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FontObject.cppD22-Nov-20236.3 KiB243175

FontObject.hD22-Nov-20235.2 KiB238183

FontTableCache.cppD22-Nov-20232.5 KiB10068

FontTableCache.hD22-Nov-2023991 4421

Makefile.inD22-Nov-20233.1 KiB10966

PortableFontInstance.cppD22-Nov-202312.7 KiB480326

PortableFontInstance.hD22-Nov-20233.4 KiB12363

SimpleFontInstance.cppD22-Nov-20233.2 KiB14196

SimpleFontInstance.hD22-Nov-20232 KiB7432

cfonts.cppD22-Nov-20231.8 KiB7549

cfonts.hD22-Nov-2023999 3818

cletest.cD22-Nov-202328.5 KiB750570

cletest.slnD22-Nov-20231.2 KiB2725

cletest.vcxprojD22-Nov-202310.7 KiB192191

cletest.vcxproj.filtersD22-Nov-20232.7 KiB8181

cmaps.cppD22-Nov-20237.4 KiB253182

cmaps.hD22-Nov-20231.8 KiB8854

gendata.cppD22-Nov-202313 KiB384282

gendata.slnD22-Nov-20231.2 KiB2625

gendata.vcxprojD22-Nov-202314.1 KiB259258

gendata.vcxproj.filtersD22-Nov-20232 KiB6060

gendata.xmlD22-Nov-202311.5 KiB219171

letest.cppD22-Nov-202342.5 KiB1,135831

letest.hD22-Nov-20231.3 KiB5728

letest.slnD22-Nov-20232.1 KiB4140

letest.vcxprojD23-Nov-202314.7 KiB270269

letest.vcxproj.filtersD22-Nov-20232.4 KiB7575

letsutil.cppD22-Nov-20233 KiB12984

letsutil.hD22-Nov-20231.1 KiB4220

readme.htmlD22-Nov-20235.9 KiB117114

sfnt.hD22-Nov-20239.1 KiB452361

testdata.cppD22-Nov-202349.3 KiB641590

xmlreader.cppD22-Nov-20238.2 KiB262189

xmlreader.hD22-Nov-2023685 2815


1<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
4<meta name="generator" content=
5"HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 26 April 2007), see www.w3.org">
6<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=
7"text/html; charset=us-ascii">
8<meta name="Copyright" content=
9"Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html">
10<!-- meta name="Copyright" content=
11"Copyright (c) 2001-2007, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved." -->
12<meta name="Author" content="Eric Mader">
13<meta name="GENERATOR" content=
14"Mozilla/4.72 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
15<title>Readme file for letest and gendata</title>
18<h2>What are letest and gendata?</h2>
19letest is a test program that you can use to verify the basic
20functionality of the ICU LayoutEngine. It tests the LayoutEngine's
21API and reads an XML file that contains test cases to test some of
22the features of the LayoutEngine. These test cases are not
23comprehensive, but they do test the most important features of
24&nbsp;the LayoutEngine. When you have successfully run letest, you
25can use the ICU LayoutEngine in you application knowing that the
26basic functionality is working correctly.<br>
27<p>gendata is a program that is used by the ICU team to build the
28file letest.xml which contains the test cases. Unless you have
29changed your copy of the LayoutEngine and want to validate the
30changes on other platforms, there's no reason for you to run this
32<p>(The ICU team first runs a Windows application which uses the
33ICU LayoutEngine to display the text that letest uses. Once it has
34been verified that the text is displayed correctly, gendata is run
35to produce letest.xml, and then letest is run on Windows to verify
36that letest still works with the new data.)<br></p>
37<h2>How do I build letest?</h2>
38First, you need to build ICU, including the LayoutEngine.&nbsp;
39<p>On Windows, letest is part of the allinone project, so a normal
40build of ICU will also build letest. On UNIX systems, connect to
41&lt;top-build-dir&gt;/test/letest and do "make all" .<br></p>
42<h2>How do I run letest?</h2>
43Before you can run letest, you'll need to get the fonts it uses.
44For legal reasons, we can't include most of them with ICU, but you
45can download them from the web. To do this, you'll need access to a
46computer running Windows. All of the fonts should be stored in
47&lt;icu&gt;/source/test/testdata. Here's how to get the fonts:
48<p>Download a recent version of the Java 2 Platform, Standard
49Edition (J2SE) from <a href=
51Click on the "Download" button for the version of Java that you
52want to download. The page offers both JDKs and JREs. (The JRE is
53sufficient for letest.) The download page will have a link to the
54license agreement. Be sure to read and understand the license
55agreement, and then click on the Accept button. Download the
56package and install it. You'll need one font. On Windows, it will
57be in, for example, "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\jre\lib\fonts".
58The file you want is "LucidaSansRegular.ttf". Copy this file into
59the directory from which you'll run letest.<br></p>
60<p>Next is the Hindi font. Go to the NCST site and download
61<a href="http://tdil.mit.gov.in/download/Raghu.htm">raghu.ttf</a>.
62When you hit the DOWNLOAD button on the page, it will open another
63window which contains a disclaimer and a license agreement. Be sure
64that you understand and agree to all of this before you download
65the font. You can download raghu.ttf into the directory from which
66you'll run letest.<br></p>
67<p>Then download the Thai font. Go to <a href=
69and click on the link for the Angsana font. This will download a
70.ZIP file. Extract the font file, angsd___.ttf, into the directory
71from which you will run letest.<br></p>
72<p>There's still one more font to get, the Code2000 Unicode font.
73Go to James Kass' <a href="http://www.code2000.net/">Unicode
74Support In Your Browser</a> page and click on the link that says
75"Click Here to download Code2000 shareware demo Unicode font." This
76will download a .ZIP file which contains CODE2000.TTF and
77CODE2000.HTM. Expand this .ZIP file and put the CODE2000.TTF file
78in the directory from which you'll run letest.<br></p>
79<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Note:</span> The Code2000 font
80is shareware. If you want to use it for longer than a trial period,
81you should send a shareware fee to James. Directions for how to do
82this are in CODE2000.HTM.</p>
83<p>letest.xml references three other fonts:</p>
85<li>ARIALUNI.TTF is Microsoft's Arial Unicode MS font, which is
86distributed with Microsoft Office and is licensed only for use on
87the Windows operating system.</li>
88<li>Devamt.ttf is a proprietary font which cannot be freely
90<li>TestFont1.otf is included with ICU.</li>
92To run letest type CTRL+F5 in Visual Studio, or "make check" in
93UNIX.&nbsp; If everything's OK you should see something like this:
96&nbsp;&nbsp; ---[OK]&nbsp; ---/api/ParameterTest<br>
97&nbsp;&nbsp; ---[OK]&nbsp; ---/api/FactoryTest<br>
99&nbsp;&nbsp; ---[OK]&nbsp; ---/layout/AccessTest<br>
100&nbsp;&nbsp; ---[OK]&nbsp; ---/layout/DataDrivenTest<br>
102&nbsp;&nbsp; ---[OK]&nbsp; ---/c_api/ParameterTest<br>
103&nbsp;&nbsp; ---[OK]&nbsp; ---/c_api/FactoryTest<br>
105&nbsp;&nbsp; ---[OK]&nbsp; ---/c_layout/AccessTest<br>
106&nbsp;&nbsp; ---[OK]&nbsp; ---/c_layout/DataDrivenTest<br>
108[All tests passed successfully...]<br>
109Elapsed Time: 00:00:00.351<br></tt></blockquote>
110If letest cannot open a font, it will print a warning message and
111skip the test. letest will also check the version of the font you
112have to make sure it's the same one that was used to generate the
113test case. If the version doesn't match, letest will print a
114warning message and proceed with the test.<br>