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1  // Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3  // found in the LICENSE file.
8  // TODO(benchan): Reorganize shill constants and remove deprecated ones.
9  namespace shill {
10  // Flimflam D-Bus service identifiers.
11  const char kFlimflamManagerInterface[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Manager";
12  const char kFlimflamServiceName[] = "org.chromium.flimflam";
13  const char kFlimflamServicePath[] = "/";  // crosbug.com/20135
14  const char kFlimflamServiceInterface[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Service";
15  const char kFlimflamIPConfigInterface[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.IPConfig";
16  const char kFlimflamDeviceInterface[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Device";
17  const char kFlimflamProfileInterface[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Profile";
18  const char kFlimflamNetworkInterface[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Network";
19  const char kFlimflamThirdPartyVpnInterface[] =
20      "org.chromium.flimflam.ThirdPartyVpn";
22  // Flimflam function names.
23  const char kGetPropertiesFunction[] = "GetProperties";
24  const char kSetPropertyFunction[] = "SetProperty";
25  const char kClearPropertyFunction[] = "ClearProperty";
26  const char kConnectFunction[] = "Connect";
27  const char kDisconnectFunction[] = "Disconnect";
28  const char kRequestScanFunction[] = "RequestScan";
29  const char kGetServiceFunction[] = "GetService";
30  const char kRemoveServiceFunction[] = "Remove";
31  const char kEnableTechnologyFunction[] = "EnableTechnology";
32  const char kDisableTechnologyFunction[] = "DisableTechnology";
33  const char kRemoveConfigFunction[] = "Remove";
34  const char kGetEntryFunction[] = "GetEntry";
35  const char kDeleteEntryFunction[] = "DeleteEntry";
36  const char kActivateCellularModemFunction[] = "ActivateCellularModem";
37  const char kRequirePinFunction[] = "RequirePin";
38  const char kEnterPinFunction[] = "EnterPin";
39  const char kUnblockPinFunction[] = "UnblockPin";
40  const char kChangePinFunction[] = "ChangePin";
41  const char kRegisterFunction[] = "Register";
42  const char kConfigureServiceFunction[] = "ConfigureService";
43  const char kConfigureWifiServiceFunction[] = "ConfigureWifiService";
44  const char kFindMatchingServiceFunction[] = "FindMatchingService";
45  const char kSetNetworkThrottlingFunction[] = "SetNetworkThrottlingStatus";
47  // Flimflam Service property names.
48  const char kSecurityProperty[] = "Security";
49  const char kPriorityProperty[] = "Priority";
50  const char kPassphraseProperty[] = "Passphrase";
51  const char kIdentityProperty[] = "Identity";
52  const char kAuthorityPathProperty[] = "AuthorityPath";
53  const char kPassphraseRequiredProperty[] = "PassphraseRequired";
54  const char kSaveCredentialsProperty[] = "SaveCredentials";
55  const char kSignalStrengthProperty[] = "Strength";
56  const char kNameProperty[] = "Name";
57  const char kGuidProperty[] = "GUID";
58  const char kStateProperty[] = "State";
59  const char kTypeProperty[] = "Type";
60  const char kDeviceProperty[] = "Device";
61  const char kProfileProperty[] = "Profile";
62  const char kConnectivityStateProperty[] = "ConnectivityState";
63  const char kConnectableProperty[] = "Connectable";
64  const char kAutoConnectProperty[] = "AutoConnect";
65  const char kIsActiveProperty[] = "IsActive";
66  const char kModeProperty[] = "Mode";
67  const char kErrorProperty[] = "Error";
68  const char kProviderProperty[] = "Provider";
69  const char kHostProperty[] = "Host";
70  const char kDomainProperty[] = "Domain";
71  const char kProxyConfigProperty[] = "ProxyConfig";
72  const char kCheckPortalProperty[] = "CheckPortal";
73  const char kSSIDProperty[] = "SSID";
74  const char kConnectedProperty[] = "Connected";
75  const char kUIDataProperty[] = "UIData";
76  const char kConnectionIdProperty[] = "ConnectionId";
77  const char kVisibleProperty[] = "Visible";
78  const char kDnsAutoFallbackProperty[] = "DNSAutoFallback";
79  const char kPortalDetectionFailedPhaseProperty[] =
80      "PortalDetectionFailedPhase";
81  const char kPortalDetectionFailedStatusProperty[] =
82      "PortalDetectionFailedStatus";
83  const char kSavedIPConfigProperty[] = "SavedIPConfig";
84  const char kStaticIPConfigProperty[] = "StaticIPConfig";
85  const char kLinkMonitorDisableProperty[] = "LinkMonitorDisable";
86  const char kSecurityClassProperty[] = "SecurityClass";
88  // Flimflam provider property names.
89  const char kProviderHostProperty[] = "Provider.Host";
90  const char kProviderNameProperty[] = "Provider.Name";
91  const char kProviderTypeProperty[] = "Provider.Type";
93  // Flimflam Wifi Service property names.
94  const char kWifiBSsid[] = "WiFi.BSSID";
95  const char kWifiHexSsid[] = "WiFi.HexSSID";
96  const char kWifiFrequency[] = "WiFi.Frequency";
97  const char kWifiHiddenSsid[] = "WiFi.HiddenSSID";
98  const char kWifiPhyMode[] = "WiFi.PhyMode";
99  const char kWifiAuthMode[] = "WiFi.AuthMode";
100  const char kWifiChannelProperty[] = "WiFi.Channel";
101  const char kWifiPreferredDeviceProperty[] = "WiFi.PreferredDevice";
102  const char kWifiRoamThresholdProperty[] = "WiFi.RoamThreshold";
103  const char kWifiFTEnabled[] = "WiFi.FTEnabled";
105  // Flimflam EAP property names.
106  const char kEapIdentityProperty[] = "EAP.Identity";
107  const char kEapMethodProperty[] = "EAP.EAP";
108  const char kEapPhase2AuthProperty[] = "EAP.InnerEAP";
109  const char kEapTLSVersionMaxProperty[] = "EAP.TLSVersionMax";
110  const char kEapAnonymousIdentityProperty[] = "EAP.AnonymousIdentity";
111  const char kEapClientCertProperty[] = "EAP.ClientCert";
112  const char kEapCertIdProperty[] = "EAP.CertID";
113  const char kEapClientCertNssProperty[] = "EAP.ClientCertNSS";
114  const char kEapPrivateKeyProperty[] = "EAP.PrivateKey";
115  const char kEapPrivateKeyPasswordProperty[] = "EAP.PrivateKeyPassword";
116  const char kEapKeyIdProperty[] = "EAP.KeyID";
117  const char kEapCaCertProperty[] = "EAP.CACert";
118  const char kEapCaCertIdProperty[] = "EAP.CACertID";
119  const char kEapCaCertNssProperty[] = "EAP.CACertNSS";
120  const char kEapUseSystemCasProperty[] = "EAP.UseSystemCAs";
121  const char kEapUseProactiveKeyCachingProperty[] = "EAP.UseProactiveKeyCaching";
122  const char kEapPinProperty[] = "EAP.PIN";
123  const char kEapPasswordProperty[] = "EAP.Password";
124  const char kEapKeyMgmtProperty[] = "EAP.KeyMgmt";
125  const char kEapUseLoginPasswordProperty[] = "EAP.UseLoginPassword";
127  // Flimflam Cellular Service property names.
128  const char kTechnologyFamilyProperty[] = "Cellular.Family";
129  const char kActivationStateProperty[] = "Cellular.ActivationState";
130  const char kNetworkTechnologyProperty[] = "Cellular.NetworkTechnology";
131  const char kRoamingStateProperty[] = "Cellular.RoamingState";
132  const char kOperatorNameProperty[] = "Cellular.OperatorName";
133  const char kOperatorCodeProperty[] = "Cellular.OperatorCode";
134  const char kServingOperatorProperty[] = "Cellular.ServingOperator";
135  const char kPaymentPortalProperty[] = "Cellular.Olp";
136  const char kUsageURLProperty[] = "Cellular.UsageUrl";
137  const char kCellularApnProperty[] = "Cellular.APN";
138  const char kCellularLastGoodApnProperty[] = "Cellular.LastGoodAPN";
139  const char kCellularApnListProperty[] = "Cellular.APNList";
141  // Flimflam Manager property names.
142  const char kProfilesProperty[] = "Profiles";
143  const char kServicesProperty[] = "Services";
144  const char kServiceWatchListProperty[] = "ServiceWatchList";
145  const char kAvailableTechnologiesProperty[] = "AvailableTechnologies";
146  const char kEnabledTechnologiesProperty[] = "EnabledTechnologies";
147  const char kConnectedTechnologiesProperty[] = "ConnectedTechnologies";
148  const char kDefaultTechnologyProperty[] = "DefaultTechnology";
149  const char kOfflineModeProperty[] = "OfflineMode";
150  const char kActiveProfileProperty[] = "ActiveProfile";
151  const char kDevicesProperty[] = "Devices";
152  const char kCheckPortalListProperty[] = "CheckPortalList";
153  const char kArpGatewayProperty[] = "ArpGateway";
154  const char kCountryProperty[] = "Country";
155  const char kPortalURLProperty[] = "PortalURL";
156  const char kConnectionStateProperty[] = "ConnectionState";
157  const char kClaimedDevicesProperty[] = "ClaimedDevices";
159  // Flimflam Profile property names.
160  const char kEntriesProperty[] = "Entries";
162  // Flimflam Device property names.
163  const char kScanningProperty[] = "Scanning";
164  const char kPoweredProperty[] = "Powered";
165  const char kScanIntervalProperty[] = "ScanInterval";
166  const char kBgscanMethodProperty[] = "BgscanMethod";
167  const char kBgscanShortIntervalProperty[] = "BgscanShortInterval";
168  const char kRoamThresholdProperty[] = "RoamThreshold";
169  const char kDBusObjectProperty[] = "DBus.Object";
170  const char kDBusServiceProperty[] = "DBus.Service";
171  const char kBgscanSignalThresholdProperty[] = "BgscanSignalThreshold";
172  const char kWakeToScanPeriodSecondsProperty[] = "WakeToScanPeriodSeconds";
173  const char kNetDetectScanPeriodSecondsProperty[] = "NetDetectScanPeriodSeconds";
174  const char kForceWakeToScanTimerProperty[] = "ForceWakeToScanTimer";
175  // The name of the network interface, ie. wlan0, eth0, etc.
176  const char kInterfaceProperty[] = "Interface";
177  const char kSelectedServiceProperty[] = "SelectedService";
178  const char kIPConfigsProperty[] = "IPConfigs";
179  const char kMACAddressRandomizationSupportedProperty[] =
180      "MACAddressRandomizationSupported";
181  const char kMACAddressRandomizationEnabledProperty[] =
182      "MACAddressRandomizationEnabled";
184  // Flimflam Cellular Device property names.
185  const char kCarrierProperty[] = "Cellular.Carrier";
186  const char kCellularAllowRoamingProperty[] = "Cellular.AllowRoaming";
187  const char kHomeProviderProperty[] = "Cellular.HomeProvider";
188  const char kMeidProperty[] = "Cellular.MEID";
189  const char kImeiProperty[] = "Cellular.IMEI";
190  const char kIccidProperty[] = "Cellular.ICCID";
191  const char kImsiProperty[] = "Cellular.IMSI";
192  const char kEsnProperty[] = "Cellular.ESN";
193  const char kMdnProperty[] = "Cellular.MDN";
194  const char kMinProperty[] = "Cellular.MIN";
195  const char kModelIdProperty[] = "Cellular.ModelID";
196  const char kEquipmentIdProperty[] = "Cellular.EquipmentID";
197  const char kManufacturerProperty[] = "Cellular.Manufacturer";
198  const char kFirmwareRevisionProperty[] = "Cellular.FirmwareRevision";
199  const char kHardwareRevisionProperty[] = "Cellular.HardwareRevision";
200  const char kDeviceIdProperty[] = "Cellular.DeviceID";
201  const char kPRLVersionProperty[] = "Cellular.PRLVersion";
202  const char kSelectedNetworkProperty[] = "Cellular.SelectedNetwork";
203  const char kSupportNetworkScanProperty[] = "Cellular.SupportNetworkScan";
204  const char kFoundNetworksProperty[] = "Cellular.FoundNetworks";
206  // Flimflam state options.
207  const char kStateIdle[] = "idle";
208  const char kStateCarrier[] = "carrier";
209  const char kStateAssociation[] = "association";
210  const char kStateConfiguration[] = "configuration";
211  const char kStateReady[] = "ready";
212  const char kStatePortal[] = "portal";
213  const char kStateOffline[] = "offline";
214  const char kStateOnline[] = "online";
215  const char kStateDisconnect[] = "disconnect";
216  const char kStateFailure[] = "failure";
217  const char kStateActivationFailure[] = "activation-failure";
219  // Flimflam portal phase and status.
220  const char kPortalDetectionPhaseConnection[] = "Connection";
221  const char kPortalDetectionPhaseDns[] = "DNS";
222  const char kPortalDetectionPhaseHttp[] = "HTTP";
223  const char kPortalDetectionPhaseContent[] = "Content";
224  const char kPortalDetectionPhaseUnknown[] = "Unknown";
225  const char kPortalDetectionStatusFailure[] = "Failure";
226  const char kPortalDetectionStatusTimeout[] = "Timeout";
227  const char kPortalDetectionStatusSuccess[] = "Success";
229  // Flimflam property names for SIMLock status.
230  const char kSIMLockStatusProperty[] = "Cellular.SIMLockStatus";
231  const char kSIMLockTypeProperty[] = "LockType";
232  const char kSIMLockRetriesLeftProperty[] = "RetriesLeft";
233  const char kSIMLockEnabledProperty[] = "LockEnabled";
235  // Flimflam property names for Cellular.FoundNetworks.
236  const char kLongNameProperty[] = "long_name";
237  const char kStatusProperty[] = "status";
238  const char kShortNameProperty[] = "short_name";
239  const char kTechnologyProperty[] = "technology";
240  const char kNetworkIdProperty[] = "network_id";
242  // Flimflam SIMLock status types.
243  const char kSIMLockPin[] = "sim-pin";
244  const char kSIMLockPuk[] = "sim-puk";
246  // APN info property names.
247  const char kApnProperty[] = "apn";
248  const char kApnNetworkIdProperty[] = "network_id";
249  const char kApnUsernameProperty[] = "username";
250  const char kApnPasswordProperty[] = "password";
251  const char kApnNameProperty[] = "name";
252  const char kApnLocalizedNameProperty[] = "localized_name";
253  const char kApnLanguageProperty[] = "language";
254  const char kApnAuthenticationProperty[] = "authentication";
256  // APN authentication property values (as expected by ModemManager).
257  const char kApnAuthenticationPap[] = "pap";
258  const char kApnAuthenticationChap[] = "chap";
260  // Payment Portal property names.
261  const char kPaymentPortalURL[] = "url";
262  const char kPaymentPortalMethod[] = "method";
263  const char kPaymentPortalPostData[] = "postdata";
265  // Operator info property names.
266  const char kOperatorNameKey[] = "name";
267  const char kOperatorCodeKey[] = "code";
268  const char kOperatorCountryKey[] = "country";
269  const char kOperatorUuidKey[] = "uuid";
271  // Flimflam network technology options.
272  const char kNetworkTechnology1Xrtt[] = "1xRTT";
273  const char kNetworkTechnologyEvdo[] = "EVDO";
274  const char kNetworkTechnologyGsm[] = "GSM";
275  const char kNetworkTechnologyGprs[] = "GPRS";
276  const char kNetworkTechnologyEdge[] = "EDGE";
277  const char kNetworkTechnologyUmts[] = "UMTS";
278  const char kNetworkTechnologyHspa[] = "HSPA";
279  const char kNetworkTechnologyHspaPlus[] = "HSPA+";
280  const char kNetworkTechnologyLte[] = "LTE";
281  const char kNetworkTechnologyLteAdvanced[] = "LTE Advanced";
283  // Flimflam roaming state options
284  const char kRoamingStateHome[] = "home";
285  const char kRoamingStateRoaming[] = "roaming";
286  const char kRoamingStateUnknown[] = "unknown";
288  // Flimflam activation state options
289  const char kActivationStateActivated[] = "activated";
290  const char kActivationStateActivating[] = "activating";
291  const char kActivationStateNotActivated[] = "not-activated";
292  const char kActivationStatePartiallyActivated[] = "partially-activated";
293  const char kActivationStateUnknown[] = "unknown";
295  // Flimflam EAP method options.
296  const char kEapMethodPEAP[] = "PEAP";
297  const char kEapMethodTLS[] = "TLS";
298  const char kEapMethodTTLS[] = "TTLS";
299  const char kEapMethodLEAP[] = "LEAP";
301  // Flimflam EAP phase 2 auth options.
302  const char kEapPhase2AuthPEAPMD5[] = "auth=MD5";
303  const char kEapPhase2AuthPEAPMSCHAPV2[] = "auth=MSCHAPV2";
304  const char kEapPhase2AuthPEAPGTC[] = "auth=GTC";
305  const char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSMD5[] = "autheap=MD5";  // crosbug/26822
306  const char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSEAPMD5[] = "autheap=MD5";
307  const char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSEAPMSCHAPV2[] = "autheap=MSCHAPV2";
308  const char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSMSCHAPV2[] = "auth=MSCHAPV2";
309  const char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSMSCHAP[] = "auth=MSCHAP";
310  const char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSPAP[] = "auth=PAP";
311  const char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSCHAP[] = "auth=CHAP";
312  const char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSGTC[] = "auth=GTC";
313  const char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSEAPGTC[] = "autheap=GTC";
315  // Flimflam EAP TLS versions.
316  const char kEapTLSVersion1p0[] = "1.0";
317  const char kEapTLSVersion1p1[] = "1.1";
318  const char kEapTLSVersion1p2[] = "1.2";
320  // Flimflam VPN provider types.
321  const char kProviderL2tpIpsec[] = "l2tpipsec";
322  const char kProviderOpenVpn[] = "openvpn";
323  const char kProviderThirdPartyVpn[] = "thirdpartyvpn";
324  const char kProviderArcVpn[] = "arcvpn";
326  // Flimflam VPN service properties
327  const char kVPNDomainProperty[] = "VPN.Domain";
329  // Flimflam monitored properties
330  const char kMonitorPropertyChanged[] = "PropertyChanged";
332  // Flimflam type options.
333  const char kTypeEthernet[] = "ethernet";
334  const char kTypeWifi[] = "wifi";
335  const char kTypeWimax[] = "wimax";
336  const char kTypeBluetooth[] = "bluetooth";
337  const char kTypeCellular[] = "cellular";
338  const char kTypeVPN[] = "vpn";
339  const char kTypePPPoE[] = "pppoe";
341  // Flimflam mode options.
342  const char kModeManaged[] = "managed";
343  const char kModeAdhoc[] = "adhoc";
345  // Flimflam security options.
346  const char kSecurityWpa[] = "wpa";
347  const char kSecurityWep[] = "wep";
348  const char kSecurityRsn[] = "rsn";
349  const char kSecurity8021x[] = "802_1x";
350  const char kSecurityPsk[] = "psk";
351  const char kSecurityNone[] = "none";
353  // Flimflam L2TPIPsec property names.
354  const char kL2tpIpsecAuthenticationType[] = "L2TPIPsec.AuthenticationType";
355  const char kL2tpIpsecCaCertNssProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.CACertNSS";
356  const char kL2tpIpsecClientCertIdProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.ClientCertID";
357  const char kL2tpIpsecClientCertSlotProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.ClientCertSlot";
358  const char kL2tpIpsecIkeVersion[] = "L2TPIPsec.IKEVersion";
359  const char kL2tpIpsecPinProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.PIN";
360  const char kL2tpIpsecPskProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.PSK";
361  const char kL2tpIpsecPskRequiredProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.PSKRequired";
362  const char kL2tpIpsecUserProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.User";
363  const char kL2tpIpsecPasswordProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.Password";
365  // Flimflam OpenVPN property names.
366  const char kOpenVPNAuthNoCacheProperty[] = "OpenVPN.AuthNoCache";
367  const char kOpenVPNAuthProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Auth";
368  const char kOpenVPNAuthRetryProperty[] = "OpenVPN.AuthRetry";
369  const char kOpenVPNAuthUserPassProperty[] = "OpenVPN.AuthUserPass";
370  const char kOpenVPNCaCertProperty[] = "OpenVPN.CACert";
371  const char kOpenVPNCaCertNSSProperty[] = "OpenVPN.CACertNSS";
372  const char kOpenVPNClientCertIdProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Pkcs11.ID";
373  const char kOpenVPNClientCertSlotProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Pkcs11.Slot";
374  const char kOpenVPNCipherProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Cipher";
375  const char kOpenVPNCompLZOProperty[] = "OpenVPN.CompLZO";
376  const char kOpenVPNCompNoAdaptProperty[] = "OpenVPN.CompNoAdapt";
377  const char kOpenVPNIgnoreDefaultRouteProperty[] = "OpenVPN.IgnoreDefaultRoute";
378  const char kOpenVPNKeyDirectionProperty[] = "OpenVPN.KeyDirection";
379  const char kOpenVPNMgmtEnableProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Mgmt.Enable";
380  const char kOpenVPNNsCertTypeProperty[] = "OpenVPN.NsCertType";
381  const char kOpenVPNOTPProperty[] = "OpenVPN.OTP";
382  const char kOpenVPNPasswordProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Password";
383  const char kOpenVPNPinProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Pkcs11.PIN";
384  const char kOpenVPNPortProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Port";
385  const char kOpenVPNProtoProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Proto";
386  const char kOpenVPNProviderProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Pkcs11.Provider";
387  const char kOpenVPNPushPeerInfoProperty[] = "OpenVPN.PushPeerInfo";
388  const char kOpenVPNRemoteCertEKUProperty[] = "OpenVPN.RemoteCertEKU";
389  const char kOpenVPNRemoteCertKUProperty[] = "OpenVPN.RemoteCertKU";
390  const char kOpenVPNRemoteCertTLSProperty[] = "OpenVPN.RemoteCertTLS";
391  const char kOpenVPNRenegSecProperty[] = "OpenVPN.RenegSec";
392  const char kOpenVPNServerPollTimeoutProperty[] = "OpenVPN.ServerPollTimeout";
393  const char kOpenVPNShaperProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Shaper";
394  const char kOpenVPNStaticChallengeProperty[] = "OpenVPN.StaticChallenge";
395  const char kOpenVPNTLSAuthContentsProperty[] = "OpenVPN.TLSAuthContents";
396  const char kOpenVPNTLSRemoteProperty[] = "OpenVPN.TLSRemote";
397  const char kOpenVPNUserProperty[] = "OpenVPN.User";
399  // Flimflam ARCVPN property names.
400  const char kArcVpnTunnelChromeProperty[] = "ArcVpn.TunnelChrome";
402  // FlimFlam PPPoE property names.
403  const char kPPPoEUsernameProperty[] = "PPPoE.Username";
404  const char kPPPoEPasswordProperty[] = "PPPoE.Password";
405  const char kPPPoELCPEchoIntervalProperty[] = "PPPoE.LCPEchoInterval";
406  const char kPPPoELCPEchoFailureProperty[] = "PPPoE.LCPEchoFailure";
407  const char kPPPoEMaxAuthFailureProperty[] = "PPPoE.MaxAuthFailure";
409  // FlimFlam technology family options
410  const char kTechnologyFamilyCdma[] = "CDMA";
411  const char kTechnologyFamilyGsm[] = "GSM";
413  // IPConfig property names.
414  const char kMethodProperty[] = "Method";
415  const char kAddressProperty[] = "Address";
416  const char kMtuProperty[] = "Mtu";
417  const char kPrefixlenProperty[] = "Prefixlen";
418  const char kBroadcastProperty[] = "Broadcast";
419  const char kPeerAddressProperty[] = "PeerAddress";
420  const char kGatewayProperty[] = "Gateway";
421  const char kDomainNameProperty[] = "DomainName";
422  const char kAcceptedHostnameProperty[] = "AcceptedHostname";
423  const char kNameServersProperty[] = "NameServers";
424  const char kSearchDomainsProperty[] = "SearchDomains";
425  const char kDhcpv6AddressesProperty[] = "Dhcpv6Addresses";
426  const char kDhcpv6DelegatedPrefixesProperty[] = "Dhcpv6DelegatedPrefixes";
427  const char kLeaseDurationSecondsProperty[] = "LeaseDurationSeconds";
428  const char kVendorEncapsulatedOptionsProperty[] = "VendorEncapsulatedOptions";
429  const char kWebProxyAutoDiscoveryUrlProperty[] = "WebProxyAutoDiscoveryUrl";
430  // DHCP Option for iSNS (RFC 4174)
431  const char kiSNSOptionDataProperty[] = "iSNSOptionData";
432  const char kIncludedRoutesProperty[] = "IncludedRoutes";
433  const char kExcludedRoutesProperty[] = "ExcludedRoutes";
435  // These constants are deprecated in favor of kDhcpv6DelegatedPrefixesProperty.
436  // TODO(tjennison): Remove when shill no longer uses them b/26778228
437  const char kDelegatedPrefixProperty[] = "DelegatedPrefix";
438  const char kDelegatedPrefixLengthProperty[] = "DelegatedPrefixLength";
440  // IPConfig DHCPv6 address/prefix property names.
441  const char kDhcpv6AddressProperty[] = "Address";
442  const char kDhcpv6LengthProperty[] = "Length";
443  const char kDhcpv6LeaseDurationSecondsProperty[] = "LeaseDurationSeconds";
444  const char kDhcpv6PreferredLeaseDurationSecondsProperty[] =
445      "PreferredLeaseDurationSeconds";
447  // IPConfig type options.
448  const char kTypeIPv4[] = "ipv4";
449  const char kTypeIPv6[] = "ipv6";
450  const char kTypeDHCP[] = "dhcp";
451  const char kTypeBOOTP[] = "bootp";
452  const char kTypeZeroConf[] = "zeroconf";
453  const char kTypeDHCP6[] = "dhcp6";
454  const char kTypePPP[] = "ppp";
456  // Flimflam error options.
457  const char kError4WayTimeout[] = "4way-handshake-timeout";
458  const char kErrorAaaFailed[] = "aaa-failed";
459  const char kErrorActivationFailed[] = "activation-failed";
460  const char kErrorBadPassphrase[] = "bad-passphrase";
461  const char kErrorBadWEPKey[] = "bad-wepkey";
462  const char kErrorConnectFailed[] = "connect-failed";
463  const char kErrorDNSLookupFailed[] = "dns-lookup-failed";
464  const char kErrorDhcpFailed[] = "dhcp-failed";
465  const char kErrorHTTPGetFailed[] = "http-get-failed";
466  const char kErrorInternal[] = "internal-error";
467  const char kErrorInvalidFailure[] = "invalid-failure";
468  const char kErrorIpsecCertAuthFailed[] = "ipsec-cert-auth-failed";
469  const char kErrorIpsecPskAuthFailed[] = "ipsec-psk-auth-failed";
470  const char kErrorNeedEvdo[] = "need-evdo";
471  const char kErrorNeedHomeNetwork[] = "need-home-network";
472  const char kErrorNoFailure[] = "no-failure";
473  const char kErrorNotAssociated[] = "not-associated";
474  const char kErrorNotAuthenticated[] = "not-authenticated";
475  const char kErrorOtaspFailed[] = "otasp-failed";
476  const char kErrorOutOfRange[] = "out-of-range";
477  const char kErrorPinMissing[] = "pin-missing";
478  const char kErrorPppAuthFailed[] = "ppp-auth-failed";
479  const char kErrorTooManySTAs[] = "too-many-stas";
480  const char kErrorUnknownFailure[] = "unknown-failure";
482  // Flimflam error result codes.
483  const char kErrorResultSuccess[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.Success";
484  const char kErrorResultFailure[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.Failure";
485  const char kErrorResultAlreadyConnected[] =
486      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.AlreadyConnected";
487  const char kErrorResultAlreadyExists[] =
488      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.AlreadyExists";
489  const char kErrorResultIncorrectPin[] =
490       "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.IncorrectPin";
491  const char kErrorResultInProgress[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.InProgress";
492  const char kErrorResultInternalError[] =
493      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.InternalError";
494  const char kErrorResultInvalidApn[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.InvalidApn";
495  const char kErrorResultInvalidArguments[] =
496      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.InvalidArguments";
497  const char kErrorResultInvalidNetworkName[] =
498      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.InvalidNetworkName";
499  const char kErrorResultInvalidPassphrase[] =
500      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.InvalidPassphrase";
501  const char kErrorResultInvalidProperty[] =
502      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.InvalidProperty";
503  const char kErrorResultNoCarrier[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.NoCarrier";
504  const char kErrorResultNotConnected[] =
505       "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.NotConnected";
506  const char kErrorResultNotFound[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.NotFound";
507  const char kErrorResultNotImplemented[] =
508      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.NotImplemented";
509  const char kErrorResultNotOnHomeNetwork[] =
510      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.NotOnHomeNetwork";
511  const char kErrorResultNotRegistered[] =
512      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.NotRegistered";
513  const char kErrorResultNotSupported[] =
514       "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.NotSupported";
515  const char kErrorResultOperationAborted[] =
516      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.OperationAborted";
517  const char kErrorResultOperationInitiated[] =
518      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.OperationInitiated";
519  const char kErrorResultOperationTimeout[] =
520      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.OperationTimeout";
521  const char kErrorResultPassphraseRequired[] =
522      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.PassphraseRequired";
523  const char kErrorResultPermissionDenied[] =
524      "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.PermissionDenied";
525  const char kErrorResultPinBlocked[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.PinBlocked";
526  const char kErrorResultPinRequired[] =
527       "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.PinRequired";
528  const char kErrorResultWrongState[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.WrongState";
530  const char kUnknownString[] = "UNKNOWN";
532  // Function names.
533  const char kClearPropertiesFunction[] = "ClearProperties";
534  const char kCompleteCellularActivationFunction[] = "CompleteCellularActivation";
535  const char kConfigureServiceForProfileFunction[] = "ConfigureServiceForProfile";
536  const char kConnectToBestServicesFunction[] = "ConnectToBestServices";
537  const char kCreateConnectivityReportFunction[] = "CreateConnectivityReport";
538  const char kAddWakeOnPacketConnectionFunction[] = "AddWakeOnPacketConnection";
539  const char kAddWakeOnPacketOfTypesFunction[] = "AddWakeOnPacketOfTypes";
540  const char kRemoveWakeOnPacketConnectionFunction[] =
541      "RemoveWakeOnPacketConnection";
542  const char kRemoveWakeOnPacketOfTypesFunction[] = "RemoveWakeOnPacketOfTypes";
543  const char kRemoveAllWakeOnPacketConnectionsFunction[] =
544      "RemoveAllWakeOnPacketConnections";
545  const char kGetLoadableProfileEntriesFunction[] = "GetLoadableProfileEntries";
546  const char kGetNetworksForGeolocation[] = "GetNetworksForGeolocation";
547  const char kPerformTDLSOperationFunction[] = "PerformTDLSOperation";
548  const char kRefreshFunction[] = "Refresh";
549  const char kResetFunction[] = "Reset";
550  const char kSetCarrierFunction[] = "SetCarrier";
551  const char kSetPropertiesFunction[] = "SetProperties";
552  const char kVerifyAndEncryptCredentialsFunction[] =
553      "VerifyAndEncryptCredentials";
554  const char kVerifyAndEncryptDataFunction[] = "VerifyAndEncryptData";
555  const char kVerifyDestinationFunction[] = "VerifyDestination";
557  // ThirdPartyVpn functions.
558  const char kSetParametersFunction[] = "SetParameters";
559  const char kSendPacketFunction[] = "SendPacket";
560  const char kUpdateConnectionStateFunction[] = "UpdateConnectionState";
561  const char kOnPacketReceivedFunction[] = "OnPacketReceived";
562  const char kOnPlatformMessageFunction[] = "OnPlatformMessage";
564  // Device property names.
565  const char kEapAuthenticationCompletedProperty[] = "EapAuthenticationCompleted";
566  const char kEapAuthenticatorDetectedProperty[] = "EapAuthenticatorDetected";
567  const char kLinkMonitorResponseTimeProperty[] = "LinkMonitorResponseTime";
568  const char kLinkUpProperty[] = "Ethernet.LinkUp";
569  const char kProviderRequiresRoamingProperty[] =
570      "Cellular.ProviderRequiresRoaming";
571  const char kPPPoEProperty[] = "Ethernet.PPPoE";
572  const char kReceiveByteCountProperty[] = "ReceiveByteCount";
573  const char kSIMPresentProperty[] = "Cellular.SIMPresent";
574  const char kSupportedCarriersProperty[] = "Cellular.SupportedCarriers";
575  const char kTransmitByteCountProperty[] = "TransmitByteCount";
576  const char kWifiSupportedFrequenciesProperty[] = "WiFi.SupportedFrequencies";
578  // Technology types (augments "Flimflam type options" above).
579  const char kTypeEthernetEap[] = "etherneteap";
581  // Error strings.
582  const char kErrorEapAuthenticationFailed[] = "eap-authentication-failed";
583  const char kErrorEapLocalTlsFailed[] = "eap-local-tls-failed";
584  const char kErrorEapRemoteTlsFailed[] = "eap-remote-tls-failed";
586  // Manager property names.
587  const char kAlwaysOnVpnPackageProperty[] = "AlwaysOnVpnPackage";
588  const char kDefaultServiceProperty[] = "DefaultService";
589  const char kDhcpPropertyHostnameProperty[] = "DHCPProperty.Hostname";
590  const char kDhcpPropertyVendorClassProperty[] = "DHCPProperty.VendorClass";
591  const char kDisableWiFiVHTProperty[] = "DisableWiFiVHT";
592  const char kIgnoredDNSSearchPathsProperty[] = "IgnoredDNSSearchPaths";
593  const char kLinkMonitorTechnologiesProperty[] =
594      "LinkMonitorTechnologies";
595  const char kNoAutoConnectTechnologiesProperty[] = "NoAutoConnectTechnologies";
596  const char kPortalCheckIntervalProperty[] = "PortalCheckInterval";
597  const char kProhibitedTechnologiesProperty[] = "ProhibitedTechnologies";
598  const char kServiceCompleteListProperty[] = "ServiceCompleteList";
599  const char kShortDNSTimeoutTechnologiesProperty[] =
600      "ShortDNSTimeoutTechnologies";
601  const char kUninitializedTechnologiesProperty[] = "UninitializedTechnologies";
602  const char kWakeOnLanEnabledProperty[] = "WakeOnLanEnabled";
603  const char kWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledProperty[] = "WakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabled";
605  // Service property names.
606  const char kActivationTypeProperty[] = "Cellular.ActivationType";
607  const char kDiagnosticsDisconnectsProperty[] = "Diagnostics.Disconnects";
608  const char kDiagnosticsMisconnectsProperty[] = "Diagnostics.Misconnects";
609  const char kEapRemoteCertificationProperty[] = "EAP.RemoteCertification";
610  const char kEapCaCertPemProperty[] = "EAP.CACertPEM";
611  const char kEapSubjectMatchProperty[] = "EAP.SubjectMatch";
612  const char kErrorDetailsProperty[] = "ErrorDetails";
613  const char kKeyManagementIEEE8021X[] = "IEEE8021X";
614  const char kIPConfigProperty[] = "IPConfig";
615  const char kL2tpIpsecCaCertPemProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.CACertPEM";
616  const char kL2tpIpsecTunnelGroupProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.TunnelGroup";
617  const char kL2tpIpsecXauthPasswordProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.XauthPassword";
618  const char kL2tpIpsecXauthUserProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.XauthUser";
619  const char kL2tpIpsecLcpEchoDisabledProperty[] = "L2TPIPsec.LCPEchoDisabled";
620  const char kManagedCredentialsProperty[] = "ManagedCredentials";
621  const char kOpenVPNCaCertPemProperty[] = "OpenVPN.CACertPEM";
622  const char kOpenVPNCertProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Cert";
623  const char kOpenVPNExtraCertPemProperty[] = "OpenVPN.ExtraCertPEM";
624  const char kOpenVPNExtraHostsProperty[] = "OpenVPN.ExtraHosts";
625  const char kOpenVPNKeyProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Key";
626  const char kOpenVPNPingProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Ping";
627  const char kOpenVPNPingExitProperty[] = "OpenVPN.PingExit";
628  const char kOpenVPNPingRestartProperty[] = "OpenVPN.PingRestart";
629  const char kOpenVPNTLSAuthProperty[] = "OpenVPN.TLSAuth";
630  const char kOpenVPNTLSVersionMinProperty[] = "OpenVPN.TLSVersionMin";
631  const char kOpenVPNTokenProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Token";
632  const char kOpenVPNVerbProperty[] = "OpenVPN.Verb";
633  const char kOpenVPNVerifyHashProperty[] = "OpenVPN.VerifyHash";
634  const char kOpenVPNVerifyX509NameProperty[] = "OpenVPN.VerifyX509Name";
635  const char kOpenVPNVerifyX509TypeProperty[] = "OpenVPN.VerifyX509Type";
636  const char kOutOfCreditsProperty[] = "Cellular.OutOfCredits";
637  const char kPhysicalTechnologyProperty[] = "PhysicalTechnology";
638  const char kPreviousErrorProperty[] = "PreviousError";
639  const char kPreviousErrorSerialNumberProperty[] = "PreviousErrorSerialNumber";
640  const char kStaticIPAddressProperty[] = "StaticIP.Address";
641  const char kStaticIPGatewayProperty[] = "StaticIP.Gateway";
642  const char kStaticIPMtuProperty[] = "StaticIP.Mtu";
643  const char kStaticIPNameServersProperty[] = "StaticIP.NameServers";
644  const char kStaticIPPeerAddressProperty[] = "StaticIP.PeerAddress";
645  const char kStaticIPPrefixlenProperty[] = "StaticIP.Prefixlen";
646  const char kSavedIPAddressProperty[] = "SavedIP.Address";
647  const char kSavedIPGatewayProperty[] = "SavedIP.Gateway";
648  const char kSavedIPMtuProperty[] = "SavedIP.Mtu";
649  const char kSavedIPNameServersProperty[] = "SavedIP.NameServers";
650  const char kSavedIPPeerAddressProperty[] = "SavedIP.PeerAddress";
651  const char kSavedIPPrefixlenProperty[] = "SavedIP.Prefixlen";
652  const char kTetheringProperty[] = "Tethering";
653  const char kVPNMTUProperty[] = "VPN.MTU";
654  const char kWifiFrequencyListProperty[] = "WiFi.FrequencyList";
655  const char kWifiVendorInformationProperty[] = "WiFi.VendorInformation";
656  const char kWifiProtectedManagementFrameRequiredProperty[] =
657      "WiFi.ProtectedManagementFrameRequired";
659  // Profile property names.
660  const char kUserHashProperty[] = "UserHash";
662  // Service Tethering property values.
663  const char kTetheringNotDetectedState[] = "NotDetected";
664  const char kTetheringSuspectedState[] = "Suspected";
665  const char kTetheringConfirmedState[] = "Confirmed";
667  // WiFi Service Vendor Information dictionary properties.
668  const char kVendorWPSManufacturerProperty[] = "Manufacturer";
669  const char kVendorWPSModelNameProperty[] = "ModelName";
670  const char kVendorWPSModelNumberProperty[] = "ModelNumber";
671  const char kVendorWPSDeviceNameProperty[] = "DeviceName";
672  const char kVendorOUIListProperty[] = "OUIList";
674  // WiFi Device link property names.
675  const char kLinkStatisticsProperty[] = "LinkStatistics";
676  const char kAverageReceiveSignalDbmProperty[] = "AverageReceiveSignalDbm";
677  const char kInactiveTimeMillisecondsProperty[] =
678      "InactiveTimeMilliseconds";
679  const char kLastReceiveSignalDbmProperty[] = "LastReceiveSignalDbm";
680  const char kPacketReceiveSuccessesProperty[] = "PacketReceiveSuccesses";
681  const char kPacketTransmitFailuresProperty[] = "PacketTransmitFailures";
682  const char kPacketTransmitSuccessesProperty[] = "PacketTrasmitSuccesses";
683  const char kTransmitBitrateProperty[] = "TransmitBitrate";
684  const char kTransmitRetriesProperty[] = "TransmitRetries";
686  // WiFi TDLS operations.
687  const char kTDLSDiscoverOperation[] = "Discover";
688  const char kTDLSSetupOperation[] = "Setup";
689  const char kTDLSStatusOperation[] = "Status";
690  const char kTDLSTeardownOperation[] = "Teardown";
692  // WiFi TDLS states.
693  const char kTDLSConnectedState[] = "Connected";
694  const char kTDLSDisabledState[] = "Disabled";
695  const char kTDLSDisconnectedState[] = "Disconnected";
696  const char kTDLSNonexistentState[] = "Nonexistent";
697  const char kTDLSUnknownState[] = "Unknown";
699  // Wake on WiFi features.
700  const char kWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledPacket[] = "packet";
701  const char kWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledDarkConnect[] = "darkconnect";
702  const char kWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledPacketDarkConnect[] =
703      "packet_and_darkconnect";
704  const char kWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledNone[] = "none";
705  const char kWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledNotSupported[] = "not_supported";
707  // Wake on WiFi Packet Type Constants.
708  const char kWakeOnTCP[] = "TCP";
709  const char kWakeOnUDP[] = "UDP";
710  const char kWakeOnIDP[] = "IDP";
711  const char kWakeOnIPIP[] = "IPIP";
712  const char kWakeOnIGMP[] = "IGMP";
713  const char kWakeOnICMP[] = "ICMP";
714  const char kWakeOnIP[] = "IP";
716  // Cellular service carriers.
717  const char kCarrierGenericUMTS[] = "Generic UMTS";
718  const char kCarrierSprint[] = "Sprint";
719  const char kCarrierVerizon[] = "Verizon Wireless";
721  // Cellular activation types.
722  const char kActivationTypeNonCellular[] = "NonCellular";  // For future use
723  const char kActivationTypeOMADM[] = "OMADM";  // For future use
724  const char kActivationTypeOTA[] = "OTA";
725  const char kActivationTypeOTASP[] = "OTASP";
727  // Geolocation property field names.
728  // Reference:
729  //    https://devsite.googleplex.com/maps/documentation/business/geolocation/
730  // Top level properties for a Geolocation request.
731  const char kGeoHomeMobileCountryCodeProperty[] = "homeMobileCountryCode";
732  const char kGeoHomeMobileNetworkCodeProperty[] = "homeMobileNetworkCode";
733  const char kGeoRadioTypePropertyProperty[] = "radioType";
734  const char kGeoCellTowersProperty[] = "cellTowers";
735  const char kGeoWifiAccessPointsProperty[] = "wifiAccessPoints";
736  // Cell tower object property names.
737  const char kGeoCellIdProperty[] = "cellId";
738  const char kGeoLocationAreaCodeProperty[] = "locationAreaCode";
739  const char kGeoMobileCountryCodeProperty[] = "mobileCountryCode";
740  const char kGeoMobileNetworkCodeProperty[] = "mobileNetworkCode";
741  const char kGeoTimingAdvanceProperty[] = "timingAdvance";
742  // WiFi access point property names.
743  const char kGeoMacAddressProperty[] = "macAddress";
744  const char kGeoChannelProperty[] = "channel";
745  const char kGeoSignalToNoiseRatioProperty[] = "signalToNoiseRatio";
746  // Common property names for geolocation objects.
747  const char kGeoAgeProperty[] = "age";
748  const char kGeoSignalStrengthProperty[] = "signalStrength";
749  // ThirdPartyVpn parameters, properties and constants.
750  const char kAddressParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "address";
751  const char kBroadcastAddressParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "broadcast_address";
752  const char kGatewayParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "gateway";
753  const char kBypassTunnelForIpParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "bypass_tunnel_for_ip";
754  const char kSubnetPrefixParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "subnet_prefix";
755  const char kMtuParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "mtu";
756  const char kDomainSearchParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "domain_search";
757  const char kDnsServersParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "dns_servers";
758  const char kInclusionListParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "inclusion_list";
759  const char kExclusionListParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "exclusion_list";
760  const char kReconnectParameterThirdPartyVpn[] = "reconnect";
761  const char kObjectPathSuffixProperty[] = "ObjectPathSuffix";
762  const char kExtensionNameProperty[] = "ExtensionName";
763  const char kConfigurationNameProperty[] = "ConfigurationName";
764  const char kObjectPathBase[] = "/thirdpartyvpn/";
765  const char kNonIPDelimiter = ':';
766  const char kIPDelimiter = ' ';
767  }  // namespace shill