1# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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14# ==============================================================================
16"""Operations for automatic batching and unbatching."""
17from __future__ import absolute_import
18from __future__ import division
19from __future__ import print_function
21from tensorflow.python.eager import function
22from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
23from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_spec
24from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_batch_ops
25# go/tf-wildcard-import
26# pylint: disable=wildcard-import
27from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_batch_ops import *
28# pylint: enable=wildcard-import
32def _BatchGrad(op, *out_grads):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
33  """Gradient for batch op."""
34  gradients = []
35  for i in range(len(op.inputs)):
36    gradients.append(
37        gen_batch_ops.unbatch(
38            out_grads[i],
39            op.outputs[-2],
40            op.outputs[-1],
41            timeout_micros=op.get_attr("grad_timeout_micros"),
42            shared_name="batch_gradient_{}_{}".format(op.name, i)))
43  return gradients
47def _UnbatchGrad(op, grad):   # pylint: disable=invalid-name
48  return [
49      gen_batch_ops.unbatch_grad(
50          op.inputs[0],
51          op.inputs[1],
52          grad,
53          op.inputs[2],
54          shared_name="unbatch_gradient_{}".format(op.name)), None, None
55  ]
58def batch_function(num_batch_threads,
59                   max_batch_size,
60                   batch_timeout_micros,
61                   allowed_batch_sizes=None,
62                   max_enqueued_batches=10):
63  """Batches the computation done by the decorated function.
65  So, for example, in the following code
67  ```python
68  @batch_function(1, 2, 3)
69  def layer(a):
70    return tf.matmul(a, a)
72  b = layer(w)
73  ```
75  if more than one session.run call is simultaneously trying to compute `b`
76  the values of `w` will be gathered, non-deterministically concatenated
77  along the first axis, and only one thread will run the computation. See the
78  documentation of the `Batch` op for more details.
80  Assumes that all arguments of the decorated function are Tensors which will
81  be batched along their first dimension.
83  SparseTensor is not supported. The return value of the decorated function
84  must be a Tensor or a list/tuple of Tensors.
86  Args:
87    num_batch_threads: Number of scheduling threads for processing batches
88     of work. Determines the number of batches processed in parallel.
89    max_batch_size: Batch sizes will never be bigger than this.
90    batch_timeout_micros: Maximum number of microseconds to wait before
91     outputting an incomplete batch.
92    allowed_batch_sizes: Optional list of allowed batch sizes. If left empty,
93     does nothing. Otherwise, supplies a list of batch sizes, causing the op
94     to pad batches up to one of those sizes. The entries must increase
95     monotonically, and the final entry must equal max_batch_size.
96    max_enqueued_batches: The maximum depth of the batch queue. Defaults to 10.
98  Returns:
99    The decorated function will return the unbatched computation output Tensors.
100  """
102  def decorator(fn):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
104    def decorated(*args):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
106      @function.defun()
107      def computation(*computation_args):
108        return fn(*computation_args)
110      computation = computation.get_concrete_function(
111          *[tensor_spec.TensorSpec(dtype=x.dtype, shape=x.shape, name=str(i))
112            for i, x in enumerate(args)])
114      with ops.name_scope("batch") as name:
115        for a in args:
116          if not isinstance(a, ops.Tensor):
117            raise ValueError("All arguments to functions decorated with "
118                             "`batch_function`  are supposed to be Tensors; "
119                             "found %s" % repr(a))
120        return gen_batch_ops.batch_function(
121            num_batch_threads=num_batch_threads,
122            max_batch_size=max_batch_size,
123            batch_timeout_micros=batch_timeout_micros,
124            allowed_batch_sizes=allowed_batch_sizes,
125            max_enqueued_batches=max_enqueued_batches,
126            shared_name=name,
127            f=computation,
128            in_tensors=list(args),
129            captured_tensors=computation.captured_inputs,
130            Tout=[o.dtype for o in computation.outputs])
132    return decorated
134  return decorator
137def batch_function_v1(num_batch_threads,
138                      max_batch_size,
139                      batch_timeout_micros,
140                      allowed_batch_sizes=None,
141                      grad_timeout_micros=60 * 1000 * 1000,
142                      unbatch_timeout_micros=60 * 1000 * 1000,
143                      max_enqueued_batches=10):
144  """Batches the computation done by the decorated function.
146  This is the older version of batch_function(). Please use the former instead
147  of this.
149  Args:
150    num_batch_threads: Number of scheduling threads for processing batches
151     of work. Determines the number of batches processed in parallel.
152    max_batch_size: Batch sizes will never be bigger than this.
153    batch_timeout_micros: Maximum number of microseconds to wait before
154     outputting an incomplete batch.
155    allowed_batch_sizes: Optional list of allowed batch sizes. If left empty,
156     does nothing. Otherwise, supplies a list of batch sizes, causing the op
157     to pad batches up to one of those sizes. The entries must increase
158     monotonically, and the final entry must equal max_batch_size.
159    grad_timeout_micros: The timeout to use for the gradient. See the
160     documentation of the unbatch op for more details. Defaults to 60s.
161    unbatch_timeout_micros: The timeout to use for unbatching. See the
162     documentation of the unbatch op for more details. Defaults to 60s.
163    max_enqueued_batches: The maximum depth of the batch queue. Defaults to 10.
165  Returns:
166    The decorated function will return the unbatched computation output Tensors.
167  """
168  def decorator(f):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
169    def decorated(*args):
170      with ops.name_scope("batch") as name:
171        for a in args:
172          if not isinstance(a, ops.Tensor):
173            raise ValueError("All arguments to functions decorated with "
174                             "`batch_function`  are supposed to be Tensors; "
175                             "found %s" % repr(a))
176        batched_tensors, batch_index, id_t = gen_batch_ops.batch(
177            args,
178            num_batch_threads=num_batch_threads,
179            max_batch_size=max_batch_size,
180            batch_timeout_micros=batch_timeout_micros,
181            max_enqueued_batches=max_enqueued_batches,
182            allowed_batch_sizes=allowed_batch_sizes,
183            grad_timeout_micros=grad_timeout_micros,
184            shared_name=name)
185        outputs = f(*batched_tensors)
186        if isinstance(outputs, ops.Tensor):
187          outputs_list = [outputs]
188        else:
189          outputs_list = outputs
190        with ops.name_scope("unbatch") as unbatch_name:
191          unbatched = [
192              gen_batch_ops.unbatch(t, batch_index, id_t,
193                                    timeout_micros=unbatch_timeout_micros,
194                                    shared_name=unbatch_name + "/" + t.name)
195              for t in outputs_list]
196        if isinstance(outputs, ops.Tensor):
197          return unbatched[0]
198        return unbatched
199    return decorated
200  return decorator