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1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2 // for linear algebra.
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>
5 // Copyright (C) 2014 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
6 //
7 // Copyright (C) 2013 Gauthier Brun <brun.gauthier@gmail.com>
8 // Copyright (C) 2013 Nicolas Carre <nicolas.carre@ensimag.fr>
9 // Copyright (C) 2013 Jean Ceccato <jean.ceccato@ensimag.fr>
10 // Copyright (C) 2013 Pierre Zoppitelli <pierre.zoppitelli@ensimag.fr>
11 //
12 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
13 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
14 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
16 #ifndef EIGEN_SVDBASE_H
17 #define EIGEN_SVDBASE_H
19 namespace Eigen {
20 /** \ingroup SVD_Module
21  *
22  *
23  * \class SVDBase
24  *
25  * \brief Base class of SVD algorithms
26  *
27  * \tparam Derived the type of the actual SVD decomposition
28  *
29  * SVD decomposition consists in decomposing any n-by-p matrix \a A as a product
30  *   \f[ A = U S V^* \f]
31  * where \a U is a n-by-n unitary, \a V is a p-by-p unitary, and \a S is a n-by-p real positive matrix which is zero outside of its main diagonal;
32  * the diagonal entries of S are known as the \em singular \em values of \a A and the columns of \a U and \a V are known as the left
33  * and right \em singular \em vectors of \a A respectively.
34  *
35  * Singular values are always sorted in decreasing order.
36  *
37  *
38  * You can ask for only \em thin \a U or \a V to be computed, meaning the following. In case of a rectangular n-by-p matrix, letting \a m be the
39  * smaller value among \a n and \a p, there are only \a m singular vectors; the remaining columns of \a U and \a V do not correspond to actual
40  * singular vectors. Asking for \em thin \a U or \a V means asking for only their \a m first columns to be formed. So \a U is then a n-by-m matrix,
41  * and \a V is then a p-by-m matrix. Notice that thin \a U and \a V are all you need for (least squares) solving.
42  *
43  * If the input matrix has inf or nan coefficients, the result of the computation is undefined, but the computation is guaranteed to
44  * terminate in finite (and reasonable) time.
45  * \sa class BDCSVD, class JacobiSVD
46  */
47 template<typename Derived>
48 class SVDBase
49 {
51 public:
52   typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::MatrixType MatrixType;
53   typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
54   typedef typename NumTraits<typename MatrixType::Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
55   typedef typename MatrixType::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
56   typedef Eigen::Index Index; ///< \deprecated since Eigen 3.3
57   enum {
58     RowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime,
59     ColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
60     DiagSizeAtCompileTime = EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_DYNAMIC(RowsAtCompileTime,ColsAtCompileTime),
61     MaxRowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
62     MaxColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
63     MaxDiagSizeAtCompileTime = EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_FIXED(MaxRowsAtCompileTime,MaxColsAtCompileTime),
64     MatrixOptions = MatrixType::Options
65   };
67   typedef Matrix<Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, RowsAtCompileTime, MatrixOptions, MaxRowsAtCompileTime, MaxRowsAtCompileTime> MatrixUType;
68   typedef Matrix<Scalar, ColsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime, MatrixOptions, MaxColsAtCompileTime, MaxColsAtCompileTime> MatrixVType;
69   typedef typename internal::plain_diag_type<MatrixType, RealScalar>::type SingularValuesType;
derived()71   Derived& derived() { return *static_cast<Derived*>(this); }
derived()72   const Derived& derived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived*>(this); }
74   /** \returns the \a U matrix.
75    *
76    * For the SVD decomposition of a n-by-p matrix, letting \a m be the minimum of \a n and \a p,
77    * the U matrix is n-by-n if you asked for \link Eigen::ComputeFullU ComputeFullU \endlink, and is n-by-m if you asked for \link Eigen::ComputeThinU ComputeThinU \endlink.
78    *
79    * The \a m first columns of \a U are the left singular vectors of the matrix being decomposed.
80    *
81    * This method asserts that you asked for \a U to be computed.
82    */
matrixU()83   const MatrixUType& matrixU() const
84   {
85     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SVD is not initialized.");
86     eigen_assert(computeU() && "This SVD decomposition didn't compute U. Did you ask for it?");
87     return m_matrixU;
88   }
90   /** \returns the \a V matrix.
91    *
92    * For the SVD decomposition of a n-by-p matrix, letting \a m be the minimum of \a n and \a p,
93    * the V matrix is p-by-p if you asked for \link Eigen::ComputeFullV ComputeFullV \endlink, and is p-by-m if you asked for \link Eigen::ComputeThinV ComputeThinV \endlink.
94    *
95    * The \a m first columns of \a V are the right singular vectors of the matrix being decomposed.
96    *
97    * This method asserts that you asked for \a V to be computed.
98    */
matrixV()99   const MatrixVType& matrixV() const
100   {
101     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SVD is not initialized.");
102     eigen_assert(computeV() && "This SVD decomposition didn't compute V. Did you ask for it?");
103     return m_matrixV;
104   }
106   /** \returns the vector of singular values.
107    *
108    * For the SVD decomposition of a n-by-p matrix, letting \a m be the minimum of \a n and \a p, the
109    * returned vector has size \a m.  Singular values are always sorted in decreasing order.
110    */
singularValues()111   const SingularValuesType& singularValues() const
112   {
113     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SVD is not initialized.");
114     return m_singularValues;
115   }
117   /** \returns the number of singular values that are not exactly 0 */
nonzeroSingularValues()118   Index nonzeroSingularValues() const
119   {
120     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SVD is not initialized.");
121     return m_nonzeroSingularValues;
122   }
124   /** \returns the rank of the matrix of which \c *this is the SVD.
125     *
126     * \note This method has to determine which singular values should be considered nonzero.
127     *       For that, it uses the threshold value that you can control by calling
128     *       setThreshold(const RealScalar&).
129     */
rank()130   inline Index rank() const
131   {
132     using std::abs;
133     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "JacobiSVD is not initialized.");
134     if(m_singularValues.size()==0) return 0;
135     RealScalar premultiplied_threshold = numext::maxi<RealScalar>(m_singularValues.coeff(0) * threshold(), (std::numeric_limits<RealScalar>::min)());
136     Index i = m_nonzeroSingularValues-1;
137     while(i>=0 && m_singularValues.coeff(i) < premultiplied_threshold) --i;
138     return i+1;
139   }
141   /** Allows to prescribe a threshold to be used by certain methods, such as rank() and solve(),
142     * which need to determine when singular values are to be considered nonzero.
143     * This is not used for the SVD decomposition itself.
144     *
145     * When it needs to get the threshold value, Eigen calls threshold().
146     * The default is \c NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon()
147     *
148     * \param threshold The new value to use as the threshold.
149     *
150     * A singular value will be considered nonzero if its value is strictly greater than
151     *  \f$ \vert singular value \vert \leqslant threshold \times \vert max singular value \vert \f$.
152     *
153     * If you want to come back to the default behavior, call setThreshold(Default_t)
154     */
setThreshold(const RealScalar & threshold)155   Derived& setThreshold(const RealScalar& threshold)
156   {
157     m_usePrescribedThreshold = true;
158     m_prescribedThreshold = threshold;
159     return derived();
160   }
162   /** Allows to come back to the default behavior, letting Eigen use its default formula for
163     * determining the threshold.
164     *
165     * You should pass the special object Eigen::Default as parameter here.
166     * \code svd.setThreshold(Eigen::Default); \endcode
167     *
168     * See the documentation of setThreshold(const RealScalar&).
169     */
setThreshold(Default_t)170   Derived& setThreshold(Default_t)
171   {
172     m_usePrescribedThreshold = false;
173     return derived();
174   }
176   /** Returns the threshold that will be used by certain methods such as rank().
177     *
178     * See the documentation of setThreshold(const RealScalar&).
179     */
threshold()180   RealScalar threshold() const
181   {
182     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized || m_usePrescribedThreshold);
183     return m_usePrescribedThreshold ? m_prescribedThreshold
184                                     : (std::max<Index>)(1,m_diagSize)*NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon();
185   }
187   /** \returns true if \a U (full or thin) is asked for in this SVD decomposition */
computeU()188   inline bool computeU() const { return m_computeFullU || m_computeThinU; }
189   /** \returns true if \a V (full or thin) is asked for in this SVD decomposition */
computeV()190   inline bool computeV() const { return m_computeFullV || m_computeThinV; }
rows()192   inline Index rows() const { return m_rows; }
cols()193   inline Index cols() const { return m_cols; }
195   /** \returns a (least squares) solution of \f$ A x = b \f$ using the current SVD decomposition of A.
196     *
197     * \param b the right-hand-side of the equation to solve.
198     *
199     * \note Solving requires both U and V to be computed. Thin U and V are enough, there is no need for full U or V.
200     *
201     * \note SVD solving is implicitly least-squares. Thus, this method serves both purposes of exact solving and least-squares solving.
202     * In other words, the returned solution is guaranteed to minimize the Euclidean norm \f$ \Vert A x - b \Vert \f$.
203     */
204   template<typename Rhs>
205   inline const Solve<Derived, Rhs>
solve(const MatrixBase<Rhs> & b)206   solve(const MatrixBase<Rhs>& b) const
207   {
208     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SVD is not initialized.");
209     eigen_assert(computeU() && computeV() && "SVD::solve() requires both unitaries U and V to be computed (thin unitaries suffice).");
210     return Solve<Derived, Rhs>(derived(), b.derived());
211   }
214   template<typename RhsType, typename DstType>
216   void _solve_impl(const RhsType &rhs, DstType &dst) const;
217   #endif
219 protected:
check_template_parameters()221   static void check_template_parameters()
222   {
224   }
226   // return true if already allocated
227   bool allocate(Index rows, Index cols, unsigned int computationOptions) ;
229   MatrixUType m_matrixU;
230   MatrixVType m_matrixV;
231   SingularValuesType m_singularValues;
232   bool m_isInitialized, m_isAllocated, m_usePrescribedThreshold;
233   bool m_computeFullU, m_computeThinU;
234   bool m_computeFullV, m_computeThinV;
235   unsigned int m_computationOptions;
236   Index m_nonzeroSingularValues, m_rows, m_cols, m_diagSize;
237   RealScalar m_prescribedThreshold;
239   /** \brief Default Constructor.
240    *
241    * Default constructor of SVDBase
242    */
SVDBase()243   SVDBase()
244     : m_isInitialized(false),
245       m_isAllocated(false),
246       m_usePrescribedThreshold(false),
247       m_computationOptions(0),
248       m_rows(-1), m_cols(-1), m_diagSize(0)
249   {
250     check_template_parameters();
251   }
254 };
257 template<typename Derived>
258 template<typename RhsType, typename DstType>
_solve_impl(const RhsType & rhs,DstType & dst)259 void SVDBase<Derived>::_solve_impl(const RhsType &rhs, DstType &dst) const
260 {
261   eigen_assert(rhs.rows() == rows());
263   // A = U S V^*
264   // So A^{-1} = V S^{-1} U^*
266   Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, RhsType::ColsAtCompileTime, 0, MatrixType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime, RhsType::MaxColsAtCompileTime> tmp;
267   Index l_rank = rank();
268   tmp.noalias() =  m_matrixU.leftCols(l_rank).adjoint() * rhs;
269   tmp = m_singularValues.head(l_rank).asDiagonal().inverse() * tmp;
270   dst = m_matrixV.leftCols(l_rank) * tmp;
271 }
272 #endif
274 template<typename MatrixType>
allocate(Index rows,Index cols,unsigned int computationOptions)275 bool SVDBase<MatrixType>::allocate(Index rows, Index cols, unsigned int computationOptions)
276 {
277   eigen_assert(rows >= 0 && cols >= 0);
279   if (m_isAllocated &&
280       rows == m_rows &&
281       cols == m_cols &&
282       computationOptions == m_computationOptions)
283   {
284     return true;
285   }
287   m_rows = rows;
288   m_cols = cols;
289   m_isInitialized = false;
290   m_isAllocated = true;
291   m_computationOptions = computationOptions;
292   m_computeFullU = (computationOptions & ComputeFullU) != 0;
293   m_computeThinU = (computationOptions & ComputeThinU) != 0;
294   m_computeFullV = (computationOptions & ComputeFullV) != 0;
295   m_computeThinV = (computationOptions & ComputeThinV) != 0;
296   eigen_assert(!(m_computeFullU && m_computeThinU) && "SVDBase: you can't ask for both full and thin U");
297   eigen_assert(!(m_computeFullV && m_computeThinV) && "SVDBase: you can't ask for both full and thin V");
298   eigen_assert(EIGEN_IMPLIES(m_computeThinU || m_computeThinV, MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime==Dynamic) &&
299 	       "SVDBase: thin U and V are only available when your matrix has a dynamic number of columns.");
301   m_diagSize = (std::min)(m_rows, m_cols);
302   m_singularValues.resize(m_diagSize);
303   if(RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic)
304     m_matrixU.resize(m_rows, m_computeFullU ? m_rows : m_computeThinU ? m_diagSize : 0);
305   if(ColsAtCompileTime==Dynamic)
306     m_matrixV.resize(m_cols, m_computeFullV ? m_cols : m_computeThinV ? m_diagSize : 0);
308   return false;
309 }
311 }// end namespace
313 #endif // EIGEN_SVDBASE_H