/toolchain/benchmark/ |
D | parse_result.py | 11 def normalize(bench, dict_list): argument 22 result_dict[key] = result_dict[key] / bench_base[bench] 27 def parse_Panorama(bench, fin): argument 35 return normalize(bench, [result_dict]) 40 def parse_Synthmark(bench, fin): argument 53 return normalize(bench, [result_dict]) 58 def parse_Binder(bench, fin): argument 72 return normalize(bench, [result_dict]) 77 def parse_Dex2oat(bench, fin): argument 94 return normalize(bench, [result_dict]) [all …]
D | gen_json.py | 50 def collect_data(infile, bench, it): argument 53 if bench not in config.bench_parser_dict: 55 raise ValueError('Wrong benchmark name: %s' % bench) 56 parse = config.bench_parser_dict[bench] 57 result_dict = parse(bench, fin) 61 def create_outfile(outfile, bench): argument 63 obj_null = {'data': {bench.lower(): []}, 'platforms': []} 67 def get_outfile(outfile, bench): argument 71 create_outfile(outfile, bench) 77 bench = arguments.bench [all …]
D | collect_profile.py | 55 def run_suite(bench, serial, remote, pathDUT): argument 57 run_cmd = ['./run.py', '-b=' + bench] 70 def pull_result(bench, serial, remote, pathDUT, path): argument 75 pull_cmd.append('-b=' + bench) 89 def merge(bench, pathDUT, path): argument 95 os.path.join(path, bench + '_profraw.tar'), 100 profdata = os.path.join(path, bench + '.profdata') 124 bench = arguments.bench 130 pathDUT = os.path.join(arguments.pathDUT, bench + '_profraw') 132 run_suite(bench, serial, remote, pathDUT) [all …]
D | build_bench.py | 65 def set_flags(bench, cflags, ldflags): argument 78 add_flags = config.bench_flags_dict[bench] 134 def set_compiler_env(bench, compiler, build_os, llvm_prebuilts_version, cflags, argument 147 set_flags(bench, cflags, ldflags) 166 def restore_makefile(bench): argument 167 pwd = os.path.join(config.android_home, config.bench_dict[bench]) 175 def build_bench(bench, source_dir): argument 188 log_head = 'Log for building benchmark: %s\n' % (bench) 196 restore_makefile(bench) 200 bench, log_file) [all …]
D | set_flags.py | 15 def backup_file(bench, file_type): argument 16 mk_file = os.path.join(config.android_home, config.bench_dict[bench], 23 os.path.join(config.android_home, config.bench_dict[bench], 28 bench)) 33 def replace_flags(bench, android_type, file_type, cflags, ldflags): argument 52 bench_diff = bench + '_flags_aosp.diff' 54 bench_diff = bench + '_flags_internal.diff' 68 def apply_patches(bench): argument 69 bench_dir = os.path.join(config.android_home, config.bench_dict[bench]) 76 raise OSError('Patch for adding flags for %s does not succeed.' % bench) [all …]
D | run.py | 167 for bench in config.bench_list: 168 result = os.path.join(config.bench_suite_dir, bench + '.json') 172 logging.info('no %s json file need to be removed. Ignored.', bench) 248 def build_bench(setting_no, bench, compiler, llvm_version, build_os, cflags, argument 251 build_cmd = ['./build_bench.py', '-b=' + bench] 274 def run_and_collect_result(test_cmd, setting_no, i, bench, serial='default'): argument 289 new_bench_result = 'bench_result_%s_%s_%d_%d' % (bench, serial, 303 def test_bench(bench, setting_no, iterations, serials, remote, mode): argument 314 test_cmd.append('-b=' + bench) 325 run_and_collect_result(test_cmd, setting_no, i, bench, serial) [all …]
D | test_config | 6 bench = Hwui 15 bench = Skia 24 bench = Synthmark 33 bench = Binder 42 bench = Panorama 51 bench = Dex2oat
D | fix_json.py | 33 def fix_json(bench): argument 38 json_path = os.path.join(config.bench_suite_dir, bench + '_refined') 41 '-i=' + os.path.join(config.bench_suite_dir, bench + '.json'), 63 bench = arguments.bench 65 fix_json(bench)
D | Skia_flags_aosp.diff | 36 "bench/",
D | Skia_flags_internal.diff | 41 "bench/",
D | README.txt | 24 4. The raw results locate at bench_result_* in bench suite home
D | autotest.diff | 524 +bench = os.getenv('BENCH', default='Hwui') 527 + bench + '_profraw')) 943 + parser.add_argument('-b', '--bench', metavar='BENCH', required=True, 990 + os.environ['BENCH'] = arguments.bench 1179 + parser.add_argument('-b', '--bench', metavar='BENCH', required=True, 1225 + bench = arguments.bench 1231 + if bench not in benchlist: 1249 + tests = [bench]