1import __builtin__
2import copy
3import gc
4import pickle
5import sys
6import types
7import unittest
8import warnings
9import weakref
11from copy import deepcopy
12from test import test_support
15def func(*args):
16    return args
19class OperatorsTest(unittest.TestCase):
21    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
22        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
23        self.binops = {
24            'add': '+',
25            'sub': '-',
26            'mul': '*',
27            'div': '/',
28            'divmod': 'divmod',
29            'pow': '**',
30            'lshift': '<<',
31            'rshift': '>>',
32            'and': '&',
33            'xor': '^',
34            'or': '|',
35            'cmp': 'cmp',
36            'lt': '<',
37            'le': '<=',
38            'eq': '==',
39            'ne': '!=',
40            'gt': '>',
41            'ge': '>=',
42        }
44        for name, expr in self.binops.items():
45            if expr.islower():
46                expr = expr + "(a, b)"
47            else:
48                expr = 'a %s b' % expr
49            self.binops[name] = expr
51        self.unops = {
52            'pos': '+',
53            'neg': '-',
54            'abs': 'abs',
55            'invert': '~',
56            'int': 'int',
57            'long': 'long',
58            'float': 'float',
59            'oct': 'oct',
60            'hex': 'hex',
61        }
63        for name, expr in self.unops.items():
64            if expr.islower():
65                expr = expr + "(a)"
66            else:
67                expr = '%s a' % expr
68            self.unops[name] = expr
70    def unop_test(self, a, res, expr="len(a)", meth="__len__"):
71        d = {'a': a}
72        self.assertEqual(eval(expr, d), res)
73        t = type(a)
74        m = getattr(t, meth)
76        # Find method in parent class
77        while meth not in t.__dict__:
78            t = t.__bases__[0]
79        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
80        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
81        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
82        self.assertEqual(m(a), res)
83        bm = getattr(a, meth)
84        self.assertEqual(bm(), res)
86    def binop_test(self, a, b, res, expr="a+b", meth="__add__"):
87        d = {'a': a, 'b': b}
89        # XXX Hack so this passes before 2.3 when -Qnew is specified.
90        if meth == "__div__" and 1/2 == 0.5:
91            meth = "__truediv__"
93        if meth == '__divmod__': pass
95        self.assertEqual(eval(expr, d), res)
96        t = type(a)
97        m = getattr(t, meth)
98        while meth not in t.__dict__:
99            t = t.__bases__[0]
100        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
101        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
102        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
103        self.assertEqual(m(a, b), res)
104        bm = getattr(a, meth)
105        self.assertEqual(bm(b), res)
107    def ternop_test(self, a, b, c, res, expr="a[b:c]", meth="__getslice__"):
108        d = {'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c}
109        self.assertEqual(eval(expr, d), res)
110        t = type(a)
111        m = getattr(t, meth)
112        while meth not in t.__dict__:
113            t = t.__bases__[0]
114        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
115        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
116        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
117        self.assertEqual(m(a, b, c), res)
118        bm = getattr(a, meth)
119        self.assertEqual(bm(b, c), res)
121    def setop_test(self, a, b, res, stmt="a+=b", meth="__iadd__"):
122        d = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b}
123        exec stmt in d
124        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
125        t = type(a)
126        m = getattr(t, meth)
127        while meth not in t.__dict__:
128            t = t.__bases__[0]
129        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
130        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
131        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
132        d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
133        m(d['a'], b)
134        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
135        d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
136        bm = getattr(d['a'], meth)
137        bm(b)
138        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
140    def set2op_test(self, a, b, c, res, stmt="a[b]=c", meth="__setitem__"):
141        d = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b, 'c': c}
142        exec stmt in d
143        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
144        t = type(a)
145        m = getattr(t, meth)
146        while meth not in t.__dict__:
147            t = t.__bases__[0]
148        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
149        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
150        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
151        d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
152        m(d['a'], b, c)
153        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
154        d['a'] = deepcopy(a)
155        bm = getattr(d['a'], meth)
156        bm(b, c)
157        self.assertEqual(d['a'], res)
159    def set3op_test(self, a, b, c, d, res, stmt="a[b:c]=d", meth="__setslice__"):
160        dictionary = {'a': deepcopy(a), 'b': b, 'c': c, 'd': d}
161        exec stmt in dictionary
162        self.assertEqual(dictionary['a'], res)
163        t = type(a)
164        while meth not in t.__dict__:
165            t = t.__bases__[0]
166        m = getattr(t, meth)
167        # in some implementations (e.g. PyPy), 'm' can be a regular unbound
168        # method object; the getattr() below obtains its underlying function.
169        self.assertEqual(getattr(m, 'im_func', m), t.__dict__[meth])
170        dictionary['a'] = deepcopy(a)
171        m(dictionary['a'], b, c, d)
172        self.assertEqual(dictionary['a'], res)
173        dictionary['a'] = deepcopy(a)
174        bm = getattr(dictionary['a'], meth)
175        bm(b, c, d)
176        self.assertEqual(dictionary['a'], res)
178    def test_lists(self):
179        # Testing list operations...
180        # Asserts are within individual test methods
181        self.binop_test([1], [2], [1,2], "a+b", "__add__")
182        self.binop_test([1,2,3], 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
183        self.binop_test([1,2,3], 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
184        self.binop_test([1,2,3], 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
185        self.ternop_test([1,2,3], 0, 2, [1,2], "a[b:c]", "__getslice__")
186        self.setop_test([1], [2], [1,2], "a+=b", "__iadd__")
187        self.setop_test([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "a*=b", "__imul__")
188        self.unop_test([1,2,3], 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
189        self.binop_test([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "a*b", "__mul__")
190        self.binop_test([1,2], 3, [1,2,1,2,1,2], "b*a", "__rmul__")
191        self.set2op_test([1,2], 1, 3, [1,3], "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
192        self.set3op_test([1,2,3,4], 1, 3, [5,6], [1,5,6,4], "a[b:c]=d",
193                        "__setslice__")
195    def test_dicts(self):
196        # Testing dict operations...
197        if hasattr(dict, '__cmp__'):   # PyPy has only rich comparison on dicts
198            self.binop_test({1:2}, {2:1}, -1, "cmp(a,b)", "__cmp__")
199        else:
200            self.binop_test({1:2}, {2:1}, True, "a < b", "__lt__")
201        self.binop_test({1:2,3:4}, 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
202        self.binop_test({1:2,3:4}, 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
203        self.binop_test({1:2,3:4}, 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
205        d = {1:2, 3:4}
206        l1 = []
207        for i in d.keys():
208            l1.append(i)
209        l = []
210        for i in iter(d):
211            l.append(i)
212        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
213        l = []
214        for i in d.__iter__():
215            l.append(i)
216        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
217        l = []
218        for i in dict.__iter__(d):
219            l.append(i)
220        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
221        d = {1:2, 3:4}
222        self.unop_test(d, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
223        self.assertEqual(eval(repr(d), {}), d)
224        self.assertEqual(eval(d.__repr__(), {}), d)
225        self.set2op_test({1:2,3:4}, 2, 3, {1:2,2:3,3:4}, "a[b]=c",
226                        "__setitem__")
228    # Tests for unary and binary operators
229    def number_operators(self, a, b, skip=[]):
230        dict = {'a': a, 'b': b}
232        for name, expr in self.binops.items():
233            if name not in skip:
234                name = "__%s__" % name
235                if hasattr(a, name):
236                    res = eval(expr, dict)
237                    self.binop_test(a, b, res, expr, name)
239        for name, expr in self.unops.items():
240            if name not in skip:
241                name = "__%s__" % name
242                if hasattr(a, name):
243                    res = eval(expr, dict)
244                    self.unop_test(a, res, expr, name)
246    def test_ints(self):
247        # Testing int operations...
248        self.number_operators(100, 3)
249        # The following crashes in Python 2.2
250        self.assertEqual((1).__nonzero__(), 1)
251        self.assertEqual((0).__nonzero__(), 0)
252        # This returns 'NotImplemented' in Python 2.2
253        class C(int):
254            def __add__(self, other):
255                return NotImplemented
256        self.assertEqual(C(5L), 5)
257        try:
258            C() + ""
259        except TypeError:
260            pass
261        else:
262            self.fail("NotImplemented should have caused TypeError")
263        try:
264            C(sys.maxint+1)
265        except OverflowError:
266            pass
267        else:
268            self.fail("should have raised OverflowError")
270    def test_longs(self):
271        # Testing long operations...
272        self.number_operators(100L, 3L)
274    def test_floats(self):
275        # Testing float operations...
276        self.number_operators(100.0, 3.0)
278    def test_complexes(self):
279        # Testing complex operations...
280        self.number_operators(100.0j, 3.0j, skip=['lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge',
281                                                  'int', 'long', 'float'])
283        class Number(complex):
284            __slots__ = ['prec']
285            def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
286                result = complex.__new__(cls, *args)
287                result.prec = kwds.get('prec', 12)
288                return result
289            def __repr__(self):
290                prec = self.prec
291                if self.imag == 0.0:
292                    return "%.*g" % (prec, self.real)
293                if self.real == 0.0:
294                    return "%.*gj" % (prec, self.imag)
295                return "(%.*g+%.*gj)" % (prec, self.real, prec, self.imag)
296            __str__ = __repr__
298        a = Number(3.14, prec=6)
299        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "3.14")
300        self.assertEqual(a.prec, 6)
302        a = Number(a, prec=2)
303        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "3.1")
304        self.assertEqual(a.prec, 2)
306        a = Number(234.5)
307        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "234.5")
308        self.assertEqual(a.prec, 12)
310    @test_support.impl_detail("the module 'xxsubtype' is internal")
311    def test_spam_lists(self):
312        # Testing spamlist operations...
313        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
315        def spamlist(l, memo=None):
316            import xxsubtype as spam
317            return spam.spamlist(l)
319        # This is an ugly hack:
320        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist
322        self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
323                       "__add__")
324        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
325        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
326        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
327        self.ternop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
328                        "__getslice__")
329        self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
330                       "__iadd__")
331        self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
332                       "__imul__")
333        self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
334        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
335                       "__mul__")
336        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
337                       "__rmul__")
338        self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
339                        "__setitem__")
340        self.set3op_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
341                   spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setslice__")
342        # Test subclassing
343        class C(spam.spamlist):
344            def foo(self): return 1
345        a = C()
346        self.assertEqual(a, [])
347        self.assertEqual(a.foo(), 1)
348        a.append(100)
349        self.assertEqual(a, [100])
350        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
351        a.setstate(42)
352        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42)
354    @test_support.impl_detail("the module 'xxsubtype' is internal")
355    def test_spam_dicts(self):
356        # Testing spamdict operations...
357        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
358        def spamdict(d, memo=None):
359            import xxsubtype as spam
360            sd = spam.spamdict()
361            for k, v in d.items():
362                sd[k] = v
363            return sd
364        # This is an ugly hack:
365        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict
367        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2}), spamdict({2:1}), -1, "cmp(a,b)",
368                       "__cmp__")
369        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
370        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
371        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
372        d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
373        l1 = []
374        for i in d.keys():
375            l1.append(i)
376        l = []
377        for i in iter(d):
378            l.append(i)
379        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
380        l = []
381        for i in d.__iter__():
382            l.append(i)
383        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
384        l = []
385        for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d):
386            l.append(i)
387        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
388        straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
389        spamd = spamdict(straightd)
390        self.unop_test(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
391        self.unop_test(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
392        self.set2op_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
393                   "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
394        # Test subclassing
395        class C(spam.spamdict):
396            def foo(self): return 1
397        a = C()
398        self.assertEqual(a.items(), [])
399        self.assertEqual(a.foo(), 1)
400        a['foo'] = 'bar'
401        self.assertEqual(a.items(), [('foo', 'bar')])
402        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
403        a.setstate(100)
404        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 100)
406class ClassPropertiesAndMethods(unittest.TestCase):
408    def assertHasAttr(self, obj, name):
409        self.assertTrue(hasattr(obj, name),
410                        '%r has no attribute %r' % (obj, name))
412    def assertNotHasAttr(self, obj, name):
413        self.assertFalse(hasattr(obj, name),
414                         '%r has unexpected attribute %r' % (obj, name))
416    def test_python_dicts(self):
417        # Testing Python subclass of dict...
418        self.assertTrue(issubclass(dict, dict))
419        self.assertIsInstance({}, dict)
420        d = dict()
421        self.assertEqual(d, {})
422        self.assertIs(d.__class__, dict)
423        self.assertIsInstance(d, dict)
424        class C(dict):
425            state = -1
426            def __init__(self_local, *a, **kw):
427                if a:
428                    self.assertEqual(len(a), 1)
429                    self_local.state = a[0]
430                if kw:
431                    for k, v in kw.items():
432                        self_local[v] = k
433            def __getitem__(self, key):
434                return self.get(key, 0)
435            def __setitem__(self_local, key, value):
436                self.assertIsInstance(key, type(0))
437                dict.__setitem__(self_local, key, value)
438            def setstate(self, state):
439                self.state = state
440            def getstate(self):
441                return self.state
442        self.assertTrue(issubclass(C, dict))
443        a1 = C(12)
444        self.assertEqual(a1.state, 12)
445        a2 = C(foo=1, bar=2)
446        self.assertEqual(a2[1] == 'foo' and a2[2], 'bar')
447        a = C()
448        self.assertEqual(a.state, -1)
449        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), -1)
450        a.setstate(0)
451        self.assertEqual(a.state, 0)
452        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
453        a.setstate(10)
454        self.assertEqual(a.state, 10)
455        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 10)
456        self.assertEqual(a[42], 0)
457        a[42] = 24
458        self.assertEqual(a[42], 24)
459        N = 50
460        for i in range(N):
461            a[i] = C()
462            for j in range(N):
463                a[i][j] = i*j
464        for i in range(N):
465            for j in range(N):
466                self.assertEqual(a[i][j], i*j)
468    def test_python_lists(self):
469        # Testing Python subclass of list...
470        class C(list):
471            def __getitem__(self, i):
472                return list.__getitem__(self, i) + 100
473            def __getslice__(self, i, j):
474                return (i, j)
475        a = C()
476        a.extend([0,1,2])
477        self.assertEqual(a[0], 100)
478        self.assertEqual(a[1], 101)
479        self.assertEqual(a[2], 102)
480        self.assertEqual(a[100:200], (100,200))
482    def test_metaclass(self):
483        # Testing __metaclass__...
484        class C:
485            __metaclass__ = type
486            def __init__(self):
487                self.__state = 0
488            def getstate(self):
489                return self.__state
490            def setstate(self, state):
491                self.__state = state
492        a = C()
493        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
494        a.setstate(10)
495        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 10)
496        class D:
497            class __metaclass__(type):
498                def myself(cls): return cls
499        self.assertEqual(D.myself(), D)
500        d = D()
501        self.assertEqual(d.__class__, D)
502        class M1(type):
503            def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
504                dict['__spam__'] = 1
505                return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict)
506        class C:
507            __metaclass__ = M1
508        self.assertEqual(C.__spam__, 1)
509        c = C()
510        self.assertEqual(c.__spam__, 1)
512        class _instance(object):
513            pass
514        class M2(object):
515            @staticmethod
516            def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
517                self = object.__new__(cls)
518                self.name = name
519                self.bases = bases
520                self.dict = dict
521                return self
522            def __call__(self):
523                it = _instance()
524                # Early binding of methods
525                for key in self.dict:
526                    if key.startswith("__"):
527                        continue
528                    setattr(it, key, self.dict[key].__get__(it, self))
529                return it
530        class C:
531            __metaclass__ = M2
532            def spam(self):
533                return 42
534        self.assertEqual(C.name, 'C')
535        self.assertEqual(C.bases, ())
536        self.assertIn('spam', C.dict)
537        c = C()
538        self.assertEqual(c.spam(), 42)
540        # More metaclass examples
542        class autosuper(type):
543            # Automatically add __super to the class
544            # This trick only works for dynamic classes
545            def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict):
546                cls = super(autosuper, metaclass).__new__(metaclass,
547                                                          name, bases, dict)
548                # Name mangling for __super removes leading underscores
549                while name[:1] == "_":
550                    name = name[1:]
551                if name:
552                    name = "_%s__super" % name
553                else:
554                    name = "__super"
555                setattr(cls, name, super(cls))
556                return cls
557        class A:
558            __metaclass__ = autosuper
559            def meth(self):
560                return "A"
561        class B(A):
562            def meth(self):
563                return "B" + self.__super.meth()
564        class C(A):
565            def meth(self):
566                return "C" + self.__super.meth()
567        class D(C, B):
568            def meth(self):
569                return "D" + self.__super.meth()
570        self.assertEqual(D().meth(), "DCBA")
571        class E(B, C):
572            def meth(self):
573                return "E" + self.__super.meth()
574        self.assertEqual(E().meth(), "EBCA")
576        class autoproperty(type):
577            # Automatically create property attributes when methods
578            # named _get_x and/or _set_x are found
579            def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict):
580                hits = {}
581                for key, val in dict.iteritems():
582                    if key.startswith("_get_"):
583                        key = key[5:]
584                        get, set = hits.get(key, (None, None))
585                        get = val
586                        hits[key] = get, set
587                    elif key.startswith("_set_"):
588                        key = key[5:]
589                        get, set = hits.get(key, (None, None))
590                        set = val
591                        hits[key] = get, set
592                for key, (get, set) in hits.iteritems():
593                    dict[key] = property(get, set)
594                return super(autoproperty, metaclass).__new__(metaclass,
595                                                            name, bases, dict)
596        class A:
597            __metaclass__ = autoproperty
598            def _get_x(self):
599                return -self.__x
600            def _set_x(self, x):
601                self.__x = -x
602        a = A()
603        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "x")
604        a.x = 12
605        self.assertEqual(a.x, 12)
606        self.assertEqual(a._A__x, -12)
608        class multimetaclass(autoproperty, autosuper):
609            # Merge of multiple cooperating metaclasses
610            pass
611        class A:
612            __metaclass__ = multimetaclass
613            def _get_x(self):
614                return "A"
615        class B(A):
616            def _get_x(self):
617                return "B" + self.__super._get_x()
618        class C(A):
619            def _get_x(self):
620                return "C" + self.__super._get_x()
621        class D(C, B):
622            def _get_x(self):
623                return "D" + self.__super._get_x()
624        self.assertEqual(D().x, "DCBA")
626        # Make sure type(x) doesn't call x.__class__.__init__
627        class T(type):
628            counter = 0
629            def __init__(self, *args):
630                T.counter += 1
631        class C:
632            __metaclass__ = T
633        self.assertEqual(T.counter, 1)
634        a = C()
635        self.assertEqual(type(a), C)
636        self.assertEqual(T.counter, 1)
638        class C(object): pass
639        c = C()
640        try: c()
641        except TypeError: pass
642        else: self.fail("calling object w/o call method should raise "
643                        "TypeError")
645        # Testing code to find most derived baseclass
646        class A(type):
647            def __new__(*args, **kwargs):
648                return type.__new__(*args, **kwargs)
650        class B(object):
651            pass
653        class C(object):
654            __metaclass__ = A
656        # The most derived metaclass of D is A rather than type.
657        class D(B, C):
658            pass
660    def test_module_subclasses(self):
661        # Testing Python subclass of module...
662        log = []
663        MT = type(sys)
664        class MM(MT):
665            def __init__(self, name):
666                MT.__init__(self, name)
667            def __getattribute__(self, name):
668                log.append(("getattr", name))
669                return MT.__getattribute__(self, name)
670            def __setattr__(self, name, value):
671                log.append(("setattr", name, value))
672                MT.__setattr__(self, name, value)
673            def __delattr__(self, name):
674                log.append(("delattr", name))
675                MT.__delattr__(self, name)
676        a = MM("a")
677        a.foo = 12
678        x = a.foo
679        del a.foo
680        self.assertEqual(log, [("setattr", "foo", 12),
681                               ("getattr", "foo"),
682                               ("delattr", "foo")])
684        # http://python.org/sf/1174712
685        try:
686            class Module(types.ModuleType, str):
687                pass
688        except TypeError:
689            pass
690        else:
691            self.fail("inheriting from ModuleType and str at the same time "
692                      "should fail")
694    def test_multiple_inheritance(self):
695        # Testing multiple inheritance...
696        class C(object):
697            def __init__(self):
698                self.__state = 0
699            def getstate(self):
700                return self.__state
701            def setstate(self, state):
702                self.__state = state
703        a = C()
704        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
705        a.setstate(10)
706        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 10)
707        class D(dict, C):
708            def __init__(self):
709                type({}).__init__(self)
710                C.__init__(self)
711        d = D()
712        self.assertEqual(d.keys(), [])
713        d["hello"] = "world"
714        self.assertEqual(d.items(), [("hello", "world")])
715        self.assertEqual(d["hello"], "world")
716        self.assertEqual(d.getstate(), 0)
717        d.setstate(10)
718        self.assertEqual(d.getstate(), 10)
719        self.assertEqual(D.__mro__, (D, dict, C, object))
721        # SF bug #442833
722        class Node(object):
723            def __int__(self):
724                return int(self.foo())
725            def foo(self):
726                return "23"
727        class Frag(Node, list):
728            def foo(self):
729                return "42"
730        self.assertEqual(Node().__int__(), 23)
731        self.assertEqual(int(Node()), 23)
732        self.assertEqual(Frag().__int__(), 42)
733        self.assertEqual(int(Frag()), 42)
735        # MI mixing classic and new-style classes.
737        class A:
738            x = 1
740        class B(A):
741            pass
743        class C(A):
744            x = 2
746        class D(B, C):
747            pass
748        self.assertEqual(D.x, 1)
750        # Classic MRO is preserved for a classic base class.
751        class E(D, object):
752            pass
753        self.assertEqual(E.__mro__, (E, D, B, A, C, object))
754        self.assertEqual(E.x, 1)
756        # But with a mix of classic bases, their MROs are combined using
757        # new-style MRO.
758        class F(B, C, object):
759            pass
760        self.assertEqual(F.__mro__, (F, B, C, A, object))
761        self.assertEqual(F.x, 2)
763        # Try something else.
764        class C:
765            def cmethod(self):
766                return "C a"
767            def all_method(self):
768                return "C b"
770        class M1(C, object):
771            def m1method(self):
772                return "M1 a"
773            def all_method(self):
774                return "M1 b"
776        self.assertEqual(M1.__mro__, (M1, C, object))
777        m = M1()
778        self.assertEqual(m.cmethod(), "C a")
779        self.assertEqual(m.m1method(), "M1 a")
780        self.assertEqual(m.all_method(), "M1 b")
782        class D(C):
783            def dmethod(self):
784                return "D a"
785            def all_method(self):
786                return "D b"
788        class M2(D, object):
789            def m2method(self):
790                return "M2 a"
791            def all_method(self):
792                return "M2 b"
794        self.assertEqual(M2.__mro__, (M2, D, C, object))
795        m = M2()
796        self.assertEqual(m.cmethod(), "C a")
797        self.assertEqual(m.dmethod(), "D a")
798        self.assertEqual(m.m2method(), "M2 a")
799        self.assertEqual(m.all_method(), "M2 b")
801        class M3(M1, M2, object):
802            def m3method(self):
803                return "M3 a"
804            def all_method(self):
805                return "M3 b"
806        self.assertEqual(M3.__mro__, (M3, M1, M2, D, C, object))
807        m = M3()
808        self.assertEqual(m.cmethod(), "C a")
809        self.assertEqual(m.dmethod(), "D a")
810        self.assertEqual(m.m1method(), "M1 a")
811        self.assertEqual(m.m2method(), "M2 a")
812        self.assertEqual(m.m3method(), "M3 a")
813        self.assertEqual(m.all_method(), "M3 b")
815        class Classic:
816            pass
817        try:
818            class New(Classic):
819                __metaclass__ = type
820        except TypeError:
821            pass
822        else:
823            self.fail("new class with only classic bases - shouldn't be")
825    def test_diamond_inheritance(self):
826        # Testing multiple inheritance special cases...
827        class A(object):
828            def spam(self): return "A"
829        self.assertEqual(A().spam(), "A")
830        class B(A):
831            def boo(self): return "B"
832            def spam(self): return "B"
833        self.assertEqual(B().spam(), "B")
834        self.assertEqual(B().boo(), "B")
835        class C(A):
836            def boo(self): return "C"
837        self.assertEqual(C().spam(), "A")
838        self.assertEqual(C().boo(), "C")
839        class D(B, C): pass
840        self.assertEqual(D().spam(), "B")
841        self.assertEqual(D().boo(), "B")
842        self.assertEqual(D.__mro__, (D, B, C, A, object))
843        class E(C, B): pass
844        self.assertEqual(E().spam(), "B")
845        self.assertEqual(E().boo(), "C")
846        self.assertEqual(E.__mro__, (E, C, B, A, object))
847        # MRO order disagreement
848        try:
849            class F(D, E): pass
850        except TypeError:
851            pass
852        else:
853            self.fail("expected MRO order disagreement (F)")
854        try:
855            class G(E, D): pass
856        except TypeError:
857            pass
858        else:
859            self.fail("expected MRO order disagreement (G)")
861    # see thread python-dev/2002-October/029035.html
862    def test_ex5_from_c3_switch(self):
863        # Testing ex5 from C3 switch discussion...
864        class A(object): pass
865        class B(object): pass
866        class C(object): pass
867        class X(A): pass
868        class Y(A): pass
869        class Z(X,B,Y,C): pass
870        self.assertEqual(Z.__mro__, (Z, X, B, Y, A, C, object))
872    # see "A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan",
873    # by Kim Barrett et al. (OOPSLA 1996)
874    def test_monotonicity(self):
875        # Testing MRO monotonicity...
876        class Boat(object): pass
877        class DayBoat(Boat): pass
878        class WheelBoat(Boat): pass
879        class EngineLess(DayBoat): pass
880        class SmallMultihull(DayBoat): pass
881        class PedalWheelBoat(EngineLess,WheelBoat): pass
882        class SmallCatamaran(SmallMultihull): pass
883        class Pedalo(PedalWheelBoat,SmallCatamaran): pass
885        self.assertEqual(PedalWheelBoat.__mro__,
886              (PedalWheelBoat, EngineLess, DayBoat, WheelBoat, Boat, object))
887        self.assertEqual(SmallCatamaran.__mro__,
888              (SmallCatamaran, SmallMultihull, DayBoat, Boat, object))
889        self.assertEqual(Pedalo.__mro__,
890              (Pedalo, PedalWheelBoat, EngineLess, SmallCatamaran,
891               SmallMultihull, DayBoat, WheelBoat, Boat, object))
893    # see "A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan",
894    # by Kim Barrett et al. (OOPSLA 1996)
895    def test_consistency_with_epg(self):
896        # Testing consistency with EPG...
897        class Pane(object): pass
898        class ScrollingMixin(object): pass
899        class EditingMixin(object): pass
900        class ScrollablePane(Pane,ScrollingMixin): pass
901        class EditablePane(Pane,EditingMixin): pass
902        class EditableScrollablePane(ScrollablePane,EditablePane): pass
904        self.assertEqual(EditableScrollablePane.__mro__,
905              (EditableScrollablePane, ScrollablePane, EditablePane, Pane,
906                ScrollingMixin, EditingMixin, object))
908    def test_mro_disagreement(self):
909        # Testing error messages for MRO disagreement...
910        mro_err_msg = """Cannot create a consistent method resolution
911order (MRO) for bases """
913        def raises(exc, expected, callable, *args):
914            try:
915                callable(*args)
916            except exc, msg:
917                # the exact msg is generally considered an impl detail
918                if test_support.check_impl_detail():
919                    if not str(msg).startswith(expected):
920                        self.fail("Message %r, expected %r" %
921                                  (str(msg), expected))
922            else:
923                self.fail("Expected %s" % exc)
925        class A(object): pass
926        class B(A): pass
927        class C(object): pass
929        # Test some very simple errors
930        raises(TypeError, "duplicate base class A",
931               type, "X", (A, A), {})
932        raises(TypeError, mro_err_msg,
933               type, "X", (A, B), {})
934        raises(TypeError, mro_err_msg,
935               type, "X", (A, C, B), {})
936        # Test a slightly more complex error
937        class GridLayout(object): pass
938        class HorizontalGrid(GridLayout): pass
939        class VerticalGrid(GridLayout): pass
940        class HVGrid(HorizontalGrid, VerticalGrid): pass
941        class VHGrid(VerticalGrid, HorizontalGrid): pass
942        raises(TypeError, mro_err_msg,
943               type, "ConfusedGrid", (HVGrid, VHGrid), {})
945    def test_object_class(self):
946        # Testing object class...
947        a = object()
948        self.assertEqual(a.__class__, object)
949        self.assertEqual(type(a), object)
950        b = object()
951        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
952        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "foo")
953        try:
954            a.foo = 12
955        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
956            pass
957        else:
958            self.fail("object() should not allow setting a foo attribute")
959        self.assertNotHasAttr(object(), "__dict__")
961        class Cdict(object):
962            pass
963        x = Cdict()
964        self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, {})
965        x.foo = 1
966        self.assertEqual(x.foo, 1)
967        self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, {'foo': 1})
969    def test_slots(self):
970        # Testing __slots__...
971        class C0(object):
972            __slots__ = []
973        x = C0()
974        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "__dict__")
975        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "foo")
977        class C1(object):
978            __slots__ = ['a']
979        x = C1()
980        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "__dict__")
981        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "a")
982        x.a = 1
983        self.assertEqual(x.a, 1)
984        x.a = None
985        self.assertEqual(x.a, None)
986        del x.a
987        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "a")
989        class C3(object):
990            __slots__ = ['a', 'b', 'c']
991        x = C3()
992        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, "__dict__")
993        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, 'a')
994        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, 'b')
995        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, 'c')
996        x.a = 1
997        x.b = 2
998        x.c = 3
999        self.assertEqual(x.a, 1)
1000        self.assertEqual(x.b, 2)
1001        self.assertEqual(x.c, 3)
1003        class C4(object):
1004            """Validate name mangling"""
1005            __slots__ = ['__a']
1006            def __init__(self, value):
1007                self.__a = value
1008            def get(self):
1009                return self.__a
1010        x = C4(5)
1011        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, '__dict__')
1012        self.assertNotHasAttr(x, '__a')
1013        self.assertEqual(x.get(), 5)
1014        try:
1015            x.__a = 6
1016        except AttributeError:
1017            pass
1018        else:
1019            self.fail("Double underscored names not mangled")
1021        # Make sure slot names are proper identifiers
1022        try:
1023            class C(object):
1024                __slots__ = [None]
1025        except TypeError:
1026            pass
1027        else:
1028            self.fail("[None] slots not caught")
1029        try:
1030            class C(object):
1031                __slots__ = ["foo bar"]
1032        except TypeError:
1033            pass
1034        else:
1035            self.fail("['foo bar'] slots not caught")
1036        try:
1037            class C(object):
1038                __slots__ = ["foo\0bar"]
1039        except TypeError:
1040            pass
1041        else:
1042            self.fail("['foo\\0bar'] slots not caught")
1043        try:
1044            class C(object):
1045                __slots__ = ["1"]
1046        except TypeError:
1047            pass
1048        else:
1049            self.fail("['1'] slots not caught")
1050        try:
1051            class C(object):
1052                __slots__ = [""]
1053        except TypeError:
1054            pass
1055        else:
1056            self.fail("[''] slots not caught")
1057        class C(object):
1058            __slots__ = ["a", "a_b", "_a", "A0123456789Z"]
1059        # XXX(nnorwitz): was there supposed to be something tested
1060        # from the class above?
1062        # Test a single string is not expanded as a sequence.
1063        class C(object):
1064            __slots__ = "abc"
1065        c = C()
1066        c.abc = 5
1067        self.assertEqual(c.abc, 5)
1069    def test_unicode_slots(self):
1070        # Test unicode slot names
1071        try:
1072            unicode
1073        except NameError:
1074            self.skipTest('no unicode support')
1075        else:
1076            # Test a single unicode string is not expanded as a sequence.
1077            class C(object):
1078                __slots__ = unicode("abc")
1079            c = C()
1080            c.abc = 5
1081            self.assertEqual(c.abc, 5)
1083            # _unicode_to_string used to modify slots in certain circumstances
1084            slots = (unicode("foo"), unicode("bar"))
1085            class C(object):
1086                __slots__ = slots
1087            x = C()
1088            x.foo = 5
1089            self.assertEqual(x.foo, 5)
1090            self.assertEqual(type(slots[0]), unicode)
1091            # this used to leak references
1092            try:
1093                class C(object):
1094                    __slots__ = [unichr(128)]
1095            except (TypeError, UnicodeEncodeError):
1096                pass
1097            else:
1098                self.fail("[unichr(128)] slots not caught")
1100        # Test leaks
1101        class Counted(object):
1102            counter = 0    # counts the number of instances alive
1103            def __init__(self):
1104                Counted.counter += 1
1105            def __del__(self):
1106                Counted.counter -= 1
1107        class C(object):
1108            __slots__ = ['a', 'b', 'c']
1109        x = C()
1110        x.a = Counted()
1111        x.b = Counted()
1112        x.c = Counted()
1113        self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 3)
1114        del x
1115        test_support.gc_collect()
1116        self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 0)
1117        class D(C):
1118            pass
1119        x = D()
1120        x.a = Counted()
1121        x.z = Counted()
1122        self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 2)
1123        del x
1124        test_support.gc_collect()
1125        self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 0)
1126        class E(D):
1127            __slots__ = ['e']
1128        x = E()
1129        x.a = Counted()
1130        x.z = Counted()
1131        x.e = Counted()
1132        self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 3)
1133        del x
1134        test_support.gc_collect()
1135        self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 0)
1137        # Test cyclical leaks [SF bug 519621]
1138        class F(object):
1139            __slots__ = ['a', 'b']
1140        s = F()
1141        s.a = [Counted(), s]
1142        self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 1)
1143        s = None
1144        test_support.gc_collect()
1145        self.assertEqual(Counted.counter, 0)
1147        # Test lookup leaks [SF bug 572567]
1148        if hasattr(gc, 'get_objects'):
1149            class G(object):
1150                def __cmp__(self, other):
1151                    return 0
1152                __hash__ = None # Silence Py3k warning
1153            g = G()
1154            orig_objects = len(gc.get_objects())
1155            for i in xrange(10):
1156                g==g
1157            new_objects = len(gc.get_objects())
1158            self.assertEqual(orig_objects, new_objects)
1160        class H(object):
1161            __slots__ = ['a', 'b']
1162            def __init__(self):
1163                self.a = 1
1164                self.b = 2
1165            def __del__(self_):
1166                self.assertEqual(self_.a, 1)
1167                self.assertEqual(self_.b, 2)
1168        with test_support.captured_output('stderr') as s:
1169            h = H()
1170            del h
1171        self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), '')
1173        class X(object):
1174            __slots__ = "a"
1175        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
1176            del X().a
1178    def test_slots_special(self):
1179        # Testing __dict__ and __weakref__ in __slots__...
1180        class D(object):
1181            __slots__ = ["__dict__"]
1182        a = D()
1183        self.assertHasAttr(a, "__dict__")
1184        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "__weakref__")
1185        a.foo = 42
1186        self.assertEqual(a.__dict__, {"foo": 42})
1188        class W(object):
1189            __slots__ = ["__weakref__"]
1190        a = W()
1191        self.assertHasAttr(a, "__weakref__")
1192        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "__dict__")
1193        try:
1194            a.foo = 42
1195        except AttributeError:
1196            pass
1197        else:
1198            self.fail("shouldn't be allowed to set a.foo")
1200        class C1(W, D):
1201            __slots__ = []
1202        a = C1()
1203        self.assertHasAttr(a, "__dict__")
1204        self.assertHasAttr(a, "__weakref__")
1205        a.foo = 42
1206        self.assertEqual(a.__dict__, {"foo": 42})
1208        class C2(D, W):
1209            __slots__ = []
1210        a = C2()
1211        self.assertHasAttr(a, "__dict__")
1212        self.assertHasAttr(a, "__weakref__")
1213        a.foo = 42
1214        self.assertEqual(a.__dict__, {"foo": 42})
1216    def test_slots_descriptor(self):
1217        # Issue2115: slot descriptors did not correctly check
1218        # the type of the given object
1219        import abc
1220        class MyABC:
1221            __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
1222            __slots__ = "a"
1224        class Unrelated(object):
1225            pass
1226        MyABC.register(Unrelated)
1228        u = Unrelated()
1229        self.assertIsInstance(u, MyABC)
1231        # This used to crash
1232        self.assertRaises(TypeError, MyABC.a.__set__, u, 3)
1234    def test_metaclass_cmp(self):
1235        # See bug 7491.
1236        class M(type):
1237            def __cmp__(self, other):
1238                return -1
1239        class X(object):
1240            __metaclass__ = M
1241        self.assertTrue(X < M)
1243    def test_dynamics(self):
1244        # Testing class attribute propagation...
1245        class D(object):
1246            pass
1247        class E(D):
1248            pass
1249        class F(D):
1250            pass
1251        D.foo = 1
1252        self.assertEqual(D.foo, 1)
1253        # Test that dynamic attributes are inherited
1254        self.assertEqual(E.foo, 1)
1255        self.assertEqual(F.foo, 1)
1256        # Test dynamic instances
1257        class C(object):
1258            pass
1259        a = C()
1260        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "foobar")
1261        C.foobar = 2
1262        self.assertEqual(a.foobar, 2)
1263        C.method = lambda self: 42
1264        self.assertEqual(a.method(), 42)
1265        C.__repr__ = lambda self: "C()"
1266        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "C()")
1267        C.__int__ = lambda self: 100
1268        self.assertEqual(int(a), 100)
1269        self.assertEqual(a.foobar, 2)
1270        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "spam")
1271        def mygetattr(self, name):
1272            if name == "spam":
1273                return "spam"
1274            raise AttributeError
1275        C.__getattr__ = mygetattr
1276        self.assertEqual(a.spam, "spam")
1277        a.new = 12
1278        self.assertEqual(a.new, 12)
1279        def mysetattr(self, name, value):
1280            if name == "spam":
1281                raise AttributeError
1282            return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
1283        C.__setattr__ = mysetattr
1284        try:
1285            a.spam = "not spam"
1286        except AttributeError:
1287            pass
1288        else:
1289            self.fail("expected AttributeError")
1290        self.assertEqual(a.spam, "spam")
1291        class D(C):
1292            pass
1293        d = D()
1294        d.foo = 1
1295        self.assertEqual(d.foo, 1)
1297        # Test handling of int*seq and seq*int
1298        class I(int):
1299            pass
1300        self.assertEqual("a"*I(2), "aa")
1301        self.assertEqual(I(2)*"a", "aa")
1302        self.assertEqual(2*I(3), 6)
1303        self.assertEqual(I(3)*2, 6)
1304        self.assertEqual(I(3)*I(2), 6)
1306        # Test handling of long*seq and seq*long
1307        class L(long):
1308            pass
1309        self.assertEqual("a"*L(2L), "aa")
1310        self.assertEqual(L(2L)*"a", "aa")
1311        self.assertEqual(2*L(3), 6)
1312        self.assertEqual(L(3)*2, 6)
1313        self.assertEqual(L(3)*L(2), 6)
1315        # Test comparison of classes with dynamic metaclasses
1316        class dynamicmetaclass(type):
1317            pass
1318        class someclass:
1319            __metaclass__ = dynamicmetaclass
1320        self.assertNotEqual(someclass, object)
1322    def test_errors(self):
1323        # Testing errors...
1324        try:
1325            class C(list, dict):
1326                pass
1327        except TypeError:
1328            pass
1329        else:
1330            self.fail("inheritance from both list and dict should be illegal")
1332        try:
1333            class C(object, None):
1334                pass
1335        except TypeError:
1336            pass
1337        else:
1338            self.fail("inheritance from non-type should be illegal")
1339        class Classic:
1340            pass
1342        try:
1343            class C(type(len)):
1344                pass
1345        except TypeError:
1346            pass
1347        else:
1348            self.fail("inheritance from CFunction should be illegal")
1350        try:
1351            class C(object):
1352                __slots__ = 1
1353        except TypeError:
1354            pass
1355        else:
1356            self.fail("__slots__ = 1 should be illegal")
1358        try:
1359            class C(object):
1360                __slots__ = [1]
1361        except TypeError:
1362            pass
1363        else:
1364            self.fail("__slots__ = [1] should be illegal")
1366        class M1(type):
1367            pass
1368        class M2(type):
1369            pass
1370        class A1(object):
1371            __metaclass__ = M1
1372        class A2(object):
1373            __metaclass__ = M2
1374        try:
1375            class B(A1, A2):
1376                pass
1377        except TypeError:
1378            pass
1379        else:
1380            self.fail("finding the most derived metaclass should have failed")
1382    def test_classmethods(self):
1383        # Testing class methods...
1384        class C(object):
1385            def foo(*a): return a
1386            goo = classmethod(foo)
1387        c = C()
1388        self.assertEqual(C.goo(1), (C, 1))
1389        self.assertEqual(c.goo(1), (C, 1))
1390        self.assertEqual(c.foo(1), (c, 1))
1391        class D(C):
1392            pass
1393        d = D()
1394        self.assertEqual(D.goo(1), (D, 1))
1395        self.assertEqual(d.goo(1), (D, 1))
1396        self.assertEqual(d.foo(1), (d, 1))
1397        self.assertEqual(D.foo(d, 1), (d, 1))
1398        # Test for a specific crash (SF bug 528132)
1399        def f(cls, arg): return (cls, arg)
1400        ff = classmethod(f)
1401        self.assertEqual(ff.__get__(0, int)(42), (int, 42))
1402        self.assertEqual(ff.__get__(0)(42), (int, 42))
1404        # Test super() with classmethods (SF bug 535444)
1405        self.assertEqual(C.goo.im_self, C)
1406        self.assertEqual(D.goo.im_self, D)
1407        self.assertEqual(super(D,D).goo.im_self, D)
1408        self.assertEqual(super(D,d).goo.im_self, D)
1409        self.assertEqual(super(D,D).goo(), (D,))
1410        self.assertEqual(super(D,d).goo(), (D,))
1412        # Verify that a non-callable will raise
1413        meth = classmethod(1).__get__(1)
1414        self.assertRaises(TypeError, meth)
1416        # Verify that classmethod() doesn't allow keyword args
1417        try:
1418            classmethod(f, kw=1)
1419        except TypeError:
1420            pass
1421        else:
1422            self.fail("classmethod shouldn't accept keyword args")
1424    @test_support.cpython_only
1425    def test_classmethod_copy_pickle(self):
1426        cm = classmethod(func)
1427        with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
1428                (".*classmethod", DeprecationWarning)):
1429            copy.copy(cm)
1430        with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
1431                (".*classmethod", DeprecationWarning)):
1432            copy.deepcopy(cm)
1433        for proto in range(2):
1434            self.assertRaises(TypeError, pickle.dumps, cm, proto)
1435        with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
1436                (".*classmethod", DeprecationWarning)):
1437            pickle.dumps(cm, 2)
1439    @test_support.impl_detail("the module 'xxsubtype' is internal")
1440    def test_classmethods_in_c(self):
1441        # Testing C-based class methods...
1442        import xxsubtype as spam
1443        a = (1, 2, 3)
1444        d = {'abc': 123}
1445        x, a1, d1 = spam.spamlist.classmeth(*a, **d)
1446        self.assertEqual(x, spam.spamlist)
1447        self.assertEqual(a, a1)
1448        self.assertEqual(d, d1)
1449        x, a1, d1 = spam.spamlist().classmeth(*a, **d)
1450        self.assertEqual(x, spam.spamlist)
1451        self.assertEqual(a, a1)
1452        self.assertEqual(d, d1)
1453        spam_cm = spam.spamlist.__dict__['classmeth']
1454        x2, a2, d2 = spam_cm(spam.spamlist, *a, **d)
1455        self.assertEqual(x2, spam.spamlist)
1456        self.assertEqual(a2, a1)
1457        self.assertEqual(d2, d1)
1458        class SubSpam(spam.spamlist): pass
1459        x2, a2, d2 = spam_cm(SubSpam, *a, **d)
1460        self.assertEqual(x2, SubSpam)
1461        self.assertEqual(a2, a1)
1462        self.assertEqual(d2, d1)
1463        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
1464            spam_cm()
1465        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
1466            spam_cm(spam.spamlist())
1467        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
1468            spam_cm(list)
1470    def test_staticmethods(self):
1471        # Testing static methods...
1472        class C(object):
1473            def foo(*a): return a
1474            goo = staticmethod(foo)
1475        c = C()
1476        self.assertEqual(C.goo(1), (1,))
1477        self.assertEqual(c.goo(1), (1,))
1478        self.assertEqual(c.foo(1), (c, 1,))
1479        class D(C):
1480            pass
1481        d = D()
1482        self.assertEqual(D.goo(1), (1,))
1483        self.assertEqual(d.goo(1), (1,))
1484        self.assertEqual(d.foo(1), (d, 1))
1485        self.assertEqual(D.foo(d, 1), (d, 1))
1487    @test_support.cpython_only
1488    def test_staticmethod_copy_pickle(self):
1489        sm = staticmethod(func)
1490        with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
1491                (".*staticmethod", DeprecationWarning)):
1492            copy.copy(sm)
1493        with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
1494                (".*staticmethod", DeprecationWarning)):
1495            copy.deepcopy(sm)
1496        for proto in range(2):
1497            self.assertRaises(TypeError, pickle.dumps, sm, proto)
1498        with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
1499                (".*staticmethod", DeprecationWarning)):
1500            pickle.dumps(sm, 2)
1502    @test_support.impl_detail("the module 'xxsubtype' is internal")
1503    def test_staticmethods_in_c(self):
1504        # Testing C-based static methods...
1505        import xxsubtype as spam
1506        a = (1, 2, 3)
1507        d = {"abc": 123}
1508        x, a1, d1 = spam.spamlist.staticmeth(*a, **d)
1509        self.assertEqual(x, None)
1510        self.assertEqual(a, a1)
1511        self.assertEqual(d, d1)
1512        x, a1, d2 = spam.spamlist().staticmeth(*a, **d)
1513        self.assertEqual(x, None)
1514        self.assertEqual(a, a1)
1515        self.assertEqual(d, d1)
1517    def test_classic(self):
1518        # Testing classic classes...
1519        class C:
1520            def foo(*a): return a
1521            goo = classmethod(foo)
1522        c = C()
1523        self.assertEqual(C.goo(1), (C, 1))
1524        self.assertEqual(c.goo(1), (C, 1))
1525        self.assertEqual(c.foo(1), (c, 1))
1526        class D(C):
1527            pass
1528        d = D()
1529        self.assertEqual(D.goo(1), (D, 1))
1530        self.assertEqual(d.goo(1), (D, 1))
1531        self.assertEqual(d.foo(1), (d, 1))
1532        self.assertEqual(D.foo(d, 1), (d, 1))
1533        class E: # *not* subclassing from C
1534            foo = C.foo
1535        self.assertEqual(E().foo, C.foo) # i.e., unbound
1536        self.assertTrue(repr(C.foo.__get__(C())).startswith("<bound method "))
1538    def test_compattr(self):
1539        # Testing computed attributes...
1540        class C(object):
1541            class computed_attribute(object):
1542                def __init__(self, get, set=None, delete=None):
1543                    self.__get = get
1544                    self.__set = set
1545                    self.__delete = delete
1546                def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
1547                    return self.__get(obj)
1548                def __set__(self, obj, value):
1549                    return self.__set(obj, value)
1550                def __delete__(self, obj):
1551                    return self.__delete(obj)
1552            def __init__(self):
1553                self.__x = 0
1554            def __get_x(self):
1555                x = self.__x
1556                self.__x = x+1
1557                return x
1558            def __set_x(self, x):
1559                self.__x = x
1560            def __delete_x(self):
1561                del self.__x
1562            x = computed_attribute(__get_x, __set_x, __delete_x)
1563        a = C()
1564        self.assertEqual(a.x, 0)
1565        self.assertEqual(a.x, 1)
1566        a.x = 10
1567        self.assertEqual(a.x, 10)
1568        self.assertEqual(a.x, 11)
1569        del a.x
1570        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, 'x')
1572    def test_newslots(self):
1573        # Testing __new__ slot override...
1574        class C(list):
1575            def __new__(cls):
1576                self = list.__new__(cls)
1577                self.foo = 1
1578                return self
1579            def __init__(self):
1580                self.foo = self.foo + 2
1581        a = C()
1582        self.assertEqual(a.foo, 3)
1583        self.assertEqual(a.__class__, C)
1584        class D(C):
1585            pass
1586        b = D()
1587        self.assertEqual(b.foo, 3)
1588        self.assertEqual(b.__class__, D)
1590    @unittest.expectedFailure
1591    def test_bad_new(self):
1592        self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__)
1593        self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__, '')
1594        self.assertRaises(TypeError, list.__new__, object)
1595        self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__, list)
1596        class C(object):
1597            __new__ = list.__new__
1598        self.assertRaises(TypeError, C)
1599        class C(list):
1600            __new__ = object.__new__
1601        self.assertRaises(TypeError, C)
1603    def test_object_new(self):
1604        class A(object):
1605            pass
1606        object.__new__(A)
1607        self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__, A, 5)
1608        object.__init__(A())
1609        self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__init__, A(), 5)
1611        class A(object):
1612            def __init__(self, foo):
1613                self.foo = foo
1614        object.__new__(A)
1615        object.__new__(A, 5)
1616        object.__init__(A(3))
1617        self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__init__, A(3), 5)
1619        class A(object):
1620            def __new__(cls, foo):
1621                return object.__new__(cls)
1622        object.__new__(A)
1623        self.assertRaises(TypeError, object.__new__, A, 5)
1624        object.__init__(A(3))
1625        object.__init__(A(3), 5)
1627        class A(object):
1628            def __new__(cls, foo):
1629                return object.__new__(cls)
1630            def __init__(self, foo):
1631                self.foo = foo
1632        object.__new__(A)
1633        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
1634            warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
1635            a = object.__new__(A, 5)
1636        self.assertEqual(type(a), A)
1637        self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
1638        object.__init__(A(3))
1639        a = A(3)
1640        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
1641            warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
1642            object.__init__(a, 5)
1643        self.assertEqual(a.foo, 3)
1644        self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
1646    @unittest.expectedFailure
1647    def test_restored_object_new(self):
1648        class A(object):
1649            def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
1650                raise AssertionError
1651        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, A)
1652        class B(A):
1653            __new__ = object.__new__
1654            def __init__(self, foo):
1655                self.foo = foo
1656        with warnings.catch_warnings():
1657            warnings.simplefilter('error', DeprecationWarning)
1658            b = B(3)
1659        self.assertEqual(b.foo, 3)
1660        self.assertEqual(b.__class__, B)
1661        del B.__new__
1662        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, B)
1663        del A.__new__
1664        with warnings.catch_warnings():
1665            warnings.simplefilter('error', DeprecationWarning)
1666            b = B(3)
1667        self.assertEqual(b.foo, 3)
1668        self.assertEqual(b.__class__, B)
1670    def test_altmro(self):
1671        # Testing mro() and overriding it...
1672        class A(object):
1673            def f(self): return "A"
1674        class B(A):
1675            pass
1676        class C(A):
1677            def f(self): return "C"
1678        class D(B, C):
1679            pass
1680        self.assertEqual(D.mro(), [D, B, C, A, object])
1681        self.assertEqual(D.__mro__, (D, B, C, A, object))
1682        self.assertEqual(D().f(), "C")
1684        class PerverseMetaType(type):
1685            def mro(cls):
1686                L = type.mro(cls)
1687                L.reverse()
1688                return L
1689        class X(D,B,C,A):
1690            __metaclass__ = PerverseMetaType
1691        self.assertEqual(X.__mro__, (object, A, C, B, D, X))
1692        self.assertEqual(X().f(), "A")
1694        try:
1695            class X(object):
1696                class __metaclass__(type):
1697                    def mro(self):
1698                        return [self, dict, object]
1699            # In CPython, the class creation above already raises
1700            # TypeError, as a protection against the fact that
1701            # instances of X would segfault it.  In other Python
1702            # implementations it would be ok to let the class X
1703            # be created, but instead get a clean TypeError on the
1704            # __setitem__ below.
1705            x = object.__new__(X)
1706            x[5] = 6
1707        except TypeError:
1708            pass
1709        else:
1710            self.fail("devious mro() return not caught")
1712        try:
1713            class X(object):
1714                class __metaclass__(type):
1715                    def mro(self):
1716                        return [1]
1717        except TypeError:
1718            pass
1719        else:
1720            self.fail("non-class mro() return not caught")
1722        try:
1723            class X(object):
1724                class __metaclass__(type):
1725                    def mro(self):
1726                        return 1
1727        except TypeError:
1728            pass
1729        else:
1730            self.fail("non-sequence mro() return not caught")
1732    def test_overloading(self):
1733        # Testing operator overloading...
1735        class B(object):
1736            "Intermediate class because object doesn't have a __setattr__"
1738        class C(B):
1739            def __getattr__(self, name):
1740                if name == "foo":
1741                    return ("getattr", name)
1742                else:
1743                    raise AttributeError
1744            def __setattr__(self, name, value):
1745                if name == "foo":
1746                    self.setattr = (name, value)
1747                else:
1748                    return B.__setattr__(self, name, value)
1749            def __delattr__(self, name):
1750                if name == "foo":
1751                    self.delattr = name
1752                else:
1753                    return B.__delattr__(self, name)
1755            def __getitem__(self, key):
1756                return ("getitem", key)
1757            def __setitem__(self, key, value):
1758                self.setitem = (key, value)
1759            def __delitem__(self, key):
1760                self.delitem = key
1762            def __getslice__(self, i, j):
1763                return ("getslice", i, j)
1764            def __setslice__(self, i, j, value):
1765                self.setslice = (i, j, value)
1766            def __delslice__(self, i, j):
1767                self.delslice = (i, j)
1769        a = C()
1770        self.assertEqual(a.foo, ("getattr", "foo"))
1771        a.foo = 12
1772        self.assertEqual(a.setattr, ("foo", 12))
1773        del a.foo
1774        self.assertEqual(a.delattr, "foo")
1776        self.assertEqual(a[12], ("getitem", 12))
1777        a[12] = 21
1778        self.assertEqual(a.setitem, (12, 21))
1779        del a[12]
1780        self.assertEqual(a.delitem, 12)
1782        self.assertEqual(a[0:10], ("getslice", 0, 10))
1783        a[0:10] = "foo"
1784        self.assertEqual(a.setslice, (0, 10, "foo"))
1785        del a[0:10]
1786        self.assertEqual(a.delslice, (0, 10))
1788    def test_methods(self):
1789        # Testing methods...
1790        class C(object):
1791            def __init__(self, x):
1792                self.x = x
1793            def foo(self):
1794                return self.x
1795        c1 = C(1)
1796        self.assertEqual(c1.foo(), 1)
1797        class D(C):
1798            boo = C.foo
1799            goo = c1.foo
1800        d2 = D(2)
1801        self.assertEqual(d2.foo(), 2)
1802        self.assertEqual(d2.boo(), 2)
1803        self.assertEqual(d2.goo(), 1)
1804        class E(object):
1805            foo = C.foo
1806        self.assertEqual(E().foo, C.foo) # i.e., unbound
1807        self.assertTrue(repr(C.foo.__get__(C(1))).startswith("<bound method "))
1809    def test_special_method_lookup(self):
1810        # The lookup of special methods bypasses __getattr__ and
1811        # __getattribute__, but they still can be descriptors.
1813        def run_context(manager):
1814            with manager:
1815                pass
1816        def iden(self):
1817            return self
1818        def hello(self):
1819            return "hello"
1820        def empty_seq(self):
1821            return []
1822        def zero(self):
1823            return 0
1824        def complex_num(self):
1825            return 1j
1826        def stop(self):
1827            raise StopIteration
1828        def return_true(self, thing=None):
1829            return True
1830        def do_isinstance(obj):
1831            return isinstance(int, obj)
1832        def do_issubclass(obj):
1833            return issubclass(int, obj)
1834        def swallow(*args):
1835            pass
1836        def do_dict_missing(checker):
1837            class DictSub(checker.__class__, dict):
1838                pass
1839            self.assertEqual(DictSub()["hi"], 4)
1840        def some_number(self_, key):
1841            self.assertEqual(key, "hi")
1842            return 4
1843        def format_impl(self, spec):
1844            return "hello"
1846        # It would be nice to have every special method tested here, but I'm
1847        # only listing the ones I can remember outside of typeobject.c, since it
1848        # does it right.
1849        specials = [
1850            ("__unicode__", unicode, hello, set(), {}),
1851            ("__reversed__", reversed, empty_seq, set(), {}),
1852            ("__length_hint__", list, zero, set(),
1853             {"__iter__" : iden, "next" : stop}),
1854            ("__sizeof__", sys.getsizeof, zero, set(), {}),
1855            ("__instancecheck__", do_isinstance, return_true, set(), {}),
1856            ("__missing__", do_dict_missing, some_number,
1857             set(("__class__",)), {}),
1858            ("__subclasscheck__", do_issubclass, return_true,
1859             set(("__bases__",)), {}),
1860            ("__enter__", run_context, iden, set(), {"__exit__" : swallow}),
1861            ("__exit__", run_context, swallow, set(), {"__enter__" : iden}),
1862            ("__complex__", complex, complex_num, set(), {}),
1863            ("__format__", format, format_impl, set(), {}),
1864            ("__dir__", dir, empty_seq, set(), {}),
1865            ]
1867        class Checker(object):
1868            def __getattr__(self, attr, test=self):
1869                test.fail("__getattr__ called with {0}".format(attr))
1870            def __getattribute__(self, attr, test=self):
1871                if attr not in ok:
1872                    test.fail("__getattribute__ called with {0}".format(attr))
1873                return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
1874        class SpecialDescr(object):
1875            def __init__(self, impl):
1876                self.impl = impl
1877            def __get__(self, obj, owner):
1878                record.append(1)
1879                return self.impl.__get__(obj, owner)
1880        class MyException(Exception):
1881            pass
1882        class ErrDescr(object):
1883            def __get__(self, obj, owner):
1884                raise MyException
1886        for name, runner, meth_impl, ok, env in specials:
1887            class X(Checker):
1888                pass
1889            for attr, obj in env.iteritems():
1890                setattr(X, attr, obj)
1891            setattr(X, name, meth_impl)
1892            runner(X())
1894            record = []
1895            class X(Checker):
1896                pass
1897            for attr, obj in env.iteritems():
1898                setattr(X, attr, obj)
1899            setattr(X, name, SpecialDescr(meth_impl))
1900            runner(X())
1901            self.assertEqual(record, [1], name)
1903            class X(Checker):
1904                pass
1905            for attr, obj in env.iteritems():
1906                setattr(X, attr, obj)
1907            setattr(X, name, ErrDescr())
1908            try:
1909                runner(X())
1910            except MyException:
1911                pass
1912            else:
1913                self.fail("{0!r} didn't raise".format(name))
1915    def test_specials(self):
1916        # Testing special operators...
1917        # Test operators like __hash__ for which a built-in default exists
1919        # Test the default behavior for static classes
1920        class C(object):
1921            def __getitem__(self, i):
1922                if 0 <= i < 10: return i
1923                raise IndexError
1924        c1 = C()
1925        c2 = C()
1926        self.assertFalse(not c1)
1927        self.assertNotEqual(id(c1), id(c2))
1928        hash(c1)
1929        hash(c2)
1930        self.assertEqual(cmp(c1, c2), cmp(id(c1), id(c2)))
1931        self.assertEqual(c1, c1)
1932        self.assertTrue(c1 != c2)
1933        self.assertFalse(c1 != c1)
1934        self.assertFalse(c1 == c2)
1935        # Note that the module name appears in str/repr, and that varies
1936        # depending on whether this test is run standalone or from a framework.
1937        self.assertGreaterEqual(str(c1).find('C object at '), 0)
1938        self.assertEqual(str(c1), repr(c1))
1939        self.assertNotIn(-1, c1)
1940        for i in range(10):
1941            self.assertIn(i, c1)
1942        self.assertNotIn(10, c1)
1943        # Test the default behavior for dynamic classes
1944        class D(object):
1945            def __getitem__(self, i):
1946                if 0 <= i < 10: return i
1947                raise IndexError
1948        d1 = D()
1949        d2 = D()
1950        self.assertFalse(not d1)
1951        self.assertNotEqual(id(d1), id(d2))
1952        hash(d1)
1953        hash(d2)
1954        self.assertEqual(cmp(d1, d2), cmp(id(d1), id(d2)))
1955        self.assertEqual(d1, d1)
1956        self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
1957        self.assertFalse(d1 != d1)
1958        self.assertFalse(d1 == d2)
1959        # Note that the module name appears in str/repr, and that varies
1960        # depending on whether this test is run standalone or from a framework.
1961        self.assertGreaterEqual(str(d1).find('D object at '), 0)
1962        self.assertEqual(str(d1), repr(d1))
1963        self.assertNotIn(-1, d1)
1964        for i in range(10):
1965            self.assertIn(i, d1)
1966        self.assertNotIn(10, d1)
1967        # Test overridden behavior for static classes
1968        class Proxy(object):
1969            def __init__(self, x):
1970                self.x = x
1971            def __nonzero__(self):
1972                return not not self.x
1973            def __hash__(self):
1974                return hash(self.x)
1975            def __eq__(self, other):
1976                return self.x == other
1977            def __ne__(self, other):
1978                return self.x != other
1979            def __cmp__(self, other):
1980                return cmp(self.x, other.x)
1981            def __str__(self):
1982                return "Proxy:%s" % self.x
1983            def __repr__(self):
1984                return "Proxy(%r)" % self.x
1985            def __contains__(self, value):
1986                return value in self.x
1987        p0 = Proxy(0)
1988        p1 = Proxy(1)
1989        p_1 = Proxy(-1)
1990        self.assertFalse(p0)
1991        self.assertFalse(not p1)
1992        self.assertEqual(hash(p0), hash(0))
1993        self.assertEqual(p0, p0)
1994        self.assertNotEqual(p0, p1)
1995        self.assertFalse(p0 != p0)
1996        self.assertEqual(not p0, p1)
1997        self.assertEqual(cmp(p0, p1), -1)
1998        self.assertEqual(cmp(p0, p0), 0)
1999        self.assertEqual(cmp(p0, p_1), 1)
2000        self.assertEqual(str(p0), "Proxy:0")
2001        self.assertEqual(repr(p0), "Proxy(0)")
2002        p10 = Proxy(range(10))
2003        self.assertNotIn(-1, p10)
2004        for i in range(10):
2005            self.assertIn(i, p10)
2006        self.assertNotIn(10, p10)
2007        # Test overridden behavior for dynamic classes
2008        class DProxy(object):
2009            def __init__(self, x):
2010                self.x = x
2011            def __nonzero__(self):
2012                return not not self.x
2013            def __hash__(self):
2014                return hash(self.x)
2015            def __eq__(self, other):
2016                return self.x == other
2017            def __ne__(self, other):
2018                return self.x != other
2019            def __cmp__(self, other):
2020                return cmp(self.x, other.x)
2021            def __str__(self):
2022                return "DProxy:%s" % self.x
2023            def __repr__(self):
2024                return "DProxy(%r)" % self.x
2025            def __contains__(self, value):
2026                return value in self.x
2027        p0 = DProxy(0)
2028        p1 = DProxy(1)
2029        p_1 = DProxy(-1)
2030        self.assertFalse(p0)
2031        self.assertFalse(not p1)
2032        self.assertEqual(hash(p0), hash(0))
2033        self.assertEqual(p0, p0)
2034        self.assertNotEqual(p0, p1)
2035        self.assertNotEqual(not p0, p0)
2036        self.assertEqual(not p0, p1)
2037        self.assertEqual(cmp(p0, p1), -1)
2038        self.assertEqual(cmp(p0, p0), 0)
2039        self.assertEqual(cmp(p0, p_1), 1)
2040        self.assertEqual(str(p0), "DProxy:0")
2041        self.assertEqual(repr(p0), "DProxy(0)")
2042        p10 = DProxy(range(10))
2043        self.assertNotIn(-1, p10)
2044        for i in range(10):
2045            self.assertIn(i, p10)
2046        self.assertNotIn(10, p10)
2048        # Safety test for __cmp__
2049        def unsafecmp(a, b):
2050            if not hasattr(a, '__cmp__'):
2051                return   # some types don't have a __cmp__ any more (so the
2052                         # test doesn't make sense any more), or maybe they
2053                         # never had a __cmp__ at all, e.g. in PyPy
2054            try:
2055                a.__class__.__cmp__(a, b)
2056            except TypeError:
2057                pass
2058            else:
2059                self.fail("shouldn't allow %s.__cmp__(%r, %r)" % (
2060                    a.__class__, a, b))
2062        unsafecmp(u"123", "123")
2063        unsafecmp("123", u"123")
2064        unsafecmp(1, 1.0)
2065        unsafecmp(1.0, 1)
2066        unsafecmp(1, 1L)
2067        unsafecmp(1L, 1)
2069    @test_support.impl_detail("custom logic for printing to real file objects")
2070    def test_recursions_1(self):
2071        # Testing recursion checks ...
2072        class Letter(str):
2073            def __new__(cls, letter):
2074                if letter == 'EPS':
2075                    return str.__new__(cls)
2076                return str.__new__(cls, letter)
2077            def __str__(self):
2078                if not self:
2079                    return 'EPS'
2080                return self
2081        # sys.stdout needs to be the original to trigger the recursion bug
2082        test_stdout = sys.stdout
2083        sys.stdout = test_support.get_original_stdout()
2084        try:
2085            # nothing should actually be printed, this should raise an exception
2086            print Letter('w')
2087        except RuntimeError:
2088            pass
2089        else:
2090            self.fail("expected a RuntimeError for print recursion")
2091        finally:
2092            sys.stdout = test_stdout
2094    def test_recursions_2(self):
2095        # Bug #1202533.
2096        class A(object):
2097            pass
2098        A.__mul__ = types.MethodType(lambda self, x: self * x, None, A)
2099        try:
2100            A()*2
2101        except RuntimeError:
2102            pass
2103        else:
2104            self.fail("expected a RuntimeError")
2106    def test_weakrefs(self):
2107        # Testing weak references...
2108        import weakref
2109        class C(object):
2110            pass
2111        c = C()
2112        r = weakref.ref(c)
2113        self.assertEqual(r(), c)
2114        del c
2115        test_support.gc_collect()
2116        self.assertEqual(r(), None)
2117        del r
2118        class NoWeak(object):
2119            __slots__ = ['foo']
2120        no = NoWeak()
2121        try:
2122            weakref.ref(no)
2123        except TypeError, msg:
2124            self.assertIn("weak reference", str(msg))
2125        else:
2126            self.fail("weakref.ref(no) should be illegal")
2127        class Weak(object):
2128            __slots__ = ['foo', '__weakref__']
2129        yes = Weak()
2130        r = weakref.ref(yes)
2131        self.assertEqual(r(), yes)
2132        del yes
2133        test_support.gc_collect()
2134        self.assertEqual(r(), None)
2135        del r
2137    def test_properties(self):
2138        # Testing property...
2139        class C(object):
2140            def getx(self):
2141                return self.__x
2142            def setx(self, value):
2143                self.__x = value
2144            def delx(self):
2145                del self.__x
2146            x = property(getx, setx, delx, doc="I'm the x property.")
2147        a = C()
2148        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "x")
2149        a.x = 42
2150        self.assertEqual(a._C__x, 42)
2151        self.assertEqual(a.x, 42)
2152        del a.x
2153        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "x")
2154        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "_C__x")
2155        C.x.__set__(a, 100)
2156        self.assertEqual(C.x.__get__(a), 100)
2157        C.x.__delete__(a)
2158        self.assertNotHasAttr(a, "x")
2160        raw = C.__dict__['x']
2161        self.assertIsInstance(raw, property)
2163        attrs = dir(raw)
2164        self.assertIn("__doc__", attrs)
2165        self.assertIn("fget", attrs)
2166        self.assertIn("fset", attrs)
2167        self.assertIn("fdel", attrs)
2169        self.assertEqual(raw.__doc__, "I'm the x property.")
2170        self.assertIs(raw.fget, C.__dict__['getx'])
2171        self.assertIs(raw.fset, C.__dict__['setx'])
2172        self.assertIs(raw.fdel, C.__dict__['delx'])
2174        for attr in "__doc__", "fget", "fset", "fdel":
2175            try:
2176                setattr(raw, attr, 42)
2177            except TypeError, msg:
2178                if str(msg).find('readonly') < 0:
2179                    self.fail("when setting readonly attr %r on a property, "
2180                                     "got unexpected TypeError msg %r" % (attr, str(msg)))
2181            else:
2182                self.fail("expected TypeError from trying to set readonly %r "
2183                                 "attr on a property" % attr)
2185        class D(object):
2186            __getitem__ = property(lambda s: 1.0/0.0)
2188        d = D()
2189        try:
2190            for i in d:
2191                str(i)
2192        except ZeroDivisionError:
2193            pass
2194        else:
2195            self.fail("expected ZeroDivisionError from bad property")
2197    @test_support.cpython_only
2198    def test_property_copy_pickle(self):
2199        p = property(func)
2200        with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
2201                (".*property", DeprecationWarning)):
2202            copy.copy(p)
2203        with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
2204                (".*property", DeprecationWarning)):
2205            copy.deepcopy(p)
2206        for proto in range(2):
2207            self.assertRaises(TypeError, pickle.dumps, p, proto)
2208        with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
2209                (".*property", DeprecationWarning)):
2210            pickle.dumps(p, 2)
2212    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
2213                     "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
2214    def test_properties_doc_attrib(self):
2215        class E(object):
2216            def getter(self):
2217                "getter method"
2218                return 0
2219            def setter(self_, value):
2220                "setter method"
2221                pass
2222            prop = property(getter)
2223            self.assertEqual(prop.__doc__, "getter method")
2224            prop2 = property(fset=setter)
2225            self.assertEqual(prop2.__doc__, None)
2227    @test_support.cpython_only
2228    def test_testcapi_no_segfault(self):
2229        # this segfaulted in 2.5b2
2230        try:
2231            import _testcapi
2232        except ImportError:
2233            pass
2234        else:
2235            class X(object):
2236                p = property(_testcapi.test_with_docstring)
2238    def test_properties_plus(self):
2239        class C(object):
2240            foo = property(doc="hello")
2241            @foo.getter
2242            def foo(self):
2243                return self._foo
2244            @foo.setter
2245            def foo(self, value):
2246                self._foo = abs(value)
2247            @foo.deleter
2248            def foo(self):
2249                del self._foo
2250        c = C()
2251        self.assertEqual(C.foo.__doc__, "hello")
2252        self.assertNotHasAttr(c, "foo")
2253        c.foo = -42
2254        self.assertHasAttr(c, '_foo')
2255        self.assertEqual(c._foo, 42)
2256        self.assertEqual(c.foo, 42)
2257        del c.foo
2258        self.assertNotHasAttr(c, '_foo')
2259        self.assertNotHasAttr(c, "foo")
2261        class D(C):
2262            @C.foo.deleter
2263            def foo(self):
2264                try:
2265                    del self._foo
2266                except AttributeError:
2267                    pass
2268        d = D()
2269        d.foo = 24
2270        self.assertEqual(d.foo, 24)
2271        del d.foo
2272        del d.foo
2274        class E(object):
2275            @property
2276            def foo(self):
2277                return self._foo
2278            @foo.setter
2279            def foo(self, value):
2280                raise RuntimeError
2281            @foo.setter
2282            def foo(self, value):
2283                self._foo = abs(value)
2284            @foo.deleter
2285            def foo(self, value=None):
2286                del self._foo
2288        e = E()
2289        e.foo = -42
2290        self.assertEqual(e.foo, 42)
2291        del e.foo
2293        class F(E):
2294            @E.foo.deleter
2295            def foo(self):
2296                del self._foo
2297            @foo.setter
2298            def foo(self, value):
2299                self._foo = max(0, value)
2300        f = F()
2301        f.foo = -10
2302        self.assertEqual(f.foo, 0)
2303        del f.foo
2305    def test_dict_constructors(self):
2306        # Testing dict constructor ...
2307        d = dict()
2308        self.assertEqual(d, {})
2309        d = dict({})
2310        self.assertEqual(d, {})
2311        d = dict({1: 2, 'a': 'b'})
2312        self.assertEqual(d, {1: 2, 'a': 'b'})
2313        self.assertEqual(d, dict(d.items()))
2314        self.assertEqual(d, dict(d.iteritems()))
2315        d = dict({'one':1, 'two':2})
2316        self.assertEqual(d, dict(one=1, two=2))
2317        self.assertEqual(d, dict(**d))
2318        self.assertEqual(d, dict({"one": 1}, two=2))
2319        self.assertEqual(d, dict([("two", 2)], one=1))
2320        self.assertEqual(d, dict([("one", 100), ("two", 200)], **d))
2321        self.assertEqual(d, dict(**d))
2323        for badarg in 0, 0L, 0j, "0", [0], (0,):
2324            try:
2325                dict(badarg)
2326            except TypeError:
2327                pass
2328            except ValueError:
2329                if badarg == "0":
2330                    # It's a sequence, and its elements are also sequences (gotta
2331                    # love strings <wink>), but they aren't of length 2, so this
2332                    # one seemed better as a ValueError than a TypeError.
2333                    pass
2334                else:
2335                    self.fail("no TypeError from dict(%r)" % badarg)
2336            else:
2337                self.fail("no TypeError from dict(%r)" % badarg)
2339        try:
2340            dict({}, {})
2341        except TypeError:
2342            pass
2343        else:
2344            self.fail("no TypeError from dict({}, {})")
2346        class Mapping:
2347            # Lacks a .keys() method; will be added later.
2348            dict = {1:2, 3:4, 'a':1j}
2350        try:
2351            dict(Mapping())
2352        except TypeError:
2353            pass
2354        else:
2355            self.fail("no TypeError from dict(incomplete mapping)")
2357        Mapping.keys = lambda self: self.dict.keys()
2358        Mapping.__getitem__ = lambda self, i: self.dict[i]
2359        d = dict(Mapping())
2360        self.assertEqual(d, Mapping.dict)
2362        # Init from sequence of iterable objects, each producing a 2-sequence.
2363        class AddressBookEntry:
2364            def __init__(self, first, last):
2365                self.first = first
2366                self.last = last
2367            def __iter__(self):
2368                return iter([self.first, self.last])
2370        d = dict([AddressBookEntry('Tim', 'Warsaw'),
2371                  AddressBookEntry('Barry', 'Peters'),
2372                  AddressBookEntry('Tim', 'Peters'),
2373                  AddressBookEntry('Barry', 'Warsaw')])
2374        self.assertEqual(d, {'Barry': 'Warsaw', 'Tim': 'Peters'})
2376        d = dict(zip(range(4), range(1, 5)))
2377        self.assertEqual(d, dict([(i, i+1) for i in range(4)]))
2379        # Bad sequence lengths.
2380        for bad in [('tooshort',)], [('too', 'long', 'by 1')]:
2381            try:
2382                dict(bad)
2383            except ValueError:
2384                pass
2385            else:
2386                self.fail("no ValueError from dict(%r)" % bad)
2388    def test_dir(self):
2389        # Testing dir() ...
2390        junk = 12
2391        self.assertEqual(dir(), ['junk', 'self'])
2392        del junk
2394        # Just make sure these don't blow up!
2395        for arg in 2, 2L, 2j, 2e0, [2], "2", u"2", (2,), {2:2}, type, self.test_dir:
2396            dir(arg)
2398        # Try classic classes.
2399        class C:
2400            Cdata = 1
2401            def Cmethod(self): pass
2403        cstuff = ['Cdata', 'Cmethod', '__doc__', '__module__']
2404        self.assertEqual(dir(C), cstuff)
2405        self.assertIn('im_self', dir(C.Cmethod))
2407        c = C()  # c.__doc__ is an odd thing to see here; ditto c.__module__.
2408        self.assertEqual(dir(c), cstuff)
2410        c.cdata = 2
2411        c.cmethod = lambda self: 0
2412        self.assertEqual(dir(c), cstuff + ['cdata', 'cmethod'])
2413        self.assertIn('im_self', dir(c.Cmethod))
2415        class A(C):
2416            Adata = 1
2417            def Amethod(self): pass
2419        astuff = ['Adata', 'Amethod'] + cstuff
2420        self.assertEqual(dir(A), astuff)
2421        self.assertIn('im_self', dir(A.Amethod))
2422        a = A()
2423        self.assertEqual(dir(a), astuff)
2424        self.assertIn('im_self', dir(a.Amethod))
2425        a.adata = 42
2426        a.amethod = lambda self: 3
2427        self.assertEqual(dir(a), astuff + ['adata', 'amethod'])
2429        # The same, but with new-style classes.  Since these have object as a
2430        # base class, a lot more gets sucked in.
2431        def interesting(strings):
2432            return [s for s in strings if not s.startswith('_')]
2434        class C(object):
2435            Cdata = 1
2436            def Cmethod(self): pass
2438        cstuff = ['Cdata', 'Cmethod']
2439        self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(C)), cstuff)
2441        c = C()
2442        self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(c)), cstuff)
2443        self.assertIn('im_self', dir(C.Cmethod))
2445        c.cdata = 2
2446        c.cmethod = lambda self: 0
2447        self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(c)), cstuff + ['cdata', 'cmethod'])
2448        self.assertIn('im_self', dir(c.Cmethod))
2450        class A(C):
2451            Adata = 1
2452            def Amethod(self): pass
2454        astuff = ['Adata', 'Amethod'] + cstuff
2455        self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(A)), astuff)
2456        self.assertIn('im_self', dir(A.Amethod))
2457        a = A()
2458        self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(a)), astuff)
2459        a.adata = 42
2460        a.amethod = lambda self: 3
2461        self.assertEqual(interesting(dir(a)), astuff + ['adata', 'amethod'])
2462        self.assertIn('im_self', dir(a.Amethod))
2464        # Try a module subclass.
2465        class M(type(sys)):
2466            pass
2467        minstance = M("m")
2468        minstance.b = 2
2469        minstance.a = 1
2470        names = [x for x in dir(minstance) if x not in ["__name__", "__doc__"]]
2471        self.assertEqual(names, ['a', 'b'])
2473        class M2(M):
2474            def getdict(self):
2475                return "Not a dict!"
2476            __dict__ = property(getdict)
2478        m2instance = M2("m2")
2479        m2instance.b = 2
2480        m2instance.a = 1
2481        self.assertEqual(m2instance.__dict__, "Not a dict!")
2482        try:
2483            dir(m2instance)
2484        except TypeError:
2485            pass
2487        # Two essentially featureless objects, just inheriting stuff from
2488        # object.
2489        self.assertEqual(dir(NotImplemented), dir(Ellipsis))
2490        if test_support.check_impl_detail():
2491            # None differs in PyPy: it has a __nonzero__
2492            self.assertEqual(dir(None), dir(Ellipsis))
2494        # Nasty test case for proxied objects
2495        class Wrapper(object):
2496            def __init__(self, obj):
2497                self.__obj = obj
2498            def __repr__(self):
2499                return "Wrapper(%s)" % repr(self.__obj)
2500            def __getitem__(self, key):
2501                return Wrapper(self.__obj[key])
2502            def __len__(self):
2503                return len(self.__obj)
2504            def __getattr__(self, name):
2505                return Wrapper(getattr(self.__obj, name))
2507        class C(object):
2508            def __getclass(self):
2509                return Wrapper(type(self))
2510            __class__ = property(__getclass)
2512        dir(C()) # This used to segfault
2514    def test_supers(self):
2515        # Testing super...
2517        class A(object):
2518            def meth(self, a):
2519                return "A(%r)" % a
2521        self.assertEqual(A().meth(1), "A(1)")
2523        class B(A):
2524            def __init__(self):
2525                self.__super = super(B, self)
2526            def meth(self, a):
2527                return "B(%r)" % a + self.__super.meth(a)
2529        self.assertEqual(B().meth(2), "B(2)A(2)")
2531        class C(A):
2532            def meth(self, a):
2533                return "C(%r)" % a + self.__super.meth(a)
2534        C._C__super = super(C)
2536        self.assertEqual(C().meth(3), "C(3)A(3)")
2538        class D(C, B):
2539            def meth(self, a):
2540                return "D(%r)" % a + super(D, self).meth(a)
2542        self.assertEqual(D().meth(4), "D(4)C(4)B(4)A(4)")
2544        # Test for subclassing super
2546        class mysuper(super):
2547            def __init__(self, *args):
2548                return super(mysuper, self).__init__(*args)
2550        class E(D):
2551            def meth(self, a):
2552                return "E(%r)" % a + mysuper(E, self).meth(a)
2554        self.assertEqual(E().meth(5), "E(5)D(5)C(5)B(5)A(5)")
2556        class F(E):
2557            def meth(self, a):
2558                s = self.__super # == mysuper(F, self)
2559                return "F(%r)[%s]" % (a, s.__class__.__name__) + s.meth(a)
2560        F._F__super = mysuper(F)
2562        self.assertEqual(F().meth(6), "F(6)[mysuper]E(6)D(6)C(6)B(6)A(6)")
2564        # Make sure certain errors are raised
2566        try:
2567            super(D, 42)
2568        except TypeError:
2569            pass
2570        else:
2571            self.fail("shouldn't allow super(D, 42)")
2573        try:
2574            super(D, C())
2575        except TypeError:
2576            pass
2577        else:
2578            self.fail("shouldn't allow super(D, C())")
2580        try:
2581            super(D).__get__(12)
2582        except TypeError:
2583            pass
2584        else:
2585            self.fail("shouldn't allow super(D).__get__(12)")
2587        try:
2588            super(D).__get__(C())
2589        except TypeError:
2590            pass
2591        else:
2592            self.fail("shouldn't allow super(D).__get__(C())")
2594        # Make sure data descriptors can be overridden and accessed via super
2595        # (new feature in Python 2.3)
2597        class DDbase(object):
2598            def getx(self): return 42
2599            x = property(getx)
2601        class DDsub(DDbase):
2602            def getx(self): return "hello"
2603            x = property(getx)
2605        dd = DDsub()
2606        self.assertEqual(dd.x, "hello")
2607        self.assertEqual(super(DDsub, dd).x, 42)
2609        # Ensure that super() lookup of descriptor from classmethod
2610        # works (SF ID# 743627)
2612        class Base(object):
2613            aProp = property(lambda self: "foo")
2615        class Sub(Base):
2616            @classmethod
2617            def test(klass):
2618                return super(Sub,klass).aProp
2620        self.assertEqual(Sub.test(), Base.aProp)
2622        # Verify that super() doesn't allow keyword args
2623        try:
2624            super(Base, kw=1)
2625        except TypeError:
2626            pass
2627        else:
2628            self.assertEqual("super shouldn't accept keyword args")
2630    def test_basic_inheritance(self):
2631        # Testing inheritance from basic types...
2633        class hexint(int):
2634            def __repr__(self):
2635                return hex(self)
2636            def __add__(self, other):
2637                return hexint(int.__add__(self, other))
2638            # (Note that overriding __radd__ doesn't work,
2639            # because the int type gets first dibs.)
2640        self.assertEqual(repr(hexint(7) + 9), "0x10")
2641        self.assertEqual(repr(hexint(1000) + 7), "0x3ef")
2642        a = hexint(12345)
2643        self.assertEqual(a, 12345)
2644        self.assertEqual(int(a), 12345)
2645        self.assertIs(int(a).__class__, int)
2646        self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(12345))
2647        self.assertIs((+a).__class__, int)
2648        self.assertIs((a >> 0).__class__, int)
2649        self.assertIs((a << 0).__class__, int)
2650        self.assertIs((hexint(0) << 12).__class__, int)
2651        self.assertIs((hexint(0) >> 12).__class__, int)
2653        class octlong(long):
2654            __slots__ = []
2655            def __str__(self):
2656                s = oct(self)
2657                if s[-1] == 'L':
2658                    s = s[:-1]
2659                return s
2660            def __add__(self, other):
2661                return self.__class__(super(octlong, self).__add__(other))
2662            __radd__ = __add__
2663        self.assertEqual(str(octlong(3) + 5), "010")
2664        # (Note that overriding __radd__ here only seems to work
2665        # because the example uses a short int left argument.)
2666        self.assertEqual(str(5 + octlong(3000)), "05675")
2667        a = octlong(12345)
2668        self.assertEqual(a, 12345L)
2669        self.assertEqual(long(a), 12345L)
2670        self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(12345L))
2671        self.assertIs(long(a).__class__, long)
2672        self.assertIs((+a).__class__, long)
2673        self.assertIs((-a).__class__, long)
2674        self.assertIs((-octlong(0)).__class__, long)
2675        self.assertIs((a >> 0).__class__, long)
2676        self.assertIs((a << 0).__class__, long)
2677        self.assertIs((a - 0).__class__, long)
2678        self.assertIs((a * 1).__class__, long)
2679        self.assertIs((a ** 1).__class__, long)
2680        self.assertIs((a // 1).__class__, long)
2681        self.assertIs((1 * a).__class__, long)
2682        self.assertIs((a | 0).__class__, long)
2683        self.assertIs((a ^ 0).__class__, long)
2684        self.assertIs((a & -1L).__class__, long)
2685        self.assertIs((octlong(0) << 12).__class__, long)
2686        self.assertIs((octlong(0) >> 12).__class__, long)
2687        self.assertIs(abs(octlong(0)).__class__, long)
2689        # Because octlong overrides __add__, we can't check the absence of +0
2690        # optimizations using octlong.
2691        class longclone(long):
2692            pass
2693        a = longclone(1)
2694        self.assertIs((a + 0).__class__, long)
2695        self.assertIs((0 + a).__class__, long)
2697        # Check that negative clones don't segfault
2698        a = longclone(-1)
2699        self.assertEqual(a.__dict__, {})
2700        self.assertEqual(long(a), -1)  # self.assertTrue PyNumber_Long() copies the sign bit
2702        class precfloat(float):
2703            __slots__ = ['prec']
2704            def __init__(self, value=0.0, prec=12):
2705                self.prec = int(prec)
2706            def __repr__(self):
2707                return "%.*g" % (self.prec, self)
2708        self.assertEqual(repr(precfloat(1.1)), "1.1")
2709        a = precfloat(12345)
2710        self.assertEqual(a, 12345.0)
2711        self.assertEqual(float(a), 12345.0)
2712        self.assertIs(float(a).__class__, float)
2713        self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(12345.0))
2714        self.assertIs((+a).__class__, float)
2716        class madcomplex(complex):
2717            def __repr__(self):
2718                return "%.17gj%+.17g" % (self.imag, self.real)
2719        a = madcomplex(-3, 4)
2720        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "4j-3")
2721        base = complex(-3, 4)
2722        self.assertEqual(base.__class__, complex)
2723        self.assertEqual(a, base)
2724        self.assertEqual(complex(a), base)
2725        self.assertEqual(complex(a).__class__, complex)
2726        a = madcomplex(a)  # just trying another form of the constructor
2727        self.assertEqual(repr(a), "4j-3")
2728        self.assertEqual(a, base)
2729        self.assertEqual(complex(a), base)
2730        self.assertEqual(complex(a).__class__, complex)
2731        self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(base))
2732        self.assertEqual((+a).__class__, complex)
2733        self.assertEqual((a + 0).__class__, complex)
2734        self.assertEqual(a + 0, base)
2735        self.assertEqual((a - 0).__class__, complex)
2736        self.assertEqual(a - 0, base)
2737        self.assertEqual((a * 1).__class__, complex)
2738        self.assertEqual(a * 1, base)
2739        self.assertEqual((a / 1).__class__, complex)
2740        self.assertEqual(a / 1, base)
2742        class madtuple(tuple):
2743            _rev = None
2744            def rev(self):
2745                if self._rev is not None:
2746                    return self._rev
2747                L = list(self)
2748                L.reverse()
2749                self._rev = self.__class__(L)
2750                return self._rev
2751        a = madtuple((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0))
2752        self.assertEqual(a, (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0))
2753        self.assertEqual(a.rev(), madtuple((0,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)))
2754        self.assertEqual(a.rev().rev(), madtuple((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)))
2755        for i in range(512):
2756            t = madtuple(range(i))
2757            u = t.rev()
2758            v = u.rev()
2759            self.assertEqual(v, t)
2760        a = madtuple((1,2,3,4,5))
2761        self.assertEqual(tuple(a), (1,2,3,4,5))
2762        self.assertIs(tuple(a).__class__, tuple)
2763        self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash((1,2,3,4,5)))
2764        self.assertIs(a[:].__class__, tuple)
2765        self.assertIs((a * 1).__class__, tuple)
2766        self.assertIs((a * 0).__class__, tuple)
2767        self.assertIs((a + ()).__class__, tuple)
2768        a = madtuple(())
2769        self.assertEqual(tuple(a), ())
2770        self.assertIs(tuple(a).__class__, tuple)
2771        self.assertIs((a + a).__class__, tuple)
2772        self.assertIs((a * 0).__class__, tuple)
2773        self.assertIs((a * 1).__class__, tuple)
2774        self.assertIs((a * 2).__class__, tuple)
2775        self.assertIs(a[:].__class__, tuple)
2777        class madstring(str):
2778            _rev = None
2779            def rev(self):
2780                if self._rev is not None:
2781                    return self._rev
2782                L = list(self)
2783                L.reverse()
2784                self._rev = self.__class__("".join(L))
2785                return self._rev
2786        s = madstring("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
2787        self.assertEqual(s, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
2788        self.assertEqual(s.rev(), madstring("zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"))
2789        self.assertEqual(s.rev().rev(), madstring("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
2790        for i in range(256):
2791            s = madstring("".join(map(chr, range(i))))
2792            t = s.rev()
2793            u = t.rev()
2794            self.assertEqual(u, s)
2795        s = madstring("12345")
2796        self.assertEqual(str(s), "12345")
2797        self.assertIs(str(s).__class__, str)
2799        base = "\x00" * 5
2800        s = madstring(base)
2801        self.assertEqual(s, base)
2802        self.assertEqual(str(s), base)
2803        self.assertIs(str(s).__class__, str)
2804        self.assertEqual(hash(s), hash(base))
2805        self.assertEqual({s: 1}[base], 1)
2806        self.assertEqual({base: 1}[s], 1)
2807        self.assertIs((s + "").__class__, str)
2808        self.assertEqual(s + "", base)
2809        self.assertIs(("" + s).__class__, str)
2810        self.assertEqual("" + s, base)
2811        self.assertIs((s * 0).__class__, str)
2812        self.assertEqual(s * 0, "")
2813        self.assertIs((s * 1).__class__, str)
2814        self.assertEqual(s * 1, base)
2815        self.assertIs((s * 2).__class__, str)
2816        self.assertEqual(s * 2, base + base)
2817        self.assertIs(s[:].__class__, str)
2818        self.assertEqual(s[:], base)
2819        self.assertIs(s[0:0].__class__, str)
2820        self.assertEqual(s[0:0], "")
2821        self.assertIs(s.strip().__class__, str)
2822        self.assertEqual(s.strip(), base)
2823        self.assertIs(s.lstrip().__class__, str)
2824        self.assertEqual(s.lstrip(), base)
2825        self.assertIs(s.rstrip().__class__, str)
2826        self.assertEqual(s.rstrip(), base)
2827        identitytab = ''.join([chr(i) for i in range(256)])
2828        self.assertIs(s.translate(identitytab).__class__, str)
2829        self.assertEqual(s.translate(identitytab), base)
2830        self.assertIs(s.translate(identitytab, "x").__class__, str)
2831        self.assertEqual(s.translate(identitytab, "x"), base)
2832        self.assertEqual(s.translate(identitytab, "\x00"), "")
2833        self.assertIs(s.replace("x", "x").__class__, str)
2834        self.assertEqual(s.replace("x", "x"), base)
2835        self.assertIs(s.ljust(len(s)).__class__, str)
2836        self.assertEqual(s.ljust(len(s)), base)
2837        self.assertIs(s.rjust(len(s)).__class__, str)
2838        self.assertEqual(s.rjust(len(s)), base)
2839        self.assertIs(s.center(len(s)).__class__, str)
2840        self.assertEqual(s.center(len(s)), base)
2841        self.assertIs(s.lower().__class__, str)
2842        self.assertEqual(s.lower(), base)
2844        class madunicode(unicode):
2845            _rev = None
2846            def rev(self):
2847                if self._rev is not None:
2848                    return self._rev
2849                L = list(self)
2850                L.reverse()
2851                self._rev = self.__class__(u"".join(L))
2852                return self._rev
2853        u = madunicode("ABCDEF")
2854        self.assertEqual(u, u"ABCDEF")
2855        self.assertEqual(u.rev(), madunicode(u"FEDCBA"))
2856        self.assertEqual(u.rev().rev(), madunicode(u"ABCDEF"))
2857        base = u"12345"
2858        u = madunicode(base)
2859        self.assertEqual(unicode(u), base)
2860        self.assertIs(unicode(u).__class__, unicode)
2861        self.assertEqual(hash(u), hash(base))
2862        self.assertEqual({u: 1}[base], 1)
2863        self.assertEqual({base: 1}[u], 1)
2864        self.assertIs(u.strip().__class__, unicode)
2865        self.assertEqual(u.strip(), base)
2866        self.assertIs(u.lstrip().__class__, unicode)
2867        self.assertEqual(u.lstrip(), base)
2868        self.assertIs(u.rstrip().__class__, unicode)
2869        self.assertEqual(u.rstrip(), base)
2870        self.assertIs(u.replace(u"x", u"x").__class__, unicode)
2871        self.assertEqual(u.replace(u"x", u"x"), base)
2872        self.assertIs(u.replace(u"xy", u"xy").__class__, unicode)
2873        self.assertEqual(u.replace(u"xy", u"xy"), base)
2874        self.assertIs(u.center(len(u)).__class__, unicode)
2875        self.assertEqual(u.center(len(u)), base)
2876        self.assertIs(u.ljust(len(u)).__class__, unicode)
2877        self.assertEqual(u.ljust(len(u)), base)
2878        self.assertIs(u.rjust(len(u)).__class__, unicode)
2879        self.assertEqual(u.rjust(len(u)), base)
2880        self.assertIs(u.lower().__class__, unicode)
2881        self.assertEqual(u.lower(), base)
2882        self.assertIs(u.upper().__class__, unicode)
2883        self.assertEqual(u.upper(), base)
2884        self.assertIs(u.capitalize().__class__, unicode)
2885        self.assertEqual(u.capitalize(), base)
2886        self.assertIs(u.title().__class__, unicode)
2887        self.assertEqual(u.title(), base)
2888        self.assertIs((u + u"").__class__, unicode)
2889        self.assertEqual(u + u"", base)
2890        self.assertIs((u"" + u).__class__, unicode)
2891        self.assertEqual(u"" + u, base)
2892        self.assertIs((u * 0).__class__, unicode)
2893        self.assertEqual(u * 0, u"")
2894        self.assertIs((u * 1).__class__, unicode)
2895        self.assertEqual(u * 1, base)
2896        self.assertIs((u * 2).__class__, unicode)
2897        self.assertEqual(u * 2, base + base)
2898        self.assertIs(u[:].__class__, unicode)
2899        self.assertEqual(u[:], base)
2900        self.assertIs(u[0:0].__class__, unicode)
2901        self.assertEqual(u[0:0], u"")
2903        class sublist(list):
2904            pass
2905        a = sublist(range(5))
2906        self.assertEqual(a, range(5))
2907        a.append("hello")
2908        self.assertEqual(a, range(5) + ["hello"])
2909        a[5] = 5
2910        self.assertEqual(a, range(6))
2911        a.extend(range(6, 20))
2912        self.assertEqual(a, range(20))
2913        a[-5:] = []
2914        self.assertEqual(a, range(15))
2915        del a[10:15]
2916        self.assertEqual(len(a), 10)
2917        self.assertEqual(a, range(10))
2918        self.assertEqual(list(a), range(10))
2919        self.assertEqual(a[0], 0)
2920        self.assertEqual(a[9], 9)
2921        self.assertEqual(a[-10], 0)
2922        self.assertEqual(a[-1], 9)
2923        self.assertEqual(a[:5], range(5))
2925        class CountedInput(file):
2926            """Counts lines read by self.readline().
2928            self.lineno is the 0-based ordinal of the last line read, up to
2929            a maximum of one greater than the number of lines in the file.
2931            self.ateof is true if and only if the final "" line has been read,
2932            at which point self.lineno stops incrementing, and further calls
2933            to readline() continue to return "".
2934            """
2936            lineno = 0
2937            ateof = 0
2938            def readline(self):
2939                if self.ateof:
2940                    return ""
2941                s = file.readline(self)
2942                # Next line works too.
2943                # s = super(CountedInput, self).readline()
2944                self.lineno += 1
2945                if s == "":
2946                    self.ateof = 1
2947                return s
2949        f = file(name=test_support.TESTFN, mode='w')
2950        lines = ['a\n', 'b\n', 'c\n']
2951        try:
2952            f.writelines(lines)
2953            f.close()
2954            f = CountedInput(test_support.TESTFN)
2955            for (i, expected) in zip(range(1, 5) + [4], lines + 2 * [""]):
2956                got = f.readline()
2957                self.assertEqual(expected, got)
2958                self.assertEqual(f.lineno, i)
2959                self.assertEqual(f.ateof, (i > len(lines)))
2960            f.close()
2961        finally:
2962            try:
2963                f.close()
2964            except:
2965                pass
2966            test_support.unlink(test_support.TESTFN)
2968    def test_keywords(self):
2969        # Testing keyword args to basic type constructors ...
2970        self.assertEqual(int(x=1), 1)
2971        self.assertEqual(float(x=2), 2.0)
2972        self.assertEqual(long(x=3), 3L)
2973        self.assertEqual(complex(imag=42, real=666), complex(666, 42))
2974        self.assertEqual(str(object=500), '500')
2975        self.assertEqual(unicode(string='abc', errors='strict'), u'abc')
2976        self.assertEqual(tuple(sequence=range(3)), (0, 1, 2))
2977        self.assertEqual(list(sequence=(0, 1, 2)), range(3))
2978        # note: as of Python 2.3, dict() no longer has an "items" keyword arg
2980        for constructor in (int, float, long, complex, str, unicode,
2981                            tuple, list, file):
2982            try:
2983                constructor(bogus_keyword_arg=1)
2984            except TypeError:
2985                pass
2986            else:
2987                self.fail("expected TypeError from bogus keyword argument to %r"
2988                            % constructor)
2990    def test_str_subclass_as_dict_key(self):
2991        # Testing a str subclass used as dict key ..
2993        class cistr(str):
2994            """Sublcass of str that computes __eq__ case-insensitively.
2996            Also computes a hash code of the string in canonical form.
2997            """
2999            def __init__(self, value):
3000                self.canonical = value.lower()
3001                self.hashcode = hash(self.canonical)
3003            def __eq__(self, other):
3004                if not isinstance(other, cistr):
3005                    other = cistr(other)
3006                return self.canonical == other.canonical
3008            def __hash__(self):
3009                return self.hashcode
3011        self.assertEqual(cistr('ABC'), 'abc')
3012        self.assertEqual('aBc', cistr('ABC'))
3013        self.assertEqual(str(cistr('ABC')), 'ABC')
3015        d = {cistr('one'): 1, cistr('two'): 2, cistr('tHree'): 3}
3016        self.assertEqual(d[cistr('one')], 1)
3017        self.assertEqual(d[cistr('tWo')], 2)
3018        self.assertEqual(d[cistr('THrEE')], 3)
3019        self.assertIn(cistr('ONe'), d)
3020        self.assertEqual(d.get(cistr('thrEE')), 3)
3022    def test_classic_comparisons(self):
3023        # Testing classic comparisons...
3024        class classic:
3025            pass
3027        for base in (classic, int, object):
3028            class C(base):
3029                def __init__(self, value):
3030                    self.value = int(value)
3031                def __cmp__(self, other):
3032                    if isinstance(other, C):
3033                        return cmp(self.value, other.value)
3034                    if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long):
3035                        return cmp(self.value, other)
3036                    return NotImplemented
3037                __hash__ = None # Silence Py3k warning
3039            c1 = C(1)
3040            c2 = C(2)
3041            c3 = C(3)
3042            self.assertEqual(c1, 1)
3043            c = {1: c1, 2: c2, 3: c3}
3044            for x in 1, 2, 3:
3045                for y in 1, 2, 3:
3046                    self.assertEqual(cmp(c[x], c[y]), cmp(x, y),
3047                                     "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
3048                    for op in "<", "<=", "==", "!=", ">", ">=":
3049                        self.assertEqual(eval("c[x] %s c[y]" % op),
3050                                         eval("x %s y" % op),
3051                                         "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
3052                    self.assertEqual(cmp(c[x], y), cmp(x, y),
3053                                     "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
3054                    self.assertEqual(cmp(x, c[y]), cmp(x, y),
3055                                     "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
3057    def test_rich_comparisons(self):
3058        # Testing rich comparisons...
3059        class Z(complex):
3060            pass
3061        z = Z(1)
3062        self.assertEqual(z, 1+0j)
3063        self.assertEqual(1+0j, z)
3064        class ZZ(complex):
3065            def __eq__(self, other):
3066                try:
3067                    return abs(self - other) <= 1e-6
3068                except:
3069                    return NotImplemented
3070            __hash__ = None # Silence Py3k warning
3071        zz = ZZ(1.0000003)
3072        self.assertEqual(zz, 1+0j)
3073        self.assertEqual(1+0j, zz)
3075        class classic:
3076            pass
3077        for base in (classic, int, object, list):
3078            class C(base):
3079                def __init__(self, value):
3080                    self.value = int(value)
3081                def __cmp__(self_, other):
3082                    self.fail("shouldn't call __cmp__")
3083                __hash__ = None # Silence Py3k warning
3084                def __eq__(self, other):
3085                    if isinstance(other, C):
3086                        return self.value == other.value
3087                    if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long):
3088                        return self.value == other
3089                    return NotImplemented
3090                def __ne__(self, other):
3091                    if isinstance(other, C):
3092                        return self.value != other.value
3093                    if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long):
3094                        return self.value != other
3095                    return NotImplemented
3096                def __lt__(self, other):
3097                    if isinstance(other, C):
3098                        return self.value < other.value
3099                    if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long):
3100                        return self.value < other
3101                    return NotImplemented
3102                def __le__(self, other):
3103                    if isinstance(other, C):
3104                        return self.value <= other.value
3105                    if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long):
3106                        return self.value <= other
3107                    return NotImplemented
3108                def __gt__(self, other):
3109                    if isinstance(other, C):
3110                        return self.value > other.value
3111                    if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long):
3112                        return self.value > other
3113                    return NotImplemented
3114                def __ge__(self, other):
3115                    if isinstance(other, C):
3116                        return self.value >= other.value
3117                    if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, long):
3118                        return self.value >= other
3119                    return NotImplemented
3120            c1 = C(1)
3121            c2 = C(2)
3122            c3 = C(3)
3123            self.assertEqual(c1, 1)
3124            c = {1: c1, 2: c2, 3: c3}
3125            for x in 1, 2, 3:
3126                for y in 1, 2, 3:
3127                    for op in "<", "<=", "==", "!=", ">", ">=":
3128                        self.assertEqual(eval("c[x] %s c[y]" % op),
3129                                         eval("x %s y" % op),
3130                                         "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
3131                        self.assertEqual(eval("c[x] %s y" % op),
3132                                         eval("x %s y" % op),
3133                                         "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
3134                        self.assertEqual(eval("x %s c[y]" % op),
3135                                         eval("x %s y" % op),
3136                                         "x=%d, y=%d" % (x, y))
3138    def test_coercions(self):
3139        # Testing coercions...
3140        class I(int): pass
3141        coerce(I(0), 0)
3142        coerce(0, I(0))
3143        class L(long): pass
3144        coerce(L(0), 0)
3145        coerce(L(0), 0L)
3146        coerce(0, L(0))
3147        coerce(0L, L(0))
3148        class F(float): pass
3149        coerce(F(0), 0)
3150        coerce(F(0), 0L)
3151        coerce(F(0), 0.)
3152        coerce(0, F(0))
3153        coerce(0L, F(0))
3154        coerce(0., F(0))
3155        class C(complex): pass
3156        coerce(C(0), 0)
3157        coerce(C(0), 0L)
3158        coerce(C(0), 0.)
3159        coerce(C(0), 0j)
3160        coerce(0, C(0))
3161        coerce(0L, C(0))
3162        coerce(0., C(0))
3163        coerce(0j, C(0))
3165    def test_descrdoc(self):
3166        # Testing descriptor doc strings...
3167        def check(descr, what):
3168            self.assertEqual(descr.__doc__, what)
3169        check(file.closed, "True if the file is closed") # getset descriptor
3170        check(file.name, "file name") # member descriptor
3172    def test_doc_descriptor(self):
3173        # Testing __doc__ descriptor...
3174        # SF bug 542984
3175        class DocDescr(object):
3176            def __get__(self, object, otype):
3177                if object:
3178                    object = object.__class__.__name__ + ' instance'
3179                if otype:
3180                    otype = otype.__name__
3181                return 'object=%s; type=%s' % (object, otype)
3182        class OldClass:
3183            __doc__ = DocDescr()
3184        class NewClass(object):
3185            __doc__ = DocDescr()
3186        self.assertEqual(OldClass.__doc__, 'object=None; type=OldClass')
3187        self.assertEqual(OldClass().__doc__, 'object=OldClass instance; type=OldClass')
3188        self.assertEqual(NewClass.__doc__, 'object=None; type=NewClass')
3189        self.assertEqual(NewClass().__doc__, 'object=NewClass instance; type=NewClass')
3191    def test_set_class(self):
3192        # Testing __class__ assignment...
3193        class C(object): pass
3194        class D(object): pass
3195        class E(object): pass
3196        class F(D, E): pass
3197        for cls in C, D, E, F:
3198            for cls2 in C, D, E, F:
3199                x = cls()
3200                x.__class__ = cls2
3201                self.assertIs(x.__class__, cls2)
3202                x.__class__ = cls
3203                self.assertIs(x.__class__, cls)
3204        def cant(x, C):
3205            try:
3206                x.__class__ = C
3207            except TypeError:
3208                pass
3209            else:
3210                self.fail("shouldn't allow %r.__class__ = %r" % (x, C))
3211            try:
3212                delattr(x, "__class__")
3213            except (TypeError, AttributeError):
3214                pass
3215            else:
3216                self.fail("shouldn't allow del %r.__class__" % x)
3217        cant(C(), list)
3218        cant(list(), C)
3219        cant(C(), 1)
3220        cant(C(), object)
3221        cant(object(), list)
3222        cant(list(), object)
3223        class Int(int): __slots__ = []
3224        cant(2, Int)
3225        cant(Int(), int)
3226        cant(True, int)
3227        cant(2, bool)
3228        o = object()
3229        cant(o, type(1))
3230        cant(o, type(None))
3231        del o
3232        class G(object):
3233            __slots__ = ["a", "b"]
3234        class H(object):
3235            __slots__ = ["b", "a"]
3236        try:
3237            unicode
3238        except NameError:
3239            class I(object):
3240                __slots__ = ["a", "b"]
3241        else:
3242            class I(object):
3243                __slots__ = [unicode("a"), unicode("b")]
3244        class J(object):
3245            __slots__ = ["c", "b"]
3246        class K(object):
3247            __slots__ = ["a", "b", "d"]
3248        class L(H):
3249            __slots__ = ["e"]
3250        class M(I):
3251            __slots__ = ["e"]
3252        class N(J):
3253            __slots__ = ["__weakref__"]
3254        class P(J):
3255            __slots__ = ["__dict__"]
3256        class Q(J):
3257            pass
3258        class R(J):
3259            __slots__ = ["__dict__", "__weakref__"]
3261        for cls, cls2 in ((G, H), (G, I), (I, H), (Q, R), (R, Q)):
3262            x = cls()
3263            x.a = 1
3264            x.__class__ = cls2
3265            self.assertIs(x.__class__, cls2,
3266                   "assigning %r as __class__ for %r silently failed" % (cls2, x))
3267            self.assertEqual(x.a, 1)
3268            x.__class__ = cls
3269            self.assertIs(x.__class__, cls,
3270                   "assigning %r as __class__ for %r silently failed" % (cls, x))
3271            self.assertEqual(x.a, 1)
3272        for cls in G, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, list, Int:
3273            for cls2 in G, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, list, Int:
3274                if cls is cls2:
3275                    continue
3276                cant(cls(), cls2)
3278        # Issue5283: when __class__ changes in __del__, the wrong
3279        # type gets DECREF'd.
3280        class O(object):
3281            pass
3282        class A(object):
3283            def __del__(self):
3284                self.__class__ = O
3285        l = [A() for x in range(100)]
3286        del l
3288    def test_set_dict(self):
3289        # Testing __dict__ assignment...
3290        class C(object): pass
3291        a = C()
3292        a.__dict__ = {'b': 1}
3293        self.assertEqual(a.b, 1)
3294        def cant(x, dict):
3295            try:
3296                x.__dict__ = dict
3297            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
3298                pass
3299            else:
3300                self.fail("shouldn't allow %r.__dict__ = %r" % (x, dict))
3301        cant(a, None)
3302        cant(a, [])
3303        cant(a, 1)
3304        del a.__dict__ # Deleting __dict__ is allowed
3306        class Base(object):
3307            pass
3308        def verify_dict_readonly(x):
3309            """
3310            x has to be an instance of a class inheriting from Base.
3311            """
3312            cant(x, {})
3313            try:
3314                del x.__dict__
3315            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
3316                pass
3317            else:
3318                self.fail("shouldn't allow del %r.__dict__" % x)
3319            dict_descr = Base.__dict__["__dict__"]
3320            try:
3321                dict_descr.__set__(x, {})
3322            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
3323                pass
3324            else:
3325                self.fail("dict_descr allowed access to %r's dict" % x)
3327        # Classes don't allow __dict__ assignment and have readonly dicts
3328        class Meta1(type, Base):
3329            pass
3330        class Meta2(Base, type):
3331            pass
3332        class D(object):
3333            __metaclass__ = Meta1
3334        class E(object):
3335            __metaclass__ = Meta2
3336        for cls in C, D, E:
3337            verify_dict_readonly(cls)
3338            class_dict = cls.__dict__
3339            try:
3340                class_dict["spam"] = "eggs"
3341            except TypeError:
3342                pass
3343            else:
3344                self.fail("%r's __dict__ can be modified" % cls)
3346        # Modules also disallow __dict__ assignment
3347        class Module1(types.ModuleType, Base):
3348            pass
3349        class Module2(Base, types.ModuleType):
3350            pass
3351        for ModuleType in Module1, Module2:
3352            mod = ModuleType("spam")
3353            verify_dict_readonly(mod)
3354            mod.__dict__["spam"] = "eggs"
3356        # Exception's __dict__ can be replaced, but not deleted
3357        # (at least not any more than regular exception's __dict__ can
3358        # be deleted; on CPython it is not the case, whereas on PyPy they
3359        # can, just like any other new-style instance's __dict__.)
3360        def can_delete_dict(e):
3361            try:
3362                del e.__dict__
3363            except (TypeError, AttributeError):
3364                return False
3365            else:
3366                return True
3367        class Exception1(Exception, Base):
3368            pass
3369        class Exception2(Base, Exception):
3370            pass
3371        for ExceptionType in Exception, Exception1, Exception2:
3372            e = ExceptionType()
3373            e.__dict__ = {"a": 1}
3374            self.assertEqual(e.a, 1)
3375            self.assertEqual(can_delete_dict(e), can_delete_dict(ValueError()))
3377    def test_pickles(self):
3378        # Testing pickling and copying new-style classes and objects...
3379        import pickle, cPickle
3381        def sorteditems(d):
3382            L = d.items()
3383            L.sort()
3384            return L
3386        global C
3387        class C(object):
3388            def __init__(self, a, b):
3389                super(C, self).__init__()
3390                self.a = a
3391                self.b = b
3392            def __repr__(self):
3393                return "C(%r, %r)" % (self.a, self.b)
3395        global C1
3396        class C1(list):
3397            def __new__(cls, a, b):
3398                return super(C1, cls).__new__(cls)
3399            def __getnewargs__(self):
3400                return (self.a, self.b)
3401            def __init__(self, a, b):
3402                self.a = a
3403                self.b = b
3404            def __repr__(self):
3405                return "C1(%r, %r)<%r>" % (self.a, self.b, list(self))
3407        global C2
3408        class C2(int):
3409            def __new__(cls, a, b, val=0):
3410                return super(C2, cls).__new__(cls, val)
3411            def __getnewargs__(self):
3412                return (self.a, self.b, int(self))
3413            def __init__(self, a, b, val=0):
3414                self.a = a
3415                self.b = b
3416            def __repr__(self):
3417                return "C2(%r, %r)<%r>" % (self.a, self.b, int(self))
3419        global C3
3420        class C3(object):
3421            def __init__(self, foo):
3422                self.foo = foo
3423            def __getstate__(self):
3424                return self.foo
3425            def __setstate__(self, foo):
3426                self.foo = foo
3428        global C4classic, C4
3429        class C4classic: # classic
3430            pass
3431        class C4(C4classic, object): # mixed inheritance
3432            pass
3434        for p in pickle, cPickle:
3435            for bin in range(p.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
3436                for cls in C, C1, C2:
3437                    s = p.dumps(cls, bin)
3438                    cls2 = p.loads(s)
3439                    self.assertIs(cls2, cls)
3441                a = C1(1, 2); a.append(42); a.append(24)
3442                b = C2("hello", "world", 42)
3443                s = p.dumps((a, b), bin)
3444                x, y = p.loads(s)
3445                self.assertEqual(x.__class__, a.__class__)
3446                self.assertEqual(sorteditems(x.__dict__), sorteditems(a.__dict__))
3447                self.assertEqual(y.__class__, b.__class__)
3448                self.assertEqual(sorteditems(y.__dict__), sorteditems(b.__dict__))
3449                self.assertEqual(repr(x), repr(a))
3450                self.assertEqual(repr(y), repr(b))
3451                # Test for __getstate__ and __setstate__ on new style class
3452                u = C3(42)
3453                s = p.dumps(u, bin)
3454                v = p.loads(s)
3455                self.assertEqual(u.__class__, v.__class__)
3456                self.assertEqual(u.foo, v.foo)
3457                # Test for picklability of hybrid class
3458                u = C4()
3459                u.foo = 42
3460                s = p.dumps(u, bin)
3461                v = p.loads(s)
3462                self.assertEqual(u.__class__, v.__class__)
3463                self.assertEqual(u.foo, v.foo)
3465        # Testing copy.deepcopy()
3466        import copy
3467        for cls in C, C1, C2:
3468            cls2 = copy.deepcopy(cls)
3469            self.assertIs(cls2, cls)
3471        a = C1(1, 2); a.append(42); a.append(24)
3472        b = C2("hello", "world", 42)
3473        x, y = copy.deepcopy((a, b))
3474        self.assertEqual(x.__class__, a.__class__)
3475        self.assertEqual(sorteditems(x.__dict__), sorteditems(a.__dict__))
3476        self.assertEqual(y.__class__, b.__class__)
3477        self.assertEqual(sorteditems(y.__dict__), sorteditems(b.__dict__))
3478        self.assertEqual(repr(x), repr(a))
3479        self.assertEqual(repr(y), repr(b))
3481    def test_pickle_slots(self):
3482        # Testing pickling of classes with __slots__ ...
3483        import pickle, cPickle
3484        # Pickling of classes with __slots__ but without __getstate__ should fail
3485        global B, C, D, E
3486        class B(object):
3487            pass
3488        for base in [object, B]:
3489            class C(base):
3490                __slots__ = ['a']
3491            class D(C):
3492                pass
3493            for proto in range(2):
3494                try:
3495                    pickle.dumps(C(), proto)
3496                except TypeError:
3497                    pass
3498                else:
3499                    self.fail("should fail: pickle C instance - %s" % base)
3500                try:
3501                    cPickle.dumps(C(), proto)
3502                except TypeError:
3503                    pass
3504                else:
3505                    self.fail("should fail: cPickle C instance - %s" % base)
3506                try:
3507                    pickle.dumps(C(), proto)
3508                except TypeError:
3509                    pass
3510                else:
3511                    self.fail("should fail: pickle D instance - %s" % base)
3512                try:
3513                    cPickle.dumps(D(), proto)
3514                except TypeError:
3515                    pass
3516                else:
3517                    self.fail("should fail: cPickle D instance - %s" % base)
3518            # Give C a nice generic __getstate__ and __setstate__
3519            class C(base):
3520                __slots__ = ['a']
3521                def __getstate__(self):
3522                    try:
3523                        d = self.__dict__.copy()
3524                    except AttributeError:
3525                        d = {}
3526                    for cls in self.__class__.__mro__:
3527                        for sn in cls.__dict__.get('__slots__', ()):
3528                            try:
3529                                d[sn] = getattr(self, sn)
3530                            except AttributeError:
3531                                pass
3532                    return d
3533                def __setstate__(self, d):
3534                    for k, v in d.items():
3535                        setattr(self, k, v)
3536            class D(C):
3537                pass
3538            # Now it should work
3539            x = C()
3540            for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
3541                y = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x, proto))
3542                self.assertNotHasAttr(y, 'a')
3543                y = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(x, proto))
3544                self.assertNotHasAttr(y, 'a')
3545            x.a = 42
3546            for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
3547                y = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x, proto))
3548                self.assertEqual(y.a, 42)
3549                y = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(x, proto))
3550                self.assertEqual(y.a, 42)
3551            x = D()
3552            x.a = 42
3553            x.b = 100
3554            for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
3555                y = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x, proto))
3556                self.assertEqual(y.a + y.b, 142)
3557                y = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(x, proto))
3558                self.assertEqual(y.a + y.b, 142)
3559            # A subclass that adds a slot should also work
3560            class E(C):
3561                __slots__ = ['b']
3562            x = E()
3563            x.a = 42
3564            x.b = "foo"
3565            for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
3566                y = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x, proto))
3567                self.assertEqual(y.a, x.a)
3568                self.assertEqual(y.b, x.b)
3569                y = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(x, proto))
3570                self.assertEqual(y.a, x.a)
3571                self.assertEqual(y.b, x.b)
3573    def test_binary_operator_override(self):
3574        # Testing overrides of binary operations...
3575        class I(int):
3576            def __repr__(self):
3577                return "I(%r)" % int(self)
3578            def __add__(self, other):
3579                return I(int(self) + int(other))
3580            __radd__ = __add__
3581            def __pow__(self, other, mod=None):
3582                if mod is None:
3583                    return I(pow(int(self), int(other)))
3584                else:
3585                    return I(pow(int(self), int(other), int(mod)))
3586            def __rpow__(self, other, mod=None):
3587                if mod is None:
3588                    return I(pow(int(other), int(self), mod))
3589                else:
3590                    return I(pow(int(other), int(self), int(mod)))
3592        self.assertEqual(repr(I(1) + I(2)), "I(3)")
3593        self.assertEqual(repr(I(1) + 2), "I(3)")
3594        self.assertEqual(repr(1 + I(2)), "I(3)")
3595        self.assertEqual(repr(I(2) ** I(3)), "I(8)")
3596        self.assertEqual(repr(2 ** I(3)), "I(8)")
3597        self.assertEqual(repr(I(2) ** 3), "I(8)")
3598        self.assertEqual(repr(pow(I(2), I(3), I(5))), "I(3)")
3599        class S(str):
3600            def __eq__(self, other):
3601                return self.lower() == other.lower()
3602            __hash__ = None # Silence Py3k warning
3604    def test_subclass_propagation(self):
3605        # Testing propagation of slot functions to subclasses...
3606        class A(object):
3607            pass
3608        class B(A):
3609            pass
3610        class C(A):
3611            pass
3612        class D(B, C):
3613            pass
3614        d = D()
3615        orig_hash = hash(d) # related to id(d) in platform-dependent ways
3616        A.__hash__ = lambda self: 42
3617        self.assertEqual(hash(d), 42)
3618        C.__hash__ = lambda self: 314
3619        self.assertEqual(hash(d), 314)
3620        B.__hash__ = lambda self: 144
3621        self.assertEqual(hash(d), 144)
3622        D.__hash__ = lambda self: 100
3623        self.assertEqual(hash(d), 100)
3624        D.__hash__ = None
3625        self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, d)
3626        del D.__hash__
3627        self.assertEqual(hash(d), 144)
3628        B.__hash__ = None
3629        self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, d)
3630        del B.__hash__
3631        self.assertEqual(hash(d), 314)
3632        C.__hash__ = None
3633        self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, d)
3634        del C.__hash__
3635        self.assertEqual(hash(d), 42)
3636        A.__hash__ = None
3637        self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, d)
3638        del A.__hash__
3639        self.assertEqual(hash(d), orig_hash)
3640        d.foo = 42
3641        d.bar = 42
3642        self.assertEqual(d.foo, 42)
3643        self.assertEqual(d.bar, 42)
3644        def __getattribute__(self, name):
3645            if name == "foo":
3646                return 24
3647            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
3648        A.__getattribute__ = __getattribute__
3649        self.assertEqual(d.foo, 24)
3650        self.assertEqual(d.bar, 42)
3651        def __getattr__(self, name):
3652            if name in ("spam", "foo", "bar"):
3653                return "hello"
3654            raise AttributeError, name
3655        B.__getattr__ = __getattr__
3656        self.assertEqual(d.spam, "hello")
3657        self.assertEqual(d.foo, 24)
3658        self.assertEqual(d.bar, 42)
3659        del A.__getattribute__
3660        self.assertEqual(d.foo, 42)
3661        del d.foo
3662        self.assertEqual(d.foo, "hello")
3663        self.assertEqual(d.bar, 42)
3664        del B.__getattr__
3665        try:
3666            d.foo
3667        except AttributeError:
3668            pass
3669        else:
3670            self.fail("d.foo should be undefined now")
3672        # Test a nasty bug in recurse_down_subclasses()
3673        class A(object):
3674            pass
3675        class B(A):
3676            pass
3677        del B
3678        test_support.gc_collect()
3679        A.__setitem__ = lambda *a: None # crash
3681    def test_buffer_inheritance(self):
3682        # Testing that buffer interface is inherited ...
3684        import binascii
3685        # SF bug [#470040] ParseTuple t# vs subclasses.
3687        class MyStr(str):
3688            pass
3689        base = 'abc'
3690        m = MyStr(base)
3691        # b2a_hex uses the buffer interface to get its argument's value, via
3692        # PyArg_ParseTuple 't#' code.
3693        self.assertEqual(binascii.b2a_hex(m), binascii.b2a_hex(base))
3695        # It's not clear that unicode will continue to support the character
3696        # buffer interface, and this test will fail if that's taken away.
3697        class MyUni(unicode):
3698            pass
3699        base = u'abc'
3700        m = MyUni(base)
3701        self.assertEqual(binascii.b2a_hex(m), binascii.b2a_hex(base))
3703        class MyInt(int):
3704            pass
3705        m = MyInt(42)
3706        try:
3707            binascii.b2a_hex(m)
3708            self.fail('subclass of int should not have a buffer interface')
3709        except TypeError:
3710            pass
3712    def test_str_of_str_subclass(self):
3713        # Testing __str__ defined in subclass of str ...
3714        import binascii
3715        import cStringIO
3717        class octetstring(str):
3718            def __str__(self):
3719                return binascii.b2a_hex(self)
3720            def __repr__(self):
3721                return self + " repr"
3723        o = octetstring('A')
3724        self.assertEqual(type(o), octetstring)
3725        self.assertEqual(type(str(o)), str)
3726        self.assertEqual(type(repr(o)), str)
3727        self.assertEqual(ord(o), 0x41)
3728        self.assertEqual(str(o), '41')
3729        self.assertEqual(repr(o), 'A repr')
3730        self.assertEqual(o.__str__(), '41')
3731        self.assertEqual(o.__repr__(), 'A repr')
3733        capture = cStringIO.StringIO()
3734        # Calling str() or not exercises different internal paths.
3735        print >> capture, o
3736        print >> capture, str(o)
3737        self.assertEqual(capture.getvalue(), '41\n41\n')
3738        capture.close()
3740    def test_keyword_arguments(self):
3741        # Testing keyword arguments to __init__, __call__...
3742        def f(a): return a
3743        self.assertEqual(f.__call__(a=42), 42)
3744        a = []
3745        list.__init__(a, sequence=[0, 1, 2])
3746        self.assertEqual(a, [0, 1, 2])
3748    def test_recursive_call(self):
3749        # Testing recursive __call__() by setting to instance of class...
3750        class A(object):
3751            pass
3753        A.__call__ = A()
3754        try:
3755            A()()
3756        except RuntimeError:
3757            pass
3758        else:
3759            self.fail("Recursion limit should have been reached for __call__()")
3761    def test_delete_hook(self):
3762        # Testing __del__ hook...
3763        log = []
3764        class C(object):
3765            def __del__(self):
3766                log.append(1)
3767        c = C()
3768        self.assertEqual(log, [])
3769        del c
3770        test_support.gc_collect()
3771        self.assertEqual(log, [1])
3773        class D(object): pass
3774        d = D()
3775        try: del d[0]
3776        except TypeError: pass
3777        else: self.fail("invalid del() didn't raise TypeError")
3779    def test_hash_inheritance(self):
3780        # Testing hash of mutable subclasses...
3782        class mydict(dict):
3783            pass
3784        d = mydict()
3785        try:
3786            hash(d)
3787        except TypeError:
3788            pass
3789        else:
3790            self.fail("hash() of dict subclass should fail")
3792        class mylist(list):
3793            pass
3794        d = mylist()
3795        try:
3796            hash(d)
3797        except TypeError:
3798            pass
3799        else:
3800            self.fail("hash() of list subclass should fail")
3802    def test_str_operations(self):
3803        try: 'a' + 5
3804        except TypeError: pass
3805        else: self.fail("'' + 5 doesn't raise TypeError")
3807        try: ''.split('')
3808        except ValueError: pass
3809        else: self.fail("''.split('') doesn't raise ValueError")
3811        try: ''.join([0])
3812        except TypeError: pass
3813        else: self.fail("''.join([0]) doesn't raise TypeError")
3815        try: ''.rindex('5')
3816        except ValueError: pass
3817        else: self.fail("''.rindex('5') doesn't raise ValueError")
3819        try: '%(n)s' % None
3820        except TypeError: pass
3821        else: self.fail("'%(n)s' % None doesn't raise TypeError")
3823        try: '%(n' % {}
3824        except ValueError: pass
3825        else: self.fail("'%(n' % {} '' doesn't raise ValueError")
3827        try: '%*s' % ('abc')
3828        except TypeError: pass
3829        else: self.fail("'%*s' % ('abc') doesn't raise TypeError")
3831        try: '%*.*s' % ('abc', 5)
3832        except TypeError: pass
3833        else: self.fail("'%*.*s' % ('abc', 5) doesn't raise TypeError")
3835        try: '%s' % (1, 2)
3836        except TypeError: pass
3837        else: self.fail("'%s' % (1, 2) doesn't raise TypeError")
3839        try: '%' % None
3840        except ValueError: pass
3841        else: self.fail("'%' % None doesn't raise ValueError")
3843        self.assertEqual('534253'.isdigit(), 1)
3844        self.assertEqual('534253x'.isdigit(), 0)
3845        self.assertEqual('%c' % 5, '\x05')
3846        self.assertEqual('%c' % '5', '5')
3848    def test_deepcopy_recursive(self):
3849        # Testing deepcopy of recursive objects...
3850        class Node:
3851            pass
3852        a = Node()
3853        b = Node()
3854        a.b = b
3855        b.a = a
3856        z = deepcopy(a) # This blew up before
3858    def test_uninitialized_modules(self):
3859        # Testing uninitialized module objects...
3860        from types import ModuleType as M
3861        m = M.__new__(M)
3862        str(m)
3863        self.assertNotHasAttr(m, "__name__")
3864        self.assertNotHasAttr(m, "__file__")
3865        self.assertNotHasAttr(m, "foo")
3866        self.assertFalse(m.__dict__)   # None or {} are both reasonable answers
3867        m.foo = 1
3868        self.assertEqual(m.__dict__, {"foo": 1})
3870    def test_funny_new(self):
3871        # Testing __new__ returning something unexpected...
3872        class C(object):
3873            def __new__(cls, arg):
3874                if isinstance(arg, str): return [1, 2, 3]
3875                elif isinstance(arg, int): return object.__new__(D)
3876                else: return object.__new__(cls)
3877        class D(C):
3878            def __init__(self, arg):
3879                self.foo = arg
3880        self.assertEqual(C("1"), [1, 2, 3])
3881        self.assertEqual(D("1"), [1, 2, 3])
3882        d = D(None)
3883        self.assertEqual(d.foo, None)
3884        d = C(1)
3885        self.assertEqual(isinstance(d, D), True)
3886        self.assertEqual(d.foo, 1)
3887        d = D(1)
3888        self.assertEqual(isinstance(d, D), True)
3889        self.assertEqual(d.foo, 1)
3891        class C(object):
3892            @staticmethod
3893            def __new__(*args):
3894                return args
3895        self.assertEqual(C(1, 2), (C, 1, 2))
3896        class D(C):
3897            pass
3898        self.assertEqual(D(1, 2), (D, 1, 2))
3900        class C(object):
3901            @classmethod
3902            def __new__(*args):
3903                return args
3904        self.assertEqual(C(1, 2), (C, C, 1, 2))
3905        class D(C):
3906            pass
3907        self.assertEqual(D(1, 2), (D, D, 1, 2))
3909    def test_imul_bug(self):
3910        # Testing for __imul__ problems...
3911        # SF bug 544647
3912        class C(object):
3913            def __imul__(self, other):
3914                return (self, other)
3915        x = C()
3916        y = x
3917        y *= 1.0
3918        self.assertEqual(y, (x, 1.0))
3919        y = x
3920        y *= 2
3921        self.assertEqual(y, (x, 2))
3922        y = x
3923        y *= 3L
3924        self.assertEqual(y, (x, 3L))
3925        y = x
3926        y *= 1L<<100
3927        self.assertEqual(y, (x, 1L<<100))
3928        y = x
3929        y *= None
3930        self.assertEqual(y, (x, None))
3931        y = x
3932        y *= "foo"
3933        self.assertEqual(y, (x, "foo"))
3935    def test_copy_setstate(self):
3936        # Testing that copy.*copy() correctly uses __setstate__...
3937        import copy
3938        class C(object):
3939            def __init__(self, foo=None):
3940                self.foo = foo
3941                self.__foo = foo
3942            def setfoo(self, foo=None):
3943                self.foo = foo
3944            def getfoo(self):
3945                return self.__foo
3946            def __getstate__(self):
3947                return [self.foo]
3948            def __setstate__(self_, lst):
3949                self.assertEqual(len(lst), 1)
3950                self_.__foo = self_.foo = lst[0]
3951        a = C(42)
3952        a.setfoo(24)
3953        self.assertEqual(a.foo, 24)
3954        self.assertEqual(a.getfoo(), 42)
3955        b = copy.copy(a)
3956        self.assertEqual(b.foo, 24)
3957        self.assertEqual(b.getfoo(), 24)
3958        b = copy.deepcopy(a)
3959        self.assertEqual(b.foo, 24)
3960        self.assertEqual(b.getfoo(), 24)
3962    def test_slices(self):
3963        # Testing cases with slices and overridden __getitem__ ...
3965        # Strings
3966        self.assertEqual("hello"[:4], "hell")
3967        self.assertEqual("hello"[slice(4)], "hell")
3968        self.assertEqual(str.__getitem__("hello", slice(4)), "hell")
3969        class S(str):
3970            def __getitem__(self, x):
3971                return str.__getitem__(self, x)
3972        self.assertEqual(S("hello")[:4], "hell")
3973        self.assertEqual(S("hello")[slice(4)], "hell")
3974        self.assertEqual(S("hello").__getitem__(slice(4)), "hell")
3975        # Tuples
3976        self.assertEqual((1,2,3)[:2], (1,2))
3977        self.assertEqual((1,2,3)[slice(2)], (1,2))
3978        self.assertEqual(tuple.__getitem__((1,2,3), slice(2)), (1,2))
3979        class T(tuple):
3980            def __getitem__(self, x):
3981                return tuple.__getitem__(self, x)
3982        self.assertEqual(T((1,2,3))[:2], (1,2))
3983        self.assertEqual(T((1,2,3))[slice(2)], (1,2))
3984        self.assertEqual(T((1,2,3)).__getitem__(slice(2)), (1,2))
3985        # Lists
3986        self.assertEqual([1,2,3][:2], [1,2])
3987        self.assertEqual([1,2,3][slice(2)], [1,2])
3988        self.assertEqual(list.__getitem__([1,2,3], slice(2)), [1,2])
3989        class L(list):
3990            def __getitem__(self, x):
3991                return list.__getitem__(self, x)
3992        self.assertEqual(L([1,2,3])[:2], [1,2])
3993        self.assertEqual(L([1,2,3])[slice(2)], [1,2])
3994        self.assertEqual(L([1,2,3]).__getitem__(slice(2)), [1,2])
3995        # Now do lists and __setitem__
3996        a = L([1,2,3])
3997        a[slice(1, 3)] = [3,2]
3998        self.assertEqual(a, [1,3,2])
3999        a[slice(0, 2, 1)] = [3,1]
4000        self.assertEqual(a, [3,1,2])
4001        a.__setitem__(slice(1, 3), [2,1])
4002        self.assertEqual(a, [3,2,1])
4003        a.__setitem__(slice(0, 2, 1), [2,3])
4004        self.assertEqual(a, [2,3,1])
4006    def test_subtype_resurrection(self):
4007        # Testing resurrection of new-style instance...
4009        class C(object):
4010            container = []
4012            def __del__(self):
4013                # resurrect the instance
4014                C.container.append(self)
4016        c = C()
4017        c.attr = 42
4019        # The most interesting thing here is whether this blows up, due to
4020        # flawed GC tracking logic in typeobject.c's call_finalizer() (a 2.2.1
4021        # bug).
4022        del c
4024        # If that didn't blow up, it's also interesting to see whether clearing
4025        # the last container slot works: that will attempt to delete c again,
4026        # which will cause c to get appended back to the container again
4027        # "during" the del.  (On non-CPython implementations, however, __del__
4028        # is typically not called again.)
4029        test_support.gc_collect()
4030        self.assertEqual(len(C.container), 1)
4031        del C.container[-1]
4032        if test_support.check_impl_detail():
4033            test_support.gc_collect()
4034            self.assertEqual(len(C.container), 1)
4035            self.assertEqual(C.container[-1].attr, 42)
4037        # Make c mortal again, so that the test framework with -l doesn't report
4038        # it as a leak.
4039        del C.__del__
4041    def test_slots_trash(self):
4042        # Testing slot trash...
4043        # Deallocating deeply nested slotted trash caused stack overflows
4044        class trash(object):
4045            __slots__ = ['x']
4046            def __init__(self, x):
4047                self.x = x
4048        o = None
4049        for i in xrange(50000):
4050            o = trash(o)
4051        del o
4053    def test_slots_multiple_inheritance(self):
4054        # SF bug 575229, multiple inheritance w/ slots dumps core
4055        class A(object):
4056            __slots__=()
4057        class B(object):
4058            pass
4059        class C(A,B) :
4060            __slots__=()
4061        if test_support.check_impl_detail():
4062            self.assertEqual(C.__basicsize__, B.__basicsize__)
4063        self.assertHasAttr(C, '__dict__')
4064        self.assertHasAttr(C, '__weakref__')
4065        C().x = 2
4067    def test_rmul(self):
4068        # Testing correct invocation of __rmul__...
4069        # SF patch 592646
4070        class C(object):
4071            def __mul__(self, other):
4072                return "mul"
4073            def __rmul__(self, other):
4074                return "rmul"
4075        a = C()
4076        self.assertEqual(a*2, "mul")
4077        self.assertEqual(a*2.2, "mul")
4078        self.assertEqual(2*a, "rmul")
4079        self.assertEqual(2.2*a, "rmul")
4081    def test_ipow(self):
4082        # Testing correct invocation of __ipow__...
4083        # [SF bug 620179]
4084        class C(object):
4085            def __ipow__(self, other):
4086                pass
4087        a = C()
4088        a **= 2
4090    def test_mutable_bases(self):
4091        # Testing mutable bases...
4093        # stuff that should work:
4094        class C(object):
4095            pass
4096        class C2(object):
4097            def __getattribute__(self, attr):
4098                if attr == 'a':
4099                    return 2
4100                else:
4101                    return super(C2, self).__getattribute__(attr)
4102            def meth(self):
4103                return 1
4104        class D(C):
4105            pass
4106        class E(D):
4107            pass
4108        d = D()
4109        e = E()
4110        D.__bases__ = (C,)
4111        D.__bases__ = (C2,)
4112        self.assertEqual(d.meth(), 1)
4113        self.assertEqual(e.meth(), 1)
4114        self.assertEqual(d.a, 2)
4115        self.assertEqual(e.a, 2)
4116        self.assertEqual(C2.__subclasses__(), [D])
4118        try:
4119            del D.__bases__
4120        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
4121            pass
4122        else:
4123            self.fail("shouldn't be able to delete .__bases__")
4125        try:
4126            D.__bases__ = ()
4127        except TypeError, msg:
4128            if str(msg) == "a new-style class can't have only classic bases":
4129                self.fail("wrong error message for .__bases__ = ()")
4130        else:
4131            self.fail("shouldn't be able to set .__bases__ to ()")
4133        try:
4134            D.__bases__ = (D,)
4135        except TypeError:
4136            pass
4137        else:
4138            # actually, we'll have crashed by here...
4139            self.fail("shouldn't be able to create inheritance cycles")
4141        try:
4142            D.__bases__ = (C, C)
4143        except TypeError:
4144            pass
4145        else:
4146            self.fail("didn't detect repeated base classes")
4148        try:
4149            D.__bases__ = (E,)
4150        except TypeError:
4151            pass
4152        else:
4153            self.fail("shouldn't be able to create inheritance cycles")
4155        # let's throw a classic class into the mix:
4156        class Classic:
4157            def meth2(self):
4158                return 3
4160        D.__bases__ = (C, Classic)
4162        self.assertEqual(d.meth2(), 3)
4163        self.assertEqual(e.meth2(), 3)
4164        try:
4165            d.a
4166        except AttributeError:
4167            pass
4168        else:
4169            self.fail("attribute should have vanished")
4171        try:
4172            D.__bases__ = (Classic,)
4173        except TypeError:
4174            pass
4175        else:
4176            self.fail("new-style class must have a new-style base")
4178    def test_builtin_bases(self):
4179        # Make sure all the builtin types can have their base queried without
4180        # segfaulting. See issue #5787.
4181        builtin_types = [tp for tp in __builtin__.__dict__.itervalues()
4182                         if isinstance(tp, type)]
4183        for tp in builtin_types:
4184            object.__getattribute__(tp, "__bases__")
4185            if tp is not object:
4186                self.assertEqual(len(tp.__bases__), 1, tp)
4188        class L(list):
4189            pass
4191        class C(object):
4192            pass
4194        class D(C):
4195            pass
4197        try:
4198            L.__bases__ = (dict,)
4199        except TypeError:
4200            pass
4201        else:
4202            self.fail("shouldn't turn list subclass into dict subclass")
4204        try:
4205            list.__bases__ = (dict,)
4206        except TypeError:
4207            pass
4208        else:
4209            self.fail("shouldn't be able to assign to list.__bases__")
4211        try:
4212            D.__bases__ = (C, list)
4213        except TypeError:
4214            pass
4215        else:
4216            assert 0, "best_base calculation found wanting"
4218    def test_unsubclassable_types(self):
4219        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4220            class X(types.NoneType):
4221                pass
4222        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4223            class X(object, types.NoneType):
4224                pass
4225        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4226            class X(types.NoneType, object):
4227                pass
4228        class O(object):
4229            pass
4230        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4231            class X(O, types.NoneType):
4232                pass
4233        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4234            class X(types.NoneType, O):
4235                pass
4237        class X(object):
4238            pass
4239        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4240            X.__bases__ = types.NoneType,
4241        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4242            X.__bases__ = object, types.NoneType
4243        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4244            X.__bases__ = types.NoneType, object
4245        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4246            X.__bases__ = O, types.NoneType
4247        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4248            X.__bases__ = types.NoneType, O
4250    def test_mutable_bases_with_failing_mro(self):
4251        # Testing mutable bases with failing mro...
4252        class WorkOnce(type):
4253            def __new__(self, name, bases, ns):
4254                self.flag = 0
4255                return super(WorkOnce, self).__new__(WorkOnce, name, bases, ns)
4256            def mro(self):
4257                if self.flag > 0:
4258                    raise RuntimeError, "bozo"
4259                else:
4260                    self.flag += 1
4261                    return type.mro(self)
4263        class WorkAlways(type):
4264            def mro(self):
4265                # this is here to make sure that .mro()s aren't called
4266                # with an exception set (which was possible at one point).
4267                # An error message will be printed in a debug build.
4268                # What's a good way to test for this?
4269                return type.mro(self)
4271        class C(object):
4272            pass
4274        class C2(object):
4275            pass
4277        class D(C):
4278            pass
4280        class E(D):
4281            pass
4283        class F(D):
4284            __metaclass__ = WorkOnce
4286        class G(D):
4287            __metaclass__ = WorkAlways
4289        # Immediate subclasses have their mro's adjusted in alphabetical
4290        # order, so E's will get adjusted before adjusting F's fails.  We
4291        # check here that E's gets restored.
4293        E_mro_before = E.__mro__
4294        D_mro_before = D.__mro__
4296        try:
4297            D.__bases__ = (C2,)
4298        except RuntimeError:
4299            self.assertEqual(E.__mro__, E_mro_before)
4300            self.assertEqual(D.__mro__, D_mro_before)
4301        else:
4302            self.fail("exception not propagated")
4304    def test_mutable_bases_catch_mro_conflict(self):
4305        # Testing mutable bases catch mro conflict...
4306        class A(object):
4307            pass
4309        class B(object):
4310            pass
4312        class C(A, B):
4313            pass
4315        class D(A, B):
4316            pass
4318        class E(C, D):
4319            pass
4321        try:
4322            C.__bases__ = (B, A)
4323        except TypeError:
4324            pass
4325        else:
4326            self.fail("didn't catch MRO conflict")
4328    def test_mutable_names(self):
4329        # Testing mutable names...
4330        class C(object):
4331            pass
4333        # C.__module__ could be 'test_descr' or '__main__'
4334        mod = C.__module__
4336        C.__name__ = 'D'
4337        self.assertEqual((C.__module__, C.__name__), (mod, 'D'))
4339        C.__name__ = 'D.E'
4340        self.assertEqual((C.__module__, C.__name__), (mod, 'D.E'))
4342    def test_evil_type_name(self):
4343        # A badly placed Py_DECREF in type_set_name led to arbitrary code
4344        # execution while the type structure was not in a sane state, and a
4345        # possible segmentation fault as a result.  See bug #16447.
4346        class Nasty(str):
4347            def __del__(self):
4348                C.__name__ = "other"
4350        class C(object):
4351            pass
4353        C.__name__ = Nasty("abc")
4354        C.__name__ = "normal"
4356    def test_subclass_right_op(self):
4357        # Testing correct dispatch of subclass overloading __r<op>__...
4359        # This code tests various cases where right-dispatch of a subclass
4360        # should be preferred over left-dispatch of a base class.
4362        # Case 1: subclass of int; this tests code in abstract.c::binary_op1()
4364        class B(int):
4365            def __floordiv__(self, other):
4366                return "B.__floordiv__"
4367            def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
4368                return "B.__rfloordiv__"
4370        self.assertEqual(B(1) // 1, "B.__floordiv__")
4371        self.assertEqual(1 // B(1), "B.__rfloordiv__")
4373        # Case 2: subclass of object; this is just the baseline for case 3
4375        class C(object):
4376            def __floordiv__(self, other):
4377                return "C.__floordiv__"
4378            def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
4379                return "C.__rfloordiv__"
4381        self.assertEqual(C() // 1, "C.__floordiv__")
4382        self.assertEqual(1 // C(), "C.__rfloordiv__")
4384        # Case 3: subclass of new-style class; here it gets interesting
4386        class D(C):
4387            def __floordiv__(self, other):
4388                return "D.__floordiv__"
4389            def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
4390                return "D.__rfloordiv__"
4392        self.assertEqual(D() // C(), "D.__floordiv__")
4393        self.assertEqual(C() // D(), "D.__rfloordiv__")
4395        # Case 4: this didn't work right in 2.2.2 and 2.3a1
4397        class E(C):
4398            pass
4400        self.assertEqual(E.__rfloordiv__, C.__rfloordiv__)
4402        self.assertEqual(E() // 1, "C.__floordiv__")
4403        self.assertEqual(1 // E(), "C.__rfloordiv__")
4404        self.assertEqual(E() // C(), "C.__floordiv__")
4405        self.assertEqual(C() // E(), "C.__floordiv__") # This one would fail
4407    @test_support.impl_detail("testing an internal kind of method object")
4408    def test_meth_class_get(self):
4409        # Testing __get__ method of METH_CLASS C methods...
4410        # Full coverage of descrobject.c::classmethod_get()
4412        # Baseline
4413        arg = [1, 2, 3]
4414        res = {1: None, 2: None, 3: None}
4415        self.assertEqual(dict.fromkeys(arg), res)
4416        self.assertEqual({}.fromkeys(arg), res)
4418        # Now get the descriptor
4419        descr = dict.__dict__["fromkeys"]
4421        # More baseline using the descriptor directly
4422        self.assertEqual(descr.__get__(None, dict)(arg), res)
4423        self.assertEqual(descr.__get__({})(arg), res)
4425        # Now check various error cases
4426        try:
4427            descr.__get__(None, None)
4428        except TypeError:
4429            pass
4430        else:
4431            self.fail("shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(None, None)")
4432        try:
4433            descr.__get__(42)
4434        except TypeError:
4435            pass
4436        else:
4437            self.fail("shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(42)")
4438        try:
4439            descr.__get__(None, 42)
4440        except TypeError:
4441            pass
4442        else:
4443            self.fail("shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(None, 42)")
4444        try:
4445            descr.__get__(None, int)
4446        except TypeError:
4447            pass
4448        else:
4449            self.fail("shouldn't have allowed descr.__get__(None, int)")
4451    def test_isinst_isclass(self):
4452        # Testing proxy isinstance() and isclass()...
4453        class Proxy(object):
4454            def __init__(self, obj):
4455                self.__obj = obj
4456            def __getattribute__(self, name):
4457                if name.startswith("_Proxy__"):
4458                    return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
4459                else:
4460                    return getattr(self.__obj, name)
4461        # Test with a classic class
4462        class C:
4463            pass
4464        a = C()
4465        pa = Proxy(a)
4466        self.assertIsInstance(a, C)  # Baseline
4467        self.assertIsInstance(pa, C) # Test
4468        # Test with a classic subclass
4469        class D(C):
4470            pass
4471        a = D()
4472        pa = Proxy(a)
4473        self.assertIsInstance(a, C)  # Baseline
4474        self.assertIsInstance(pa, C) # Test
4475        # Test with a new-style class
4476        class C(object):
4477            pass
4478        a = C()
4479        pa = Proxy(a)
4480        self.assertIsInstance(a, C)  # Baseline
4481        self.assertIsInstance(pa, C) # Test
4482        # Test with a new-style subclass
4483        class D(C):
4484            pass
4485        a = D()
4486        pa = Proxy(a)
4487        self.assertIsInstance(a, C)  # Baseline
4488        self.assertIsInstance(pa, C) # Test
4490    def test_proxy_super(self):
4491        # Testing super() for a proxy object...
4492        class Proxy(object):
4493            def __init__(self, obj):
4494                self.__obj = obj
4495            def __getattribute__(self, name):
4496                if name.startswith("_Proxy__"):
4497                    return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
4498                else:
4499                    return getattr(self.__obj, name)
4501        class B(object):
4502            def f(self):
4503                return "B.f"
4505        class C(B):
4506            def f(self):
4507                return super(C, self).f() + "->C.f"
4509        obj = C()
4510        p = Proxy(obj)
4511        self.assertEqual(C.__dict__["f"](p), "B.f->C.f")
4513    def test_carloverre(self):
4514        # Testing prohibition of Carlo Verre's hack...
4515        try:
4516            object.__setattr__(str, "foo", 42)
4517        except TypeError:
4518            pass
4519        else:
4520            self.fail("Carlo Verre __setattr__ succeeded!")
4521        try:
4522            object.__delattr__(str, "lower")
4523        except TypeError:
4524            pass
4525        else:
4526            self.fail("Carlo Verre __delattr__ succeeded!")
4528    def test_weakref_segfault(self):
4529        # Testing weakref segfault...
4530        # SF 742911
4531        import weakref
4533        class Provoker:
4534            def __init__(self, referrent):
4535                self.ref = weakref.ref(referrent)
4537            def __del__(self):
4538                x = self.ref()
4540        class Oops(object):
4541            pass
4543        o = Oops()
4544        o.whatever = Provoker(o)
4545        del o
4547    def test_wrapper_segfault(self):
4548        # SF 927248: deeply nested wrappers could cause stack overflow
4549        f = lambda:None
4550        for i in xrange(1000000):
4551            f = f.__call__
4552        f = None
4554    def test_file_fault(self):
4555        # Testing sys.stdout is changed in getattr...
4556        test_stdout = sys.stdout
4557        class StdoutGuard:
4558            def __getattr__(self, attr):
4559                sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
4560                raise RuntimeError("Premature access to sys.stdout.%s" % attr)
4561        sys.stdout = StdoutGuard()
4562        try:
4563            print "Oops!"
4564        except RuntimeError:
4565            pass
4566        finally:
4567            sys.stdout = test_stdout
4569    def test_vicious_descriptor_nonsense(self):
4570        # Testing vicious_descriptor_nonsense...
4572        # A potential segfault spotted by Thomas Wouters in mail to
4573        # python-dev 2003-04-17, turned into an example & fixed by Michael
4574        # Hudson just less than four months later...
4576        class Evil(object):
4577            def __hash__(self):
4578                return hash('attr')
4579            def __eq__(self, other):
4580                del C.attr
4581                return 0
4583        class Descr(object):
4584            def __get__(self, ob, type=None):
4585                return 1
4587        class C(object):
4588            attr = Descr()
4590        c = C()
4591        c.__dict__[Evil()] = 0
4593        self.assertEqual(c.attr, 1)
4594        # this makes a crash more likely:
4595        test_support.gc_collect()
4596        self.assertNotHasAttr(c, 'attr')
4598    def test_init(self):
4599        # SF 1155938
4600        class Foo(object):
4601            def __init__(self):
4602                return 10
4603        try:
4604            Foo()
4605        except TypeError:
4606            pass
4607        else:
4608            self.fail("did not test __init__() for None return")
4610    def test_method_wrapper(self):
4611        # Testing method-wrapper objects...
4612        # <type 'method-wrapper'> did not support any reflection before 2.5
4614        l = []
4615        self.assertEqual(l.__add__, l.__add__)
4616        self.assertEqual(l.__add__, [].__add__)
4617        self.assertNotEqual(l.__add__, [5].__add__)
4618        self.assertNotEqual(l.__add__, l.__mul__)
4619        self.assertEqual(l.__add__.__name__, '__add__')
4620        if hasattr(l.__add__, '__self__'):
4621            # CPython
4622            self.assertIs(l.__add__.__self__, l)
4623            self.assertIs(l.__add__.__objclass__, list)
4624        else:
4625            # Python implementations where [].__add__ is a normal bound method
4626            self.assertIs(l.__add__.im_self, l)
4627            self.assertIs(l.__add__.im_class, list)
4628        self.assertEqual(l.__add__.__doc__, list.__add__.__doc__)
4629        try:
4630            hash(l.__add__)
4631        except TypeError:
4632            pass
4633        else:
4634            self.fail("no TypeError from hash([].__add__)")
4636        t = ()
4637        t += (7,)
4638        self.assertEqual(t.__add__, (7,).__add__)
4639        self.assertEqual(hash(t.__add__), hash((7,).__add__))
4641    def test_not_implemented(self):
4642        # Testing NotImplemented...
4643        # all binary methods should be able to return a NotImplemented
4644        import operator
4646        def specialmethod(self, other):
4647            return NotImplemented
4649        def check(expr, x, y):
4650            try:
4651                exec expr in {'x': x, 'y': y, 'operator': operator}
4652            except TypeError:
4653                pass
4654            else:
4655                self.fail("no TypeError from %r" % (expr,))
4657        N1 = sys.maxint + 1L    # might trigger OverflowErrors instead of
4658                                # TypeErrors
4659        N2 = sys.maxint         # if sizeof(int) < sizeof(long), might trigger
4660                                #   ValueErrors instead of TypeErrors
4661        for metaclass in [type, types.ClassType]:
4662            for name, expr, iexpr in [
4663                    ('__add__',      'x + y',                   'x += y'),
4664                    ('__sub__',      'x - y',                   'x -= y'),
4665                    ('__mul__',      'x * y',                   'x *= y'),
4666                    ('__truediv__',  'operator.truediv(x, y)',  None),
4667                    ('__floordiv__', 'operator.floordiv(x, y)', None),
4668                    ('__div__',      'x / y',                   'x /= y'),
4669                    ('__mod__',      'x % y',                   'x %= y'),
4670                    ('__divmod__',   'divmod(x, y)',            None),
4671                    ('__pow__',      'x ** y',                  'x **= y'),
4672                    ('__lshift__',   'x << y',                  'x <<= y'),
4673                    ('__rshift__',   'x >> y',                  'x >>= y'),
4674                    ('__and__',      'x & y',                   'x &= y'),
4675                    ('__or__',       'x | y',                   'x |= y'),
4676                    ('__xor__',      'x ^ y',                   'x ^= y'),
4677                    ('__coerce__',   'coerce(x, y)',            None)]:
4678                if name == '__coerce__':
4679                    rname = name
4680                else:
4681                    rname = '__r' + name[2:]
4682                A = metaclass('A', (), {name: specialmethod})
4683                B = metaclass('B', (), {rname: specialmethod})
4684                a = A()
4685                b = B()
4686                check(expr, a, a)
4687                check(expr, a, b)
4688                check(expr, b, a)
4689                check(expr, b, b)
4690                check(expr, a, N1)
4691                check(expr, a, N2)
4692                check(expr, N1, b)
4693                check(expr, N2, b)
4694                if iexpr:
4695                    check(iexpr, a, a)
4696                    check(iexpr, a, b)
4697                    check(iexpr, b, a)
4698                    check(iexpr, b, b)
4699                    check(iexpr, a, N1)
4700                    check(iexpr, a, N2)
4701                    iname = '__i' + name[2:]
4702                    C = metaclass('C', (), {iname: specialmethod})
4703                    c = C()
4704                    check(iexpr, c, a)
4705                    check(iexpr, c, b)
4706                    check(iexpr, c, N1)
4707                    check(iexpr, c, N2)
4709    def test_assign_slice(self):
4710        # ceval.c's assign_slice used to check for
4711        # tp->tp_as_sequence->sq_slice instead of
4712        # tp->tp_as_sequence->sq_ass_slice
4714        class C(object):
4715            def __setslice__(self, start, stop, value):
4716                self.value = value
4718        c = C()
4719        c[1:2] = 3
4720        self.assertEqual(c.value, 3)
4722    def test_set_and_no_get(self):
4723        # See
4724        # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-January/095637.html
4725        class Descr(object):
4727            def __init__(self, name):
4728                self.name = name
4730            def __set__(self, obj, value):
4731                obj.__dict__[self.name] = value
4732        descr = Descr("a")
4734        class X(object):
4735            a = descr
4737        x = X()
4738        self.assertIs(x.a, descr)
4739        x.a = 42
4740        self.assertEqual(x.a, 42)
4742        # Also check type_getattro for correctness.
4743        class Meta(type):
4744            pass
4745        class X(object):
4746            __metaclass__ = Meta
4747        X.a = 42
4748        Meta.a = Descr("a")
4749        self.assertEqual(X.a, 42)
4751    def test_getattr_hooks(self):
4752        # issue 4230
4754        class Descriptor(object):
4755            counter = 0
4756            def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
4757                def getter(name):
4758                    self.counter += 1
4759                    raise AttributeError(name)
4760                return getter
4762        descr = Descriptor()
4763        class A(object):
4764            __getattribute__ = descr
4765        class B(object):
4766            __getattr__ = descr
4767        class C(object):
4768            __getattribute__ = descr
4769            __getattr__ = descr
4771        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, A(), "attr")
4772        self.assertEqual(descr.counter, 1)
4773        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, B(), "attr")
4774        self.assertEqual(descr.counter, 2)
4775        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, C(), "attr")
4776        self.assertEqual(descr.counter, 4)
4778        class EvilGetattribute(object):
4779            # This used to segfault
4780            def __getattr__(self, name):
4781                raise AttributeError(name)
4782            def __getattribute__(self, name):
4783                del EvilGetattribute.__getattr__
4784                for i in range(5):
4785                    gc.collect()
4786                raise AttributeError(name)
4788        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, EvilGetattribute(), "attr")
4790    def test_type___getattribute__(self):
4791        self.assertRaises(TypeError, type.__getattribute__, list, type)
4793    def test_abstractmethods(self):
4794        # type pretends not to have __abstractmethods__.
4795        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, type, "__abstractmethods__")
4796        class meta(type):
4797            pass
4798        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, meta, "__abstractmethods__")
4799        class X(object):
4800            pass
4801        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
4802            del X.__abstractmethods__
4804    def test_proxy_call(self):
4805        class FakeStr(object):
4806            __class__ = str
4808        fake_str = FakeStr()
4809        # isinstance() reads __class__ on new style classes
4810        self.assertIsInstance(fake_str, str)
4812        # call a method descriptor
4813        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4814            str.split(fake_str)
4816        # call a slot wrapper descriptor
4817        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
4818            str.__add__(fake_str, "abc")
4820    def test_repr_as_str(self):
4821        # Issue #11603: crash or infinite loop when rebinding __str__ as
4822        # __repr__.
4823        class Foo(object):
4824            pass
4825        Foo.__repr__ = Foo.__str__
4826        foo = Foo()
4827        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, str, foo)
4828        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, repr, foo)
4830    def test_mixing_slot_wrappers(self):
4831        class X(dict):
4832            __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
4833        x = X()
4834        x.y = 42
4835        self.assertEqual(x["y"], 42)
4837    def test_cycle_through_dict(self):
4838        # See bug #1469629
4839        class X(dict):
4840            def __init__(self):
4841                dict.__init__(self)
4842                self.__dict__ = self
4843        x = X()
4844        x.attr = 42
4845        wr = weakref.ref(x)
4846        del x
4847        test_support.gc_collect()
4848        self.assertIsNone(wr())
4849        for o in gc.get_objects():
4850            self.assertIsNot(type(o), X)
4853class DictProxyTests(unittest.TestCase):
4854    def setUp(self):
4855        class C(object):
4856            def meth(self):
4857                pass
4858        self.C = C
4860    def test_repr(self):
4861        self.assertIn('dict_proxy({', repr(vars(self.C)))
4862        self.assertIn("'meth':", repr(vars(self.C)))
4864    def test_iter_keys(self):
4865        # Testing dict-proxy iterkeys...
4866        keys = [ key for key in self.C.__dict__.iterkeys() ]
4867        keys.sort()
4868        self.assertEqual(keys, ['__dict__', '__doc__', '__module__',
4869            '__weakref__', 'meth'])
4871    def test_iter_values(self):
4872        # Testing dict-proxy itervalues...
4873        values = [ values for values in self.C.__dict__.itervalues() ]
4874        self.assertEqual(len(values), 5)
4876    def test_iter_items(self):
4877        # Testing dict-proxy iteritems...
4878        keys = [ key for (key, value) in self.C.__dict__.iteritems() ]
4879        keys.sort()
4880        self.assertEqual(keys, ['__dict__', '__doc__', '__module__',
4881            '__weakref__', 'meth'])
4883    def test_dict_type_with_metaclass(self):
4884        # Testing type of __dict__ when __metaclass__ set...
4885        class B(object):
4886            pass
4887        class M(type):
4888            pass
4889        class C:
4890            # In 2.3a1, C.__dict__ was a real dict rather than a dict proxy
4891            __metaclass__ = M
4892        self.assertEqual(type(C.__dict__), type(B.__dict__))
4895class PTypesLongInitTest(unittest.TestCase):
4896    # This is in its own TestCase so that it can be run before any other tests.
4897    def test_pytype_long_ready(self):
4898        # Testing SF bug 551412 ...
4900        # This dumps core when SF bug 551412 isn't fixed --
4901        # but only when test_descr.py is run separately.
4902        # (That can't be helped -- as soon as PyType_Ready()
4903        # is called for PyLong_Type, the bug is gone.)
4904        class UserLong(object):
4905            def __pow__(self, *args):
4906                pass
4907        try:
4908            pow(0L, UserLong(), 0L)
4909        except:
4910            pass
4912        # Another segfault only when run early
4913        # (before PyType_Ready(tuple) is called)
4914        type.mro(tuple)
4917class PicklingTests(unittest.TestCase):
4919    def test_issue24097(self):
4920        # Slot name is freed inside __getattr__ and is later used.
4921        class S(str):  # Not interned
4922            pass
4923        class A(object):
4924            __slotnames__ = [S('spam')]
4925            def __getattr__(self, attr):
4926                if attr == 'spam':
4927                    A.__slotnames__[:] = [S('spam')]
4928                    return 42
4929                else:
4930                    raise AttributeError
4932        import copy_reg
4933        expected = (copy_reg.__newobj__, (A,), ({}, {'spam': 42}), None, None)
4934        self.assertEqual(A().__reduce__(2), expected)
4937def test_main():
4938    deprecations = [(r'complex divmod\(\), // and % are deprecated$',
4939                     DeprecationWarning)]
4940    if sys.py3kwarning:
4941        deprecations += [
4942            ("classic (int|long) division", DeprecationWarning),
4943            ("coerce.. not supported", DeprecationWarning),
4944            (".+__(get|set|del)slice__ has been removed", DeprecationWarning)]
4945    with test_support.check_warnings(*deprecations):
4946        # Run all local test cases, with PTypesLongInitTest first.
4947        test_support.run_unittest(PTypesLongInitTest, OperatorsTest,
4948                                  ClassPropertiesAndMethods, DictProxyTests,
4949                                  PicklingTests)
4951if __name__ == "__main__":
4952    test_main()