Lines Matching refs:ALOGE

74         ALOGE("Cannot free AImage before close!");  in free()
97 ALOGE("%s: image %p has been closed!", __FUNCTION__, this); in getWidth()
111 ALOGE("%s: image %p has been closed!", __FUNCTION__, this); in getHeight()
125 ALOGE("%s: image %p has been closed!", __FUNCTION__, this); in getFormat()
139 ALOGE("%s: image %p has been closed!", __FUNCTION__, this); in getNumPlanes()
153 ALOGE("%s: image %p has been closed!", __FUNCTION__, this); in getTimestamp()
167 ALOGE("%s: AImage %p does not have any software read usage bits set, usage=%" PRIu64 "", in lockImage()
184 ALOGE("%s: AImage %p failed to lock, error=%d", __FUNCTION__, this, ret); in lockImage()
215 ALOGE("%s unlock buffer failed on iamge %p.", __FUNCTION__, this); in unlockImageIfLocked()
227 ALOGE("%s: buffer not locked.", __FUNCTION__); in getPlanePixelStride()
232 ALOGE("Error: planeIdx %d out of bound [0,%d]", in getPlanePixelStride()
240 ALOGE("%s: image %p has been closed!", __FUNCTION__, this); in getPlanePixelStride()
279 ALOGE("Pixel format: 0x%x is unsupported", fmt); in getPlanePixelStride()
287 ALOGE("%s: buffer not locked.", __FUNCTION__); in getPlaneRowStride()
292 ALOGE("Error: planeIdx %d out of bound [0,%d]", in getPlaneRowStride()
300 ALOGE("%s: image %p has been closed!", __FUNCTION__, this); in getPlaneRowStride()
314 ALOGE("Stride %d is not 16 pixel aligned!", mLockedBuffer->stride); in getPlaneRowStride()
327 ALOGE("Stride %d is not 16 pixel aligned!", in getPlaneRowStride()
339 ALOGE("Stride %d is not 16 pixel aligned!", in getPlaneRowStride()
362 ALOGE("%s Pixel format: 0x%x is unsupported", __FUNCTION__, fmt); in getPlaneRowStride()
404 ALOGE("%s: buffer not locked.", __FUNCTION__); in getPlaneData()
409 ALOGE("Error: planeIdx %d out of bound [0,%d]", in getPlaneData()
417 ALOGE("%s: image %p has been closed!", __FUNCTION__, this); in getPlaneData()
462 ALOGE("Stride %d is not 16 pixel aligned!", in getPlaneData()
493 ALOGE("Jpeg should have height value one but got %d", in getPlaneData()
511 ALOGE("RAW_OPAQUE should have height value one but got %d", in getPlaneData()
521 ALOGE("Width is not multiple of 4 %d", mLockedBuffer->width); in getPlaneData()
525 ALOGE("Height is not multiple of 2 %d", mLockedBuffer->height); in getPlaneData()
529 ALOGE("stride (%d) should be at least %d", in getPlaneData()
539 ALOGE("Width is not multiple of 4 %d", mLockedBuffer->width); in getPlaneData()
543 ALOGE("Height is not multiple of 2 %d", mLockedBuffer->height); in getPlaneData()
547 ALOGE("stride (%d) should be at least %d", in getPlaneData()
576 ALOGE("Pixel format: 0x%x is unsupported", fmt); in getPlaneData()
588 ALOGE("%s: AImage %p has no buffer.", __FUNCTION__, this); in getHardwareBuffer()
623 ALOGE("%s: bad argument. image %p width %p", in AImage_getWidth()
634 ALOGE("%s: bad argument. image %p height %p", in AImage_getHeight()
645 ALOGE("%s: bad argument. image %p format %p", in AImage_getFormat()
656 ALOGE("%s: bad argument. image %p rect %p", in AImage_getCropRect()
682 ALOGE("%s: bad argument. image %p timestampNs %p", in AImage_getTimestamp()
693 ALOGE("%s: bad argument. image %p numPlanes %p", in AImage_getNumberOfPlanes()
705 ALOGE("%s: bad argument. image %p pixelStride %p", in AImage_getPlanePixelStride()
711 ALOGE("%s: failed to lock buffer for CPU access. image %p, error=%d.", in AImage_getPlanePixelStride()
723 ALOGE("%s: bad argument. image %p rowStride %p", in AImage_getPlaneRowStride()
729 ALOGE("%s: failed to lock buffer for CPU access. image %p, error=%d.", in AImage_getPlaneRowStride()
742 ALOGE("%s: bad argument. image %p data %p dataLength %p", in AImage_getPlaneData()
748 ALOGE("%s: failed to lock buffer for CPU access. image %p, error=%d.", in AImage_getPlaneData()
761 ALOGE("%s: bad argument. image %p buffer %p", __FUNCTION__, image, buffer); in AImage_getHardwareBuffer()