Lines Matching refs:error
22 Next to an error message, metalava will include the issue id. For example,
23 here's a sample error message:
25 …src/android/pkg/ error: Don't expose your implementation details: MyStringImpl…
119 932 ProtectedMember M7 error
122 269 ActionValue C4 error
125 211 AllUpper C2 error
126 206 GetterSetterNames M6 error
127 185 BannedThrow error
129 159 NoClone error
130 159 ParcelNotFinal FW8 error
133 81 ConcreteCollection CL2 error
134 78 StaticUtils error
135 76 IntentName C3 error
136 74 VisiblySynchronized M5 error
137 72 GenericException S1 error
140 55 ParcelCreator FW3 error
141 54 ParcelConstructor FW3 error
143 48 Enum F5 error
144 41 RethrowRemoteException FW9 error
145 37 AutoBoxing M11 error
148 27 ServiceName C4 error
149 26 ListenerInterface L1 error
150 25 ContextFirst M3 error
151 25 InterfaceConstant C4 error
152 24 CallbackInterface CL3 error
153 24 RegistrationName L3 error
155 22 EqualsAndHashCode M8 error
158 18 SingletonConstructor error
159 17 MethodNameUnits error
163 13 ResourceFieldName error
164 12 ManagerLookup error
165 11 ManagerConstructor error
166 9 CallbackMethodName L1 error
169 7 HeavyBitSet error
170 7 ResourceValueFieldName C7 error
171 6 CompileTimeConstant error
173 4 EndsWithImpl error
175 4 UseParcelFileDescriptor FW11 error
176 3 MentionsGoogle error
177 3 StartWithLower S1 error
181 2 PairedRegistration L2 error
182 2 SingularCallback L1 error
183 2 StartWithUpper S1 error
184 1 ContextNameSuffix C4 error
185 1 KotlinKeyword error