Scripting Layer For Android ============================= ### Introduction Originally authored by Damon Kohler, Scripting Layer for Android, SL4A, is an automation toolset for calling Android APIs in a platform-independent manner. It supports both remote automation via ADB as well as execution of scripts from on-device via a series of lightweight translation layers. ### Build Instructions Due to its inclusion in AOSP as a privileged app, building SL4A requires a system build. For the initial build of Android: cd <ANDROID_SOURCE_ROOT> source build/ lunch aosp_<TARGET> make [-j15] *where `<ANDROID_SOURCE_ROOT>` is the root directory of the android tree and `<TARGET>` is the lunch target name* Then Build SL4A: cd <ANDROID_SOURCE_ROOT>/external/sl4a mm [-j15] ### Adding SL4A Builds to Android Builds by Default 1) If you are not using a custom buildspec, create one as follows: cp <ANDROID_SOURCE_ROOT>/build/ <ANDROID_SOURCE_ROOT>/ 2) Modify the buildspec to build SL4A as a custom module by editing the line '#CUSTOM_MODULES:=' to 'CUSTOM_MODULES:=sl4a': sed -i 's/#CUSTOM_MODULES:=/CUSTOM_MODULES:=sl4a/' <ANDROID_SOURCE_ROOT>/ ### Install Instructions Run the following command: adb install -r <ANDROID_SOURCE_ROOT>/out/target/product/<TARGET>/data/app/sl4a/sl4a.apk ### Run Instructions a) SL4A may be launched from Android as a normal App; or b) To enable RPC access from the command prompt: adb forward tcp:<HOST_PORT_NUM> tcp:<DEVICE_PORT_NUM> adb shell "am start -a com.googlecode.android_scripting.action.LAUNCH_SERVER \ --ei com.googlecode.android_scripting.extra.USE_SERVICE_PORT <DEVICE_PORT_NUM> \ com.googlecode.android_scripting/.activity.ScriptingLayerServiceLauncher" *where `<HOST_PORT_NUM>` and `<DEVICE_PORT_NUM>` are the tcp ports on the host computer and device.* ### Generate the API Documentation From SL4A source directory run this command: python Docs/ In the Docs directory there should now be an file that contains which RPC functions are available in SL4A as well as documentation for the RPC functions.