package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.util.FloatProperty; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.widget.EditText; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Handles AllApps view transition. * 1) Slides all apps view using direct manipulation * 2) When finger is released, animate to either top or bottom accordingly. *

* Algorithm: * If release velocity > THRES1, snap according to the direction of movement. * If release velocity < THRES1, snap according to either top or bottom depending on whether it's * closer to top or closer to the page indicator. */ public class AllAppsTransitionController implements StateHandler, OnDeviceProfileChangeListener, PluginListener { public static final FloatProperty ALL_APPS_PROGRESS = new FloatProperty("allAppsProgress") { @Override public Float get(AllAppsTransitionController controller) { return controller.mProgress; } @Override public void setValue(AllAppsTransitionController controller, float progress) { controller.setProgress(progress); } }; private static final int APPS_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX = 0; private AllAppsContainerView mAppsView; private ScrimView mScrimView; private final Launcher mLauncher; private boolean mIsVerticalLayout; // Animation in this class is controlled by a single variable {@link mProgress}. // Visually, it represents top y coordinate of the all apps container if multiplied with // {@link mShiftRange}. // When {@link mProgress} is 0, all apps container is pulled up. // When {@link mProgress} is 1, all apps container is pulled down. private float mShiftRange; // changes depending on the orientation private float mProgress; // [0, 1], mShiftRange * mProgress = shiftCurrent private float mScrollRangeDelta = 0; // plugin related variables private AllAppsSearchPlugin mPlugin; private View mPluginContent; public AllAppsTransitionController(Launcher l) { mLauncher = l; mShiftRange = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile().heightPx; mProgress = 1f; mIsVerticalLayout = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile().isVerticalBarLayout(); mLauncher.addOnDeviceProfileChangeListener(this); } public float getShiftRange() { return mShiftRange; } @Override public void onDeviceProfileChanged(DeviceProfile dp) { mIsVerticalLayout = dp.isVerticalBarLayout(); setScrollRangeDelta(mScrollRangeDelta); if (mIsVerticalLayout) { mAppsView.getAlphaProperty(APPS_VIEW_ALPHA_CHANNEL_INDEX).setValue(1); mLauncher.getHotseat().setTranslationY(0); mLauncher.getWorkspace().getPageIndicator().setTranslationY(0); } } /** * Note this method should not be called outside this class. This is public because it is used * in xml-based animations which also handle updating the appropriate UI. * * @param progress value between 0 and 1, 0 shows all apps and 1 shows workspace * * @see #setState(LauncherState) * @see #setStateWithAnimation(LauncherState, StateAnimationConfig, PendingAnimation) */ public void setProgress(float progress) { mProgress = progress; mScrimView.setProgress(progress); float shiftCurrent = progress * mShiftRange; mAppsView.setTranslationY(shiftCurrent); if (mPlugin != null) { mPlugin.setProgress(progress); } } public float getProgress() { return mProgress; } /** * Sets the vertical transition progress to {@param state} and updates all the dependent UI * accordingly. */ @Override public void setState(LauncherState state) { setProgress(state.getVerticalProgress(mLauncher)); setAlphas(state, new StateAnimationConfig(), NO_ANIM_PROPERTY_SETTER); onProgressAnimationEnd(); } /** * Creates an animation which updates the vertical transition progress and updates all the * dependent UI using various animation events */ @Override public void setStateWithAnimation(LauncherState toState, StateAnimationConfig config, PendingAnimation builder) { float targetProgress = toState.getVerticalProgress(mLauncher); if (, targetProgress) == 0) { if (!config.onlyPlayAtomicComponent()) { setAlphas(toState, config, builder); } // Fail fast onProgressAnimationEnd(); return; } if (config.onlyPlayAtomicComponent()) { // There is no atomic component for the all apps transition, so just return early. return; } Interpolator interpolator = config.userControlled ? LINEAR : toState == OVERVIEW ? config.getInterpolator(ANIM_OVERVIEW_SCALE, FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN) : FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN; Animator anim = createSpringAnimation(mProgress, targetProgress); anim.setInterpolator(config.getInterpolator(ANIM_VERTICAL_PROGRESS, interpolator)); anim.addListener(getProgressAnimatorListener()); builder.add(anim); setAlphas(toState, config, builder); } public Animator createSpringAnimation(float... progressValues) { return ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, ALL_APPS_PROGRESS, progressValues); } /** * Updates the property for the provided state */ public void setAlphas(LauncherState state, StateAnimationConfig config, PropertySetter setter) { int visibleElements = state.getVisibleElements(mLauncher); boolean hasHeaderExtra = (visibleElements & ALL_APPS_HEADER_EXTRA) != 0; boolean hasAllAppsContent = (visibleElements & ALL_APPS_CONTENT) != 0; boolean hasAnyVisibleItem = (visibleElements & APPS_VIEW_ITEM_MASK) != 0; Interpolator allAppsFade = config.getInterpolator(ANIM_ALL_APPS_FADE, LINEAR); Interpolator headerFade = config.getInterpolator(ANIM_ALL_APPS_HEADER_FADE, allAppsFade); if (mPlugin == null) { setter.setViewAlpha(mAppsView.getContentView(), hasAllAppsContent ? 1 : 0, allAppsFade); setter.setViewAlpha(mAppsView.getScrollBar(), hasAllAppsContent ? 1 : 0, allAppsFade); mAppsView.getFloatingHeaderView().setContentVisibility(hasHeaderExtra, hasAllAppsContent, setter, headerFade, allAppsFade); } else { setter.setViewAlpha(mPluginContent, hasAllAppsContent ? 1 : 0, allAppsFade); setter.setViewAlpha(mAppsView.getContentView(), 0, allAppsFade); setter.setViewAlpha(mAppsView.getScrollBar(), 0, allAppsFade); } mAppsView.getSearchUiManager().setContentVisibility(visibleElements, setter, allAppsFade); setter.setInt(mScrimView, ScrimView.DRAG_HANDLE_ALPHA, (visibleElements & VERTICAL_SWIPE_INDICATOR) != 0 ? 255 : 0, allAppsFade); // Set visibility of the container at the very beginning or end of the transition. setter.setViewAlpha(mAppsView, hasAnyVisibleItem ? 1 : 0, hasAnyVisibleItem ? INSTANT : FINAL_FRAME); } public AnimatorListenerAdapter getProgressAnimatorListener() { return AnimationSuccessListener.forRunnable(this::onProgressAnimationEnd); } public void setupViews(AllAppsContainerView appsView, ScrimView scrimView) { mAppsView = appsView; mScrimView = scrimView; PluginManagerWrapper.INSTANCE.get(mLauncher) .addPluginListener(this, AllAppsSearchPlugin.class, false); } /** * Updates the total scroll range but does not update the UI. */ void setScrollRangeDelta(float delta) { mScrollRangeDelta = delta; mShiftRange = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile().heightPx - mScrollRangeDelta; if (mScrimView != null) { mScrimView.reInitUi(); } } /** * Set the final view states based on the progress. * TODO: This logic should go in {@link LauncherState} */ private void onProgressAnimationEnd() { if (, 1f) == 0) { mAppsView.reset(false /* animate */); } updatePluginAnimationEnd(); } @Override public void onPluginConnected(AllAppsSearchPlugin plugin, Context context) { mPlugin = plugin; mPluginContent = mLauncher.getLayoutInflater().inflate( R.layout.all_apps_content_layout, mAppsView, false); mAppsView.addView(mPluginContent); mPluginContent.setAlpha(0f); mPlugin.setup((ViewGroup) mPluginContent, mLauncher, mShiftRange); } @Override public void onPluginDisconnected(AllAppsSearchPlugin plugin) { mPlugin = null; mAppsView.removeView(mPluginContent); } public void onActivityDestroyed() { PluginManagerWrapper.INSTANCE.get(mLauncher).removePluginListener(this); } /** Used for the plugin to signal when drag starts happens * @param toAllApps*/ public void onDragStart(boolean toAllApps) { if (mPlugin == null) return; if (toAllApps) { EditText editText = mAppsView.getSearchUiManager().setTextSearchEnabled(true); mPlugin.setEditText(editText); } mPlugin.onDragStart(toAllApps ? 1f : 0f); } private void updatePluginAnimationEnd() { if (mPlugin == null) return; mPlugin.onAnimationEnd(mProgress); if (, 1f) == 0) { mAppsView.getSearchUiManager().setTextSearchEnabled(false); mPlugin.setEditText(null); } } }