2 * This externs file prevents the Closure JS compiler from minifying away
3 * names of objects created by Emscripten.
4 * Basically, by defining empty objects and functions here, Closure will
5 * know not to rename them.  This is needed because of our pre-js files,
6 * that is, the JS we hand-write to bundle into the output. That JS will be
7 * hit by the closure compiler and thus needs to know about what functions
8 * have special names and should not be minified.
9 *
10 * Emscripten does not support automatically generating an externs file, so we
11 * do it by hand. The general process is to write some JS code, and then put any
12 * calls to CanvasKit or related things in here. Running ./compile.sh and then
13 * looking at the minified results or running the Release trybot should
14 * verify nothing was missed. Optionally, looking directly at the minified
15 * pathkit.js can be useful when developing locally.
16 *
17 * Docs:
18 *   https://github.com/cljsjs/packages/wiki/Creating-Externs
19 *   https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/wiki/Types-in-the-Closure-Type-System
20 *
21 * Example externs:
22 *   https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/tree/master/externs
23 */
25var CanvasKit = {
26	// public API (i.e. things we declare in the pre-js file)
27	Color: function() {},
28	/** @return {CanvasKit.SkRect} */
29	LTRBRect: function() {},
30	/** @return {CanvasKit.SkRect} */
31	XYWHRect: function() {},
32	/** @return {ImageData} */
33	ImageData: function() {},
35	GetWebGLContext: function() {},
36	MakeBlurMaskFilter: function() {},
37	MakeCanvas: function() {},
38	MakeCanvasSurface: function() {},
39	MakeGrContext: function() {},
40	MakeImageShader: function() {},
41	/** @return {CanvasKit.SkImage} */
42	MakeImageFromEncoded: function() {},
43	/** @return {LinearCanvasGradient} */
44	MakeLinearGradientShader: function() {},
45	MakeOnScreenGLSurface: function() {},
46	MakePathFromCmds: function() {},
47	MakePathFromOp: function() {},
48	MakePathFromSVGString: function() {},
49	MakeRadialGradientShader: function() {},
50	MakeRenderTarget: function() {},
51	MakeSWCanvasSurface: function() {},
52	MakeManagedAnimation: function() {},
53	MakeSkDashPathEffect: function() {},
54	MakeSkVertices: function() {},
55	MakeSurface: function() {},
56	/** @return {RadialCanvasGradient} */
57	MakeTwoPointConicalGradientShader: function() {},
58	MakeWebGLCanvasSurface: function() {},
59	currentContext: function() {},
60	getColorComponents: function() {},
61	getSkDataBytes: function() {},
62	multiplyByAlpha: function() {},
63	setCurrentContext: function() {},
65	// private API (i.e. things declared in the bindings that we use
66	// in the pre-js file)
67	_MakeImage: function() {},
68	_MakeImageShader: function() {},
69	_MakeLinearGradientShader: function() {},
70	_MakePathFromCmds: function() {},
71	_MakeRadialGradientShader: function() {},
72	_MakeManagedAnimation: function() {},
73	_MakeSkDashPathEffect: function() {},
74	_MakeSkVertices: function() {},
75	_MakeTwoPointConicalGradientShader: function() {},
76	_decodeImage: function() {},
77	_drawShapedText: function() {},
78	_getRasterDirectSurface: function() {},
79	_getRasterN32PremulSurface: function() {},
81	// The testing object is meant to expose internal functions
82	// for more fine-grained testing, e.g. parseColor
83	_testing: {},
85	// Objects and properties on CanvasKit
87	ShapedText: {
88		// public API (from C++ bindings)
89		getBounds: function() {},
90	},
92	SkCanvas: {
93		// public API (from C++ bindings)
94		clear: function() {},
95		clipPath: function() {},
96		clipRect: function() {},
97		concat: function() {},
98		drawArc: function() {},
99		drawImage: function() {},
100		drawImageRect: function() {},
101		drawLine: function() {},
102		drawOval: function() {},
103		drawPaint: function() {},
104		drawPath: function() {},
105		drawRect: function() {},
106		drawRoundRect: function() {},
107		drawShadow: function() {},
108		drawText: function() {},
109		drawTextBlob: function() {},
110		drawVertices: function() {},
111		flush: function() {},
112		getTotalMatrix: function() {},
113		makeSurface: function() {},
114		restore: function() {},
115		restoreToCount: function() {},
116		rotate: function() {},
117		save: function() {},
118		saveLayer: function() {},
119		scale: function() {},
120		skew: function() {},
121		translate: function() {},
123		// private API
124		_drawSimpleText: function() {},
125		_readPixels: function() {},
126		_writePixels: function() {},
127		delete: function() {},
128	},
130	SkFont: {
131		// public API (from C++ bindings)
132		getScaleX: function() {},
133		getSize: function() {},
134		getSkewX: function() {},
135		getTypeface: function() {},
136		measureText: function() {},
137		setScaleX: function() {},
138		setSize: function() {},
139		setSkewX: function() {},
140		setTypeface: function() {},
141	},
143	SkFontMgr: {
144		// public API (from C++ bindings)
145		RefDefault: function() {},
146		countFamilies: function() {},
148		// private API
149		_makeTypefaceFromData: function() {},
150	},
152	SkImage: {
153		// public API (from C++ bindings)
154		height: function() {},
155		width: function() {},
156		// private API
157		_encodeToData: function() {},
158		_encodeToDataWithFormat: function() {},
159	},
161	SkMatrix: {
162		identity: function() {},
163		mapPoints: function() {},
164		multiply: function() {},
165		rotated: function() {},
166		scaled: function() {},
167		skewed: function() {},
168		translated: function() {},
169	},
171	SkPaint: {
172		// public API (from C++ bindings)
173		/** @return {CanvasKit.SkPaint} */
174		copy: function() {},
175		getBlendMode: function() {},
176		getColor: function() {},
177		getFilterQuality: function() {},
178		getStrokeCap: function() {},
179		getStrokeJoin: function() {},
180		getStrokeMiter: function() {},
181		getStrokeWidth: function() {},
182		setAntiAlias: function() {},
183		setBlendMode: function() {},
184		setColor: function() {},
185		setFilterQuality: function() {},
186		setMaskFilter: function() {},
187		setPathEffect: function() {},
188		setShader: function() {},
189		setStrokeCap: function() {},
190		setStrokeJoin: function() {},
191		setStrokeMiter: function() {},
192		setStrokeWidth: function() {},
193		setStyle: function() {},
195		//private API
196		delete: function() {},
197	},
199	SkPath: {
200		// public API (from C++ bindings)
201		computeTightBounds: function() {},
202		contains: function() {},
203		/** @return {CanvasKit.SkPath} */
204		copy: function() {},
205		countPoints: function() {},
206		equals: function() {},
207		getBounds: function() {},
208		getFillType: function() {},
209		getPoint: function() {},
210		isEmpty: function() {},
211		isVolatile: function() {},
212		reset: function() {},
213		rewind: function() {},
214		setFillType: function() {},
215		setIsVolatile: function() {},
216		toSVGString: function() {},
218		// private API
219		_addArc: function() {},
220		_addPath: function() {},
221		_addRect: function() {},
222		_addRoundRect: function() {},
223		_arc: function() {},
224		_arcTo: function() {},
225		_close: function() {},
226		_conicTo: function() {},
227		_cubicTo: function() {},
228		_dash: function() {},
229		_lineTo: function() {},
230		_moveTo: function() {},
231		_op: function() {},
232		_quadTo: function() {},
233		_rect: function() {},
234		_simplify: function() {},
235		_stroke: function() {},
236		_transform: function() {},
237		_trim: function() {},
238		delete: function() {},
239		dump: function() {},
240		dumpHex: function() {},
241	},
243	SkRect: {
244		fLeft: {},
245		fTop: {},
246		fRight: {},
247		fBottom: {},
248	},
250	SkSurface: {
251		// public API (from C++ bindings)
252		/** @return {CanvasKit.SkCanvas} */
253		getCanvas: function() {},
254		/** @return {CanvasKit.SkImage} */
255		makeImageSnapshot: function() {},
256		makeSurface: function() {},
258		// private API
259		_flush: function() {},
260		_getRasterN32PremulSurface: function() {},
261		delete: function() {},
262	},
264	SkTextBlob: {
265		MakeFromText: function() {},
266		_MakeFromText: function() {},
267	},
269	SkVertices: {
270		// public API (from C++ bindings)
271		bounds: function() {},
272		mode: function() {},
273		uniqueID: function() {},
274		vertexCount: function() {},
276		// private API
277		/** @return {CanvasKit.SkVertices} */
278		_applyBones: function() {},
279	},
281	// Constants and Enums
282	gpu: {},
283	skottie: {},
286	RED: {},
287	BLUE: {},
288	YELLOW: {},
289	CYAN: {},
290	BLACK: {},
291	WHITE: {},
293	MOVE_VERB: {},
294	LINE_VERB: {},
295	QUAD_VERB: {},
296	CONIC_VERB: {},
297	CUBIC_VERB: {},
298	CLOSE_VERB: {},
300	AlphaType: {
301		Opaque: {},
302		Premul: {},
303		Unpremul: {},
304	},
306	BlendMode: {
307		Clear: {},
308		Src: {},
309		Dst: {},
310		SrcOver: {},
311		DstOver: {},
312		SrcIn: {},
313		DstIn: {},
314		SrcOut: {},
315		DstOut: {},
316		SrcATop: {},
317		DstATop: {},
318		Xor: {},
319		Plus: {},
320		Modulate: {},
321		Screen: {},
322		Overlay: {},
323		Darken: {},
324		Lighten: {},
325		ColorDodge: {},
326		ColorBurn: {},
327		HardLight: {},
328		SoftLight: {},
329		Difference: {},
330		Exclusion: {},
331		Multiply: {},
332		Hue: {},
333		Saturation: {},
334		Color: {},
335		Luminosity: {},
336	},
338	BlurStyle: {
339		Normal: {},
340		Solid: {},
341		Outer: {},
342		Inner: {},
343	},
345	ClipOp: {
346		Difference: {},
347		Intersect: {},
348	},
350	ColorType: {
351		Alpha_8: {},
352		RGB_565: {},
353		ARGB_4444: {},
354		RGBA_8888: {},
355		RGB_888x: {},
356		BGRA_8888: {},
357		RGBA_1010102: {},
358		RGB_101010x: {},
359		Gray_8: {},
360		RGBA_F16: {},
361		RGBA_F32: {},
362	},
364	FillType: {
365		Winding: {},
366		EvenOdd: {},
367		InverseWinding: {},
368		InverseEvenOdd: {},
369	},
371	FilterQuality: {
372		None: {},
373		Low: {},
374		Medium: {},
375		High: {},
376	},
378	ImageFormat: {
379		PNG: {},
380		JPEG: {},
381	},
383	PaintStyle: {
384		Fill: {},
385		Stroke: {},
386		StrokeAndFill: {},
387	},
389	PathOp: {
390		Difference: {},
391		Intersect: {},
392		Union: {},
393		XOR: {},
394		ReverseDifference: {},
395	},
397	StrokeCap: {
398		Butt: {},
399		Round: {},
400		Square: {},
401	},
403	StrokeJoin: {
404		Miter: {},
405		Round: {},
406		Bevel: {},
407	},
409	TextEncoding: {
410		UTF8: {},
411		UTF16: {},
412		UTF32: {},
413		GlyphID: {},
414	},
416	TileMode: {
417		Clamp: {},
418		Repeat: {},
419		Mirror: {},
420		Decal: {},
421	},
423	VertexMode: {
424		Triangles: {},
425		TrianglesStrip: {},
426		TriangleFan: {},
427	},
429	// Things Enscriptem adds for us
431	/** Represents the heap of the WASM code
432	 * @type {ArrayBuffer}
433	 */
434	buffer: {},
435	/**
436	 * @type {Float32Array}
437	 */
438	HEAPF32: {},
439	/**
440	 * @type {Uint8Array}
441	 */
442	HEAPU8: {},
443	/**
444	 * @type {Uint16Array}
445	 */
446	HEAPU16: {},
447	/**
448	 * @type {Int32Array}
449	 */
450	HEAP32: {},
451	/**
452	 * @type {Uint32Array}
453	 */
454	HEAPU32: {},
455	_malloc: function() {},
456	_free: function() {},
457	onRuntimeInitialized: function() {},
460// Public API things that are newly declared in the JS should go here.
461// It's not enough to declare them above, because closure can still erase them
462// unless they go on the prototype.
463CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.addArc = function() {};
464CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.addPath = function() {};
465CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.addRect = function() {};
466CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.addRoundRect = function() {};
467CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.arc = function() {};
468CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.arcTo = function() {};
469CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.close = function() {};
470CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.conicTo = function() {};
471CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.cubicTo = function() {};
472CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.dash = function() {};
473CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.lineTo = function() {};
474CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.moveTo = function() {};
475CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.op = function() {};
476CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.quadTo = function() {};
477CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.rect = function() {};
478CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.simplify = function() {};
479CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.stroke = function() {};
480CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.transform = function() {};
481CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.trim = function() {};
483CanvasKit.SkSurface.prototype.flush = function() {};
484CanvasKit.SkSurface.prototype.dispose = function() {};
486/** @return {CanvasKit.SkVertices} */
487CanvasKit.SkVertices.prototype.applyBones = function() {};
489CanvasKit.SkImage.prototype.encodeToData = function() {};
491CanvasKit.SkCanvas.prototype.drawText = function() {};
492/** @return {Uint8Array} */
493CanvasKit.SkCanvas.prototype.readPixels = function() {};
494CanvasKit.SkCanvas.prototype.writePixels = function() {};
496CanvasKit.SkFontMgr.prototype.MakeTypefaceFromData = function() {};
498// Define StrokeOpts object
499var StrokeOpts = {};
506// Define everything created in the canvas2d spec here
507var HTMLCanvas = {};
508HTMLCanvas.prototype.decodeImage = function() {};
509HTMLCanvas.prototype.dispose = function() {};
510HTMLCanvas.prototype.getContext = function() {};
511HTMLCanvas.prototype.loadFont = function() {};
512HTMLCanvas.prototype.makePath2D = function() {};
513HTMLCanvas.prototype.toDataURL = function() {};
515var CanvasRenderingContext2D = {};
516CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.addHitRegion = function() {};
517CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.arc = function() {};
518CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.arcTo = function() {};
519CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.beginPath = function() {};
520CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function() {};
521CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearHitRegions = function() {};
522CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect = function() {};
523CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clip = function() {};
524CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.closePath = function() {};
525CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createImageData = function() {};
526CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createLinearGradient = function() {};
527CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createPattern = function() {};
528CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createRadialGradient = function() {};
529CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawFocusIfNeeded = function() {};
530CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawImage = function() {};
531CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.ellipse = function() {};
532CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fill = function() {};
533CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillRect = function() {};
534CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText = function() {};
535CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.getImageData = function() {};
536CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.getLineDash = function() {};
537CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInPath = function() {};
538CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInStroke = function() {};
539CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.lineTo = function() {};
540CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.measureText = function() {};
541CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.moveTo = function() {};
542CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.putImageData = function() {};
543CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function() {};
544CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.rect = function() {};
545CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.removeHitRegion = function() {};
546CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.resetTransform = function() {};
547CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.restore = function() {};
548CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.rotate = function() {};
549CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.save = function() {};
550CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.scale = function() {};
551CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.scrollPathIntoView = function() {};
552CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setLineDash = function() {};
553CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setTransform = function() {};
554CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.stroke = function() {};
555CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeRect = function() {};
556CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeText = function() {};
557CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.transform = function() {};
558CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.translate = function() {};
560var Path2D = {};
561Path2D.prototype.addPath = function() {};
562Path2D.prototype.arc = function() {};
563Path2D.prototype.arcTo = function() {};
564Path2D.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function() {};
565Path2D.prototype.closePath = function() {};
566Path2D.prototype.ellipse = function() {};
567Path2D.prototype.lineTo = function() {};
568Path2D.prototype.moveTo = function() {};
569Path2D.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function() {};
570Path2D.prototype.rect = function() {};
572var LinearCanvasGradient = {};
573LinearCanvasGradient.prototype.addColorStop = function() {};
574var RadialCanvasGradient = {};
575RadialCanvasGradient.prototype.addColorStop = function() {};
576var CanvasPattern = {};
577CanvasPattern.prototype.setTransform = function() {};
579var ImageData = {
580	/**
581	 * @type {Uint8ClampedArray}
582	 */
583	data: {},
584	height: {},
585	width: {},
588var DOMMatrix = {
589	a: {},
590	b: {},
591	c: {},
592	d: {},
593	e: {},
594	f: {},
597// Not sure why this is needed - might be a bug in emsdk that this isn't properly declared.
598function loadWebAssemblyModule() {};
600var DOMMatrix = {};