1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <brillo/http/http_transport_fake.h>
7 #include <utility>
9 #include <base/json/json_reader.h>
10 #include <base/json/json_writer.h>
11 #include <base/logging.h>
12 #include <brillo/bind_lambda.h>
13 #include <brillo/http/http_connection_fake.h>
14 #include <brillo/http/http_request.h>
15 #include <brillo/mime_utils.h>
16 #include <brillo/streams/memory_stream.h>
17 #include <brillo/strings/string_utils.h>
18 #include <brillo/url_utils.h>
20 namespace brillo {
22 using http::fake::Transport;
23 using http::fake::ServerRequestResponseBase;
24 using http::fake::ServerRequest;
25 using http::fake::ServerResponse;
Transport()27 Transport::Transport() {
28   VLOG(1) << "fake::Transport created";
29 }
~Transport()31 Transport::~Transport() {
32   VLOG(1) << "fake::Transport destroyed";
33 }
CreateConnection(const std::string & url,const std::string & method,const HeaderList & headers,const std::string & user_agent,const std::string & referer,brillo::ErrorPtr * error)35 std::shared_ptr<http::Connection> Transport::CreateConnection(
36     const std::string& url,
37     const std::string& method,
38     const HeaderList& headers,
39     const std::string& user_agent,
40     const std::string& referer,
41     brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
42   std::shared_ptr<http::Connection> connection;
43   if (create_connection_error_) {
44     if (error)
45       *error = std::move(create_connection_error_);
46     return connection;
47   }
48   HeaderList headers_copy = headers;
49   if (!user_agent.empty()) {
50     headers_copy.push_back(
51         std::make_pair(http::request_header::kUserAgent, user_agent));
52   }
53   if (!referer.empty()) {
54     headers_copy.push_back(
55         std::make_pair(http::request_header::kReferer, referer));
56   }
57   connection =
58       std::make_shared<http::fake::Connection>(url, method, shared_from_this());
59   CHECK(connection) << "Unable to create Connection object";
60   if (!connection->SendHeaders(headers_copy, error))
61     connection.reset();
62   request_count_++;
63   return connection;
64 }
RunCallbackAsync(const base::Location &,const base::Closure & callback)66 void Transport::RunCallbackAsync(
67     const base::Location& /* from_here */,
68     const base::Closure& callback) {
69   if (!async_) {
70     callback.Run();
71     return;
72   }
73   async_callback_queue_.push(callback);
74 }
HandleOneAsyncRequest()76 bool Transport::HandleOneAsyncRequest() {
77   if (async_callback_queue_.empty())
78     return false;
80   base::Closure callback = async_callback_queue_.front();
81   async_callback_queue_.pop();
82   callback.Run();
83   return true;
84 }
HandleAllAsyncRequests()86 void Transport::HandleAllAsyncRequests() {
87   while (!async_callback_queue_.empty())
88     HandleOneAsyncRequest();
89 }
StartAsyncTransfer(http::Connection *,const SuccessCallback &,const ErrorCallback &)91 http::RequestID Transport::StartAsyncTransfer(
92     http::Connection* /* connection */,
93     const SuccessCallback& /* success_callback */,
94     const ErrorCallback& /* error_callback */) {
95   // Fake transport doesn't use this method.
96   LOG(FATAL) << "This method should not be called on fake transport";
97   return 0;
98 }
CancelRequest(RequestID)100 bool Transport::CancelRequest(RequestID /* request_id */) {
101   return false;
102 }
SetDefaultTimeout(base::TimeDelta)104 void Transport::SetDefaultTimeout(base::TimeDelta /* timeout */) {
105 }
GetHandlerMapKey(const std::string & url,const std::string & method)107 static inline std::string GetHandlerMapKey(const std::string& url,
108                                            const std::string& method) {
109   return method + ":" + url;
110 }
AddHandler(const std::string & url,const std::string & method,const HandlerCallback & handler)112 void Transport::AddHandler(const std::string& url,
113                            const std::string& method,
114                            const HandlerCallback& handler) {
115   // Make sure we can override/replace existing handlers.
116   handlers_[GetHandlerMapKey(url, method)] = handler;
117 }
AddSimpleReplyHandler(const std::string & url,const std::string & method,int status_code,const std::string & reply_text,const std::string & mime_type)119 void Transport::AddSimpleReplyHandler(const std::string& url,
120                                       const std::string& method,
121                                       int status_code,
122                                       const std::string& reply_text,
123                                       const std::string& mime_type) {
124   auto handler = [](int status_code,
125                     const std::string& reply_text,
126                     const std::string& mime_type,
127                     const ServerRequest& /* request */,
128                     ServerResponse* response) {
129     response->ReplyText(status_code, reply_text, mime_type);
130   };
131   AddHandler(
132       url, method, base::Bind(handler, status_code, reply_text, mime_type));
133 }
GetHandler(const std::string & url,const std::string & method) const135 Transport::HandlerCallback Transport::GetHandler(
136     const std::string& url,
137     const std::string& method) const {
138   // First try the exact combination of URL/Method
139   auto p = handlers_.find(GetHandlerMapKey(url, method));
140   if (p != handlers_.end())
141     return p->second;
142   // If not found, try URL/*
143   p = handlers_.find(GetHandlerMapKey(url, "*"));
144   if (p != handlers_.end())
145     return p->second;
146   // If still not found, try */method
147   p = handlers_.find(GetHandlerMapKey("*", method));
148   if (p != handlers_.end())
149     return p->second;
150   // Finally, try */*
151   p = handlers_.find(GetHandlerMapKey("*", "*"));
152   return (p != handlers_.end()) ? p->second : HandlerCallback();
153 }
SetData(StreamPtr stream)155 void ServerRequestResponseBase::SetData(StreamPtr stream) {
156   data_.clear();
157   if (stream) {
158     uint8_t buffer[1024];
159     size_t size = 0;
160     if (stream->CanGetSize())
161       data_.reserve(stream->GetRemainingSize());
163     do {
164       CHECK(stream->ReadBlocking(buffer, sizeof(buffer), &size, nullptr));
165       data_.insert(data_.end(), buffer, buffer + size);
166     } while (size > 0);
167   }
168 }
GetDataAsString() const170 std::string ServerRequestResponseBase::GetDataAsString() const {
171   if (data_.empty())
172     return std::string();
173   auto chars = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data_.data());
174   return std::string(chars, data_.size());
175 }
177 std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>
GetDataAsJson() const178 ServerRequestResponseBase::GetDataAsJson() const {
179   std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> result;
180   if (brillo::mime::RemoveParameters(
181           GetHeader(request_header::kContentType)) ==
182       brillo::mime::application::kJson) {
183     auto value = base::JSONReader::Read(GetDataAsString());
184     result = base::DictionaryValue::From(std::move(value));
185   }
186   return result;
187 }
GetDataAsNormalizedJsonString() const189 std::string ServerRequestResponseBase::GetDataAsNormalizedJsonString() const {
190   std::string value;
191   // Make sure we serialize the JSON back without any pretty print so
192   // the string comparison works correctly.
193   auto json = GetDataAsJson();
194   if (json)
195     base::JSONWriter::Write(*json, &value);
196   return value;
197 }
AddHeaders(const HeaderList & headers)199 void ServerRequestResponseBase::AddHeaders(const HeaderList& headers) {
200   for (const auto& pair : headers) {
201     if (pair.second.empty())
202       headers_.erase(pair.first);
203     else
204       headers_.insert(pair);
205   }
206 }
GetHeader(const std::string & header_name) const208 std::string ServerRequestResponseBase::GetHeader(
209     const std::string& header_name) const {
210   auto p = headers_.find(header_name);
211   return p != headers_.end() ? p->second : std::string();
212 }
ServerRequest(const std::string & url,const std::string & method)214 ServerRequest::ServerRequest(const std::string& url, const std::string& method)
215     : method_(method) {
216   auto params = brillo::url::GetQueryStringParameters(url);
217   url_ = brillo::url::RemoveQueryString(url, true);
218   form_fields_.insert(params.begin(), params.end());
219 }
GetFormField(const std::string & field_name) const221 std::string ServerRequest::GetFormField(const std::string& field_name) const {
222   if (!form_fields_parsed_) {
223     std::string mime_type = brillo::mime::RemoveParameters(
224         GetHeader(request_header::kContentType));
225     if (mime_type == brillo::mime::application::kWwwFormUrlEncoded &&
226         !GetData().empty()) {
227       auto fields = brillo::data_encoding::WebParamsDecode(GetDataAsString());
228       form_fields_.insert(fields.begin(), fields.end());
229     }
230     form_fields_parsed_ = true;
231   }
232   auto p = form_fields_.find(field_name);
233   return p != form_fields_.end() ? p->second : std::string();
234 }
Reply(int status_code,const void * data,size_t data_size,const std::string & mime_type)236 void ServerResponse::Reply(int status_code,
237                            const void* data,
238                            size_t data_size,
239                            const std::string& mime_type) {
240   data_.clear();
241   status_code_ = status_code;
242   SetData(MemoryStream::OpenCopyOf(data, data_size, nullptr));
243   AddHeaders({{response_header::kContentLength,
244                brillo::string_utils::ToString(data_size)},
245               {response_header::kContentType, mime_type}});
246 }
ReplyText(int status_code,const std::string & text,const std::string & mime_type)248 void ServerResponse::ReplyText(int status_code,
249                                const std::string& text,
250                                const std::string& mime_type) {
251   Reply(status_code, text.data(), text.size(), mime_type);
252 }
ReplyJson(int status_code,const base::Value * json)254 void ServerResponse::ReplyJson(int status_code, const base::Value* json) {
255   std::string text;
256   base::JSONWriter::WriteWithOptions(
257       *json, base::JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT, &text);
258   std::string mime_type =
259       brillo::mime::AppendParameter(brillo::mime::application::kJson,
260                                       brillo::mime::parameters::kCharset,
261                                       "utf-8");
262   ReplyText(status_code, text, mime_type);
263 }
ReplyJson(int status_code,const http::FormFieldList & fields)265 void ServerResponse::ReplyJson(int status_code,
266                                const http::FormFieldList& fields) {
267   base::DictionaryValue json;
268   for (const auto& pair : fields) {
269     json.SetString(pair.first, pair.second);
270   }
271   ReplyJson(status_code, &json);
272 }
GetStatusText() const274 std::string ServerResponse::GetStatusText() const {
275   static std::vector<std::pair<int, const char*>> status_text_map = {
276       {100, "Continue"},
277       {101, "Switching Protocols"},
278       {102, "Processing"},
279       {200, "OK"},
280       {201, "Created"},
281       {202, "Accepted"},
282       {203, "Non-Authoritative Information"},
283       {204, "No Content"},
284       {205, "Reset Content"},
285       {206, "Partial Content"},
286       {207, "Multi-Status"},
287       {208, "Already Reported"},
288       {226, "IM Used"},
289       {300, "Multiple Choices"},
290       {301, "Moved Permanently"},
291       {302, "Found"},
292       {303, "See Other"},
293       {304, "Not Modified"},
294       {305, "Use Proxy"},
295       {306, "Switch Proxy"},
296       {307, "Temporary Redirect"},
297       {308, "Permanent Redirect"},
298       {400, "Bad Request"},
299       {401, "Unauthorized"},
300       {402, "Payment Required"},
301       {403, "Forbidden"},
302       {404, "Not Found"},
303       {405, "Method Not Allowed"},
304       {406, "Not Acceptable"},
305       {407, "Proxy Authentication Required"},
306       {408, "Request Timeout"},
307       {409, "Conflict"},
308       {410, "Gone"},
309       {411, "Length Required"},
310       {412, "Precondition Failed"},
311       {413, "Request Entity Too Large"},
312       {414, "Request - URI Too Long"},
313       {415, "Unsupported Media Type"},
314       {429, "Too Many Requests"},
315       {431, "Request Header Fields Too Large"},
316       {500, "Internal Server Error"},
317       {501, "Not Implemented"},
318       {502, "Bad Gateway"},
319       {503, "Service Unavailable"},
320       {504, "Gateway Timeout"},
321       {505, "HTTP Version Not Supported"},
322   };
324   for (const auto& pair : status_text_map) {
325     if (pair.first == status_code_)
326       return pair.second;
327   }
328   return std::string();
329 }
331 }  // namespace brillo