/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.providers.settings; import static android.os.Process.INVALID_UID; import static android.os.Process.ROOT_UID; import static android.os.Process.SHELL_UID; import static android.os.Process.SYSTEM_UID; import static android.provider.Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_SHORTCUT_TARGET_MAGNIFICATION_CONTROLLER; import static android.view.WindowManagerPolicyConstants.NAV_BAR_MODE_2BUTTON_OVERLAY; import static com.android.providers.settings.SettingsState.FALLBACK_FILE_SUFFIX; import android.Manifest; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.app.AppGlobals; import android.app.backup.BackupManager; import android.app.job.JobInfo; import android.app.job.JobScheduler; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.ContentProvider; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.om.IOverlayManager; import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo; import android.content.pm.IPackageManager; import android.content.pm.PackageInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.UserInfo; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.MatrixCursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder; import android.hardware.camera2.utils.ArrayUtils; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.DropBoxManager; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.FileUtils; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.IUserRestrictionsListener; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.PersistableBundle; import android.os.Process; import android.os.RemoteCallback; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SELinux; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.os.UserManager; import android.provider.DeviceConfig; import android.provider.Settings; import android.provider.Settings.Global; import android.provider.Settings.Secure; import android.provider.settings.validators.SystemSettingsValidators; import android.provider.settings.validators.Validator; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.ArraySet; import android.util.Slog; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.SparseBooleanArray; import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream; import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy; import com.android.internal.content.PackageMonitor; import com.android.internal.os.BackgroundThread; import com.android.providers.settings.SettingsState.Setting; import com.android.server.SystemConfig; import com.google.android.collect.Sets; import libcore.util.HexEncoding; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.crypto.Mac; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /** *

* This class is a content provider that publishes the system settings. * It can be accessed via the content provider APIs or via custom call * commands. The latter is a bit faster and is the preferred way to access * the platform settings. *


* There are three settings types, global (with signature level protection * and shared across users), secure (with signature permission level * protection and per user), and system (with dangerous permission level * protection and per user). Global settings are stored under the device owner. * Each of these settings is represented by a {@link * com.android.providers.settings.SettingsState} object mapped to an integer * key derived from the setting type in the most significant bits and user * id in the least significant bits. Settings are synchronously loaded on * instantiation of a SettingsState and asynchronously persisted on mutation. * Settings are stored in the user specific system directory. *


* Apps targeting APIs Lollipop MR1 and lower can add custom settings entries * and get a warning. Targeting higher API version prohibits this as the * system settings are not a place for apps to save their state. When a package * is removed the settings it added are deleted. Apps cannot delete system * settings added by the platform. System settings values are validated to * ensure the clients do not put bad values. Global and secure settings are * changed only by trusted parties, therefore no validation is performed. Also * there is a limit on the amount of app specific settings that can be added * to prevent unlimited growth of the system process memory footprint. *

*/ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class SettingsProvider extends ContentProvider { static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final boolean DROP_DATABASE_ON_MIGRATION = true; private static final String LOG_TAG = "SettingsProvider"; public static final String TABLE_SYSTEM = "system"; public static final String TABLE_SECURE = "secure"; public static final String TABLE_GLOBAL = "global"; public static final String TABLE_SSAID = "ssaid"; public static final String TABLE_CONFIG = "config"; // Old tables no longer exist. private static final String TABLE_FAVORITES = "favorites"; private static final String TABLE_OLD_FAVORITES = "old_favorites"; private static final String TABLE_BLUETOOTH_DEVICES = "bluetooth_devices"; private static final String TABLE_BOOKMARKS = "bookmarks"; private static final String TABLE_ANDROID_METADATA = "android_metadata"; // The set of removed legacy tables. private static final Set REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES = new ArraySet<>(); static { REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.add(TABLE_FAVORITES); REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.add(TABLE_OLD_FAVORITES); REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.add(TABLE_BLUETOOTH_DEVICES); REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.add(TABLE_BOOKMARKS); REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.add(TABLE_ANDROID_METADATA); } private static final int MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT = 1; private static final int MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE = 2; private static final int MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE = 3; private static final int MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET = 4; private static final String[] LEGACY_SQL_COLUMNS = new String[] { Settings.NameValueTable._ID, Settings.NameValueTable.NAME, Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, }; private static final String[] ALL_COLUMNS = new String[] { Settings.NameValueTable._ID, Settings.NameValueTable.NAME, Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, Settings.NameValueTable.IS_PRESERVED_IN_RESTORE, }; public static final int SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL = SettingsState.SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL; public static final int SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM = SettingsState.SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM; public static final int SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE = SettingsState.SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE; public static final int SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID = SettingsState.SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID; public static final int SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG = SettingsState.SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG; private static final Bundle NULL_SETTING_BUNDLE = Bundle.forPair( Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, null); public static final String RESULT_ROWS_DELETED = "result_rows_deleted"; public static final String RESULT_SETTINGS_LIST = "result_settings_list"; // Used for scheduling jobs to make a copy for the settings files public static final int WRITE_FALLBACK_SETTINGS_FILES_JOB_ID = 1; public static final long ONE_DAY_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L; // Overlay specified settings whitelisted for Instant Apps private static final Set OVERLAY_ALLOWED_GLOBAL_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS = new ArraySet<>(); private static final Set OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SYSTEM_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS = new ArraySet<>(); private static final Set OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SECURE_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS = new ArraySet<>(); static { for (String name : Resources.getSystem().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_allowedGlobalInstantAppSettings)) { OVERLAY_ALLOWED_GLOBAL_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS.add(name); } for (String name : Resources.getSystem().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_allowedSystemInstantAppSettings)) { OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SYSTEM_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS.add(name); } for (String name : Resources.getSystem().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_allowedSecureInstantAppSettings)) { OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SECURE_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS.add(name); } } // Changes to these global settings are synchronously persisted private static final Set CRITICAL_GLOBAL_SETTINGS = new ArraySet<>(); static { CRITICAL_GLOBAL_SETTINGS.add(Settings.Global.DEVICE_PROVISIONED); } // Changes to these secure settings are synchronously persisted private static final Set CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS = new ArraySet<>(); static { CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS.add(Settings.Secure.USER_SETUP_COMPLETE); } // Per user secure settings that moved to the for all users global settings. static final Set sSecureMovedToGlobalSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.Secure.getMovedToGlobalSettings(sSecureMovedToGlobalSettings); } // Per user system settings that moved to the for all users global settings. static final Set sSystemMovedToGlobalSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.System.getMovedToGlobalSettings(sSystemMovedToGlobalSettings); } // Per user system settings that moved to the per user secure settings. static final Set sSystemMovedToSecureSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.System.getMovedToSecureSettings(sSystemMovedToSecureSettings); } // Per all users global settings that moved to the per user secure settings. static final Set sGlobalMovedToSecureSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.Global.getMovedToSecureSettings(sGlobalMovedToSecureSettings); } // Per user secure settings that are cloned for the managed profiles of the user. private static final Set sSecureCloneToManagedSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.Secure.getCloneToManagedProfileSettings(sSecureCloneToManagedSettings); } // Per user system settings that are cloned for the managed profiles of the user. private static final Set sSystemCloneToManagedSettings = new ArraySet<>(); static { Settings.System.getCloneToManagedProfileSettings(sSystemCloneToManagedSettings); } // Per user system settings that are cloned from the profile's parent when a dependency // in {@link Settings.Secure} is set to "1". public static final Map sSystemCloneFromParentOnDependency = new ArrayMap<>(); static { Settings.System.getCloneFromParentOnValueSettings(sSystemCloneFromParentOnDependency); } private final Object mLock = new Object(); @GuardedBy("mLock") private RemoteCallback mConfigMonitorCallback; @GuardedBy("mLock") private SettingsRegistry mSettingsRegistry; @GuardedBy("mLock") private HandlerThread mHandlerThread; @GuardedBy("mLock") private Handler mHandler; // We have to call in the user manager with no lock held, private volatile UserManager mUserManager; // We have to call in the package manager with no lock held, private volatile IPackageManager mPackageManager; public static int makeKey(int type, int userId) { return SettingsState.makeKey(type, userId); } public static int getTypeFromKey(int key) { return SettingsState.getTypeFromKey(key); } public static int getUserIdFromKey(int key) { return SettingsState.getUserIdFromKey(key); } public static String settingTypeToString(int type) { return SettingsState.settingTypeToString(type); } public static String keyToString(int key) { return SettingsState.keyToString(key); } @Override public boolean onCreate() { Settings.setInSystemServer(); synchronized (mLock) { mUserManager = UserManager.get(getContext()); mPackageManager = AppGlobals.getPackageManager(); mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread(LOG_TAG, Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); mHandlerThread.start(); mHandler = new Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()); mSettingsRegistry = new SettingsRegistry(); } mHandler.post(() -> { registerBroadcastReceivers(); startWatchingUserRestrictionChanges(); }); ServiceManager.addService("settings", new SettingsService(this)); ServiceManager.addService("device_config", new DeviceConfigService(this)); return true; } @Override public Bundle call(String method, String name, Bundle args) { final int requestingUserId = getRequestingUserId(args); switch (method) { case Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_CONFIG: { Setting setting = getConfigSetting(name); return packageValueForCallResult(setting, isTrackingGeneration(args)); } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_GLOBAL: { Setting setting = getGlobalSetting(name); return packageValueForCallResult(setting, isTrackingGeneration(args)); } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_SECURE: { Setting setting = getSecureSetting(name, requestingUserId, /*enableOverride=*/ true); return packageValueForCallResult(setting, isTrackingGeneration(args)); } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_SYSTEM: { Setting setting = getSystemSetting(name, requestingUserId); return packageValueForCallResult(setting, isTrackingGeneration(args)); } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_CONFIG: { String value = getSettingValue(args); final boolean makeDefault = getSettingMakeDefault(args); insertConfigSetting(name, value, makeDefault); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_GLOBAL: { String value = getSettingValue(args); String tag = getSettingTag(args); final boolean makeDefault = getSettingMakeDefault(args); final boolean overrideableByRestore = getSettingOverrideableByRestore(args); insertGlobalSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, false, overrideableByRestore); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_SECURE: { String value = getSettingValue(args); String tag = getSettingTag(args); final boolean makeDefault = getSettingMakeDefault(args); final boolean overrideableByRestore = getSettingOverrideableByRestore(args); insertSecureSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, false, overrideableByRestore); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_SYSTEM: { String value = getSettingValue(args); boolean overrideableByRestore = getSettingOverrideableByRestore(args); insertSystemSetting(name, value, requestingUserId, overrideableByRestore); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_SET_ALL_CONFIG: { String prefix = getSettingPrefix(args); Map flags = getSettingFlags(args); Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putBoolean(Settings.KEY_CONFIG_SET_RETURN, setAllConfigSettings(prefix, flags)); return result; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_RESET_CONFIG: { final int mode = getResetModeEnforcingPermission(args); String prefix = getSettingPrefix(args); resetConfigSetting(mode, prefix); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_RESET_GLOBAL: { final int mode = getResetModeEnforcingPermission(args); String tag = getSettingTag(args); resetGlobalSetting(requestingUserId, mode, tag); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_RESET_SECURE: { final int mode = getResetModeEnforcingPermission(args); String tag = getSettingTag(args); resetSecureSetting(requestingUserId, mode, tag); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_DELETE_CONFIG: { int rows = deleteConfigSetting(name) ? 1 : 0; Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putInt(RESULT_ROWS_DELETED, rows); return result; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_DELETE_GLOBAL: { int rows = deleteGlobalSetting(name, requestingUserId, false) ? 1 : 0; Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putInt(RESULT_ROWS_DELETED, rows); return result; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_DELETE_SECURE: { int rows = deleteSecureSetting(name, requestingUserId, false) ? 1 : 0; Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putInt(RESULT_ROWS_DELETED, rows); return result; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_DELETE_SYSTEM: { int rows = deleteSystemSetting(name, requestingUserId) ? 1 : 0; Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putInt(RESULT_ROWS_DELETED, rows); return result; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_LIST_CONFIG: { String prefix = getSettingPrefix(args); Bundle result = packageValuesForCallResult(getAllConfigFlags(prefix), isTrackingGeneration(args)); reportDeviceConfigAccess(prefix); return result; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_REGISTER_MONITOR_CALLBACK_CONFIG: { RemoteCallback callback = args.getParcelable( Settings.CALL_METHOD_MONITOR_CALLBACK_KEY); setMonitorCallback(callback); break; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_LIST_GLOBAL: { Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putStringArrayList(RESULT_SETTINGS_LIST, buildSettingsList(getAllGlobalSettings(null))); return result; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_LIST_SECURE: { Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putStringArrayList(RESULT_SETTINGS_LIST, buildSettingsList(getAllSecureSettings(requestingUserId, null))); return result; } case Settings.CALL_METHOD_LIST_SYSTEM: { Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putStringArrayList(RESULT_SETTINGS_LIST, buildSettingsList(getAllSystemSettings(requestingUserId, null))); return result; } default: { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "call() with invalid method: " + method); } break; } return null; } @Override public String getType(Uri uri) { Arguments args = new Arguments(uri, null, null, true); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(args.name)) { return "vnd.android.cursor.dir/" + args.table; } else { return "vnd.android.cursor.item/" + args.table; } } @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String where, String[] whereArgs, String order) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "query() for user: " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } Arguments args = new Arguments(uri, where, whereArgs, true); String[] normalizedProjection = normalizeProjection(projection); // If a legacy table that is gone, done. if (REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.contains(args.table)) { return new MatrixCursor(normalizedProjection, 0); } switch (args.table) { case TABLE_GLOBAL: { if (args.name != null) { Setting setting = getGlobalSetting(args.name); return packageSettingForQuery(setting, normalizedProjection); } else { return getAllGlobalSettings(projection); } } case TABLE_SECURE: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); if (args.name != null) { Setting setting = getSecureSetting(args.name, userId); return packageSettingForQuery(setting, normalizedProjection); } else { return getAllSecureSettings(userId, projection); } } case TABLE_SYSTEM: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); if (args.name != null) { Setting setting = getSystemSetting(args.name, userId); return packageSettingForQuery(setting, normalizedProjection); } else { return getAllSystemSettings(userId, projection); } } default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Uri path:" + uri); } } } private ArrayList buildSettingsList(Cursor cursor) { final ArrayList lines = new ArrayList(); try { while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { lines.add(cursor.getString(1) + "=" + cursor.getString(2)); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return lines; } @Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "insert() for user: " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } String table = getValidTableOrThrow(uri); // If a legacy table that is gone, done. if (REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.contains(table)) { return null; } String name = values.getAsString(Settings.Secure.NAME); if (!isKeyValid(name)) { return null; } String value = values.getAsString(Settings.Secure.VALUE); switch (table) { case TABLE_GLOBAL: { if (insertGlobalSetting(name, value, null, false, UserHandle.getCallingUserId(), false, /* overrideableByRestore */ false)) { return Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.Global.CONTENT_URI, name); } } break; case TABLE_SECURE: { if (insertSecureSetting(name, value, null, false, UserHandle.getCallingUserId(), false, /* overrideableByRestore */ false)) { return Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.Secure.CONTENT_URI, name); } } break; case TABLE_SYSTEM: { if (insertSystemSetting(name, value, UserHandle.getCallingUserId(), /* overridableByRestore */ false)) { return Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.System.CONTENT_URI, name); } } break; default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad Uri path:" + uri); } } return null; } @Override public int bulkInsert(Uri uri, ContentValues[] allValues) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "bulkInsert() for user: " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } int insertionCount = 0; final int valuesCount = allValues.length; for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; i++) { ContentValues values = allValues[i]; if (insert(uri, values) != null) { insertionCount++; } } return insertionCount; } @Override public int delete(Uri uri, String where, String[] whereArgs) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "delete() for user: " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } Arguments args = new Arguments(uri, where, whereArgs, false); // If a legacy table that is gone, done. if (REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.contains(args.table)) { return 0; } if (!isKeyValid(args.name)) { return 0; } switch (args.table) { case TABLE_GLOBAL: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return deleteGlobalSetting(args.name, userId, false) ? 1 : 0; } case TABLE_SECURE: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return deleteSecureSetting(args.name, userId, false) ? 1 : 0; } case TABLE_SYSTEM: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return deleteSystemSetting(args.name, userId) ? 1 : 0; } default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad Uri path:" + uri); } } } @Override public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[] whereArgs) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "update() for user: " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } Arguments args = new Arguments(uri, where, whereArgs, false); // If a legacy table that is gone, done. if (REMOVED_LEGACY_TABLES.contains(args.table)) { return 0; } String name = values.getAsString(Settings.Secure.NAME); if (!isKeyValid(name)) { return 0; } String value = values.getAsString(Settings.Secure.VALUE); switch (args.table) { case TABLE_GLOBAL: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return updateGlobalSetting(args.name, value, null, false, userId, false) ? 1 : 0; } case TABLE_SECURE: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return updateSecureSetting(args.name, value, null, false, userId, false) ? 1 : 0; } case TABLE_SYSTEM: { final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return updateSystemSetting(args.name, value, userId) ? 1 : 0; } default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Uri path:" + uri); } } } @Override public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { final int userId = getUserIdFromUri(uri, UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); if (userId != UserHandle.getCallingUserId()) { getContext().enforceCallingPermission(Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS, "Access files from the settings of another user"); } uri = ContentProvider.getUriWithoutUserId(uri); final String cacheRingtoneSetting; final String cacheName; if (Settings.System.RINGTONE_CACHE_URI.equals(uri)) { cacheRingtoneSetting = Settings.System.RINGTONE; cacheName = Settings.System.RINGTONE_CACHE; } else if (Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_CACHE_URI.equals(uri)) { cacheRingtoneSetting = Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND; cacheName = Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_CACHE; } else if (Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT_CACHE_URI.equals(uri)) { cacheRingtoneSetting = Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT; cacheName = Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT_CACHE; } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("Direct file access no longer supported; " + "ringtone playback is available through android.media.Ringtone"); } int actualCacheOwner; // Redirect cache to parent if ringtone setting is owned by profile parent synchronized (mLock) { actualCacheOwner = resolveOwningUserIdForSystemSettingLocked(userId, cacheRingtoneSetting); } final File cacheFile = new File(getRingtoneCacheDir(actualCacheOwner), cacheName); return ParcelFileDescriptor.open(cacheFile, ParcelFileDescriptor.parseMode(mode)); } private File getRingtoneCacheDir(int userId) { final File cacheDir = new File(Environment.getDataSystemDeDirectory(userId), "ringtones"); cacheDir.mkdir(); SELinux.restorecon(cacheDir); return cacheDir; } /** * Dump all settings as a proto buf. * * @param fd The file to dump to */ void dumpProto(@NonNull FileDescriptor fd) { ProtoOutputStream proto = new ProtoOutputStream(fd); synchronized (mLock) { SettingsProtoDumpUtil.dumpProtoLocked(mSettingsRegistry, proto); } proto.flush(); } public void dumpInternal(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { synchronized (mLock) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { SparseBooleanArray users = mSettingsRegistry.getKnownUsersLocked(); final int userCount = users.size(); for (int i = 0; i < userCount; i++) { dumpForUserLocked(users.keyAt(i), pw); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } } @GuardedBy("mLock") private void dumpForUserLocked(int userId, PrintWriter pw) { if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { pw.println("CONFIG SETTINGS (user " + userId + ")"); SettingsState configSettings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); if (configSettings != null) { dumpSettingsLocked(configSettings, pw); pw.println(); configSettings.dumpHistoricalOperations(pw); } pw.println("GLOBAL SETTINGS (user " + userId + ")"); SettingsState globalSettings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); if (globalSettings != null) { dumpSettingsLocked(globalSettings, pw); pw.println(); globalSettings.dumpHistoricalOperations(pw); } } pw.println("SECURE SETTINGS (user " + userId + ")"); SettingsState secureSettings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); if (secureSettings != null) { dumpSettingsLocked(secureSettings, pw); pw.println(); secureSettings.dumpHistoricalOperations(pw); } pw.println("SYSTEM SETTINGS (user " + userId + ")"); SettingsState systemSettings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); if (systemSettings != null) { dumpSettingsLocked(systemSettings, pw); pw.println(); systemSettings.dumpHistoricalOperations(pw); } } private void dumpSettingsLocked(SettingsState settingsState, PrintWriter pw) { List names = settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked(); final int nameCount = names.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); pw.print("_id:"); pw.print(toDumpString(setting.getId())); pw.print(" name:"); pw.print(toDumpString(name)); if (setting.getPackageName() != null) { pw.print(" pkg:"); pw.print(setting.getPackageName()); } pw.print(" value:"); pw.print(toDumpString(setting.getValue())); if (setting.getDefaultValue() != null) { pw.print(" default:"); pw.print(setting.getDefaultValue()); pw.print(" defaultSystemSet:"); pw.print(setting.isDefaultFromSystem()); } if (setting.getTag() != null) { pw.print(" tag:"); pw.print(setting.getTag()); } pw.println(); } } private static String toDumpString(String s) { if (s != null) { return s; } return "{null}"; } private void registerBroadcastReceivers() { IntentFilter userFilter = new IntentFilter(); userFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED); userFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_STOPPED); getContext().registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { final int userId = intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); switch (intent.getAction()) { case Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED: { synchronized (mLock) { mSettingsRegistry.removeUserStateLocked(userId, true); } } break; case Intent.ACTION_USER_STOPPED: { synchronized (mLock) { mSettingsRegistry.removeUserStateLocked(userId, false); } } break; } } }, userFilter); PackageMonitor monitor = new PackageMonitor() { @Override public void onPackageRemoved(String packageName, int uid) { synchronized (mLock) { mSettingsRegistry.removeSettingsForPackageLocked(packageName, UserHandle.getUserId(uid)); } } @Override public void onUidRemoved(int uid) { synchronized (mLock) { mSettingsRegistry.onUidRemovedLocked(uid); } } @Override public void onPackageDataCleared(String packageName, int uid) { synchronized (mLock) { mSettingsRegistry.removeSettingsForPackageLocked(packageName, UserHandle.getUserId(uid)); } } }; // package changes monitor.register(getContext(), BackgroundThread.getHandler().getLooper(), UserHandle.ALL, true); } private void startWatchingUserRestrictionChanges() { // TODO: The current design of settings looking different based on user restrictions // should be reworked to keep them separate and system code should check the setting // first followed by checking the user restriction before performing an operation. IUserRestrictionsListener listener = new IUserRestrictionsListener.Stub() { @Override public void onUserRestrictionsChanged(int userId, Bundle newRestrictions, Bundle prevRestrictions) { Set changedRestrictions = getRestrictionDiff(prevRestrictions, newRestrictions); // We are changing the settings affected by restrictions to their current // value with a forced update to ensure that all cross profile dependencies // are taken into account. Also make sure the settings update to.. the same // value passes the security checks, so clear binder calling id. if (changedRestrictions.contains(UserManager.DISALLOW_SHARE_LOCATION)) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { synchronized (mLock) { Setting setting = getSecureSetting( Settings.Secure.LOCATION_MODE, userId); updateSecureSetting(Settings.Secure.LOCATION_MODE, setting != null ? setting.getValue() : null, null, true, userId, true); setting = getSecureSetting( Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED, userId); updateSecureSetting(Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED, setting != null ? setting.getValue() : null, null, true, userId, true); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } if (changedRestrictions.contains(UserManager.DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES) || changedRestrictions.contains( UserManager.DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES_GLOBALLY)) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { synchronized (mLock) { Setting setting = getGlobalSetting( Settings.Global.INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS); String value = setting != null ? setting.getValue() : null; updateGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS, value, null, true, userId, true); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } if (changedRestrictions.contains(UserManager.DISALLOW_DEBUGGING_FEATURES)) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { synchronized (mLock) { Setting setting = getGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.ADB_ENABLED); String value = setting != null ? setting.getValue() : null; updateGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.ADB_ENABLED, value, null, true, userId, true); setting = getGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.ADB_WIFI_ENABLED); value = setting != null ? setting.getValue() : null; updateGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.ADB_WIFI_ENABLED, value, null, true, userId, true); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } if (changedRestrictions.contains(UserManager.ENSURE_VERIFY_APPS)) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { synchronized (mLock) { Setting include = getGlobalSetting( Settings.Global.PACKAGE_VERIFIER_INCLUDE_ADB); String includeValue = include != null ? include.getValue() : null; updateGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.PACKAGE_VERIFIER_INCLUDE_ADB, includeValue, null, true, userId, true); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } if (changedRestrictions.contains(UserManager.DISALLOW_CONFIG_MOBILE_NETWORKS)) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { synchronized (mLock) { Setting setting = getGlobalSetting( Settings.Global.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE); String value = setting != null ? setting.getValue() : null; updateGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE, value, null, true, userId, true); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } } }; mUserManager.addUserRestrictionsListener(listener); } private static Set getRestrictionDiff(Bundle prevRestrictions, Bundle newRestrictions) { Set restrictionNames = Sets.newArraySet(); restrictionNames.addAll(prevRestrictions.keySet()); restrictionNames.addAll(newRestrictions.keySet()); Set diff = Sets.newArraySet(); for (String restrictionName : restrictionNames) { if (prevRestrictions.getBoolean(restrictionName) != newRestrictions.getBoolean( restrictionName)) { diff.add(restrictionName); } } return diff; } private Setting getConfigSetting(String name) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getConfigSetting(" + name + ")"); } DeviceConfig.enforceReadPermission(getContext(), /*namespace=*/name.split("/")[0]); // Get the value. synchronized (mLock) { return mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name); } } private boolean insertConfigSetting(String name, String value, boolean makeDefault) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "insertConfigSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + makeDefault + ")"); } return mutateConfigSetting(name, value, null, makeDefault, MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT, 0); } private boolean setAllConfigSettings(String prefix, Map keyValues) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "setAllConfigSettings for prefix: " + prefix); } enforceWritePermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG); synchronized (mLock) { final int key = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); return mSettingsRegistry.setConfigSettingsLocked(key, prefix, keyValues, resolveCallingPackage()); } } private boolean deleteConfigSetting(String name) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "deleteConfigSetting(" + name + ")"); } return mutateConfigSetting(name, null, null, false, MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE, 0); } private void resetConfigSetting(int mode, String prefix) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "resetConfigSetting(" + mode + ", " + prefix + ")"); } mutateConfigSetting(null, null, prefix, false, MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET, mode); } private boolean mutateConfigSetting(String name, String value, String prefix, boolean makeDefault, int operation, int mode) { enforceWritePermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG); // Perform the mutation. synchronized (mLock) { switch (operation) { case MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT: { return mSettingsRegistry.insertSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name, value, null, makeDefault, true, resolveCallingPackage(), false, null, /* overrideableByRestore */ false); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE: { return mSettingsRegistry.deleteSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name, false, null); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET: { mSettingsRegistry.resetSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, resolveCallingPackage(), mode, null, prefix); } return true; } } return false; } private HashMap getAllConfigFlags(@Nullable String prefix) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getAllConfigFlags() for " + prefix); } DeviceConfig.enforceReadPermission(getContext(), prefix != null ? prefix.split("/")[0] : null); synchronized (mLock) { // Get the settings. SettingsState settingsState = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); List names = getSettingsNamesLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); final int nameCount = names.size(); HashMap flagsToValues = new HashMap<>(names.size()); for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); if (prefix == null || setting.getName().startsWith(prefix)) { flagsToValues.put(setting.getName(), setting.getValue()); } } return flagsToValues; } } private Cursor getAllGlobalSettings(String[] projection) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getAllGlobalSettings()"); } synchronized (mLock) { // Get the settings. SettingsState settingsState = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); List names = getSettingsNamesLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); final int nameCount = names.size(); String[] normalizedProjection = normalizeProjection(projection); MatrixCursor result = new MatrixCursor(normalizedProjection, nameCount); // Anyone can get the global settings, so no security checks. for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); appendSettingToCursor(result, setting); } return result; } } private Setting getGlobalSetting(String name) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getGlobalSetting(" + name + ")"); } // Ensure the caller can access the setting. enforceSettingReadable(name, SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); // Get the value. synchronized (mLock) { return mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name); } } private boolean updateGlobalSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "updateGlobalSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + ", " + tag + ", " + makeDefault + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify + ")"); } return mutateGlobalSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE, forceNotify, 0); } private boolean insertGlobalSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify, boolean overrideableByRestore) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "insertGlobalSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + ", " + tag + ", " + makeDefault + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify + ")"); } return mutateGlobalSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT, forceNotify, 0, overrideableByRestore); } private boolean deleteGlobalSetting(String name, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "deleteGlobalSetting(" + name + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify + ")"); } return mutateGlobalSetting(name, null, null, false, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE, forceNotify, 0); } private void resetGlobalSetting(int requestingUserId, int mode, String tag) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "resetGlobalSetting(" + requestingUserId + ", " + mode + ", " + tag + ")"); } mutateGlobalSetting(null, null, tag, false, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET, false, mode); } private boolean isSettingRestrictedForUser(String name, int userId, String value, int callerUid) { final long oldId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { return (name != null && mUserManager.isSettingRestrictedForUser(name, userId, value, callerUid)); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(oldId); } } private boolean mutateGlobalSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, int operation, boolean forceNotify, int mode) { // overrideableByRestore = false as by default settings values shouldn't be overrideable by // restore. return mutateGlobalSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, operation, forceNotify, mode, /* overrideableByRestore */ false); } private boolean mutateGlobalSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, int operation, boolean forceNotify, int mode, boolean overrideableByRestore) { // Make sure the caller can change the settings - treated as secure. enforceWritePermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS); // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(requestingUserId); // If this is a setting that is currently restricted for this user, do not allow // unrestricting changes. if (isSettingRestrictedForUser(name, callingUserId, value, Binder.getCallingUid())) { return false; } // Perform the mutation. synchronized (mLock) { switch (operation) { case MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT: { return mSettingsRegistry.insertSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name, value, tag, makeDefault, getCallingPackage(), forceNotify, CRITICAL_GLOBAL_SETTINGS, overrideableByRestore); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE: { return mSettingsRegistry.deleteSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name, forceNotify, CRITICAL_GLOBAL_SETTINGS); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE: { return mSettingsRegistry.updateSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, name, value, tag, makeDefault, getCallingPackage(), forceNotify, CRITICAL_GLOBAL_SETTINGS); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET: { mSettingsRegistry.resetSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, getCallingPackage(), mode, tag); } return true; } } return false; } private PackageInfo getCallingPackageInfo(int userId) { try { return mPackageManager.getPackageInfo(getCallingPackage(), PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES, userId); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Package " + getCallingPackage() + " doesn't exist"); } } private Cursor getAllSecureSettings(int userId, String[] projection) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getAllSecureSettings(" + userId + ")"); } // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(userId); // The relevant "calling package" userId will be the owning userId for some // profiles, and we can't do the lookup inside our [lock held] loop, so work out // up front who the effective "new SSAID" user ID for that settings name will be. final int ssaidUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSecureSettingLocked(callingUserId, Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); final PackageInfo ssaidCallingPkg = getCallingPackageInfo(ssaidUserId); synchronized (mLock) { List names = getSettingsNamesLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, callingUserId); final int nameCount = names.size(); String[] normalizedProjection = normalizeProjection(projection); MatrixCursor result = new MatrixCursor(normalizedProjection, nameCount); for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSecureSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); if (!isSecureSettingAccessible(name, callingUserId, owningUserId)) { // This caller is not permitted to access this setting. Pretend the setting // doesn't exist. continue; } // As of Android O, the SSAID is read from an app-specific entry in table // SETTINGS_FILE_SSAID, unless accessed by a system process. final Setting setting; if (isNewSsaidSetting(name)) { setting = getSsaidSettingLocked(ssaidCallingPkg, owningUserId); } else { setting = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, name); } appendSettingToCursor(result, setting); } return result; } } private Setting getSecureSetting(String name, int requestingUserId) { return getSecureSetting(name, requestingUserId, /*enableOverride=*/ false); } private Setting getSecureSetting(String name, int requestingUserId, boolean enableOverride) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getSecureSetting(" + name + ", " + requestingUserId + ")"); } // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(requestingUserId); // Ensure the caller can access the setting. enforceSettingReadable(name, SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSecureSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); if (!isSecureSettingAccessible(name, callingUserId, owningUserId)) { // This caller is not permitted to access this setting. Pretend the setting doesn't // exist. SettingsState settings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId); return settings != null ? settings.getNullSetting() : null; } // As of Android O, the SSAID is read from an app-specific entry in table // SETTINGS_FILE_SSAID, unless accessed by a system process. if (isNewSsaidSetting(name)) { PackageInfo callingPkg = getCallingPackageInfo(owningUserId); synchronized (mLock) { return getSsaidSettingLocked(callingPkg, owningUserId); } } if (enableOverride) { if (Secure.LOCATION_MODE.equals(name)) { final Setting overridden = getLocationModeSetting(owningUserId); if (overridden != null) { return overridden; } } } // Not the SSAID; do a straight lookup synchronized (mLock) { return mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, name); } } private boolean isNewSsaidSetting(String name) { return Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID.equals(name) && UserHandle.getAppId(Binder.getCallingUid()) >= Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID; } @GuardedBy("mLock") private Setting getSsaidSettingLocked(PackageInfo callingPkg, int owningUserId) { // Get uid of caller (key) used to store ssaid value String name = Integer.toString( UserHandle.getUid(owningUserId, UserHandle.getAppId(Binder.getCallingUid()))); if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getSsaidSettingLocked(" + name + "," + owningUserId + ")"); } // Retrieve the ssaid from the table if present. final Setting ssaid = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, owningUserId, name); // If the app is an Instant App use its stored SSAID instead of our own. final String instantSsaid; final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { instantSsaid = mPackageManager.getInstantAppAndroidId(callingPkg.packageName, owningUserId); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to get Instant App Android ID", e); return null; } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } final SettingsState ssaidSettings = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, owningUserId); if (instantSsaid != null) { // Use the stored value if it is still valid. if (ssaid != null && instantSsaid.equals(ssaid.getValue())) { return mascaradeSsaidSetting(ssaidSettings, ssaid); } // The value has changed, update the stored value. final boolean success = ssaidSettings.insertSettingLocked(name, instantSsaid, null, true, callingPkg.packageName); if (!success) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to update instant app android id"); } Setting setting = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, owningUserId, name); return mascaradeSsaidSetting(ssaidSettings, setting); } // Lazy initialize ssaid if not yet present in ssaid table. if (ssaid == null || ssaid.isNull() || ssaid.getValue() == null) { Setting setting = mSettingsRegistry.generateSsaidLocked(callingPkg, owningUserId); return mascaradeSsaidSetting(ssaidSettings, setting); } return mascaradeSsaidSetting(ssaidSettings, ssaid); } private Setting mascaradeSsaidSetting(SettingsState settingsState, Setting ssaidSetting) { // SSAID settings are located in a dedicated table for internal bookkeeping // but for the world they reside in the secure table, so adjust the key here. // We have a special name when looking it up but want the world to see it as // "android_id". if (ssaidSetting != null) { return settingsState.new Setting(ssaidSetting) { @Override public int getKey() { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(super.getKey()); return makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); } @Override public String getName() { return Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID; } }; } return null; } private Setting getLocationModeSetting(int owningUserId) { synchronized (mLock) { final Setting setting = getGlobalSetting( Global.LOCATION_GLOBAL_KILL_SWITCH); if (!"1".equals(setting.getValue())) { return null; } // Global kill-switch is enabled. Return an empty value. final SettingsState settingsState = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId); return settingsState.new Setting( Secure.LOCATION_MODE, "", // value "", // tag "", // default value "", // package name false, // from system "0" // id ) { @Override public boolean update(String value, boolean setDefault, String packageName, String tag, boolean forceNonSystemPackage, boolean overrideableByRestore) { Slog.wtf(LOG_TAG, "update shouldn't be called on this instance."); return false; } }; } } private boolean insertSecureSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify, boolean overrideableByRestore) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "insertSecureSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + ", " + tag + ", " + makeDefault + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify + ")"); } return mutateSecureSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT, forceNotify, 0, overrideableByRestore); } private boolean deleteSecureSetting(String name, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "deleteSecureSetting(" + name + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify + ")"); } return mutateSecureSetting(name, null, null, false, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE, forceNotify, 0); } private boolean updateSecureSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, boolean forceNotify) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "updateSecureSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + ", " + tag + ", " + makeDefault + ", " + requestingUserId + ", " + forceNotify +")"); } return mutateSecureSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE, forceNotify, 0); } private void resetSecureSetting(int requestingUserId, int mode, String tag) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "resetSecureSetting(" + requestingUserId + ", " + mode + ", " + tag + ")"); } mutateSecureSetting(null, null, tag, false, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET, false, mode); } private boolean mutateSecureSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, int operation, boolean forceNotify, int mode) { // overrideableByRestore = false as by default settings values shouldn't be overrideable by // restore. return mutateSecureSetting(name, value, tag, makeDefault, requestingUserId, operation, forceNotify, mode, /* overrideableByRestore */ false); } private boolean mutateSecureSetting(String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, int requestingUserId, int operation, boolean forceNotify, int mode, boolean overrideableByRestore) { // Make sure the caller can change the settings. enforceWritePermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS); // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(requestingUserId); // If this is a setting that is currently restricted for this user, do not allow // unrestricting changes. if (isSettingRestrictedForUser(name, callingUserId, value, Binder.getCallingUid())) { return false; } // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSecureSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); // Only the owning user can change the setting. if (owningUserId != callingUserId) { return false; } // Mutate the value. synchronized (mLock) { // Special cases for location providers (sigh). if (Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED.equals(name)) { return updateLocationProvidersAllowedLocked(value, tag, owningUserId, makeDefault, forceNotify); } switch (operation) { case MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT: { return mSettingsRegistry.insertSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, name, value, tag, makeDefault, getCallingPackage(), forceNotify, CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS, overrideableByRestore); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE: { return mSettingsRegistry.deleteSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, name, forceNotify, CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE: { return mSettingsRegistry.updateSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, name, value, tag, makeDefault, getCallingPackage(), forceNotify, CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_RESET: { mSettingsRegistry.resetSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, getCallingPackage(), mode, tag); } return true; } } return false; } private Cursor getAllSystemSettings(int userId, String[] projection) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getAllSecureSystem(" + userId + ")"); } // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(userId); synchronized (mLock) { List names = getSettingsNamesLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, callingUserId); final int nameCount = names.size(); String[] normalizedProjection = normalizeProjection(projection); MatrixCursor result = new MatrixCursor(normalizedProjection, nameCount); for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSystemSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); Setting setting = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, owningUserId, name); appendSettingToCursor(result, setting); } return result; } } private Setting getSystemSetting(String name, int requestingUserId) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "getSystemSetting(" + name + ", " + requestingUserId + ")"); } // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(requestingUserId); // Ensure the caller can access the setting. enforceSettingReadable(name, SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSystemSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); // Get the value. synchronized (mLock) { return mSettingsRegistry.getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, owningUserId, name); } } private boolean insertSystemSetting(String name, String value, int requestingUserId, boolean overrideableByRestore) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "insertSystemSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + requestingUserId + ")"); } return mutateSystemSetting(name, value, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT, overrideableByRestore); } private boolean deleteSystemSetting(String name, int requestingUserId) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "deleteSystemSetting(" + name + ", " + requestingUserId + ")"); } return mutateSystemSetting(name, null, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE); } private boolean updateSystemSetting(String name, String value, int requestingUserId) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "updateSystemSetting(" + name + ", " + value + ", " + requestingUserId + ")"); } return mutateSystemSetting(name, value, requestingUserId, MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE); } private boolean mutateSystemSetting(String name, String value, int runAsUserId, int operation) { // overrideableByRestore = false as by default settings values shouldn't be overrideable by // restore. return mutateSystemSetting(name, value, runAsUserId, operation, /* overrideableByRestore */ false); } private boolean mutateSystemSetting(String name, String value, int runAsUserId, int operation, boolean overrideableByRestore) { if (!hasWriteSecureSettingsPermission()) { // If the caller doesn't hold WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS, we verify whether this // operation is allowed for the calling package through appops. if (!Settings.checkAndNoteWriteSettingsOperation(getContext(), Binder.getCallingUid(), getCallingPackage(), true)) { return false; } } // Resolve the userId on whose behalf the call is made. final int callingUserId = resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(runAsUserId); if (isSettingRestrictedForUser(name, callingUserId, value, Binder.getCallingUid())) { return false; } // Enforce what the calling package can mutate the system settings. enforceRestrictedSystemSettingsMutationForCallingPackage(operation, name, callingUserId); // Determine the owning user as some profile settings are cloned from the parent. final int owningUserId = resolveOwningUserIdForSystemSettingLocked(callingUserId, name); // Only the owning user id can change the setting. if (owningUserId != callingUserId) { return false; } // Invalidate any relevant cache files String cacheName = null; if (Settings.System.RINGTONE.equals(name)) { cacheName = Settings.System.RINGTONE_CACHE; } else if (Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND.equals(name)) { cacheName = Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_CACHE; } else if (Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT.equals(name)) { cacheName = Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT_CACHE; } if (cacheName != null) { final File cacheFile = new File( getRingtoneCacheDir(owningUserId), cacheName); cacheFile.delete(); } // Mutate the value. synchronized (mLock) { switch (operation) { case MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT: { validateSystemSettingValue(name, value); return mSettingsRegistry.insertSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, owningUserId, name, value, null, false, getCallingPackage(), false, null, overrideableByRestore); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE: { return mSettingsRegistry.deleteSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, owningUserId, name, false, null); } case MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE: { validateSystemSettingValue(name, value); return mSettingsRegistry.updateSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, owningUserId, name, value, null, false, getCallingPackage(), false, null); } } return false; } } private boolean hasWriteSecureSettingsPermission() { // Write secure settings is a more protected permission. If caller has it we are good. if (getContext().checkCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { return true; } return false; } private void validateSystemSettingValue(String name, String value) { Validator validator = SystemSettingsValidators.VALIDATORS.get(name); if (validator != null && !validator.validate(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value: " + value + " for setting: " + name); } } /** * Returns {@code true} if the specified secure setting should be accessible to the caller. */ private boolean isSecureSettingAccessible(String name, int callingUserId, int owningUserId) { // Special case for location (sigh). // This check is not inside the name-based checks below because this method performs checks // only if the calling user ID is not the same as the owning user ID. if (isLocationProvidersAllowedRestricted(name, callingUserId, owningUserId)) { return false; } switch (name) { case "bluetooth_address": // BluetoothManagerService for some reason stores the Android's Bluetooth MAC // address in this secure setting. Secure settings can normally be read by any app, // which thus enables them to bypass the recently introduced restrictions on access // to device identifiers. // To mitigate this we make this setting available only to callers privileged to see // this device's MAC addresses, same as through public API // BluetoothAdapter.getAddress() (see BluetoothManagerService for details). return getContext().checkCallingOrSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; default: return true; } } private boolean isLocationProvidersAllowedRestricted(String name, int callingUserId, int owningUserId) { // Optimization - location providers are restricted only for managed profiles. if (callingUserId == owningUserId) { return false; } if (Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED.equals(name) && mUserManager.hasUserRestriction(UserManager.DISALLOW_SHARE_LOCATION, new UserHandle(callingUserId))) { return true; } return false; } private int resolveOwningUserIdForSecureSettingLocked(int userId, String setting) { return resolveOwningUserIdLocked(userId, sSecureCloneToManagedSettings, setting); } private int resolveOwningUserIdForSystemSettingLocked(int userId, String setting) { final int parentId; // Resolves dependency if setting has a dependency and the calling user has a parent if (sSystemCloneFromParentOnDependency.containsKey(setting) && (parentId = getGroupParentLocked(userId)) != userId) { // The setting has a dependency and the profile has a parent String dependency = sSystemCloneFromParentOnDependency.get(setting); // Lookup the dependency setting as ourselves, some callers may not have access to it. final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { Setting settingObj = getSecureSetting(dependency, userId); if (settingObj != null && settingObj.getValue().equals("1")) { return parentId; } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } } return resolveOwningUserIdLocked(userId, sSystemCloneToManagedSettings, setting); } private int resolveOwningUserIdLocked(int userId, Set keys, String name) { final int parentId = getGroupParentLocked(userId); if (parentId != userId && keys.contains(name)) { return parentId; } return userId; } private void enforceRestrictedSystemSettingsMutationForCallingPackage(int operation, String name, int userId) { // System/root/shell can mutate whatever secure settings they want. final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid(); final int appId = UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid); if (appId == android.os.Process.SYSTEM_UID || appId == Process.SHELL_UID || appId == Process.ROOT_UID) { return; } switch (operation) { case MUTATION_OPERATION_INSERT: // Insert updates. case MUTATION_OPERATION_UPDATE: { if (Settings.System.PUBLIC_SETTINGS.contains(name)) { return; } // The calling package is already verified. PackageInfo packageInfo = getCallingPackageInfoOrThrow(userId); // Privileged apps can do whatever they want. if ((packageInfo.applicationInfo.privateFlags & ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED) != 0) { return; } warnOrThrowForUndesiredSecureSettingsMutationForTargetSdk( packageInfo.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion, name); } break; case MUTATION_OPERATION_DELETE: { if (Settings.System.PUBLIC_SETTINGS.contains(name) || Settings.System.PRIVATE_SETTINGS.contains(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot delete system defined" + " secure settings."); } // The calling package is already verified. PackageInfo packageInfo = getCallingPackageInfoOrThrow(userId); // Privileged apps can do whatever they want. if ((packageInfo.applicationInfo.privateFlags & ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED) != 0) { return; } warnOrThrowForUndesiredSecureSettingsMutationForTargetSdk( packageInfo.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion, name); } break; } } private Set getInstantAppAccessibleSettings(int settingsType) { switch (settingsType) { case SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL: return Settings.Global.INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; case SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE: return Settings.Secure.INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; case SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM: return Settings.System.INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid settings type: " + settingsType); } } private Set getOverlayInstantAppAccessibleSettings(int settingsType) { switch (settingsType) { case SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL: return OVERLAY_ALLOWED_GLOBAL_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; case SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM: return OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SYSTEM_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; case SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE: return OVERLAY_ALLOWED_SECURE_INSTANT_APP_SETTINGS; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid settings type: " + settingsType); } } @GuardedBy("mLock") private List getSettingsNamesLocked(int settingsType, int userId) { // Don't enforce the instant app whitelist for now -- its too prone to unintended breakage // in the current form. return mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsNamesLocked(settingsType, userId); } private void enforceSettingReadable(String settingName, int settingsType, int userId) { if (UserHandle.getAppId(Binder.getCallingUid()) < Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID) { return; } ApplicationInfo ai = getCallingApplicationInfoOrThrow(); if (!ai.isInstantApp()) { return; } if (!getInstantAppAccessibleSettings(settingsType).contains(settingName) && !getOverlayInstantAppAccessibleSettings(settingsType).contains(settingName)) { // Don't enforce the instant app whitelist for now -- its too prone to unintended // breakage in the current form. Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Instant App " + ai.packageName + " trying to access unexposed setting, this will be an error in the future."); } } private ApplicationInfo getCallingApplicationInfoOrThrow() { // We always use the callingUid for this lookup. This means that if hypothetically an // app was installed in user A with cross user and in user B as an Instant App // the app in A would be able to see all the settings in user B. However since cross // user is a system permission and the app must be uninstalled in B and then installed as // an Instant App that situation is not realistic or supported. ApplicationInfo ai = null; try { ai = mPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(getCallingPackage(), 0 , UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); } catch (RemoteException ignored) { } if (ai == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to lookup info for package " + getCallingPackage()); } return ai; } private PackageInfo getCallingPackageInfoOrThrow(int userId) { try { PackageInfo packageInfo = mPackageManager.getPackageInfo( getCallingPackage(), 0, userId); if (packageInfo != null) { return packageInfo; } } catch (RemoteException e) { /* ignore */ } throw new IllegalStateException("Calling package doesn't exist"); } private int getGroupParentLocked(int userId) { // Most frequent use case. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { return userId; } // We are in the same process with the user manager and the returned // user info is a cached instance, so just look up instead of cache. final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { // Just a lookup and not reentrant, so holding a lock is fine. UserInfo userInfo = mUserManager.getProfileParent(userId); return (userInfo != null) ? userInfo.id : userId; } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } private void enforceWritePermission(String permission) { if (getContext().checkCallingOrSelfPermission(permission) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { throw new SecurityException("Permission denial: writing to settings requires:" + permission); } } /* * Used to parse changes to the value of Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED. * This setting contains a list of the currently enabled location providers. * But helper functions in android.providers.Settings can enable or disable * a single provider by using a "+" or "-" prefix before the provider name. * *

See also {@link com.android.server.pm.UserRestrictionsUtils#isSettingRestrictedForUser()}. * If DISALLOW_SHARE_LOCATION is set, the said method will only allow values with * the "-" prefix. * * @returns whether the enabled location providers changed. */ @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean updateLocationProvidersAllowedLocked(String value, String tag, int owningUserId, boolean makeDefault, boolean forceNotify) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return false; } Setting oldSetting = getSecureSetting( Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED, owningUserId); if (oldSetting == null) { return false; } String oldProviders = oldSetting.getValue(); List oldProvidersList = TextUtils.isEmpty(oldProviders) ? new ArrayList<>() : new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(oldProviders.split(","))); Set newProvidersSet = new ArraySet<>(); newProvidersSet.addAll(oldProvidersList); String[] providerUpdates = value.split(","); boolean inputError = false; for (String provider : providerUpdates) { // do not update location_providers_allowed when input is invalid if (TextUtils.isEmpty(provider)) { inputError = true; break; } final char prefix = provider.charAt(0); // do not update location_providers_allowed when input is invalid if (prefix != '+' && prefix != '-') { inputError = true; break; } // skip prefix provider = provider.substring(1); if (prefix == '+') { newProvidersSet.add(provider); } else if (prefix == '-') { newProvidersSet.remove(provider); } } String newProviders = TextUtils.join(",", newProvidersSet.toArray()); if (inputError == true || newProviders.equals(oldProviders)) { // nothing changed, so no need to update the database if (forceNotify) { mSettingsRegistry.notifyForSettingsChange( makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId), Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED); } return false; } return mSettingsRegistry.insertSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, owningUserId, Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED, newProviders, tag, makeDefault, getCallingPackage(), forceNotify, CRITICAL_SECURE_SETTINGS, /* overrideableByRestore */ false); } private static void warnOrThrowForUndesiredSecureSettingsMutationForTargetSdk( int targetSdkVersion, String name) { // If the app targets Lollipop MR1 or older SDK we warn, otherwise crash. if (targetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1) { if (Settings.System.PRIVATE_SETTINGS.contains(name)) { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "You shouldn't not change private system settings." + " This will soon become an error."); } else { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "You shouldn't keep your settings in the secure settings." + " This will soon become an error."); } } else { if (Settings.System.PRIVATE_SETTINGS.contains(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot change private secure settings."); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot keep your settings in" + " the secure settings."); } } } private static int resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(int requestingUserId) { if (requestingUserId == UserHandle.getCallingUserId()) { return requestingUserId; } return ActivityManager.handleIncomingUser(Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid(), requestingUserId, false, true, "get/set setting for user", null); } private Bundle packageValueForCallResult(Setting setting, boolean trackingGeneration) { if (!trackingGeneration) { if (setting == null || setting.isNull()) { return NULL_SETTING_BUNDLE; } return Bundle.forPair(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, setting.getValue()); } Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putString(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, !setting.isNull() ? setting.getValue() : null); mSettingsRegistry.mGenerationRegistry.addGenerationData(result, setting.getKey()); return result; } private Bundle packageValuesForCallResult(HashMap keyValues, boolean trackingGeneration) { Bundle result = new Bundle(); result.putSerializable(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, keyValues); if (trackingGeneration) { synchronized (mLock) { mSettingsRegistry.mGenerationRegistry.addGenerationData(result, mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM).mKey); } } return result; } private void setMonitorCallback(RemoteCallback callback) { if (callback == null) { return; } getContext().enforceCallingOrSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.MONITOR_DEVICE_CONFIG_ACCESS, "Permission denial: registering for config access requires: " + Manifest.permission.MONITOR_DEVICE_CONFIG_ACCESS); synchronized (mLock) { mConfigMonitorCallback = callback; } } private void reportDeviceConfigAccess(@Nullable String prefix) { if (prefix == null) { return; } String callingPackage = resolveCallingPackage(); String namespace = prefix.replace("/", ""); if (DeviceConfig.getPublicNamespaces().contains(namespace)) { return; } synchronized (mLock) { if (mConfigMonitorCallback != null) { Bundle callbackResult = new Bundle(); callbackResult.putString(Settings.EXTRA_MONITOR_CALLBACK_TYPE, Settings.EXTRA_ACCESS_CALLBACK); callbackResult.putString(Settings.EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE, callingPackage); callbackResult.putString(Settings.EXTRA_NAMESPACE, namespace); mConfigMonitorCallback.sendResult(callbackResult); } } } private void reportDeviceConfigUpdate(@Nullable String prefix) { if (prefix == null) { return; } String namespace = prefix.replace("/", ""); if (DeviceConfig.getPublicNamespaces().contains(namespace)) { return; } synchronized (mLock) { if (mConfigMonitorCallback != null) { Bundle callbackResult = new Bundle(); callbackResult.putString(Settings.EXTRA_MONITOR_CALLBACK_TYPE, Settings.EXTRA_NAMESPACE_UPDATED_CALLBACK); callbackResult.putString(Settings.EXTRA_NAMESPACE, namespace); mConfigMonitorCallback.sendResult(callbackResult); } } } private static int getRequestingUserId(Bundle args) { final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); return (args != null) ? args.getInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, callingUserId) : callingUserId; } private boolean isTrackingGeneration(Bundle args) { return args != null && args.containsKey(Settings.CALL_METHOD_TRACK_GENERATION_KEY); } private static String getSettingValue(Bundle args) { return (args != null) ? args.getString(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE) : null; } private static String getSettingTag(Bundle args) { return (args != null) ? args.getString(Settings.CALL_METHOD_TAG_KEY) : null; } private static String getSettingPrefix(Bundle args) { return (args != null) ? args.getString(Settings.CALL_METHOD_PREFIX_KEY) : null; } private static Map getSettingFlags(Bundle args) { return (args != null) ? (HashMap) args.getSerializable(Settings.CALL_METHOD_FLAGS_KEY) : Collections.emptyMap(); } private static boolean getSettingMakeDefault(Bundle args) { return (args != null) && args.getBoolean(Settings.CALL_METHOD_MAKE_DEFAULT_KEY); } private static boolean getSettingOverrideableByRestore(Bundle args) { return (args != null) && args.getBoolean(Settings.CALL_METHOD_OVERRIDEABLE_BY_RESTORE_KEY); } private static int getResetModeEnforcingPermission(Bundle args) { final int mode = (args != null) ? args.getInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_RESET_MODE_KEY) : 0; switch (mode) { case Settings.RESET_MODE_UNTRUSTED_DEFAULTS: { if (!isCallerSystemOrShellOrRootOnDebuggableBuild()) { throw new SecurityException("Only system, shell/root on a " + "debuggable build can reset to untrusted defaults"); } return mode; } case Settings.RESET_MODE_UNTRUSTED_CHANGES: { if (!isCallerSystemOrShellOrRootOnDebuggableBuild()) { throw new SecurityException("Only system, shell/root on a " + "debuggable build can reset untrusted changes"); } return mode; } case Settings.RESET_MODE_TRUSTED_DEFAULTS: { if (!isCallerSystemOrShellOrRootOnDebuggableBuild()) { throw new SecurityException("Only system, shell/root on a " + "debuggable build can reset to trusted defaults"); } return mode; } case Settings.RESET_MODE_PACKAGE_DEFAULTS: { return mode; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid reset mode: " + mode); } private static boolean isCallerSystemOrShellOrRootOnDebuggableBuild() { final int appId = UserHandle.getAppId(Binder.getCallingUid()); return appId == SYSTEM_UID || (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE && (appId == SHELL_UID || appId == ROOT_UID)); } private static String getValidTableOrThrow(Uri uri) { if (uri.getPathSegments().size() > 0) { String table = uri.getPathSegments().get(0); if (DatabaseHelper.isValidTable(table)) { return table; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad root path: " + table); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid URI:" + uri); } private static MatrixCursor packageSettingForQuery(Setting setting, String[] projection) { if (setting.isNull()) { return new MatrixCursor(projection, 0); } MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor(projection, 1); appendSettingToCursor(cursor, setting); return cursor; } private static String[] normalizeProjection(String[] projection) { if (projection == null) { return ALL_COLUMNS; } final int columnCount = projection.length; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { String column = projection[i]; if (!ArrayUtils.contains(ALL_COLUMNS, column)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column: " + column); } } return projection; } private static void appendSettingToCursor(MatrixCursor cursor, Setting setting) { if (setting == null || setting.isNull()) { return; } final int columnCount = cursor.getColumnCount(); String[] values = new String[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { String column = cursor.getColumnName(i); switch (column) { case Settings.NameValueTable._ID: { values[i] = setting.getId(); } break; case Settings.NameValueTable.NAME: { values[i] = setting.getName(); } break; case Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE: { values[i] = setting.getValue(); } break; case Settings.NameValueTable.IS_PRESERVED_IN_RESTORE: { values[i] = String.valueOf(setting.isValuePreservedInRestore()); } break; } } cursor.addRow(values); } private static boolean isKeyValid(String key) { return !(TextUtils.isEmpty(key) || SettingsState.isBinary(key)); } private String resolveCallingPackage() { switch (Binder.getCallingUid()) { case Process.ROOT_UID: { return "root"; } case Process.SHELL_UID: { return "com.android.shell"; } default: { return getCallingPackage(); } } } private static final class Arguments { private static final Pattern WHERE_PATTERN_WITH_PARAM_NO_BRACKETS = Pattern.compile("[\\s]*name[\\s]*=[\\s]*\\?[\\s]*"); private static final Pattern WHERE_PATTERN_WITH_PARAM_IN_BRACKETS = Pattern.compile("[\\s]*\\([\\s]*name[\\s]*=[\\s]*\\?[\\s]*\\)[\\s]*"); private static final Pattern WHERE_PATTERN_NO_PARAM_IN_BRACKETS = Pattern.compile("[\\s]*\\([\\s]*name[\\s]*=[\\s]*['\"].*['\"][\\s]*\\)[\\s]*"); private static final Pattern WHERE_PATTERN_NO_PARAM_NO_BRACKETS = Pattern.compile("[\\s]*name[\\s]*=[\\s]*['\"].*['\"][\\s]*"); public final String table; public final String name; public Arguments(Uri uri, String where, String[] whereArgs, boolean supportAll) { final int segmentSize = uri.getPathSegments().size(); switch (segmentSize) { case 1: { if (where != null && (WHERE_PATTERN_WITH_PARAM_NO_BRACKETS.matcher(where).matches() || WHERE_PATTERN_WITH_PARAM_IN_BRACKETS.matcher(where).matches()) && whereArgs.length == 1) { name = whereArgs[0]; table = computeTableForSetting(uri, name); return; } else if (where != null && (WHERE_PATTERN_NO_PARAM_NO_BRACKETS.matcher(where).matches() || WHERE_PATTERN_NO_PARAM_IN_BRACKETS.matcher(where).matches())) { final int startIndex = Math.max(where.indexOf("'"), where.indexOf("\"")) + 1; final int endIndex = Math.max(where.lastIndexOf("'"), where.lastIndexOf("\"")); name = where.substring(startIndex, endIndex); table = computeTableForSetting(uri, name); return; } else if (supportAll && where == null && whereArgs == null) { name = null; table = computeTableForSetting(uri, null); return; } } break; case 2: { if (where == null && whereArgs == null) { name = uri.getPathSegments().get(1); table = computeTableForSetting(uri, name); return; } } break; } EventLogTags.writeUnsupportedSettingsQuery( uri.toSafeString(), where, Arrays.toString(whereArgs)); String message = String.format( "Supported SQL:\n" + " uri content://some_table/some_property with null where and where args\n" + " uri content://some_table with query name=? and single name as arg\n" + " uri content://some_table with query name=some_name and null args\n" + " but got - uri:%1s, where:%2s whereArgs:%3s", uri, where, Arrays.toString(whereArgs)); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } private static String computeTableForSetting(Uri uri, String name) { String table = getValidTableOrThrow(uri); if (name != null) { if (sSystemMovedToSecureSettings.contains(name)) { table = TABLE_SECURE; } if (sSystemMovedToGlobalSettings.contains(name)) { table = TABLE_GLOBAL; } if (sSecureMovedToGlobalSettings.contains(name)) { table = TABLE_GLOBAL; } if (sGlobalMovedToSecureSettings.contains(name)) { table = TABLE_SECURE; } } return table; } } /** * Schedule the job service to make a copy of all the settings files. */ public void scheduleWriteFallbackFilesJob() { final Context context = getContext(); final JobScheduler jobScheduler = (JobScheduler) context.getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE); if (jobScheduler == null) { // Might happen: SettingsProvider is created before JobSchedulerService in system server return; } // Check if the job is already scheduled. If so, skip scheduling another one if (jobScheduler.getPendingJob(WRITE_FALLBACK_SETTINGS_FILES_JOB_ID) != null) { return; } // Back up all settings files final PersistableBundle bundle = new PersistableBundle(); final File globalSettingsFile = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsFile( makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM)); final File systemSettingsFile = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsFile( makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM)); final File secureSettingsFile = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsFile( makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM)); final File ssaidSettingsFile = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsFile( makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM)); final File configSettingsFile = mSettingsRegistry.getSettingsFile( makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM)); bundle.putString(TABLE_GLOBAL, globalSettingsFile.getAbsolutePath()); bundle.putString(TABLE_SYSTEM, systemSettingsFile.getAbsolutePath()); bundle.putString(TABLE_SECURE, secureSettingsFile.getAbsolutePath()); bundle.putString(TABLE_SSAID, ssaidSettingsFile.getAbsolutePath()); bundle.putString(TABLE_CONFIG, configSettingsFile.getAbsolutePath()); // Schedule the job to write the fallback files, once daily when phone is charging jobScheduler.schedule(new JobInfo.Builder(WRITE_FALLBACK_SETTINGS_FILES_JOB_ID, new ComponentName(context, WriteFallbackSettingsFilesJobService.class)) .setExtras(bundle) .setPeriodic(ONE_DAY_INTERVAL_MILLIS) .setRequiresCharging(true) .setPersisted(true) .build()); } /** * For each file in the given list, if it exists, copy it to a back up file. Ignore failures. * @param filePaths List of paths of files that need to be backed up */ public static void writeFallBackSettingsFiles(List filePaths) { final int numFiles = filePaths.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { final String filePath = filePaths.get(i); final File originalFile = new File(filePath); if (SettingsState.stateFileExists(originalFile)) { final File fallBackFile = new File(filePath + FALLBACK_FILE_SUFFIX); try { FileUtils.copy(originalFile, fallBackFile); } catch (IOException ex) { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Failed to write fallback file for: " + filePath); } } } } final class SettingsRegistry { private static final String DROPBOX_TAG_USERLOG = "restricted_profile_ssaid"; private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_GLOBAL = "settings_global.xml"; private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_SYSTEM = "settings_system.xml"; private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_SECURE = "settings_secure.xml"; private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_SSAID = "settings_ssaid.xml"; private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_CONFIG = "settings_config.xml"; private static final String SSAID_USER_KEY = "userkey"; private final SparseArray mSettingsStates = new SparseArray<>(); private GenerationRegistry mGenerationRegistry; private final Handler mHandler; private final BackupManager mBackupManager; private String mSettingsCreationBuildId; public SettingsRegistry() { mHandler = new MyHandler(getContext().getMainLooper()); mGenerationRegistry = new GenerationRegistry(mLock); mBackupManager = new BackupManager(getContext()); migrateAllLegacySettingsIfNeeded(); syncSsaidTableOnStart(); } private void generateUserKeyLocked(int userId) { // Generate a random key for each user used for creating a new ssaid. final byte[] keyBytes = new byte[32]; final SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom(); rand.nextBytes(keyBytes); // Convert to string for storage in settings table. final String userKey = HexEncoding.encodeToString(keyBytes, true /* upperCase */); // Store the key in the ssaid table. final SettingsState ssaidSettings = getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId); final boolean success = ssaidSettings.insertSettingLocked(SSAID_USER_KEY, userKey, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); if (!success) { throw new IllegalStateException("Ssaid settings not accessible"); } } private byte[] getLengthPrefix(byte[] data) { return ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(data.length).array(); } public Setting generateSsaidLocked(PackageInfo callingPkg, int userId) { // Read the user's key from the ssaid table. Setting userKeySetting = getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId, SSAID_USER_KEY); if (userKeySetting == null || userKeySetting.isNull() || userKeySetting.getValue() == null) { // Lazy initialize and store the user key. generateUserKeyLocked(userId); userKeySetting = getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId, SSAID_USER_KEY); if (userKeySetting == null || userKeySetting.isNull() || userKeySetting.getValue() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("User key not accessible"); } } final String userKey = userKeySetting.getValue(); if (userKey == null || userKey.length() % 2 != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("User key invalid"); } // Convert the user's key back to a byte array. final byte[] keyBytes = HexEncoding.decode(userKey); // Validate that the key is of expected length. // Keys are currently 32 bytes, but were once 16 bytes during Android O development. if (keyBytes.length != 16 && keyBytes.length != 32) { throw new IllegalStateException("User key invalid"); } final Mac m; try { m = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256"); m.init(new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, m.getAlgorithm())); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("HmacSHA256 is not available", e); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Key is corrupted", e); } // Mac each of the developer signatures. for (int i = 0; i < callingPkg.signatures.length; i++) { byte[] sig = callingPkg.signatures[i].toByteArray(); m.update(getLengthPrefix(sig), 0, 4); m.update(sig); } // Convert result to a string for storage in settings table. Only want first 64 bits. final String ssaid = HexEncoding.encodeToString(m.doFinal(), false /* upperCase */) .substring(0, 16); // Save the ssaid in the ssaid table. final String uid = Integer.toString(callingPkg.applicationInfo.uid); final SettingsState ssaidSettings = getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId); final boolean success = ssaidSettings.insertSettingLocked(uid, ssaid, null, true, callingPkg.packageName); if (!success) { throw new IllegalStateException("Ssaid settings not accessible"); } return getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId, uid); } public void syncSsaidTableOnStart() { synchronized (mLock) { // Verify that each user's packages and ssaid's are in sync. for (UserInfo user : mUserManager.getUsers(true)) { // Get all uids for the user's packages. final List packages; try { packages = mPackageManager.getInstalledPackages( PackageManager.MATCH_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES, user.id).getList(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Package manager not available"); } final Set appUids = new HashSet<>(); for (PackageInfo info : packages) { appUids.add(Integer.toString(info.applicationInfo.uid)); } // Get all uids currently stored in the user's ssaid table. final Set ssaidUids = new HashSet<>( getSettingsNamesLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, user.id)); ssaidUids.remove(SSAID_USER_KEY); // Perform a set difference for the appUids and ssaidUids. ssaidUids.removeAll(appUids); // If there are ssaidUids left over they need to be removed from the table. final SettingsState ssaidSettings = getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, user.id); for (String uid : ssaidUids) { ssaidSettings.deleteSettingLocked(uid); } } } } public List getSettingsNamesLocked(int type, int userId) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState == null) { return new ArrayList<>(); } return settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked(); } public SparseBooleanArray getKnownUsersLocked() { SparseBooleanArray users = new SparseBooleanArray(); for (int i = mSettingsStates.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { users.put(getUserIdFromKey(mSettingsStates.keyAt(i)), true); } return users; } @Nullable public SettingsState getSettingsLocked(int type, int userId) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); return peekSettingsStateLocked(key); } public boolean ensureSettingsForUserLocked(int userId) { // First make sure this user actually exists. if (mUserManager.getUserInfo(userId) == null) { Slog.wtf(LOG_TAG, "Requested user " + userId + " does not exist"); return false; } // Migrate the setting for this user if needed. migrateLegacySettingsForUserIfNeededLocked(userId); // Ensure config settings loaded if owner. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final int configKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); ensureSettingsStateLocked(configKey); } // Ensure global settings loaded if owner. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final int globalKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); ensureSettingsStateLocked(globalKey); } // Ensure secure settings loaded. final int secureKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(secureKey); // Make sure the secure settings have an Android id set. SettingsState secureSettings = getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); ensureSecureSettingAndroidIdSetLocked(secureSettings); // Ensure system settings loaded. final int systemKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(systemKey); // Ensure secure settings loaded. final int ssaidKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(ssaidKey); // Upgrade the settings to the latest version. UpgradeController upgrader = new UpgradeController(userId); upgrader.upgradeIfNeededLocked(); return true; } private void ensureSettingsStateLocked(int key) { if (mSettingsStates.get(key) == null) { final int maxBytesPerPackage = getMaxBytesPerPackageForType(getTypeFromKey(key)); SettingsState settingsState = new SettingsState(getContext(), mLock, getSettingsFile(key), key, maxBytesPerPackage, mHandlerThread.getLooper()); mSettingsStates.put(key, settingsState); } } public void removeUserStateLocked(int userId, boolean permanently) { // We always keep the global settings in memory. // Nuke system settings. final int systemKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); final SettingsState systemSettingsState = mSettingsStates.get(systemKey); if (systemSettingsState != null) { if (permanently) { mSettingsStates.remove(systemKey); systemSettingsState.destroyLocked(null); } else { systemSettingsState.destroyLocked(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mSettingsStates.remove(systemKey); } }); } } // Nuke secure settings. final int secureKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); final SettingsState secureSettingsState = mSettingsStates.get(secureKey); if (secureSettingsState != null) { if (permanently) { mSettingsStates.remove(secureKey); secureSettingsState.destroyLocked(null); } else { secureSettingsState.destroyLocked(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mSettingsStates.remove(secureKey); } }); } } // Nuke ssaid settings. final int ssaidKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId); final SettingsState ssaidSettingsState = mSettingsStates.get(ssaidKey); if (ssaidSettingsState != null) { if (permanently) { mSettingsStates.remove(ssaidKey); ssaidSettingsState.destroyLocked(null); } else { ssaidSettingsState.destroyLocked(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mSettingsStates.remove(ssaidKey); } }); } } // Nuke generation tracking data mGenerationRegistry.onUserRemoved(userId); } public boolean insertSettingLocked(int type, int userId, String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, String packageName, boolean forceNotify, Set criticalSettings, boolean overrideableByRestore) { return insertSettingLocked(type, userId, name, value, tag, makeDefault, false, packageName, forceNotify, criticalSettings, overrideableByRestore); } public boolean insertSettingLocked(int type, int userId, String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, boolean forceNonSystemPackage, String packageName, boolean forceNotify, Set criticalSettings, boolean overrideableByRestore) { if (overrideableByRestore != Settings.DEFAULT_OVERRIDEABLE_BY_RESTORE) { getContext().enforceCallingOrSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.MODIFY_SETTINGS_OVERRIDEABLE_BY_RESTORE, "Caller is not allowed to modify settings overrideable by restore"); } final int key = makeKey(type, userId); boolean success = false; SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState != null) { success = settingsState.insertSettingLocked(name, value, tag, makeDefault, forceNonSystemPackage, packageName, overrideableByRestore); } if (success && criticalSettings != null && criticalSettings.contains(name)) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } if (forceNotify || success) { notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } return success; } /** * Set Config Settings using consumed keyValues, returns true if the keyValues can be set, * false otherwise. */ public boolean setConfigSettingsLocked(int key, String prefix, Map keyValues, String packageName) { SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState != null) { if (settingsState.isNewConfigBannedLocked(prefix, keyValues)) { return false; } settingsState.unbanAllConfigIfBannedConfigUpdatedLocked(prefix); List changedSettings = settingsState.setSettingsLocked(prefix, keyValues, packageName); if (!changedSettings.isEmpty()) { reportDeviceConfigUpdate(prefix); notifyForConfigSettingsChangeLocked(key, prefix, changedSettings); } } // keyValues aren't banned and can be set return true; } public boolean deleteSettingLocked(int type, int userId, String name, boolean forceNotify, Set criticalSettings) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); boolean success = false; SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState != null) { success = settingsState.deleteSettingLocked(name); } if (success && criticalSettings != null && criticalSettings.contains(name)) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } if (forceNotify || success) { notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } return success; } public boolean updateSettingLocked(int type, int userId, String name, String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault, String packageName, boolean forceNotify, Set criticalSettings) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); boolean success = false; SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState != null) { success = settingsState.updateSettingLocked(name, value, tag, makeDefault, packageName); } if (success && criticalSettings != null && criticalSettings.contains(name)) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } if (forceNotify || success) { notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } return success; } public Setting getSettingLocked(int type, int userId, String name) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState == null) { return null; } // getSettingLocked will return non-null result return settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); } public void resetSettingsLocked(int type, int userId, String packageName, int mode, String tag) { resetSettingsLocked(type, userId, packageName, mode, tag, /*prefix=*/ null); } public void resetSettingsLocked(int type, int userId, String packageName, int mode, String tag, @Nullable String prefix) { final int key = makeKey(type, userId); SettingsState settingsState = peekSettingsStateLocked(key); if (settingsState == null) { return; } banConfigurationIfNecessary(type, prefix, settingsState); switch (mode) { case Settings.RESET_MODE_PACKAGE_DEFAULTS: { for (String name : settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked()) { boolean someSettingChanged = false; Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); if (packageName.equals(setting.getPackageName())) { if ((tag != null && !tag.equals(setting.getTag())) || (prefix != null && !setting.getName().startsWith(prefix))) { continue; } if (settingsState.resetSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } } if (someSettingChanged) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } } } break; case Settings.RESET_MODE_UNTRUSTED_DEFAULTS: { for (String name : settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked()) { boolean someSettingChanged = false; Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); if (!SettingsState.isSystemPackage(getContext(), setting.getPackageName(), INVALID_UID, userId)) { if (prefix != null && !setting.getName().startsWith(prefix)) { continue; } if (settingsState.resetSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } } if (someSettingChanged) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } } } break; case Settings.RESET_MODE_UNTRUSTED_CHANGES: { for (String name : settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked()) { boolean someSettingChanged = false; Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); if (!SettingsState.isSystemPackage(getContext(), setting.getPackageName(), INVALID_UID, userId)) { if (prefix != null && !setting.getName().startsWith(prefix)) { continue; } if (setting.isDefaultFromSystem()) { if (settingsState.resetSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } } else if (settingsState.deleteSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } } if (someSettingChanged) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } } } break; case Settings.RESET_MODE_TRUSTED_DEFAULTS: { for (String name : settingsState.getSettingNamesLocked()) { Setting setting = settingsState.getSettingLocked(name); boolean someSettingChanged = false; if (prefix != null && !setting.getName().startsWith(prefix)) { continue; } if (setting.isDefaultFromSystem()) { if (settingsState.resetSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } } else if (settingsState.deleteSettingLocked(name)) { someSettingChanged = true; notifyForSettingsChange(key, name); } if (someSettingChanged) { settingsState.persistSyncLocked(); } } } break; } } public void removeSettingsForPackageLocked(String packageName, int userId) { // Global and secure settings are signature protected. Apps signed // by the platform certificate are generally not uninstalled and // the main exception is tests. We trust components signed // by the platform certificate and do not do a clean up after them. final int systemKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); SettingsState systemSettings = mSettingsStates.get(systemKey); if (systemSettings != null) { systemSettings.removeSettingsForPackageLocked(packageName); } } public void onUidRemovedLocked(int uid) { final SettingsState ssaidSettings = getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, UserHandle.getUserId(uid)); if (ssaidSettings != null) { ssaidSettings.deleteSettingLocked(Integer.toString(uid)); } } @Nullable private SettingsState peekSettingsStateLocked(int key) { SettingsState settingsState = mSettingsStates.get(key); if (settingsState != null) { return settingsState; } if (!ensureSettingsForUserLocked(getUserIdFromKey(key))) { return null; } return mSettingsStates.get(key); } private void migrateAllLegacySettingsIfNeeded() { synchronized (mLock) { final int key = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); File globalFile = getSettingsFile(key); if (SettingsState.stateFileExists(globalFile)) { return; } mSettingsCreationBuildId = Build.ID; final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { List users = mUserManager.getUsers(true); final int userCount = users.size(); for (int i = 0; i < userCount; i++) { final int userId = users.get(i).id; DatabaseHelper dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext(), userId); SQLiteDatabase database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); migrateLegacySettingsForUserLocked(dbHelper, database, userId); // Upgrade to the latest version. UpgradeController upgrader = new UpgradeController(userId); upgrader.upgradeIfNeededLocked(); // Drop from memory if not a running user. if (!mUserManager.isUserRunning(new UserHandle(userId))) { removeUserStateLocked(userId, false); } } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } } private void migrateLegacySettingsForUserIfNeededLocked(int userId) { // Every user has secure settings and if no file we need to migrate. final int secureKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); File secureFile = getSettingsFile(secureKey); if (SettingsState.stateFileExists(secureFile)) { return; } DatabaseHelper dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext(), userId); SQLiteDatabase database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); migrateLegacySettingsForUserLocked(dbHelper, database, userId); } private void migrateLegacySettingsForUserLocked(DatabaseHelper dbHelper, SQLiteDatabase database, int userId) { // Move over the system settings. final int systemKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(systemKey); SettingsState systemSettings = mSettingsStates.get(systemKey); migrateLegacySettingsLocked(systemSettings, database, TABLE_SYSTEM); systemSettings.persistSyncLocked(); // Move over the secure settings. // Do this after System settings, since this is the first thing we check when deciding // to skip over migration from db to xml for a secondary user. final int secureKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(secureKey); SettingsState secureSettings = mSettingsStates.get(secureKey); migrateLegacySettingsLocked(secureSettings, database, TABLE_SECURE); ensureSecureSettingAndroidIdSetLocked(secureSettings); secureSettings.persistSyncLocked(); // Move over the global settings if owner. // Do this last, since this is the first thing we check when deciding // to skip over migration from db to xml for owner user. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final int globalKey = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, userId); ensureSettingsStateLocked(globalKey); SettingsState globalSettings = mSettingsStates.get(globalKey); migrateLegacySettingsLocked(globalSettings, database, TABLE_GLOBAL); // If this was just created if (mSettingsCreationBuildId != null) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked(Settings.Global.DATABASE_CREATION_BUILDID, mSettingsCreationBuildId, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } globalSettings.persistSyncLocked(); } // Drop the database as now all is moved and persisted. if (DROP_DATABASE_ON_MIGRATION) { dbHelper.dropDatabase(); } else { dbHelper.backupDatabase(); } } private void migrateLegacySettingsLocked(SettingsState settingsState, SQLiteDatabase database, String table) { SQLiteQueryBuilder queryBuilder = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); queryBuilder.setTables(table); Cursor cursor = queryBuilder.query(database, LEGACY_SQL_COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, null); if (cursor == null) { return; } try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { return; } final int nameColumnIdx = cursor.getColumnIndex(Settings.NameValueTable.NAME); final int valueColumnIdx = cursor.getColumnIndex(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE); settingsState.setVersionLocked(database.getVersion()); while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { String name = cursor.getString(nameColumnIdx); String value = cursor.getString(valueColumnIdx); settingsState.insertSettingLocked(name, value, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); cursor.moveToNext(); } } finally { cursor.close(); } } @GuardedBy("secureSettings.mLock") private void ensureSecureSettingAndroidIdSetLocked(SettingsState secureSettings) { Setting value = secureSettings.getSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); if (!value.isNull()) { return; } final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(secureSettings.mKey); final UserInfo user; final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { user = mUserManager.getUserInfo(userId); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } if (user == null) { // Can happen due to races when deleting users - treat as benign. return; } String androidId = Long.toHexString(new SecureRandom().nextLong()); secureSettings.insertSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID, androidId, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); Slog.d(LOG_TAG, "Generated and saved new ANDROID_ID [" + androidId + "] for user " + userId); // Write a drop box entry if it's a restricted profile if (user.isRestricted()) { DropBoxManager dbm = (DropBoxManager) getContext().getSystemService( Context.DROPBOX_SERVICE); if (dbm != null && dbm.isTagEnabled(DROPBOX_TAG_USERLOG)) { dbm.addText(DROPBOX_TAG_USERLOG, System.currentTimeMillis() + "," + DROPBOX_TAG_USERLOG + "," + androidId + "\n"); } } } private void notifyForSettingsChange(int key, String name) { // Increment the generation first, so observers always see the new value mGenerationRegistry.incrementGeneration(key); if (isGlobalSettingsKey(key) || isConfigSettingsKey(key)) { final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { if (Global.LOCATION_GLOBAL_KILL_SWITCH.equals(name) && isGlobalSettingsKey(key)) { // When the global kill switch is updated, send the // change notification for the location setting. notifyLocationChangeForRunningUsers(); } notifySettingChangeForRunningUsers(key, name); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } } else { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); final Uri uri = getNotificationUriFor(key, name); mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED, userId, 0, uri).sendToTarget(); if (isSecureSettingsKey(key)) { maybeNotifyProfiles(getTypeFromKey(key), userId, uri, name, sSecureCloneToManagedSettings); maybeNotifyProfiles(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId, uri, name, sSystemCloneFromParentOnDependency.values()); } else if (isSystemSettingsKey(key)) { maybeNotifyProfiles(getTypeFromKey(key), userId, uri, name, sSystemCloneToManagedSettings); } } // Always notify that our data changed mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_DATA_CHANGED).sendToTarget(); } private void notifyForConfigSettingsChangeLocked(int key, String prefix, List changedSettings) { // Increment the generation first, so observers always see the new value mGenerationRegistry.incrementGeneration(key); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(prefix); for (int i = 0; i < changedSettings.size(); ++i) { stringBuilder.append(changedSettings.get(i).split("/")[1]).append("/"); } final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { notifySettingChangeForRunningUsers(key, stringBuilder.toString()); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token); } // Always notify that our data changed mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_DATA_CHANGED).sendToTarget(); } private void maybeNotifyProfiles(int type, int userId, Uri uri, String name, Collection keysCloned) { if (keysCloned.contains(name)) { for (int profileId : mUserManager.getProfileIdsWithDisabled(userId)) { // the notification for userId has already been sent. if (profileId != userId) { final int key = makeKey(type, profileId); // Increment the generation first, so observers always see the new value mGenerationRegistry.incrementGeneration(key); mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED, profileId, 0, uri).sendToTarget(); } } } } private void notifySettingChangeForRunningUsers(int key, String name) { // Important: No need to update generation for each user as there // is a singleton generation entry for the global settings which // is already incremented be the caller. final Uri uri = getNotificationUriFor(key, name); final List users = mUserManager.getUsers(/*excludeDying*/ true); for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) { final int userId = users.get(i).id; if (mUserManager.isUserRunning(UserHandle.of(userId))) { mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED, userId, 0, uri).sendToTarget(); } } } private void notifyLocationChangeForRunningUsers() { final List users = mUserManager.getUsers(/*excludeDying=*/ true); for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) { final int userId = users.get(i).id; if (!mUserManager.isUserRunning(UserHandle.of(userId))) { continue; } // Increment the generation first, so observers always see the new value final int key = makeKey(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); mGenerationRegistry.incrementGeneration(key); final Uri uri = getNotificationUriFor(key, Secure.LOCATION_MODE); mHandler.obtainMessage(MyHandler.MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED, userId, 0, uri).sendToTarget(); } } private boolean isConfigSettingsKey(int key) { return getTypeFromKey(key) == SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG; } private boolean isGlobalSettingsKey(int key) { return getTypeFromKey(key) == SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL; } private boolean isSystemSettingsKey(int key) { return getTypeFromKey(key) == SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM; } private boolean isSecureSettingsKey(int key) { return getTypeFromKey(key) == SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE; } private boolean isSsaidSettingsKey(int key) { return getTypeFromKey(key) == SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID; } private boolean shouldBan(int type) { if (SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG != type) { return false; } final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid(); final int appId = UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid); // Only non-shell resets should result in namespace banning return appId != SHELL_UID; } private void banConfigurationIfNecessary(int type, @Nullable String prefix, SettingsState settingsState) { // Banning should be performed only for Settings.Config and for non-shell reset calls if (!shouldBan(type)) { return; } if (prefix != null) { settingsState.banConfigurationLocked(prefix, getAllConfigFlags(prefix)); } else { Set configPrefixes = settingsState.getAllConfigPrefixesLocked(); for (String configPrefix : configPrefixes) { settingsState.banConfigurationLocked(configPrefix, getAllConfigFlags(configPrefix)); } } } private File getSettingsFile(int key) { if (isConfigSettingsKey(key)) { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); return new File(Environment.getUserSystemDirectory(userId), SETTINGS_FILE_CONFIG); } else if (isGlobalSettingsKey(key)) { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); return new File(Environment.getUserSystemDirectory(userId), SETTINGS_FILE_GLOBAL); } else if (isSystemSettingsKey(key)) { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); return new File(Environment.getUserSystemDirectory(userId), SETTINGS_FILE_SYSTEM); } else if (isSecureSettingsKey(key)) { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); return new File(Environment.getUserSystemDirectory(userId), SETTINGS_FILE_SECURE); } else if (isSsaidSettingsKey(key)) { final int userId = getUserIdFromKey(key); return new File(Environment.getUserSystemDirectory(userId), SETTINGS_FILE_SSAID); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid settings key:" + key); } } private Uri getNotificationUriFor(int key, String name) { if (isConfigSettingsKey(key)) { return (name != null) ? Uri.withAppendedPath(DeviceConfig.CONTENT_URI, name) : DeviceConfig.CONTENT_URI; } else if (isGlobalSettingsKey(key)) { return (name != null) ? Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.Global.CONTENT_URI, name) : Settings.Global.CONTENT_URI; } else if (isSecureSettingsKey(key)) { return (name != null) ? Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.Secure.CONTENT_URI, name) : Settings.Secure.CONTENT_URI; } else if (isSystemSettingsKey(key)) { return (name != null) ? Uri.withAppendedPath(Settings.System.CONTENT_URI, name) : Settings.System.CONTENT_URI; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid settings key:" + key); } } private int getMaxBytesPerPackageForType(int type) { switch (type) { case SETTINGS_TYPE_CONFIG: case SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL: case SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE: case SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID: { return SettingsState.MAX_BYTES_PER_APP_PACKAGE_UNLIMITED; } default: { return SettingsState.MAX_BYTES_PER_APP_PACKAGE_LIMITED; } } } private final class MyHandler extends Handler { private static final int MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED = 1; private static final int MSG_NOTIFY_DATA_CHANGED = 2; public MyHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_NOTIFY_URI_CHANGED: { final int userId = msg.arg1; Uri uri = (Uri) msg.obj; try { getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null, true, userId); } catch (SecurityException e) { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Failed to notify for " + userId + ": " + uri, e); } if (DEBUG) { Slog.v(LOG_TAG, "Notifying for " + userId + ": " + uri); } } break; case MSG_NOTIFY_DATA_CHANGED: { mBackupManager.dataChanged(); scheduleWriteFallbackFilesJob(); } break; } } } private final class UpgradeController { private static final int SETTINGS_VERSION = 191; private final int mUserId; public UpgradeController(int userId) { mUserId = userId; } public void upgradeIfNeededLocked() { // The version of all settings for a user is the same (all users have secure). SettingsState secureSettings = getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, mUserId); // Try an update from the current state. final int oldVersion = secureSettings.getVersionLocked(); final int newVersion = SETTINGS_VERSION; // If up do date - done. if (oldVersion == newVersion) { return; } // Try to upgrade. final int curVersion = onUpgradeLocked(mUserId, oldVersion, newVersion); // If upgrade failed start from scratch and upgrade. if (curVersion != newVersion) { // Drop state we have for this user. removeUserStateLocked(mUserId, true); // Recreate the database. DatabaseHelper dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext(), mUserId); SQLiteDatabase database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); dbHelper.recreateDatabase(database, newVersion, curVersion, oldVersion); // Migrate the settings for this user. migrateLegacySettingsForUserLocked(dbHelper, database, mUserId); // Now upgrade should work fine. onUpgradeLocked(mUserId, oldVersion, newVersion); // Make a note what happened, so we don't wonder why data was lost String reason = "Settings rebuilt! Current version: " + curVersion + " while expected: " + newVersion; getGlobalSettingsLocked().insertSettingLocked( Settings.Global.DATABASE_DOWNGRADE_REASON, reason, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } // Set the global settings version if owner. if (mUserId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { SettingsState globalSettings = getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, mUserId); globalSettings.setVersionLocked(newVersion); } // Set the secure settings version. secureSettings.setVersionLocked(newVersion); // Set the system settings version. SettingsState systemSettings = getSettingsLocked( SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, mUserId); systemSettings.setVersionLocked(newVersion); } private SettingsState getGlobalSettingsLocked() { return getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_GLOBAL, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); } private SettingsState getSecureSettingsLocked(int userId) { return getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId); } private SettingsState getSsaidSettingsLocked(int userId) { return getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SSAID, userId); } private SettingsState getSystemSettingsLocked(int userId) { return getSettingsLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SYSTEM, userId); } /** * You must perform all necessary mutations to bring the settings * for this user from the old to the new version. When you add a new * upgrade step you *must* update SETTINGS_VERSION. * * All settings modifications should be made through * {@link SettingsState#insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked(String, String, String, * boolean, String)} so that restore can override those values if needed. * * This is an example of moving a setting from secure to global. * * // v119: Example settings changes. * if (currentVersion == 118) { * if (userId == UserHandle.USER_OWNER) { * // Remove from the secure settings. * SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); * String name = "example_setting_to_move"; * String value = secureSettings.getSetting(name); * secureSettings.deleteSetting(name); * * // Add to the global settings. * SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); * globalSettings.insertSetting(name, value, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); * } * * // Update the current version. * currentVersion = 119; * } */ private int onUpgradeLocked(int userId, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Upgrading settings for user: " + userId + " from version: " + oldVersion + " to version: " + newVersion); } int currentVersion = oldVersion; // v119: Reset zen + ringer mode. if (currentVersion == 118) { if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); globalSettings.updateSettingLocked(Settings.Global.ZEN_MODE, Integer.toString(Settings.Global.ZEN_MODE_OFF), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); globalSettings.updateSettingLocked(Settings.Global.MODE_RINGER, Integer.toString(AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 119; } // v120: Add double tap to wake setting. if (currentVersion == 119) { SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.DOUBLE_TAP_TO_WAKE, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_double_tap_to_wake) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); currentVersion = 120; } if (currentVersion == 120) { // Before 121, we used a different string encoding logic. We just bump the // version here; SettingsState knows how to handle pre-version 120 files. currentVersion = 121; } if (currentVersion == 121) { // Version 122: allow OEMs to set a default payment component in resources. // Note that we only write the default if no default has been set; // if there is, we just leave the default at whatever it currently is. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); String defaultComponent = (getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_nfc_payment_component)); Setting currentSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.NFC_PAYMENT_DEFAULT_COMPONENT); if (defaultComponent != null && !defaultComponent.isEmpty() && currentSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.NFC_PAYMENT_DEFAULT_COMPONENT, defaultComponent, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 122; } if (currentVersion == 122) { // Version 123: Adding a default value for the ability to add a user from // the lock screen. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Global.ADD_USERS_WHEN_LOCKED); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Global.ADD_USERS_WHEN_LOCKED, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_add_users_from_lockscreen) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 123; } if (currentVersion == 123) { final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); String defaultDisabledProfiles = (getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_bluetooth_disabled_profiles)); globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Global.BLUETOOTH_DISABLED_PROFILES, defaultDisabledProfiles, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); currentVersion = 124; } if (currentVersion == 124) { // Version 124: allow OEMs to set a default value for whether IME should be // shown when a physical keyboard is connected. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); Setting currentSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.SHOW_IME_WITH_HARD_KEYBOARD); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.SHOW_IME_WITH_HARD_KEYBOARD, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_show_ime_with_hard_keyboard) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 125; } if (currentVersion == 125) { // Version 125: Allow OEMs to set the default VR service. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); Setting currentSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.ENABLED_VR_LISTENERS); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { ArraySet l = SystemConfig.getInstance().getDefaultVrComponents(); if (l != null && !l.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); boolean start = true; for (ComponentName c : l) { if (!start) { b.append(':'); } b.append(c.flattenToString()); start = false; } secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.ENABLED_VR_LISTENERS, b.toString(), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 126; } if (currentVersion == 126) { // Version 126: copy the primary values of LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS and // LOCK_SCREEN_ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTIFICATIONS into managed profile. if (mUserManager.isManagedProfile(userId)) { final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM); final Setting showNotifications = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS); if (!showNotifications.isNull()) { final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS, showNotifications.getValue(), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } final Setting allowPrivate = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTIFICATIONS); if (!allowPrivate.isNull()) { final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTIFICATIONS, allowPrivate.getValue(), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 127; } if (currentVersion == 127) { // version 127 is no longer used. currentVersion = 128; } if (currentVersion == 128) { // Version 128: Removed currentVersion = 129; } if (currentVersion == 129) { // default longpress timeout changed from 500 to 400. If unchanged from the old // default, update to the new default. final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final String oldValue = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals("500", oldValue)) { systemSecureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer.def_long_press_timeout_millis)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 130; } if (currentVersion == 130) { // Split Ambient settings final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); boolean dozeExplicitlyDisabled = "0".equals(secureSettings. getSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.DOZE_ENABLED).getValue()); if (dozeExplicitlyDisabled) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.DOZE_PICK_UP_GESTURE, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.DOZE_DOUBLE_TAP_GESTURE, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 131; } if (currentVersion == 131) { // Initialize new multi-press timeout to default value final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final String oldValue = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.MULTI_PRESS_TIMEOUT).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { systemSecureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.MULTI_PRESS_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer.def_multi_press_timeout_millis)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 132; } if (currentVersion == 132) { // Version 132: Allow managed profile to optionally use the parent's ringtones final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); String defaultSyncParentSounds = (getContext().getResources() .getBoolean(R.bool.def_sync_parent_sounds) ? "1" : "0"); systemSecureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.SYNC_PARENT_SOUNDS, defaultSyncParentSounds, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); currentVersion = 133; } if (currentVersion == 133) { // Version 133: Add default end button behavior final SettingsState systemSettings = getSystemSettingsLocked(userId); if (systemSettings.getSettingLocked(Settings.System.END_BUTTON_BEHAVIOR) .isNull()) { String defaultEndButtonBehavior = Integer.toString(getContext() .getResources().getInteger(R.integer.def_end_button_behavior)); systemSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.System.END_BUTTON_BEHAVIOR, defaultEndButtonBehavior, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 134; } if (currentVersion == 134) { // Remove setting that specifies if magnification values should be preserved. // This setting defaulted to true and never has a UI. getSecureSettingsLocked(userId).deleteSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_MAGNIFICATION_AUTO_UPDATE); currentVersion = 135; } if (currentVersion == 135) { // Version 135 no longer used. currentVersion = 136; } if (currentVersion == 136) { // Version 136: Store legacy SSAID for all apps currently installed on the // device as first step in migrating SSAID to be unique per application. final boolean isUpgrade; try { isUpgrade = mPackageManager.isDeviceUpgrading(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Package manager not available"); } // Only retain legacy ssaid if the device is performing an OTA. After wiping // user data or first boot on a new device should use new ssaid generation. if (isUpgrade) { // Retrieve the legacy ssaid from the secure settings table. final Setting legacySsaidSetting = getSettingLocked(SETTINGS_TYPE_SECURE, userId, Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); if (legacySsaidSetting == null || legacySsaidSetting.isNull() || legacySsaidSetting.getValue() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Legacy ssaid not accessible"); } final String legacySsaid = legacySsaidSetting.getValue(); // Fill each uid with the legacy ssaid to be backwards compatible. final List packages; try { packages = mPackageManager.getInstalledPackages( PackageManager.MATCH_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES, userId).getList(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Package manager not available"); } final SettingsState ssaidSettings = getSsaidSettingsLocked(userId); for (PackageInfo info : packages) { // Check if the UID already has an entry in the table. final String uid = Integer.toString(info.applicationInfo.uid); final Setting ssaid = ssaidSettings.getSettingLocked(uid); if (ssaid.isNull() || ssaid.getValue() == null) { // Android Id doesn't exist for this package so create it. ssaidSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked(uid, legacySsaid, null, true, info.packageName); if (DEBUG) { Slog.d(LOG_TAG, "Keep the legacy ssaid for uid=" + uid); } } } } currentVersion = 137; } if (currentVersion == 137) { // Version 138: Settings.Secure#INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS is deprecated and its // default value set to 1. The user can no longer change the value of this // setting through the UI. final SettingsState secureSetting = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); if (!mUserManager.hasUserRestriction( UserManager.DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES, UserHandle.of(userId)) && secureSetting.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS).getValue().equals("0")) { secureSetting.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS, "1", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); // For managed profiles with profile owners, DevicePolicyManagerService // may want to set the user restriction in this case secureSetting.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.UNKNOWN_SOURCES_DEFAULT_REVERSED, "1", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 138; } if (currentVersion == 138) { // Version 139: Removed. currentVersion = 139; } if (currentVersion == 139) { // Version 140: Settings.Secure#ACCESSIBILITY_SPEAK_PASSWORD is deprecated and // the user can no longer change the value of this setting through the UI. // Force to true. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); secureSettings.updateSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_SPEAK_PASSWORD, "1", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); currentVersion = 140; } if (currentVersion == 140) { // Version 141: Removed currentVersion = 141; } if (currentVersion == 141) { // This implementation was incorrectly setting the current value of // settings changed by non-system packages as the default which default // is set by the system. We add a new upgrade step at the end to properly // handle this case which would also fix incorrect changes made by the // old implementation of this step. currentVersion = 142; } if (currentVersion == 142) { // Version 143: Set a default value for Wi-Fi wakeup feature. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Global.WIFI_WAKEUP_ENABLED); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Global.WIFI_WAKEUP_ENABLED, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_wifi_wakeup_enabled) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 143; } if (currentVersion == 143) { // Version 144: Set a default value for Autofill service. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting currentSetting = secureSettings .getSettingLocked(Settings.Secure.AUTOFILL_SERVICE); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { final String defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getString( com.android.internal.R.string.config_defaultAutofillService); if (defaultValue != null) { Slog.d(LOG_TAG, "Setting [" + defaultValue + "] as Autofill Service " + "for user " + userId); secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.AUTOFILL_SERVICE, defaultValue, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 144; } if (currentVersion == 144) { // Version 145: Removed currentVersion = 145; } if (currentVersion == 145) { // Version 146: In step 142 we had a bug where incorrectly // some settings were considered system set and as a result // made the default and marked as the default being set by // the system. Here reevaluate the default and default system // set flags. This would both fix corruption by the old impl // of step 142 and also properly handle devices which never // run 142. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); ensureLegacyDefaultValueAndSystemSetUpdatedLocked(globalSettings, userId); globalSettings.persistSyncLocked(); } SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(mUserId); ensureLegacyDefaultValueAndSystemSetUpdatedLocked(secureSettings, userId); secureSettings.persistSyncLocked(); SettingsState systemSettings = getSystemSettingsLocked(mUserId); ensureLegacyDefaultValueAndSystemSetUpdatedLocked(systemSettings, userId); systemSettings.persistSyncLocked(); currentVersion = 146; } if (currentVersion == 146) { // Version 147: Removed. (This version previously allowed showing the // "wifi_wakeup_available" setting). // The setting that was added here is deleted in 153. currentVersion = 147; } if (currentVersion == 147) { // Version 148: Set the default value for DEFAULT_RESTRICT_BACKGROUND_DATA. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) { final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.DEFAULT_RESTRICT_BACKGROUND_DATA); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Global.DEFAULT_RESTRICT_BACKGROUND_DATA, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_restrict_background_data) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 148; } if (currentVersion == 148) { // Version 149: Set the default value for BACKUP_MANAGER_CONSTANTS. final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final String oldValue = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.BACKUP_MANAGER_CONSTANTS).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { final String defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_backup_manager_constants); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultValue)) { systemSecureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.BACKUP_MANAGER_CONSTANTS, defaultValue, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 149; } if (currentVersion == 149) { // Version 150: Set a default value for mobile data always on final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Global.MOBILE_DATA_ALWAYS_ON); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Global.MOBILE_DATA_ALWAYS_ON, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_mobile_data_always_on) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 150; } if (currentVersion == 150) { // Version 151: Removed. currentVersion = 151; } if (currentVersion == 151) { // Version 152: Removed. (This version made the setting for wifi_wakeup enabled // by default but it is now no longer configurable). // The setting updated here is deleted in 153. currentVersion = 152; } if (currentVersion == 152) { getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked("wifi_wakeup_available"); currentVersion = 153; } if (currentVersion == 153) { // Version 154: Read notification badge configuration from config. // If user has already set the value, don't do anything. final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting showNotificationBadges = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.NOTIFICATION_BADGING); if (showNotificationBadges.isNull()) { final boolean defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_notificationBadging); systemSecureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.NOTIFICATION_BADGING, defaultValue ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 154; } if (currentVersion == 154) { // Version 155: Set the default value for BACKUP_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_PARAMETERS. final SettingsState systemSecureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final String oldValue = systemSecureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.BACKUP_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_PARAMETERS).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { final String defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_backup_local_transport_parameters); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultValue)) { systemSecureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.BACKUP_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_PARAMETERS, defaultValue, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 155; } if (currentVersion == 155) { // Version 156: migrated to version 184 currentVersion = 156; } if (currentVersion == 156) { // Version 157: Set a default value for zen duration, // in version 169, zen duration is moved to secure settings final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.ZEN_DURATION); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { String defaultZenDuration = Integer.toString(getContext() .getResources().getInteger(R.integer.def_zen_duration)); globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Global.ZEN_DURATION, defaultZenDuration, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 157; } if (currentVersion == 157) { // Version 158: Set default value for BACKUP_AGENT_TIMEOUT_PARAMETERS. final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final String oldValue = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Global.BACKUP_AGENT_TIMEOUT_PARAMETERS).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { final String defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_backup_agent_timeout_parameters); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultValue)) { globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Global.BACKUP_AGENT_TIMEOUT_PARAMETERS, defaultValue, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } currentVersion = 158; } if (currentVersion == 158) { // Remove setting that specifies wifi bgscan throttling params getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_scan_background_throttle_interval_ms"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_scan_background_throttle_package_whitelist"); currentVersion = 159; } if (currentVersion == 159) { // Version 160: Hiding notifications from the lockscreen is only available as // primary user option, profiles can only make them redacted. If a profile was // configured to not show lockscreen notifications, ensure that at the very // least these will be come hidden. if (mUserManager.isManagedProfile(userId)) { final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); Setting showNotifications = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS); // The default value is "1", check if user has turned it off. if ("0".equals(showNotifications.getValue())) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTIFICATIONS, "0", null /* tag */, false /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } // The setting is no longer valid for managed profiles, it should be // treated as if it was set to "1". secureSettings.deleteSettingLocked(Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS); } currentVersion = 160; } if (currentVersion == 160) { // Version 161: Set the default value for // MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY and // SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OP_TIMEOUT final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); String oldValue = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Global.MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY, Integer.toString(getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer.def_max_sound_trigger_detection_service_ops_per_day)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } oldValue = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OP_TIMEOUT).getValue(); if (TextUtils.equals(null, oldValue)) { globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Global.SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OP_TIMEOUT, Integer.toString(getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer.def_sound_trigger_detection_service_op_timeout)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 161; } if (currentVersion == 161) { // Version 161: Add a gesture for silencing phones final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting currentSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.VOLUME_HUSH_GESTURE); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.VOLUME_HUSH_GESTURE, Integer.toString(Secure.VOLUME_HUSH_VIBRATE), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 162; } if (currentVersion == 162) { // Version 162: REMOVED: Add a gesture for silencing phones currentVersion = 163; } if (currentVersion == 163) { // Version 163: Update default value of // MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY from old to new default final SettingsState settings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = settings.getSettingLocked( Global.MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY); if (currentSetting.isDefaultFromSystem()) { settings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Global.MAX_SOUND_TRIGGER_DETECTION_SERVICE_OPS_PER_DAY, Integer.toString(getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer .def_max_sound_trigger_detection_service_ops_per_day)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 164; } if (currentVersion == 164) { // Version 164: REMOVED: show zen upgrade notification currentVersion = 165; } if (currentVersion == 165) { // Version 165: MOVED: Show zen settings suggestion and zen updated settings // moved to secure settings and are set in version 169 currentVersion = 166; } if (currentVersion == 166) { // Version 166: add default values for hush gesture used and manual ringer // toggle final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); Setting currentHushUsedSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.HUSH_GESTURE_USED); if (currentHushUsedSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.HUSH_GESTURE_USED, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } Setting currentRingerToggleCountSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.MANUAL_RINGER_TOGGLE_COUNT); if (currentRingerToggleCountSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Secure.MANUAL_RINGER_TOGGLE_COUNT, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 167; } if (currentVersion == 167) { // Version 167: MOVED - Settings.Global.CHARGING_VIBRATION_ENABLED moved to // Settings.Secure.CHARGING_VIBRATION_ENABLED, set in version 170 currentVersion = 168; } if (currentVersion == 168) { // Version 168: by default, vibrate for phone calls final SettingsState systemSettings = getSystemSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting currentSetting = systemSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.System.VIBRATE_WHEN_RINGING); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { systemSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.System.VIBRATE_WHEN_RINGING, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_vibrate_when_ringing) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 169; } if (currentVersion == 169) { // Version 169: Set the default value for Secure Settings ZEN_DURATION, // SHOW_ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION, ZEN_SETTINGS_UPDATE and // ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION_VIEWED final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting globalZenDuration = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.ZEN_DURATION); final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting secureZenDuration = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.ZEN_DURATION); // ZEN_DURATION if (!globalZenDuration.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.ZEN_DURATION, globalZenDuration.getValue(), null, false, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); // set global zen duration setting to null since it's deprecated globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Global.ZEN_DURATION, null, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } else if (secureZenDuration.isNull()) { String defaultZenDuration = Integer.toString(getContext() .getResources().getInteger(R.integer.def_zen_duration)); secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.ZEN_DURATION, defaultZenDuration, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } // SHOW_ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION final Setting currentShowZenSettingSuggestion = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.SHOW_ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION); if (currentShowZenSettingSuggestion.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.SHOW_ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION, "1", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } // ZEN_SETTINGS_UPDATED final Setting currentUpdatedSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.ZEN_SETTINGS_UPDATED); if (currentUpdatedSetting.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.ZEN_SETTINGS_UPDATED, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } // ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION_VIEWED final Setting currentSettingSuggestionViewed = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION_VIEWED); if (currentSettingSuggestionViewed.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.ZEN_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION_VIEWED, "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 170; } if (currentVersion == 170) { // Version 170: Set the default value for Secure Settings: // CHARGING_SOUNDS_ENABLED and CHARGING_VIBRATION_ENABLED final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); // CHARGING_SOUNDS_ENABLED final Setting globalChargingSoundEnabled = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.CHARGING_SOUNDS_ENABLED); final Setting secureChargingSoundsEnabled = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.CHARGING_SOUNDS_ENABLED); if (!globalChargingSoundEnabled.isNull()) { if (secureChargingSoundsEnabled.isNull()) { secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.CHARGING_SOUNDS_ENABLED, globalChargingSoundEnabled.getValue(), null, false, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } // set global charging_sounds_enabled setting to null since it's deprecated globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Global.CHARGING_SOUNDS_ENABLED, null, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } else if (secureChargingSoundsEnabled.isNull()) { String defChargingSoundsEnabled = getContext().getResources() .getBoolean(R.bool.def_charging_sounds_enabled) ? "1" : "0"; secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.CHARGING_SOUNDS_ENABLED, defChargingSoundsEnabled, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } // CHARGING_VIBRATION_ENABLED final Setting secureChargingVibrationEnabled = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.CHARGING_VIBRATION_ENABLED); if (secureChargingVibrationEnabled.isNull()) { String defChargingVibrationEnabled = getContext().getResources() .getBoolean(R.bool.def_charging_vibration_enabled) ? "1" : "0"; secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.CHARGING_VIBRATION_ENABLED, defChargingVibrationEnabled, null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 171; } if (currentVersion == 171) { // Version 171: by default, add STREAM_VOICE_CALL to list of streams that can // be muted. final SettingsState systemSettings = getSystemSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting currentSetting = systemSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.System.MUTE_STREAMS_AFFECTED); if (!currentSetting.isNull()) { try { int currentSettingIntegerValue = Integer.parseInt( currentSetting.getValue()); if ((currentSettingIntegerValue & (1 << AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL)) == 0) { systemSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.System.MUTE_STREAMS_AFFECTED, Integer.toString( currentSettingIntegerValue | (1 << AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // remove the setting in case it is not a valid integer Slog.w("Failed to parse integer value of MUTE_STREAMS_AFFECTED" + "setting, removing setting", e); systemSettings.deleteSettingLocked( Settings.System.MUTE_STREAMS_AFFECTED); } } currentVersion = 172; } if (currentVersion == 172) { // Version 172: Set the default value for Secure Settings: LOCATION_MODE final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting locationMode = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.LOCATION_MODE); if (locationMode.isNull()) { final Setting locationProvidersAllowed = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED); final int defLocationMode; if (locationProvidersAllowed.isNull()) { defLocationMode = getContext().getResources().getInteger( R.integer.def_location_mode); } else { defLocationMode = !TextUtils.isEmpty(locationProvidersAllowed.getValue()) ? Secure.LOCATION_MODE_ON : Secure.LOCATION_MODE_OFF; } secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.LOCATION_MODE, Integer.toString(defLocationMode), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 173; } if (currentVersion == 173) { // Version 173: Set the default value for Secure Settings: NOTIFICATION_BUBBLES // Removed. Moved NOTIFICATION_BUBBLES to Global Settings. currentVersion = 174; } if (currentVersion == 174) { // Version 174: Set the default value for Global Settings: APPLY_RAMPING_RINGER final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); Setting currentRampingRingerSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.Global.APPLY_RAMPING_RINGER); if (currentRampingRingerSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.Global.APPLY_RAMPING_RINGER, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_apply_ramping_ringer) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 175; } if (currentVersion == 175) { // Version 175: Set the default value for System Settings: // RING_VIBRATION_INTENSITY. If the notification vibration intensity has been // set and ring vibration intensity hasn't, the ring vibration intensity should // followed notification vibration intensity. final SettingsState systemSettings = getSystemSettingsLocked(userId); Setting notificationVibrationIntensity = systemSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_VIBRATION_INTENSITY); Setting ringVibrationIntensity = systemSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.System.RING_VIBRATION_INTENSITY); if (!notificationVibrationIntensity.isNull() && ringVibrationIntensity.isNull()) { systemSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.System.RING_VIBRATION_INTENSITY, notificationVibrationIntensity.getValue(), null , true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 176; } if (currentVersion == 176) { // Version 176: Migrate the existing swipe up setting into the resource overlay // for the navigation bar interaction mode. We do so only if the // setting is set. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting swipeUpSetting = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( "swipe_up_to_switch_apps_enabled"); if (swipeUpSetting != null && !swipeUpSetting.isNull() && swipeUpSetting.getValue().equals("1")) { final IOverlayManager overlayManager = IOverlayManager.Stub.asInterface( ServiceManager.getService(Context.OVERLAY_SERVICE)); try { overlayManager.setEnabledExclusiveInCategory( NAV_BAR_MODE_2BUTTON_OVERLAY, UserHandle.USER_CURRENT); } catch (SecurityException | IllegalStateException | RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Failed to set nav bar interaction mode overlay"); } } currentVersion = 177; } if (currentVersion == 177) { // Version 177: Set the default value for Secure Settings: AWARE_ENABLED final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting awareEnabled = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.AWARE_ENABLED); if (awareEnabled.isNull()) { final boolean defAwareEnabled = getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_aware_enabled); secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.AWARE_ENABLED, defAwareEnabled ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 178; } if (currentVersion == 178) { // Version 178: Set the default value for Secure Settings: // SKIP_GESTURE & SILENCE_GESTURE final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting skipGesture = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.SKIP_GESTURE); if (skipGesture.isNull()) { final boolean defSkipGesture = getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_skip_gesture); secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.SKIP_GESTURE, defSkipGesture ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } final Setting silenceGesture = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.SILENCE_GESTURE); if (silenceGesture.isNull()) { final boolean defSilenceGesture = getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_silence_gesture); secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.SILENCE_GESTURE, defSilenceGesture ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 179; } if (currentVersion == 179) { // Version 178: Reset the default for Secure Settings: NOTIFICATION_BUBBLES // This is originally set in version 173, however, the default value changed // so this step is to ensure the value is updated to the correct default. // Removed. Moved NOTIFICATION_BUBBLES to Global Settings. currentVersion = 180; } if (currentVersion == 180) { // Version 180: Set the default value for Secure Settings: AWARE_LOCK_ENABLED final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting awareLockEnabled = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.AWARE_LOCK_ENABLED); if (awareLockEnabled.isNull()) { final boolean defAwareLockEnabled = getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_aware_lock_enabled); secureSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Secure.AWARE_LOCK_ENABLED, defAwareLockEnabled ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 181; } if (currentVersion == 181) { // Version cd : by default, add STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO to list of streams that can // be muted. final SettingsState systemSettings = getSystemSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting currentSetting = systemSettings.getSettingLocked( Settings.System.MUTE_STREAMS_AFFECTED); if (!currentSetting.isNull()) { try { int currentSettingIntegerValue = Integer.parseInt( currentSetting.getValue()); if ((currentSettingIntegerValue & (1 << AudioManager.STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO)) == 0) { systemSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Settings.System.MUTE_STREAMS_AFFECTED, Integer.toString( currentSettingIntegerValue | (1 << AudioManager.STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO)), null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // remove the setting in case it is not a valid integer Slog.w("Failed to parse integer value of MUTE_STREAMS_AFFECTED" + "setting, removing setting", e); systemSettings.deleteSettingLocked( Settings.System.MUTE_STREAMS_AFFECTED); } } currentVersion = 182; } if (currentVersion == 182) { // Remove secure bubble settings; it's in global now. getSecureSettingsLocked(userId).deleteSettingLocked("notification_bubbles"); // Removed. Updated NOTIFICATION_BUBBLES to be true by default, see 184. currentVersion = 183; } if (currentVersion == 183) { // Version 183: Set default values for WIRELESS_CHARGING_STARTED_SOUND // and CHARGING_STARTED_SOUND final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final String oldValueWireless = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.WIRELESS_CHARGING_STARTED_SOUND).getValue(); final String oldValueWired = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.CHARGING_STARTED_SOUND).getValue(); final String defaultValueWireless = getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_wireless_charging_started_sound); final String defaultValueWired = getContext().getResources().getString( R.string.def_charging_started_sound); // wireless charging sound if (oldValueWireless == null || TextUtils.equals(oldValueWireless, defaultValueWired)) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultValueWireless)) { globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Global.WIRELESS_CHARGING_STARTED_SOUND, defaultValueWireless, null /* tag */, true /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultValueWired)) { // if the wireless sound is empty, use the wired charging sound globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Global.WIRELESS_CHARGING_STARTED_SOUND, defaultValueWired, null /* tag */, true /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } } // wired charging sound if (oldValueWired == null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultValueWired)) { globalSettings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Global.CHARGING_STARTED_SOUND, defaultValueWired, null /* tag */, true /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 184; } if (currentVersion == 184) { // Version 184: Reset the default for Global Settings: NOTIFICATION_BUBBLES // This is originally set in version 182, however, the default value changed // so this step is to ensure the value is updated to the correct default. getGlobalSettingsLocked().insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked( Global.NOTIFICATION_BUBBLES, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_notification_bubbles) ? "1" : "0", null /* tag */, true /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); currentVersion = 185; } if (currentVersion == 185) { // Deprecate ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_MAGNIFICATION_NAVBAR_ENABLED, and migrate it // to ACCESSIBILITY_BUTTON_TARGETS. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting magnifyNavbarEnabled = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_MAGNIFICATION_NAVBAR_ENABLED); if ("1".equals(magnifyNavbarEnabled.getValue())) { secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_BUTTON_TARGETS, ACCESSIBILITY_SHORTCUT_TARGET_MAGNIFICATION_CONTROLLER, null /* tag */, false /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } secureSettings.deleteSettingLocked( Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_MAGNIFICATION_NAVBAR_ENABLED); currentVersion = 186; } if (currentVersion == 186) { // Remove unused wifi settings getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_rtt_background_exec_gap_ms"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "network_recommendation_request_timeout_ms"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_suspend_optimizations_enabled"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_is_unusable_event_metrics_enabled"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_data_stall_min_tx_bad"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_data_stall_min_tx_success_without_rx"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_link_speed_metrics_enabled"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_pno_frequency_culling_enabled"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_pno_recency_sorting_enabled"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_link_probing_enabled"); getGlobalSettingsLocked().deleteSettingLocked( "wifi_saved_state"); currentVersion = 187; } if (currentVersion == 187) { // Migrate adaptive sleep setting from System to Secure. if (userId == UserHandle.USER_OWNER) { // Remove from the system settings. SettingsState systemSettings = getSystemSettingsLocked(userId); String name = Settings.System.ADAPTIVE_SLEEP; Setting setting = systemSettings.getSettingLocked(name); systemSettings.deleteSettingLocked(name); // Add to the secure settings. SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); secureSettings.insertSettingLocked(name, setting.getValue(), null /* tag */, false /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 188; } if (currentVersion == 188) { // Deprecate ACCESSIBILITY_SHORTCUT_ENABLED, and migrate it // to ACCESSIBILITY_SHORTCUT_TARGET_SERVICE. final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting shortcutEnabled = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( "accessibility_shortcut_enabled"); if ("0".equals(shortcutEnabled.getValue())) { // Clear shortcut key targets list setting. secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_SHORTCUT_TARGET_SERVICE, "", null /* tag */, false /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } secureSettings.deleteSettingLocked("accessibility_shortcut_enabled"); currentVersion = 189; } if (currentVersion == 189) { final SettingsState secureSettings = getSecureSettingsLocked(userId); final Setting showNotifications = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS); final Setting allowPrivateNotifications = secureSettings.getSettingLocked( Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTIFICATIONS); if ("1".equals(showNotifications.getValue()) && "1".equals(allowPrivateNotifications.getValue())) { secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Secure.POWER_MENU_LOCKED_SHOW_CONTENT, "1", null /* tag */, false /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } else if ("0".equals(showNotifications.getValue()) || "0".equals(allowPrivateNotifications.getValue())) { secureSettings.insertSettingLocked( Secure.POWER_MENU_LOCKED_SHOW_CONTENT, "0", null /* tag */, false /* makeDefault */, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 190; } if (currentVersion == 190) { // Version 190: get HDMI auto device off from overlay final SettingsState globalSettings = getGlobalSettingsLocked(); final Setting currentSetting = globalSettings.getSettingLocked( Global.HDMI_CONTROL_AUTO_DEVICE_OFF_ENABLED); if (currentSetting.isNull()) { globalSettings.insertSettingLocked( Global.HDMI_CONTROL_AUTO_DEVICE_OFF_ENABLED, getContext().getResources().getBoolean( R.bool.def_hdmiControlAutoDeviceOff) ? "1" : "0", null, true, SettingsState.SYSTEM_PACKAGE_NAME); } currentVersion = 191; } // vXXX: Add new settings above this point. if (currentVersion != newVersion) { Slog.wtf("SettingsProvider", "warning: upgrading settings database to version " + newVersion + " left it at " + currentVersion + " instead; this is probably a bug. Did you update SETTINGS_VERSION?", new Throwable()); if (DEBUG) { throw new RuntimeException("db upgrade error"); } } // Return the current version. return currentVersion; } } private void ensureLegacyDefaultValueAndSystemSetUpdatedLocked(SettingsState settings, int userId) { List names = settings.getSettingNamesLocked(); final int nameCount = names.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { String name = names.get(i); Setting setting = settings.getSettingLocked(name); // In the upgrade case we pretend the call is made from the app // that made the last change to the setting to properly determine // whether the call has been made by a system component. int callingUid = -1; try { callingUid = mPackageManager.getPackageUid(setting.getPackageName(), 0, userId); } catch (RemoteException e) { /* ignore - handled below */ } if (callingUid < 0) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Unknown package: " + setting.getPackageName()); continue; } try { final boolean systemSet = SettingsState.isSystemPackage(getContext(), setting.getPackageName(), callingUid, userId); if (systemSet) { settings.insertSettingOverrideableByRestoreLocked(name, setting.getValue(), setting.getTag(), true, setting.getPackageName()); } else if (setting.getDefaultValue() != null && setting.isDefaultFromSystem()) { // We had a bug where changes by non-system packages were marked // as system made and as a result set as the default. Therefore, if // the package changed the setting last is not a system one but the // setting is marked as its default coming from the system we clear // the default and clear the system set flag. settings.resetSettingDefaultValueLocked(name); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // If the package goes over its quota during the upgrade, don't // crash but just log the error as the system does the upgrade. Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error upgrading setting: " + setting.getName(), e); } } } } }