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FAQ | D | 22-Nov-2023 | 4.1 KiB | 115 | 100 | |
README.certificate | D | 22-Nov-2023 | 46 | 2 | 1 | |
README.gssapi | D | 22-Nov-2023 | 5.4 KiB | 107 | 89 | |
README.plainrsa | D | 22-Nov-2023 | 5.4 KiB | 110 | 91 |
1The gss-api authentication mechanism implementation for racoon was 2based on the ietf draft draft-ietf-ipsec-isakmp-gss-auth-06.txt. 3 4The implementation uses the Heimdal gss-api library, i.e. gss-api 5on top of Kerberos 5. The Heimdal gss-api library had to be modified 6to meet the requirements of using gss-api in a daemon. More specifically, 7the gss_acquire_cred() call did not work for other cases than 8GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL ("use default creds"). Daemons are often started 9as root, and have no Kerberos 5 credentials, so racoon explicitly 10needs to acquire its credentials. The usual method (already used 11by login authentication daemons) in these situations is to add 12a set of special credentials to be used. For example, authentication 13by daemons concerned with login credentials, uses 'host/fqdn' as 14its credential, where fqdn is the hostname on the interface that 15is being used. These special credentials need to be extracted into 16a local keytab from the kdc. The default value used in racoon 17is 'ike/fqdn', but it can be overridden in the racoon config file. 18 19The modification to the Heimdal gss-api library implements the 20mechanism above. If a credential other than GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL 21is specified to gss_acquire_cred(), it first looks in the default 22credential cache if it its principal matches the desired credential. 23If not, it extracts it from the default keytab file, and stores 24it in a memory-based credential cache, part of the gss credential 25structure. 26 27 28 29The modifcations to racoon itself are as follows: 30 31 * The racoon.conf config file accepts a new keyword, "gssapi_id", 32 to be used inside a proposal specification. It specifies 33 a string (a Kerberos 5 principal in this case), specifying the 34 credential that racoon will try to acquire. The default value 35 is 'ike/fqdn', where fqdn is the hostname for the interface 36 being used for the exchange. If the id is not specified, no 37 GSS endpoint attribute will be specified in the first SA sent. 38 However, if the initiator does specify a GSS endpoint attribute, 39 racoon will always respond with its own GSS endpoint name 40 in the SA (the default one if not specified by this option). 41 42 * The racoon.conf file accepts "gssapi_krb" as authentication 43 method inside a proposal specification. The number used 44 for this method is 65001, which is a temporary number as 45 specified in the draft. 46 47 * The cftoken.l and cfparse.y source files were modified to 48 pick up the configuration options. The original sources 49 stored algorithms in bitmask, which unfortunately meant 50 that the maximum value was 32, clearly not enough for 65001. 51 After consulting with the author (, it turned 52 out that method was a leftover, and no longer needed. I replaced 53 it with plain integers. 54 55 * The gss-api specific code was concentrated as much as possible 56 in gssapi.c and gssapi.h. The code to call functions defined 57 in these files is conditional on HAVE_GSSAPI, except for the 58 config scan code. Specifying this flag on the compiler commandline 59 is conditional on the --enable-gssapi option to the configure 60 script. 61 62 * Racoon seems to want to send accepted SA proposals back to 63 the initiator in a verbatim fashion, leaving no room to 64 insert the (variable-length) GSS endpoint name attribute. 65 I worked around this by re-assembling the extracted SA 66 into a new SA if the gssapi_krb method is used, and the 67 initiator sent the name attribute. This scheme should 68 possibly be re-examined by the racoon maintainers, storing 69 the SAs (the transformations, to be more precise) in a different 70 fashion to allow for variable-length attributes to be 71 re-inserted would be a good change, but I considered it to be 72 beyond the scope of this project. 73 74 * The various state functions for aggressive and main mode 75 (in isakmp_agg.c and isakmp_ident.c respectively) were 76 changed to conditionally change their behavior if the 77 gssapi_krb method is specified. 78 79 80This implementation tried to follow the specification in the ietf draft 81as close as possible. However, it has not been tested against other 82IKE daemon implementations. The only other one I know of is Windows 2000, 83and it has some caveats. I attempted to be Windows 2000 compatible. 84Should racoon be tried against Windows 2000, the gssapi_id option in 85the config file must be used, as Windows 2000 expects the GSS endpoint 86name to be sent at all times. I have my doubts as to the W2K compatibility, 87because the spec describes the GSS endpoint name sent by W2K as 88an unicode string 'xxx@domain', which doesn't seem to match the 89required standard for gss-api + kerberos 5 (i.e. I am fairly certain 90that such a string will be rejected by the Heimdal gss-api library, as it 91is not a valid Kerberos 5 principal). 92 93With the Heimdal gss-api implementation, the gssapi_krb authentication 94method will only work in main mode. Aggressive mode does not allow 95for the extra round-trips needed by gss_init_sec_context and 96gss_accept_sec_context when mutual authentication is requested. 97The draft specifies that the a fallback should be done to main mode, 98through the return of INVALID-EXCHANGE-TYPE if it turns out that 99the gss-api mechanisms needs more roundtrips. This is implemented. 100Unfortunately, racoon does not seem to properly fall back to 101its next mode, and this is not specific to the gssapi_krb method. 102So, to avoid problems, only specify main mode in the config file. 103 104 105 -- Frank van der Linden <> 106 107
1HOW-TO use plainrsa auth, contributed by Simon Chang <> 2 3Before you begin, you should understand that the RSA authentication 4mechanism hinges upon the idea of a split cryptographic key: one used 5by the public, the other readable only to you. Any data that is 6encrypted by a public key can be decrypted only by the corresponding 7private key, so that the private key user can be assured that the 8content of the transmission has not been examined by unauthorized 9parties. Similarly, any data encrypted by the private key can be 10decrypted by the public key so that the public knows that this 11transmission came from this user and nobody else (this idea is called 12non-repudiation). Also, the longer the key length, the more difficult 13it would be for potential attacker to conduct brute-force discovery of 14the keys. So, what all this means for the security administrator is 15that the setup needs a pair of reasonably long keys for each host that 16wishes to authenticate in this manner. 17 18With this in mind, it should be relatively straightforward to set up 19RSA authentication. For the purpose of this document, we assume that 20we are setting up RSA authentication between two networked hosts 21called Boston and Chicago. Unless otherwise noted, all steps should 22be performed on both hosts with corresponding key names. Here are the 23steps: 24 251) Included in each default installation of ipsec-tools is a binary 26called plainrsa-gen. This executable is used to generate a pair of 27RSA keys for the host. There are only two parameters that you should 28be concerned about: -b, which sets the number of bits for the keys, 29and -f, which specifies the output file for plainrsa-gen to send the 30results. On an ordinary Pentium-II with 128 MB of RAM, it takes only 31seconds to generate keys that are 2048 bits long, and only slightly 32longer to generate 4096-bit keys. Either key length should be 33sufficient; any longer key length actually reduces performance and 34does not increase security significantly. You should therefore run it 35as: 36 37 plainrsa-gen -b 2048 -f /var/tmp/boston.keys 38 392) When the process completes, you should have a text file that 40includes both public and private keys. GUARD THIS FILE CAREFULLY, 41because once a private key is compromised it is no longer any good, 42and you must generate a new pair from scratch. Reading the file 43itself, you should see several very long lines of alphanumeric data. 44The only line you should be concerned with is the line towards the top 45of the output file that begins with "# pubkey=0sAQPAmBdT/" or 46something to that effect. This line is your public key, which should 47be made available to the other host that you are setting up. Copy 48this line to a separate file called "" and change the 49beginning of the line so that it reads ": PUB 0sAQPAmBdT/". 50Alternatively, you can also grab the first line of the boston.keys 51file and uncomment the line so that it reads the same as above. Now 52rename the file you generated initially to "boston.priv". 53 543) You should now have two files, boston.priv and 55(chicago.priv and on Chicago). The first file contains 56your private key and the second file your public key. Next you should 57find a way to get the public key over to the other host involved. 58Boston should have (1) its own key pair, and (2) Chicago's public key 59ONLY. Do not copy Chicago's private key over to Boston, because (a) 60it is not necessary, and (b) you would now have two potential places 61for losing control of your private key. 62 634) You should now configure the racoon.conf configuration file for 64each host to (a) turn on RSA authentication, and (b) designate each 65host's private key and the remote host(s)'s public key(s). Take all 66your keys and place it in one directory and use the global directive 67"path certificate" to specify the location of the keys. This step is 68especially important if you are running racoon with privilege 69separation, because if racoon cannot find the keys inside the 70directory you have just specified it will fail the authentication 71process. So, write the directive like the following: 72 73 path certificate "/etc/racoon"; 74 75Next, you need to specify the host's own private key and the public 76keys of all the remote peers involved. For your local private key and 77remote public key(s), you should use the following directives: 78 79 certificate_type plain_rsa "/etc/racoon/boston.priv"; 80 peers_certfile plain_rsa "/etc/racoon/"; 81 82Notice the option "plain_rsa" for both directives. 83 84Finally, under the "proposal" statement section, you should specify 85the "rsasig" option for "authentication_method". 86 875) You have finished configuring the host for RSA authentication. 88Now use racoonctl to reload the configuration or simply restart the 89machine and you should be all set. 90 91TROUBLESHOOTING 92 93In the event that the hosts fail to communicate, first go back to the 94instructions above and make sure that: 95 961) You have placed all the keys in the directory that is specified by 97the "path certificate" directive. Keep in mind that privilege 98separation will force racoon to look into that directory and nowhere 99else. 1002) You have specified correctly the host's own private key and the 101remote peer's public key. 1023) You have specified the "rsasig" method for authentication in the 103proposal statement. 104 105If you run into any further problems, you should try to use "racoon 106-v" to debug the setup, and send a copy of the debug messages to the 107mailing list so that we can help you determine what the problem is. 108 109Last modified: $Date: 2006/12/10 05:51:14 $ 110