/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "AMRExtractor" #include <utils/Log.h> #include "AMRExtractor.h" #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ADebug.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaBufferGroup.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaDefs.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaErrors.h> #include <media/stagefright/MetaData.h> #include <utils/String8.h> namespace android { class AMRSource : public MediaTrackHelper { public: AMRSource( DataSourceHelper *source, AMediaFormat *meta, bool isWide, const off64_t *offset_table, size_t offset_table_length); virtual media_status_t start(); virtual media_status_t stop(); virtual media_status_t getFormat(AMediaFormat *); virtual media_status_t read( MediaBufferHelper **buffer, const ReadOptions *options = NULL); protected: virtual ~AMRSource(); private: DataSourceHelper *mDataSource; AMediaFormat *mMeta; bool mIsWide; off64_t mOffset; int64_t mCurrentTimeUs; bool mStarted; MediaBufferGroup *mGroup; off64_t mOffsetTable[OFFSET_TABLE_LEN]; size_t mOffsetTableLength; AMRSource(const AMRSource &); AMRSource &operator=(const AMRSource &); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static size_t getFrameSize(bool isWide, unsigned FT) { static const size_t kFrameSizeNB[16] = { 95, 103, 118, 134, 148, 159, 204, 244, 39, 43, 38, 37, // SID 0, 0, 0, // future use 0 // no data }; static const size_t kFrameSizeWB[16] = { 132, 177, 253, 285, 317, 365, 397, 461, 477, 40, // SID 0, 0, 0, 0, // future use 0, // speech lost 0 // no data }; if (FT > 15 || (isWide && FT > 9 && FT < 14) || (!isWide && FT > 11 && FT < 15)) { ALOGE("illegal AMR frame type %d", FT); return 0; } size_t frameSize = isWide ? kFrameSizeWB[FT] : kFrameSizeNB[FT]; // Round up bits to bytes and add 1 for the header byte. frameSize = (frameSize + 7) / 8 + 1; return frameSize; } static media_status_t getFrameSizeByOffset(DataSourceHelper *source, off64_t offset, bool isWide, size_t *frameSize) { uint8_t header; ssize_t count = source->readAt(offset, &header, 1); if (count == 0) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } else if (count < 0) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_IO; } unsigned FT = (header >> 3) & 0x0f; *frameSize = getFrameSize(isWide, FT); if (*frameSize == 0) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_MALFORMED; } return AMEDIA_OK; } static bool SniffAMR( DataSourceHelper *source, bool *isWide, float *confidence) { char header[9]; if (source->readAt(0, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) { return false; } if (!memcmp(header, "#!AMR\n", 6)) { if (isWide != nullptr) { *isWide = false; } *confidence = 0.5; return true; } else if (!memcmp(header, "#!AMR-WB\n", 9)) { if (isWide != nullptr) { *isWide = true; } *confidence = 0.5; return true; } return false; } AMRExtractor::AMRExtractor(DataSourceHelper *source) : mDataSource(source), mMeta(NULL), mInitCheck(NO_INIT), mOffsetTableLength(0) { float confidence; if (!SniffAMR(mDataSource, &mIsWide, &confidence)) { return; } mMeta = AMediaFormat_new(); AMediaFormat_setString(mMeta, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, mIsWide ? MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB : MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB); AMediaFormat_setInt32(mMeta, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, 1); AMediaFormat_setInt32(mMeta, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, mIsWide ? 16000 : 8000); off64_t offset = mIsWide ? 9 : 6; off64_t streamSize; size_t frameSize, numFrames = 0; int64_t duration = 0; if (mDataSource->getSize(&streamSize) == OK) { while (offset < streamSize) { status_t status = getFrameSizeByOffset(source, offset, mIsWide, &frameSize); if (status == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { break; } else if (status != OK) { return; } if ((numFrames % 50 == 0) && (numFrames / 50 < OFFSET_TABLE_LEN)) { CHECK_EQ(mOffsetTableLength, numFrames / 50); mOffsetTable[mOffsetTableLength] = offset - (mIsWide ? 9: 6); mOffsetTableLength ++; } offset += frameSize; duration += 20000; // Each frame is 20ms numFrames ++; } AMediaFormat_setInt64(mMeta, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_DURATION, duration); } mInitCheck = OK; } AMRExtractor::~AMRExtractor() { delete mDataSource; if (mMeta) { AMediaFormat_delete(mMeta); } } media_status_t AMRExtractor::getMetaData(AMediaFormat *meta) { AMediaFormat_clear(meta); if (mInitCheck == OK) { AMediaFormat_setString(meta, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, mIsWide ? MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB : "audio/amr"); } return AMEDIA_OK; } size_t AMRExtractor::countTracks() { return mInitCheck == OK ? 1 : 0; } MediaTrackHelper *AMRExtractor::getTrack(size_t index) { if (mInitCheck != OK || index != 0) { return NULL; } return new AMRSource(mDataSource, mMeta, mIsWide, mOffsetTable, mOffsetTableLength); } media_status_t AMRExtractor::getTrackMetaData(AMediaFormat *meta, size_t index, uint32_t /* flags */) { if (mInitCheck != OK || index != 0) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } return AMediaFormat_copy(meta, mMeta); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AMRSource::AMRSource( DataSourceHelper *source, AMediaFormat *meta, bool isWide, const off64_t *offset_table, size_t offset_table_length) : mDataSource(source), mMeta(meta), mIsWide(isWide), mOffset(mIsWide ? 9 : 6), mCurrentTimeUs(0), mStarted(false), mGroup(NULL), mOffsetTableLength(offset_table_length) { if (mOffsetTableLength > 0 && mOffsetTableLength <= OFFSET_TABLE_LEN) { memcpy ((char*)mOffsetTable, (char*)offset_table, sizeof(off64_t) * mOffsetTableLength); } } AMRSource::~AMRSource() { if (mStarted) { stop(); } } media_status_t AMRSource::start() { CHECK(!mStarted); mOffset = mIsWide ? 9 : 6; mCurrentTimeUs = 0; mBufferGroup->add_buffer(128); mStarted = true; return AMEDIA_OK; } media_status_t AMRSource::stop() { CHECK(mStarted); mStarted = false; return AMEDIA_OK; } media_status_t AMRSource::getFormat(AMediaFormat *meta) { return AMediaFormat_copy(meta, mMeta); } media_status_t AMRSource::read( MediaBufferHelper **out, const ReadOptions *options) { *out = NULL; int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode mode; if (mOffsetTableLength > 0 && options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { size_t size; int64_t seekFrame = seekTimeUs / 20000LL; // 20ms per frame. mCurrentTimeUs = seekFrame * 20000LL; size_t index = seekFrame < 0 ? 0 : seekFrame / 50; if (index >= mOffsetTableLength) { index = mOffsetTableLength - 1; } mOffset = mOffsetTable[index] + (mIsWide ? 9 : 6); for (size_t i = 0; i< seekFrame - index * 50; i++) { media_status_t err; if ((err = getFrameSizeByOffset(mDataSource, mOffset, mIsWide, &size)) != OK) { return err; } mOffset += size; } } uint8_t header; ssize_t n = mDataSource->readAt(mOffset, &header, 1); if (n < 1) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } if (header & 0x83) { // Padding bits must be 0. ALOGE("padding bits must be 0, header is 0x%02x", header); return AMEDIA_ERROR_MALFORMED; } unsigned FT = (header >> 3) & 0x0f; size_t frameSize = getFrameSize(mIsWide, FT); if (frameSize == 0) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_MALFORMED; } MediaBufferHelper *buffer; status_t err = mBufferGroup->acquire_buffer(&buffer); if (err != OK) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } n = mDataSource->readAt(mOffset, buffer->data(), frameSize); if (n != (ssize_t)frameSize) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; if (n < 0) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_IO; } else { // only partial frame is available, treat it as EOS. mOffset += n; return AMEDIA_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } } buffer->set_range(0, frameSize); AMediaFormat *meta = buffer->meta_data(); AMediaFormat_setInt64(meta, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_TIME_US, mCurrentTimeUs); AMediaFormat_setInt32(meta, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_IS_SYNC_FRAME, 1); mOffset += frameSize; mCurrentTimeUs += 20000; // Each frame is 20ms *out = buffer; return AMEDIA_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const char *extensions[] = { "amr", "awb", NULL }; extern "C" { // This is the only symbol that needs to be exported __attribute__ ((visibility ("default"))) ExtractorDef GETEXTRACTORDEF() { return { EXTRACTORDEF_VERSION, UUID("c86639c9-2f31-40ac-a715-fa01b4493aaf"), 1, "AMR Extractor", { .v3 = { []( CDataSource *source, float *confidence, void **, FreeMetaFunc *) -> CreatorFunc { DataSourceHelper helper(source); if (SniffAMR(&helper, nullptr, confidence)) { return []( CDataSource *source, void *) -> CMediaExtractor* { return wrap(new AMRExtractor(new DataSourceHelper(source)));}; } return NULL; }, extensions }, }, }; } } // extern "C" } // namespace android