/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.systemui.bubbles; import static android.graphics.Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG; import static android.graphics.Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG; import android.animation.ArgbEvaluator; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Outline; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Path; import android.graphics.PointF; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.graphics.drawable.ShapeDrawable; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewOutlineProvider; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import com.android.systemui.R; import com.android.systemui.recents.TriangleShape; /** * Flyout view that appears as a 'chat bubble' alongside the bubble stack. The flyout can visually * transform into the 'new' dot, which is used during flyout dismiss animations/gestures. */ public class BubbleFlyoutView extends FrameLayout { /** Max width of the flyout, in terms of percent of the screen width. */ private static final float FLYOUT_MAX_WIDTH_PERCENT = .6f; private final int mFlyoutPadding; private final int mFlyoutSpaceFromBubble; private final int mPointerSize; private final int mBubbleSize; private final int mBubbleBitmapSize; private final float mBubbleIconTopPadding; private final int mFlyoutElevation; private final int mBubbleElevation; private final int mFloatingBackgroundColor; private final float mCornerRadius; private final ViewGroup mFlyoutTextContainer; private final ImageView mSenderAvatar; private final TextView mSenderText; private final TextView mMessageText; /** Values related to the 'new' dot which we use to figure out where to collapse the flyout. */ private final float mNewDotRadius; private final float mNewDotSize; private final float mOriginalDotSize; /** * The paint used to draw the background, whose color changes as the flyout transitions to the * tinted 'new' dot. */ private final Paint mBgPaint = new Paint(ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG); private final ArgbEvaluator mArgbEvaluator = new ArgbEvaluator(); /** * Triangular ShapeDrawables used for the triangle that points from the flyout to the bubble * stack (a chat-bubble effect). */ private final ShapeDrawable mLeftTriangleShape; private final ShapeDrawable mRightTriangleShape; /** Whether the flyout arrow is on the left (pointing left) or right (pointing right). */ private boolean mArrowPointingLeft = true; /** Color of the 'new' dot that the flyout will transform into. */ private int mDotColor; /** The outline of the triangle, used for elevation shadows. */ private final Outline mTriangleOutline = new Outline(); /** The bounds of the flyout background, kept up to date as it transitions to the 'new' dot. */ private final RectF mBgRect = new RectF(); /** * Percent progress in the transition from flyout to 'new' dot. These two values are the inverse * of each other (if we're 40% transitioned to the dot, we're 60% flyout), but it makes the code * much more readable. */ private float mPercentTransitionedToDot = 1f; private float mPercentStillFlyout = 0f; /** * The difference in values between the flyout and the dot. These differences are gradually * added over the course of the animation to transform the flyout into the 'new' dot. */ private float mFlyoutToDotWidthDelta = 0f; private float mFlyoutToDotHeightDelta = 0f; /** The translation values when the flyout is completely transitioned into the dot. */ private float mTranslationXWhenDot = 0f; private float mTranslationYWhenDot = 0f; /** * The current translation values applied to the flyout background as it transitions into the * 'new' dot. */ private float mBgTranslationX; private float mBgTranslationY; private float[] mDotCenter; /** The flyout's X translation when at rest (not animating or dragging). */ private float mRestingTranslationX = 0f; /** The badge sizes are defined as percentages of the app icon size. Same value as Launcher3. */ private static final float SIZE_PERCENTAGE = 0.228f; private static final float DOT_SCALE = 1f; /** Callback to run when the flyout is hidden. */ @Nullable private Runnable mOnHide; public BubbleFlyoutView(Context context) { super(context); LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.bubble_flyout, this, true); mFlyoutTextContainer = findViewById(R.id.bubble_flyout_text_container); mSenderText = findViewById(R.id.bubble_flyout_name); mSenderAvatar = findViewById(R.id.bubble_flyout_avatar); mMessageText = mFlyoutTextContainer.findViewById(R.id.bubble_flyout_text); final Resources res = getResources(); mFlyoutPadding = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_flyout_padding_x); mFlyoutSpaceFromBubble = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_flyout_space_from_bubble); mPointerSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_flyout_pointer_size); mBubbleSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.individual_bubble_size); mBubbleBitmapSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_bitmap_size); mBubbleIconTopPadding = (mBubbleSize - mBubbleBitmapSize) / 2f; mBubbleElevation = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_elevation); mFlyoutElevation = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_flyout_elevation); mOriginalDotSize = SIZE_PERCENTAGE * mBubbleBitmapSize; mNewDotRadius = (DOT_SCALE * mOriginalDotSize) / 2f; mNewDotSize = mNewDotRadius * 2f; final TypedArray ta = mContext.obtainStyledAttributes( new int[] { android.R.attr.colorBackgroundFloating, android.R.attr.dialogCornerRadius}); mFloatingBackgroundColor = ta.getColor(0, Color.WHITE); mCornerRadius = ta.getDimensionPixelSize(1, 0); ta.recycle(); // Add padding for the pointer on either side, onDraw will draw it in this space. setPadding(mPointerSize, 0, mPointerSize, 0); setWillNotDraw(false); setClipChildren(false); setTranslationZ(mFlyoutElevation); setOutlineProvider(new ViewOutlineProvider() { @Override public void getOutline(View view, Outline outline) { BubbleFlyoutView.this.getOutline(outline); } }); // Use locale direction so the text is aligned correctly. setLayoutDirection(LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE); mBgPaint.setColor(mFloatingBackgroundColor); mLeftTriangleShape = new ShapeDrawable(TriangleShape.createHorizontal( mPointerSize, mPointerSize, true /* isPointingLeft */)); mLeftTriangleShape.setBounds(0, 0, mPointerSize, mPointerSize); mLeftTriangleShape.getPaint().setColor(mFloatingBackgroundColor); mRightTriangleShape = new ShapeDrawable(TriangleShape.createHorizontal( mPointerSize, mPointerSize, false /* isPointingLeft */)); mRightTriangleShape.setBounds(0, 0, mPointerSize, mPointerSize); mRightTriangleShape.getPaint().setColor(mFloatingBackgroundColor); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { renderBackground(canvas); invalidateOutline(); super.onDraw(canvas); } /** Configures the flyout, collapsed into to dot form. */ void setupFlyoutStartingAsDot( Bubble.FlyoutMessage flyoutMessage, PointF stackPos, float parentWidth, boolean arrowPointingLeft, int dotColor, @Nullable Runnable onLayoutComplete, @Nullable Runnable onHide, float[] dotCenter, boolean hideDot) { final Drawable senderAvatar = flyoutMessage.senderAvatar; if (senderAvatar != null && flyoutMessage.isGroupChat) { mSenderAvatar.setVisibility(VISIBLE); mSenderAvatar.setImageDrawable(senderAvatar); } else { mSenderAvatar.setVisibility(GONE); mSenderAvatar.setTranslationX(0); mMessageText.setTranslationX(0); mSenderText.setTranslationX(0); } final int maxTextViewWidth = (int) (parentWidth * FLYOUT_MAX_WIDTH_PERCENT) - mFlyoutPadding * 2; // Name visibility if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(flyoutMessage.senderName)) { mSenderText.setMaxWidth(maxTextViewWidth); mSenderText.setText(flyoutMessage.senderName); mSenderText.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } else { mSenderText.setVisibility(GONE); } mArrowPointingLeft = arrowPointingLeft; mDotColor = dotColor; mOnHide = onHide; mDotCenter = dotCenter; setCollapsePercent(1f); // Set the flyout TextView's max width in terms of percent, and then subtract out the // padding so that the entire flyout view will be the desired width (rather than the // TextView being the desired width + extra padding). mMessageText.setMaxWidth(maxTextViewWidth); mMessageText.setText(flyoutMessage.message); // Wait for the TextView to lay out so we know its line count. post(() -> { float restingTranslationY; // Multi line flyouts get top-aligned to the bubble. if (mMessageText.getLineCount() > 1) { restingTranslationY = stackPos.y + mBubbleIconTopPadding; } else { // Single line flyouts are vertically centered with respect to the bubble. restingTranslationY = stackPos.y + (mBubbleSize - mFlyoutTextContainer.getHeight()) / 2f; } setTranslationY(restingTranslationY); // Calculate the translation required to position the flyout next to the bubble stack, // with the desired padding. mRestingTranslationX = mArrowPointingLeft ? stackPos.x + mBubbleSize + mFlyoutSpaceFromBubble : stackPos.x - getWidth() - mFlyoutSpaceFromBubble; // Calculate the difference in size between the flyout and the 'dot' so that we can // transform into the dot later. final float newDotSize = hideDot ? 0f : mNewDotSize; mFlyoutToDotWidthDelta = getWidth() - newDotSize; mFlyoutToDotHeightDelta = getHeight() - newDotSize; // Calculate the translation values needed to be in the correct 'new dot' position. final float adjustmentForScaleAway = hideDot ? 0f : (mOriginalDotSize / 2f); final float dotPositionX = stackPos.x + mDotCenter[0] - adjustmentForScaleAway; final float dotPositionY = stackPos.y + mDotCenter[1] - adjustmentForScaleAway; final float distanceFromFlyoutLeftToDotCenterX = mRestingTranslationX - dotPositionX; final float distanceFromLayoutTopToDotCenterY = restingTranslationY - dotPositionY; mTranslationXWhenDot = -distanceFromFlyoutLeftToDotCenterX; mTranslationYWhenDot = -distanceFromLayoutTopToDotCenterY; if (onLayoutComplete != null) { onLayoutComplete.run(); } }); } /** * Hides the flyout and runs the optional callback passed into setupFlyoutStartingAsDot. * The flyout has been animated into the 'new' dot by the time we call this, so no animations * are needed. */ void hideFlyout() { if (mOnHide != null) { mOnHide.run(); mOnHide = null; } setVisibility(GONE); } /** Sets the percentage that the flyout should be collapsed into dot form. */ void setCollapsePercent(float percentCollapsed) { // This is unlikely, but can happen in a race condition where the flyout view hasn't been // laid out and returns 0 for getWidth(). We check for this condition at the sites where // this method is called, but better safe than sorry. if (Float.isNaN(percentCollapsed)) { return; } mPercentTransitionedToDot = Math.max(0f, Math.min(percentCollapsed, 1f)); mPercentStillFlyout = (1f - mPercentTransitionedToDot); // Move and fade out the text. final float translationX = mPercentTransitionedToDot * (mArrowPointingLeft ? -getWidth() : getWidth()); final float alpha = clampPercentage( (mPercentStillFlyout - (1f - BubbleStackView.FLYOUT_DRAG_PERCENT_DISMISS)) / BubbleStackView.FLYOUT_DRAG_PERCENT_DISMISS); mMessageText.setTranslationX(translationX); mMessageText.setAlpha(alpha); mSenderText.setTranslationX(translationX); mSenderText.setAlpha(alpha); mSenderAvatar.setTranslationX(translationX); mSenderAvatar.setAlpha(alpha); // Reduce the elevation towards that of the topmost bubble. setTranslationZ( mFlyoutElevation - (mFlyoutElevation - mBubbleElevation) * mPercentTransitionedToDot); invalidate(); } /** Return the flyout's resting X translation (translation when not dragging or animating). */ float getRestingTranslationX() { return mRestingTranslationX; } /** Clamps a float to between 0 and 1. */ private float clampPercentage(float percent) { return Math.min(1f, Math.max(0f, percent)); } /** * Renders the background, which is either the rounded 'chat bubble' flyout, or some state * between that and the 'new' dot over the bubbles. */ private void renderBackground(Canvas canvas) { // Calculate the width, height, and corner radius of the flyout given the current collapsed // percentage. final float width = getWidth() - (mFlyoutToDotWidthDelta * mPercentTransitionedToDot); final float height = getHeight() - (mFlyoutToDotHeightDelta * mPercentTransitionedToDot); final float interpolatedRadius = getInterpolatedRadius(); // Translate the flyout background towards the collapsed 'dot' state. mBgTranslationX = mTranslationXWhenDot * mPercentTransitionedToDot; mBgTranslationY = mTranslationYWhenDot * mPercentTransitionedToDot; // Set the bounds of the rounded rectangle that serves as either the flyout background or // the collapsed 'dot'. These bounds will also be used to provide the outline for elevation // shadows. In the expanded flyout state, the left and right bounds leave space for the // pointer triangle - as the flyout collapses, this space is reduced since the triangle // retracts into the flyout. mBgRect.set( mPointerSize * mPercentStillFlyout /* left */, 0 /* top */, width - mPointerSize * mPercentStillFlyout /* right */, height /* bottom */); mBgPaint.setColor( (int) mArgbEvaluator.evaluate( mPercentTransitionedToDot, mFloatingBackgroundColor, mDotColor)); canvas.save(); canvas.translate(mBgTranslationX, mBgTranslationY); renderPointerTriangle(canvas, width, height); canvas.drawRoundRect(mBgRect, interpolatedRadius, interpolatedRadius, mBgPaint); canvas.restore(); } /** Renders the 'pointer' triangle that points from the flyout to the bubble stack. */ private void renderPointerTriangle( Canvas canvas, float currentFlyoutWidth, float currentFlyoutHeight) { canvas.save(); // Translation to apply for the 'retraction' effect as the flyout collapses. final float retractionTranslationX = (mArrowPointingLeft ? 1 : -1) * (mPercentTransitionedToDot * mPointerSize * 2f); // Place the arrow either at the left side, or the far right, depending on whether the // flyout is on the left or right side. final float arrowTranslationX = mArrowPointingLeft ? retractionTranslationX : currentFlyoutWidth - mPointerSize + retractionTranslationX; // Vertically center the arrow at all times. final float arrowTranslationY = currentFlyoutHeight / 2f - mPointerSize / 2f; // Draw the appropriate direction of arrow. final ShapeDrawable relevantTriangle = mArrowPointingLeft ? mLeftTriangleShape : mRightTriangleShape; canvas.translate(arrowTranslationX, arrowTranslationY); relevantTriangle.setAlpha((int) (255f * mPercentStillFlyout)); relevantTriangle.draw(canvas); // Save the triangle's outline for use in the outline provider, offsetting it to reflect its // current position. relevantTriangle.getOutline(mTriangleOutline); mTriangleOutline.offset((int) arrowTranslationX, (int) arrowTranslationY); canvas.restore(); } /** Builds an outline that includes the transformed flyout background and triangle. */ private void getOutline(Outline outline) { if (!mTriangleOutline.isEmpty()) { // Draw the rect into the outline as a path so we can merge the triangle path into it. final Path rectPath = new Path(); final float interpolatedRadius = getInterpolatedRadius(); rectPath.addRoundRect(mBgRect, interpolatedRadius, interpolatedRadius, Path.Direction.CW); outline.setPath(rectPath); // Get rid of the triangle path once it has disappeared behind the flyout. if (mPercentStillFlyout > 0.5f) { outline.mPath.addPath(mTriangleOutline.mPath); } // Translate the outline to match the background's position. final Matrix outlineMatrix = new Matrix(); outlineMatrix.postTranslate(getLeft() + mBgTranslationX, getTop() + mBgTranslationY); // At the very end, retract the outline into the bubble so the shadow will be pulled // into the flyout-dot as it (visually) becomes part of the bubble. We can't do this by // animating translationZ to zero since then it'll go under the bubbles, which have // elevation. if (mPercentTransitionedToDot > 0.98f) { final float percentBetween99and100 = (mPercentTransitionedToDot - 0.98f) / .02f; final float percentShadowVisible = 1f - percentBetween99and100; // Keep it centered. outlineMatrix.postTranslate( mNewDotRadius * percentBetween99and100, mNewDotRadius * percentBetween99and100); outlineMatrix.preScale(percentShadowVisible, percentShadowVisible); } outline.mPath.transform(outlineMatrix); } } private float getInterpolatedRadius() { return mNewDotRadius * mPercentTransitionedToDot + mCornerRadius * (1 - mPercentTransitionedToDot); } }