1"""Suite Metrowerks Shell Suite: Events supported by the Metrowerks Project Shell
2Level 1, version 1
4Generated from /Volumes/Sap/Applications (Mac OS 9)/Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0/Metrowerks CodeWarrior/CodeWarrior IDE 4.2.5
5AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
8import aetools
9import MacOS
11_code = 'MMPR'
13class Metrowerks_Shell_Suite_Events:
15    _argmap_Add_Files = {
16        'To_Segment' : 'Segm',
17    }
19    def Add_Files(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
20        """Add Files: Add the specified file(s) to the current project
21        Required argument: List of files to add
22        Keyword argument To_Segment: Segment number into which to add the file(s)
23        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
24        Returns: Error code for each file added
25        """
26        _code = 'MMPR'
27        _subcode = 'AddF'
29        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Add_Files)
30        _arguments['----'] = _object
33        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
34                _arguments, _attributes)
35        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
36            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
37        # XXXX Optionally decode result
38        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
39            return _arguments['----']
41    _argmap_Check_Syntax = {
42        'ExternalEditor' : 'Errs',
43    }
45    def Check_Syntax(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
46        """Check Syntax: Check the syntax of the specified file(s)
47        Required argument: List of files to check the syntax of
48        Keyword argument ExternalEditor: Should the contents of the message window be returned to the caller?
49        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
50        Returns: Errors for each file whose syntax was checked
51        """
52        _code = 'MMPR'
53        _subcode = 'Chek'
55        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Check_Syntax)
56        _arguments['----'] = _object
59        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
60                _arguments, _attributes)
61        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
62            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
63        # XXXX Optionally decode result
64        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
65            return _arguments['----']
67    def Close_Project(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
68        """Close Project: Close the current project
69        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
70        """
71        _code = 'MMPR'
72        _subcode = 'ClsP'
74        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
75        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
78        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
79                _arguments, _attributes)
80        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
81            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
82        # XXXX Optionally decode result
83        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
84            return _arguments['----']
86    _argmap_Close_Window = {
87        'Saving' : 'savo',
88    }
90    def Close_Window(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
91        """Close Window: Close the windows showing the specified files
92        Required argument: The files to close
93        Keyword argument Saving: Whether to save changes to each file before closing its window
94        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
95        """
96        _code = 'MMPR'
97        _subcode = 'ClsW'
99        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Close_Window)
100        _arguments['----'] = _object
102        aetools.enumsubst(_arguments, 'savo', _Enum_savo)
104        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
105                _arguments, _attributes)
106        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
107            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
108        # XXXX Optionally decode result
109        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
110            return _arguments['----']
112    _argmap_Compile = {
113        'ExternalEditor' : 'Errs',
114    }
116    def Compile(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
117        """Compile: Compile the specified file(s)
118        Required argument: List of files to compile
119        Keyword argument ExternalEditor: Should the contents of the message window be returned to the caller?
120        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
121        Returns: Errors for each file compiled
122        """
123        _code = 'MMPR'
124        _subcode = 'Comp'
126        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Compile)
127        _arguments['----'] = _object
130        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
131                _arguments, _attributes)
132        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
133            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
134        # XXXX Optionally decode result
135        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
136            return _arguments['----']
138    _argmap_Create_Project = {
139        'from_stationery' : 'Tmpl',
140    }
142    def Create_Project(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
143        """Create Project: Create a new project file
144        Required argument: New project file specifier
145        Keyword argument from_stationery: undocumented, typecode 'alis'
146        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
147        """
148        _code = 'MMPR'
149        _subcode = 'NewP'
151        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Create_Project)
152        _arguments['----'] = _object
155        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
156                _arguments, _attributes)
157        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
158            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
159        # XXXX Optionally decode result
160        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
161            return _arguments['----']
163    def Get_Definition(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
164        """Get Definition: Returns the location(s) of a globally scoped function or data object.
165        Required argument: undocumented, typecode 'TEXT'
166        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
167        Returns: undocumented, typecode 'FDef'
168        """
169        _code = 'MMPR'
170        _subcode = 'GDef'
172        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
173        _arguments['----'] = _object
176        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
177                _arguments, _attributes)
178        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
179            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
180        # XXXX Optionally decode result
181        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
182            return _arguments['----']
184    def Get_Open_Documents(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
185        """Get Open Documents: Returns the list of open documents
186        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
187        Returns: The list of documents
188        """
189        _code = 'MMPR'
190        _subcode = 'GDoc'
192        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
193        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
196        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
197                _arguments, _attributes)
198        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
199            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
200        # XXXX Optionally decode result
201        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
202            return _arguments['----']
204    _argmap_Get_Preferences = {
205        'of' : 'PRec',
206        'from_panel' : 'PNam',
207    }
209    def Get_Preferences(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
210        """Get Preferences: Get the preferences for the current project
211        Keyword argument of: Names of requested preferences
212        Keyword argument from_panel: Name of the preference panel
213        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
214        Returns: The requested preferences
215        """
216        _code = 'MMPR'
217        _subcode = 'Gref'
219        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Get_Preferences)
220        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
223        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
224                _arguments, _attributes)
225        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
226            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
227        # XXXX Optionally decode result
228        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
229            return _arguments['----']
231    _argmap_Get_Project_File = {
232        'Segment' : 'Segm',
233    }
235    def Get_Project_File(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
236        """Get Project File: Returns a description of a file in the project window.
237        Required argument: The index of the file within its segment.
238        Keyword argument Segment: The segment containing the file.
239        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
240        Returns: undocumented, typecode 'SrcF'
241        """
242        _code = 'MMPR'
243        _subcode = 'GFil'
245        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Get_Project_File)
246        _arguments['----'] = _object
249        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
250                _arguments, _attributes)
251        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
252            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
253        # XXXX Optionally decode result
254        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
255            return _arguments['----']
257    def Get_Project_Specifier(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
258        """Get Project Specifier: Return the File Specifier for the current project
259        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
260        Returns: File Specifier for the current project
261        """
262        _code = 'MMPR'
263        _subcode = 'GetP'
265        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
266        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
269        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
270                _arguments, _attributes)
271        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
272            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
273        # XXXX Optionally decode result
274        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
275            return _arguments['----']
277    def Get_Segments(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
278        """Get Segments: Returns a description of each segment in the project.
279        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
280        Returns: undocumented, typecode 'Seg '
281        """
282        _code = 'MMPR'
283        _subcode = 'GSeg'
285        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
286        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
289        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
290                _arguments, _attributes)
291        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
292            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
293        # XXXX Optionally decode result
294        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
295            return _arguments['----']
297    def Get_member_function_names(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
298        """Get member function names: Returns a list containing the names of all the member functions of a class object
299        Required argument: must be a class object
300        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
301        Returns: undocumented, typecode 'list'
302        """
303        _code = 'MMPR'
304        _subcode = 'MbFN'
306        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
307        _arguments['----'] = _object
310        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
311                _arguments, _attributes)
312        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
313            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
314        # XXXX Optionally decode result
315        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
316            return _arguments['----']
318    def Get_nonsimple_classes(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
319        """Get nonsimple classes: Returns an alphabetical list of classes with member functions, bases classes, or subclasses
320        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
321        Returns: undocumented, typecode 'list'
322        """
323        _code = 'MMPR'
324        _subcode = 'NsCl'
326        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
327        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
330        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
331                _arguments, _attributes)
332        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
333            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
334        # XXXX Optionally decode result
335        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
336            return _arguments['----']
338    def Goto_Function(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
339        """Goto Function: Goto Specified Function Name
340        Required argument: undocumented, typecode 'TEXT'
341        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
342        """
343        _code = 'MMPR'
344        _subcode = 'GoFn'
346        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
347        _arguments['----'] = _object
350        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
351                _arguments, _attributes)
352        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
353            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
354        # XXXX Optionally decode result
355        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
356            return _arguments['----']
358    def Goto_Line(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
359        """Goto Line: Goto Specified Line Number
360        Required argument: The requested source file line number
361        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
362        """
363        _code = 'MMPR'
364        _subcode = 'GoLn'
366        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
367        _arguments['----'] = _object
370        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
371                _arguments, _attributes)
372        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
373            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
374        # XXXX Optionally decode result
375        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
376            return _arguments['----']
378    def Is_In_Project(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
379        """Is In Project: Whether or not the specified file(s) is in the current project
380        Required argument: List of files to check for project membership
381        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
382        Returns: Result code for each file
383        """
384        _code = 'MMPR'
385        _subcode = 'FInP'
387        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
388        _arguments['----'] = _object
391        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
392                _arguments, _attributes)
393        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
394            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
395        # XXXX Optionally decode result
396        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
397            return _arguments['----']
399    _argmap_Make_Project = {
400        'ExternalEditor' : 'Errs',
401    }
403    def Make_Project(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
404        """Make Project: Make the current project
405        Keyword argument ExternalEditor: Should the contents of the message window be returned to the caller?
406        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
407        Returns: Errors that occurred while making the project
408        """
409        _code = 'MMPR'
410        _subcode = 'Make'
412        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Make_Project)
413        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
416        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
417                _arguments, _attributes)
418        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
419            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
420        # XXXX Optionally decode result
421        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
422            return _arguments['----']
424    def Open_browser(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
425        """Open browser: Display a class, member function, or data member object in a single class browser window
426        Required argument: an AE object reference
427        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
428        """
429        _code = 'MMPR'
430        _subcode = 'Brow'
432        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
433        _arguments['----'] = _object
436        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
437                _arguments, _attributes)
438        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
439            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
440        # XXXX Optionally decode result
441        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
442            return _arguments['----']
444    _argmap_Precompile = {
445        'Saving_As' : 'Targ',
446        'ExternalEditor' : 'Errs',
447    }
449    def Precompile(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
450        """Precompile: Precompile the specified file to the specified destination file
451        Required argument: File to precompile
452        Keyword argument Saving_As: Destination file for precompiled header
453        Keyword argument ExternalEditor: Should the contents of the message window be returned to the caller?
454        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
455        Returns: Errors for the precompiled file
456        """
457        _code = 'MMPR'
458        _subcode = 'PreC'
460        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Precompile)
461        _arguments['----'] = _object
464        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
465                _arguments, _attributes)
466        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
467            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
468        # XXXX Optionally decode result
469        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
470            return _arguments['----']
472    _argmap_Preprocess = {
473        'ExternalEditor' : 'Errs',
474    }
476    def Preprocess(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
477        """Preprocess: Preprocesses the specified file(s)
478        Required argument: undocumented, typecode 'alis'
479        Keyword argument ExternalEditor: undocumented, typecode 'bool'
480        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
481        Returns: Errors for each preprocessed file
482        """
483        _code = 'MMPR'
484        _subcode = 'PreP'
486        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Preprocess)
487        _arguments['----'] = _object
490        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
491                _arguments, _attributes)
492        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
493            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
494        # XXXX Optionally decode result
495        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
496            return _arguments['----']
498    def Remove_Binaries(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
499        """Remove Binaries: Remove the binary object code from the current project
500        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
501        """
502        _code = 'MMPR'
503        _subcode = 'RemB'
505        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
506        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
509        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
510                _arguments, _attributes)
511        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
512            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
513        # XXXX Optionally decode result
514        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
515            return _arguments['----']
517    def Remove_Files(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
518        """Remove Files: Remove the specified file(s) from the current project
519        Required argument: List of files to remove
520        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
521        Returns: Error code for each file removed
522        """
523        _code = 'MMPR'
524        _subcode = 'RemF'
526        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
527        _arguments['----'] = _object
530        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
531                _arguments, _attributes)
532        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
533            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
534        # XXXX Optionally decode result
535        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
536            return _arguments['----']
538    def Reset_File_Paths(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
539        """Reset File Paths: Resets access paths for all files belonging to open project.
540        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
541        """
542        _code = 'MMPR'
543        _subcode = 'ReFP'
545        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
546        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
549        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
550                _arguments, _attributes)
551        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
552            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
553        # XXXX Optionally decode result
554        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
555            return _arguments['----']
557    _argmap_Run_Project = {
558        'ExternalEditor' : 'Errs',
559        'SourceDebugger' : 'DeBg',
560    }
562    def Run_Project(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
563        """Run Project: Run the current project
564        Keyword argument ExternalEditor: Should the contents of the message window be returned to the caller?
565        Keyword argument SourceDebugger: Run the application under the control of the source-level debugger
566        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
567        Returns: Errors that occurred when running the project
568        """
569        _code = 'MMPR'
570        _subcode = 'RunP'
572        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Run_Project)
573        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
576        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
577                _arguments, _attributes)
578        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
579            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
580        # XXXX Optionally decode result
581        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
582            return _arguments['----']
584    def Save_Error_Window_As(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
585        """Save Error Window As: Saves the Errors & Warnings window as a text file
586        Required argument: Destination file for Save Message Window As
587        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
588        """
589        _code = 'MMPR'
590        _subcode = 'SvMs'
592        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
593        _arguments['----'] = _object
596        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
597                _arguments, _attributes)
598        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
599            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
600        # XXXX Optionally decode result
601        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
602            return _arguments['----']
604    def Set_Current_Target(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
605        """Set Current Target: Set the current target of a project
606        Required argument: Name of target
607        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
608        """
609        _code = 'MMPR'
610        _subcode = 'STrg'
612        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
613        _arguments['----'] = _object
616        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
617                _arguments, _attributes)
618        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
619            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
620        # XXXX Optionally decode result
621        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
622            return _arguments['----']
624    def Set_Default_Project(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
625        """Set Default Project: Set the default project
626        Required argument: Name of project
627        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
628        """
629        _code = 'MMPR'
630        _subcode = 'SDfP'
632        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
633        _arguments['----'] = _object
636        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
637                _arguments, _attributes)
638        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
639            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
640        # XXXX Optionally decode result
641        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
642            return _arguments['----']
644    _argmap_Set_Modification_Date = {
645        'to' : 'MDat',
646    }
648    def Set_Modification_Date(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
649        """Set Modification Date: Changes the internal modification date of the specified file(s)
650        Required argument: List of files
651        Keyword argument to: undocumented, typecode 'ldt '
652        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
653        Returns: Error code for each modified file
654        """
655        _code = 'MMPR'
656        _subcode = 'SMod'
658        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Set_Modification_Date)
659        _arguments['----'] = _object
662        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
663                _arguments, _attributes)
664        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
665            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
666        # XXXX Optionally decode result
667        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
668            return _arguments['----']
670    _argmap_Set_Preferences = {
671        'of_panel' : 'PNam',
672        'to' : 'PRec',
673    }
675    def Set_Preferences(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
676        """Set Preferences: Set the preferences for the current project
677        Keyword argument of_panel: Name of the preference panel
678        Keyword argument to: Preferences settings
679        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
680        """
681        _code = 'MMPR'
682        _subcode = 'Pref'
684        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Set_Preferences)
685        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
688        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
689                _arguments, _attributes)
690        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
691            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
692        # XXXX Optionally decode result
693        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
694            return _arguments['----']
696    _argmap_Set_Project_File = {
697        'to' : 'SrcS',
698    }
700    def Set_Project_File(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
701        """Set Project File: Changes the settings for a given file in the project.
702        Required argument: The name of the file
703        Keyword argument to: The new settings for the file
704        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
705        """
706        _code = 'MMPR'
707        _subcode = 'SFil'
709        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Set_Project_File)
710        _arguments['----'] = _object
713        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
714                _arguments, _attributes)
715        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
716            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
717        # XXXX Optionally decode result
718        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
719            return _arguments['----']
721    _argmap_Set_Segment = {
722        'to' : 'Segm',
723    }
725    def Set_Segment(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
726        """Set Segment: Changes the name and attributes of a segment.
727        Required argument: The segment to change
728        Keyword argument to: The new name and attributes for the segment.
729        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
730        """
731        _code = 'MMPR'
732        _subcode = 'SSeg'
734        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Set_Segment)
735        _arguments['----'] = _object
738        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
739                _arguments, _attributes)
740        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
741            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
742        # XXXX Optionally decode result
743        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
744            return _arguments['----']
746    def Touch(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
747        """Touch: Force recompilation of the specified file(s)
748        Required argument: List of files to compile
749        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
750        Returns: Error code for each file touched
751        """
752        _code = 'MMPR'
753        _subcode = 'Toch'
755        if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
756        _arguments['----'] = _object
759        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
760                _arguments, _attributes)
761        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
762            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
763        # XXXX Optionally decode result
764        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
765            return _arguments['----']
767    _argmap_Update_Project = {
768        'ExternalEditor' : 'Errs',
769    }
771    def Update_Project(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
772        """Update Project: Update the current project
773        Keyword argument ExternalEditor: Should the contents of the message window be returned to the caller?
774        Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
775        Returns: Errors that occurred while updating the project
776        """
777        _code = 'MMPR'
778        _subcode = 'UpdP'
780        aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_Update_Project)
781        if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
784        _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
785                _arguments, _attributes)
786        if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
787            raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
788        # XXXX Optionally decode result
789        if _arguments.has_key('----'):
790            return _arguments['----']
793class Browser_Coloring(aetools.ComponentItem):
794    """Browser Coloring - Colors for Browser symbols. """
795    want = 'BRKW'
796class _Prop_Browser_Keywords(aetools.NProperty):
797    """Browser Keywords - Mark Browser symbols with color. """
798    which = 'BW00'
799    want = 'bool'
800class _Prop_Classes_Color(aetools.NProperty):
801    """Classes Color - The color for classes. """
802    which = 'BW01'
803    want = 'cRGB'
804class _Prop_Constants_Color(aetools.NProperty):
805    """Constants Color - The color for constants. """
806    which = 'BW02'
807    want = 'cRGB'
808class _Prop_Enums_Color(aetools.NProperty):
809    """Enums Color - The color for enums. """
810    which = 'BW03'
811    want = 'cRGB'
812class _Prop_Functions_Color(aetools.NProperty):
813    """Functions Color - Set color for functions. """
814    which = 'BW04'
815    want = 'cRGB'
816class _Prop_Globals_Color(aetools.NProperty):
817    """Globals Color - The color for globals """
818    which = 'BW05'
819    want = 'cRGB'
820class _Prop_Macros_Color(aetools.NProperty):
821    """Macros Color - The color for macros. """
822    which = 'BW06'
823    want = 'cRGB'
824class _Prop_Template_Commands_in_Menu(aetools.NProperty):
825    """Template Commands in Menu - Include template commands in context menus """
826    which = 'BW10'
827    want = 'bool'
828class _Prop_Templates_Color(aetools.NProperty):
829    """Templates Color - Set color for templates. """
830    which = 'BW07'
831    want = 'cRGB'
832class _Prop_Typedefs_Color(aetools.NProperty):
833    """Typedefs Color - The color for typedefs. """
834    which = 'BW08'
835    want = 'cRGB'
837class Build_Settings(aetools.ComponentItem):
838    """Build Settings - Build Settings preferences. """
839    want = 'BSTG'
840class _Prop_Build_Before_Running(aetools.NProperty):
841    """Build Before Running - Build the target before running. """
842    which = 'BX04'
843    want = 'BXbr'
844class _Prop_Compiler_Thread_Stack_Size(aetools.NProperty):
845    """Compiler Thread Stack Size - Compiler Thread Stack Size """
846    which = 'BX06'
847    want = 'long'
848class _Prop_Completion_Sound(aetools.NProperty):
849    """Completion Sound - Play a sound when finished a Bring Up To Date or Make command. """
850    which = 'BX01'
851    want = 'bool'
852class _Prop_Failure_Sound(aetools.NProperty):
853    """Failure Sound - The sound CodeWarrior plays when it cannot finish a Bring Up To Date or Make command. """
854    which = 'BX03'
855    want = 'TEXT'
856class _Prop_Include_Cache_Size(aetools.NProperty):
857    """Include Cache Size - Include file cache size. """
858    which = 'BX05'
859    want = 'long'
860class _Prop_Save_Before_Building(aetools.NProperty):
861    """Save Before Building - Save open editor files before build operations """
862    which = 'BX07'
863    want = 'bool'
864class _Prop_Success_Sound(aetools.NProperty):
865    """Success Sound - The sound CodeWarrior plays when it successfully finishes a Bring Up To Date or Make command. """
866    which = 'BX02'
867    want = 'TEXT'
869class base_class(aetools.ComponentItem):
870    """base class - A base class or super class of a class """
871    want = 'BsCl'
872class _Prop_access(aetools.NProperty):
873    """access -  """
874    which = 'Acce'
875    want = 'Acce'
876class _Prop_class_(aetools.NProperty):
877    """class - The class object corresponding to this base class """
878    which = 'Clas'
879    want = 'obj '
880class _Prop_virtual(aetools.NProperty):
881    """virtual -  """
882    which = 'Virt'
883    want = 'bool'
885base_classes = base_class
887class Custom_Keywords(aetools.ComponentItem):
888    """Custom Keywords -  """
889    want = 'CUKW'
890class _Prop_Custom_Color_1(aetools.NProperty):
891    """Custom Color 1 - The color for the first set of custom keywords. """
892    which = 'GH05'
893    want = 'cRGB'
894class _Prop_Custom_Color_2(aetools.NProperty):
895    """Custom Color 2 - The color for the second set custom keywords. """
896    which = 'GH06'
897    want = 'cRGB'
898class _Prop_Custom_Color_3(aetools.NProperty):
899    """Custom Color 3 - The color for the third set of custom keywords. """
900    which = 'GH07'
901    want = 'cRGB'
902class _Prop_Custom_Color_4(aetools.NProperty):
903    """Custom Color 4 - The color for the fourth set of custom keywords. """
904    which = 'GH08'
905    want = 'cRGB'
907class browser_catalog(aetools.ComponentItem):
908    """browser catalog - The browser symbol catalog for the current project """
909    want = 'Cata'
910#        element 'Clas' as ['indx', 'name']
912class class_(aetools.ComponentItem):
913    """class - A class, struct, or record type in the current project. """
914    want = 'Clas'
915class _Prop_all_subclasses(aetools.NProperty):
916    """all subclasses - the classes directly or indirectly derived from this class """
917    which = 'SubA'
918    want = 'Clas'
919class _Prop_declaration_end_offset(aetools.NProperty):
920    """declaration end offset - End of class declaration """
921    which = 'DcEn'
922    want = 'long'
923class _Prop_declaration_file(aetools.NProperty):
924    """declaration file - Source file containing the class declaration """
925    which = 'DcFl'
926    want = 'fss '
927class _Prop_declaration_start_offset(aetools.NProperty):
928    """declaration start offset - Start of class declaration source code """
929    which = 'DcSt'
930    want = 'long'
931class _Prop_language(aetools.NProperty):
932    """language - Implementation language of this class """
933    which = 'Lang'
934    want = 'Lang'
935class _Prop_name(aetools.NProperty):
936    """name -  """
937    which = 'pnam'
938    want = 'TEXT'
939class _Prop_subclasses(aetools.NProperty):
940    """subclasses - the immediate subclasses of this class """
941    which = 'SubC'
942    want = 'Clas'
943#        element 'BsCl' as ['indx']
944#        element 'DtMb' as ['indx', 'name']
945#        element 'MbFn' as ['indx', 'name']
947classes = class_
949class Debugger_Display(aetools.ComponentItem):
950    """Debugger Display - Debugger Display preferences """
951    want = 'DbDS'
952class _Prop_Default_Array_Size(aetools.NProperty):
953    """Default Array Size - Controls whether CodeWarrior uses its own integrated editor or an external application for editing text files. """
954    which = 'Db08'
955    want = 'shor'
956class _Prop_Show_As_Decimal(aetools.NProperty):
957    """Show As Decimal - Show variable values as decimal by default """
958    which = 'Db10'
959    want = 'bool'
960class _Prop_Show_Locals(aetools.NProperty):
961    """Show Locals - Show locals by default """
962    which = 'Db09'
963    want = 'bool'
964class _Prop_Show_Variable_Types(aetools.NProperty):
965    """Show Variable Types - Show variable types by default. """
966    which = 'Db01'
967    want = 'bool'
968class _Prop_Sort_By_Method(aetools.NProperty):
969    """Sort By Method - Sort functions by method. """
970    which = 'Db02'
971    want = 'bool'
972class _Prop_Threads_in_Window(aetools.NProperty):
973    """Threads in Window - Show threads in separate windows. """
974    which = 'Db04'
975    want = 'bool'
976class _Prop_Use_RTTI(aetools.NProperty):
977    """Use RTTI - Enable RunTime Type Information. """
978    which = 'Db03'
979    want = 'bool'
980class _Prop_Variable_Changed_Hilite(aetools.NProperty):
981    """Variable Changed Hilite - Variable changed hilite color. """
982    which = 'Db07'
983    want = 'cRGB'
984class _Prop_Variable_Hints(aetools.NProperty):
985    """Variable Hints - Show variable hints. """
986    which = 'Db05'
987    want = 'bool'
988class _Prop_Watchpoint_Hilite(aetools.NProperty):
989    """Watchpoint Hilite - Watchpoint hilite color. """
990    which = 'Db06'
991    want = 'cRGB'
993class Debugger_Global(aetools.ComponentItem):
994    """Debugger Global - Debugger Global preferences """
995    want = 'DbGL'
996class _Prop_Auto_Target_Libraries(aetools.NProperty):
997    """Auto Target Libraries - Automatically target libraries when debugging """
998    which = 'Dg11'
999    want = 'bool'
1000class _Prop_Cache_Edited_Files(aetools.NProperty):
1001    """Cache Edited Files - Cache edit files between debug sessions """
1002    which = 'Dg12'
1003    want = 'bool'
1004class _Prop_Confirm_Kill(aetools.NProperty):
1005    """Confirm Kill - Confirm the \xd4killing\xd5 of the process. """
1006    which = 'Dg04'
1007    want = 'bool'
1008class _Prop_Dont_Step_in_Runtime(aetools.NProperty):
1009    """Dont Step in Runtime - Don\xd5t step into runtime code when debugging. """
1010    which = 'Dg07'
1011    want = 'bool'
1012class _Prop_File_Cache_Duration(aetools.NProperty):
1013    """File Cache Duration - Duration to keep files in cache (in days) """
1014    which = 'Dg13'
1015    want = 'shor'
1016class _Prop_Ignore_Mod_Dates(aetools.NProperty):
1017    """Ignore Mod Dates - Ignore modification dates of files. """
1018    which = 'Dg01'
1019    want = 'bool'
1020class _Prop_Launch_Apps_on_Open(aetools.NProperty):
1021    """Launch Apps on Open - Launch applications on the opening of sym files. """
1022    which = 'Dg03'
1023    want = 'bool'
1024class _Prop_Open_All_Classes(aetools.NProperty):
1025    """Open All Classes - Open all Java class files. """
1026    which = 'Dg02'
1027    want = 'bool'
1028class _Prop_Select_Stack_Crawl(aetools.NProperty):
1029    """Select Stack Crawl - Select the stack crawl. """
1030    which = 'Dg06'
1031    want = 'bool'
1032class _Prop_Stop_at_Main(aetools.NProperty):
1033    """Stop at Main - Stop to debug on the main() function. """
1034    which = 'Dg05'
1035    want = 'bool'
1037class Debugger_Target(aetools.ComponentItem):
1038    """Debugger Target - Debugger Target preferences """
1039    want = 'DbTG'
1040class _Prop_Cache_symbolics(aetools.NProperty):
1041    """Cache symbolics - Cache symbolics between runs when executable doesn\xd5t change, else release symbolics files after killing process. """
1042    which = 'Dt15'
1043    want = 'bool'
1044class _Prop_Data_Update_Interval(aetools.NProperty):
1045    """Data Update Interval - How often to update the data while running (in seconds) """
1046    which = 'Dt09'
1047    want = 'long'
1048class _Prop_Log_System_Messages(aetools.NProperty):
1049    """Log System Messages - Log all system messages while debugging. """
1050    which = 'Dt02'
1051    want = 'bool'
1052class _Prop_Relocated_Executable_Path(aetools.NProperty):
1053    """Relocated Executable Path - Path to location of relocated libraries, code resources or remote debugging folder """
1054    which = 'Dt10'
1055    want = 'RlPt'
1056class _Prop_Stop_at_temp_breakpoint(aetools.NProperty):
1057    """Stop at temp breakpoint - Stop at a temp breakpoint on program launch. Set breakpoint type in Temp Breakpoint Type AppleEvent. """
1058    which = 'Dt13'
1059    want = 'bool'
1060class _Prop_Temp_Breakpoint_Type(aetools.NProperty):
1061    """Temp Breakpoint Type - Type of temp breakpoint to set on program launch. """
1062    which = 'Dt16'
1063    want = 'TmpB'
1064class _Prop_Temp_breakpoint_names(aetools.NProperty):
1065    """Temp breakpoint names - Comma separated list of names to attempt to stop at on program launch. First symbol to resolve in list is the temp BP that will be set. """
1066    which = 'Dt14'
1067    want = 'ctxt'
1068class _Prop_Update_Data_While_Running(aetools.NProperty):
1069    """Update Data While Running - Should pause to update data while running """
1070    which = 'Dt08'
1071    want = 'bool'
1073class Debugger_Windowing(aetools.ComponentItem):
1074    """Debugger Windowing -  """
1075    want = 'DbWN'
1076class _Prop_Debugging_Start_Action(aetools.NProperty):
1077    """Debugging Start Action - What action to take when debug session starts """
1078    which = 'Dw01'
1079    want = 'DbSA'
1080class _Prop_Do_Nothing_To_Projects(aetools.NProperty):
1081    """Do Nothing To Projects - Suppress debugging start action for project windows """
1082    which = 'Dw02'
1083    want = 'bool'
1085class data_member(aetools.ComponentItem):
1086    """data member - A class data member or field """
1087    want = 'DtMb'
1088class _Prop_static(aetools.NProperty):
1089    """static -  """
1090    which = 'Stat'
1091    want = 'bool'
1093data_members = data_member
1095class Editor(aetools.ComponentItem):
1096    """Editor -  """
1097    want = 'EDTR'
1098class _Prop_Background_Color(aetools.NProperty):
1099    """Background Color - Color of the background of editor windows. """
1100    which = 'ED13'
1101    want = 'cRGB'
1102class _Prop_Balance(aetools.NProperty):
1103    """Balance - Flash the matching opening bracket when you type a closing bracket. """
1104    which = 'ED03'
1105    want = 'bool'
1106class _Prop_Context_Popup_Delay(aetools.NProperty):
1107    """Context Popup Delay - The amount of time, in sixtieths of a second, before the context popup is displayed if you click and hold on a browser symbol. """
1108    which = 'ED14'
1109    want = 'long'
1110class _Prop_Default_Text_File_Format(aetools.NProperty):
1111    """Default Text File Format - Default text file format (i.e. which type of line endings to use) """
1112    which = 'ED17'
1113    want = 'TxtF'
1114class _Prop_Dynamic_Scroll(aetools.NProperty):
1115    """Dynamic Scroll - Display a window\xd5s contents as you move the scroll box. """
1116    which = 'ED02'
1117    want = 'bool'
1118class _Prop_Flash_Delay(aetools.NProperty):
1119    """Flash Delay - The amount of time, in sixtieths of a second, the editor highlights a matching bracket. """
1120    which = 'ED01'
1121    want = 'long'
1122class _Prop_Left_Margin_Line_Select(aetools.NProperty):
1123    """Left Margin Line Select - Clicking in the left margin selects lines """
1124    which = 'ED16'
1125    want = 'bool'
1126class _Prop_Main_Text_Color(aetools.NProperty):
1127    """Main Text Color - Main, default, color for text. """
1128    which = 'ED12'
1129    want = 'cRGB'
1130class _Prop_Relaxed_C_Popup_Parsing(aetools.NProperty):
1131    """Relaxed C Popup Parsing - Relax the function parser for C source files """
1132    which = 'ED15'
1133    want = 'bool'
1134class _Prop_Remember_Font(aetools.NProperty):
1135    """Remember Font - Display a source file with its own font settings. """
1136    which = 'ED08'
1137    want = 'bool'
1138class _Prop_Remember_Selection(aetools.NProperty):
1139    """Remember Selection - Restore the previous selection in a file when you open it. """
1140    which = 'ED09'
1141    want = 'bool'
1142class _Prop_Remember_Window(aetools.NProperty):
1143    """Remember Window - Restore the last size and position for a source file window when you open it. """
1144    which = 'ED10'
1145    want = 'bool'
1146class _Prop_Sort_Function_Popup(aetools.NProperty):
1147    """Sort Function Popup -  """
1148    which = 'ED06'
1149    want = 'bool'
1150class _Prop_Use_Drag__26__Drop_Editing(aetools.NProperty):
1151    """Use Drag & Drop Editing - Use Drag & Drop text editing. """
1152    which = 'ED04'
1153    want = 'bool'
1154class _Prop_Use_Multiple_Undo(aetools.NProperty):
1155    """Use Multiple Undo -  """
1156    which = 'ED07'
1157    want = 'bool'
1159class Environment_Variable(aetools.ComponentItem):
1160    """Environment Variable - Environment variable for host OS """
1161    want = 'EnvV'
1162class _Prop_value(aetools.NProperty):
1163    """value - Value of the environment variable """
1164    which = 'Valu'
1165    want = 'TEXT'
1167class Error_Information(aetools.ComponentItem):
1168    """Error Information - Describes a single error or warning from the compiler or the linker. """
1169    want = 'ErrM'
1170class _Prop_disk_file(aetools.NProperty):
1171    """disk file - The file where the error occurred.  May not be returned for certain kinds of errors (eg, link errors). """
1172    which = 'file'
1173    want = 'fss '
1174class _Prop_lineNumber(aetools.NProperty):
1175    """lineNumber - The line in the file where the error occurred.  May not be returned for certain kinds of errors (eg, link errors). """
1176    which = 'ErrL'
1177    want = 'long'
1178class _Prop_message(aetools.NProperty):
1179    """message - The error or warning message. """
1180    which = 'ErrS'
1181    want = 'TEXT'
1182class _Prop_messageKind(aetools.NProperty):
1183    """messageKind - The type of error or warning. """
1184    which = 'ErrT'
1185    want = 'ErrT'
1187class Function_Information(aetools.ComponentItem):
1188    """Function Information - Describes the location of any function or global data definition within the current project. """
1189    want = 'FDef'
1191class File_Mappings(aetools.ComponentItem):
1192    """File Mappings - Mappings of extensions & file types to compilers """
1193    want = 'FLMP'
1194class _Prop_Mappings(aetools.NProperty):
1195    """Mappings -  """
1196    which = 'FMps'
1197    want = 'FMap'
1199class File_Mapping(aetools.ComponentItem):
1200    """File Mapping -  """
1201    want = 'FMap'
1202class _Prop_Compiler(aetools.NProperty):
1203    """Compiler -  """
1204    which = 'TA07'
1205    want = 'TEXT'
1206class _Prop_Extension(aetools.NProperty):
1207    """Extension -  """
1208    which = 'TA02'
1209    want = 'TEXT'
1210class _Prop_File_Type(aetools.NProperty):
1211    """File Type -  """
1212    which = 'PR04'
1213    want = 'TEXT'
1214class _Prop_Ignored_by_Make(aetools.NProperty):
1215    """Ignored by Make -  """
1216    which = 'TA06'
1217    want = 'bool'
1218class _Prop_Launchable(aetools.NProperty):
1219    """Launchable -  """
1220    which = 'TA05'
1221    want = 'bool'
1222class _Prop_Precompiled(aetools.NProperty):
1223    """Precompiled -  """
1224    which = 'TA03'
1225    want = 'bool'
1226class _Prop_Resource_File(aetools.NProperty):
1227    """Resource File -  """
1228    which = 'TA04'
1229    want = 'bool'
1231class Global_Source_Trees(aetools.ComponentItem):
1232    """Global Source Trees - Globally-defined source tree roots """
1233    want = 'GSTs'
1234class _Prop_Source_Trees(aetools.NProperty):
1235    """Source Trees - List of source tree roots """
1236    which = 'ST01'
1237    want = 'SrcT'
1239class Extras(aetools.ComponentItem):
1240    """Extras -  """
1241    want = 'GXTR'
1242class _Prop_Automatic_Toolbar_Help(aetools.NProperty):
1243    """Automatic Toolbar Help - Automatically show balloon help in toolbar after delay """
1244    which = 'EX19'
1245    want = 'bool'
1246class _Prop_External_Reference(aetools.NProperty):
1247    """External Reference - Which on-line function reference to use. """
1248    which = 'EX08'
1249    want = 'RefP'
1250class _Prop_Full_Screen_Zoom(aetools.NProperty):
1251    """Full Screen Zoom - Zoom windows to the full screen width. """
1252    which = 'EX07'
1253    want = 'bool'
1254class _Prop_Recent_Editor_Count(aetools.NProperty):
1255    """Recent Editor Count - Maximum number of editor documents to show in the \xd2Open Recent\xd3 menu """
1256    which = 'EX16'
1257    want = 'shor'
1258class _Prop_Recent_Project_Count(aetools.NProperty):
1259    """Recent Project Count - Maximum number of project documents to show in the \xd2Open Recent\xd3 menu """
1260    which = 'EX17'
1261    want = 'shor'
1262class _Prop_Use_Editor_Extensions(aetools.NProperty):
1263    """Use Editor Extensions - Controls the use of the Editor Extensions menu """
1264    which = 'EX10'
1265    want = 'bool'
1266class _Prop_Use_External_Editor(aetools.NProperty):
1267    """Use External Editor - Controls whether CodeWarrior uses its own integrated editor or an external application for editing text files. """
1268    which = 'EX11'
1269    want = 'bool'
1270class _Prop_Use_Script_Menu(aetools.NProperty):
1271    """Use Script Menu - Controls the use of the AppleScript menu """
1272    which = 'EX12'
1273    want = 'bool'
1274class _Prop_Use_ToolServer_Menu(aetools.NProperty):
1275    """Use ToolServer Menu - Controls the use of the ToolServer menu """
1276    which = 'EX18'
1277    want = 'bool'
1279class Build_Extras(aetools.ComponentItem):
1280    """Build Extras -  """
1281    want = 'LXTR'
1282class _Prop_Browser_Active(aetools.NProperty):
1283    """Browser Active - Allow the collection of browser information. """
1284    which = 'EX09'
1285    want = 'bool'
1286class _Prop_Cache_Subproject_Data(aetools.NProperty):
1287    """Cache Subproject Data -  """
1288    which = 'EX31'
1289    want = 'bool'
1290class _Prop_Dump_Browser_Info(aetools.NProperty):
1291    """Dump Browser Info -  """
1292    which = 'EX30'
1293    want = 'bool'
1294class _Prop_Modification_Date_Caching(aetools.NProperty):
1295    """Modification Date Caching -  """
1296    which = 'EX04'
1297    want = 'bool'
1299class member_function(aetools.ComponentItem):
1300    """member function - A class member function or method. """
1301    want = 'MbFn'
1302class _Prop_implementation_end_offset(aetools.NProperty):
1303    """implementation end offset - end of member function definition """
1304    which = 'DfEn'
1305    want = 'long'
1306class _Prop_implementation_file(aetools.NProperty):
1307    """implementation file - Source file containing the member function definition """
1308    which = 'DfFl'
1309    want = 'fss '
1310class _Prop_implementation_start_offset(aetools.NProperty):
1311    """implementation start offset - start of member function definition source code """
1312    which = 'DfSt'
1313    want = 'long'
1315member_functions = member_function
1317class Access_Paths(aetools.ComponentItem):
1318    """Access Paths - Contains the definitions of a project\xd5s access (search) paths. """
1319    want = 'PATH'
1320class _Prop_Always_Full_Search(aetools.NProperty):
1321    """Always Full Search - To force the compiler to search for system includes like it searches for user includes. """
1322    which = 'PA02'
1323    want = 'bool'
1324class _Prop_Convert_Paths(aetools.NProperty):
1325    """Convert Paths - Enables conversion of DOS & Unix-style relative paths when searching for files. """
1326    which = 'PA04'
1327    want = 'bool'
1328class _Prop_Require_Framework_Includes(aetools.NProperty):
1329    """Require Framework Includes - Causes the IDE to only look in the framework access paths if a Mac OS X framework style include (i.e. <Carbon/Carbon.h> ) is used. """
1330    which = 'PA05'
1331    want = 'bool'
1332class _Prop_System_Paths(aetools.NProperty):
1333    """System Paths - To add an access path for the include files. (Not supported in Pascal) """
1334    which = 'PA03'
1335    want = 'PInf'
1336class _Prop_User_Paths(aetools.NProperty):
1337    """User Paths - To add an access path for the source files. """
1338    which = 'PA01'
1339    want = 'PInf'
1341class Path_Information(aetools.ComponentItem):
1342    """Path Information - Contains all of the parameters that describe an access path. """
1343    want = 'PInf'
1344class _Prop_format(aetools.NProperty):
1345    """format - Format of the a """
1346    which = 'Frmt'
1347    want = 'PthF'
1348class _Prop_framework(aetools.NProperty):
1349    """framework - Is the path a Mac OS X framework style path?  (This flag is readable but not writeable from AppleScript.) """
1350    which = 'Frmw'
1351    want = 'bool'
1352class _Prop_host_flags(aetools.NProperty):
1353    """host flags - Bit fields enabling the access path for each host OS (1 = Mac OS, 2 = Windows) """
1354    which = 'HstF'
1355    want = 'long'
1356class _Prop_origin(aetools.NProperty):
1357    """origin -  """
1358    which = 'Orig'
1359    want = 'PPrm'
1360class _Prop_recursive(aetools.NProperty):
1361    """recursive - Will the path be searched recursively?  (Default is true) """
1362    which = 'Recu'
1363    want = 'bool'
1364class _Prop_root(aetools.NProperty):
1365    """root - Name of the root of the relative path. Pre-defined values are \xd2Absolute\xd3, \xd2Project\xd3, \xd2CodeWarrior\xd3, and  \xd2System\xd3. Anything else is a user-defined root. """
1366    which = 'Root'
1367    want = 'TEXT'
1369class Plugin_Settings(aetools.ComponentItem):
1370    """Plugin Settings - Settings for plugin tools """
1371    want = 'PSTG'
1372class _Prop_Disable_Third_Party_COM_Plugins(aetools.NProperty):
1373    """Disable Third Party COM Plugins - Disable COM plugins from third parties """
1374    which = 'PX02'
1375    want = 'bool'
1376class _Prop_Plugin_Diagnostics_Level(aetools.NProperty):
1377    """Plugin Diagnostics Level - Plugin Diagnostics Level is for those who are developing plugins for the IDE and need to debug them. """
1378    which = 'PX01'
1379    want = 'PXdg'
1381class Runtime_Settings(aetools.ComponentItem):
1382    """Runtime Settings - Runtime settings """
1383    want = 'RSTG'
1384class _Prop_Command_Line_Arguments(aetools.NProperty):
1385    """Command Line Arguments - Extra command line args to pass to executable """
1386    which = 'RS02'
1387    want = 'TEXT'
1388class _Prop_Environment_Variables(aetools.NProperty):
1389    """Environment Variables - Environment variables to use when running the executable """
1390    which = 'RS04'
1391    want = 'EnvV'
1392class _Prop_Host_Application(aetools.NProperty):
1393    """Host Application - Host application for running/debugging libraries and code resources """
1394    which = 'RS01'
1395    want = 'RlPt'
1396class _Prop_Working_Directory(aetools.NProperty):
1397    """Working Directory - Working directory to use when running the executable """
1398    which = 'RS03'
1399    want = 'TEXT'
1401class Relative_Path(aetools.ComponentItem):
1402    """Relative Path - Relative path from some root """
1403    want = 'RlPt'
1405class Shielded_Folder(aetools.ComponentItem):
1406    """Shielded Folder -  """
1407    want = 'SFit'
1408class _Prop_Expression_To_Match(aetools.NProperty):
1409    """Expression To Match - Regular expression which describes folders to skip """
1410    which = 'SF01'
1411    want = 'TEXT'
1412class _Prop_Skip_Find_And_Compare_Operations(aetools.NProperty):
1413    """Skip Find And Compare Operations - Matching folders will be skipped during find and compare operations """
1414    which = 'SF03'
1415    want = 'bool'
1416class _Prop_Skip_Project_Operations(aetools.NProperty):
1417    """Skip Project Operations - Matching folders will be skipped during project operations """
1418    which = 'SF02'
1419    want = 'bool'
1421class Shielded_Folders(aetools.ComponentItem):
1422    """Shielded Folders - Folders skipped when performing project and find-and-compare operations """
1423    want = 'SHFL'
1424class _Prop_Shielded_Items(aetools.NProperty):
1425    """Shielded Items -  """
1426    which = 'SFis'
1427    want = 'SFit'
1429class Syntax_Coloring(aetools.ComponentItem):
1430    """Syntax Coloring -  """
1431    want = 'SNTX'
1432class _Prop_Comment_Color(aetools.NProperty):
1433    """Comment Color - The color for comments. """
1434    which = 'GH02'
1435    want = 'cRGB'
1436class _Prop_Keyword_Color(aetools.NProperty):
1437    """Keyword Color - The color for language keywords. """
1438    which = 'GH03'
1439    want = 'cRGB'
1440class _Prop_String_Color(aetools.NProperty):
1441    """String Color - The color for strings. """
1442    which = 'GH04'
1443    want = 'cRGB'
1444class _Prop_Syntax_Coloring(aetools.NProperty):
1445    """Syntax Coloring - Mark keywords and comments with color. """
1446    which = 'GH01'
1447    want = 'bool'
1449class Segment(aetools.ComponentItem):
1450    """Segment - A segment or group in the project """
1451    want = 'Seg '
1452class _Prop_filecount(aetools.NProperty):
1453    """filecount -  """
1454    which = 'NumF'
1455    want = 'shor'
1456class _Prop_seg_2d_locked(aetools.NProperty):
1457    """seg-locked - Is the segment locked ? [68K only] """
1458    which = 'PLck'
1459    want = 'bool'
1460class _Prop_seg_2d_preloaded(aetools.NProperty):
1461    """seg-preloaded - Is the segment preloaded ? [68K only] """
1462    which = 'Prel'
1463    want = 'bool'
1464class _Prop_seg_2d_protected(aetools.NProperty):
1465    """seg-protected - Is the segment protected ? [68K only] """
1466    which = 'Prot'
1467    want = 'bool'
1468class _Prop_seg_2d_purgeable(aetools.NProperty):
1469    """seg-purgeable - Is the segment purgeable ? [68K only] """
1470    which = 'Purg'
1471    want = 'bool'
1472class _Prop_seg_2d_system_heap(aetools.NProperty):
1473    """seg-system heap - Is the segment loaded into the system heap ? [68K only] """
1474    which = 'SysH'
1475    want = 'bool'
1477class ProjectFile(aetools.ComponentItem):
1478    """ProjectFile - A file contained in a project """
1479    want = 'SrcF'
1480class _Prop_codesize(aetools.NProperty):
1481    """codesize - The size of this file\xd5s code. """
1482    which = 'CSiz'
1483    want = 'long'
1484class _Prop_datasize(aetools.NProperty):
1485    """datasize - The size of this file\xd5s data. """
1486    which = 'DSiz'
1487    want = 'long'
1488class _Prop_filetype(aetools.NProperty):
1489    """filetype - What kind of file is this ? """
1490    which = 'SrcT'
1491    want = 'SrcT'
1492class _Prop_includes(aetools.NProperty):
1493    """includes -  """
1494    which = 'IncF'
1495    want = 'fss '
1496class _Prop_initialize_before(aetools.NProperty):
1497    """initialize before - Initialize the shared library before the main application. """
1498    which = 'Bfor'
1499    want = 'bool'
1500class _Prop_symbols(aetools.NProperty):
1501    """symbols - Are debugging symbols generated for this file ? """
1502    which = 'SymG'
1503    want = 'bool'
1504class _Prop_up_to_date(aetools.NProperty):
1505    """up to date - Has the file been compiled since its last modification ? """
1506    which = 'UpTD'
1507    want = 'bool'
1508class _Prop_weak_link(aetools.NProperty):
1509    """weak link - Is this file imported weakly into the project ? [PowerPC only] """
1510    which = 'Weak'
1511    want = 'bool'
1513class Source_Tree(aetools.ComponentItem):
1514    """Source Tree - User-defined source tree root """
1515    want = 'SrcT'
1516class _Prop_path(aetools.NProperty):
1517    """path - path for the user-defined source tree root """
1518    which = 'Path'
1519    want = 'TEXT'
1520class _Prop_path_kind(aetools.NProperty):
1521    """path kind - kind of path """
1522    which = 'Kind'
1523    want = 'STKd'
1525class Target_Settings(aetools.ComponentItem):
1526    """Target Settings - Contains the definitions of a project\xd5s target. """
1527    want = 'TARG'
1528class _Prop_Linker(aetools.NProperty):
1529    """Linker - The name of the current linker. """
1530    which = 'TA01'
1531    want = 'TEXT'
1532class _Prop_Output_Directory_Location(aetools.NProperty):
1533    """Output Directory Location - Location of output directory """
1534    which = 'TA16'
1535    want = 'RlPt'
1536class _Prop_Output_Directory_Origin(aetools.NProperty):
1537    """Output Directory Origin - Origin of path to output directory. Usage of this property is deprecated. Use the \xd2Output Directory Location\xd3 property instead. """
1538    which = 'TA12'
1539    want = 'PPrm'
1540class _Prop_Output_Directory_Path(aetools.NProperty):
1541    """Output Directory Path - Path to output directory. Usage of this property is deprecated. Use the \xd2Output Directory Location\xd3 property instead. """
1542    which = 'TA11'
1543    want = 'TEXT'
1544class _Prop_Post_Linker(aetools.NProperty):
1545    """Post Linker -  """
1546    which = 'TA09'
1547    want = 'TEXT'
1548class _Prop_Pre_Linker(aetools.NProperty):
1549    """Pre Linker -  """
1550    which = 'TA13'
1551    want = 'TEXT'
1552class _Prop_Target_Name(aetools.NProperty):
1553    """Target Name -  """
1554    which = 'TA10'
1555    want = 'TEXT'
1556class _Prop_Use_Relative_Paths(aetools.NProperty):
1557    """Use Relative Paths - Save project entries using relative paths """
1558    which = 'TA15'
1559    want = 'bool'
1561class Target_Source_Trees(aetools.ComponentItem):
1562    """Target Source Trees - Target-specific user-defined source tree roots """
1563    want = 'TSTs'
1565class VCS_Setup(aetools.ComponentItem):
1566    """VCS Setup - The version control system preferences. """
1567    want = 'VCSs'
1568class _Prop_Always_Prompt(aetools.NProperty):
1569    """Always Prompt - Always show login dialog """
1570    which = 'VC07'
1571    want = 'bool'
1572class _Prop_Auto_Connect(aetools.NProperty):
1573    """Auto Connect - Automatically connect to database when starting. """
1574    which = 'VC05'
1575    want = 'bool'
1576class _Prop_Connection_Method(aetools.NProperty):
1577    """Connection Method - Name of Version Control System to use. """
1578    which = 'VC02'
1579    want = 'TEXT'
1580class _Prop_Database_Path(aetools.NProperty):
1581    """Database Path - Path to the VCS database. """
1582    which = 'VC09'
1583    want = 'RlPt'
1584class _Prop_Local_Path(aetools.NProperty):
1585    """Local Path - Path to the local root """
1586    which = 'VC10'
1587    want = 'RlPt'
1588class _Prop_Mount_Volume(aetools.NProperty):
1589    """Mount Volume - Attempt to mount the database volume if it isn't available. """
1590    which = 'VC08'
1591    want = 'bool'
1592class _Prop_Password(aetools.NProperty):
1593    """Password - The password for the VCS. """
1594    which = 'VC04'
1595    want = 'TEXT'
1596class _Prop_Store_Password(aetools.NProperty):
1597    """Store Password - Store the password. """
1598    which = 'VC06'
1599    want = 'bool'
1600class _Prop_Use_Global_Settings(aetools.NProperty):
1601    """Use Global Settings - Use the global VCS settings by default """
1602    which = 'VC11'
1603    want = 'bool'
1604class _Prop_Username(aetools.NProperty):
1605    """Username - The user name for the VCS. """
1606    which = 'VC03'
1607    want = 'TEXT'
1608class _Prop_VCS_Active(aetools.NProperty):
1609    """VCS Active - Use Version Control """
1610    which = 'VC01'
1611    want = 'bool'
1613class Font(aetools.ComponentItem):
1614    """Font -  """
1615    want = 'mFNT'
1616class _Prop_Auto_Indent(aetools.NProperty):
1617    """Auto Indent - Indent new lines automatically. """
1618    which = 'FN01'
1619    want = 'bool'
1620class _Prop_Tab_Indents_Selection(aetools.NProperty):
1621    """Tab Indents Selection - Tab indents selection when multiple lines are selected """
1622    which = 'FN03'
1623    want = 'bool'
1624class _Prop_Tab_Inserts_Spaces(aetools.NProperty):
1625    """Tab Inserts Spaces - Insert spaces instead of tab character """
1626    which = 'FN04'
1627    want = 'bool'
1628class _Prop_Tab_Size(aetools.NProperty):
1629    """Tab Size -  """
1630    which = 'FN02'
1631    want = 'shor'
1632class _Prop_Text_Font(aetools.NProperty):
1633    """Text Font - The font used in editing windows. """
1634    which = 'ptxf'
1635    want = 'TEXT'
1636class _Prop_Text_Size(aetools.NProperty):
1637    """Text Size - The size of the text in an editing window. """
1638    which = 'ptps'
1639    want = 'shor'
1640Browser_Coloring._superclassnames = []
1641Browser_Coloring._privpropdict = {
1642    'Browser_Keywords' : _Prop_Browser_Keywords,
1643    'Classes_Color' : _Prop_Classes_Color,
1644    'Constants_Color' : _Prop_Constants_Color,
1645    'Enums_Color' : _Prop_Enums_Color,
1646    'Functions_Color' : _Prop_Functions_Color,
1647    'Globals_Color' : _Prop_Globals_Color,
1648    'Macros_Color' : _Prop_Macros_Color,
1649    'Template_Commands_in_Menu' : _Prop_Template_Commands_in_Menu,
1650    'Templates_Color' : _Prop_Templates_Color,
1651    'Typedefs_Color' : _Prop_Typedefs_Color,
1653Browser_Coloring._privelemdict = {
1655Build_Settings._superclassnames = []
1656Build_Settings._privpropdict = {
1657    'Build_Before_Running' : _Prop_Build_Before_Running,
1658    'Compiler_Thread_Stack_Size' : _Prop_Compiler_Thread_Stack_Size,
1659    'Completion_Sound' : _Prop_Completion_Sound,
1660    'Failure_Sound' : _Prop_Failure_Sound,
1661    'Include_Cache_Size' : _Prop_Include_Cache_Size,
1662    'Save_Before_Building' : _Prop_Save_Before_Building,
1663    'Success_Sound' : _Prop_Success_Sound,
1665Build_Settings._privelemdict = {
1667base_class._superclassnames = []
1668base_class._privpropdict = {
1669    'access' : _Prop_access,
1670    'class_' : _Prop_class_,
1671    'virtual' : _Prop_virtual,
1673base_class._privelemdict = {
1675Custom_Keywords._superclassnames = []
1676Custom_Keywords._privpropdict = {
1677    'Custom_Color_1' : _Prop_Custom_Color_1,
1678    'Custom_Color_2' : _Prop_Custom_Color_2,
1679    'Custom_Color_3' : _Prop_Custom_Color_3,
1680    'Custom_Color_4' : _Prop_Custom_Color_4,
1682Custom_Keywords._privelemdict = {
1684browser_catalog._superclassnames = []
1685browser_catalog._privpropdict = {
1687browser_catalog._privelemdict = {
1688    'class_' : class_,
1690class_._superclassnames = []
1691class_._privpropdict = {
1692    'all_subclasses' : _Prop_all_subclasses,
1693    'declaration_end_offset' : _Prop_declaration_end_offset,
1694    'declaration_file' : _Prop_declaration_file,
1695    'declaration_start_offset' : _Prop_declaration_start_offset,
1696    'language' : _Prop_language,
1697    'name' : _Prop_name,
1698    'subclasses' : _Prop_subclasses,
1700class_._privelemdict = {
1701    'base_class' : base_class,
1702    'data_member' : data_member,
1703    'member_function' : member_function,
1705Debugger_Display._superclassnames = []
1706Debugger_Display._privpropdict = {
1707    'Default_Array_Size' : _Prop_Default_Array_Size,
1708    'Show_As_Decimal' : _Prop_Show_As_Decimal,
1709    'Show_Locals' : _Prop_Show_Locals,
1710    'Show_Variable_Types' : _Prop_Show_Variable_Types,
1711    'Sort_By_Method' : _Prop_Sort_By_Method,
1712    'Threads_in_Window' : _Prop_Threads_in_Window,
1713    'Use_RTTI' : _Prop_Use_RTTI,
1714    'Variable_Changed_Hilite' : _Prop_Variable_Changed_Hilite,
1715    'Variable_Hints' : _Prop_Variable_Hints,
1716    'Watchpoint_Hilite' : _Prop_Watchpoint_Hilite,
1718Debugger_Display._privelemdict = {
1720Debugger_Global._superclassnames = []
1721Debugger_Global._privpropdict = {
1722    'Auto_Target_Libraries' : _Prop_Auto_Target_Libraries,
1723    'Cache_Edited_Files' : _Prop_Cache_Edited_Files,
1724    'Confirm_Kill' : _Prop_Confirm_Kill,
1725    'Dont_Step_in_Runtime' : _Prop_Dont_Step_in_Runtime,
1726    'File_Cache_Duration' : _Prop_File_Cache_Duration,
1727    'Ignore_Mod_Dates' : _Prop_Ignore_Mod_Dates,
1728    'Launch_Apps_on_Open' : _Prop_Launch_Apps_on_Open,
1729    'Open_All_Classes' : _Prop_Open_All_Classes,
1730    'Select_Stack_Crawl' : _Prop_Select_Stack_Crawl,
1731    'Stop_at_Main' : _Prop_Stop_at_Main,
1733Debugger_Global._privelemdict = {
1735Debugger_Target._superclassnames = []
1736Debugger_Target._privpropdict = {
1737    'Auto_Target_Libraries' : _Prop_Auto_Target_Libraries,
1738    'Cache_symbolics' : _Prop_Cache_symbolics,
1739    'Data_Update_Interval' : _Prop_Data_Update_Interval,
1740    'Log_System_Messages' : _Prop_Log_System_Messages,
1741    'Relocated_Executable_Path' : _Prop_Relocated_Executable_Path,
1742    'Stop_at_temp_breakpoint' : _Prop_Stop_at_temp_breakpoint,
1743    'Temp_Breakpoint_Type' : _Prop_Temp_Breakpoint_Type,
1744    'Temp_breakpoint_names' : _Prop_Temp_breakpoint_names,
1745    'Update_Data_While_Running' : _Prop_Update_Data_While_Running,
1747Debugger_Target._privelemdict = {
1749Debugger_Windowing._superclassnames = []
1750Debugger_Windowing._privpropdict = {
1751    'Debugging_Start_Action' : _Prop_Debugging_Start_Action,
1752    'Do_Nothing_To_Projects' : _Prop_Do_Nothing_To_Projects,
1754Debugger_Windowing._privelemdict = {
1756data_member._superclassnames = []
1757data_member._privpropdict = {
1758    'access' : _Prop_access,
1759    'declaration_end_offset' : _Prop_declaration_end_offset,
1760    'declaration_start_offset' : _Prop_declaration_start_offset,
1761    'name' : _Prop_name,
1762    'static' : _Prop_static,
1764data_member._privelemdict = {
1766Editor._superclassnames = []
1767Editor._privpropdict = {
1768    'Background_Color' : _Prop_Background_Color,
1769    'Balance' : _Prop_Balance,
1770    'Context_Popup_Delay' : _Prop_Context_Popup_Delay,
1771    'Default_Text_File_Format' : _Prop_Default_Text_File_Format,
1772    'Dynamic_Scroll' : _Prop_Dynamic_Scroll,
1773    'Flash_Delay' : _Prop_Flash_Delay,
1774    'Left_Margin_Line_Select' : _Prop_Left_Margin_Line_Select,
1775    'Main_Text_Color' : _Prop_Main_Text_Color,
1776    'Relaxed_C_Popup_Parsing' : _Prop_Relaxed_C_Popup_Parsing,
1777    'Remember_Font' : _Prop_Remember_Font,
1778    'Remember_Selection' : _Prop_Remember_Selection,
1779    'Remember_Window' : _Prop_Remember_Window,
1780    'Sort_Function_Popup' : _Prop_Sort_Function_Popup,
1781    'Use_Drag__26__Drop_Editing' : _Prop_Use_Drag__26__Drop_Editing,
1782    'Use_Multiple_Undo' : _Prop_Use_Multiple_Undo,
1784Editor._privelemdict = {
1786Environment_Variable._superclassnames = []
1787Environment_Variable._privpropdict = {
1788    'name' : _Prop_name,
1789    'value' : _Prop_value,
1791Environment_Variable._privelemdict = {
1793Error_Information._superclassnames = []
1794Error_Information._privpropdict = {
1795    'disk_file' : _Prop_disk_file,
1796    'lineNumber' : _Prop_lineNumber,
1797    'message' : _Prop_message,
1798    'messageKind' : _Prop_messageKind,
1800Error_Information._privelemdict = {
1802Function_Information._superclassnames = []
1803Function_Information._privpropdict = {
1804    'disk_file' : _Prop_disk_file,
1805    'lineNumber' : _Prop_lineNumber,
1807Function_Information._privelemdict = {
1809File_Mappings._superclassnames = []
1810File_Mappings._privpropdict = {
1811    'Mappings' : _Prop_Mappings,
1813File_Mappings._privelemdict = {
1815File_Mapping._superclassnames = []
1816File_Mapping._privpropdict = {
1817    'Compiler' : _Prop_Compiler,
1818    'Extension' : _Prop_Extension,
1819    'File_Type' : _Prop_File_Type,
1820    'Ignored_by_Make' : _Prop_Ignored_by_Make,
1821    'Launchable' : _Prop_Launchable,
1822    'Precompiled' : _Prop_Precompiled,
1823    'Resource_File' : _Prop_Resource_File,
1825File_Mapping._privelemdict = {
1827Global_Source_Trees._superclassnames = []
1828Global_Source_Trees._privpropdict = {
1829    'Source_Trees' : _Prop_Source_Trees,
1831Global_Source_Trees._privelemdict = {
1833Extras._superclassnames = []
1834Extras._privpropdict = {
1835    'Automatic_Toolbar_Help' : _Prop_Automatic_Toolbar_Help,
1836    'External_Reference' : _Prop_External_Reference,
1837    'Full_Screen_Zoom' : _Prop_Full_Screen_Zoom,
1838    'Recent_Editor_Count' : _Prop_Recent_Editor_Count,
1839    'Recent_Project_Count' : _Prop_Recent_Project_Count,
1840    'Use_Editor_Extensions' : _Prop_Use_Editor_Extensions,
1841    'Use_External_Editor' : _Prop_Use_External_Editor,
1842    'Use_Script_Menu' : _Prop_Use_Script_Menu,
1843    'Use_ToolServer_Menu' : _Prop_Use_ToolServer_Menu,
1845Extras._privelemdict = {
1847Build_Extras._superclassnames = []
1848Build_Extras._privpropdict = {
1849    'Browser_Active' : _Prop_Browser_Active,
1850    'Cache_Subproject_Data' : _Prop_Cache_Subproject_Data,
1851    'Dump_Browser_Info' : _Prop_Dump_Browser_Info,
1852    'Modification_Date_Caching' : _Prop_Modification_Date_Caching,
1854Build_Extras._privelemdict = {
1856member_function._superclassnames = []
1857member_function._privpropdict = {
1858    'access' : _Prop_access,
1859    'declaration_end_offset' : _Prop_declaration_end_offset,
1860    'declaration_file' : _Prop_declaration_file,
1861    'declaration_start_offset' : _Prop_declaration_start_offset,
1862    'implementation_end_offset' : _Prop_implementation_end_offset,
1863    'implementation_file' : _Prop_implementation_file,
1864    'implementation_start_offset' : _Prop_implementation_start_offset,
1865    'name' : _Prop_name,
1866    'static' : _Prop_static,
1867    'virtual' : _Prop_virtual,
1869member_function._privelemdict = {
1871Access_Paths._superclassnames = []
1872Access_Paths._privpropdict = {
1873    'Always_Full_Search' : _Prop_Always_Full_Search,
1874    'Convert_Paths' : _Prop_Convert_Paths,
1875    'Require_Framework_Includes' : _Prop_Require_Framework_Includes,
1876    'System_Paths' : _Prop_System_Paths,
1877    'User_Paths' : _Prop_User_Paths,
1879Access_Paths._privelemdict = {
1881Path_Information._superclassnames = []
1882Path_Information._privpropdict = {
1883    'format' : _Prop_format,
1884    'framework' : _Prop_framework,
1885    'host_flags' : _Prop_host_flags,
1886    'name' : _Prop_name,
1887    'origin' : _Prop_origin,
1888    'recursive' : _Prop_recursive,
1889    'root' : _Prop_root,
1891Path_Information._privelemdict = {
1893Plugin_Settings._superclassnames = []
1894Plugin_Settings._privpropdict = {
1895    'Disable_Third_Party_COM_Plugins' : _Prop_Disable_Third_Party_COM_Plugins,
1896    'Plugin_Diagnostics_Level' : _Prop_Plugin_Diagnostics_Level,
1898Plugin_Settings._privelemdict = {
1900Runtime_Settings._superclassnames = []
1901Runtime_Settings._privpropdict = {
1902    'Command_Line_Arguments' : _Prop_Command_Line_Arguments,
1903    'Environment_Variables' : _Prop_Environment_Variables,
1904    'Host_Application' : _Prop_Host_Application,
1905    'Working_Directory' : _Prop_Working_Directory,
1907Runtime_Settings._privelemdict = {
1909Relative_Path._superclassnames = []
1910Relative_Path._privpropdict = {
1911    'format' : _Prop_format,
1912    'name' : _Prop_name,
1913    'origin' : _Prop_origin,
1914    'root' : _Prop_root,
1916Relative_Path._privelemdict = {
1918Shielded_Folder._superclassnames = []
1919Shielded_Folder._privpropdict = {
1920    'Expression_To_Match' : _Prop_Expression_To_Match,
1921    'Skip_Find_And_Compare_Operations' : _Prop_Skip_Find_And_Compare_Operations,
1922    'Skip_Project_Operations' : _Prop_Skip_Project_Operations,
1924Shielded_Folder._privelemdict = {
1926Shielded_Folders._superclassnames = []
1927Shielded_Folders._privpropdict = {
1928    'Shielded_Items' : _Prop_Shielded_Items,
1930Shielded_Folders._privelemdict = {
1932Syntax_Coloring._superclassnames = []
1933Syntax_Coloring._privpropdict = {
1934    'Comment_Color' : _Prop_Comment_Color,
1935    'Custom_Color_1' : _Prop_Custom_Color_1,
1936    'Custom_Color_2' : _Prop_Custom_Color_2,
1937    'Custom_Color_3' : _Prop_Custom_Color_3,
1938    'Custom_Color_4' : _Prop_Custom_Color_4,
1939    'Keyword_Color' : _Prop_Keyword_Color,
1940    'String_Color' : _Prop_String_Color,
1941    'Syntax_Coloring' : _Prop_Syntax_Coloring,
1943Syntax_Coloring._privelemdict = {
1945Segment._superclassnames = []
1946Segment._privpropdict = {
1947    'filecount' : _Prop_filecount,
1948    'name' : _Prop_name,
1949    'seg_2d_locked' : _Prop_seg_2d_locked,
1950    'seg_2d_preloaded' : _Prop_seg_2d_preloaded,
1951    'seg_2d_protected' : _Prop_seg_2d_protected,
1952    'seg_2d_purgeable' : _Prop_seg_2d_purgeable,
1953    'seg_2d_system_heap' : _Prop_seg_2d_system_heap,
1955Segment._privelemdict = {
1957ProjectFile._superclassnames = []
1958ProjectFile._privpropdict = {
1959    'codesize' : _Prop_codesize,
1960    'datasize' : _Prop_datasize,
1961    'disk_file' : _Prop_disk_file,
1962    'filetype' : _Prop_filetype,
1963    'includes' : _Prop_includes,
1964    'initialize_before' : _Prop_initialize_before,
1965    'name' : _Prop_name,
1966    'symbols' : _Prop_symbols,
1967    'up_to_date' : _Prop_up_to_date,
1968    'weak_link' : _Prop_weak_link,
1970ProjectFile._privelemdict = {
1972Source_Tree._superclassnames = []
1973Source_Tree._privpropdict = {
1974    'format' : _Prop_format,
1975    'name' : _Prop_name,
1976    'path' : _Prop_path,
1977    'path_kind' : _Prop_path_kind,
1979Source_Tree._privelemdict = {
1981Target_Settings._superclassnames = []
1982Target_Settings._privpropdict = {
1983    'Linker' : _Prop_Linker,
1984    'Output_Directory_Location' : _Prop_Output_Directory_Location,
1985    'Output_Directory_Origin' : _Prop_Output_Directory_Origin,
1986    'Output_Directory_Path' : _Prop_Output_Directory_Path,
1987    'Post_Linker' : _Prop_Post_Linker,
1988    'Pre_Linker' : _Prop_Pre_Linker,
1989    'Target_Name' : _Prop_Target_Name,
1990    'Use_Relative_Paths' : _Prop_Use_Relative_Paths,
1992Target_Settings._privelemdict = {
1994Target_Source_Trees._superclassnames = []
1995Target_Source_Trees._privpropdict = {
1996    'Source_Trees' : _Prop_Source_Trees,
1998Target_Source_Trees._privelemdict = {
2000VCS_Setup._superclassnames = []
2001VCS_Setup._privpropdict = {
2002    'Always_Prompt' : _Prop_Always_Prompt,
2003    'Auto_Connect' : _Prop_Auto_Connect,
2004    'Connection_Method' : _Prop_Connection_Method,
2005    'Database_Path' : _Prop_Database_Path,
2006    'Local_Path' : _Prop_Local_Path,
2007    'Mount_Volume' : _Prop_Mount_Volume,
2008    'Password' : _Prop_Password,
2009    'Store_Password' : _Prop_Store_Password,
2010    'Use_Global_Settings' : _Prop_Use_Global_Settings,
2011    'Username' : _Prop_Username,
2012    'VCS_Active' : _Prop_VCS_Active,
2014VCS_Setup._privelemdict = {
2016Font._superclassnames = []
2017Font._privpropdict = {
2018    'Auto_Indent' : _Prop_Auto_Indent,
2019    'Tab_Indents_Selection' : _Prop_Tab_Indents_Selection,
2020    'Tab_Inserts_Spaces' : _Prop_Tab_Inserts_Spaces,
2021    'Tab_Size' : _Prop_Tab_Size,
2022    'Text_Font' : _Prop_Text_Font,
2023    'Text_Size' : _Prop_Text_Size,
2025Font._privelemdict = {
2027_Enum_Acce = {
2028    'public' : 'Publ',  #
2029    'protected' : 'Prot',       #
2030    'private' : 'Priv', #
2033_Enum_BXbr = {
2034    'Always_Build' : 'BXb1',    # Always build the target before running.
2035    'Ask_Build' : 'BXb2',       # Ask before building the target when running.
2036    'Never_Build' : 'BXb3',     # Never before building the target before running.
2039_Enum_DbSA = {
2040    'No_Action' : 'DSA1',       # Don\xd5t do anything to non-debug windows
2041    'Hide_Windows' : 'DSA2',    # Hide non-debugging windows
2042    'Collapse_Windows' : 'DSA3',        # Collapse non-debugging windows
2043    'Close_Windows' : 'DSA4',   # Close non-debugging windows
2046_Enum_DgBL = {
2047    'Always' : 'DgB0',  # Always build before debugging.
2048    'Never' : 'DgB1',   # Never build before debugging.
2049    'Ask' : 'DgB2',     # Ask about building before debugging.
2052_Enum_ErrT = {
2053    'information' : 'ErIn',     #
2054    'compiler_warning' : 'ErCW',        #
2055    'compiler_error' : 'ErCE',  #
2056    'definition' : 'ErDf',      #
2057    'linker_warning' : 'ErLW',  #
2058    'linker_error' : 'ErLE',    #
2059    'find_result' : 'ErFn',     #
2060    'generic_error' : 'ErGn',   #
2063_Enum_Inte = {
2064    'never_interact' : 'eNvr',  # Never allow user interactions
2065    'interact_with_self' : 'eInS',      # Allow user interaction only when an AppleEvent is sent from within CodeWarrior
2066    'interact_with_local' : 'eInL',     # Allow user interaction when AppleEvents are sent from applications on the same machine (default)
2067    'interact_with_all' : 'eInA',       # Allow user interaction from both local and remote AppleEvents
2070_Enum_Lang = {
2071    'C' : 'LC  ',       #
2072    'C_2b__2b_' : 'LC++',       #
2073    'Pascal' : 'LP  ',  #
2074    'Object_Pascal' : 'LP++',   #
2075    'Java' : 'LJav',    #
2076    'Assembler' : 'LAsm',       #
2077    'Unknown' : 'L?  ', #
2080_Enum_PPrm = {
2081    'absolute' : 'Abso',        # An absolute path name, including volume name.
2082    'project_relative' : 'PRel',        # A path relative to the current project\xd5s folder.
2083    'shell_relative' : 'SRel',  # A path relative to the CodeWarrior\xaa folder.
2084    'system_relative' : 'YRel', # A path relative to the system folder
2085    'root_relative' : 'RRel',   #
2088_Enum_PXdg = {
2089    'Diagnose_None' : 'PXd1',   # No Plugin Diagnostics.
2090    'Diagnose_Errors' : 'PXd2', # Plugin Diagnostics for errors only.
2091    'Diagnose_All' : 'PXd3',    # Plugin Diagnostics for everything.
2094_Enum_PthF = {
2095    'Generic_Path' : 'PFGn',    #
2096    'MacOS_Path' : 'PFMc',      # MacOS path using colon as separator
2097    'Windows_Path' : 'PFWn',    # Windows path using backslash as separator
2098    'Unix_Path' : 'PFUx',       # Unix path using slash as separator
2101_Enum_RefP = {
2102    'Think_Reference' : 'DanR', #
2103    'QuickView' : 'ALTV',       #
2106_Enum_STKd = {
2107    'Absolute_Path' : 'STK0',   # The \xd2path\xd3 property is an absolute path to the location of the source tree.
2108    'Registry_Key' : 'STK1',    # The \xd2path\xd3 property is the name of a registry key that contains the path to the root.
2109    'Environment_Variable' : 'STK2',    # The \xd2path\xd3 property is the name of an environment variable that contains the path to the root.
2112_Enum_SrcT = {
2113    'source' : 'FTxt',  # A source file (.c, .cp, .p, etc).
2114    'unknown' : 'FUnk', # An unknown file type.
2117_Enum_TmpB = {
2118    'User_Specified' : 'Usrs',  # Use user specified symbols when setting temporary breakpoints on program launch.
2119    'Default' : 'Dflt', # Use system default symbols when setting temporary breakpoints on program launch.
2122_Enum_TxtF = {
2123    'MacOS' : 'TxF0',   # MacOS text format
2124    'DOS' : 'TxF1',     # DOS text format
2125    'Unix' : 'TxF2',    # Unix text format
2128_Enum_savo = {
2129    'yes' : 'yes ',     # Save changes
2130    'no' : 'no  ',      # Do not save changes
2131    'ask' : 'ask ',     # Ask the user whether to save
2136# Indices of types declared in this module
2138_classdeclarations = {
2139    'BRKW' : Browser_Coloring,
2140    'BSTG' : Build_Settings,
2141    'BsCl' : base_class,
2142    'CUKW' : Custom_Keywords,
2143    'Cata' : browser_catalog,
2144    'Clas' : class_,
2145    'DbDS' : Debugger_Display,
2146    'DbGL' : Debugger_Global,
2147    'DbTG' : Debugger_Target,
2148    'DbWN' : Debugger_Windowing,
2149    'DtMb' : data_member,
2150    'EDTR' : Editor,
2151    'EnvV' : Environment_Variable,
2152    'ErrM' : Error_Information,
2153    'FDef' : Function_Information,
2154    'FLMP' : File_Mappings,
2155    'FMap' : File_Mapping,
2156    'GSTs' : Global_Source_Trees,
2157    'GXTR' : Extras,
2158    'LXTR' : Build_Extras,
2159    'MbFn' : member_function,
2160    'PATH' : Access_Paths,
2161    'PInf' : Path_Information,
2162    'PSTG' : Plugin_Settings,
2163    'RSTG' : Runtime_Settings,
2164    'RlPt' : Relative_Path,
2165    'SFit' : Shielded_Folder,
2166    'SHFL' : Shielded_Folders,
2167    'SNTX' : Syntax_Coloring,
2168    'Seg ' : Segment,
2169    'SrcF' : ProjectFile,
2170    'SrcT' : Source_Tree,
2171    'TARG' : Target_Settings,
2172    'TSTs' : Target_Source_Trees,
2173    'VCSs' : VCS_Setup,
2174    'mFNT' : Font,
2177_propdeclarations = {
2178    'Acce' : _Prop_access,
2179    'BW00' : _Prop_Browser_Keywords,
2180    'BW01' : _Prop_Classes_Color,
2181    'BW02' : _Prop_Constants_Color,
2182    'BW03' : _Prop_Enums_Color,
2183    'BW04' : _Prop_Functions_Color,
2184    'BW05' : _Prop_Globals_Color,
2185    'BW06' : _Prop_Macros_Color,
2186    'BW07' : _Prop_Templates_Color,
2187    'BW08' : _Prop_Typedefs_Color,
2188    'BW10' : _Prop_Template_Commands_in_Menu,
2189    'BX01' : _Prop_Completion_Sound,
2190    'BX02' : _Prop_Success_Sound,
2191    'BX03' : _Prop_Failure_Sound,
2192    'BX04' : _Prop_Build_Before_Running,
2193    'BX05' : _Prop_Include_Cache_Size,
2194    'BX06' : _Prop_Compiler_Thread_Stack_Size,
2195    'BX07' : _Prop_Save_Before_Building,
2196    'Bfor' : _Prop_initialize_before,
2197    'CSiz' : _Prop_codesize,
2198    'Clas' : _Prop_class_,
2199    'DSiz' : _Prop_datasize,
2200    'Db01' : _Prop_Show_Variable_Types,
2201    'Db02' : _Prop_Sort_By_Method,
2202    'Db03' : _Prop_Use_RTTI,
2203    'Db04' : _Prop_Threads_in_Window,
2204    'Db05' : _Prop_Variable_Hints,
2205    'Db06' : _Prop_Watchpoint_Hilite,
2206    'Db07' : _Prop_Variable_Changed_Hilite,
2207    'Db08' : _Prop_Default_Array_Size,
2208    'Db09' : _Prop_Show_Locals,
2209    'Db10' : _Prop_Show_As_Decimal,
2210    'DcEn' : _Prop_declaration_end_offset,
2211    'DcFl' : _Prop_declaration_file,
2212    'DcSt' : _Prop_declaration_start_offset,
2213    'DfEn' : _Prop_implementation_end_offset,
2214    'DfFl' : _Prop_implementation_file,
2215    'DfSt' : _Prop_implementation_start_offset,
2216    'Dg01' : _Prop_Ignore_Mod_Dates,
2217    'Dg02' : _Prop_Open_All_Classes,
2218    'Dg03' : _Prop_Launch_Apps_on_Open,
2219    'Dg04' : _Prop_Confirm_Kill,
2220    'Dg05' : _Prop_Stop_at_Main,
2221    'Dg06' : _Prop_Select_Stack_Crawl,
2222    'Dg07' : _Prop_Dont_Step_in_Runtime,
2223    'Dg11' : _Prop_Auto_Target_Libraries,
2224    'Dg12' : _Prop_Cache_Edited_Files,
2225    'Dg13' : _Prop_File_Cache_Duration,
2226    'Dt02' : _Prop_Log_System_Messages,
2227    'Dt08' : _Prop_Update_Data_While_Running,
2228    'Dt09' : _Prop_Data_Update_Interval,
2229    'Dt10' : _Prop_Relocated_Executable_Path,
2230    'Dt13' : _Prop_Stop_at_temp_breakpoint,
2231    'Dt14' : _Prop_Temp_breakpoint_names,
2232    'Dt15' : _Prop_Cache_symbolics,
2233    'Dt16' : _Prop_Temp_Breakpoint_Type,
2234    'Dw01' : _Prop_Debugging_Start_Action,
2235    'Dw02' : _Prop_Do_Nothing_To_Projects,
2236    'ED01' : _Prop_Flash_Delay,
2237    'ED02' : _Prop_Dynamic_Scroll,
2238    'ED03' : _Prop_Balance,
2239    'ED04' : _Prop_Use_Drag__26__Drop_Editing,
2240    'ED06' : _Prop_Sort_Function_Popup,
2241    'ED07' : _Prop_Use_Multiple_Undo,
2242    'ED08' : _Prop_Remember_Font,
2243    'ED09' : _Prop_Remember_Selection,
2244    'ED10' : _Prop_Remember_Window,
2245    'ED12' : _Prop_Main_Text_Color,
2246    'ED13' : _Prop_Background_Color,
2247    'ED14' : _Prop_Context_Popup_Delay,
2248    'ED15' : _Prop_Relaxed_C_Popup_Parsing,
2249    'ED16' : _Prop_Left_Margin_Line_Select,
2250    'ED17' : _Prop_Default_Text_File_Format,
2251    'EX04' : _Prop_Modification_Date_Caching,
2252    'EX07' : _Prop_Full_Screen_Zoom,
2253    'EX08' : _Prop_External_Reference,
2254    'EX09' : _Prop_Browser_Active,
2255    'EX10' : _Prop_Use_Editor_Extensions,
2256    'EX11' : _Prop_Use_External_Editor,
2257    'EX12' : _Prop_Use_Script_Menu,
2258    'EX16' : _Prop_Recent_Editor_Count,
2259    'EX17' : _Prop_Recent_Project_Count,
2260    'EX18' : _Prop_Use_ToolServer_Menu,
2261    'EX19' : _Prop_Automatic_Toolbar_Help,
2262    'EX30' : _Prop_Dump_Browser_Info,
2263    'EX31' : _Prop_Cache_Subproject_Data,
2264    'ErrL' : _Prop_lineNumber,
2265    'ErrS' : _Prop_message,
2266    'ErrT' : _Prop_messageKind,
2267    'FMps' : _Prop_Mappings,
2268    'FN01' : _Prop_Auto_Indent,
2269    'FN02' : _Prop_Tab_Size,
2270    'FN03' : _Prop_Tab_Indents_Selection,
2271    'FN04' : _Prop_Tab_Inserts_Spaces,
2272    'Frmt' : _Prop_format,
2273    'Frmw' : _Prop_framework,
2274    'GH01' : _Prop_Syntax_Coloring,
2275    'GH02' : _Prop_Comment_Color,
2276    'GH03' : _Prop_Keyword_Color,
2277    'GH04' : _Prop_String_Color,
2278    'GH05' : _Prop_Custom_Color_1,
2279    'GH06' : _Prop_Custom_Color_2,
2280    'GH07' : _Prop_Custom_Color_3,
2281    'GH08' : _Prop_Custom_Color_4,
2282    'HstF' : _Prop_host_flags,
2283    'IncF' : _Prop_includes,
2284    'Kind' : _Prop_path_kind,
2285    'Lang' : _Prop_language,
2286    'NumF' : _Prop_filecount,
2287    'Orig' : _Prop_origin,
2288    'PA01' : _Prop_User_Paths,
2289    'PA02' : _Prop_Always_Full_Search,
2290    'PA03' : _Prop_System_Paths,
2291    'PA04' : _Prop_Convert_Paths,
2292    'PA05' : _Prop_Require_Framework_Includes,
2293    'PLck' : _Prop_seg_2d_locked,
2294    'PR04' : _Prop_File_Type,
2295    'PX01' : _Prop_Plugin_Diagnostics_Level,
2296    'PX02' : _Prop_Disable_Third_Party_COM_Plugins,
2297    'Path' : _Prop_path,
2298    'Prel' : _Prop_seg_2d_preloaded,
2299    'Prot' : _Prop_seg_2d_protected,
2300    'Purg' : _Prop_seg_2d_purgeable,
2301    'RS01' : _Prop_Host_Application,
2302    'RS02' : _Prop_Command_Line_Arguments,
2303    'RS03' : _Prop_Working_Directory,
2304    'RS04' : _Prop_Environment_Variables,
2305    'Recu' : _Prop_recursive,
2306    'Root' : _Prop_root,
2307    'SF01' : _Prop_Expression_To_Match,
2308    'SF02' : _Prop_Skip_Project_Operations,
2309    'SF03' : _Prop_Skip_Find_And_Compare_Operations,
2310    'SFis' : _Prop_Shielded_Items,
2311    'ST01' : _Prop_Source_Trees,
2312    'SrcT' : _Prop_filetype,
2313    'Stat' : _Prop_static,
2314    'SubA' : _Prop_all_subclasses,
2315    'SubC' : _Prop_subclasses,
2316    'SymG' : _Prop_symbols,
2317    'SysH' : _Prop_seg_2d_system_heap,
2318    'TA01' : _Prop_Linker,
2319    'TA02' : _Prop_Extension,
2320    'TA03' : _Prop_Precompiled,
2321    'TA04' : _Prop_Resource_File,
2322    'TA05' : _Prop_Launchable,
2323    'TA06' : _Prop_Ignored_by_Make,
2324    'TA07' : _Prop_Compiler,
2325    'TA09' : _Prop_Post_Linker,
2326    'TA10' : _Prop_Target_Name,
2327    'TA11' : _Prop_Output_Directory_Path,
2328    'TA12' : _Prop_Output_Directory_Origin,
2329    'TA13' : _Prop_Pre_Linker,
2330    'TA15' : _Prop_Use_Relative_Paths,
2331    'TA16' : _Prop_Output_Directory_Location,
2332    'UpTD' : _Prop_up_to_date,
2333    'VC01' : _Prop_VCS_Active,
2334    'VC02' : _Prop_Connection_Method,
2335    'VC03' : _Prop_Username,
2336    'VC04' : _Prop_Password,
2337    'VC05' : _Prop_Auto_Connect,
2338    'VC06' : _Prop_Store_Password,
2339    'VC07' : _Prop_Always_Prompt,
2340    'VC08' : _Prop_Mount_Volume,
2341    'VC09' : _Prop_Database_Path,
2342    'VC10' : _Prop_Local_Path,
2343    'VC11' : _Prop_Use_Global_Settings,
2344    'Valu' : _Prop_value,
2345    'Virt' : _Prop_virtual,
2346    'Weak' : _Prop_weak_link,
2347    'file' : _Prop_disk_file,
2348    'pnam' : _Prop_name,
2349    'ptps' : _Prop_Text_Size,
2350    'ptxf' : _Prop_Text_Font,
2353_compdeclarations = {
2356_enumdeclarations = {
2357    'Acce' : _Enum_Acce,
2358    'BXbr' : _Enum_BXbr,
2359    'DbSA' : _Enum_DbSA,
2360    'DgBL' : _Enum_DgBL,
2361    'ErrT' : _Enum_ErrT,
2362    'Inte' : _Enum_Inte,
2363    'Lang' : _Enum_Lang,
2364    'PPrm' : _Enum_PPrm,
2365    'PXdg' : _Enum_PXdg,
2366    'PthF' : _Enum_PthF,
2367    'RefP' : _Enum_RefP,
2368    'STKd' : _Enum_STKd,
2369    'SrcT' : _Enum_SrcT,
2370    'TmpB' : _Enum_TmpB,
2371    'TxtF' : _Enum_TxtF,
2372    'savo' : _Enum_savo,