
5753             XBitField("ieiCP", None, 7),
5754             ]
5757class LsaIdentifierHdr(Packet):
5758    """LSA Identifier Section"""
5759    name = "Lsa Identifier"
5760    fields_desc = [
5761             BitField("eightBitLI", None, 1),
5762             XBitField("ieiLI", None, 7),
5763             ByteField("lsaID", 0x0),
5764             ByteField("lsaID1", 0x0),
5765             ByteField("lsaID2", 0x0)
5766             ]
5770# 10.5.4 Call control information elements
5773# Extensions of codesets
5774# This is only text and no  packet
5776class LockingShiftProcedureHdr(Packet):
5777    """Locking shift procedure Section"""
5778    name = "Locking Shift Procedure"
5779    fields_desc = [
5780             XBitField("ieiLSP", None, 4),
5781             BitField("lockShift", 0x0, 1),
5782             BitField("codesetId", 0x0, 3)
5783             ]
5786class NonLockingShiftProcedureHdr(Packet):
5787    """Non-locking shift procedure Section"""
5788    name = "Non-locking Shift Procedure"
5789    fields_desc = [
5790             XBitField("ieiNLSP", None, 4),
5791             BitField("nonLockShift", 0x1, 1),
5792             BitField("codesetId", 0x0, 3)
5793             ]
5796class AuxiliaryStatesHdr(Packet):
5797    """Auxiliary states Section"""
5798    name = "Auxiliary States"
5799    fields_desc = [
5800             BitField("eightBitAS", None, 1),
5801             XBitField("ieiAS", None, 7),
5802             XByteField("lengthAS", 0x3),
5803             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
5804             BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
5805             BitField("holdState", 0x0, 2),
5806             BitField("mptyState", 0x0, 2)
5807             ]
5810# len 3 to 15
5811class BearerCapabilityHdr(Packet):
5812    """Bearer capability Section"""
5813    name = "Bearer Capability"
5814    fields_desc = [
5815             BitField("eightBitBC", None, 1),
5816             XBitField("ieiBC", None, 7),
5818             XByteField("lengthBC", None),
5820             BitField("ext0", 0x1, 1),
5821             BitField("radioChReq", 0x1, 2),
5822             BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 1),
5823             BitField("transMode", 0x0, 1),
5824             BitField("infoTransCa", 0x0, 3),
5825             # optional
5826             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
5827                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
5828             ConditionalField(BitField("coding", None, 1),
5829                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
5830             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 2),
5831                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
5832             ConditionalField(BitField("speechVers", 0x0, 4),
5833                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
5835             ConditionalField(BitField("ext2", 0x1, 1),
5836                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
5837             ConditionalField(BitField("compress", None, 1),
5838                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
5839             ConditionalField(BitField("structure", None, 2),
5840                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
5841             ConditionalField(BitField("dupMode", None, 1),
5842                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
5843             ConditionalField(BitField("config", None, 1),
5844                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
5845             ConditionalField(BitField("nirr", None, 1),
5846                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
5847             ConditionalField(BitField("establi", 0x0, 1),
5848                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
5850             BitField("ext3", None, 1),
5851             BitField("accessId", None, 2),
5852             BitField("rateAda", None, 2),
5853             BitField("signaling", None, 3),
5855             ConditionalField(BitField("ext4", None, 1),
5856                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
5857             ConditionalField(BitField("otherITC", None, 2),
5858                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
5859             ConditionalField(BitField("otherRate", None, 2),
5860                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
5861             ConditionalField(BitField("spare1", 0x0, 3),
5862                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
5864             ConditionalField(BitField("ext5", 0x1, 1),
5865                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
5866             ConditionalField(BitField("hdr", None, 1),
5867                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
5868             ConditionalField(BitField("multiFr", None, 1),
5869                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
5870             ConditionalField(BitField("mode", None, 1),
5871                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
5872             ConditionalField(BitField("lli", None, 1),
5873                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
5874             ConditionalField(BitField("assig", None, 1),
5875                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
5876             ConditionalField(BitField("inbNeg", None, 1),
5877                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
5878             ConditionalField(BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
5879                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
5881             BitField("ext6", None, 1),
5882             BitField("layer1Id", None, 2),
5883             BitField("userInf", None, 4),
5884             BitField("sync", None, 1),
5886             ConditionalField(BitField("ext7", None, 1),
5887                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
5888             ConditionalField(BitField("stopBit", None, 1),
5889                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
5890             ConditionalField(BitField("negoc", None, 1),
5891                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
5892             ConditionalField(BitField("nbDataBit", None, 1),
5893                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
5894             ConditionalField(BitField("userRate", None, 4),
5895                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
5897             ConditionalField(BitField("ext8", None, 1),
5898                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
5899             ConditionalField(BitField("interRate", None, 2),
5900                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
5901             ConditionalField(BitField("nicTX", None, 1),
5902                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
5903             ConditionalField(BitField("nicRX", None, 1),
5904                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
5905             ConditionalField(BitField("parity", None, 3),
5906                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
5908             ConditionalField(BitField("ext9", None, 1),
5909                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
5910             ConditionalField(BitField("connEle", None, 2),
5911                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
5912             ConditionalField(BitField("modemType", None, 5),
5913                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
5915             ConditionalField(BitField("ext10", None, 1),
5916                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
5917             ConditionalField(BitField("otherModemType", None, 2),
5918                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
5919             ConditionalField(BitField("netUserRate", None, 5),
5920                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
5922             ConditionalField(BitField("ext11", None, 1),
5923                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
5924             ConditionalField(BitField("chanCoding", None, 4),
5925                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
5926             ConditionalField(BitField("maxTrafficChan", None, 3),
5927                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
5929             ConditionalField(BitField("ext12", None, 1),
5930                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
5931             ConditionalField(BitField("uimi", None, 3),
5932                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
5933             ConditionalField(BitField("airInterfaceUserRate", None, 4),
5934                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
5936             ConditionalField(BitField("ext13", 0x1, 1),
5937                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0),
5938             ConditionalField(BitField("layer2Ch", None, 2),
5939                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0),
5940             ConditionalField(BitField("userInfoL2", 0x0, 5),
5941                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0)
5942             ]
5944    # We have a bug here. packet is not working if used in message
5945    def post_build(self, p, pay):
5946        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
5947        res = adapt(3, 15, a, self.fields_desc)
5948        if res[0] != 0:
5949            p = p[:-res[0]]
5950        # avoids a bug. find better way
5951        if len(p) is 5:
5952            p = p[:-2]
5953        if self.lengthBC is None:
5954            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-3) + p[2:]
5955        return p + pay
5958class CallControlCapabilitiesHdr(Packet):
5959    """Call Control Capabilities Section"""
5960    name = "Call Control Capabilities"
5961    fields_desc = [
5962             BitField("eightBitCCC", None, 1),
5963             XBitField("ieiCCC", None, 7),
5964             XByteField("lengthCCC", 0x3),
5965             BitField("spare", 0x0, 6),
5966             BitField("pcp", 0x0, 1),
5967             BitField("dtmf", 0x0, 1)
5968             ]
5971class CallStateHdr(Packet):
5972    """Call State Section"""
5973    name = "Call State"
5974    fields_desc = [
5975             BitField("eightBitCS", None, 1),
5976             XBitField("ieiCS", None, 7),
5977             BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
5978             BitField("stateValue", 0x0, 6)
5979             ]
5982# len 3 to 43
5983class CalledPartyBcdNumberHdr(Packet):
5984    """Called party BCD number Section"""
5985    name = "Called Party BCD Number"
5986    fields_desc = [
5987             BitField("eightBitCPBN", None, 1),
5988             XBitField("ieiCPBN", None, 7),
5989             XByteField("lengthCPBN", None),
5990             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
5991             BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
5992             BitField("nbPlanId", 0x0, 4),
5993             # optional
5994             BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
5995             BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
5996             BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
5997             BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
5999             BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
6000             BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
6001             BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
6002             BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
6004             BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
6005             BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
6006             BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
6007             BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
6009             BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
6010             BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
6011             BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
6012             BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
6014             BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
6015             BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
6016             BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
6017             BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
6019             BitField("nbDigit22", None, 4),
6020             BitField("nbDigit21", None, 4),
6021             BitField("nbDigit24", None, 4),
6022             BitField("nbDigit23", None, 4),
6024             BitField("nbDigit26", None, 4),
6025             BitField("nbDigit25", None, 4),
6026             BitField("nbDigit28", None, 4),
6027             BitField("nbDigit27", None, 4),
6029             BitField("nbDigit30", None, 4),
6030             BitField("nbDigit29", None, 4),
6031             BitField("nbDigit32", None, 4),
6032             BitField("nbDigit31", None, 4),
6034             BitField("nbDigit34", None, 4),
6035             BitField("nbDigit33", None, 4),
6036             BitField("nbDigit36", None, 4),
6037             BitField("nbDigit35", None, 4),
6039             BitField("nbDigit38", None, 4),
6040             BitField("nbDigit37", None, 4),
6041             BitField("nbDigit40", None, 4),
6042             BitField("nbDigit39", None, 4),
6043# ^^^^^^ 20 first optional bytes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
6044             BitField("nbDigit42", None, 4),
6045             BitField("nbDigit41", None, 4),
6046             BitField("nbDigit44", None, 4),
6047             BitField("nbDigit43", None, 4),
6049             BitField("nbDigit46", None, 4),
6050             BitField("nbDigit45", None, 4),
6051             BitField("nbDigit48", None, 4),
6052             BitField("nbDigit47", None, 4),
6054             BitField("nbDigit50", None, 4),
6055             BitField("nbDigit49", None, 4),
6056             BitField("nbDigit52", None, 4),
6057             BitField("nbDigit51", None, 4),
6059             BitField("nbDigit54", None, 4),
6060             BitField("nbDigit53", None, 4),
6061             BitField("nbDigit56", None, 4),
6062             BitField("nbDigit55", None, 4),
6064             BitField("nbDigit58", None, 4),
6065             BitField("nbDigit57", None, 4),
6066             BitField("nbDigit60", None, 4),
6067             BitField("nbDigit59", None, 4),
6069             BitField("nbDigit62", None, 4),
6070             BitField("nbDigit61", None, 4),
6071             BitField("nbDigit64", None, 4),
6072             BitField("nbDigit63", None, 4),
6074             BitField("nbDigit66", None, 4),
6075             BitField("nbDigit65", None, 4),
6076             BitField("nbDigit68", None, 4),
6077             BitField("nbDigit67", None, 4),
6079             BitField("nbDigit70", None, 4),
6080             BitField("nbDigit69", None, 4),
6081             BitField("nbDigit72", None, 4),
6082             BitField("nbDigit71", None, 4),
6084             BitField("nbDigit74", None, 4),
6085             BitField("nbDigit73", None, 4),
6086             BitField("nbDigit76", None, 4),
6087             BitField("nbDigit75", None, 4),
6089             BitField("nbDigit78", None, 4),
6090             BitField("nbDigit77", None, 4),
6091             BitField("nbDigit80", None, 4),
6092             BitField("nbDigit79", None, 4),
6093             ]
6095    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6096        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6097        res = adapt(3, 43, a, self.fields_desc, 2)
6098        if self.lengthCPBN is None:
6099            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
6100        if res[0] != 0:
6101            p = p[:-res[0]]
6102        return p + pay
6105# len 2 to 23
6106class CalledPartySubaddressHdr(Packet):
6107    """Called party subaddress Section"""
6108    name = "Called Party Subaddress"
6109    fields_desc = [
6110             BitField("eightBitCPS", None, 1),
6111             XBitField("ieiCPS", None, 7),
6112             XByteField("lengthCPS", None),
6113             # optional
6114             BitField("ext", None, 1),
6115             BitField("subAddr", None, 3),
6116             BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
6117             BitField("spare", None, 3),
6119             ByteField("subInfo0", None),
6120             ByteField("subInfo1", None),
6121             ByteField("subInfo2", None),
6122             ByteField("subInfo3", None),
6123             ByteField("subInfo4", None),
6124             ByteField("subInfo5", None),
6125             ByteField("subInfo6", None),
6126             ByteField("subInfo7", None),
6127             ByteField("subInfo8", None),
6128             ByteField("subInfo9", None),
6129             ByteField("subInfo10", None),
6130             ByteField("subInfo11", None),
6131             ByteField("subInfo12", None),
6132             ByteField("subInfo13", None),
6133             ByteField("subInfo14", None),
6134             ByteField("subInfo15", None),
6135             ByteField("subInfo16", None),
6136             ByteField("subInfo17", None),
6137             ByteField("subInfo18", None),
6138             ByteField("subInfo19", None)
6139             ]
6141    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6142        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6143        res = adapt(2, 23,  a, self.fields_desc)
6144        if self.lengthCPS is None:
6145            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
6146        if res[0] != 0:
6147            p = p[:-res[0]]
6148        return p + pay
6151# len 3 to 14
6152class CallingPartyBcdNumberHdr(Packet):
6153    """Called party subaddress Section"""
6154    name = "Called Party Subaddress"
6155    fields_desc = [
6156             BitField("eightBitCPBN", None, 1),
6157             XBitField("ieiCPBN", None, 7),
6158             XByteField("lengthCPBN", None),
6159             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
6160             BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
6161             BitField("nbPlanId", 0x0, 4),
6162             # optional
6163             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
6164                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6165             ConditionalField(BitField("presId", None, 2),
6166                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6167             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 3),
6168                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6169             ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", 0x0, 2),
6170                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6172             BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
6173             BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
6175             BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
6176             BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
6178             BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
6179             BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
6181             BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
6182             BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
6184             BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
6185             BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
6187             BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
6188             BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
6190             BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
6191             BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
6193             BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
6194             BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
6196             BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
6197             BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
6199             BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
6200             BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
6201             ]
6203    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6204        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6205        res = adapt(4, 14, a, self.fields_desc)
6206        if res[0] != 0:
6207            p = p[:-res[0]]
6208        if self.lengthCPBN is None:
6209            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
6210        return p + pay
6213# len 2 to 23
6214class CallingPartySubaddressHdr(Packet):
6215    """Calling party subaddress  Section"""
6216    name = "Calling Party Subaddress"
6217    fields_desc = [
6218             BitField("eightBitCPS", None, 1),
6219             XBitField("ieiCPS", None, 7),
6220             XByteField("lengthCPS", None),
6221             # optional
6222             BitField("ext1", None, 1),
6223             BitField("typeAddr", None, 3),
6224             BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
6225             BitField("spare", None, 3),
6227             ByteField("subInfo0", None),
6228             ByteField("subInfo1", None),
6229             ByteField("subInfo2", None),
6230             ByteField("subInfo3", None),
6231             ByteField("subInfo4", None),
6232             ByteField("subInfo5", None),
6233             ByteField("subInfo6", None),
6234             ByteField("subInfo7", None),
6235             ByteField("subInfo8", None),
6236             ByteField("subInfo9", None),
6237             ByteField("subInfo10", None),
6238             ByteField("subInfo11", None),
6239             ByteField("subInfo12", None),
6240             ByteField("subInfo13", None),
6241             ByteField("subInfo14", None),
6242             ByteField("subInfo15", None),
6243             ByteField("subInfo16", None),
6244             ByteField("subInfo17", None),
6245             ByteField("subInfo18", None),
6246             ByteField("subInfo19", None)
6247             ]
6249    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6250        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6251        res = adapt(2, 23, a, self.fields_desc)
6252        if self.lengthCPS is None:
6253            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
6254        if res[0] != 0:
6255            p = p[:-res[0]]
6256        return p + pay
6259# len 4 to 32
6260class CauseHdr(Packet):
6261    """Cause Section"""
6262    name = "Cause"
6263    fields_desc = [
6264             BitField("eightBitC", None, 1),
6265             XBitField("ieiC", None, 7),
6267             XByteField("lengthC", None),
6269             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
6270             BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
6271             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
6272             BitField("location", 0x0, 4),
6274             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
6275                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6276             ConditionalField(BitField("recommendation", 0x0, 7),
6277                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6278             # optional
6279             BitField("ext2", None, 1),
6280             BitField("causeValue", None, 7),
6282             ByteField("diagnositc0", None),
6283             ByteField("diagnositc1", None),
6284             ByteField("diagnositc2", None),
6285             ByteField("diagnositc3", None),
6286             ByteField("diagnositc4", None),
6287             ByteField("diagnositc5", None),
6288             ByteField("diagnositc6", None),
6289             ByteField("diagnositc7", None),
6290             ByteField("diagnositc8", None),
6291             ByteField("diagnositc9", None),
6292             ByteField("diagnositc10", None),
6293             ByteField("diagnositc11", None),
6294             ByteField("diagnositc12", None),
6295             ByteField("diagnositc13", None),
6296             ByteField("diagnositc14", None),
6297             ByteField("diagnositc15", None),
6298             ByteField("diagnositc16", None),
6299             ByteField("diagnositc17", None),
6300             ByteField("diagnositc18", None),
6301             ByteField("diagnositc19", None),
6302             ByteField("diagnositc20", None),
6303             ByteField("diagnositc21", None),
6304             ByteField("diagnositc22", None),
6305             ByteField("diagnositc23", None),
6306             ByteField("diagnositc24", None),
6307             ByteField("diagnositc25", None),
6308             ByteField("diagnositc26", None),
6309             ]
6311    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6312        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6313        res = adapt(4, 32, a, self.fields_desc)
6314        if res[0] != 0:
6315            p = p[:-res[0]]
6316        if self.lengthC is None:
6317            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
6318        return p + pay
6321class ClirSuppressionHdr(Packet):
6322    """CLIR suppression Section"""
6323    name = "Clir Suppression"
6324    fields_desc = [
6325             BitField("eightBitCS", None, 1),
6326             XBitField("ieiCS", None, 7),
6327             ]
6330class ClirInvocationHdr(Packet):
6331    """CLIR invocation Section"""
6332    name = "Clir Invocation"
6333    fields_desc = [
6334             BitField("eightBitCI", None, 1),
6335             XBitField("ieiCI", None, 7),
6336             ]
6339class CongestionLevelHdr(Packet):
6340    """Congestion level Section"""
6341    name = "Congestion Level"
6342    fields_desc = [
6343             XBitField("ieiCL", None, 4),
6344             BitField("notDef", 0x0, 4)
6345             ]
6348# Fix 1/2 len problem
6349class CongestionLevelAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
6350    name = "Congestion Level and Spare Half Octets"
6351    fields_desc = [
6352             BitField("ieiCL", 0x0, 4),
6353             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
6354             ]
6357# len 3 to 14
6358class ConnectedNumberHdr(Packet):
6359    """Connected number Section"""
6360    name = "Connected Number"
6361    fields_desc = [
6362             BitField("eightBitCN", None, 1),
6363             XBitField("ieiCN", None, 7),
6365             XByteField("lengthCN", None),
6367             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
6368             BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
6369             BitField("typePlanId", 0x0, 4),
6370             # optional
6371             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
6372                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6373             ConditionalField(BitField("presId", None, 2),
6374                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6375             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 3),
6376                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6377             ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", None, 2),
6378                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6380             BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
6381             BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
6383             BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
6384             BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
6386             BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
6387             BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
6389             BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
6390             BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
6392             BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
6393             BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
6395             BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
6396             BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
6398             BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
6399             BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
6401             BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
6402             BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
6404             BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
6405             BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
6407             BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
6408             BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4)
6409             ]
6411    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6412        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6413        res = adapt(3, 14, a, self.fields_desc)
6414        if res[0] != 0:
6415            p = p[:-res[0]]
6416        if self.lengthCN is None:
6417            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
6418        return p + pay
6421# len 2 to 23
6422class ConnectedSubaddressHdr(Packet):
6423    """Connected subaddress Section"""
6424    name = "Connected Subaddress"
6425    fields_desc = [
6426             BitField("eightBitCS", None, 1),
6427             XBitField("ieiCS", None, 7),
6429             XByteField("lengthCS", None),
6430             # optional
6431             BitField("ext", None, 1),
6432             BitField("typeOfSub", None, 3),
6433             BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
6434             BitField("spare", None, 3),
6436             ByteField("subInfo0", None),
6437             ByteField("subInfo1", None),
6438             ByteField("subInfo2", None),
6439             ByteField("subInfo3", None),
6440             ByteField("subInfo4", None),
6441             ByteField("subInfo5", None),
6442             ByteField("subInfo6", None),
6443             ByteField("subInfo7", None),
6444             ByteField("subInfo8", None),
6445             ByteField("subInfo9", None),
6446             ByteField("subInfo10", None),
6447             ByteField("subInfo11", None),
6448             ByteField("subInfo12", None),
6449             ByteField("subInfo13", None),
6450             ByteField("subInfo14", None),
6451             ByteField("subInfo15", None),
6452             ByteField("subInfo16", None),
6453             ByteField("subInfo17", None),
6454             ByteField("subInfo18", None),
6455             ByteField("subInfo19", None)
6456             ]
6458    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6459        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6460        res = adapt(2, 23, a, self.fields_desc)
6461        if self.lengthCS is None:
6462            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
6463        if res[0] != 0:
6464            p = p[:-res[0]]
6465        return p + pay
6468# len 2 to L3 (251) (done)
6469class FacilityHdr(Packet):
6470    """Facility Section"""
6471    name = "Facility"
6472    fields_desc = [
6473             BitField("eightBitF", None, 1),
6474             XBitField("ieiF", None, 7),
6475             XByteField("lengthF", None),
6476             # optional
6477             ByteField("facilityInfo1", None),
6478             ByteField("facilityInfo2", None),
6479             ByteField("facilityInfo3", None),
6480             ByteField("facilityInfo4", None),
6481             ByteField("facilityInfo5", None),
6482             ByteField("facilityInfo6", None),
6483             ByteField("facilityInfo7", None),
6484             ByteField("facilityInfo8", None),
6485             ByteField("facilityInfo9", None),
6486             ByteField("facilityInfo10", None),
6487             ByteField("facilityInfo11", None),
6488             ByteField("facilityInfo12", None),
6489             ByteField("facilityInfo13", None),
6490             ByteField("facilityInfo14", None),
6491             ByteField("facilityInfo15", None),
6492             ByteField("facilityInfo16", None),
6493             ByteField("facilityInfo17", None),
6494             ByteField("facilityInfo18", None),
6495             ByteField("facilityInfo19", None),
6496             ByteField("facilityInfo20", None),
6497             ByteField("facilityInfo21", None),
6498             ByteField("facilityInfo22", None),
6499             ByteField("facilityInfo23", None),
6500             ByteField("facilityInfo24", None),
6501             ByteField("facilityInfo25", None),
6502             ByteField("facilityInfo26", None),
6503             ByteField("facilityInfo27", None),
6504             ByteField("facilityInfo28", None),
6505             ByteField("facilityInfo29", None),
6506             ByteField("facilityInfo30", None),
6507             ByteField("facilityInfo31", None),
6508             ByteField("facilityInfo32", None),
6509             ByteField("facilityInfo33", None),
6510             ByteField("facilityInfo34", None),
6511             ByteField("facilityInfo35", None),
6512             ByteField("facilityInfo36", None),
6513             ByteField("facilityInfo37", None),
6514             ByteField("facilityInfo38", None),
6515             ByteField("facilityInfo39", None),
6516             ByteField("facilityInfo40", None),
6517             ByteField("facilityInfo41", None),
6518             ByteField("facilityInfo42", None),
6519             ByteField("facilityInfo43", None),
6520             ByteField("facilityInfo44", None),
6521             ByteField("facilityInfo45", None),
6522             ByteField("facilityInfo46", None),
6523             ByteField("facilityInfo47", None),
6524             ByteField("facilityInfo48", None),
6525             ByteField("facilityInfo49", None),
6526             ByteField("facilityInfo50", None),
6527             ByteField("facilityInfo51", None),
6528             ByteField("facilityInfo52", None),
6529             ByteField("facilityInfo53", None),
6530             ByteField("facilityInfo54", None),
6531             ByteField("facilityInfo55", None),
6532             ByteField("facilityInfo56", None),
6533             ByteField("facilityInfo57", None),
6534             ByteField("facilityInfo58", None),
6535             ByteField("facilityInfo59", None),
6536             ByteField("facilityInfo60", None),
6537             ByteField("facilityInfo61", None),
6538             ByteField("facilityInfo62", None),
6539             ByteField("facilityInfo63", None),
6540             ByteField("facilityInfo64", None),
6541             ByteField("facilityInfo65", None),
6542             ByteField("facilityInfo66", None),
6543             ByteField("facilityInfo67", None),
6544             ByteField("facilityInfo68", None),
6545             ByteField("facilityInfo69", None),
6546             ByteField("facilityInfo70", None),
6547             ByteField("facilityInfo71", None),
6548             ByteField("facilityInfo72", None),
6549             ByteField("facilityInfo73", None),
6550             ByteField("facilityInfo74", None),
6551             ByteField("facilityInfo75", None),
6552             ByteField("facilityInfo76", None),
6553             ByteField("facilityInfo77", None),
6554             ByteField("facilityInfo78", None),
6555             ByteField("facilityInfo79", None),
6556             ByteField("facilityInfo80", None),
6557             ByteField("facilityInfo81", None),
6558             ByteField("facilityInfo82", None),
6559             ByteField("facilityInfo83", None),
6560             ByteField("facilityInfo84", None),
6561             ByteField("facilityInfo85", None),
6562             ByteField("facilityInfo86", None),
6563             ByteField("facilityInfo87", None),
6564             ByteField("facilityInfo88", None),
6565             ByteField("facilityInfo89", None),
6566             ByteField("facilityInfo90", None),
6567             ByteField("facilityInfo91", None),
6568             ByteField("facilityInfo92", None),
6569             ByteField("facilityInfo93", None),
6570             ByteField("facilityInfo94", None),
6571             ByteField("facilityInfo95", None),
6572             ByteField("facilityInfo96", None),
6573             ByteField("facilityInfo97", None),
6574             ByteField("facilityInfo98", None),
6575             ByteField("facilityInfo99", None),
6576             ByteField("facilityInfo100", None),
6577             ByteField("facilityInfo101", None),
6578             ByteField("facilityInfo102", None),
6579             ByteField("facilityInfo103", None),
6580             ByteField("facilityInfo104", None),
6581             ByteField("facilityInfo105", None),
6582             ByteField("facilityInfo106", None),
6583             ByteField("facilityInfo107", None),
6584             ByteField("facilityInfo108", None),
6585             ByteField("facilityInfo109", None),
6586             ByteField("facilityInfo110", None),
6587             ByteField("facilityInfo111", None),
6588             ByteField("facilityInfo112", None),
6589             ByteField("facilityInfo113", None),
6590             ByteField("facilityInfo114", None),
6591             ByteField("facilityInfo115", None),
6592             ByteField("facilityInfo116", None),
6593             ByteField("facilityInfo117", None),
6594             ByteField("facilityInfo118", None),
6595             ByteField("facilityInfo119", None),
6596             ByteField("facilityInfo120", None),
6597             ByteField("facilityInfo121", None),
6598             ByteField("facilityInfo122", None),
6599             ByteField("facilityInfo123", None),
6600             ByteField("facilityInfo124", None),
6601             ByteField("facilityInfo125", None),
6602             ByteField("facilityInfo126", None),
6603             ByteField("facilityInfo127", None),
6604             ByteField("facilityInfo128", None),
6605             ByteField("facilityInfo129", None),
6606             ByteField("facilityInfo130", None),
6607             ByteField("facilityInfo131", None),
6608             ByteField("facilityInfo132", None),
6609             ByteField("facilityInfo133", None),
6610             ByteField("facilityInfo134", None),
6611             ByteField("facilityInfo135", None),
6612             ByteField("facilityInfo136", None),
6613             ByteField("facilityInfo137", None),
6614             ByteField("facilityInfo138", None),
6615             ByteField("facilityInfo139", None),
6616             ByteField("facilityInfo140", None),
6617             ByteField("facilityInfo141", None),
6618             ByteField("facilityInfo142", None),
6619             ByteField("facilityInfo143", None),
6620             ByteField("facilityInfo144", None),
6621             ByteField("facilityInfo145", None),
6622             ByteField("facilityInfo146", None),
6623             ByteField("facilityInfo147", None),
6624             ByteField("facilityInfo148", None),
6625             ByteField("facilityInfo149", None),
6626             ByteField("facilityInfo150", None),
6627             ByteField("facilityInfo151", None),
6628             ByteField("facilityInfo152", None),
6629             ByteField("facilityInfo153", None),
6630             ByteField("facilityInfo154", None),
6631             ByteField("facilityInfo155", None),
6632             ByteField("facilityInfo156", None),
6633             ByteField("facilityInfo157", None),
6634             ByteField("facilityInfo158", None),
6635             ByteField("facilityInfo159", None),
6636             ByteField("facilityInfo160", None),
6637             ByteField("facilityInfo161", None),
6638             ByteField("facilityInfo162", None),
6639             ByteField("facilityInfo163", None),
6640             ByteField("facilityInfo164", None),
6641             ByteField("facilityInfo165", None),
6642             ByteField("facilityInfo166", None),
6643             ByteField("facilityInfo167", None),
6644             ByteField("facilityInfo168", None),
6645             ByteField("facilityInfo169", None),
6646             ByteField("facilityInfo170", None),
6647             ByteField("facilityInfo171", None),
6648             ByteField("facilityInfo172", None),
6649             ByteField("facilityInfo173", None),
6650             ByteField("facilityInfo174", None),
6651             ByteField("facilityInfo175", None),
6652             ByteField("facilityInfo176", None),
6653             ByteField("facilityInfo177", None),
6654             ByteField("facilityInfo178", None),
6655             ByteField("facilityInfo179", None),
6656             ByteField("facilityInfo180", None),
6657             ByteField("facilityInfo181", None),
6658             ByteField("facilityInfo182", None),
6659             ByteField("facilityInfo183", None),
6660             ByteField("facilityInfo184", None),
6661             ByteField("facilityInfo185", None),
6662             ByteField("facilityInfo186", None),
6663             ByteField("facilityInfo187", None),
6664             ByteField("facilityInfo188", None),
6665             ByteField("facilityInfo189", None),
6666             ByteField("facilityInfo190", None),
6667             ByteField("facilityInfo191", None),
6668             ByteField("facilityInfo192", None),
6669             ByteField("facilityInfo193", None),
6670             ByteField("facilityInfo194", None),
6671             ByteField("facilityInfo195", None),
6672             ByteField("facilityInfo196", None),
6673             ByteField("facilityInfo197", None),
6674             ByteField("facilityInfo198", None),
6675             ByteField("facilityInfo199", None),
6676             ByteField("facilityInfo200", None),
6677             ByteField("facilityInfo201", None),
6678             ByteField("facilityInfo202", None),
6679             ByteField("facilityInfo203", None),
6680             ByteField("facilityInfo204", None),
6681             ByteField("facilityInfo205", None),
6682             ByteField("facilityInfo206", None),
6683             ByteField("facilityInfo207", None),
6684             ByteField("facilityInfo208", None),
6685             ByteField("facilityInfo209", None),
6686             ByteField("facilityInfo210", None),
6687             ByteField("facilityInfo211", None),
6688             ByteField("facilityInfo212", None),
6689             ByteField("facilityInfo213", None),
6690             ByteField("facilityInfo214", None),
6691             ByteField("facilityInfo215", None),
6692             ByteField("facilityInfo216", None),
6693             ByteField("facilityInfo217", None),
6694             ByteField("facilityInfo218", None),
6695             ByteField("facilityInfo219", None),
6696             ByteField("facilityInfo220", None),
6697             ByteField("facilityInfo221", None),
6698             ByteField("facilityInfo222", None),
6699             ByteField("facilityInfo223", None),
6700             ByteField("facilityInfo224", None),
6701             ByteField("facilityInfo225", None),
6702             ByteField("facilityInfo226", None),
6703             ByteField("facilityInfo227", None),
6704             ByteField("facilityInfo228", None),
6705             ByteField("facilityInfo229", None),
6706             ByteField("facilityInfo230", None),
6707             ByteField("facilityInfo231", None),
6708             ByteField("facilityInfo232", None),
6709             ByteField("facilityInfo233", None),
6710             ByteField("facilityInfo234", None),
6711             ByteField("facilityInfo235", None),
6712             ByteField("facilityInfo236", None),
6713             ByteField("facilityInfo237", None),
6714             ByteField("facilityInfo238", None),
6715             ByteField("facilityInfo239", None),
6716             ByteField("facilityInfo240", None),
6717             ByteField("facilityInfo241", None),
6718             ByteField("facilityInfo242", None),
6719             ByteField("facilityInfo243", None),
6720             ByteField("facilityInfo244", None),
6721             ByteField("facilityInfo245", None),
6722             ByteField("facilityInfo246", None),
6723             ByteField("facilityInfo247", None),
6724             ByteField("facilityInfo248", None),
6725             ByteField("facilityInfo249", None)
6726             ]
6728    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6729        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6730        res = adapt(2, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
6731        if self.lengthF is None:
6732            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
6733        if res[0] != 0:
6734            p = p[:-res[0]]
6735        return p + pay
6738#len 2 to 5
6739class HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(Packet):
6740    """High layer compatibility Section"""
6741    name = "High Layer Compatibility"
6742    fields_desc = [
6743             BitField("eightBitHLC", None, 1),
6744             XBitField("ieiHLC", None, 7),
6746             XByteField("lengthHLC", None),
6747             # optional
6748             BitField("ext", None, 1),
6749             BitField("codingStd", None, 2),
6750             BitField("interpret", None, 3),
6751             BitField("presMeth", None, 2),
6753             BitField("ext1", None, 1),
6754             BitField("highLayerId", None, 7),
6756             ConditionalField(BitField("ext2", 0x1, 1),
6757                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
6758             ConditionalField(BitField("exHiLayerId", 0x0, 7),
6759                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0)
6760             ]
6762    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6763        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6764        res = adapt(2, 5, a, self.fields_desc)
6765        if res[0] != 0:
6766            p = p[:-res[0]]
6767        if self.lengthHLC is None:
6768            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
6769        return p + pay
6771#           Static conditions for the high layer
6772# compatibility IE contents
6776class KeypadFacilityHdr(Packet):
6777    """Keypad facility Section"""
6778    name = "Keypad Facility"
6779    fields_desc = [
6780             BitField("eightBitKF", None, 1),
6781             XBitField("ieiKF", None, 7),
6782             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
6783             BitField("keyPadInfo", 0x0, 7)
6784             ]
6787# len 2 to 15
6788class LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(Packet):
6789    """Low layer compatibility Section"""
6790    name = "Low Layer Compatibility"
6791    fields_desc = [
6792             BitField("eightBitLLC", None, 1),
6793             XBitField("ieiLLC", None, 7),
6795             XByteField("lengthLLC", None),
6796             # optional
6797             ByteField("rest0", None),
6798             ByteField("rest1", None),
6799             ByteField("rest2", None),
6800             ByteField("rest3", None),
6801             ByteField("rest4", None),
6802             ByteField("rest5", None),
6803             ByteField("rest6", None),
6804             ByteField("rest7", None),
6805             ByteField("rest8", None),
6806             ByteField("rest9", None),
6807             ByteField("rest10", None),
6808             ByteField("rest11", None),
6809             ByteField("rest12", None)
6810             ]
6812    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6813        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6814        res = adapt(2, 15, a, self.fields_desc)
6815        if self.lengthLLC is None:
6816            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
6817        if res[0] != 0:
6818            p = p[:-res[0]]
6819        return p + pay
6822class MoreDataHdr(Packet):
6823    """More data Section"""
6824    name = "More Data"
6825    fields_desc = [
6826             BitField("eightBitMD", None, 1),
6827             XBitField("ieiMD", None, 7),
6828             ]
6831class NotificationIndicatorHdr(Packet):
6832    """Notification indicator Section"""
6833    name = "Notification Indicator"
6834    fields_desc = [
6835             BitField("eightBitNI", None, 1),
6836             XBitField("ieiNI", None, 7),
6837             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
6838             BitField("notifDesc", 0x0, 7)
6839             ]
6842class ProgressIndicatorHdr(Packet):
6843    """Progress indicator Section"""
6844    name = "Progress Indicator"
6845    fields_desc = [
6846             BitField("eightBitPI", None, 1),
6847             XBitField("ieiPI", None, 7),
6848             XByteField("lengthPI", 0x2),
6849             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
6850             BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
6851             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
6852             BitField("location", 0x0, 4),
6853             BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
6854             BitField("progressDesc", 0x0, 7)
6855             ]
6858class RecallTypeHdr(Packet):
6859    """Recall type $(CCBS)$  Section"""
6860    name = "Recall Type $(CCBS)$"
6861    fields_desc = [
6862             BitField("eightBitRT", None, 1),
6863             XBitField("ieiRT", None, 7),
6864             BitField("spare", 0x0, 5),
6865             BitField("recallType", 0x0, 3)
6866             ]
6869# len 3 to 19
6870class RedirectingPartyBcdNumberHdr(Packet):
6871    """Redirecting party BCD number  Section"""
6872    name = "Redirecting Party BCD Number"
6873    fields_desc = [
6874             BitField("eightBitRPBN", None, 1),
6875             XBitField("ieiRPBN", None, 7),
6877             XByteField("lengthRPBN", None),
6879             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
6880             BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
6881             BitField("numberingPlan", 0x0, 4),
6882             # optional
6883             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
6884                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6885             ConditionalField(BitField("presId", None, 2),
6886                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6887             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 3),
6888                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6889             ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", None, 2),
6890                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
6892             BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
6893             BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
6895             BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
6896             BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
6898             BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
6899             BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
6901             BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
6902             BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
6904             BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
6905             BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
6907             BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
6908             BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
6910             BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
6911             BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
6913             BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
6914             BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
6916             BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
6917             BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
6919             BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
6920             BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
6922             BitField("nbDigit22", None, 4),
6923             BitField("nbDigit21", None, 4),
6925             BitField("nbDigit24", None, 4),
6926             BitField("nbDigit23", None, 4),
6928             BitField("nbDigit26", None, 4),
6929             BitField("nbDigit25", None, 4),
6931             BitField("nbDigit28", None, 4),
6932             BitField("nbDigit27", None, 4),
6934             BitField("nbDigit30", None, 4),
6935             BitField("nbDigit29", None, 4),
6936             ]
6938    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6939        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6940        res = adapt(3, 19, a, self.fields_desc)
6941        if res[0] != 0:
6942            p = p[:-res[0]]
6943        if self.lengthRPBN is None:
6944            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
6945        return p + pay
6948# length 2 to 23
6949class RedirectingPartySubaddressHdr(Packet):
6950    """Redirecting party subaddress  Section"""
6951    name = "Redirecting Party BCD Number"
6952    fields_desc = [
6953             BitField("eightBitRPS", None, 1),
6954             XBitField("ieiRPS", None, 7),
6956             XByteField("lengthRPS", None),
6957             # optional
6958             BitField("ext", None, 1),
6959             BitField("typeSub", None, 3),
6960             BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
6961             BitField("spare", None, 3),
6963             ByteField("subInfo0", None),
6964             ByteField("subInfo1", None),
6965             ByteField("subInfo2", None),
6966             ByteField("subInfo3", None),
6967             ByteField("subInfo4", None),
6968             ByteField("subInfo5", None),
6969             ByteField("subInfo6", None),
6970             ByteField("subInfo7", None),
6971             ByteField("subInfo8", None),
6972             ByteField("subInfo9", None),
6973             ByteField("subInfo10", None),
6974             ByteField("subInfo11", None),
6975             ByteField("subInfo12", None),
6976             ByteField("subInfo13", None),
6977             ByteField("subInfo14", None),
6978             ByteField("subInfo15", None),
6979             ByteField("subInfo16", None),
6980             ByteField("subInfo17", None),
6981             ByteField("subInfo18", None),
6982             ByteField("subInfo19", None)
6983             ]
6985    def post_build(self, p, pay):
6986        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
6987        res = adapt(2, 23, a, self.fields_desc)
6988        if self.lengthRPS is None:
6989            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
6990        if res[0] != 0:
6991            p = p[:-res[0]]
6992        return p + pay
6995class RepeatIndicatorHdr(Packet):
6996    """Repeat indicator Section"""
6997    name = "Repeat Indicator"
6998    fields_desc = [
6999             XBitField("ieiRI", None, 4),
7000             BitField("repeatIndic", 0x0, 4)
7001             ]
7004class ReverseCallSetupDirectionHdr(Packet):
7005    """Reverse call setup direction Section"""
7006    name = "Reverse Call Setup Direction"
7007    fields_desc = [
7008             ByteField("ieiRCSD", 0x0)
7009             ]
7012# no upper length min 2(max for L3) (251)
7013class SetupContainerHdr(Packet):
7014    """SETUP Container $(CCBS)$ Section"""
7015    name = "Setup Container $(CCBS)$"
7016    fields_desc = [
7017             BitField("eightBitSC", None, 1),
7018             XBitField("ieiSC", None, 7),
7019             XByteField("lengthSC", None),
7020             # optional
7021             ByteField("mess1", None),
7022             ByteField("mess2", None),
7023             ByteField("mess3", None),
7024             ByteField("mess4", None),
7025             ByteField("mess5", None),
7026             ByteField("mess6", None),
7027             ByteField("mess7", None),
7028             ByteField("mess8", None),
7029             ByteField("mess9", None),
7030             ByteField("mess10", None),
7031             ByteField("mess11", None),
7032             ByteField("mess12", None),
7033             ByteField("mess13", None),
7034             ByteField("mess14", None),
7035             ByteField("mess15", None),
7036             ByteField("mess16", None),
7037             ByteField("mess17", None),
7038             ByteField("mess18", None),
7039             ByteField("mess19", None),
7040             ByteField("mess20", None),
7041             ByteField("mess21", None),
7042             ByteField("mess22", None),
7043             ByteField("mess23", None),
7044             ByteField("mess24", None),
7045             ByteField("mess25", None),
7046             ByteField("mess26", None),
7047             ByteField("mess27", None),
7048             ByteField("mess28", None),
7049             ByteField("mess29", None),
7050             ByteField("mess30", None),
7051             ByteField("mess31", None),
7052             ByteField("mess32", None),
7053             ByteField("mess33", None),
7054             ByteField("mess34", None),
7055             ByteField("mess35", None),
7056             ByteField("mess36", None),
7057             ByteField("mess37", None),
7058             ByteField("mess38", None),
7059             ByteField("mess39", None),
7060             ByteField("mess40", None),
7061             ByteField("mess41", None),
7062             ByteField("mess42", None),
7063             ByteField("mess43", None),
7064             ByteField("mess44", None),
7065             ByteField("mess45", None),
7066             ByteField("mess46", None),
7067             ByteField("mess47", None),
7068             ByteField("mess48", None),
7069             ByteField("mess49", None),
7070             ByteField("mess50", None),
7071             ByteField("mess51", None),
7072             ByteField("mess52", None),
7073             ByteField("mess53", None),
7074             ByteField("mess54", None),
7075             ByteField("mess55", None),
7076             ByteField("mess56", None),
7077             ByteField("mess57", None),
7078             ByteField("mess58", None),
7079             ByteField("mess59", None),
7080             ByteField("mess60", None),
7081             ByteField("mess61", None),
7082             ByteField("mess62", None),
7083             ByteField("mess63", None),
7084             ByteField("mess64", None),
7085             ByteField("mess65", None),
7086             ByteField("mess66", None),
7087             ByteField("mess67", None),
7088             ByteField("mess68", None),
7089             ByteField("mess69", None),
7090             ByteField("mess70", None),
7091             ByteField("mess71", None),
7092             ByteField("mess72", None),
7093             ByteField("mess73", None),
7094             ByteField("mess74", None),
7095             ByteField("mess75", None),
7096             ByteField("mess76", None),
7097             ByteField("mess77", None),
7098             ByteField("mess78", None),
7099             ByteField("mess79", None),
7100             ByteField("mess80", None),
7101             ByteField("mess81", None),
7102             ByteField("mess82", None),
7103             ByteField("mess83", None),
7104             ByteField("mess84", None),
7105             ByteField("mess85", None),
7106             ByteField("mess86", None),
7107             ByteField("mess87", None),
7108             ByteField("mess88", None),
7109             ByteField("mess89", None),
7110             ByteField("mess90", None),
7111             ByteField("mess91", None),
7112             ByteField("mess92", None),
7113             ByteField("mess93", None),
7114             ByteField("mess94", None),
7115             ByteField("mess95", None),
7116             ByteField("mess96", None),
7117             ByteField("mess97", None),
7118             ByteField("mess98", None),
7119             ByteField("mess99", None),
7120             ByteField("mess100", None),
7121             ByteField("mess101", None),
7122             ByteField("mess102", None),
7123             ByteField("mess103", None),
7124             ByteField("mess104", None),
7125             ByteField("mess105", None),
7126             ByteField("mess106", None),
7127             ByteField("mess107", None),
7128             ByteField("mess108", None),
7129             ByteField("mess109", None),
7130             ByteField("mess110", None),
7131             ByteField("mess111", None),
7132             ByteField("mess112", None),
7133             ByteField("mess113", None),
7134             ByteField("mess114", None),
7135             ByteField("mess115", None),
7136             ByteField("mess116", None),
7137             ByteField("mess117", None),
7138             ByteField("mess118", None),
7139             ByteField("mess119", None),
7140             ByteField("mess120", None),
7141             ByteField("mess121", None),
7142             ByteField("mess122", None),
7143             ByteField("mess123", None),
7144             ByteField("mess124", None),
7145             ByteField("mess125", None),
7146             ByteField("mess126", None),
7147             ByteField("mess127", None),
7148             ByteField("mess128", None),
7149             ByteField("mess129", None),
7150             ByteField("mess130", None),
7151             ByteField("mess131", None),
7152             ByteField("mess132", None),
7153             ByteField("mess133", None),
7154             ByteField("mess134", None),
7155             ByteField("mess135", None),
7156             ByteField("mess136", None),
7157             ByteField("mess137", None),
7158             ByteField("mess138", None),
7159             ByteField("mess139", None),
7160             ByteField("mess140", None),
7161             ByteField("mess141", None),
7162             ByteField("mess142", None),
7163             ByteField("mess143", None),
7164             ByteField("mess144", None),
7165             ByteField("mess145", None),
7166             ByteField("mess146", None),
7167             ByteField("mess147", None),
7168             ByteField("mess148", None),
7169             ByteField("mess149", None),
7170             ByteField("mess150", None),
7171             ByteField("mess151", None),
7172             ByteField("mess152", None),
7173             ByteField("mess153", None),
7174             ByteField("mess154", None),
7175             ByteField("mess155", None),
7176             ByteField("mess156", None),
7177             ByteField("mess157", None),
7178             ByteField("mess158", None),
7179             ByteField("mess159", None),
7180             ByteField("mess160", None),
7181             ByteField("mess161", None),
7182             ByteField("mess162", None),
7183             ByteField("mess163", None),
7184             ByteField("mess164", None),
7185             ByteField("mess165", None),
7186             ByteField("mess166", None),
7187             ByteField("mess167", None),
7188             ByteField("mess168", None),
7189             ByteField("mess169", None),
7190             ByteField("mess170", None),
7191             ByteField("mess171", None),
7192             ByteField("mess172", None),
7193             ByteField("mess173", None),
7194             ByteField("mess174", None),
7195             ByteField("mess175", None),
7196             ByteField("mess176", None),
7197             ByteField("mess177", None),
7198             ByteField("mess178", None),
7199             ByteField("mess179", None),
7200             ByteField("mess180", None),
7201             ByteField("mess181", None),
7202             ByteField("mess182", None),
7203             ByteField("mess183", None),
7204             ByteField("mess184", None),
7205             ByteField("mess185", None),
7206             ByteField("mess186", None),
7207             ByteField("mess187", None),
7208             ByteField("mess188", None),
7209             ByteField("mess189", None),
7210             ByteField("mess190", None),
7211             ByteField("mess191", None),
7212             ByteField("mess192", None),
7213             ByteField("mess193", None),
7214             ByteField("mess194", None),
7215             ByteField("mess195", None),
7216             ByteField("mess196", None),
7217             ByteField("mess197", None),
7218             ByteField("mess198", None),
7219             ByteField("mess199", None),
7220             ByteField("mess200", None),
7221             ByteField("mess201", None),
7222             ByteField("mess202", None),
7223             ByteField("mess203", None),
7224             ByteField("mess204", None),
7225             ByteField("mess205", None),
7226             ByteField("mess206", None),
7227             ByteField("mess207", None),
7228             ByteField("mess208", None),
7229             ByteField("mess209", None),
7230             ByteField("mess210", None),
7231             ByteField("mess211", None),
7232             ByteField("mess212", None),
7233             ByteField("mess213", None),
7234             ByteField("mess214", None),
7235             ByteField("mess215", None),
7236             ByteField("mess216", None),
7237             ByteField("mess217", None),
7238             ByteField("mess218", None),
7239             ByteField("mess219", None),
7240             ByteField("mess220", None),
7241             ByteField("mess221", None),
7242             ByteField("mess222", None),
7243             ByteField("mess223", None),
7244             ByteField("mess224", None),
7245             ByteField("mess225", None),
7246             ByteField("mess226", None),
7247             ByteField("mess227", None),
7248             ByteField("mess228", None),
7249             ByteField("mess229", None),
7250             ByteField("mess230", None),
7251             ByteField("mess231", None),
7252             ByteField("mess232", None),
7253             ByteField("mess233", None),
7254             ByteField("mess234", None),
7255             ByteField("mess235", None),
7256             ByteField("mess236", None),
7257             ByteField("mess237", None),
7258             ByteField("mess238", None),
7259             ByteField("mess239", None),
7260             ByteField("mess240", None),
7261             ByteField("mess241", None),
7262             ByteField("mess242", None),
7263             ByteField("mess243", None),
7264             ByteField("mess244", None),
7265             ByteField("mess245", None),
7266             ByteField("mess246", None),
7267             ByteField("mess247", None),
7268             ByteField("mess248", None),
7269             ByteField("mess249", None),
7270             ]
7272    def post_build(self, p, pay):
7273        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
7274        res = adapt(2, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
7275        if self.lengthSC is None:
7276            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
7277        if res[0] != 0:
7278            p = p[:-res[0]]
7279        return p + pay
7282class SignalHdr(Packet):
7283    """Signal Section"""
7284    name = "Signal"
7285    fields_desc = [
7286             BitField("eightBitS", None, 1),
7287             XBitField("ieiS", None, 7),
7288             ByteField("sigValue", 0x0)
7289             ]
7292# length 2 to max for L3 message (251)
7293class SsVersionIndicatorHdr(Packet):
7294    """SS Version Indicator  Section"""
7295    name = "SS Version Indicator"
7296    fields_desc = [
7297             BitField("eightBitSVI", None, 1),
7298             XBitField("ieiSVI", None, 7),
7299             XByteField("lengthSVI", None),
7300             # optional
7301             ByteField("info1", None),
7302             ByteField("info2", None),
7303             ByteField("info3", None),
7304             ByteField("info4", None),
7305             ByteField("info5", None),
7306             ByteField("info6", None),
7307             ByteField("info7", None),
7308             ByteField("info8", None),
7309             ByteField("info9", None),
7310             ByteField("info10", None),
7311             ByteField("info11", None),
7312             ByteField("info12", None),
7313             ByteField("info13", None),
7314             ByteField("info14", None),
7315             ByteField("info15", None),
7316             ByteField("info16", None),
7317             ByteField("info17", None),
7318             ByteField("info18", None),
7319             ByteField("info19", None),
7320             ByteField("info20", None),
7321             ByteField("info21", None),
7322             ByteField("info22", None),
7323             ByteField("info23", None),
7324             ByteField("info24", None),
7325             ByteField("info25", None),
7326             ByteField("info26", None),
7327             ByteField("info27", None),
7328             ByteField("info28", None),
7329             ByteField("info29", None),
7330             ByteField("info30", None),
7331             ByteField("info31", None),
7332             ByteField("info32", None),
7333             ByteField("info33", None),
7334             ByteField("info34", None),
7335             ByteField("info35", None),
7336             ByteField("info36", None),
7337             ByteField("info37", None),
7338             ByteField("info38", None),
7339             ByteField("info39", None),
7340             ByteField("info40", None),
7341             ByteField("info41", None),
7342             ByteField("info42", None),
7343             ByteField("info43", None),
7344             ByteField("info44", None),
7345             ByteField("info45", None),
7346             ByteField("info46", None),
7347             ByteField("info47", None),
7348             ByteField("info48", None),
7349             ByteField("info49", None),
7350             ByteField("info50", None),
7351             ByteField("info51", None),
7352             ByteField("info52", None),
7353             ByteField("info53", None),
7354             ByteField("info54", None),
7355             ByteField("info55", None),
7356             ByteField("info56", None),
7357             ByteField("info57", None),
7358             ByteField("info58", None),
7359             ByteField("info59", None),
7360             ByteField("info60", None),
7361             ByteField("info61", None),
7362             ByteField("info62", None),
7363             ByteField("info63", None),
7364             ByteField("info64", None),
7365             ByteField("info65", None),
7366             ByteField("info66", None),
7367             ByteField("info67", None),
7368             ByteField("info68", None),
7369             ByteField("info69", None),
7370             ByteField("info70", None),
7371             ByteField("info71", None),
7372             ByteField("info72", None),
7373             ByteField("info73", None),
7374             ByteField("info74", None),
7375             ByteField("info75", None),
7376             ByteField("info76", None),
7377             ByteField("info77", None),
7378             ByteField("info78", None),
7379             ByteField("info79", None),
7380             ByteField("info80", None),
7381             ByteField("info81", None),
7382             ByteField("info82", None),
7383             ByteField("info83", None),
7384             ByteField("info84", None),
7385             ByteField("info85", None),
7386             ByteField("info86", None),
7387             ByteField("info87", None),
7388             ByteField("info88", None),
7389             ByteField("info89", None),
7390             ByteField("info90", None),
7391             ByteField("info91", None),
7392             ByteField("info92", None),
7393             ByteField("info93", None),
7394             ByteField("info94", None),
7395             ByteField("info95", None),
7396             ByteField("info96", None),
7397             ByteField("info97", None),
7398             ByteField("info98", None),
7399             ByteField("info99", None),
7400             ByteField("info100", None),
7401             ByteField("info101", None),
7402             ByteField("info102", None),
7403             ByteField("info103", None),
7404             ByteField("info104", None),
7405             ByteField("info105", None),
7406             ByteField("info106", None),
7407             ByteField("info107", None),
7408             ByteField("info108", None),
7409             ByteField("info109", None),
7410             ByteField("info110", None),
7411             ByteField("info111", None),
7412             ByteField("info112", None),
7413             ByteField("info113", None),
7414             ByteField("info114", None),
7415             ByteField("info115", None),
7416             ByteField("info116", None),
7417             ByteField("info117", None),
7418             ByteField("info118", None),
7419             ByteField("info119", None),
7420             ByteField("info120", None),
7421             ByteField("info121", None),
7422             ByteField("info122", None),
7423             ByteField("info123", None),
7424             ByteField("info124", None),
7425             ByteField("info125", None),
7426             ByteField("info126", None),
7427             ByteField("info127", None),
7428             ByteField("info128", None),
7429             ByteField("info129", None),
7430             ByteField("info130", None),
7431             ByteField("info131", None),
7432             ByteField("info132", None),
7433             ByteField("info133", None),
7434             ByteField("info134", None),
7435             ByteField("info135", None),
7436             ByteField("info136", None),
7437             ByteField("info137", None),
7438             ByteField("info138", None),
7439             ByteField("info139", None),
7440             ByteField("info140", None),
7441             ByteField("info141", None),
7442             ByteField("info142", None),
7443             ByteField("info143", None),
7444             ByteField("info144", None),
7445             ByteField("info145", None),
7446             ByteField("info146", None),
7447             ByteField("info147", None),
7448             ByteField("info148", None),
7449             ByteField("info149", None),
7450             ByteField("info150", None),
7451             ByteField("info151", None),
7452             ByteField("info152", None),
7453             ByteField("info153", None),
7454             ByteField("info154", None),
7455             ByteField("info155", None),
7456             ByteField("info156", None),
7457             ByteField("info157", None),
7458             ByteField("info158", None),
7459             ByteField("info159", None),
7460             ByteField("info160", None),
7461             ByteField("info161", None),
7462             ByteField("info162", None),
7463             ByteField("info163", None),
7464             ByteField("info164", None),
7465             ByteField("info165", None),
7466             ByteField("info166", None),
7467             ByteField("info167", None),
7468             ByteField("info168", None),
7469             ByteField("info169", None),
7470             ByteField("info170", None),
7471             ByteField("info171", None),
7472             ByteField("info172", None),
7473             ByteField("info173", None),
7474             ByteField("info174", None),
7475             ByteField("info175", None),
7476             ByteField("info176", None),
7477             ByteField("info177", None),
7478             ByteField("info178", None),
7479             ByteField("info179", None),
7480             ByteField("info180", None),
7481             ByteField("info181", None),
7482             ByteField("info182", None),
7483             ByteField("info183", None),
7484             ByteField("info184", None),
7485             ByteField("info185", None),
7486             ByteField("info186", None),
7487             ByteField("info187", None),
7488             ByteField("info188", None),
7489             ByteField("info189", None),
7490             ByteField("info190", None),
7491             ByteField("info191", None),
7492             ByteField("info192", None),
7493             ByteField("info193", None),
7494             ByteField("info194", None),
7495             ByteField("info195", None),
7496             ByteField("info196", None),
7497             ByteField("info197", None),
7498             ByteField("info198", None),
7499             ByteField("info199", None),
7500             ByteField("info200", None),
7501             ByteField("info201", None),
7502             ByteField("info202", None),
7503             ByteField("info203", None),
7504             ByteField("info204", None),
7505             ByteField("info205", None),
7506             ByteField("info206", None),
7507             ByteField("info207", None),
7508             ByteField("info208", None),
7509             ByteField("info209", None),
7510             ByteField("info210", None),
7511             ByteField("info211", None),
7512             ByteField("info212", None),
7513             ByteField("info213", None),
7514             ByteField("info214", None),
7515             ByteField("info215", None),
7516             ByteField("info216", None),
7517             ByteField("info217", None),
7518             ByteField("info218", None),
7519             ByteField("info219", None),
7520             ByteField("info220", None),
7521             ByteField("info221", None),
7522             ByteField("info222", None),
7523             ByteField("info223", None),
7524             ByteField("info224", None),
7525             ByteField("info225", None),
7526             ByteField("info226", None),
7527             ByteField("info227", None),
7528             ByteField("info228", None),
7529             ByteField("info229", None),
7530             ByteField("info230", None),
7531             ByteField("info231", None),
7532             ByteField("info232", None),
7533             ByteField("info233", None),
7534             ByteField("info234", None),
7535             ByteField("info235", None),
7536             ByteField("info236", None),
7537             ByteField("info237", None),
7538             ByteField("info238", None),
7539             ByteField("info239", None),
7540             ByteField("info240", None),
7541             ByteField("info241", None),
7542             ByteField("info242", None),
7543             ByteField("info243", None),
7544             ByteField("info244", None),
7545             ByteField("info245", None),
7546             ByteField("info246", None),
7547             ByteField("info247", None),
7548             ByteField("info248", None),
7549             ByteField("info249", None),
7550             ]
7552    def post_build(self, p, pay):
7553        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
7554        res = adapt(2, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
7555        if self.lengthSVI is None:
7556            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
7557        if res[0] != 0:
7558            p = p[:-res[0]]
7559        return p + pay
7562# length 3 to 35 or 131
7563class UserUserHdr(Packet):
7564    """User-user Section"""
7565    name = "User-User"
7566    fields_desc = [
7567             BitField("eightBitUU", None, 1),
7568             XBitField("ieiUU", None, 7),
7570             XByteField("lengthUU", None),  # dynamic length of field depending
7571                                           # of the type of message
7572                                           # let user decide which length he
7573                                           # wants to take
7574                                           # => more fuzzing options
7575             ByteField("userUserPD", 0x0),
7576             # optional
7577             ByteField("userUserInfo1", None),
7578             ByteField("userUserInfo2", None),
7579             ByteField("userUserInfo3", None),
7580             ByteField("userUserInfo4", None),
7581             ByteField("userUserInfo5", None),
7582             ByteField("userUserInfo6", None),
7583             ByteField("userUserInfo7", None),
7584             ByteField("userUserInfo8", None),
7585             ByteField("userUserInfo9", None),
7586             ByteField("userUserInfo10", None),
7587             ByteField("userUserInfo11", None),
7588             ByteField("userUserInfo12", None),
7589             ByteField("userUserInfo13", None),
7590             ByteField("userUserInfo14", None),
7591             ByteField("userUserInfo15", None),
7592             ByteField("userUserInfo16", None),
7593             ByteField("userUserInfo17", None),
7594             ByteField("userUserInfo18", None),
7595             ByteField("userUserInfo19", None),
7596             ByteField("userUserInfo20", None),
7597             ByteField("userUserInfo21", None),
7598             ByteField("userUserInfo22", None),
7599             ByteField("userUserInfo23", None),
7600             ByteField("userUserInfo24", None),
7601             ByteField("userUserInfo25", None),
7602             ByteField("userUserInfo26", None),
7603             ByteField("userUserInfo27", None),
7604             ByteField("userUserInfo28", None),
7605             ByteField("userUserInfo29", None),
7606             ByteField("userUserInfo30", None),
7607             ByteField("userUserInfo31", None),
7608             ByteField("userUserInfo32", None),
7609             # long  packet
7610             ByteField("userUserInfo33", None),
7611             ByteField("userUserInfo34", None),
7612             ByteField("userUserInfo35", None),
7613             ByteField("userUserInfo36", None),
7614             ByteField("userUserInfo37", None),
7615             ByteField("userUserInfo38", None),
7616             ByteField("userUserInfo39", None),
7617             ByteField("userUserInfo40", None),
7618             ByteField("userUserInfo41", None),
7619             ByteField("userUserInfo42", None),
7620             ByteField("userUserInfo43", None),
7621             ByteField("userUserInfo44", None),
7622             ByteField("userUserInfo45", None),
7623             ByteField("userUserInfo46", None),
7624             ByteField("userUserInfo47", None),
7625             ByteField("userUserInfo48", None),
7626             ByteField("userUserInfo49", None),
7627             ByteField("userUserInfo50", None),
7628             ByteField("userUserInfo51", None),
7629             ByteField("userUserInfo52", None),
7630             ByteField("userUserInfo53", None),
7631             ByteField("userUserInfo54", None),
7632             ByteField("userUserInfo55", None),
7633             ByteField("userUserInfo56", None),
7634             ByteField("userUserInfo57", None),
7635             ByteField("userUserInfo58", None),
7636             ByteField("userUserInfo59", None),
7637             ByteField("userUserInfo60", None),
7638             ByteField("userUserInfo61", None),
7639             ByteField("userUserInfo62", None),
7640             ByteField("userUserInfo63", None),
7641             ByteField("userUserInfo64", None),
7642             ByteField("userUserInfo65", None),
7643             ByteField("userUserInfo66", None),
7644             ByteField("userUserInfo67", None),
7645             ByteField("userUserInfo68", None),
7646             ByteField("userUserInfo69", None),
7647             ByteField("userUserInfo70", None),
7648             ByteField("userUserInfo71", None),
7649             ByteField("userUserInfo72", None),
7650             ByteField("userUserInfo73", None),
7651             ByteField("userUserInfo74", None),
7652             ByteField("userUserInfo75", None),
7653             ByteField("userUserInfo76", None),
7654             ByteField("userUserInfo77", None),
7655             ByteField("userUserInfo78", None),
7656             ByteField("userUserInfo79", None),
7657             ByteField("userUserInfo80", None),
7658             ByteField("userUserInfo81", None),
7659             ByteField("userUserInfo82", None),
7660             ByteField("userUserInfo83", None),
7661             ByteField("userUserInfo84", None),
7662             ByteField("userUserInfo85", None),
7663             ByteField("userUserInfo86", None),
7664             ByteField("userUserInfo87", None),
7665             ByteField("userUserInfo88", None),
7666             ByteField("userUserInfo89", None),
7667             ByteField("userUserInfo90", None),
7668             ByteField("userUserInfo91", None),
7669             ByteField("userUserInfo92", None),
7670             ByteField("userUserInfo93", None),
7671             ByteField("userUserInfo94", None),
7672             ByteField("userUserInfo95", None),
7673             ByteField("userUserInfo96", None),
7674             ByteField("userUserInfo97", None),
7675             ByteField("userUserInfo98", None),
7676             ByteField("userUserInfo99", None),
7677             ByteField("userUserInfo100", None),
7678             ByteField("userUserInfo101", None),
7679             ByteField("userUserInfo102", None),
7680             ByteField("userUserInfo103", None),
7681             ByteField("userUserInfo104", None),
7682             ByteField("userUserInfo105", None),
7683             ByteField("userUserInfo106", None),
7684             ByteField("userUserInfo107", None),
7685             ByteField("userUserInfo108", None),
7686             ByteField("userUserInfo109", None),
7687             ByteField("userUserInfo110", None),
7688             ByteField("userUserInfo111", None),
7689             ByteField("userUserInfo112", None),
7690             ByteField("userUserInfo113", None),
7691             ByteField("userUserInfo114", None),
7692             ByteField("userUserInfo115", None),
7693             ByteField("userUserInfo116", None),
7694             ByteField("userUserInfo117", None),
7695             ByteField("userUserInfo118", None),
7696             ByteField("userUserInfo119", None),
7697             ByteField("userUserInfo120", None),
7698             ByteField("userUserInfo121", None),
7699             ByteField("userUserInfo122", None),
7700             ByteField("userUserInfo123", None),
7701             ByteField("userUserInfo124", None),
7702             ByteField("userUserInfo125", None),
7703             ByteField("userUserInfo126", None),
7704             ByteField("userUserInfo127", None),
7705             ByteField("userUserInfo128", None),
7706             ByteField("userUserInfo129", None),
7707             ByteField("userUserInfo130", None),
7708             ByteField("userUserInfo131", None)
7709             ]
7711    def post_build(self, p, pay):
7712        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
7713        res = adapt(3, 131, a, self.fields_desc)
7714        if self.lengthUU is None:
7715            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
7716        if res[0] != 0:
7717            p = p[:-res[0]]
7718        return p + pay
7721class AlertingPatternHdr(Packet):
7722    """Alerting Pattern"""
7723    name = "Alerting Pattern"
7724    fields_desc = [
7725             BitField("eightBitAP", None, 1),
7726             XBitField("ieiAP", None, 7),
7727             XByteField("lengthAP", 0x3),
7728             BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
7729             BitField("alertingValue", 0x0, 4)
7730             ]
7733class AllowedActionsHdr(Packet):
7734    """Allowed actions $(CCBS)$ Section"""
7735    name = "Allowed Actions $(CCBS)$"
7736    fields_desc = [
7737             BitField("eightBitAA", None, 1),
7738             XBitField("ieiAA", None, 7),
7739             XByteField("lengthAP", 0x3),
7740             BitField("CCBS", 0x0, 1),
7741             BitField("spare", 0x0, 7)
7742             ]
7746# 10.5.5 GPRS mobility management information elements
7749class AttachResult(Packet):
7750    """Attach result Section"""
7751    name = "Attach Result"
7752    fields_desc = [
7753             XBitField("ieiAR", 0x0, 4),
7754             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7755             BitField("result", 0x1, 3)
7756             ]
7759class AttachTypeHdr(Packet):
7760    """Attach type Section"""
7761    name = "Attach Type"
7762    fields_desc = [
7763             XBitField("ieiAT", None, 4),
7764             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7765             BitField("type", 0x1, 3)
7766             ]
7769# Fix 1/2 len problem
7770class AttachTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr(Packet):
7771    name = "Attach Type and Cipher Key Sequence Number"
7772    fields_desc = [
7773             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7774             BitField("type", 0x1, 3),
7775             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
7776             ]
7779class CipheringAlgorithm(Packet):
7780    """Ciphering algorithm Section"""
7781    name = "Ciphering Algorithm"
7782    fields_desc = [
7783             XBitField("ieiCA", 0x0, 4),
7784             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7785             BitField("type", 0x1, 3)
7786             ]
7789# Fix 1/2 len problem
7790class CipheringAlgorithmAndImeisvRequest(Packet):
7791    name = "Ciphering Algorithm and Imeisv Request"
7792    fields_desc = [
7793             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7794             BitField("type", 0x1, 3),
7795             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7796             BitField("imeisvVal", 0x0, 3)
7797             ]
7800# [Spare]
7801class TmsiStatus(Packet):
7802    """[Spare] TMSI status Section"""
7803    name = "[Spare] TMSI Status"
7804    fields_desc = [
7805             XBitField("ieiTS", None, 4),
7806             BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
7807             BitField("flag", 0x1, 1)
7808             ]
7811class DetachType(Packet):
7812    """Detach type Section"""
7813    name = "Detach Type"
7814    fields_desc = [
7815             XBitField("ieiDT", 0x0, 4),
7816             BitField("poweroff", 0x0, 1),
7817             BitField("type", 0x1, 3)
7818             ]
7821# Fix 1/2 len problem
7822class DetachTypeAndForceToStandby(Packet):
7823    name = "Detach Type and Force To Standby"
7824    fields_desc = [
7825             BitField("poweroff", 0x0, 1),
7826             BitField("type", 0x1, 3),
7827             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7828             BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3)
7829             ]
7832# Fix 1/2 len problem
7833class DetachTypeAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
7834    name = "Detach Type and Spare Half Octets"
7835    fields_desc = [
7836             BitField("poweroff", 0x0, 1),
7837             BitField("type", 0x1, 3),
7838             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
7839             ]
7842class DrxParameter(Packet):
7843    """DRX parameter Section"""
7844    name = "DRX Parameter"
7845    fields_desc = [
7846             ByteField("ieiDP", 0x0),
7847             ByteField("splitPG", 0x0),
7848             BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
7849             BitField("splitCCCH", 0x0, 1),
7850             BitField("NonDrxTimer", 0x1, 3)
7851             ]
7854class ForceToStandby(Packet):
7855    """Force to standby Section"""
7856    name = "Force To Standby"
7857    fields_desc = [
7858             XBitField("ieiFTS", 0x0, 4),
7859             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7860             BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3)
7861             ]
7864# Fix 1/2 len problem
7865class ForceToStandbyAndAcReferenceNumber(Packet):
7866    name = "Force To Standby And Ac Reference Number"
7867    fields_desc = [
7868             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7869             BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3),
7870             BitField("acRefVal", 0x0, 4)
7871             ]
7874# Fix 1/2 len problem
7875class ForceToStandbyAndUpdateResult(Packet):
7876    name = "Force To Standby And Update Result"
7877    fields_desc = [
7878             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7879             BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3),
7880             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7881             BitField("updateResVal", 0x0, 3)
7882             ]
7885# Fix 1/2 len problem
7886class ForceToStandbyAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
7887    name = "Force To Standby And Spare Half Octets"
7888    fields_desc = [
7889             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7890             BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3),
7891             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
7892             ]
7895class PTmsiSignature(Packet):
7896    """P-TMSI signature Section"""
7897    name = "P-TMSI Signature"
7898    fields_desc = [
7899             ByteField("ieiPTS", 0x0),
7900             BitField("signature", 0x0, 24)
7901             ]
7904class IdentityType2(Packet):
7905    """Identity type 2 Section"""
7906    name = "Identity Type 2"
7907    fields_desc = [
7908             XBitField("ieiIT2", 0x0, 4),
7909             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7910             BitField("typeOfIdentity", 0x0, 3)
7911             ]
7914# Fix 1/2 len problem
7915class IdentityType2AndforceToStandby(Packet):
7916    name = "Identity Type 2 and Force to Standby"
7917    fields_desc = [
7918             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7919             BitField("typeOfIdentity", 0x0, 3),
7920             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7921             BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3)
7922             ]
7925class ImeisvRequest(Packet):
7926    """IMEISV request Section"""
7927    name = "IMEISV Request"
7928    fields_desc = [
7929             XBitField("ieiIR", 0x0, 4),
7930             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7931             BitField("imeisvVal", 0x0, 3)
7932             ]
7935# Fix 1/2 len problem
7936class ImeisvRequestAndForceToStandby(Packet):
7937    name = "IMEISV Request and Force To Standby"
7938    fields_desc = [
7939             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
7940             BitField("imeisvVal", 0x0, 3),
7941             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
7942             ]
7945# length 4 to 19
7946class ReceiveNpduNumbersList(Packet):
7947    """Receive N-PDU Numbers list Section"""
7948    name = "Receive N-PDU Numbers list"
7949    fields_desc = [
7950             ByteField("ieiRNNL", 0x0),
7952             XByteField("lengthRNNL", None),
7954             BitField("nbList0", 0x0, 16),
7955             # optional
7956             ByteField("nbList1", None),
7957             ByteField("nbList2", None),
7958             ByteField("nbList3", None),
7959             ByteField("nbList4", None),
7960             ByteField("nbList5", None),
7961             ByteField("nbList6", None),
7962             ByteField("nbList7", None),
7963             ByteField("nbList8", None),
7964             ByteField("nbList9", None),
7965             ByteField("nbList10", None),
7966             ByteField("nbList11", None),
7967             ByteField("nbList12", None),
7968             ByteField("nbList13", None),
7969             ByteField("nbList14", None),
7970             ByteField("nbList15", None),
7971             ]
7973    def post_build(self, p, pay):
7974        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
7975        res = adapt(4, 19, a, self.fields_desc)
7976        if self.lengthRNNL is None:
7977            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
7978        if res[0] != 0:
7979            p = p[:-res[0]]
7980        return p + pay
7983class MsNetworkCapability(Packet):
7984    """MS network capability Section"""
7985    name = "MS Network Capability"
7986    fields_desc = [
7987             ByteField("ieiMNC", 0x0),
7988             XByteField("lengthMNC", 0x3),
7989             ByteField("msNetValue", 0x0)
7990             ]
7993# length 6 to 14
7994class MsRadioAccessCapability(Packet):
7995    """MS Radio Access capability Section"""
7996    name = "MS Radio Access Capability"
7997    fields_desc = [
7998             ByteField("ieiMRAC", 0x24),
8000             XByteField("lengthMRAC", None),
8002             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),  # ...
8004             BitField("accessCap", 0x0, 4),
8005             BitField("accessTechType", 0x0, 4),
8006             # access capability
8007             BitField("bool", 0x0, 1),
8008             BitField("lengthContent", 0x0, 7),
8009             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),  # ...
8010             # content
8011             BitField("pwrCap", 0x0, 3),
8012             BitField("bool1", 0x0, 1),
8013             BitField("a51", 0x0, 1),
8014             BitField("a52", 0x0, 1),
8015             BitField("a53", 0x0, 1),
8016             BitField("a54", 0x0, 1),
8018             BitField("a55", 0x0, 1),
8019             BitField("a56", 0x0, 1),
8020             BitField("a57", 0x0, 1),
8021             BitField("esInd", 0x0, 1),
8022             BitField("ps", 0x0, 1),
8023             BitField("vgcs", 0x0, 1),
8024             BitField("vbs", 0x0, 1),
8025             BitField("bool2", 0x0, 1),
8026             # multislot
8027             BitField("bool3", 0x0, 1),
8028             BitField("hscsd", 0x0, 5),
8030             BitField("bool4", 0x0, 1),
8031             BitField("gprs", 0x0, 5),
8032             BitField("gprsExt", 0x0, 1),
8033             BitField("bool5", 0x0, 1),
8035             BitField("smsVal", 0x0, 4),
8036             BitField("smVal", 0x0, 4)
8037             ]
8040# Spare
8041# This is intentionally left spare.
8043class GmmCause(Packet):
8044    """GMM cause Section"""
8045    name = "GMM Cause"
8046    fields_desc = [
8047             ByteField("ieiGC", 0x0),
8048             ByteField("causeValue", 0x0)
8049             ]
8052class RoutingAreaIdentification(Packet):
8053    """Routing area identification Section"""
8054    name = "Routing Area Identification"
8055    fields_desc = [
8056             ByteField("ieiRAI", 0x0),
8057             BitField("mccDigit2", 0x0, 4),
8058             BitField("mccDigit1", 0x0, 4),
8059             BitField("mncDigit3", 0x0, 4),
8060             BitField("mccDigit3", 0x0, 4),
8061             BitField("mccDigit2", 0x0, 4),
8062             BitField("mccDigit1", 0x0, 4),
8063             ByteField("LAC", 0x0),
8064             ByteField("LAC1", 0x0),
8065             ByteField("LAC", 0x0)
8066             ]
8067# Spare
8068# This is intentionally left spare.
8071class UpdateResult(Packet):
8072    """Update result Section"""
8073    name = "Update Result"
8074    fields_desc = [
8075             XBitField("ieiUR", 0x0, 4),
8076             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8077             BitField("updateResVal", 0x0, 3)
8078             ]
8081class UpdateType(Packet):
8082    """Update type Section"""
8083    name = "Update Type"
8084    fields_desc = [
8085             XBitField("ieiUT", 0x0, 4),
8086             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8087             BitField("updateTypeVal", 0x0, 3)
8088             ]
8091# Fix 1/2 len problem
8092class UpdateTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr(Packet):
8093    name = "Update Type and Cipher Key Sequence Number"
8094    fields_desc = [
8095             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8096             BitField("updateTypeVal", 0x0, 3),
8097             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8098             BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3)
8099             ]
8102class AcReferenceNumber(Packet):
8103    """A&C reference number Section"""
8104    name = "A&C Reference Number"
8105    fields_desc = [
8106             XBitField("ieiARN", 0x0, 4),
8107             BitField("acRefVal", 0x0, 4)
8108             ]
8111# Fix 1/2 len problem
8112class AcReferenceNumberAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
8113    name = "A&C Reference Number and Spare Half Octets"
8114    fields_desc = [
8115             BitField("acRefVal", 0x0, 4),
8116             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
8117             ]
8119# 10.5.6 Session management information elements
8121# length 3 to 102
8124class AccessPointName(Packet):
8125    """Access Point Name Section"""
8126    name = "Access Point Name"
8127    fields_desc = [
8128             ByteField("ieiAPN", 0x0),
8129             XByteField("lengthAPN", None),
8130             ByteField("apName", 0x0),
8131             # optional
8132             ByteField("apName1", None),
8133             ByteField("apName2", None),
8134             ByteField("apName3", None),
8135             ByteField("apName4", None),
8136             ByteField("apName5", None),
8137             ByteField("apName6", None),
8138             ByteField("apName7", None),
8139             ByteField("apName8", None),
8140             ByteField("apName9", None),
8141             ByteField("apName10", None),
8142             ByteField("apName11", None),
8143             ByteField("apName12", None),
8144             ByteField("apName13", None),
8145             ByteField("apName14", None),
8146             ByteField("apName15", None),
8147             ByteField("apName16", None),
8148             ByteField("apName17", None),
8149             ByteField("apName18", None),
8150             ByteField("apName19", None),
8151             ByteField("apName20", None),
8152             ByteField("apName21", None),
8153             ByteField("apName22", None),
8154             ByteField("apName23", None),
8155             ByteField("apName24", None),
8156             ByteField("apName25", None),
8157             ByteField("apName26", None),
8158             ByteField("apName27", None),
8159             ByteField("apName28", None),
8160             ByteField("apName29", None),
8161             ByteField("apName30", None),
8162             ByteField("apName31", None),
8163             ByteField("apName32", None),
8164             ByteField("apName33", None),
8165             ByteField("apName34", None),
8166             ByteField("apName35", None),
8167             ByteField("apName36", None),
8168             ByteField("apName37", None),
8169             ByteField("apName38", None),
8170             ByteField("apName39", None),
8171             ByteField("apName40", None),
8172             ByteField("apName41", None),
8173             ByteField("apName42", None),
8174             ByteField("apName43", None),
8175             ByteField("apName44", None),
8176             ByteField("apName45", None),
8177             ByteField("apName46", None),
8178             ByteField("apName47", None),
8179             ByteField("apName48", None),
8180             ByteField("apName49", None),
8181             ByteField("apName50", None),
8182             ByteField("apName51", None),
8183             ByteField("apName52", None),
8184             ByteField("apName53", None),
8185             ByteField("apName54", None),
8186             ByteField("apName55", None),
8187             ByteField("apName56", None),
8188             ByteField("apName57", None),
8189             ByteField("apName58", None),
8190             ByteField("apName59", None),
8191             ByteField("apName60", None),
8192             ByteField("apName61", None),
8193             ByteField("apName62", None),
8194             ByteField("apName63", None),
8195             ByteField("apName64", None),
8196             ByteField("apName65", None),
8197             ByteField("apName66", None),
8198             ByteField("apName67", None),
8199             ByteField("apName68", None),
8200             ByteField("apName69", None),
8201             ByteField("apName70", None),
8202             ByteField("apName71", None),
8203             ByteField("apName72", None),
8204             ByteField("apName73", None),
8205             ByteField("apName74", None),
8206             ByteField("apName75", None),
8207             ByteField("apName76", None),
8208             ByteField("apName77", None),
8209             ByteField("apName78", None),
8210             ByteField("apName79", None),
8211             ByteField("apName80", None),
8212             ByteField("apName81", None),
8213             ByteField("apName82", None),
8214             ByteField("apName83", None),
8215             ByteField("apName84", None),
8216             ByteField("apName85", None),
8217             ByteField("apName86", None),
8218             ByteField("apName87", None),
8219             ByteField("apName88", None),
8220             ByteField("apName89", None),
8221             ByteField("apName90", None),
8222             ByteField("apName91", None),
8223             ByteField("apName92", None),
8224             ByteField("apName93", None),
8225             ByteField("apName94", None),
8226             ByteField("apName95", None),
8227             ByteField("apName96", None),
8228             ByteField("apName97", None),
8229             ByteField("apName98", None),
8230             ByteField("apName99", None)
8231             ]
8233    def post_build(self, p, pay):
8234        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
8235        res = adapt(3, 102, a, self.fields_desc)
8236        if self.lengthAPN is None:
8237            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
8238        if res[0] != 0:
8239            p = p[:-res[0]]
8240        return p + pay
8243class NetworkServiceAccessPointIdentifier(Packet):
8244    """Network service access point identifier Section"""
8245    name = "Network Service Access Point Identifier"
8246    fields_desc = [
8247             ByteField("ieiNSAPI", 0x0),
8248             BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
8249             BitField("nsapiVal", 0x0, 4)
8250             ]
8253# length 2 to 253
8254class ProtocolConfigurationOptions(Packet):
8255    """Protocol configuration options Section"""
8256    name = "Protocol Configuration Options"
8257    fields_desc = [
8258             ByteField("ieiPCO", 0x0),
8260             XByteField("lengthPCO", None),
8261             # optional
8262             BitField("ext", None, 1),
8263             BitField("spare", None, 4),
8264             BitField("configProto", None, 3),
8266             ByteField("protoId1", None),
8267             ByteField("lenProto1", None),
8268             ByteField("proto1Content", None),
8270             ByteField("protoId2", None),
8271             ByteField("lenProto2", None),
8272             ByteField("proto2Content", None),
8274             ByteField("protoId3", None),
8275             ByteField("lenProto3", None),
8276             ByteField("proto3Content", None),
8278             ByteField("protoId4", None),
8279             ByteField("lenProto4", None),
8280             ByteField("proto4Content", None),
8283             ByteField("protoId5", None),
8284             ByteField("lenProto5", None),
8285             ByteField("proto5Content", None),
8287             ByteField("protoId6", None),
8288             ByteField("lenProto6", None),
8289             ByteField("proto6Content", None),
8291             ByteField("protoId7", None),
8292             ByteField("lenProto7", None),
8293             ByteField("proto7Content", None),
8295             ByteField("protoId8", None),
8296             ByteField("lenProto8", None),
8297             ByteField("proto8Content", None),
8299             ByteField("protoId9", None),
8300             ByteField("lenProto9", None),
8301             ByteField("proto9Content", None),
8303             ByteField("protoId10", None),
8304             ByteField("lenProto10", None),
8305             ByteField("proto10Content", None),
8307             ByteField("protoId11", None),
8308             ByteField("lenProto11", None),
8309             ByteField("proto11Content", None),
8311             ByteField("protoId12", None),
8312             ByteField("lenProto12", None),
8313             ByteField("proto12Content", None),
8315             ByteField("protoId13", None),
8316             ByteField("lenProto13", None),
8317             ByteField("proto13Content", None),
8319             ByteField("protoId14", None),
8320             ByteField("lenProto14", None),
8321             ByteField("proto14Content", None),
8323             ByteField("protoId15", None),
8324             ByteField("lenProto15", None),
8325             ByteField("proto15Content", None),
8327             ByteField("protoId16", None),
8328             ByteField("lenProto16", None),
8329             ByteField("proto16Content", None),
8331             ByteField("protoId17", None),
8332             ByteField("lenProto17", None),
8333             ByteField("proto17Content", None),
8335             ByteField("protoId18", None),
8336             ByteField("lenProto18", None),
8337             ByteField("proto18Content", None),
8339             ByteField("protoId19", None),
8340             ByteField("lenProto19", None),
8341             ByteField("proto19Content", None),
8343             ByteField("protoId20", None),
8344             ByteField("lenProto20", None),
8345             ByteField("proto20Content", None),
8347             ByteField("protoId21", None),
8348             ByteField("lenProto21", None),
8349             ByteField("proto21Content", None),
8351             ByteField("protoId22", None),
8352             ByteField("lenProto22", None),
8353             ByteField("proto22Content", None),
8355             ByteField("protoId23", None),
8356             ByteField("lenProto23", None),
8357             ByteField("proto23Content", None),
8359             ByteField("protoId24", None),
8360             ByteField("lenProto24", None),
8361             ByteField("proto24Content", None),
8363             ByteField("protoId25", None),
8364             ByteField("lenProto25", None),
8365             ByteField("proto25Content", None),
8367             ByteField("protoId26", None),
8368             ByteField("lenProto26", None),
8369             ByteField("proto26Content", None),
8371             ByteField("protoId27", None),
8372             ByteField("lenProto27", None),
8373             ByteField("proto27Content", None),
8375             ByteField("protoId28", None),
8376             ByteField("lenProto28", None),
8377             ByteField("proto28Content", None),
8379             ByteField("protoId29", None),
8380             ByteField("lenProto29", None),
8381             ByteField("proto29Content", None),
8383             ByteField("protoId30", None),
8384             ByteField("lenProto30", None),
8385             ByteField("proto30Content", None),
8387             ByteField("protoId31", None),
8388             ByteField("lenProto31", None),
8389             ByteField("proto31Content", None),
8391             ByteField("protoId32", None),
8392             ByteField("lenProto32", None),
8393             ByteField("proto32Content", None),
8395             ByteField("protoId33", None),
8396             ByteField("lenProto33", None),
8397             ByteField("proto33Content", None),
8399             ByteField("protoId34", None),
8400             ByteField("lenProto34", None),
8401             ByteField("proto34Content", None),
8403             ByteField("protoId35", None),
8404             ByteField("lenProto35", None),
8405             ByteField("proto35Content", None),
8407             ByteField("protoId36", None),
8408             ByteField("lenProto36", None),
8409             ByteField("proto36Content", None),
8411             ByteField("protoId37", None),
8412             ByteField("lenProto37", None),
8413             ByteField("proto37Content", None),
8415             ByteField("protoId38", None),
8416             ByteField("lenProto38", None),
8417             ByteField("proto38Content", None),
8419             ByteField("protoId39", None),
8420             ByteField("lenProto39", None),
8421             ByteField("proto39Content", None),
8423             ByteField("protoId40", None),
8424             ByteField("lenProto40", None),
8425             ByteField("proto40Content", None),
8427             ByteField("protoId41", None),
8428             ByteField("lenProto41", None),
8429             ByteField("proto41Content", None),
8431             ByteField("protoId42", None),
8432             ByteField("lenProto42", None),
8433             ByteField("proto42Content", None),
8435             ByteField("protoId43", None),
8436             ByteField("lenProto43", None),
8437             ByteField("proto43Content", None),
8439             ByteField("protoId44", None),
8440             ByteField("lenProto44", None),
8441             ByteField("proto44Content", None),
8443             ByteField("protoId45", None),
8444             ByteField("lenProto45", None),
8445             ByteField("proto45Content", None),
8447             ByteField("protoId46", None),
8448             ByteField("lenProto46", None),
8449             ByteField("proto46Content", None),
8451             ByteField("protoId47", None),
8452             ByteField("lenProto47", None),
8453             ByteField("proto47Content", None),
8455             ByteField("protoId48", None),
8456             ByteField("lenProto48", None),
8457             ByteField("proto48Content", None),
8459             ByteField("protoId49", None),
8460             ByteField("lenProto49", None),
8461             ByteField("proto49Content", None),
8463             ByteField("protoId50", None),
8464             ByteField("lenProto50", None),
8465             ByteField("proto50Content", None),
8467             ByteField("protoId51", None),
8468             ByteField("lenProto51", None),
8469             ByteField("proto51Content", None),
8471             ByteField("protoId52", None),
8472             ByteField("lenProto52", None),
8473             ByteField("proto52Content", None),
8475             ByteField("protoId53", None),
8476             ByteField("lenProto53", None),
8477             ByteField("proto53Content", None),
8479             ByteField("protoId54", None),
8480             ByteField("lenProto54", None),
8481             ByteField("proto54Content", None),
8483             ByteField("protoId55", None),
8484             ByteField("lenProto55", None),
8485             ByteField("proto55Content", None),
8487             ByteField("protoId56", None),
8488             ByteField("lenProto56", None),
8489             ByteField("proto56Content", None),
8491             ByteField("protoId57", None),
8492             ByteField("lenProto57", None),
8493             ByteField("proto57Content", None),
8495             ByteField("protoId58", None),
8496             ByteField("lenProto58", None),
8497             ByteField("proto58Content", None),
8499             ByteField("protoId59", None),
8500             ByteField("lenProto59", None),
8501             ByteField("proto59Content", None),
8503             ByteField("protoId60", None),
8504             ByteField("lenProto60", None),
8505             ByteField("proto60Content", None),
8507             ByteField("protoId61", None),
8508             ByteField("lenProto61", None),
8509             ByteField("proto61Content", None),
8511             ByteField("protoId62", None),
8512             ByteField("lenProto62", None),
8513             ByteField("proto62Content", None),
8515             ByteField("protoId63", None),
8516             ByteField("lenProto63", None),
8517             ByteField("proto63Content", None),
8519             ByteField("protoId64", None),
8520             ByteField("lenProto64", None),
8521             ByteField("proto64Content", None),
8523             ByteField("protoId65", None),
8524             ByteField("lenProto65", None),
8525             ByteField("proto65Content", None),
8527             ByteField("protoId66", None),
8528             ByteField("lenProto66", None),
8529             ByteField("proto66Content", None),
8531             ByteField("protoId67", None),
8532             ByteField("lenProto67", None),
8533             ByteField("proto67Content", None),
8535             ByteField("protoId68", None),
8536             ByteField("lenProto68", None),
8537             ByteField("proto68Content", None),
8539             ByteField("protoId69", None),
8540             ByteField("lenProto69", None),
8541             ByteField("proto69Content", None),
8543             ByteField("protoId70", None),
8544             ByteField("lenProto70", None),
8545             ByteField("proto70Content", None),
8547             ByteField("protoId71", None),
8548             ByteField("lenProto71", None),
8549             ByteField("proto71Content", None),
8551             ByteField("protoId72", None),
8552             ByteField("lenProto72", None),
8553             ByteField("proto72Content", None),
8555             ByteField("protoId73", None),
8556             ByteField("lenProto73", None),
8557             ByteField("proto73Content", None),
8559             ByteField("protoId74", None),
8560             ByteField("lenProto74", None),
8561             ByteField("proto74Content", None),
8563             ByteField("protoId75", None),
8564             ByteField("lenProto75", None),
8565             ByteField("proto75Content", None),
8567             ByteField("protoId76", None),
8568             ByteField("lenProto76", None),
8569             ByteField("proto76Content", None),
8571             ByteField("protoId77", None),
8572             ByteField("lenProto77", None),
8573             ByteField("proto77Content", None),
8575             ByteField("protoId78", None),
8576             ByteField("lenProto78", None),
8577             ByteField("proto78Content", None),
8579             ByteField("protoId79", None),
8580             ByteField("lenProto79", None),
8581             ByteField("proto79Content", None),
8583             ByteField("protoId80", None),
8584             ByteField("lenProto80", None),
8585             ByteField("proto80Content", None),
8587             ByteField("protoId81", None),
8588             ByteField("lenProto81", None),
8589             ByteField("proto81Content", None),
8591             ByteField("protoId82", None),
8592             ByteField("lenProto82", None),
8593             ByteField("proto82Content", None),
8595             ByteField("protoId83", None),
8596             ByteField("lenProto83", None),
8597             ByteField("proto83Content", None),
8598             ]
8600    def post_build(self, p, pay):
8601        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
8602        res = adapt(2, 253, a, self.fields_desc)
8603        if self.lengthPCO is None:
8604            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
8605        if res[0] != 0:
8606            p = p[:-res[0]]
8607        return p + pay
8610# len 4 to 20
8611class PacketDataProtocolAddress(Packet):
8612    """Packet data protocol address Section"""
8613    name = "Packet Data Protocol Address"
8614    fields_desc = [
8615             ByteField("ieiPDPA", 0x0),
8617             XByteField("lengthPDPA", None),
8619             BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
8620             BitField("pdpTypeOrga", 0x0, 4),
8622             ByteField("pdpTypeNb", 0x0),
8623             # optional
8624             ByteField("addressInfo1", None),
8625             ByteField("addressInfo2", None),
8626             ByteField("addressInfo3", None),
8627             ByteField("addressInfo4", None),
8628             ByteField("addressInfo5", None),
8629             ByteField("addressInfo6", None),
8630             ByteField("addressInfo7", None),
8631             ByteField("addressInfo8", None),
8632             ByteField("addressInfo9", None),
8633             ByteField("addressInfo10", None),
8634             ByteField("addressInfo11", None),
8635             ByteField("addressInfo12", None),
8636             ByteField("addressInfo13", None),
8637             ByteField("addressInfo14", None),
8638             ByteField("addressInfo15", None),
8639             ByteField("addressInfo16", None)
8640             ]
8642    def post_build(self, p, pay):
8643        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
8644        res = adapt(4, 20, a, self.fields_desc)
8645        if self.lengthPDPA is None:
8646            p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
8647        if res[0] != 0:
8648            p = p[:-res[0]]
8649        return p + pay
8652class QualityOfService(Packet):
8653    """Quality of service Section"""
8654    name = "Quality of Service"
8655    fields_desc = [
8656             ByteField("ieiQOS", 0x0),
8657             XByteField("lengthQOS", 0x5),
8659             BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
8660             BitField("delayClass", 0x0, 3),
8661             BitField("reliaClass", 0x0, 3),
8663             BitField("peak", 0x0, 4),
8664             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8665             BitField("precedenceCl", 0x0, 3),
8667             BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
8668             BitField("mean", 0x0, 5)
8669             ]
8672class SmCause(Packet):
8673    """SM cause Section"""
8674    name = "SM Cause"
8675    fields_desc = [
8676             ByteField("ieiSC", 0x0),
8677             ByteField("causeVal", 0x0)
8678             ]
8680# Spare
8681# This is intentionally left spare.
8684class AaDeactivationCause(Packet):
8685    """AA deactivation cause Section"""
8686    name = "AA Deactivation Cause"
8687    fields_desc = [
8688             XBitField("ieiADC", 0x0, 4),
8689             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8690             BitField("aaVal", 0x0, 3)
8691             ]
8694# Fix 1/2 len problem
8695class AaDeactivationCauseAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
8696    name = "AA Deactivation Cause and Spare Half Octets"
8697    fields_desc = [
8698             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8699             BitField("aaVal", 0x0, 3),
8700             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
8701             ]
8704class LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier(Packet):
8705    """LLC service access point identifier Section"""
8706    name = "LLC Service Access Point Identifier"
8707    fields_desc = [
8708             ByteField("ieiLSAPI", None),
8709             BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
8710             BitField("llcVal", 0x0, 4)
8711             ]
8715# 10.5.7 GPRS Common information elements
8718# [Spare]
8720class RadioPriority(Packet):
8721    """Radio priority Section"""
8722    name = "Radio Priority"
8723    fields_desc = [
8724             XBitField("ieiRP", 0x0, 4),
8725             BitField("spare", 0x1, 1),
8726             BitField("rplv", 0x0, 3)
8727             ]
8730# Fix 1/2 len problem
8731class RadioPriorityAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
8732    name = "Radio Priority and Spare Half Octets"
8733    fields_desc = [
8734             BitField("spare", 0x1, 1),
8735             BitField("rplv", 0x0, 3),
8736             BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
8737             ]
8740class GprsTimer(Packet):
8741    """GPRS Timer Section"""
8742    name = "GPRS Timer"
8743    fields_desc = [
8744             ByteField("ieiGT", 0x0),
8745             BitField("unit", 0x0, 3),
8746             BitField("timerVal", 0x0, 5)
8747             ]
8750class CellIdentity(Packet):
8751    """ Cell identity Section """
8752    name = "Cell Identity"
8753    fields_desc = [
8754             ByteField("ciValue1", 0x0),
8755             ByteField("ciValue2", 0x0)
8756             ]
8759class CiphKeySeqNr(Packet):
8760    """ Ciphering Key Sequence Number Section """
8761    name = "Cipher Key Sequence Number"
8762    fields_desc = [
8763             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8764             BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3)
8765             ]
8768class LocalAreaId(Packet):
8769    """ Local Area Identification Section """
8770    name = "Location Area Identification"
8771    fields_desc = [
8772             BitField("mccDigit2", 0x0, 4),
8773             BitField("mccDigit1", 0x0, 4),
8774             BitField("mncDigit3", 0x0, 4),
8775             BitField("mccDigit3", 0x0, 4),
8776             BitField("mncDigit2", 0x0, 4),
8777             BitField("mncDigit1", 0x0, 4),
8778             ByteField("lac1", 0x0),
8779             ByteField("lac2", 0x0)
8780             ]
8782# The Mobile Identity is a type 4 information element with a minimum
8783# length of 3 octet and 11 octets length maximal.
8787# len 3 - 11
8788class MobileId(Packet):
8789    """ Mobile Identity  Section """
8790    name = "Mobile Identity"
8791    fields_desc = [
8792             XByteField("lengthMI", None),
8793             BitField("idDigit1", 0x0, 4),
8794             BitField("oddEven", 0x0, 1),
8795             BitField("typeOfId", 0x0, 3),
8797             BitField("idDigit2_1", None, 4),  # optional
8798             BitField("idDigit2", None, 4),
8799             BitField("idDigit3_1", None, 4),
8800             BitField("idDigit3", None, 4),
8801             BitField("idDigit4_1", None, 4),
8802             BitField("idDigit4", None, 4),
8803             BitField("idDigit5_1", None, 4),
8804             BitField("idDigit5", None, 4),
8805             BitField("idDigit6_1", None, 4),
8806             BitField("idDigit6", None, 4),
8807             BitField("idDigit7_1", None, 4),
8808             BitField("idDigit7", None, 4),
8809             BitField("idDigit8_1", None, 4),
8810             BitField("idDigit8", None, 4),
8811             BitField("idDigit9_1", None, 4),
8812             BitField("idDigit9", None, 4),
8813             ]
8815    def post_build(self, p, pay):
8816        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
8817        res = adapt(2, 10, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
8818        if self.lengthMI is None:
8819            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
8820        if res[0] != 0:
8821            p = p[:-res[0]]
8822        return p + pay
8825class MobileStationClassmark1(Packet):
8826    """ Mobile Station Classmark 1 Section """
8827    name = "Mobile Station Classmark 1"
8828    fields_desc = [
8829             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8830             BitField("revisionLvl", 0x0, 2),
8831             BitField("esInd", 0x0, 1),
8832             BitField("a51", 0x0, 1),
8833             BitField("rfPowerCap", 0x0, 3)
8834             ]
8837class MobileStationClassmark2(Packet):
8838    """ Mobile Station Classmark 2 Section """
8839    name = "Mobile Station Classmark 2"
8840    fields_desc = [
8841             XByteField("lengthMSC2", 0x3),
8842             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8843             BitField("revisionLvl", 0x0, 2),
8844             BitField("esInd", 0x0, 1),
8845             BitField("a51", 0x0, 1),
8846             BitField("rfPowerCap", 0x0, 3),
8847             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
8848             BitField("psCap", 0x0, 1),
8849             BitField("ssScreenInd", 0x0, 2),
8850             BitField("smCaPabi", 0x0, 1),
8851             BitField("vbs", 0x0, 1),
8852             BitField("vgcs", 0x0, 1),
8853             BitField("fc", 0x0, 1),
8854             BitField("cm3", 0x0, 1),
8855             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
8856             BitField("lcsvaCap", 0x0, 1),
8857             BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
8858             BitField("soLsa", 0x0, 1),
8859             BitField("cmsp", 0x0, 1),
8860             BitField("a53", 0x0, 1),
8861             BitField("a52", 0x0, 1)
8862             ]
8865class DescriptiveGroupOrBroadcastCallReference(Packet):
8866    """ Descriptive group or broadcast call reference  Section """
8867    name = "Descriptive Group or Broadcast Call Reference"
8868    fields_desc = [
8869             BitField("binCallRef", 0x0, 27),
8870             BitField("sf", 0x0, 1),
8871             BitField("fa", 0x0, 1),
8872             BitField("callPrio", 0x0, 3),
8873             BitField("cipherInfo", 0x0, 4),
8874             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
8875             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
8876             BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
8877             BitField("spare4", 0x0, 1)
8878             ]
8881class PdAndSapi(Packet):
8882    """ PD and SAPI $(CCBS)$  Section """
8883    name = "PD and SAPI $(CCBS)$"
8884    fields_desc = [
8885             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8886             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
8887             BitField("sapi", 0x0, 2),
8888             BitField("pd", 0x0, 4)
8889             ]
8892class PriorityLevel(Packet):
8893    """ Priority Level Section """
8894    name = "Priority Level"
8895    fields_desc = [
8896             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
8897             BitField("callPrio", 0x0, 3)
8898             ]
8901# Radio Resource management information elements
8905# len 6 to max for L3 message (251)
8906class BaRange(Packet):
8907    """ BA Range Section """
8908    name = "BA Range"
8909    fields_desc = [
8911             XByteField("lengthBR", None),
8912#error: byte format requires -128 <= number <= 127
8913             ByteField("nrOfRanges", 0x0),
8914#              # rX = range X
8915#              # L o = Lower H i = higher
8916#              # H p = high Part Lp = low Part
8917             ByteField("r1LoHp", 0x0),
8919             BitField("r1LoLp", 0x0, 3),
8920             BitField("r1HiHp", 0x0, 5),
8922             BitField("r1HiLp", 0x0, 4),
8923             BitField("r2LoHp", 0x0, 4),
8924             # optional
8925             BitField("r2LoLp", None, 5),
8926             BitField("r2HiHp", None, 3),
8928             ByteField("r2HiLp", None),
8929             ByteField("r3LoHp", None),
8931             BitField("r3LoLp", None, 5),
8932             BitField("r3HiHp", None, 3),
8934             ByteField("r3HiLp", None),
8935             ByteField("r4LoHp", None),
8937             BitField("r4LoLp", None, 5),
8938             BitField("r4HiHp", None, 3),
8939             ByteField("r4HiLp", None),
8940             ByteField("r5LoHp", None),
8942             BitField("r5LoLp", None, 5),
8943             BitField("r5HiHp", None, 3),
8944             ByteField("r5HiLp", None),
8945             ByteField("r6LoHp", None),
8947             BitField("r6LoLp", None, 5),
8948             BitField("r6HiHp", None, 3),
8949             ByteField("r6HiLp", None),
8950             ByteField("r7LoHp", None),
8952             BitField("r7LoLp", None, 5),
8953             BitField("r7HiHp", None, 3),
8954             ByteField("r7HiLp", None),
8955             ByteField("r8LoHp", None),
8957             BitField("r8LoLp", None, 5),
8958             BitField("r8HiHp", None, 3),
8959             ByteField("r8HiLp", None),
8960             ByteField("r9LoHp", None),
8962             BitField("r9LoLp", None, 5),
8963             BitField("r9HiHp", None, 3),
8964             ByteField("r9HiLp", None),
8965             ByteField("r10LoHp", None),
8967             BitField("r10LoLp", None, 5),
8968             BitField("r10HiHp", None, 3),
8969             ByteField("r10HiLp", None),
8970             ByteField("r11LoHp", None),
8972             BitField("r11LoLp", None, 5),
8973             BitField("r11HiHp", None, 3),
8974             ByteField("r11HiLp", None),
8975             ByteField("r12LoHp", None),
8977             BitField("r12LoLp", None, 5),
8978             BitField("r12HiHp", None, 3),
8979             ByteField("r12HiLp", None),
8980             ByteField("r13LoHp", None),
8982             BitField("r13LoLp", None, 5),
8983             BitField("r13HiHp", None, 3),
8984             ByteField("r13HiLp", None),
8985             ByteField("r14LoHp", None),
8987             BitField("r14LoLp", None, 5),
8988             BitField("r14HiHp", None, 3),
8989             ByteField("r14HiLp", None),
8990             ByteField("r15LoHp", None),
8992             BitField("r15LoLp", None, 5),
8993             BitField("r15HiHp", None, 3),
8994             ByteField("r15HiLp", None),
8995             ByteField("r16LoHp", None),
8997             BitField("r16LoLp", None, 5),
8998             BitField("r16HiHp", None, 3),
8999             ByteField("r16HiLp", None),
9000             ByteField("r17LoHp", None),
9002             BitField("r17LoLp", None, 5),
9003             BitField("r17HiHp", None, 3),
9004             ByteField("r17HiLp", None),
9005             ByteField("r18LoHp", None),
9007             BitField("r18LoLp", None, 5),
9008             BitField("r18HiHp", None, 3),
9009             ByteField("r18HiLp", None),
9010             ByteField("r19LoHp", None),
9012             BitField("r19LoLp", None, 5),
9013             BitField("r19HiHp", None, 3),
9014             ByteField("r19HiLp", None),
9015             ByteField("r20LoHp", None),
9017             BitField("r20LoLp", None, 5),
9018             BitField("r20HiHp", None, 3),
9019             ByteField("r20HiLp", None),
9020             ByteField("r21LoHp", None),
9022             BitField("r21LoLp", None, 5),
9023             BitField("r21HiHp", None, 3),
9024             ByteField("r21HiLp", None),
9025             ByteField("r22LoHp", None),
9027             BitField("r22LoLp", None, 5),
9028             BitField("r22HiHp", None, 3),
9029             ByteField("r22HiLp", None),
9030             ByteField("r23LoHp", None),
9032             BitField("r23LoLp", None, 5),
9033             BitField("r23HiHp", None, 3),
9034             ByteField("r23HiLp", None),
9035             ByteField("r24LoHp", None),
9037             BitField("r24LoLp", None, 5),
9038             BitField("r24HiHp", None, 3),
9039             ByteField("r24HiLp", None),
9040             ByteField("r25LoHp", None),
9042             BitField("r25LoLp", None, 5),
9043             BitField("r25HiHp", None, 3),
9044             ByteField("r25HiLp", None),
9045             ByteField("r26LoHp", None),
9047             BitField("r26LoLp", None, 5),
9048             BitField("r26HiHp", None, 3),
9049             ByteField("r26HiLp", None),
9050             ByteField("r27LoHp", None),
9052             BitField("r27LoLp", None, 5),
9053             BitField("r27HiHp", None, 3),
9054             ByteField("r27HiLp", None),
9055             ByteField("r28LoHp", None),
9057             BitField("r28LoLp", None, 5),
9058             BitField("r28HiHp", None, 3),
9059             ByteField("r28HiLp", None),
9060             ByteField("r29LoHp", None),
9062             BitField("r29LoLp", None, 5),
9063             BitField("r29HiHp", None, 3),
9064             ByteField("r29HiLp", None),
9065             ByteField("r30LoHp", None),
9067             BitField("r30LoLp", None, 5),
9068             BitField("r30HiHp", None, 3),
9069             ByteField("r30HiLp", None),
9070             ByteField("r31LoHp", None),
9072             BitField("r31LoLp", None, 5),
9073             BitField("r31HiHp", None, 3),
9074             ByteField("r31HiLp", None),
9075             ByteField("r32LoHp", None),
9077             BitField("r32LoLp", None, 5),
9078             BitField("r32HiHp", None, 3),
9079             ByteField("r32HiLp", None),
9080             ByteField("r33LoHp", None),
9082             BitField("r33LoLp", None, 5),
9083             BitField("r33HiHp", None, 3),
9084             ByteField("r33HiLp", None),
9085             ByteField("r34LoHp", None),
9087             BitField("r34LoLp", None, 5),
9088             BitField("r34HiHp", None, 3),
9089             ByteField("r34HiLp", None),
9090             ByteField("r35LoHp", None),
9092             BitField("r35LoLp", None, 5),
9093             BitField("r35HiHp", None, 3),
9094             ByteField("r35HiLp", None),
9095             ByteField("r36LoHp", None),
9097             BitField("r36LoLp", None, 5),
9098             BitField("r36HiHp", None, 3),
9099             ByteField("r36HiLp", None),
9100             ByteField("r37LoHp", None),
9102             BitField("r37LoLp", None, 5),
9103             BitField("r37HiHp", None, 3),
9104             ByteField("r37HiLp", None),
9105             ByteField("r38LoHp", None),
9107             BitField("r38LoLp", None, 5),
9108             BitField("r38HiHp", None, 3),
9109             ByteField("r38HiLp", None),
9110             ByteField("r39LoHp", None),
9112             BitField("r39LoLp", None, 5),
9113             BitField("r39HiHp", None, 3),
9114             ByteField("r39HiLp", None),
9115             ByteField("r40LoHp", None),
9117             BitField("r40LoLp", None, 5),
9118             BitField("r40HiHp", None, 3),
9119             ByteField("r40HiLp", None),
9120             ByteField("r41LoHp", None),
9122             BitField("r41LoLp", None, 5),
9123             BitField("r41HiHp", None, 3),
9124             ByteField("r41HiLp", None),
9125             ByteField("r42LoHp", None),
9127             BitField("r42LoLp", None, 5),
9128             BitField("r42HiHp", None, 3),
9129             ByteField("r42HiLp", None),
9130             ByteField("r43LoHp", None),
9132             BitField("r43LoLp", None, 5),
9133             BitField("r43HiHp", None, 3),
9134             ByteField("r43HiLp", None),
9135             ByteField("r44LoHp", None),
9137             BitField("r44LoLp", None, 5),
9138             BitField("r44HiHp", None, 3),
9139             ByteField("r44HiLp", None),
9140             ByteField("r45LoHp", None),
9142             BitField("r45LoLp", None, 5),
9143             BitField("r45HiHp", None, 3),
9144             ByteField("r45HiLp", None),
9145             ByteField("r46LoHp", None),
9147             BitField("r46LoLp", None, 5),
9148             BitField("r46HiHp", None, 3),
9149             ByteField("r46HiLp", None),
9150             ByteField("r47LoHp", None),
9152             BitField("r47LoLp", None, 5),
9153             BitField("r47HiHp", None, 3),
9154             ByteField("r47HiLp", None),
9155             ByteField("r48LoHp", None),
9157             BitField("r48LoLp", None, 5),
9158             BitField("r48HiHp", None, 3),
9159             ByteField("r48HiLp", None),
9160             ByteField("r49LoHp", None),
9162             BitField("r49LoLp", None, 5),
9163             BitField("r49HiHp", None, 3),
9164             ByteField("r49HiLp", None),
9165             ByteField("r50LoHp", None),
9167             BitField("r50LoLp", None, 5),
9168             BitField("r50HiHp", None, 3),
9169             ByteField("r50HiLp", None),
9170             ByteField("r51LoHp", None),
9172             BitField("r51LoLp", None, 5),
9173             BitField("r51HiHp", None, 3),
9174             ByteField("r51HiLp", None),
9175             ByteField("r52LoHp", None),
9177             BitField("r52LoLp", None, 5),
9178             BitField("r52HiHp", None, 3),
9179             ByteField("r52HiLp", None),
9180             ByteField("r53LoHp", None),
9182             BitField("r53LoLp", None, 5),
9183             BitField("r53HiHp", None, 3),
9184             ByteField("r53HiLp", None),
9185             ByteField("r54LoHp", None),
9187             BitField("r54LoLp", None, 5),
9188             BitField("r54HiHp", None, 3),
9189             ByteField("r54HiLp", None),
9190             ByteField("r55LoHp", None),
9192             BitField("r55LoLp", None, 5),
9193             BitField("r55HiHp", None, 3),
9194             ByteField("r55HiLp", None),
9195             ByteField("r56LoHp", None),
9197             BitField("r56LoLp", None, 5),
9198             BitField("r56HiHp", None, 3),
9199             ByteField("r56HiLp", None),
9200             ByteField("r57LoHp", None),
9202             BitField("r57LoLp", None, 5),
9203             BitField("r57HiHp", None, 3),
9204             ByteField("r57HiLp", None),
9205             ByteField("r58LoHp", None),
9207             BitField("r58LoLp", None, 5),
9208             BitField("r58HiHp", None, 3),
9209             ByteField("r58HiLp", None),
9210             ByteField("r59LoHp", None),
9212             BitField("r59LoLp", None, 5),
9213             BitField("r59HiHp", None, 3),
9214             ByteField("r59HiLp", None),
9215             ByteField("r60LoHp", None),
9217             BitField("r60LoLp", None, 5),
9218             BitField("r60HiHp", None, 3),
9219             ByteField("r60HiLp", None),
9220             ByteField("r61LoHp", None),
9222             BitField("r61LoLp", None, 5),
9223             BitField("r61HiHp", None, 3),
9224             ByteField("r61HiLp", None),
9225             ByteField("r62LoHp", None),
9227             BitField("r62LoLp", None, 5),
9228             BitField("r62HiHp", None, 3),
9229             ByteField("r62HiLp", None),
9230             ByteField("r63LoHp", None),
9232             BitField("r63LoLp", None, 5),
9233             BitField("r63HiHp", None, 3),
9234             ByteField("r63HiLp", None),
9235             ByteField("r64LoHp", None),
9237             BitField("r64LoLp", None, 5),
9238             BitField("r64HiHp", None, 3),
9239             ByteField("r64HiLp", None),
9240             ByteField("r65LoHp", None),
9242             BitField("r65LoLp", None, 5),
9243             BitField("r65HiHp", None, 3),
9244             ByteField("r65HiLp", None),
9245             ByteField("r66LoHp", None),
9247             BitField("r66LoLp", None, 5),
9248             BitField("r66HiHp", None, 3),
9249             ByteField("r66HiLp", None),
9250             ByteField("r67LoHp", None),
9252             BitField("r67LoLp", None, 5),
9253             BitField("r67HiHp", None, 3),
9254             ByteField("r67HiLp", None),
9255             ByteField("r68LoHp", None),
9257             BitField("r68LoLp", None, 5),
9258             BitField("r68HiHp", None, 3),
9259             ByteField("r68HiLp", None),
9260             ByteField("r69LoHp", None),
9262             BitField("r69LoLp", None, 5),
9263             BitField("r69HiHp", None, 3),
9264             ByteField("r69HiLp", None),
9265             ByteField("r70LoHp", None),
9267             BitField("r70LoLp", None, 5),
9268             BitField("r70HiHp", None, 3),
9269             ByteField("r70HiLp", None),
9270             ByteField("r71LoHp", None),
9272             BitField("r71LoLp", None, 5),
9273             BitField("r71HiHp", None, 3),
9274             ByteField("r71HiLp", None),
9275             ByteField("r72LoHp", None),
9277             BitField("r72LoLp", None, 5),
9278             BitField("r72HiHp", None, 3),
9279             ByteField("r72HiLp", None),
9280             ByteField("r73LoHp", None),
9282             BitField("r73LoLp", None, 5),
9283             BitField("r73HiHp", None, 3),
9284             ByteField("r73HiLp", None),
9285             ByteField("r74LoHp", None),
9287             BitField("r74LoLp", None, 5),
9288             BitField("r74HiHp", None, 3),
9289             ByteField("r74HiLp", None),
9290             ByteField("r75LoHp", None),
9292             BitField("r75LoLp", None, 5),
9293             BitField("r75HiHp", None, 3),
9294             ByteField("r75HiLp", None),
9295             ByteField("r76LoHp", None),
9297             BitField("r76LoLp", None, 5),
9298             BitField("r76HiHp", None, 3),
9299             ByteField("r76HiLp", None),
9300             ByteField("r77LoHp", None),
9302             BitField("r77LoLp", None, 5),
9303             BitField("r77HiHp", None, 3),
9304             ByteField("r77HiLp", None),
9305             ByteField("r78LoHp", None),
9307             BitField("r78LoLp", None, 5),
9308             BitField("r78HiHp", None, 3),
9309             ByteField("r78HiLp", None),
9310             ByteField("r79LoHp", None),
9312             BitField("r79LoLp", None, 5),
9313             BitField("r79HiHp", None, 3),
9314             ByteField("r79HiLp", None),
9315             ByteField("r80LoHp", None),
9317             BitField("r80LoLp", None, 5),
9318             BitField("r80HiHp", None, 3),
9319             ByteField("r80HiLp", None),
9320             ByteField("r81LoHp", None),
9322             BitField("r81LoLp", None, 5),
9323             BitField("r81HiHp", None, 3),
9324             ByteField("r81HiLp", None),
9325             ByteField("r82LoHp", None),
9327             BitField("r82LoLp", None, 5),
9328             BitField("r82HiHp", None, 3),
9329             ByteField("r82HiLp", None),
9330             ByteField("r83LoHp", None),
9332             BitField("r83LoLp", None, 5),
9333             BitField("r83HiHp", None, 3),
9334             ByteField("r83HiLp", None),
9335             ByteField("r84LoHp", None),
9337             BitField("r84LoLp", None, 5),
9338             BitField("r84HiHp", None, 3),
9339             ByteField("r84HiLp", None)
9340             ]
9342    def post_build(self, p, pay):
9343        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
9344        res = adapt(5, 253, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
9345        if self.lengthBR is None:
9346            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
9347        if res[0] != 0:
9348            p = p[:-res[0]]
9349        return p + pay
9352# len 3 to max for L3 message (251)
9353class BaListPref(Packet):
9354    """ BA List Pref Section """
9355    name = "BA List Pref"
9356    fields_desc = [
9357             XByteField("lengthBLP", None),
9359             BitField("fixBit", 0x0, 1),
9360             BitField("rangeLower", 0x0, 10),
9361             BitField("fixBit2", 0x0, 1),
9362             BitField("rangeUpper", 0x0, 10),
9363             BitField("baFreq", 0x0, 10),
9364             BitField("sparePad", 0x0, 8)
9365             ]
9368# len 17 || Have a look at the specs for the field format
9369# Bit map 0 format
9370# Range 1024 format
9371# Range  512 format
9372# Range  256 format
9373# Range  128 format
9374# Variable bit map format
9375class CellChannelDescription(Packet):
9376    """ Cell Channel Description  Section """
9377    name = "Cell Channel Description "
9378    fields_desc = [
9379             BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
9380             BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
9381             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
9382             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
9383             BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
9384             BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
9385             BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
9386             BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
9387             ByteField("bit120", 0x0),
9388             ByteField("bit112", 0x0),
9389             ByteField("bit104", 0x0),
9390             ByteField("bit96", 0x0),
9391             ByteField("bit88", 0x0),
9392             ByteField("bit80", 0x0),
9393             ByteField("bit72", 0x0),
9394             ByteField("bit64", 0x0),
9395             ByteField("bit56", 0x0),
9396             ByteField("bit48", 0x0),
9397             ByteField("bit40", 0x0),
9398             ByteField("bit32", 0x0),
9399             ByteField("bit24", 0x0),
9400             ByteField("bit16", 0x0),
9401             ByteField("bit8", 0x0)
9402             ]
9405class CellDescription(Packet):
9406    """ Cell Description  Section """
9407    name = "Cell Description"
9408    fields_desc = [
9409             BitField("bcchHigh", 0x0, 2),
9410             BitField("ncc", 0x0, 3),
9411             BitField("bcc", 0x0, 3),
9412             ByteField("bcchLow", 0x0)
9413             ]
9416class CellOptionsBCCH(Packet):
9417    """ Cell Options (BCCH)  Section """
9418    name = "Cell Options (BCCH)"
9419    fields_desc = [
9420             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
9421             BitField("pwrc", 0x0, 1),
9422             BitField("dtx", 0x0, 2),
9423             BitField("rLinkTout", 0x0, 4)
9424             ]
9427class CellOptionsSACCH(Packet):
9428    """ Cell Options (SACCH) Section """
9429    name = "Cell Options (SACCH)"
9430    fields_desc = [
9431             BitField("dtx", 0x0, 1),
9432             BitField("pwrc", 0x0, 1),
9433             BitField("dtx", 0x0, 1),
9434             BitField("rLinkTout", 0x0, 4)
9435             ]
9438class CellSelectionParameters(Packet):
9439    """ Cell Selection Parameters Section """
9440    name = "Cell Selection Parameters"
9441    fields_desc = [
9442             BitField("cellReselect", 0x0, 3),
9443             BitField("msTxPwrMax", 0x0, 5),
9444             BitField("acs", None, 1),
9445             BitField("neci", None, 1),
9446             BitField("rxlenAccMin", None, 6)
9447             ]
9450class MacModeAndChannelCodingRequest(Packet):
9451    """ MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested Section """
9452    name = "MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested"
9453    fields_desc = [
9454             BitField("macMode", 0x0, 2),
9455             BitField("cs", 0x0, 2)
9456             ]
9459class ChannelDescription(Packet):
9460    """ Channel Description  Section """
9461    name = "Channel Description"
9462    fields_desc = [
9464             BitField("channelTyp", 0x0, 5),
9465             BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
9467             BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
9468             BitField("h", 0x1, 1),
9469             BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
9471             BitField("maioLo", 0x0, 2),
9472             BitField("hsn", 0x0, 6)
9473             ]
9476class ChannelDescription2(Packet):
9477    """ Channel Description 2 Section """
9478    name = "Channel Description 2"
9479    fields_desc = [
9480             BitField("channelTyp", 0x0, 5),
9481             BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
9482             BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
9483             BitField("h", 0x0, 1),
9484             # if h=1
9485             # BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
9486             # BitField("maioLo", 0x0, 2),
9487             # BitField("hsn", 0x0, 6)
9488             BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
9489             BitField("arfcnHigh", 0x0, 2),
9490             ByteField("arfcnLow", 0x0)
9491             ]
9494class ChannelMode(Packet):
9495    """ Channel Mode Section """
9496    name = "Channel Mode"
9497    fields_desc = [
9498             ByteField("mode", 0x0)
9499             ]
9502class ChannelMode2(Packet):
9503    """ Channel Mode 2 Section """
9504    name = "Channel Mode 2"
9505    fields_desc = [
9506             ByteField("mode", 0x0)
9507             ]
9510class ChannelNeeded(Packet):
9511    """ Channel Needed Section """
9512    name = "Channel Needed"
9513    fields_desc = [
9514             BitField("channel2", 0x0, 2),
9515             BitField("channel1", 0x0, 2),
9516             ]
9519class ChannelRequestDescription(Packet):
9520    """Channel Request Description  Section """
9521    name = "Channel Request Description"
9522    fields_desc = [
9523             BitField("mt", 0x0, 1),
9524             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 39),
9525                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 0),
9526             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
9527                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
9528             ConditionalField(BitField("priority", 0x0, 2),
9529                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
9530             ConditionalField(BitField("rlcMode", 0x0, 1),
9531                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
9532             ConditionalField(BitField("llcFrame", 0x1, 1),
9533                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
9534             ConditionalField(ByteField("reqBandMsb", 0x0),
9535                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
9536             ConditionalField(ByteField("reqBandLsb", 0x0),
9537                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
9538             ConditionalField(ByteField("rlcMsb", 0x0),
9539                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1),
9540             ConditionalField(ByteField("rlcLsb", 0x0),
9541                              lambda pkt: pkt.mt == 1)
9542             ]
9545class CipherModeSetting(Packet):
9546    """Cipher Mode Setting Section """
9547    name = "Cipher Mode Setting"
9548    fields_desc = [
9549             BitField("algoId", 0x0, 3),
9550             BitField("sc", 0x0, 1),
9551             ]
9554class CipherResponse(Packet):
9555    """Cipher Response Section """
9556    name = "Cipher Response"
9557    fields_desc = [
9558             BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
9559             BitField("cr", 0x0, 1),
9560             ]
9563class ControlChannelDescription(Packet):
9564    """Control Channel Description Section """
9565    name = "Control Channel Description"
9566    fields_desc = [
9568             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
9569             BitField("att", 0x0, 1),
9570             BitField("bsAgBlksRes", 0x0, 3),
9571             BitField("ccchConf", 0x0, 3),
9573             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
9574             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
9575             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
9576             BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
9577             BitField("spare4", 0x0, 1),
9578             BitField("bsPaMfrms", 0x0, 3),
9580             ByteField("t3212", 0x0)
9581             ]
9584class FrequencyChannelSequence(Packet):
9585    """Frequency Channel Sequence Section"""
9586    name = "Frequency Channel Sequence"
9587    fields_desc = [
9588             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
9589             BitField("lowestArfcn", 0x0, 7),
9590             BitField("skipArfcn01", 0x0, 4),
9591             BitField("skipArfcn02", 0x0, 4),
9592             BitField("skipArfcn03", 0x0, 4),
9593             BitField("skipArfcn04", 0x0, 4),
9594             BitField("skipArfcn05", 0x0, 4),
9595             BitField("skipArfcn06", 0x0, 4),
9596             BitField("skipArfcn07", 0x0, 4),
9597             BitField("skipArfcn08", 0x0, 4),
9598             BitField("skipArfcn09", 0x0, 4),
9599             BitField("skipArfcn10", 0x0, 4),
9600             BitField("skipArfcn11", 0x0, 4),
9601             BitField("skipArfcn12", 0x0, 4),
9602             BitField("skipArfcn13", 0x0, 4),
9603             BitField("skipArfcn14", 0x0, 4),
9604             BitField("skipArfcn15", 0x0, 4),
9605             BitField("skipArfcn16", 0x0, 4)
9606             ]
9609class FrequencyList(Packet):
9610    """Frequency List Section"""
9611    name = "Frequency List"
9612 # Problem:
9613 # There are several formats for the Frequency List information
9614 # element, distinguished by the "format indicator" subfield.
9615 # Some formats are frequency bit maps, the others use a special encoding
9616 # scheme.
9617    fields_desc = [
9618             XByteField("lengthFL", None),
9620             BitField("formatID", 0x0, 2),
9621             BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
9622             BitField("arfcn124", 0x0, 1),
9623             BitField("arfcn123", 0x0, 1),
9624             BitField("arfcn122", 0x0, 1),
9625             BitField("arfcn121", 0x0, 1),
9627             ByteField("arfcn120", 0x0),
9628             ByteField("arfcn112", 0x0),
9629             ByteField("arfcn104", 0x0),
9630             ByteField("arfcn96", 0x0),
9631             ByteField("arfcn88", 0x0),
9632             ByteField("arfcn80", 0x0),
9633             ByteField("arfcn72", 0x0),
9634             ByteField("arfcn64", 0x0),
9635             ByteField("arfcn56", 0x0),
9636             ByteField("arfcn48", 0x0),
9637             ByteField("arfcn40", 0x0),
9638             ByteField("arfcn32", 0x0),
9639             ByteField("arfcn24", 0x0),
9640             ByteField("arfcn16", 0x0),
9641             ByteField("arfcn8", 0x0)
9642             ]
9645# len 4 to 13
9646class GroupChannelDescription(Packet):
9647    """Group Channel Description Section"""
9648    name = "Group Channel Description"
9649    fields_desc = [
9650             XByteField("lengthGCD", None),
9652             BitField("channelType", 0x0, 5),
9653             BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
9655             BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
9656             BitField("h", 0x0, 1),
9657             # if  h == 0 the  packet looks the following way:
9658             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
9659                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
9660             ConditionalField(BitField("arfcnHi", 0x0, 2),
9661                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
9662             ConditionalField(ByteField("arfcnLo", None),
9663                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
9664             # if  h == 1 the  packet looks the following way:
9665             ConditionalField(BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
9666                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
9667             ConditionalField(BitField("maioLo", None, 2),
9668                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
9669             ConditionalField(BitField("hsn", None, 6),
9670                              lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
9671             # finished with conditional fields
9672             ByteField("maC6", None),
9673             ByteField("maC7", None),
9674             ByteField("maC8", None),
9675             ByteField("maC9", None),
9676             ByteField("maC10", None),
9677             ByteField("maC11", None),
9678             ByteField("maC12", None),
9679             ByteField("maC13", None),
9680             ByteField("maC14", None)
9681             ]
9683    def post_build(self, p, pay):
9684        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
9685        res = adapt(4, 13, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
9686        if self.lengthGCD is None:
9687            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
9688        if res[0] != 0:
9689            p = p[:-res[0]]
9690        return p + pay
9693class GprsResumption(Packet):
9694    """GPRS Resumption  Section"""
9695    name = "GPRS Resumption"
9696    fields_desc = [
9697             BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
9698             BitField("ack", 0x0, 1)
9699             ]
9702class HandoverReference(Packet):
9703    """Handover Reference Section"""
9704    name = "Handover Reference"
9705    fields_desc = [
9706             ByteField("handoverRef", 0x0)
9707             ]
9710class IraRestOctets(Packet):
9711    """IAR Rest Octets Section"""
9712    name = "IAR Rest Octets"
9713    fields_desc = [
9714             BitField("spare01", 0x0, 1),
9715             BitField("spare02", 0x0, 1),
9716             BitField("spare03", 0x1, 1),
9717             BitField("spare04", 0x0, 1),
9718             BitField("spare05", 0x1, 1),
9719             BitField("spare06", 0x0, 1),
9720             BitField("spare07", 0x1, 1),
9721             BitField("spare08", 0x1, 1),
9722             BitField("spare09", 0x0, 1),
9723             BitField("spare10", 0x0, 1),
9724             BitField("spare11", 0x1, 1),
9725             BitField("spare12", 0x0, 1),
9726             BitField("spare13", 0x1, 1),
9727             BitField("spare14", 0x0, 1),
9728             BitField("spare15", 0x1, 1),
9729             BitField("spare16", 0x1, 1),
9730             BitField("spare17", 0x0, 1),
9731             BitField("spare18", 0x0, 1),
9732             BitField("spare19", 0x1, 1),
9733             BitField("spare20", 0x0, 1),
9734             BitField("spare21", 0x1, 1),
9735             BitField("spare22", 0x0, 1),
9736             BitField("spare23", 0x1, 1),
9737             BitField("spare24", 0x1, 1)
9738             ]
9741# len is 1 to 5 what do we do with the variable size? no length
9742# field?! WTF
9743class IaxRestOctets(Packet):
9744    """IAX Rest Octets Section"""
9745    name = "IAX Rest Octets"
9746    fields_desc = [
9747             BitField("spare01", 0x0, 1),
9748             BitField("spare02", 0x0, 1),
9749             BitField("spare03", 0x1, 1),
9750             BitField("spare04", 0x0, 1),
9751             BitField("spare05", 0x1, 1),
9752             BitField("spare06", 0x0, 1),
9753             BitField("spare07", 0x1, 1),
9754             BitField("spare08", 0x1, 1),
9755             ByteField("spareB1", None),
9756             ByteField("spareB2", None),
9757             ByteField("spareB3", None)
9758             ]
9761class L2PseudoLength(Packet):
9762    """L2 Pseudo Length Section"""
9763    name = "L2 Pseudo Length"
9764    fields_desc = [
9765             BitField("l2pLength", None, 6),
9766             BitField("bit2", 0x0, 1),
9767             BitField("bit1", 0x1, 1)
9768             ]
9771class MeasurementResults(Packet):
9772    """Measurement Results Section"""
9773    name = "Measurement Results"
9774    fields_desc = [
9775             BitField("baUsed", 0x0, 1),
9776             BitField("dtxUsed", 0x0, 1),
9777             BitField("rxLevFull", 0x0, 6),
9779             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
9780             BitField("measValid", 0x0, 1),
9781             BitField("rxLevSub", 0x0, 6),
9783             BitField("spare0", 0x0, 1),
9784             BitField("rxqualFull", 0x0, 3),
9785             BitField("rxqualSub", 0x0, 3),
9786             BitField("noNcellHi", 0x0, 1),
9788             BitField("noNcellLo", 0x0, 2),
9789             BitField("rxlevC1", 0x0, 6),
9791             BitField("bcchC1", 0x0, 5),
9792             BitField("bsicC1Hi", 0x0, 3),
9794             BitField("bsicC1Lo", 0x0, 3),
9795             BitField("rxlevC2", 0x0, 5),
9797             BitField("rxlevC2Lo", 0x0, 1),
9798             BitField("bcchC2", 0x0, 5),
9799             BitField("bsicC2Hi", 0x0, 2),
9801             BitField("bscicC2Lo", 0x0, 4),
9802             BitField("bscicC2Hi", 0x0, 4),
9804             BitField("rxlevC3Lo", 0x0, 2),
9805             BitField("bcchC3", 0x0, 5),
9806             BitField("rxlevC3Hi", 0x0, 1),
9808             BitField("bsicC3Lo", 0x0, 5),
9809             BitField("bsicC3Hi", 0x0, 3),
9811             BitField("rxlevC4Lo", 0x0, 3),
9812             BitField("bcchC4", 0x0, 5),
9814             BitField("bsicC4", 0x0, 6),
9815             BitField("rxlevC5Hi", 0x0, 2),
9817             BitField("rxlevC5Lo", 0x0, 4),
9818             BitField("bcchC5Hi", 0x0, 4),
9820             BitField("bcchC5Lo", 0x0, 1),
9821             BitField("bsicC5", 0x0, 6),
9822             BitField("rxlevC6", 0x0, 1),
9824             BitField("rxlevC6Lo", 0x0, 5),
9825             BitField("bcchC6Hi", 0x0, 3),
9827             BitField("bcchC6Lo", 0x0, 3),
9828             BitField("bsicC6", 0x0, 5)
9829             ]
9832class GprsMeasurementResults(Packet):
9833    """GPRS Measurement Results Section"""
9834    name = "GPRS Measurement Results"
9835    fields_desc = [
9836             BitField("cValue", 0x0, 6),
9837             BitField("rxqualHi", 0x0, 2),
9838             BitField("rxqL", 0x0, 1),
9839             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
9840             BitField("signVar", 0x0, 6)
9841             ]
9844# len 3 to 10
9845class MobileAllocation(Packet):
9846    """Mobile Allocation Section"""
9847    name = "Mobile Allocation"
9848    fields_desc = [
9849             XByteField("lengthMA", None),
9850             ByteField("maC64", 0x12),
9851             ByteField("maC56", None),  # optional fields start here
9852             ByteField("maC48", None),
9853             ByteField("maC40", None),
9854             ByteField("maC32", None),
9855             ByteField("maC24", None),
9856             ByteField("maC16", None),
9857             ByteField("maC8", None)
9858             ]
9860    def post_build(self, p, pay):
9861        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
9862        res = adapt(2, 9, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
9863        if self.lengthMA is None:
9864            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
9865        if res[0] != 0:
9866            p = p[:-res[0]]
9867        return p + pay
9870class MobileTimeDifference(Packet):
9871    """Mobile Time Difference Section"""
9872    name = "Mobile Time Difference"
9873    fields_desc = [
9874             XByteField("lengthMTD", 0x5),
9875             ByteField("valueHi", 0x0),
9876             ByteField("valueCnt", 0x0),
9877             BitField("valueLow", 0x0, 5),
9878             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
9879             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
9880             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1)
9881             ]
9884# min 4 octets max 8
9885class MultiRateConfiguration(Packet):
9886    """ MultiRate configuration Section"""
9887    name = "MultiRate Configuration"
9888 # This  packet has a variable length and hence structure. This packet
9889 # implements the longest possible  packet. If you build a shorter
9890 #  packet, for example having only 6 bytes, the last 4 bytes are  named
9891 # "Spare" in the specs. Here they are  named "threshold2"
9892    fields_desc = [
9893             XByteField("lengthMRC", None),
9895             BitField("mrVersion", 0x0, 3),
9896             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
9897             BitField("icmi", 0x0, 1),
9898             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
9899             BitField("startMode", 0x0, 2),
9901             ByteField("amrCodec", None),
9903             BitField("spare", None, 2),
9904             BitField("threshold1", None, 6),
9906             BitField("hysteresis1", None, 4),
9907             BitField("threshold2", None, 4),
9909             BitField("threshold2cnt", None, 2),
9910             BitField("hysteresis2", None, 4),
9911             BitField("threshold3", None, 2),
9913             BitField("threshold3cnt", None, 4),
9914             BitField("hysteresis3", None, 4)
9915             ]
9917    def post_build(self, p, pay):
9918        # we set the length
9919        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
9920        res = adapt(3, 7, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
9921        if self.lengthMRC is None:
9922            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
9923        if res[0] != 0:
9924            p = p[:-res[0]]
9925        return p + pay
9928# len 2 to 11
9929class MultislotAllocation(Packet):
9930    """Multislot Allocation Section"""
9931    name = "Multislot Allocation"
9932    fields_desc = [
9933             XByteField("lengthMSA", None),
9934             BitField("ext0", 0x1, 1),
9935             BitField("da", 0x0, 7),
9936             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),  # optional
9937                                        lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
9938             ConditionalField(BitField("ua", 0x0, 7),
9939                                        lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
9940             ByteField("chan1", None),
9941             ByteField("chan2", None),
9942             ByteField("chan3", None),
9943             ByteField("chan4", None),
9944             ByteField("chan5", None),
9945             ByteField("chan6", None),
9946             ByteField("chan7", None),
9947             ByteField("chan8", None)
9948             ]
9950    def post_build(self, p, pay):
9951        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
9952        res = adapt(1, 11, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
9953        if res[0] != 0:
9954            p = p[:-res[0]]
9955        if self.lengthMSA is None:
9956            p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
9957        return p + pay
9960class NcMode(Packet):
9961    """NC mode Section"""
9962    name = "NC Mode"
9963    fields_desc = [
9964             BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
9965             BitField("ncMode", 0x0, 2)
9966             ]
9969class NeighbourCellsDescription(Packet):
9970    """Neighbour Cells Description Section"""
9971    name = "Neighbour Cells Description"
9972    fields_desc = [
9973             BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
9974             BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
9975             BitField("extInd", 0x0, 1),
9976             BitField("baInd", 0x0, 1),
9977             BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
9978             BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
9979             BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
9980             BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
9981             BitField("120bits", 0x0, 120)
9982             ]
9985class NeighbourCellsDescription2(Packet):
9986    """Neighbour Cells Description 2 Section"""
9987    name = "Neighbour Cells Description 2"
9988    fields_desc = [
9989             BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
9990             BitField("multiband", 0x0, 2),
9991             BitField("baInd", 0x0, 1),
9992             BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
9993             BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
9994             BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
9995             BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
9996             BitField("120bits", 0x0, 120)
9997             ]
10000# len 4
10001# strange  packet, lots of valid formats
10003# ideas for the dynamic  packets:
10004# 1] for user interaction: Create an interactive "builder" based on a
10005# Q/A process (not very scapy like)
10006# 2] for usage in scripts, create an alternative  packet for every
10007# possible  packet layout
10010class DedicatedModeOrTBF(Packet):
10011    """Dedicated mode or TBF Section"""
10012    name = "Dedicated Mode or TBF"
10013    fields_desc = [
10014             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
10015             BitField("tma", 0x0, 1),
10016             BitField("downlink", 0x0, 1),
10017             BitField("td", 0x0, 1)
10018             ]
10021class PageMode(Packet):
10022    """Page Mode Section"""
10023    name = "Page Mode"
10024    fields_desc = [
10025             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
10026             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
10027             BitField("pm", 0x0, 2)
10028             ]
10031class NccPermitted(Packet):
10032    """NCC Permitted Section"""
10033    name = "NCC Permitted"
10034    fields_desc = [
10035             ByteField("nccPerm", 0x0)
10036             ]
10039class PowerCommand(Packet):
10040    """Power Command Section"""
10041    name = "Power Command"
10042    fields_desc = [
10043             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
10044             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
10045             BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
10046             BitField("powerLvl", 0x0, 5)
10047             ]
10050class PowerCommandAndAccessType(Packet):
10051    """Power Command and access type  Section"""
10052    name = "Power Command and Access Type"
10053    fields_desc = [
10054             BitField("atc", 0x0, 1),
10055             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
10056             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
10057             BitField("powerLvl", 0x0, 5)
10058             ]
10061class RachControlParameters(Packet):
10062    """RACH Control Parameters Section"""
10063    name = "RACH Control Parameters"
10064    fields_desc = [
10065             BitField("maxRetrans", 0x0, 2),
10066             BitField("txInteger", 0x0, 4),
10067             BitField("cellBarrAccess", 0x0, 1),
10068             BitField("re", 0x0, 1),
10069             BitField("ACC15", 0x0, 1),
10070             BitField("ACC14", 0x0, 1),
10071             BitField("ACC13", 0x0, 1),
10072             BitField("ACC12", 0x0, 1),
10073             BitField("ACC11", 0x0, 1),
10074             BitField("ACC10", 0x0, 1),
10075             BitField("ACC09", 0x0, 1),
10076             BitField("ACC08", 0x0, 1),
10077             BitField("ACC07", 0x0, 1),
10078             BitField("ACC06", 0x0, 1),
10079             BitField("ACC05", 0x0, 1),
10080             BitField("ACC04", 0x0, 1),
10081             BitField("ACC03", 0x0, 1),
10082             BitField("ACC02", 0x0, 1),
10083             BitField("ACC01", 0x0, 1),
10084             BitField("ACC00", 0x0, 1),
10085             ]
10088class RequestReference(Packet):
10089    """Request Reference  Section"""
10090    name = "Request Reference"
10091    fields_desc = [
10092             ByteField("ra", 0x0),
10093             BitField("t1", 0x0, 5),
10094             BitField("t3Hi", 0x0, 3),
10095             BitField("t3Lo", 0x0, 3),
10096             BitField("t2", 0x0, 5)
10097             ]
10100class RrCause(Packet):
10101    """RR Cause  Section"""
10102    name = "RR Cause"
10103    fields_desc = [
10104             ByteField("rrCause", 0x0)
10105             ]
10108class StartingTime(Packet):
10109    """Starting Time Section"""
10110    name = "Starting Time"
10111    fields_desc = [
10112             ByteField("ra", 0x0),
10113             BitField("t1", 0x0, 5),
10114             BitField("t3Hi", 0x0, 3),
10115             BitField("t3Lo", 0x0, 3),
10116             BitField("t2", 0x0, 5)
10117             ]
10120class SynchronizationIndication(Packet):
10121    """Synchronization Indication Section"""
10122    name = "Synchronization Indication"
10123    fields_desc = [
10124             BitField("nci", 0x0, 1),
10125             BitField("rot", 0x0, 1),
10126             BitField("si", 0x0, 2)
10127             ]
10130class TimingAdvance(Packet):
10131    """Timing Advance Section"""
10132    name = "Timing Advance"
10133    fields_desc = [
10134             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
10135             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
10136             BitField("timingVal", 0x0, 6)
10137             ]
10140class TimeDifference(Packet):
10141    """ Time Difference Section"""
10142    name = "Time Difference"
10143    fields_desc = [
10144             XByteField("lengthTD", 0x3),
10145             ByteField("timeValue", 0x0)
10146             ]
10149class Tlli(Packet):
10150    """ TLLI Section Section"""
10151    name = "TLLI"
10152    fields_desc = [
10153             ByteField("value", 0x0),
10154             ByteField("value1", 0x0),
10155             ByteField("value2", 0x0),
10156             ByteField("value3", 0x0)
10157             ]
10160class TmsiPTmsi(Packet):
10161    """ TMSI/P-TMSI Section"""
10162    name = "TMSI/P-TMSI"
10163    fields_desc = [
10164             ByteField("value", 0x0),
10165             ByteField("value1", 0x0),
10166             ByteField("value2", 0x0),
10167             ByteField("value3", 0x0)
10168             ]
10171class VgcsTargetModeIdentication(Packet):
10172    """ VGCS target Mode Indication"""
10173    name = "VGCS Target Mode Indication"
10174    fields_desc = [
10175             XByteField("lengthVTMI", 0x2),
10176             BitField("targerMode", 0x0, 2),
10177             BitField("cipherKeyNb", 0x0, 4),
10178             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
10179             BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1)
10180             ]
10183class WaitIndication(Packet):
10184    """ Wait Indication Section"""
10185    name = "Wait Indication"
10186    fields_desc = [  # asciiart of specs strange
10187             ByteField("timeoutVal", 0x0)
10188             ]
10191#class Si10RestOctets(Packet):
10192#     """SI10 rest octets"""
10193#     name = "SI10 rest octets"
10194#     fields_desc = [
10197# len 17
10198class ExtendedMeasurementResults(Packet):
10200    name = "Extended Measurement Results"
10201    fields_desc = [
10203             BitField("scUsed", None, 1),
10204             BitField("dtxUsed", None, 1),
10205             BitField("rxLevC0", None, 6),
10207             BitField("rxLevC1", None, 6),
10208             BitField("rxLevC2Hi", None, 2),
10210             BitField("rxLevC2Lo", None, 4),
10211             BitField("rxLevC3Hi", None, 4),
10213             BitField("rxLevC3Lo", None, 3),
10214             BitField("rxLevC4", None, 5),
10216             BitField("rxLevC5", None, 6),
10217             BitField("rxLevC6Hi", None, 2),
10219             BitField("rxLevC6Lo", None, 4),
10220             BitField("rxLevC7Hi", None, 4),
10222             BitField("rxLevC7Lo", None, 2),
10223             BitField("rxLevC8", None, 6),
10225             BitField("rxLevC9", None, 6),
10226             BitField("rxLevC10Hi", None, 2),
10228             BitField("rxLevC10Lo", None, 4),
10229             BitField("rxLevC11Hi", None, 4),
10231             BitField("rxLevC13Lo", None, 2),
10232             BitField("rxLevC12", None, 6),
10234             BitField("rxLevC13", None, 6),
10235             BitField("rxLevC14Hi", None, 2),
10237             BitField("rxLevC14Lo", None, 4),
10238             BitField("rxLevC15Hi", None, 4),
10240             BitField("rxLevC15Lo", None, 2),
10241             BitField("rxLevC16", None, 6),
10244             BitField("rxLevC17", None, 6),
10245             BitField("rxLevC18Hi", None, 2),
10247             BitField("rxLevC18Lo", None, 4),
10248             BitField("rxLevC19Hi", None, 4),
10250             BitField("rxLevC19Lo", None, 2),
10251             BitField("rxLevC20", None, 6)
10252             ]
10255# len 17
10256class ExtendedMeasurementFrequencyList(Packet):
10257    """Extended Measurement Frequency List Section"""
10258    name = "Extended Measurement Frequency List"
10259    fields_desc = [
10261             BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
10262             BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
10263             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
10264             BitField("seqCode", 0x0, 1),
10265             BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
10266             BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
10267             BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
10268             BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
10270             BitField("bitsRest", 0x0, 128)
10271             ]
10274class SuspensionCause(Packet):
10275    """Suspension Cause Section"""
10276    name = "Suspension Cause"
10277    fields_desc = [
10278             ByteField("suspVal", 0x0)
10279             ]
10282class ApduID(Packet):
10283    """APDU Flags Section"""
10284    name = "Apdu Id"
10285    fields_desc = [
10286             BitField("id", None, 4)
10287             ]
10290class ApduFlags(Packet):
10291    """APDU Flags Section"""
10292    name = "Apdu Flags"
10293    fields_desc = [
10294             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
10295             BitField("cr", 0x0, 1),
10296             BitField("firstSeg", 0x0, 1),
10297             BitField("lastSeg", 0x0, 1)
10298             ]
10301# len 1 to max L3 (251) (done)
10302class ApduData(Packet):
10303    """APDU Data Section"""
10304    name = "Apdu Data"
10305    fields_desc = [
10306             XByteField("lengthAD", None),
10307             #optional
10308             ByteField("apuInfo1", None),
10309             ByteField("apuInfo2", None),
10310             ByteField("apuInfo3", None),
10311             ByteField("apuInfo4", None),
10312             ByteField("apuInfo5", None),
10313             ByteField("apuInfo6", None),
10314             ByteField("apuInfo7", None),
10315             ByteField("apuInfo8", None),
10316             ByteField("apuInfo9", None),
10317             ByteField("apuInfo10", None),
10318             ByteField("apuInfo11", None),
10319             ByteField("apuInfo12", None),
10320             ByteField("apuInfo13", None),
10321             ByteField("apuInfo14", None),
10322             ByteField("apuInfo15", None),
10323             ByteField("apuInfo16", None),
10324             ByteField("apuInfo17", None),
10325             ByteField("apuInfo18", None),
10326             ByteField("apuInfo19", None),
10327             ByteField("apuInfo20", None),
10328             ByteField("apuInfo21", None),
10329             ByteField("apuInfo22", None),
10330             ByteField("apuInfo23", None),
10331             ByteField("apuInfo24", None),
10332             ByteField("apuInfo25", None),
10333             ByteField("apuInfo26", None),
10334             ByteField("apuInfo27", None),
10335             ByteField("apuInfo28", None),
10336             ByteField("apuInfo29", None),
10337             ByteField("apuInfo30", None),
10338             ByteField("apuInfo31", None),
10339             ByteField("apuInfo32", None),
10340             ByteField("apuInfo33", None),
10341             ByteField("apuInfo34", None),
10342             ByteField("apuInfo35", None),
10343             ByteField("apuInfo36", None),
10344             ByteField("apuInfo37", None),
10345             ByteField("apuInfo38", None),
10346             ByteField("apuInfo39", None),
10347             ByteField("apuInfo40", None),
10348             ByteField("apuInfo41", None),
10349             ByteField("apuInfo42", None),
10350             ByteField("apuInfo43", None),
10351             ByteField("apuInfo44", None),
10352             ByteField("apuInfo45", None),
10353             ByteField("apuInfo46", None),
10354             ByteField("apuInfo47", None),
10355             ByteField("apuInfo48", None),
10356             ByteField("apuInfo49", None),
10357             ByteField("apuInfo50", None),
10358             ByteField("apuInfo51", None),
10359             ByteField("apuInfo52", None),
10360             ByteField("apuInfo53", None),
10361             ByteField("apuInfo54", None),
10362             ByteField("apuInfo55", None),
10363             ByteField("apuInfo56", None),
10364             ByteField("apuInfo57", None),
10365             ByteField("apuInfo58", None),
10366             ByteField("apuInfo59", None),
10367             ByteField("apuInfo60", None),
10368             ByteField("apuInfo61", None),
10369             ByteField("apuInfo62", None),
10370             ByteField("apuInfo63", None),
10371             ByteField("apuInfo64", None),
10372             ByteField("apuInfo65", None),
10373             ByteField("apuInfo66", None),
10374             ByteField("apuInfo67", None),
10375             ByteField("apuInfo68", None),
10376             ByteField("apuInfo69", None),
10377             ByteField("apuInfo70", None),
10378             ByteField("apuInfo71", None),
10379             ByteField("apuInfo72", None),
10380             ByteField("apuInfo73", None),
10381             ByteField("apuInfo74", None),
10382             ByteField("apuInfo75", None),
10383             ByteField("apuInfo76", None),
10384             ByteField("apuInfo77", None),
10385             ByteField("apuInfo78", None),
10386             ByteField("apuInfo79", None),
10387             ByteField("apuInfo80", None),
10388             ByteField("apuInfo81", None),
10389             ByteField("apuInfo82", None),
10390             ByteField("apuInfo83", None),
10391             ByteField("apuInfo84", None),
10392             ByteField("apuInfo85", None),
10393             ByteField("apuInfo86", None),
10394             ByteField("apuInfo87", None),
10395             ByteField("apuInfo88", None),
10396             ByteField("apuInfo89", None),
10397             ByteField("apuInfo90", None),
10398             ByteField("apuInfo91", None),
10399             ByteField("apuInfo92", None),
10400             ByteField("apuInfo93", None),
10401             ByteField("apuInfo94", None),
10402             ByteField("apuInfo95", None),
10403             ByteField("apuInfo96", None),
10404             ByteField("apuInfo97", None),
10405             ByteField("apuInfo98", None),
10406             ByteField("apuInfo99", None),
10407             ByteField("apuInfo100", None),
10408             ByteField("apuInfo101", None),
10409             ByteField("apuInfo102", None),
10410             ByteField("apuInfo103", None),
10411             ByteField("apuInfo104", None),
10412             ByteField("apuInfo105", None),
10413             ByteField("apuInfo106", None),
10414             ByteField("apuInfo107", None),
10415             ByteField("apuInfo108", None),
10416             ByteField("apuInfo109", None),
10417             ByteField("apuInfo110", None),
10418             ByteField("apuInfo111", None),
10419             ByteField("apuInfo112", None),
10420             ByteField("apuInfo113", None),
10421             ByteField("apuInfo114", None),
10422             ByteField("apuInfo115", None),
10423             ByteField("apuInfo116", None),
10424             ByteField("apuInfo117", None),
10425             ByteField("apuInfo118", None),
10426             ByteField("apuInfo119", None),
10427             ByteField("apuInfo120", None),
10428             ByteField("apuInfo121", None),
10429             ByteField("apuInfo122", None),
10430             ByteField("apuInfo123", None),
10431             ByteField("apuInfo124", None),
10432             ByteField("apuInfo125", None),
10433             ByteField("apuInfo126", None),
10434             ByteField("apuInfo127", None),
10435             ByteField("apuInfo128", None),
10436             ByteField("apuInfo129", None),
10437             ByteField("apuInfo130", None),
10438             ByteField("apuInfo131", None),
10439             ByteField("apuInfo132", None),
10440             ByteField("apuInfo133", None),
10441             ByteField("apuInfo134", None),
10442             ByteField("apuInfo135", None),
10443             ByteField("apuInfo136", None),
10444             ByteField("apuInfo137", None),
10445             ByteField("apuInfo138", None),
10446             ByteField("apuInfo139", None),
10447             ByteField("apuInfo140", None),
10448             ByteField("apuInfo141", None),
10449             ByteField("apuInfo142", None),
10450             ByteField("apuInfo143", None),
10451             ByteField("apuInfo144", None),
10452             ByteField("apuInfo145", None),
10453             ByteField("apuInfo146", None),
10454             ByteField("apuInfo147", None),
10455             ByteField("apuInfo148", None),
10456             ByteField("apuInfo149", None),
10457             ByteField("apuInfo150", None),
10458             ByteField("apuInfo151", None),
10459             ByteField("apuInfo152", None),
10460             ByteField("apuInfo153", None),
10461             ByteField("apuInfo154", None),
10462             ByteField("apuInfo155", None),
10463             ByteField("apuInfo156", None),
10464             ByteField("apuInfo157", None),
10465             ByteField("apuInfo158", None),
10466             ByteField("apuInfo159", None),
10467             ByteField("apuInfo160", None),
10468             ByteField("apuInfo161", None),
10469             ByteField("apuInfo162", None),
10470             ByteField("apuInfo163", None),
10471             ByteField("apuInfo164", None),
10472             ByteField("apuInfo165", None),
10473             ByteField("apuInfo166", None),
10474             ByteField("apuInfo167", None),
10475             ByteField("apuInfo168", None),
10476             ByteField("apuInfo169", None),
10477             ByteField("apuInfo170", None),
10478             ByteField("apuInfo171", None),
10479             ByteField("apuInfo172", None),
10480             ByteField("apuInfo173", None),
10481             ByteField("apuInfo174", None),
10482             ByteField("apuInfo175", None),
10483             ByteField("apuInfo176", None),
10484             ByteField("apuInfo177", None),
10485             ByteField("apuInfo178", None),
10486             ByteField("apuInfo179", None),
10487             ByteField("apuInfo180", None),
10488             ByteField("apuInfo181", None),
10489             ByteField("apuInfo182", None),
10490             ByteField("apuInfo183", None),
10491             ByteField("apuInfo184", None),
10492             ByteField("apuInfo185", None),
10493             ByteField("apuInfo186", None),
10494             ByteField("apuInfo187", None),
10495             ByteField("apuInfo188", None),
10496             ByteField("apuInfo189", None),
10497             ByteField("apuInfo190", None),
10498             ByteField("apuInfo191", None),
10499             ByteField("apuInfo192", None),
10500             ByteField("apuInfo193", None),
10501             ByteField("apuInfo194", None),
10502             ByteField("apuInfo195", None),
10503             ByteField("apuInfo196", None),
10504             ByteField("apuInfo197", None),
10505             ByteField("apuInfo198", None),
10506             ByteField("apuInfo199", None),
10507             ByteField("apuInfo200", None),
10508             ByteField("apuInfo201", None),
10509             ByteField("apuInfo202", None),
10510             ByteField("apuInfo203", None),
10511             ByteField("apuInfo204", None),
10512             ByteField("apuInfo205", None),
10513             ByteField("apuInfo206", None),
10514             ByteField("apuInfo207", None),
10515             ByteField("apuInfo208", None),
10516             ByteField("apuInfo209", None),
10517             ByteField("apuInfo210", None),
10518             ByteField("apuInfo211", None),
10519             ByteField("apuInfo212", None),
10520             ByteField("apuInfo213", None),
10521             ByteField("apuInfo214", None),
10522             ByteField("apuInfo215", None),
10523             ByteField("apuInfo216", None),
10524             ByteField("apuInfo217", None),
10525             ByteField("apuInfo218", None),
10526             ByteField("apuInfo219", None),
10527             ByteField("apuInfo220", None),
10528             ByteField("apuInfo221", None),
10529             ByteField("apuInfo222", None),
10530             ByteField("apuInfo223", None),
10531             ByteField("apuInfo224", None),
10532             ByteField("apuInfo225", None),
10533             ByteField("apuInfo226", None),
10534             ByteField("apuInfo227", None),
10535             ByteField("apuInfo228", None),
10536             ByteField("apuInfo229", None),
10537             ByteField("apuInfo230", None),
10538             ByteField("apuInfo231", None),
10539             ByteField("apuInfo232", None),
10540             ByteField("apuInfo233", None),
10541             ByteField("apuInfo234", None),
10542             ByteField("apuInfo235", None),
10543             ByteField("apuInfo236", None),
10544             ByteField("apuInfo237", None),
10545             ByteField("apuInfo238", None),
10546             ByteField("apuInfo239", None),
10547             ByteField("apuInfo240", None),
10548             ByteField("apuInfo241", None),
10549             ByteField("apuInfo242", None),
10550             ByteField("apuInfo243", None),
10551             ByteField("apuInfo244", None),
10552             ByteField("apuInfo245", None),
10553             ByteField("apuInfo246", None),
10554             ByteField("apuInfo247", None),
10555             ByteField("apuInfo248", None),
10556             ByteField("apuInfo249", None)
10557             ]
10559    def post_build(self, p, pay):
10560        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
10561        res = adapt(1, 250, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
10562        if self.lengthAD is None:
10563            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
10564        if res[0] != 0:
10565            p = p[:-res[0]]
10566        return p + pay
10568# 10.5.3 Mobility management information elements
10572# len 3 to L3 max (251) (done)
10573class NetworkName(Packet):
10574    """Network Name Section"""
10575    name = "Network Name"
10576    fields_desc = [
10578             XByteField("lengthNN", None),
10580             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
10581             BitField("codingScheme", 0x0, 3),
10582             BitField("addCi", 0x0, 1),
10583             BitField("nbSpare", 0x0, 3),
10584             # optional
10585             ByteField("txtString1", None),
10586             ByteField("txtString2", None),
10587             ByteField("txtString3", None),
10588             ByteField("txtString4", None),
10589             ByteField("txtString5", None),
10590             ByteField("txtString6", None),
10591             ByteField("txtString7", None),
10592             ByteField("txtString8", None),
10593             ByteField("txtString9", None),
10594             ByteField("txtString10", None),
10595             ByteField("txtString11", None),
10596             ByteField("txtString12", None),
10597             ByteField("txtString13", None),
10598             ByteField("txtString14", None),
10599             ByteField("txtString15", None),
10600             ByteField("txtString16", None),
10601             ByteField("txtString17", None),
10602             ByteField("txtString18", None),
10603             ByteField("txtString19", None),
10604             ByteField("txtString20", None),
10605             ByteField("txtString21", None),
10606             ByteField("txtString22", None),
10607             ByteField("txtString23", None),
10608             ByteField("txtString24", None),
10609             ByteField("txtString25", None),
10610             ByteField("txtString26", None),
10611             ByteField("txtString27", None),
10612             ByteField("txtString28", None),
10613             ByteField("txtString29", None),
10614             ByteField("txtString30", None),
10615             ByteField("txtString31", None),
10616             ByteField("txtString32", None),
10617             ByteField("txtString33", None),
10618             ByteField("txtString34", None),
10619             ByteField("txtString35", None),
10620             ByteField("txtString36", None),
10621             ByteField("txtString37", None),
10622             ByteField("txtString38", None),
10623             ByteField("txtString39", None),
10624             ByteField("txtString40", None),
10625             ByteField("txtString41", None),
10626             ByteField("txtString42", None),
10627             ByteField("txtString43", None),
10628             ByteField("txtString44", None),
10629             ByteField("txtString45", None),
10630             ByteField("txtString46", None),
10631             ByteField("txtString47", None),
10632             ByteField("txtString48", None),
10633             ByteField("txtString49", None),
10634             ByteField("txtString50", None),
10635             ByteField("txtString51", None),
10636             ByteField("txtString52", None),
10637             ByteField("txtString53", None),
10638             ByteField("txtString54", None),
10639             ByteField("txtString55", None),
10640             ByteField("txtString56", None),
10641             ByteField("txtString57", None),
10642             ByteField("txtString58", None),
10643             ByteField("txtString59", None),
10644             ByteField("txtString60", None),
10645             ByteField("txtString61", None),
10646             ByteField("txtString62", None),
10647             ByteField("txtString63", None),
10648             ByteField("txtString64", None),
10649             ByteField("txtString65", None),
10650             ByteField("txtString66", None),
10651             ByteField("txtString67", None),
10652             ByteField("txtString68", None),
10653             ByteField("txtString69", None),
10654             ByteField("txtString70", None),
10655             ByteField("txtString71", None),
10656             ByteField("txtString72", None),
10657             ByteField("txtString73", None),
10658             ByteField("txtString74", None),
10659             ByteField("txtString75", None),
10660             ByteField("txtString76", None),
10661             ByteField("txtString77", None),
10662             ByteField("txtString78", None),
10663             ByteField("txtString79", None),
10664             ByteField("txtString80", None),
10665             ByteField("txtString81", None),
10666             ByteField("txtString82", None),
10667             ByteField("txtString83", None),
10668             ByteField("txtString84", None),
10669             ByteField("txtString85", None),
10670             ByteField("txtString86", None),
10671             ByteField("txtString87", None),
10672             ByteField("txtString88", None),
10673             ByteField("txtString89", None),
10674             ByteField("txtString90", None),
10675             ByteField("txtString91", None),
10676             ByteField("txtString92", None),
10677             ByteField("txtString93", None),
10678             ByteField("txtString94", None),
10679             ByteField("txtString95", None),
10680             ByteField("txtString96", None),
10681             ByteField("txtString97", None),
10682             ByteField("txtString98", None),
10683             ByteField("txtString99", None),
10684             ByteField("txtString100", None),
10685             ByteField("txtString101", None),
10686             ByteField("txtString102", None),
10687             ByteField("txtString103", None),
10688             ByteField("txtString104", None),
10689             ByteField("txtString105", None),
10690             ByteField("txtString106", None),
10691             ByteField("txtString107", None),
10692             ByteField("txtString108", None),
10693             ByteField("txtString109", None),
10694             ByteField("txtString110", None),
10695             ByteField("txtString111", None),
10696             ByteField("txtString112", None),
10697             ByteField("txtString113", None),
10698             ByteField("txtString114", None),
10699             ByteField("txtString115", None),
10700             ByteField("txtString116", None),
10701             ByteField("txtString117", None),
10702             ByteField("txtString118", None),
10703             ByteField("txtString119", None),
10704             ByteField("txtString120", None),
10705             ByteField("txtString121", None),
10706             ByteField("txtString122", None),
10707             ByteField("txtString123", None),
10708             ByteField("txtString124", None),
10709             ByteField("txtString125", None),
10710             ByteField("txtString126", None),
10711             ByteField("txtString127", None),
10712             ByteField("txtString128", None),
10713             ByteField("txtString129", None),
10714             ByteField("txtString130", None),
10715             ByteField("txtString131", None),
10716             ByteField("txtString132", None),
10717             ByteField("txtString133", None),
10718             ByteField("txtString134", None),
10719             ByteField("txtString135", None),
10720             ByteField("txtString136", None),
10721             ByteField("txtString137", None),
10722             ByteField("txtString138", None),
10723             ByteField("txtString139", None),
10724             ByteField("txtString140", None),
10725             ByteField("txtString141", None),
10726             ByteField("txtString142", None),
10727             ByteField("txtString143", None),
10728             ByteField("txtString144", None),
10729             ByteField("txtString145", None),
10730             ByteField("txtString146", None),
10731             ByteField("txtString147", None),
10732             ByteField("txtString148", None),
10733             ByteField("txtString149", None),
10734             ByteField("txtString150", None),
10735             ByteField("txtString151", None),
10736             ByteField("txtString152", None),
10737             ByteField("txtString153", None),
10738             ByteField("txtString154", None),
10739             ByteField("txtString155", None),
10740             ByteField("txtString156", None),
10741             ByteField("txtString157", None),
10742             ByteField("txtString158", None),
10743             ByteField("txtString159", None),
10744             ByteField("txtString160", None),
10745             ByteField("txtString161", None),
10746             ByteField("txtString162", None),
10747             ByteField("txtString163", None),
10748             ByteField("txtString164", None),
10749             ByteField("txtString165", None),
10750             ByteField("txtString166", None),
10751             ByteField("txtString167", None),
10752             ByteField("txtString168", None),
10753             ByteField("txtString169", None),
10754             ByteField("txtString170", None),
10755             ByteField("txtString171", None),
10756             ByteField("txtString172", None),
10757             ByteField("txtString173", None),
10758             ByteField("txtString174", None),
10759             ByteField("txtString175", None),
10760             ByteField("txtString176", None),
10761             ByteField("txtString177", None),
10762             ByteField("txtString178", None),
10763             ByteField("txtString179", None),
10764             ByteField("txtString180", None),
10765             ByteField("txtString181", None),
10766             ByteField("txtString182", None),
10767             ByteField("txtString183", None),
10768             ByteField("txtString184", None),
10769             ByteField("txtString185", None),
10770             ByteField("txtString186", None),
10771             ByteField("txtString187", None),
10772             ByteField("txtString188", None),
10773             ByteField("txtString189", None),
10774             ByteField("txtString190", None),
10775             ByteField("txtString191", None),
10776             ByteField("txtString192", None),
10777             ByteField("txtString193", None),
10778             ByteField("txtString194", None),
10779             ByteField("txtString195", None),
10780             ByteField("txtString196", None),
10781             ByteField("txtString197", None),
10782             ByteField("txtString198", None),
10783             ByteField("txtString199", None),
10784             ByteField("txtString200", None),
10785             ByteField("txtString201", None),
10786             ByteField("txtString202", None),
10787             ByteField("txtString203", None),
10788             ByteField("txtString204", None),
10789             ByteField("txtString205", None),
10790             ByteField("txtString206", None),
10791             ByteField("txtString207", None),
10792             ByteField("txtString208", None),
10793             ByteField("txtString209", None),
10794             ByteField("txtString210", None),
10795             ByteField("txtString211", None),
10796             ByteField("txtString212", None),
10797             ByteField("txtString213", None),
10798             ByteField("txtString214", None),
10799             ByteField("txtString215", None),
10800             ByteField("txtString216", None),
10801             ByteField("txtString217", None),
10802             ByteField("txtString218", None),
10803             ByteField("txtString219", None),
10804             ByteField("txtString220", None),
10805             ByteField("txtString221", None),
10806             ByteField("txtString222", None),
10807             ByteField("txtString223", None),
10808             ByteField("txtString224", None),
10809             ByteField("txtString225", None),
10810             ByteField("txtString226", None),
10811             ByteField("txtString227", None),
10812             ByteField("txtString228", None),
10813             ByteField("txtString229", None),
10814             ByteField("txtString230", None),
10815             ByteField("txtString231", None),
10816             ByteField("txtString232", None),
10817             ByteField("txtString233", None),
10818             ByteField("txtString234", None),
10819             ByteField("txtString235", None),
10820             ByteField("txtString236", None),
10821             ByteField("txtString237", None),
10822             ByteField("txtString238", None),
10823             ByteField("txtString239", None),
10824             ByteField("txtString240", None),
10825             ByteField("txtString241", None),
10826             ByteField("txtString242", None),
10827             ByteField("txtString243", None),
10828             ByteField("txtString244", None),
10829             ByteField("txtString245", None),
10830             ByteField("txtString246", None),
10831             ByteField("txtString247", None),
10832             ByteField("txtString248", None)
10833             ]
10835    def post_build(self, p, pay):
10836        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
10837        res = adapt(2, 250, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
10838        if self.lengthNN is None:
10839            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
10840        if res[0] != 0:
10841            p = p[:-res[0]]
10842        return p + pay
10845class TimeZone(Packet):
10846    """Time Zone  Section"""
10847    name = "Time Zone"
10848    fields_desc = [
10849             ByteField("timeZone", 0x0),
10850             ]
10853class TimeZoneAndTime(Packet):
10854    """Time Zone and Time Section"""
10855    name = "Time Zone and Time"
10856    fields_desc = [
10857             ByteField("year", 0x0),
10858             ByteField("month", 0x0),
10859             ByteField("day", 0x0),
10860             ByteField("hour", 0x0),
10861             ByteField("minute", 0x0),
10862             ByteField("second", 0x0),
10863             ByteField("timeZone", 0x0)
10864             ]
10867class CtsPermission(Packet):
10868    """CTS permission Section"""
10869    name = "Cts Permission"
10870    fields_desc = [
10871             ]
10874class LsaIdentifier(Packet):
10875    """LSA Identifier Section"""
10876    name = "Lsa Identifier"
10877    fields_desc = [
10878             ByteField("lsaID", 0x0),
10879             ByteField("lsaID1", 0x0),
10880             ByteField("lsaID2", 0x0)
10881             ]
10885# 10.5.4 Call control information elements
10888# Extensions of codesets
10889# This is only text and no  packet
10891class LockingShiftProcedure(Packet):
10892    """Locking shift procedure Section"""
10893    name = "Locking Shift Procedure"
10894    fields_desc = [
10895             BitField("lockShift", 0x0, 1),
10896             BitField("codesetId", 0x0, 3)
10897             ]
10900class NonLockingShiftProcedure(Packet):
10901    """Non-locking shift procedure Section"""
10902    name = "Non-locking Shift Procedure"
10903    fields_desc = [
10904             BitField("nonLockShift", 0x1, 1),
10905             BitField("codesetId", 0x0, 3)
10906             ]
10909class AuxiliaryStates(Packet):
10910    """Auxiliary states Section"""
10911    name = "Auxiliary States"
10912    fields_desc = [
10913             XByteField("lengthAS", 0x3),
10914             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
10915             BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
10916             BitField("holdState", 0x0, 2),
10917             BitField("mptyState", 0x0, 2)
10918             ]
10921# len 3 to 15
10922class BearerCapability(Packet):
10923    """Bearer capability Section"""
10924    name = "Bearer Capability"
10925    fields_desc = [
10927             XByteField("lengthBC", None),
10929             BitField("ext0", 0x1, 1),
10930             BitField("radioChReq", 0x1, 2),
10931             BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 1),
10932             BitField("transMode", 0x0, 1),
10933             BitField("infoTransCa", 0x0, 3),
10934             # optional
10935             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
10936                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
10937             ConditionalField(BitField("coding", None, 1),
10938                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
10939             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 2),
10940                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
10941             ConditionalField(BitField("speechVers", 0x0, 4),
10942                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
10944             ConditionalField(BitField("ext2", 0x1, 1),
10945                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
10946             ConditionalField(BitField("compress", None, 1),
10947                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
10948             ConditionalField(BitField("structure", None, 2),
10949                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
10950             ConditionalField(BitField("dupMode", None, 1),
10951                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
10952             ConditionalField(BitField("config", None, 1),
10953                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
10954             ConditionalField(BitField("nirr", None, 1),
10955                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
10956             ConditionalField(BitField("establi", 0x0, 1),
10957                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
10959             BitField("ext3", None, 1),
10960             BitField("accessId", None, 2),
10961             BitField("rateAda", None, 2),
10962             BitField("signaling", None, 3),
10964             ConditionalField(BitField("ext4", None, 1),
10965                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
10966             ConditionalField(BitField("otherITC", None, 2),
10967                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
10968             ConditionalField(BitField("otherRate", None, 2),
10969                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
10970             ConditionalField(BitField("spare1", 0x0, 3),
10971                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
10973             ConditionalField(BitField("ext5", 0x1, 1),
10974                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
10975             ConditionalField(BitField("hdr", None, 1),
10976                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
10977             ConditionalField(BitField("multiFr", None, 1),
10978                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
10979             ConditionalField(BitField("mode", None, 1),
10980                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
10981             ConditionalField(BitField("lli", None, 1),
10982                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
10983             ConditionalField(BitField("assig", None, 1),
10984                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
10985             ConditionalField(BitField("inbNeg", None, 1),
10986                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
10987             ConditionalField(BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
10988                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
10990             BitField("ext6", None, 1),
10991             BitField("layer1Id", None, 2),
10992             BitField("userInf", None, 4),
10993             BitField("sync", None, 1),
10995             ConditionalField(BitField("ext7", None, 1),
10996                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
10997             ConditionalField(BitField("stopBit", None, 1),
10998                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
10999             ConditionalField(BitField("negoc", None, 1),
11000                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
11001             ConditionalField(BitField("nbDataBit", None, 1),
11002                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
11003             ConditionalField(BitField("userRate", None, 4),
11004                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
11006             ConditionalField(BitField("ext8", None, 1),
11007                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
11008             ConditionalField(BitField("interRate", None, 2),
11009                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
11010             ConditionalField(BitField("nicTX", None, 1),
11011                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
11012             ConditionalField(BitField("nicRX", None, 1),
11013                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
11014             ConditionalField(BitField("parity", None, 3),
11015                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
11017             ConditionalField(BitField("ext9", None, 1),
11018                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
11019             ConditionalField(BitField("connEle", None, 2),
11020                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
11021             ConditionalField(BitField("modemType", None, 5),
11022                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
11024             ConditionalField(BitField("ext10", None, 1),
11025                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
11026             ConditionalField(BitField("otherModemType", None, 2),
11027                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
11028             ConditionalField(BitField("netUserRate", None, 5),
11029                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
11031             ConditionalField(BitField("ext11", None, 1),
11032                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
11033             ConditionalField(BitField("chanCoding", None, 4),
11034                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
11035             ConditionalField(BitField("maxTrafficChan", None, 3),
11036                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
11038             ConditionalField(BitField("ext12", None, 1),
11039                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
11040             ConditionalField(BitField("uimi", None, 3),
11041                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
11042             ConditionalField(BitField("airInterfaceUserRate", None, 4),
11043                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
11045             ConditionalField(BitField("ext13", 0x1, 1),
11046                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0),
11047             ConditionalField(BitField("layer2Ch", None, 2),
11048                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0),
11049             ConditionalField(BitField("userInfoL2", 0x0, 5),
11050                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0)
11051             ]
11053    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11054        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11055        res = adapt(2, 15, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11056        if res[0] != 0:
11057            p = p[:-res[0]]
11058        if self.lengthBC is None:
11059            p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
11060        return p + pay
11063class CallControlCapabilities(Packet):
11064    """Call Control Capabilities Section"""
11065    name = "Call Control Capabilities"
11066    fields_desc = [
11067             XByteField("lengthCCC", 0x3),
11068             BitField("spare", 0x0, 6),
11069             BitField("pcp", 0x0, 1),
11070             BitField("dtmf", 0x0, 1)
11071             ]
11074class CallState(Packet):
11075    """Call State Section"""
11076    name = "Call State"
11077    fields_desc = [
11078             BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
11079             BitField("stateValue", 0x0, 6)
11080             ]
11083# len 3 to 43
11084class CalledPartyBcdNumber(Packet):
11085    """Called party BCD number Section"""
11086    name = "Called Party BCD Number"
11087    fields_desc = [
11088             XByteField("lengthCPBN", None),
11089             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
11090             BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
11091             BitField("nbPlanId", 0x0, 4),
11092             # optional
11093             BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
11094             BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
11095             BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
11096             BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
11098             BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
11099             BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
11100             BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
11101             BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
11103             BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
11104             BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
11105             BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
11106             BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
11108             BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
11109             BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
11110             BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
11111             BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
11113             BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
11114             BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
11115             BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
11116             BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
11118             BitField("nbDigit22", None, 4),
11119             BitField("nbDigit21", None, 4),
11120             BitField("nbDigit24", None, 4),
11121             BitField("nbDigit23", None, 4),
11123             BitField("nbDigit26", None, 4),
11124             BitField("nbDigit25", None, 4),
11125             BitField("nbDigit28", None, 4),
11126             BitField("nbDigit27", None, 4),
11128             BitField("nbDigit30", None, 4),
11129             BitField("nbDigit29", None, 4),
11130             BitField("nbDigit32", None, 4),
11131             BitField("nbDigit31", None, 4),
11133             BitField("nbDigit34", None, 4),
11134             BitField("nbDigit33", None, 4),
11135             BitField("nbDigit36", None, 4),
11136             BitField("nbDigit35", None, 4),
11138             BitField("nbDigit38", None, 4),
11139             BitField("nbDigit37", None, 4),
11140             BitField("nbDigit40", None, 4),
11141             BitField("nbDigit39", None, 4),
11142# ^^^^^^ 20 first optional bytes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11143             BitField("nbDigit42", None, 4),
11144             BitField("nbDigit41", None, 4),
11145             BitField("nbDigit44", None, 4),
11146             BitField("nbDigit43", None, 4),
11148             BitField("nbDigit46", None, 4),
11149             BitField("nbDigit45", None, 4),
11150             BitField("nbDigit48", None, 4),
11151             BitField("nbDigit47", None, 4),
11153             BitField("nbDigit50", None, 4),
11154             BitField("nbDigit49", None, 4),
11155             BitField("nbDigit52", None, 4),
11156             BitField("nbDigit51", None, 4),
11158             BitField("nbDigit54", None, 4),
11159             BitField("nbDigit53", None, 4),
11160             BitField("nbDigit56", None, 4),
11161             BitField("nbDigit55", None, 4),
11163             BitField("nbDigit58", None, 4),
11164             BitField("nbDigit57", None, 4),
11165             BitField("nbDigit60", None, 4),
11166             BitField("nbDigit59", None, 4),
11168             BitField("nbDigit62", None, 4),
11169             BitField("nbDigit61", None, 4),
11170             BitField("nbDigit64", None, 4),
11171             BitField("nbDigit63", None, 4),
11173             BitField("nbDigit66", None, 4),
11174             BitField("nbDigit65", None, 4),
11175             BitField("nbDigit68", None, 4),
11176             BitField("nbDigit67", None, 4),
11178             BitField("nbDigit70", None, 4),
11179             BitField("nbDigit69", None, 4),
11180             BitField("nbDigit72", None, 4),
11181             BitField("nbDigit71", None, 4),
11183             BitField("nbDigit74", None, 4),
11184             BitField("nbDigit73", None, 4),
11185             BitField("nbDigit76", None, 4),
11186             BitField("nbDigit75", None, 4),
11188             BitField("nbDigit78", None, 4),
11189             BitField("nbDigit77", None, 4),
11190             BitField("nbDigit80", None, 4),
11191             BitField("nbDigit79", None, 4),
11192             ]
11194    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11195        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11196        res = adapt(2, 42, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11197        if self.lengthCPBN is None:
11198            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
11199        if res[0] != 0:
11200            p = p[:-res[0]]
11201        return p + pay
11204# len 2 to 23
11205class CalledPartySubaddress(Packet):
11206    """Called party subaddress Section"""
11207    name = "Called Party Subaddress"
11208    fields_desc = [
11209             XByteField("lengthCPS", None),
11210             # optional
11211             BitField("ext", None, 1),
11212             BitField("subAddr", None, 3),
11213             BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
11214             BitField("spare", None, 3),
11216             ByteField("subInfo0", None),
11217             ByteField("subInfo1", None),
11218             ByteField("subInfo2", None),
11219             ByteField("subInfo3", None),
11220             ByteField("subInfo4", None),
11221             ByteField("subInfo5", None),
11222             ByteField("subInfo6", None),
11223             ByteField("subInfo7", None),
11224             ByteField("subInfo8", None),
11225             ByteField("subInfo9", None),
11226             ByteField("subInfo10", None),
11227             ByteField("subInfo11", None),
11228             ByteField("subInfo12", None),
11229             ByteField("subInfo13", None),
11230             ByteField("subInfo14", None),
11231             ByteField("subInfo15", None),
11232             ByteField("subInfo16", None),
11233             ByteField("subInfo17", None),
11234             ByteField("subInfo18", None),
11235             ByteField("subInfo19", None)
11236             ]
11238    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11239        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11240        res = adapt(2, 23, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11241        if self.lengthCPS is None:
11242            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
11243        if res[0] != 0:
11244            p = p[:-res[0]]
11245        return p + pay
11248# len 3 to 14
11249class CallingPartyBcdNumber(Packet):
11250    """Called party subaddress Section"""
11251    name = "Called Party Subaddress"
11252    fields_desc = [
11253             XByteField("lengthCPBN", None),
11254             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
11255             BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
11256             BitField("nbPlanId", 0x0, 4),
11257             # optional
11258             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
11259                             lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11260             ConditionalField(BitField("presId", None, 2),
11261                             lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11262             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 3),
11263                             lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11264             ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", 0x0, 2),
11265                             lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11267             BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
11268             BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
11270             BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
11271             BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
11273             BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
11274             BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
11276             BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
11277             BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
11279             BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
11280             BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
11282             BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
11283             BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
11285             BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
11286             BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
11288             BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
11289             BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
11291             BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
11292             BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
11294             BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
11295             BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
11296             ]
11298    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11299        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11300        res = adapt(2, 13, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11301        if res[0] != 0:
11302            p = p[:-res[0]]
11303        if self.lengthCPBN is None:
11304            p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
11305        return p + pay
11308# len 2 to 23
11309class CallingPartySubaddress(Packet):
11310    """Calling party subaddress  Section"""
11311    name = "Calling Party Subaddress"
11312    fields_desc = [
11313             XByteField("lengthCPS", None),
11314             # optional
11315             BitField("ext1", None, 1),
11316             BitField("typeAddr", None, 3),
11317             BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
11318             BitField("spare", None, 3),
11320             ByteField("subInfo0", None),
11321             ByteField("subInfo1", None),
11322             ByteField("subInfo2", None),
11323             ByteField("subInfo3", None),
11324             ByteField("subInfo4", None),
11325             ByteField("subInfo5", None),
11326             ByteField("subInfo6", None),
11327             ByteField("subInfo7", None),
11328             ByteField("subInfo8", None),
11329             ByteField("subInfo9", None),
11330             ByteField("subInfo10", None),
11331             ByteField("subInfo11", None),
11332             ByteField("subInfo12", None),
11333             ByteField("subInfo13", None),
11334             ByteField("subInfo14", None),
11335             ByteField("subInfo15", None),
11336             ByteField("subInfo16", None),
11337             ByteField("subInfo17", None),
11338             ByteField("subInfo18", None),
11339             ByteField("subInfo19", None)
11340             ]
11342    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11343        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11344        res = adapt(1, 22, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11345        if self.lengthCPS is None:
11346            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
11347        if res[0] != 0:
11348            p = p[:-res[0]]
11349        return p + pay
11352# len 4 to 32
11353class Cause(Packet):
11354    """Cause Section"""
11355    name = "Cause"
11356    fields_desc = [
11358             XByteField("lengthC", None),
11360             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
11361             BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
11362             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
11363             BitField("location", 0x0, 4),
11365             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
11366                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11367             ConditionalField(BitField("recommendation", 0x1, 7),
11368                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11369             # optional
11370             BitField("ext2", None, 1),
11371             BitField("causeValue", None, 7),
11373             ByteField("diagnositc0", None),
11374             ByteField("diagnositc1", None),
11375             ByteField("diagnositc2", None),
11376             ByteField("diagnositc3", None),
11377             ByteField("diagnositc4", None),
11378             ByteField("diagnositc5", None),
11379             ByteField("diagnositc6", None),
11380             ByteField("diagnositc7", None),
11381             ByteField("diagnositc8", None),
11382             ByteField("diagnositc9", None),
11383             ByteField("diagnositc10", None),
11384             ByteField("diagnositc11", None),
11385             ByteField("diagnositc12", None),
11386             ByteField("diagnositc13", None),
11387             ByteField("diagnositc14", None),
11388             ByteField("diagnositc15", None),
11389             ByteField("diagnositc16", None),
11390             ByteField("diagnositc17", None),
11391             ByteField("diagnositc18", None),
11392             ByteField("diagnositc19", None),
11393             ByteField("diagnositc20", None),
11394             ByteField("diagnositc21", None),
11395             ByteField("diagnositc22", None),
11396             ByteField("diagnositc23", None),
11397             ByteField("diagnositc24", None),
11398             ByteField("diagnositc25", None),
11399             ByteField("diagnositc26", None),
11400             ]
11402    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11403        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11404        res = adapt(3, 31, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11405        if res[0] != 0:
11406            p = p[:-res[0]]
11407        if self.lengthC is None:
11408            p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
11409        return p + pay
11412class ClirSuppression(Packet):
11413    """CLIR suppression Section"""
11414    name = "Clir Suppression"
11415    fields_desc = [
11416             ]
11419class ClirInvocation(Packet):
11420    """CLIR invocation Section"""
11421    name = "Clir Invocation"
11422    fields_desc = [
11423             ]
11426class CongestionLevel(Packet):
11427    """Congestion level Section"""
11428    name = "Congestion Level"
11429    fields_desc = [
11430             BitField("notDef", 0x0, 4)  # not defined by the std
11431             ]
11434# len 3 to 14
11435class ConnectedNumber(Packet):
11436    """Connected number Section"""
11437    name = "Connected Number"
11438    fields_desc = [
11440             XByteField("lengthCN", None),
11442             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
11443             BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
11444             BitField("typePlanId", 0x0, 4),
11445             # optional
11446             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
11447                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11448             ConditionalField(BitField("presId", None, 2),
11449                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11450             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 3),
11451                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11452             ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", None, 2),
11453                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11455             BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
11456             BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
11458             BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
11459             BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
11461             BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
11462             BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
11464             BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
11465             BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
11467             BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
11468             BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
11470             BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
11471             BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
11473             BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
11474             BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
11476             BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
11477             BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
11479             BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
11480             BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
11482             BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
11483             BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4)
11484             ]
11486    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11487        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11488        res = adapt(2, 13, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11489        if res[0] != 0:
11490            p = p[:-res[0]]
11491        if self.lengthCN is None:
11492            p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
11493        return p + pay
11496# len 2 to 23
11497class ConnectedSubaddress(Packet):
11498    """Connected subaddress Section"""
11499    name = "Connected Subaddress"
11500    fields_desc = [
11502             XByteField("lengthCS", None),
11503             # optional
11504             BitField("ext", None, 1),
11505             BitField("typeOfSub", None, 3),
11506             BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
11507             BitField("spare", None, 3),
11509             ByteField("subInfo0", None),
11510             ByteField("subInfo1", None),
11511             ByteField("subInfo2", None),
11512             ByteField("subInfo3", None),
11513             ByteField("subInfo4", None),
11514             ByteField("subInfo5", None),
11515             ByteField("subInfo6", None),
11516             ByteField("subInfo7", None),
11517             ByteField("subInfo8", None),
11518             ByteField("subInfo9", None),
11519             ByteField("subInfo10", None),
11520             ByteField("subInfo11", None),
11521             ByteField("subInfo12", None),
11522             ByteField("subInfo13", None),
11523             ByteField("subInfo14", None),
11524             ByteField("subInfo15", None),
11525             ByteField("subInfo16", None),
11526             ByteField("subInfo17", None),
11527             ByteField("subInfo18", None),
11528             ByteField("subInfo19", None)
11529             ]
11531    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11532        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11533        res = adapt(1, 22, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11534        if self.lengthCS is None:
11535            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
11536        if res[0] != 0:
11537            p = p[:-res[0]]
11538        return p + pay
11541# len 2 to L3 (251) (done)
11542class Facility(Packet):
11543    """Facility Section"""
11544    name = "Facility"
11545    fields_desc = [
11546             XByteField("lengthF", None),
11547             # optional
11548             ByteField("facilityInfo1", None),
11549             ByteField("facilityInfo2", None),
11550             ByteField("facilityInfo3", None),
11551             ByteField("facilityInfo4", None),
11552             ByteField("facilityInfo5", None),
11553             ByteField("facilityInfo6", None),
11554             ByteField("facilityInfo7", None),
11555             ByteField("facilityInfo8", None),
11556             ByteField("facilityInfo9", None),
11557             ByteField("facilityInfo10", None),
11558             ByteField("facilityInfo11", None),
11559             ByteField("facilityInfo12", None),
11560             ByteField("facilityInfo13", None),
11561             ByteField("facilityInfo14", None),
11562             ByteField("facilityInfo15", None),
11563             ByteField("facilityInfo16", None),
11564             ByteField("facilityInfo17", None),
11565             ByteField("facilityInfo18", None),
11566             ByteField("facilityInfo19", None),
11567             ByteField("facilityInfo20", None),
11568             ByteField("facilityInfo21", None),
11569             ByteField("facilityInfo22", None),
11570             ByteField("facilityInfo23", None),
11571             ByteField("facilityInfo24", None),
11572             ByteField("facilityInfo25", None),
11573             ByteField("facilityInfo26", None),
11574             ByteField("facilityInfo27", None),
11575             ByteField("facilityInfo28", None),
11576             ByteField("facilityInfo29", None),
11577             ByteField("facilityInfo30", None),
11578             ByteField("facilityInfo31", None),
11579             ByteField("facilityInfo32", None),
11580             ByteField("facilityInfo33", None),
11581             ByteField("facilityInfo34", None),
11582             ByteField("facilityInfo35", None),
11583             ByteField("facilityInfo36", None),
11584             ByteField("facilityInfo37", None),
11585             ByteField("facilityInfo38", None),
11586             ByteField("facilityInfo39", None),
11587             ByteField("facilityInfo40", None),
11588             ByteField("facilityInfo41", None),
11589             ByteField("facilityInfo42", None),
11590             ByteField("facilityInfo43", None),
11591             ByteField("facilityInfo44", None),
11592             ByteField("facilityInfo45", None),
11593             ByteField("facilityInfo46", None),
11594             ByteField("facilityInfo47", None),
11595             ByteField("facilityInfo48", None),
11596             ByteField("facilityInfo49", None),
11597             ByteField("facilityInfo50", None),
11598             ByteField("facilityInfo51", None),
11599             ByteField("facilityInfo52", None),
11600             ByteField("facilityInfo53", None),
11601             ByteField("facilityInfo54", None),
11602             ByteField("facilityInfo55", None),
11603             ByteField("facilityInfo56", None),
11604             ByteField("facilityInfo57", None),
11605             ByteField("facilityInfo58", None),
11606             ByteField("facilityInfo59", None),
11607             ByteField("facilityInfo60", None),
11608             ByteField("facilityInfo61", None),
11609             ByteField("facilityInfo62", None),
11610             ByteField("facilityInfo63", None),
11611             ByteField("facilityInfo64", None),
11612             ByteField("facilityInfo65", None),
11613             ByteField("facilityInfo66", None),
11614             ByteField("facilityInfo67", None),
11615             ByteField("facilityInfo68", None),
11616             ByteField("facilityInfo69", None),
11617             ByteField("facilityInfo70", None),
11618             ByteField("facilityInfo71", None),
11619             ByteField("facilityInfo72", None),
11620             ByteField("facilityInfo73", None),
11621             ByteField("facilityInfo74", None),
11622             ByteField("facilityInfo75", None),
11623             ByteField("facilityInfo76", None),
11624             ByteField("facilityInfo77", None),
11625             ByteField("facilityInfo78", None),
11626             ByteField("facilityInfo79", None),
11627             ByteField("facilityInfo80", None),
11628             ByteField("facilityInfo81", None),
11629             ByteField("facilityInfo82", None),
11630             ByteField("facilityInfo83", None),
11631             ByteField("facilityInfo84", None),
11632             ByteField("facilityInfo85", None),
11633             ByteField("facilityInfo86", None),
11634             ByteField("facilityInfo87", None),
11635             ByteField("facilityInfo88", None),
11636             ByteField("facilityInfo89", None),
11637             ByteField("facilityInfo90", None),
11638             ByteField("facilityInfo91", None),
11639             ByteField("facilityInfo92", None),
11640             ByteField("facilityInfo93", None),
11641             ByteField("facilityInfo94", None),
11642             ByteField("facilityInfo95", None),
11643             ByteField("facilityInfo96", None),
11644             ByteField("facilityInfo97", None),
11645             ByteField("facilityInfo98", None),
11646             ByteField("facilityInfo99", None),
11647             ByteField("facilityInfo100", None),
11648             ByteField("facilityInfo101", None),
11649             ByteField("facilityInfo102", None),
11650             ByteField("facilityInfo103", None),
11651             ByteField("facilityInfo104", None),
11652             ByteField("facilityInfo105", None),
11653             ByteField("facilityInfo106", None),
11654             ByteField("facilityInfo107", None),
11655             ByteField("facilityInfo108", None),
11656             ByteField("facilityInfo109", None),
11657             ByteField("facilityInfo110", None),
11658             ByteField("facilityInfo111", None),
11659             ByteField("facilityInfo112", None),
11660             ByteField("facilityInfo113", None),
11661             ByteField("facilityInfo114", None),
11662             ByteField("facilityInfo115", None),
11663             ByteField("facilityInfo116", None),
11664             ByteField("facilityInfo117", None),
11665             ByteField("facilityInfo118", None),
11666             ByteField("facilityInfo119", None),
11667             ByteField("facilityInfo120", None),
11668             ByteField("facilityInfo121", None),
11669             ByteField("facilityInfo122", None),
11670             ByteField("facilityInfo123", None),
11671             ByteField("facilityInfo124", None),
11672             ByteField("facilityInfo125", None),
11673             ByteField("facilityInfo126", None),
11674             ByteField("facilityInfo127", None),
11675             ByteField("facilityInfo128", None),
11676             ByteField("facilityInfo129", None),
11677             ByteField("facilityInfo130", None),
11678             ByteField("facilityInfo131", None),
11679             ByteField("facilityInfo132", None),
11680             ByteField("facilityInfo133", None),
11681             ByteField("facilityInfo134", None),
11682             ByteField("facilityInfo135", None),
11683             ByteField("facilityInfo136", None),
11684             ByteField("facilityInfo137", None),
11685             ByteField("facilityInfo138", None),
11686             ByteField("facilityInfo139", None),
11687             ByteField("facilityInfo140", None),
11688             ByteField("facilityInfo141", None),
11689             ByteField("facilityInfo142", None),
11690             ByteField("facilityInfo143", None),
11691             ByteField("facilityInfo144", None),
11692             ByteField("facilityInfo145", None),
11693             ByteField("facilityInfo146", None),
11694             ByteField("facilityInfo147", None),
11695             ByteField("facilityInfo148", None),
11696             ByteField("facilityInfo149", None),
11697             ByteField("facilityInfo150", None),
11698             ByteField("facilityInfo151", None),
11699             ByteField("facilityInfo152", None),
11700             ByteField("facilityInfo153", None),
11701             ByteField("facilityInfo154", None),
11702             ByteField("facilityInfo155", None),
11703             ByteField("facilityInfo156", None),
11704             ByteField("facilityInfo157", None),
11705             ByteField("facilityInfo158", None),
11706             ByteField("facilityInfo159", None),
11707             ByteField("facilityInfo160", None),
11708             ByteField("facilityInfo161", None),
11709             ByteField("facilityInfo162", None),
11710             ByteField("facilityInfo163", None),
11711             ByteField("facilityInfo164", None),
11712             ByteField("facilityInfo165", None),
11713             ByteField("facilityInfo166", None),
11714             ByteField("facilityInfo167", None),
11715             ByteField("facilityInfo168", None),
11716             ByteField("facilityInfo169", None),
11717             ByteField("facilityInfo170", None),
11718             ByteField("facilityInfo171", None),
11719             ByteField("facilityInfo172", None),
11720             ByteField("facilityInfo173", None),
11721             ByteField("facilityInfo174", None),
11722             ByteField("facilityInfo175", None),
11723             ByteField("facilityInfo176", None),
11724             ByteField("facilityInfo177", None),
11725             ByteField("facilityInfo178", None),
11726             ByteField("facilityInfo179", None),
11727             ByteField("facilityInfo180", None),
11728             ByteField("facilityInfo181", None),
11729             ByteField("facilityInfo182", None),
11730             ByteField("facilityInfo183", None),
11731             ByteField("facilityInfo184", None),
11732             ByteField("facilityInfo185", None),
11733             ByteField("facilityInfo186", None),
11734             ByteField("facilityInfo187", None),
11735             ByteField("facilityInfo188", None),
11736             ByteField("facilityInfo189", None),
11737             ByteField("facilityInfo190", None),
11738             ByteField("facilityInfo191", None),
11739             ByteField("facilityInfo192", None),
11740             ByteField("facilityInfo193", None),
11741             ByteField("facilityInfo194", None),
11742             ByteField("facilityInfo195", None),
11743             ByteField("facilityInfo196", None),
11744             ByteField("facilityInfo197", None),
11745             ByteField("facilityInfo198", None),
11746             ByteField("facilityInfo199", None),
11747             ByteField("facilityInfo200", None),
11748             ByteField("facilityInfo201", None),
11749             ByteField("facilityInfo202", None),
11750             ByteField("facilityInfo203", None),
11751             ByteField("facilityInfo204", None),
11752             ByteField("facilityInfo205", None),
11753             ByteField("facilityInfo206", None),
11754             ByteField("facilityInfo207", None),
11755             ByteField("facilityInfo208", None),
11756             ByteField("facilityInfo209", None),
11757             ByteField("facilityInfo210", None),
11758             ByteField("facilityInfo211", None),
11759             ByteField("facilityInfo212", None),
11760             ByteField("facilityInfo213", None),
11761             ByteField("facilityInfo214", None),
11762             ByteField("facilityInfo215", None),
11763             ByteField("facilityInfo216", None),
11764             ByteField("facilityInfo217", None),
11765             ByteField("facilityInfo218", None),
11766             ByteField("facilityInfo219", None),
11767             ByteField("facilityInfo220", None),
11768             ByteField("facilityInfo221", None),
11769             ByteField("facilityInfo222", None),
11770             ByteField("facilityInfo223", None),
11771             ByteField("facilityInfo224", None),
11772             ByteField("facilityInfo225", None),
11773             ByteField("facilityInfo226", None),
11774             ByteField("facilityInfo227", None),
11775             ByteField("facilityInfo228", None),
11776             ByteField("facilityInfo229", None),
11777             ByteField("facilityInfo230", None),
11778             ByteField("facilityInfo231", None),
11779             ByteField("facilityInfo232", None),
11780             ByteField("facilityInfo233", None),
11781             ByteField("facilityInfo234", None),
11782             ByteField("facilityInfo235", None),
11783             ByteField("facilityInfo236", None),
11784             ByteField("facilityInfo237", None),
11785             ByteField("facilityInfo238", None),
11786             ByteField("facilityInfo239", None),
11787             ByteField("facilityInfo240", None),
11788             ByteField("facilityInfo241", None),
11789             ByteField("facilityInfo242", None),
11790             ByteField("facilityInfo243", None),
11791             ByteField("facilityInfo244", None),
11792             ByteField("facilityInfo245", None),
11793             ByteField("facilityInfo246", None),
11794             ByteField("facilityInfo247", None),
11795             ByteField("facilityInfo248", None),
11796             ByteField("facilityInfo249", None)
11797             ]
11799    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11800        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11801        res = adapt(7, 250, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11802        if self.lengthF is None:
11803            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
11804        if res[0] != 0:
11805            p = p[:-res[0]]
11806        return p + pay
11809#len 2 to 5
11810class HighLayerCompatibility(Packet):
11811    """High layer compatibility Section"""
11812    name = "High Layer Compatibility"
11813    fields_desc = [
11815             XByteField("lengthHLC", None),
11816             # optional
11817             BitField("ext", None, 1),
11818             BitField("codingStd", None, 2),
11819             BitField("interpret", None, 3),
11820             BitField("presMeth", None, 2),
11822             BitField("ext1", None, 1),
11823             BitField("highLayerId", None, 7),
11825             ConditionalField(BitField("ext2", 0x1, 1),
11826                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
11827             ConditionalField(BitField("exHiLayerId", 0x0, 7),
11828                              lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
11829             ]
11831    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11832        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11833        res = adapt(1, 4, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11834        if res[0] != 0:
11835            p = p[:-res[0]]
11836        if self.lengthHLC is None:
11837            p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
11838        return p + pay
11840#           Static conditions for the high layer
11841# compatibility IE contents
11845class KeypadFacility(Packet):
11846    """Keypad facility Section"""
11847    name = "Keypad Facility"
11848    fields_desc = [
11849             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
11850             BitField("keyPadInfo", 0x0, 7)
11851             ]
11854# len 2 to 15
11855class LowLayerCompatibility(Packet):
11856    """Low layer compatibility Section"""
11857    name = "Low Layer Compatibility"
11858    fields_desc = [
11860             XByteField("lengthLLC", None),
11861             # optional
11862             ByteField("rest0", None),
11863             ByteField("rest1", None),
11864             ByteField("rest2", None),
11865             ByteField("rest3", None),
11866             ByteField("rest4", None),
11867             ByteField("rest5", None),
11868             ByteField("rest6", None),
11869             ByteField("rest7", None),
11870             ByteField("rest8", None),
11871             ByteField("rest9", None),
11872             ByteField("rest10", None),
11873             ByteField("rest11", None),
11874             ByteField("rest12", None)
11875             ]
11877    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11878        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11879        res = adapt(1, 14, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11880        if self.lengthLLC is None:
11881            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
11882        if res[0] != 0:
11883            p = p[:-res[0]]
11884        return p + pay
11887class MoreData(Packet):
11888    """More data Section"""
11889    name = "More Data"
11890    fields_desc = [
11891             ]
11894class NotificationIndicator(Packet):
11895    """Notification indicator Section"""
11896    name = "Notification Indicator"
11897    fields_desc = [
11898             BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
11899             BitField("notifDesc", 0x0, 7)
11900             ]
11903class ProgressIndicator(Packet):
11904    """Progress indicator Section"""
11905    name = "Progress Indicator"
11906    fields_desc = [
11907             XByteField("lengthPI", 0x2),
11908             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
11909             BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
11910             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
11911             BitField("location", 0x0, 4),
11912             BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
11913             BitField("progressDesc", 0x0, 7)
11914             ]
11917class RecallType(Packet):
11918    """Recall type $(CCBS)$  Section"""
11919    name = "Recall Type $(CCBS)$"
11920    fields_desc = [
11921             BitField("spare", 0x0, 5),
11922             BitField("recallType", 0x0, 3)
11923             ]
11926# len 3 to 19
11927class RedirectingPartyBcdNumber(Packet):
11928    """Redirecting party BCD number  Section"""
11929    name = "Redirecting Party BCD Number"
11930    fields_desc = [
11932             XByteField("lengthRPBN", None),
11934             BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
11935             BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
11936             BitField("numberingPlan", 0x0, 4),
11937             # optional
11938             ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
11939                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11940             ConditionalField(BitField("presId", 0x0, 2),
11941                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11942             ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
11943                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11944             ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", 0x0, 2),
11945                                       lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
11947             BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
11948             BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
11950             BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
11951             BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
11953             BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
11954             BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
11956             BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
11957             BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
11959             BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
11960             BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
11962             BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
11963             BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
11965             BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
11966             BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
11968             BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
11969             BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
11971             BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
11972             BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
11974             BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
11975             BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
11977             BitField("nbDigit22", None, 4),
11978             BitField("nbDigit21", None, 4),
11980             BitField("nbDigit24", None, 4),
11981             BitField("nbDigit23", None, 4),
11983             BitField("nbDigit26", None, 4),
11984             BitField("nbDigit25", None, 4),
11986             BitField("nbDigit28", None, 4),
11987             BitField("nbDigit27", None, 4),
11989             BitField("nbDigit30", None, 4),
11990             BitField("nbDigit29", None, 4),
11991             ]
11993    def post_build(self, p, pay):
11994        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
11995        res = adapt(2, 18, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
11996        if res[0] != 0:
11997            p = p[:-res[0]]
11998        if self.lengthRPBN is None:
11999            p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
12000        return p + pay
12003# length 2 to 23
12004class RedirectingPartySubaddress(Packet):
12005    """Redirecting party subaddress  Section"""
12006    name = "Redirecting Party BCD Number"
12007    fields_desc = [
12009             XByteField("lengthRPS", None),
12010             # optional
12011             BitField("ext", None, 1),
12012             BitField("typeSub", None, 3),
12013             BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
12014             BitField("spare", None, 3),
12016             ByteField("subInfo0", None),
12017             ByteField("subInfo1", None),
12018             ByteField("subInfo2", None),
12019             ByteField("subInfo3", None),
12020             ByteField("subInfo4", None),
12021             ByteField("subInfo5", None),
12022             ByteField("subInfo6", None),
12023             ByteField("subInfo7", None),
12024             ByteField("subInfo8", None),
12025             ByteField("subInfo9", None),
12026             ByteField("subInfo10", None),
12027             ByteField("subInfo11", None),
12028             ByteField("subInfo12", None),
12029             ByteField("subInfo13", None),
12030             ByteField("subInfo14", None),
12031             ByteField("subInfo15", None),
12032             ByteField("subInfo16", None),
12033             ByteField("subInfo17", None),
12034             ByteField("subInfo18", None),
12035             ByteField("subInfo19", None)
12036             ]
12038    def post_build(self, p, pay):
12039        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
12040        res = adapt(1, 22, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
12041        if self.lengthRPS is None:
12042            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
12043        if res[0] != 0:
12044            p = p[:-res[0]]
12045        return p + pay
12048class RepeatIndicator(Packet):
12049    """Repeat indicator Section"""
12050    name = "Repeat Indicator"
12051    fields_desc = [
12052             BitField("repeatIndic", 0x0, 4)
12053             ]
12056# no upper length min 2(max for L3) (251)
12057class SetupContainer(Packet):
12058    """SETUP Container $(CCBS)$ Section"""
12059    name = "Setup Container $(CCBS)$"
12060    fields_desc = [
12061             XByteField("lengthSC", None),
12062             # optional
12063             ByteField("mess1", None),
12064             ByteField("mess2", None),
12065             ByteField("mess3", None),
12066             ByteField("mess4", None),
12067             ByteField("mess5", None),
12068             ByteField("mess6", None),
12069             ByteField("mess7", None),
12070             ByteField("mess8", None),
12071             ByteField("mess9", None),
12072             ByteField("mess10", None),
12073             ByteField("mess11", None),
12074             ByteField("mess12", None),
12075             ByteField("mess13", None),
12076             ByteField("mess14", None),
12077             ByteField("mess15", None),
12078             ByteField("mess16", None),
12079             ByteField("mess17", None),
12080             ByteField("mess18", None),
12081             ByteField("mess19", None),
12082             ByteField("mess20", None),
12083             ByteField("mess21", None),
12084             ByteField("mess22", None),
12085             ByteField("mess23", None),
12086             ByteField("mess24", None),
12087             ByteField("mess25", None),
12088             ByteField("mess26", None),
12089             ByteField("mess27", None),
12090             ByteField("mess28", None),
12091             ByteField("mess29", None),
12092             ByteField("mess30", None),
12093             ByteField("mess31", None),
12094             ByteField("mess32", None),
12095             ByteField("mess33", None),
12096             ByteField("mess34", None),
12097             ByteField("mess35", None),
12098             ByteField("mess36", None),
12099             ByteField("mess37", None),
12100             ByteField("mess38", None),
12101             ByteField("mess39", None),
12102             ByteField("mess40", None),
12103             ByteField("mess41", None),
12104             ByteField("mess42", None),
12105             ByteField("mess43", None),
12106             ByteField("mess44", None),
12107             ByteField("mess45", None),
12108             ByteField("mess46", None),
12109             ByteField("mess47", None),
12110             ByteField("mess48", None),
12111             ByteField("mess49", None),
12112             ByteField("mess50", None),
12113             ByteField("mess51", None),
12114             ByteField("mess52", None),
12115             ByteField("mess53", None),
12116             ByteField("mess54", None),
12117             ByteField("mess55", None),
12118             ByteField("mess56", None),
12119             ByteField("mess57", None),
12120             ByteField("mess58", None),
12121             ByteField("mess59", None),
12122             ByteField("mess60", None),
12123             ByteField("mess61", None),
12124             ByteField("mess62", None),
12125             ByteField("mess63", None),
12126             ByteField("mess64", None),
12127             ByteField("mess65", None),
12128             ByteField("mess66", None),
12129             ByteField("mess67", None),
12130             ByteField("mess68", None),
12131             ByteField("mess69", None),
12132             ByteField("mess70", None),
12133             ByteField("mess71", None),
12134             ByteField("mess72", None),
12135             ByteField("mess73", None),
12136             ByteField("mess74", None),
12137             ByteField("mess75", None),
12138             ByteField("mess76", None),
12139             ByteField("mess77", None),
12140             ByteField("mess78", None),
12141             ByteField("mess79", None),
12142             ByteField("mess80", None),
12143             ByteField("mess81", None),
12144             ByteField("mess82", None),
12145             ByteField("mess83", None),
12146             ByteField("mess84", None),
12147             ByteField("mess85", None),
12148             ByteField("mess86", None),
12149             ByteField("mess87", None),
12150             ByteField("mess88", None),
12151             ByteField("mess89", None),
12152             ByteField("mess90", None),
12153             ByteField("mess91", None),
12154             ByteField("mess92", None),
12155             ByteField("mess93", None),
12156             ByteField("mess94", None),
12157             ByteField("mess95", None),
12158             ByteField("mess96", None),
12159             ByteField("mess97", None),
12160             ByteField("mess98", None),
12161             ByteField("mess99", None),
12162             ByteField("mess100", None),
12163             ByteField("mess101", None),
12164             ByteField("mess102", None),
12165             ByteField("mess103", None),
12166             ByteField("mess104", None),
12167             ByteField("mess105", None),
12168             ByteField("mess106", None),
12169             ByteField("mess107", None),
12170             ByteField("mess108", None),
12171             ByteField("mess109", None),
12172             ByteField("mess110", None),
12173             ByteField("mess111", None),
12174             ByteField("mess112", None),
12175             ByteField("mess113", None),
12176             ByteField("mess114", None),
12177             ByteField("mess115", None),
12178             ByteField("mess116", None),
12179             ByteField("mess117", None),
12180             ByteField("mess118", None),
12181             ByteField("mess119", None),
12182             ByteField("mess120", None),
12183             ByteField("mess121", None),
12184             ByteField("mess122", None),
12185             ByteField("mess123", None),
12186             ByteField("mess124", None),
12187             ByteField("mess125", None),
12188             ByteField("mess126", None),
12189             ByteField("mess127", None),
12190             ByteField("mess128", None),
12191             ByteField("mess129", None),
12192             ByteField("mess130", None),
12193             ByteField("mess131", None),
12194             ByteField("mess132", None),
12195             ByteField("mess133", None),
12196             ByteField("mess134", None),
12197             ByteField("mess135", None),
12198             ByteField("mess136", None),
12199             ByteField("mess137", None),
12200             ByteField("mess138", None),
12201             ByteField("mess139", None),
12202             ByteField("mess140", None),
12203             ByteField("mess141", None),
12204             ByteField("mess142", None),
12205             ByteField("mess143", None),
12206             ByteField("mess144", None),
12207             ByteField("mess145", None),
12208             ByteField("mess146", None),
12209             ByteField("mess147", None),
12210             ByteField("mess148", None),
12211             ByteField("mess149", None),
12212             ByteField("mess150", None),
12213             ByteField("mess151", None),
12214             ByteField("mess152", None),
12215             ByteField("mess153", None),
12216             ByteField("mess154", None),
12217             ByteField("mess155", None),
12218             ByteField("mess156", None),
12219             ByteField("mess157", None),
12220             ByteField("mess158", None),
12221             ByteField("mess159", None),
12222             ByteField("mess160", None),
12223             ByteField("mess161", None),
12224             ByteField("mess162", None),
12225             ByteField("mess163", None),
12226             ByteField("mess164", None),
12227             ByteField("mess165", None),
12228             ByteField("mess166", None),
12229             ByteField("mess167", None),
12230             ByteField("mess168", None),
12231             ByteField("mess169", None),
12232             ByteField("mess170", None),
12233             ByteField("mess171", None),
12234             ByteField("mess172", None),
12235             ByteField("mess173", None),
12236             ByteField("mess174", None),
12237             ByteField("mess175", None),
12238             ByteField("mess176", None),
12239             ByteField("mess177", None),
12240             ByteField("mess178", None),
12241             ByteField("mess179", None),
12242             ByteField("mess180", None),
12243             ByteField("mess181", None),
12244             ByteField("mess182", None),
12245             ByteField("mess183", None),
12246             ByteField("mess184", None),
12247             ByteField("mess185", None),
12248             ByteField("mess186", None),
12249             ByteField("mess187", None),
12250             ByteField("mess188", None),
12251             ByteField("mess189", None),
12252             ByteField("mess190", None),
12253             ByteField("mess191", None),
12254             ByteField("mess192", None),
12255             ByteField("mess193", None),
12256             ByteField("mess194", None),
12257             ByteField("mess195", None),
12258             ByteField("mess196", None),
12259             ByteField("mess197", None),
12260             ByteField("mess198", None),
12261             ByteField("mess199", None),
12262             ByteField("mess200", None),
12263             ByteField("mess201", None),
12264             ByteField("mess202", None),
12265             ByteField("mess203", None),
12266             ByteField("mess204", None),
12267             ByteField("mess205", None),
12268             ByteField("mess206", None),
12269             ByteField("mess207", None),
12270             ByteField("mess208", None),
12271             ByteField("mess209", None),
12272             ByteField("mess210", None),
12273             ByteField("mess211", None),
12274             ByteField("mess212", None),
12275             ByteField("mess213", None),
12276             ByteField("mess214", None),
12277             ByteField("mess215", None),
12278             ByteField("mess216", None),
12279             ByteField("mess217", None),
12280             ByteField("mess218", None),
12281             ByteField("mess219", None),
12282             ByteField("mess220", None),
12283             ByteField("mess221", None),
12284             ByteField("mess222", None),
12285             ByteField("mess223", None),
12286             ByteField("mess224", None),
12287             ByteField("mess225", None),
12288             ByteField("mess226", None),
12289             ByteField("mess227", None),
12290             ByteField("mess228", None),
12291             ByteField("mess229", None),
12292             ByteField("mess230", None),
12293             ByteField("mess231", None),
12294             ByteField("mess232", None),
12295             ByteField("mess233", None),
12296             ByteField("mess234", None),
12297             ByteField("mess235", None),
12298             ByteField("mess236", None),
12299             ByteField("mess237", None),
12300             ByteField("mess238", None),
12301             ByteField("mess239", None),
12302             ByteField("mess240", None),
12303             ByteField("mess241", None),
12304             ByteField("mess242", None),
12305             ByteField("mess243", None),
12306             ByteField("mess244", None),
12307             ByteField("mess245", None),
12308             ByteField("mess246", None),
12309             ByteField("mess247", None),
12310             ByteField("mess248", None),
12311             ByteField("mess249", None),
12312             ]
12314    def post_build(self, p, pay):
12315        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
12316        res = adapt(1, 250, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
12317        if self.lengthSC is None:
12318            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
12319        if res[0] != 0:
12320            p = p[:-res[0]]
12321        return p + pay
12324class Signal(Packet):
12325    """Signal Section"""
12326    name = "Signal"
12327    fields_desc = [
12328             ByteField("sigValue", 0x0)
12329             ]
12332# length 2 to max for L3 message (251)
12333class SsVersionIndicator(Packet):
12334    """SS Version Indicator  Section"""
12335    name = "SS Version Indicator"
12336    fields_desc = [
12337             XByteField("lengthSVI", None),
12338             # optional
12339             ByteField("info1", None),
12340             ByteField("info2", None),
12341             ByteField("info3", None),
12342             ByteField("info4", None),
12343             ByteField("info5", None),
12344             ByteField("info6", None),
12345             ByteField("info7", None),
12346             ByteField("info8", None),
12347             ByteField("info9", None),
12348             ByteField("info10", None),
12349             ByteField("info11", None),
12350             ByteField("info12", None),
12351             ByteField("info13", None),
12352             ByteField("info14", None),
12353             ByteField("info15", None),
12354             ByteField("info16", None),
12355             ByteField("info17", None),
12356             ByteField("info18", None),
12357             ByteField("info19", None),
12358             ByteField("info20", None),
12359             ByteField("info21", None),
12360             ByteField("info22", None),
12361             ByteField("info23", None),
12362             ByteField("info24", None),
12363             ByteField("info25", None),
12364             ByteField("info26", None),
12365             ByteField("info27", None),
12366             ByteField("info28", None),
12367             ByteField("info29", None),
12368             ByteField("info30", None),
12369             ByteField("info31", None),
12370             ByteField("info32", None),
12371             ByteField("info33", None),
12372             ByteField("info34", None),
12373             ByteField("info35", None),
12374             ByteField("info36", None),
12375             ByteField("info37", None),
12376             ByteField("info38", None),
12377             ByteField("info39", None),
12378             ByteField("info40", None),
12379             ByteField("info41", None),
12380             ByteField("info42", None),
12381             ByteField("info43", None),
12382             ByteField("info44", None),
12383             ByteField("info45", None),
12384             ByteField("info46", None),
12385             ByteField("info47", None),
12386             ByteField("info48", None),
12387             ByteField("info49", None),
12388             ByteField("info50", None),
12389             ByteField("info51", None),
12390             ByteField("info52", None),
12391             ByteField("info53", None),
12392             ByteField("info54", None),
12393             ByteField("info55", None),
12394             ByteField("info56", None),
12395             ByteField("info57", None),
12396             ByteField("info58", None),
12397             ByteField("info59", None),
12398             ByteField("info60", None),
12399             ByteField("info61", None),
12400             ByteField("info62", None),
12401             ByteField("info63", None),
12402             ByteField("info64", None),
12403             ByteField("info65", None),
12404             ByteField("info66", None),
12405             ByteField("info67", None),
12406             ByteField("info68", None),
12407             ByteField("info69", None),
12408             ByteField("info70", None),
12409             ByteField("info71", None),
12410             ByteField("info72", None),
12411             ByteField("info73", None),
12412             ByteField("info74", None),
12413             ByteField("info75", None),
12414             ByteField("info76", None),
12415             ByteField("info77", None),
12416             ByteField("info78", None),
12417             ByteField("info79", None),
12418             ByteField("info80", None),
12419             ByteField("info81", None),
12420             ByteField("info82", None),
12421             ByteField("info83", None),
12422             ByteField("info84", None),
12423             ByteField("info85", None),
12424             ByteField("info86", None),
12425             ByteField("info87", None),
12426             ByteField("info88", None),
12427             ByteField("info89", None),
12428             ByteField("info90", None),
12429             ByteField("info91", None),
12430             ByteField("info92", None),
12431             ByteField("info93", None),
12432             ByteField("info94", None),
12433             ByteField("info95", None),
12434             ByteField("info96", None),
12435             ByteField("info97", None),
12436             ByteField("info98", None),
12437             ByteField("info99", None),
12438             ByteField("info100", None),
12439             ByteField("info101", None),
12440             ByteField("info102", None),
12441             ByteField("info103", None),
12442             ByteField("info104", None),
12443             ByteField("info105", None),
12444             ByteField("info106", None),
12445             ByteField("info107", None),
12446             ByteField("info108", None),
12447             ByteField("info109", None),
12448             ByteField("info110", None),
12449             ByteField("info111", None),
12450             ByteField("info112", None),
12451             ByteField("info113", None),
12452             ByteField("info114", None),
12453             ByteField("info115", None),
12454             ByteField("info116", None),
12455             ByteField("info117", None),
12456             ByteField("info118", None),
12457             ByteField("info119", None),
12458             ByteField("info120", None),
12459             ByteField("info121", None),
12460             ByteField("info122", None),
12461             ByteField("info123", None),
12462             ByteField("info124", None),
12463             ByteField("info125", None),
12464             ByteField("info126", None),
12465             ByteField("info127", None),
12466             ByteField("info128", None),
12467             ByteField("info129", None),
12468             ByteField("info130", None),
12469             ByteField("info131", None),
12470             ByteField("info132", None),
12471             ByteField("info133", None),
12472             ByteField("info134", None),
12473             ByteField("info135", None),
12474             ByteField("info136", None),
12475             ByteField("info137", None),
12476             ByteField("info138", None),
12477             ByteField("info139", None),
12478             ByteField("info140", None),
12479             ByteField("info141", None),
12480             ByteField("info142", None),
12481             ByteField("info143", None),
12482             ByteField("info144", None),
12483             ByteField("info145", None),
12484             ByteField("info146", None),
12485             ByteField("info147", None),
12486             ByteField("info148", None),
12487             ByteField("info149", None),
12488             ByteField("info150", None),
12489             ByteField("info151", None),
12490             ByteField("info152", None),
12491             ByteField("info153", None),
12492             ByteField("info154", None),
12493             ByteField("info155", None),
12494             ByteField("info156", None),
12495             ByteField("info157", None),
12496             ByteField("info158", None),
12497             ByteField("info159", None),
12498             ByteField("info160", None),
12499             ByteField("info161", None),
12500             ByteField("info162", None),
12501             ByteField("info163", None),
12502             ByteField("info164", None),
12503             ByteField("info165", None),
12504             ByteField("info166", None),
12505             ByteField("info167", None),
12506             ByteField("info168", None),
12507             ByteField("info169", None),
12508             ByteField("info170", None),
12509             ByteField("info171", None),
12510             ByteField("info172", None),
12511             ByteField("info173", None),
12512             ByteField("info174", None),
12513             ByteField("info175", None),
12514             ByteField("info176", None),
12515             ByteField("info177", None),
12516             ByteField("info178", None),
12517             ByteField("info179", None),
12518             ByteField("info180", None),
12519             ByteField("info181", None),
12520             ByteField("info182", None),
12521             ByteField("info183", None),
12522             ByteField("info184", None),
12523             ByteField("info185", None),
12524             ByteField("info186", None),
12525             ByteField("info187", None),
12526             ByteField("info188", None),
12527             ByteField("info189", None),
12528             ByteField("info190", None),
12529             ByteField("info191", None),
12530             ByteField("info192", None),
12531             ByteField("info193", None),
12532             ByteField("info194", None),
12533             ByteField("info195", None),
12534             ByteField("info196", None),
12535             ByteField("info197", None),
12536             ByteField("info198", None),
12537             ByteField("info199", None),
12538             ByteField("info200", None),
12539             ByteField("info201", None),
12540             ByteField("info202", None),
12541             ByteField("info203", None),
12542             ByteField("info204", None),
12543             ByteField("info205", None),
12544             ByteField("info206", None),
12545             ByteField("info207", None),
12546             ByteField("info208", None),
12547             ByteField("info209", None),
12548             ByteField("info210", None),
12549             ByteField("info211", None),
12550             ByteField("info212", None),
12551             ByteField("info213", None),
12552             ByteField("info214", None),
12553             ByteField("info215", None),
12554             ByteField("info216", None),
12555             ByteField("info217", None),
12556             ByteField("info218", None),
12557             ByteField("info219", None),
12558             ByteField("info220", None),
12559             ByteField("info221", None),
12560             ByteField("info222", None),
12561             ByteField("info223", None),
12562             ByteField("info224", None),
12563             ByteField("info225", None),
12564             ByteField("info226", None),
12565             ByteField("info227", None),
12566             ByteField("info228", None),
12567             ByteField("info229", None),
12568             ByteField("info230", None),
12569             ByteField("info231", None),
12570             ByteField("info232", None),
12571             ByteField("info233", None),
12572             ByteField("info234", None),
12573             ByteField("info235", None),
12574             ByteField("info236", None),
12575             ByteField("info237", None),
12576             ByteField("info238", None),
12577             ByteField("info239", None),
12578             ByteField("info240", None),
12579             ByteField("info241", None),
12580             ByteField("info242", None),
12581             ByteField("info243", None),
12582             ByteField("info244", None),
12583             ByteField("info245", None),
12584             ByteField("info246", None),
12585             ByteField("info247", None),
12586             ByteField("info248", None),
12587             ByteField("info249", None),
12588             ]
12590    def post_build(self, p, pay):
12591        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
12592        res = adapt(1, 250, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
12593        if self.lengthSVI is None:
12594            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
12595        if res[0] != 0:
12596            p = p[:-res[0]]
12597        return p + pay
12600# length 3 to 35 or 131
12601class UserUser(Packet):
12602    """User-user Section"""
12603    name = "User-User"
12604    fields_desc = [
12606             XByteField("lengthUU", None),  # dynamic length of field depending
12607                                           # of the type of message
12608                                           # let user decide which length he
12609                                           # wants to take
12610                                           # => more fuzzing options
12611             ByteField("userUserPD", 0x0),
12612             # optional
12613             ByteField("userUserInfo1", None),
12614             ByteField("userUserInfo2", None),
12615             ByteField("userUserInfo3", None),
12616             ByteField("userUserInfo4", None),
12617             ByteField("userUserInfo5", None),
12618             ByteField("userUserInfo6", None),
12619             ByteField("userUserInfo7", None),
12620             ByteField("userUserInfo8", None),
12621             ByteField("userUserInfo9", None),
12622             ByteField("userUserInfo10", None),
12623             ByteField("userUserInfo11", None),
12624             ByteField("userUserInfo12", None),
12625             ByteField("userUserInfo13", None),
12626             ByteField("userUserInfo14", None),
12627             ByteField("userUserInfo15", None),
12628             ByteField("userUserInfo16", None),
12629             ByteField("userUserInfo17", None),
12630             ByteField("userUserInfo18", None),
12631             ByteField("userUserInfo19", None),
12632             ByteField("userUserInfo20", None),
12633             ByteField("userUserInfo21", None),
12634             ByteField("userUserInfo22", None),
12635             ByteField("userUserInfo23", None),
12636             ByteField("userUserInfo24", None),
12637             ByteField("userUserInfo25", None),
12638             ByteField("userUserInfo26", None),
12639             ByteField("userUserInfo27", None),
12640             ByteField("userUserInfo28", None),
12641             ByteField("userUserInfo29", None),
12642             ByteField("userUserInfo30", None),
12643             ByteField("userUserInfo31", None),
12644             ByteField("userUserInfo32", None),
12645             # long  packet
12646             ByteField("userUserInfo33", None),
12647             ByteField("userUserInfo34", None),
12648             ByteField("userUserInfo35", None),
12649             ByteField("userUserInfo36", None),
12650             ByteField("userUserInfo37", None),
12651             ByteField("userUserInfo38", None),
12652             ByteField("userUserInfo39", None),
12653             ByteField("userUserInfo40", None),
12654             ByteField("userUserInfo41", None),
12655             ByteField("userUserInfo42", None),
12656             ByteField("userUserInfo43", None),
12657             ByteField("userUserInfo44", None),
12658             ByteField("userUserInfo45", None),
12659             ByteField("userUserInfo46", None),
12660             ByteField("userUserInfo47", None),
12661             ByteField("userUserInfo48", None),
12662             ByteField("userUserInfo49", None),
12663             ByteField("userUserInfo50", None),
12664             ByteField("userUserInfo51", None),
12665             ByteField("userUserInfo52", None),
12666             ByteField("userUserInfo53", None),
12667             ByteField("userUserInfo54", None),
12668             ByteField("userUserInfo55", None),
12669             ByteField("userUserInfo56", None),
12670             ByteField("userUserInfo57", None),
12671             ByteField("userUserInfo58", None),
12672             ByteField("userUserInfo59", None),
12673             ByteField("userUserInfo60", None),
12674             ByteField("userUserInfo61", None),
12675             ByteField("userUserInfo62", None),
12676             ByteField("userUserInfo63", None),
12677             ByteField("userUserInfo64", None),
12678             ByteField("userUserInfo65", None),
12679             ByteField("userUserInfo66", None),
12680             ByteField("userUserInfo67", None),
12681             ByteField("userUserInfo68", None),
12682             ByteField("userUserInfo69", None),
12683             ByteField("userUserInfo70", None),
12684             ByteField("userUserInfo71", None),
12685             ByteField("userUserInfo72", None),
12686             ByteField("userUserInfo73", None),
12687             ByteField("userUserInfo74", None),
12688             ByteField("userUserInfo75", None),
12689             ByteField("userUserInfo76", None),
12690             ByteField("userUserInfo77", None),
12691             ByteField("userUserInfo78", None),
12692             ByteField("userUserInfo79", None),
12693             ByteField("userUserInfo80", None),
12694             ByteField("userUserInfo81", None),
12695             ByteField("userUserInfo82", None),
12696             ByteField("userUserInfo83", None),
12697             ByteField("userUserInfo84", None),
12698             ByteField("userUserInfo85", None),
12699             ByteField("userUserInfo86", None),
12700             ByteField("userUserInfo87", None),
12701             ByteField("userUserInfo88", None),
12702             ByteField("userUserInfo89", None),
12703             ByteField("userUserInfo90", None),
12704             ByteField("userUserInfo91", None),
12705             ByteField("userUserInfo92", None),
12706             ByteField("userUserInfo93", None),
12707             ByteField("userUserInfo94", None),
12708             ByteField("userUserInfo95", None),
12709             ByteField("userUserInfo96", None),
12710             ByteField("userUserInfo97", None),
12711             ByteField("userUserInfo98", None),
12712             ByteField("userUserInfo99", None),
12713             ByteField("userUserInfo100", None),
12714             ByteField("userUserInfo101", None),
12715             ByteField("userUserInfo102", None),
12716             ByteField("userUserInfo103", None),
12717             ByteField("userUserInfo104", None),
12718             ByteField("userUserInfo105", None),
12719             ByteField("userUserInfo106", None),
12720             ByteField("userUserInfo107", None),
12721             ByteField("userUserInfo108", None),
12722             ByteField("userUserInfo109", None),
12723             ByteField("userUserInfo110", None),
12724             ByteField("userUserInfo111", None),
12725             ByteField("userUserInfo112", None),
12726             ByteField("userUserInfo113", None),
12727             ByteField("userUserInfo114", None),
12728             ByteField("userUserInfo115", None),
12729             ByteField("userUserInfo116", None),
12730             ByteField("userUserInfo117", None),
12731             ByteField("userUserInfo118", None),
12732             ByteField("userUserInfo119", None),
12733             ByteField("userUserInfo120", None),
12734             ByteField("userUserInfo121", None),
12735             ByteField("userUserInfo122", None),
12736             ByteField("userUserInfo123", None),
12737             ByteField("userUserInfo124", None),
12738             ByteField("userUserInfo125", None),
12739             ByteField("userUserInfo126", None),
12740             ByteField("userUserInfo127", None),
12741             ByteField("userUserInfo128", None),
12742             ByteField("userUserInfo129", None),
12743             ByteField("userUserInfo130", None),
12744             ByteField("userUserInfo131", None)
12745             ]
12747    def post_build(self, p, pay):
12748        a = [getattr(self, fld.name) for fld in self.fields_desc]
12749        res = adapt(2, 133, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
12750        if self.lengthUU is None:
12751            p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
12752        if res[0] != 0:
12753            p = p[:-res[0]]
12754        return p + pay
12757class AlertingPattern(Packet):
12758    """Alerting Pattern"""
12759    name = "Alerting Pattern"
12760    fields_desc = [
12761             XByteField("lengthAP", 0x3),
12762             BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
12763             BitField("alertingValue", 0x0, 4)
12764             ]
12767class AllowedActions(Packet):
12768    """Allowed actions $(CCBS)$ Section"""
12769    name = "Allowed Actions $(CCBS)$"
12770    fields_desc = [
12771             XByteField("lengthAP", 0x3),
12772             BitField("CCBS", 0x0, 1),
12773             BitField("spare", 0x0, 7)
12774             ]
12778# 10.5.5 GPRS mobility management information elements
12782class AttachType(Packet):
12783    """Attach type Section"""
12784    name = "Attach Type"
12785    fields_desc = [
12786             BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
12787             BitField("type", 0x1, 3)
12788             ]
12791if __name__ == "__main__":
12792    from scapy.main import interact
12793    interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="Scapy GSM-UM (Air) Addon")