/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3.logging; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.IGNORE; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_CLOSE_DOWN; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_OPEN_UP; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_HOME_GESTURE; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_GESTURE; import android.content.Context; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import com.android.launcher3.R; import com.android.launcher3.logger.LauncherAtom.ContainerInfo; import com.android.launcher3.logger.LauncherAtom.FromState; import com.android.launcher3.logger.LauncherAtom.ToState; import com.android.launcher3.model.data.ItemInfo; import com.android.launcher3.userevent.LauncherLogProto; import com.android.launcher3.util.ResourceBasedOverride; /** * Handles the user event logging in R+. * All of the event ids are defined here. * Most of the methods are dummy methods for Launcher3 * Actual call happens only for Launcher variant that implements QuickStep. */ public class StatsLogManager implements ResourceBasedOverride { public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_BACKGROUND = 1; public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_HOME = 2; public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_OVERVIEW = 3; public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_ALLAPPS = 4; public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_UNCHANGED = 5; /** * Returns proper launcher state enum for {@link StatsLogManager} * (to be removed during UserEventDispatcher cleanup) */ public static int containerTypeToAtomState(int containerType) { switch (containerType) { case LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.ALLAPPS_VALUE: return LAUNCHER_STATE_ALLAPPS; case LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.OVERVIEW_VALUE: return LAUNCHER_STATE_OVERVIEW; case LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.WORKSPACE_VALUE: return LAUNCHER_STATE_HOME; case LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.APP_VALUE: return LAUNCHER_STATE_BACKGROUND; } return LAUNCHER_STATE_UNSPECIFIED; } /** * Returns event enum based on the two {@link ContainerType} transition information when * swipe gesture happens. * (to be removed during UserEventDispatcher cleanup) */ public static EventEnum getLauncherAtomEvent(int startContainerType, int targetContainerType, EventEnum fallbackEvent) { if (startContainerType == LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.WORKSPACE.getNumber() && targetContainerType == LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.WORKSPACE.getNumber()) { return LAUNCHER_HOME_GESTURE; } else if (startContainerType != LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.TASKSWITCHER.getNumber() && targetContainerType == LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.TASKSWITCHER.getNumber()) { return LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_GESTURE; } else if (startContainerType != LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.ALLAPPS.getNumber() && targetContainerType == LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.ALLAPPS.getNumber()) { return LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_OPEN_UP; } else if (startContainerType == LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.ALLAPPS.getNumber() && targetContainerType != LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.ALLAPPS.getNumber()) { return LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_CLOSE_DOWN; } return fallbackEvent; // TODO fix } public interface EventEnum { int getId(); } public enum LauncherEvent implements EventEnum { /* Used to prevent double logging. */ IGNORE(-1), @UiEvent(doc = "App launched from workspace, hotseat or folder in launcher") LAUNCHER_APP_LAUNCH_TAP(338), @UiEvent(doc = "Task launched from overview using TAP") LAUNCHER_TASK_LAUNCH_TAP(339), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on notification inside popup context menu.") LAUNCHER_NOTIFICATION_LAUNCH_TAP(516), @UiEvent(doc = "Task launched from overview using SWIPE DOWN") LAUNCHER_TASK_LAUNCH_SWIPE_DOWN(340), @UiEvent(doc = "TASK dismissed from overview using SWIPE UP") LAUNCHER_TASK_DISMISS_SWIPE_UP(341), @UiEvent(doc = "User dragged a launcher item") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DRAG_STARTED(383), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged launcher item is successfully dropped") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROP_COMPLETED(385), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged launcher item is successfully dropped on another item " + "resulting in a new folder creation") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROP_FOLDER_CREATED(386), @UiEvent(doc = "Folder's label is automatically assigned.") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_AUTO_LABELED(591), @UiEvent(doc = "Could not auto-label a folder because primary suggestion is null or empty.") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_AUTO_LABELING_SKIPPED_EMPTY_PRIMARY(592), @UiEvent(doc = "Could not auto-label a folder because no suggestions exist.") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_AUTO_LABELING_SKIPPED_EMPTY_SUGGESTIONS(593), @UiEvent(doc = "User manually updated the folder label.") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_LABEL_UPDATED(460), @UiEvent(doc = "User long pressed on the workspace empty space.") LAUNCHER_WORKSPACE_LONGPRESS(461), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped or long pressed on a wallpaper icon inside launcher settings.") LAUNCHER_WALLPAPER_BUTTON_TAP_OR_LONGPRESS(462), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped or long pressed on settings icon inside launcher settings.") LAUNCHER_SETTINGS_BUTTON_TAP_OR_LONGPRESS(463), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped or long pressed on widget tray icon inside launcher settings.") LAUNCHER_WIDGETSTRAY_BUTTON_TAP_OR_LONGPRESS(464), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged item is dropped on 'Remove' button in the target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROPPED_ON_REMOVE(465), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged item is dropped on 'Cancel' button in the target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROPPED_ON_CANCEL(466), @UiEvent(doc = "A predicted item is dragged and dropped on 'Don't suggest app'" + " button in the target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROPPED_ON_DONT_SUGGEST(467), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged item is dropped on 'Uninstall' button in target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROPPED_ON_UNINSTALL(468), @UiEvent(doc = "User completed uninstalling the package after dropping on " + "the icon onto 'Uninstall' button in the target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_UNINSTALL_COMPLETED(469), @UiEvent(doc = "User cancelled uninstalling the package after dropping on " + "the icon onto 'Uninstall' button in the target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_UNINSTALL_CANCELLED(470), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped or long pressed on the task icon(aka package icon) " + "from overview to open task menu.") LAUNCHER_TASK_ICON_TAP_OR_LONGPRESS(517), @UiEvent(doc = "User opened package specific widgets list by tapping on widgets system " + "shortcut inside popup context menu.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_WIDGETS_TAP(514), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on app info system shortcut.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_APP_INFO_TAP(515), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on split screen icon on a task menu.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_SPLIT_SCREEN_TAP(518), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on free form icon on a task menu.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_FREE_FORM_TAP(519), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on pause app system shortcut.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_PAUSE_TAP(521), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on pin system shortcut.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_PIN_TAP(522), @UiEvent(doc = "User is shown All Apps education view.") LAUNCHER_ALL_APPS_EDU_SHOWN(523), @UiEvent(doc = "User opened a folder.") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_OPEN(551), @UiEvent(doc = "Hotseat education half sheet seen") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_EDU_SEEN(479), @UiEvent(doc = "Hotseat migration accepted") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_EDU_ACCEPT(480), @UiEvent(doc = "Hotseat migration denied") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_EDU_DENY(481), @UiEvent(doc = "Hotseat education tip shown") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_EDU_ONLY_TIP(482), /** * @deprecated LauncherUiChanged.rank field is repurposed to store all apps rank, so no * separate event is required. */ @Deprecated @UiEvent(doc = "App launch ranking logged for all apps predictions") LAUNCHER_ALL_APPS_RANKED(552), @UiEvent(doc = "App launch ranking logged for hotseat predictions)") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_RANKED(553), @UiEvent(doc = "Launcher is now in background. e.g., Screen off event") LAUNCHER_ONSTOP(562), @UiEvent(doc = "Launcher is now in foreground. e.g., Screen on event, back button") LAUNCHER_ONRESUME(563), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in LEFT direction on workspace.") LAUNCHER_SWIPELEFT(564), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in RIGHT direction on workspace.") LAUNCHER_SWIPERIGHT(565), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in UP direction in unknown way.") LAUNCHER_UNKNOWN_SWIPEUP(566), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in DOWN direction in unknown way.") LAUNCHER_UNKNOWN_SWIPEDOWN(567), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in UP direction to open apps drawer.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_OPEN_UP(568), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in DOWN direction to close apps drawer.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_CLOSE_DOWN(569), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in UP direction and hold from the bottom bazel area") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_GESTURE(570), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in LEFT direction on the bottom bazel area.") LAUNCHER_QUICKSWITCH_LEFT(571), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in RIGHT direction on the bottom bazel area.") LAUNCHER_QUICKSWITCH_RIGHT(572), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in DOWN direction on the bottom bazel area.") LAUNCHER_SWIPEDOWN_NAVBAR(573), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in UP direction from bottom bazel area.") LAUNCHER_HOME_GESTURE(574), @UiEvent(doc = "User's workspace layout information is snapshot in the background.") LAUNCHER_WORKSPACE_SNAPSHOT(579), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the screenshot button on overview)") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_ACTIONS_SCREENSHOT(580), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the select button on overview)") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_ACTIONS_SELECT(581), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the share button on overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_ACTIONS_SHARE(582), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the close button in select mode") LAUNCHER_SELECT_MODE_CLOSE(583), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the highlight items in select mode") LAUNCHER_SELECT_MODE_ITEM(584); // ADD MORE private final int mId; LauncherEvent(int id) { mId = id; } public int getId() { return mId; } } /** * Launcher specific ranking related events. */ public enum LauncherRankingEvent implements EventEnum { UNKNOWN(0); // ADD MORE private final int mId; LauncherRankingEvent(int id) { mId = id; } public int getId() { return mId; } } /** * Helps to construct and write the log message. */ public interface StatsLogger { /** * Sets log fields from provided {@link ItemInfo}. */ default StatsLogger withItemInfo(ItemInfo itemInfo) { return this; } /** * Sets {@link InstanceId} of log message. */ default StatsLogger withInstanceId(InstanceId instanceId) { return this; } /** * Sets rank field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withRank(int rank) { return this; } /** * Sets source launcher state field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withSrcState(int srcState) { return this; } /** * Sets destination launcher state field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withDstState(int dstState) { return this; } /** * Sets FromState field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withFromState(FromState fromState) { return this; } /** * Sets ToState field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withToState(ToState toState) { return this; } /** * Sets editText field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withEditText(String editText) { return this; } /** * Sets the final value for container related fields of log message. * * By default container related fields are derived from {@link ItemInfo}, this method would * override those values. */ default StatsLogger withContainerInfo(ContainerInfo containerInfo) { return this; } /** * Builds the final message and logs it as {@link EventEnum}. */ default void log(EventEnum event) { } } /** * Returns new logger object. */ public StatsLogger logger() { return new StatsLogger() { }; } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link StatsLogManager} based on provided context. */ public static StatsLogManager newInstance(Context context) { StatsLogManager mgr = Overrides.getObject(StatsLogManager.class, context.getApplicationContext(), R.string.stats_log_manager_class); return mgr; } /** * Log an event with ranked-choice information along with package. Does nothing if event.getId() * <= 0. * * @param rankingEvent an enum implementing EventEnum interface. * @param instanceId An identifier obtained from an InstanceIdSequence. * @param packageName the package name of the relevant app, if known (null otherwise). * @param position the position picked. */ public void log(EventEnum rankingEvent, InstanceId instanceId, @Nullable String packageName, int position) { } /** * Logs snapshot, or impression of the current workspace. */ public void logSnapshot() { } }