/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.tv.menu; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.animation.TimeInterpolator; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.support.annotation.UiThread; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Property; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.interpolator.view.animation.FastOutLinearInInterpolator; import androidx.interpolator.view.animation.FastOutSlowInInterpolator; import androidx.interpolator.view.animation.LinearOutSlowInInterpolator; import com.android.tv.R; import com.android.tv.common.SoftPreconditions; import com.android.tv.util.Utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** A view that represents TV main menu. */ @UiThread public class MenuLayoutManager { static final String TAG = "MenuLayoutManager"; static final boolean DEBUG = false; // The visible duration of the title before it is hidden. private static final long TITLE_SHOW_DURATION_BEFORE_HIDDEN_MS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(2); private static final int INVALID_POSITION = -1; private final MenuView mMenuView; private final List mMenuRows = new ArrayList<>(); private final List mMenuRowViews = new ArrayList<>(); private final List mRemovingRowViews = new ArrayList<>(); private int mSelectedPosition = INVALID_POSITION; private int mPendingSelectedPosition = INVALID_POSITION; private final int mRowAlignFromBottom; private final int mRowContentsPaddingTop; private final int mRowContentsPaddingBottomMax; private final int mRowTitleTextDescenderHeight; private final int mMenuMarginBottomMin; private final int mRowTitleHeight; private final int mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset; private final long mRowAnimationDuration; private final long mOldContentsFadeOutDuration; private final long mCurrentContentsFadeInDuration; private final TimeInterpolator mFastOutSlowIn = new FastOutSlowInInterpolator(); private final TimeInterpolator mFastOutLinearIn = new FastOutLinearInInterpolator(); private final TimeInterpolator mLinearOutSlowIn = new LinearOutSlowInInterpolator(); private AnimatorSet mAnimatorSet; private ObjectAnimator mTitleFadeOutAnimator; private final List mPropertyValuesAfterAnimation = new ArrayList<>(); private TextView mTempTitleViewForOld; private TextView mTempTitleViewForCurrent; public MenuLayoutManager(Context context, MenuView menuView) { mMenuView = menuView; // Load dimensions Resources res = context.getResources(); mRowAlignFromBottom = res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.menu_row_align_from_bottom); mRowContentsPaddingTop = res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.menu_row_contents_padding_top); mRowContentsPaddingBottomMax = res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.menu_row_contents_padding_bottom_max); mRowTitleTextDescenderHeight = res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.menu_row_title_text_descender_height); mMenuMarginBottomMin = res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.menu_margin_bottom_min); mRowTitleHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.menu_row_title_height); mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset = res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.menu_row_scroll_up_anim_offset); mRowAnimationDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.menu_row_selection_anim_duration); mOldContentsFadeOutDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.menu_previous_contents_fade_out_duration); mCurrentContentsFadeInDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.menu_current_contents_fade_in_duration); } /** Sets the menu rows and views. */ public void setMenuRowsAndViews(List menuRows, List menuRowViews) { mMenuRows.clear(); mMenuRows.addAll(menuRows); mMenuRowViews.clear(); mMenuRowViews.addAll(menuRowViews); } /** * Layouts main menu view. * *

Do not call this method directly. It's supposed to be called only by View.onLayout(). */ public void layout(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { if (mAnimatorSet != null) { // Layout will be done after the animation ends. return; } int count = mMenuRowViews.size(); MenuRowView currentView = mMenuRowViews.get(mSelectedPosition); if (currentView.getVisibility() == View.GONE) { // If the selected row is not visible, select the first visible row. int firstVisiblePosition = findNextVisiblePosition(INVALID_POSITION); if (firstVisiblePosition != INVALID_POSITION) { mSelectedPosition = firstVisiblePosition; } else { // No rows are visible. return; } } List layouts = getViewLayouts(left, top, right, bottom); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Rect rect = layouts.get(i); if (rect != null) { currentView = mMenuRowViews.get(i); currentView.layout(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); if (DEBUG) dumpChildren("layout()"); } } // If the contents view is INVISIBLE initially, it should be changed to GONE after layout. // See MenuRowView.onFinishInflate() for more information // TODO: Find a better way to resolve this issue.. for (MenuRowView view : mMenuRowViews) { if (view.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE && view.getContentsView().getVisibility() == View.INVISIBLE) { view.onDeselected(); } } if (mPendingSelectedPosition != INVALID_POSITION) { setSelectedPositionSmooth(mPendingSelectedPosition); } } private int findNextVisiblePosition(int start) { int count = mMenuRowViews.size(); for (int i = start + 1; i < count; ++i) { if (mMenuRowViews.get(i).getVisibility() != View.GONE) { return i; } } return INVALID_POSITION; } private void dumpChildren(String prefix) { int position = 0; for (MenuRowView view : mMenuRowViews) { View title = view.getChildAt(0); View contents = view.getChildAt(1); Log.d( TAG, prefix + " position=" + position++ + " rowView={visiblility=" + view.getVisibility() + ", alpha=" + view.getAlpha() + ", translationY=" + view.getTranslationY() + ", left=" + view.getLeft() + ", top=" + view.getTop() + ", right=" + view.getRight() + ", bottom=" + view.getBottom() + "}, title={visiblility=" + title.getVisibility() + ", alpha=" + title.getAlpha() + ", translationY=" + title.getTranslationY() + ", left=" + title.getLeft() + ", top=" + title.getTop() + ", right=" + title.getRight() + ", bottom=" + title.getBottom() + "}, contents={visiblility=" + contents.getVisibility() + ", alpha=" + contents.getAlpha() + ", translationY=" + contents.getTranslationY() + ", left=" + contents.getLeft() + ", top=" + contents.getTop() + ", right=" + contents.getRight() + ", bottom=" + contents.getBottom() + "}"); } } /** * Checks if the view will take up space for the layout not. * * @param position The index of the menu row view in the list. This is not the index of the view * in the screen. * @param view The menu row view. * @param rowsToAdd The menu row views to be added in the next layout process. * @param rowsToRemove The menu row views to be removed in the next layout process. * @return {@code true} if the view will take up space for the layout, otherwise {@code false}. */ private boolean isVisibleInLayout( int position, MenuRowView view, List rowsToAdd, List rowsToRemove) { // Checks if the view will be visible or not. return (view.getVisibility() != View.GONE && !rowsToRemove.contains(position)) || rowsToAdd.contains(position); } /** * Calculates and returns a list of the layout bounds of the menu row views for the layout. * * @param left The left coordinate of the menu view. * @param top The top coordinate of the menu view. * @param right The right coordinate of the menu view. * @param bottom The bottom coordinate of the menu view. */ private List getViewLayouts(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { return getViewLayouts( left, top, right, bottom, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList()); } /** * Calculates and returns a list of the layout bounds of the menu row views for the layout. The * order of the bounds is the same as that of the menu row views. e.g. the second rectangle in * the list is for the second menu row view in the view list (not the second view in the * screen). * *

It predicts the layout bounds for the next layout process. Some views will be added or * removed in the layout, so they need to be considered here. * * @param left The left coordinate of the menu view. * @param top The top coordinate of the menu view. * @param right The right coordinate of the menu view. * @param bottom The bottom coordinate of the menu view. * @param rowsToAdd The menu row views to be added in the next layout process. * @param rowsToRemove The menu row views to be removed in the next layout process. * @return the layout bounds of the menu row views. */ private List getViewLayouts( int left, int top, int right, int bottom, List rowsToAdd, List rowsToRemove) { // The coordinates should be relative to the parent. int relativeLeft = 0; int relateiveRight = right - left; int relativeBottom = bottom - top; List layouts = new ArrayList<>(); int count = mMenuRowViews.size(); MenuRowView selectedView = mMenuRowViews.get(mSelectedPosition); int rowTitleHeight = selectedView.getTitleView().getMeasuredHeight(); int rowContentsHeight = selectedView.getPreferredContentsHeight(); // Calculate for the selected row first. // The distance between the bottom of the screen and the vertical center of the contents // should be kept fixed. For more information, please see the redlines. int childTop = relativeBottom - mRowAlignFromBottom - rowContentsHeight / 2 - mRowContentsPaddingTop - rowTitleHeight; int childBottom = relativeBottom; int position = mSelectedPosition + 1; for (; position < count; ++position) { // Find and layout the next row to calculate the bottom line of the selected row. MenuRowView nextView = mMenuRowViews.get(position); if (isVisibleInLayout(position, nextView, rowsToAdd, rowsToRemove)) { int nextTitleTopMax = relativeBottom - mMenuMarginBottomMin - rowTitleHeight + mRowTitleTextDescenderHeight; int childBottomMax = relativeBottom - mRowAlignFromBottom + rowContentsHeight / 2 + mRowContentsPaddingBottomMax - rowTitleHeight; childBottom = Math.min(nextTitleTopMax, childBottomMax); layouts.add(new Rect(relativeLeft, childBottom, relateiveRight, relativeBottom)); break; } else { // null means that the row is GONE. layouts.add(null); } } layouts.add(0, new Rect(relativeLeft, childTop, relateiveRight, childBottom)); // Layout the previous rows. for (int i = mSelectedPosition - 1; i >= 0; --i) { MenuRowView view = mMenuRowViews.get(i); if (isVisibleInLayout(i, view, rowsToAdd, rowsToRemove)) { childTop -= mRowTitleHeight; childBottom = childTop + rowTitleHeight; layouts.add(0, new Rect(relativeLeft, childTop, relateiveRight, childBottom)); } else { layouts.add(0, null); } } // Move all the next rows to the below of the screen. childTop = relativeBottom; for (++position; position < count; ++position) { MenuRowView view = mMenuRowViews.get(position); if (isVisibleInLayout(position, view, rowsToAdd, rowsToRemove)) { childBottom = childTop + rowTitleHeight; layouts.add(new Rect(relativeLeft, childTop, relateiveRight, childBottom)); childTop += mRowTitleHeight; } else { layouts.add(null); } } return layouts; } /** Move the current selection to the given {@code position}. */ public void setSelectedPosition(int position) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d( TAG, "setSelectedPosition(position=" + position + ") {previousPosition=" + mSelectedPosition + "}"); } if (mSelectedPosition == position) { return; } boolean indexValid = Utils.isIndexValid(mMenuRowViews, position); SoftPreconditions.checkArgument(indexValid, TAG, "position %s ", position); if (!indexValid) { return; } MenuRow row = mMenuRows.get(position); if (!row.isVisible()) { Log.e(TAG, "Selecting invisible row: " + position); return; } if (Utils.isIndexValid(mMenuRowViews, mSelectedPosition)) { mMenuRowViews.get(mSelectedPosition).onDeselected(); } mSelectedPosition = position; mPendingSelectedPosition = INVALID_POSITION; if (Utils.isIndexValid(mMenuRowViews, mSelectedPosition)) { mMenuRowViews.get(mSelectedPosition).onSelected(false); } if (mMenuView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { // Request focus after the new contents view shows up. mMenuView.requestFocus(); // Adjust the position of the selected row. mMenuView.requestLayout(); } } /** * Move the current selection to the given {@code position} with animation. The animation * specification is included in http://b/21069476 */ public void setSelectedPositionSmooth(final int position) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d( TAG, "setSelectedPositionSmooth(position=" + position + ") {previousPosition=" + mSelectedPosition + "}"); } if (mMenuView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { setSelectedPosition(position); return; } if (mSelectedPosition == position) { return; } boolean oldIndexValid = Utils.isIndexValid(mMenuRowViews, mSelectedPosition); SoftPreconditions.checkState( oldIndexValid, TAG, "No previous selection: " + mSelectedPosition); if (!oldIndexValid) { return; } boolean newIndexValid = Utils.isIndexValid(mMenuRowViews, position); SoftPreconditions.checkArgument(newIndexValid, TAG, "position %s", position); if (!newIndexValid) { return; } MenuRow row = mMenuRows.get(position); if (!row.isVisible()) { Log.e(TAG, "Moving to the invisible row: " + position); return; } if (mAnimatorSet != null) { // Do not cancel the animation here. The property values should be set to the end values // when the animation finishes. mAnimatorSet.end(); } if (mTitleFadeOutAnimator != null) { // Cancel the animation instead of ending it in order that the title animation starts // again from the intermediate state. mTitleFadeOutAnimator.cancel(); } if (DEBUG) dumpChildren("startRowAnimation()"); // Show the children of the next row. final MenuRowView currentView = mMenuRowViews.get(position); TextView currentTitleView = currentView.getTitleView(); View currentContentsView = currentView.getContentsView(); currentTitleView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); currentContentsView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (currentView instanceof PlayControlsRowView) { ((PlayControlsRowView) currentView).onPreselected(); } // When contents view's visibility is gone, layouting might be delayed until it's shown and // thus cause onBindViewHolder() and menu action updating occurs in front of users' sight. // Therefore we call requestLayout() here if there are pending adapter updates. if (currentContentsView instanceof RecyclerView && ((RecyclerView) currentContentsView).hasPendingAdapterUpdates()) { currentContentsView.requestLayout(); mPendingSelectedPosition = position; return; } final int oldPosition = mSelectedPosition; mSelectedPosition = position; mPendingSelectedPosition = INVALID_POSITION; // Request focus after the new contents view shows up. mMenuView.requestFocus(); if (mTempTitleViewForOld == null) { // Initialize here because we don't know when the views are inflated. mTempTitleViewForOld = (TextView) mMenuView.findViewById(R.id.temp_title_for_old); mTempTitleViewForCurrent = (TextView) mMenuView.findViewById(R.id.temp_title_for_current); } // Animations. mPropertyValuesAfterAnimation.clear(); List animators = new ArrayList<>(); boolean scrollDown = position > oldPosition; List layouts = getViewLayouts( mMenuView.getLeft(), mMenuView.getTop(), mMenuView.getRight(), mMenuView.getBottom()); // Old row. MenuRow oldRow = mMenuRows.get(oldPosition); final MenuRowView oldView = mMenuRowViews.get(oldPosition); View oldContentsView = oldView.getContentsView(); // Old contents view. animators.add( createAlphaAnimator(oldContentsView, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, mLinearOutSlowIn) .setDuration(mOldContentsFadeOutDuration)); final TextView oldTitleView = oldView.getTitleView(); setTempTitleView(mTempTitleViewForOld, oldTitleView); Rect oldLayoutRect = layouts.get(oldPosition); if (scrollDown) { // Old title view. if (oldRow.hideTitleWhenSelected() && oldTitleView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { // This case is not included in the animation specification. mTempTitleViewForOld.setScaleX(1.0f); mTempTitleViewForOld.setScaleY(1.0f); animators.add( createAlphaAnimator( mTempTitleViewForOld, 0.0f, oldView.getTitleViewAlphaDeselected(), mFastOutLinearIn)); int offset = oldLayoutRect.top - mTempTitleViewForOld.getTop(); animators.add( createTranslationYAnimator( mTempTitleViewForOld, offset + mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset, offset)); } else { animators.add( createScaleXAnimator( mTempTitleViewForOld, oldView.getTitleViewScaleSelected(), 1.0f)); animators.add( createScaleYAnimator( mTempTitleViewForOld, oldView.getTitleViewScaleSelected(), 1.0f)); animators.add( createAlphaAnimator( mTempTitleViewForOld, oldTitleView.getAlpha(), oldView.getTitleViewAlphaDeselected(), mLinearOutSlowIn)); animators.add( createTranslationYAnimator( mTempTitleViewForOld, 0, oldLayoutRect.top - mTempTitleViewForOld.getTop())); } oldTitleView.setAlpha(oldView.getTitleViewAlphaDeselected()); oldTitleView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else { Rect currentLayoutRect = new Rect(layouts.get(position)); // Old title view. // The move distance in the specification is 32dp(mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset). // But if the height of the upper row is small, the upper row will move down a lot. In // this case, this row needs to move more than the specification to avoid the overlap of // the two titles. // The maximum is to the top of the start position of mTempTitleViewForOld. int distanceCurrentTitle = currentLayoutRect.top - currentView.getTop(); int distance = Math.max(mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset, distanceCurrentTitle); int distanceToTopOfSecondTitle = oldLayoutRect.top - mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset - oldView.getTop(); animators.add( createTranslationYAnimator( oldTitleView, 0.0f, Math.min(distance, distanceToTopOfSecondTitle))); animators.add( createAlphaAnimator(oldTitleView, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, mLinearOutSlowIn) .setDuration(mOldContentsFadeOutDuration)); animators.add( createScaleXAnimator(oldTitleView, oldView.getTitleViewScaleSelected(), 1.0f)); animators.add( createScaleYAnimator(oldTitleView, oldView.getTitleViewScaleSelected(), 1.0f)); mTempTitleViewForOld.setScaleX(1.0f); mTempTitleViewForOld.setScaleY(1.0f); animators.add( createAlphaAnimator( mTempTitleViewForOld, 0.0f, oldView.getTitleViewAlphaDeselected(), mFastOutLinearIn)); int offset = oldLayoutRect.top - mTempTitleViewForOld.getTop(); animators.add( createTranslationYAnimator( mTempTitleViewForOld, offset - mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset, offset)); } // Current row. Rect currentLayoutRect = new Rect(layouts.get(position)); currentContentsView.setAlpha(0.0f); if (scrollDown) { // Current title view. setTempTitleView(mTempTitleViewForCurrent, currentTitleView); // The move distance in the specification is 32dp(mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset). // But if the height of the upper row is small, the upper row will move up a lot. In // this case, this row needs to start the move from more than the specification to avoid // the overlap of the two titles. // The maximum is to the top of the end position of mTempTitleViewForCurrent. int distanceOldTitle = oldView.getTop() - oldLayoutRect.top; int distance = Math.max(mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset, distanceOldTitle); int distanceTopOfSecondTitle = currentView.getTop() - mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset - currentLayoutRect.top; animators.add( createTranslationYAnimator( currentTitleView, Math.min(distance, distanceTopOfSecondTitle), 0.0f)); currentView.setTop(currentLayoutRect.top); ObjectAnimator animator = createAlphaAnimator(currentTitleView, 0.0f, 1.0f, mFastOutLinearIn) .setDuration(mCurrentContentsFadeInDuration); animator.setStartDelay(mOldContentsFadeOutDuration); currentTitleView.setAlpha(0.0f); animators.add(animator); animators.add( createScaleXAnimator( currentTitleView, 1.0f, currentView.getTitleViewScaleSelected())); animators.add( createScaleYAnimator( currentTitleView, 1.0f, currentView.getTitleViewScaleSelected())); animators.add( createTranslationYAnimator( mTempTitleViewForCurrent, 0.0f, -mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset)); animators.add( createAlphaAnimator( mTempTitleViewForCurrent, currentView.getTitleViewAlphaDeselected(), 0, mLinearOutSlowIn)); // Current contents view. animators.add( createTranslationYAnimator( currentContentsView, mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset, 0.0f)); animator = createAlphaAnimator(currentContentsView, 0.0f, 1.0f, mFastOutLinearIn) .setDuration(mCurrentContentsFadeInDuration); animator.setStartDelay(mOldContentsFadeOutDuration); animators.add(animator); } else { currentView.setBottom(currentLayoutRect.bottom); // Current title view. int currentViewOffset = currentLayoutRect.top - currentView.getTop(); animators.add(createTranslationYAnimator(currentTitleView, 0, currentViewOffset)); animators.add( createAlphaAnimator( currentTitleView, currentView.getTitleViewAlphaDeselected(), 1.0f, mFastOutSlowIn)); animators.add( createScaleXAnimator( currentTitleView, 1.0f, currentView.getTitleViewScaleSelected())); animators.add( createScaleYAnimator( currentTitleView, 1.0f, currentView.getTitleViewScaleSelected())); // Current contents view. animators.add( createTranslationYAnimator( currentContentsView, currentViewOffset - mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset, currentViewOffset)); ObjectAnimator animator = createAlphaAnimator(currentContentsView, 0.0f, 1.0f, mFastOutLinearIn) .setDuration(mCurrentContentsFadeInDuration); animator.setStartDelay(mOldContentsFadeOutDuration); animators.add(animator); } // Next row. int nextPosition; if (scrollDown) { nextPosition = findNextVisiblePosition(position); if (nextPosition != INVALID_POSITION) { MenuRowView nextView = mMenuRowViews.get(nextPosition); Rect nextLayoutRect = layouts.get(nextPosition); animators.add( createTranslationYAnimator( nextView, nextLayoutRect.top + mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset - nextView.getTop(), nextLayoutRect.top - nextView.getTop())); animators.add(createAlphaAnimator(nextView, 0.0f, 1.0f, mFastOutLinearIn)); } } else { nextPosition = findNextVisiblePosition(oldPosition); if (nextPosition != INVALID_POSITION) { MenuRowView nextView = mMenuRowViews.get(nextPosition); animators.add(createTranslationYAnimator(nextView, 0, mRowScrollUpAnimationOffset)); animators.add( createAlphaAnimator( nextView, nextView.getTitleViewAlphaDeselected(), 0.0f, 1.0f, mLinearOutSlowIn)); } } // Other rows. int count = mMenuRowViews.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { MenuRowView view = mMenuRowViews.get(i); if (view.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE && i != oldPosition && i != position && i != nextPosition) { Rect rect = layouts.get(i); animators.add(createTranslationYAnimator(view, 0, rect.top - view.getTop())); } } // Run animation. final List propertyValuesAfterAnimation = new ArrayList<>(); propertyValuesAfterAnimation.addAll(mPropertyValuesAfterAnimation); mAnimatorSet = new AnimatorSet(); mAnimatorSet.playTogether(animators); mAnimatorSet.addListener( new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) { if (DEBUG) dumpChildren("onRowAnimationEndBefore"); mAnimatorSet = null; // The property values which are different from the end values and need to // be // changed after the animation are set here. // e.g. setting translationY to 0, alpha of the contents view to 1. for (ViewPropertyValueHolder holder : propertyValuesAfterAnimation) { holder.property.set(holder.view, holder.value); } oldView.onDeselected(); currentView.onSelected(true); mTempTitleViewForOld.setVisibility(View.GONE); mTempTitleViewForCurrent.setVisibility(View.GONE); layout( mMenuView.getLeft(), mMenuView.getTop(), mMenuView.getRight(), mMenuView.getBottom()); if (DEBUG) dumpChildren("onRowAnimationEndAfter"); MenuRow currentRow = mMenuRows.get(position); if (currentRow.hideTitleWhenSelected()) { View titleView = mMenuRowViews.get(position).getTitleView(); mTitleFadeOutAnimator = createAlphaAnimator( titleView, titleView.getAlpha(), 0.0f, mLinearOutSlowIn); mTitleFadeOutAnimator.setStartDelay( TITLE_SHOW_DURATION_BEFORE_HIDDEN_MS); mTitleFadeOutAnimator.addListener( new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { private boolean mCanceled; @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animator) { mCanceled = true; } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) { mTitleFadeOutAnimator = null; if (!mCanceled) { mMenuRowViews.get(position).onSelected(false); } } }); mTitleFadeOutAnimator.start(); } } }); mAnimatorSet.start(); if (DEBUG) dumpChildren("startedRowAnimation()"); } private void setTempTitleView(TextView dest, TextView src) { dest.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); dest.setText(src.getText()); dest.setTranslationY(0.0f); if (src.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { dest.setAlpha(src.getAlpha()); dest.setScaleX(src.getScaleX()); dest.setScaleY(src.getScaleY()); } else { dest.setAlpha(0.0f); dest.setScaleX(1.0f); dest.setScaleY(1.0f); } View parent = (View) src.getParent(); dest.setLeft(src.getLeft() + parent.getLeft()); dest.setRight(src.getRight() + parent.getLeft()); dest.setTop(src.getTop() + parent.getTop()); dest.setBottom(src.getBottom() + parent.getTop()); } /** * Called when the menu row information is updated. The add/remove animation of the row views * will be started. * *

Note that the current row should not be removed. */ public void onMenuRowUpdated() { if (mMenuView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { int count = mMenuRowViews.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { mMenuRowViews .get(i) .setVisibility(mMenuRows.get(i).isVisible() ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } return; } List addedRowViews = new ArrayList<>(); List removedRowViews = new ArrayList<>(); Map offsetsToMove = new HashMap<>(); int added = 0; for (int i = mSelectedPosition - 1; i >= 0; --i) { MenuRow row = mMenuRows.get(i); MenuRowView view = mMenuRowViews.get(i); if (row.isVisible() && (view.getVisibility() == View.GONE || mRemovingRowViews.contains(i))) { // Removing rows are still VISIBLE. addedRowViews.add(i); ++added; } else if (!row.isVisible() && view.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { removedRowViews.add(i); --added; } else if (added != 0) { offsetsToMove.put(i, -added); } } added = 0; int count = mMenuRowViews.size(); for (int i = mSelectedPosition + 1; i < count; ++i) { MenuRow row = mMenuRows.get(i); MenuRowView view = mMenuRowViews.get(i); if (row.isVisible() && (view.getVisibility() == View.GONE || mRemovingRowViews.contains(i))) { // Removing rows are still VISIBLE. addedRowViews.add(i); ++added; } else if (!row.isVisible() && view.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { removedRowViews.add(i); --added; } else if (added != 0) { offsetsToMove.put(i, added); } } if (addedRowViews.size() == 0 && removedRowViews.size() == 0) { return; } if (mAnimatorSet != null) { // Do not cancel the animation here. The property values should be set to the end values // when the animation finishes. mAnimatorSet.end(); } if (mTitleFadeOutAnimator != null) { mTitleFadeOutAnimator.end(); } mPropertyValuesAfterAnimation.clear(); List animators = new ArrayList<>(); List layouts = getViewLayouts( mMenuView.getLeft(), mMenuView.getTop(), mMenuView.getRight(), mMenuView.getBottom(), addedRowViews, removedRowViews); for (int position : addedRowViews) { MenuRowView view = mMenuRowViews.get(position); view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Rect rect = layouts.get(position); // TODO: The animation is not visible when it is shown for the first time. Need to find // a better way to resolve this issue. view.layout(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); View titleView = view.getTitleView(); MarginLayoutParams params = (MarginLayoutParams) titleView.getLayoutParams(); titleView.layout( view.getPaddingLeft() + params.leftMargin, view.getPaddingTop() + params.topMargin, rect.right - rect.left - view.getPaddingRight() - params.rightMargin, rect.bottom - rect.top - view.getPaddingBottom() - params.bottomMargin); animators.add(createAlphaAnimator(view, 0.0f, 1.0f, mFastOutLinearIn)); } for (int position : removedRowViews) { MenuRowView view = mMenuRowViews.get(position); animators.add(createAlphaAnimator(view, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, mLinearOutSlowIn)); } for (Entry entry : offsetsToMove.entrySet()) { MenuRowView view = mMenuRowViews.get(entry.getKey()); animators.add(createTranslationYAnimator(view, 0, entry.getValue() * mRowTitleHeight)); } // Run animation. final List propertyValuesAfterAnimation = new ArrayList<>(); propertyValuesAfterAnimation.addAll(mPropertyValuesAfterAnimation); mRemovingRowViews.clear(); mRemovingRowViews.addAll(removedRowViews); mAnimatorSet = new AnimatorSet(); mAnimatorSet.playTogether(animators); mAnimatorSet.addListener( new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mAnimatorSet = null; // The property values which are different from the end values and need to // be // changed after the animation are set here. // e.g. setting translationY to 0, alpha of the contents view to 1. for (ViewPropertyValueHolder holder : propertyValuesAfterAnimation) { holder.property.set(holder.view, holder.value); } for (int position : mRemovingRowViews) { mMenuRowViews.get(position).setVisibility(View.GONE); } layout( mMenuView.getLeft(), mMenuView.getTop(), mMenuView.getRight(), mMenuView.getBottom()); } }); mAnimatorSet.start(); if (DEBUG) dumpChildren("onMenuRowUpdated()"); } private ObjectAnimator createTranslationYAnimator(View view, float from, float to) { ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, View.TRANSLATION_Y, from, to); animator.setDuration(mRowAnimationDuration); animator.setInterpolator(mFastOutSlowIn); mPropertyValuesAfterAnimation.add(new ViewPropertyValueHolder(View.TRANSLATION_Y, view, 0)); return animator; } private ObjectAnimator createAlphaAnimator( View view, float from, float to, TimeInterpolator interpolator) { ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, View.ALPHA, from, to); animator.setDuration(mRowAnimationDuration); animator.setInterpolator(interpolator); return animator; } private ObjectAnimator createAlphaAnimator( View view, float from, float to, float end, TimeInterpolator interpolator) { ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, View.ALPHA, from, to); animator.setDuration(mRowAnimationDuration); animator.setInterpolator(interpolator); mPropertyValuesAfterAnimation.add(new ViewPropertyValueHolder(View.ALPHA, view, end)); return animator; } private ObjectAnimator createScaleXAnimator(View view, float from, float to) { ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, View.SCALE_X, from, to); animator.setDuration(mRowAnimationDuration); animator.setInterpolator(mFastOutSlowIn); return animator; } private ObjectAnimator createScaleYAnimator(View view, float from, float to) { ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, View.SCALE_Y, from, to); animator.setDuration(mRowAnimationDuration); animator.setInterpolator(mFastOutSlowIn); return animator; } /** Returns the current position. */ public int getSelectedPosition() { return mSelectedPosition; } private static final class ViewPropertyValueHolder { public final Property property; public final View view; public final float value; public ViewPropertyValueHolder(Property property, View view, float value) { this.property = property; this.view = view; this.value = value; } } /** Called when the menu becomes visible. */ public void onMenuShow() {} /** Called when the menu becomes hidden. */ public void onMenuHide() { if (mAnimatorSet != null) { mAnimatorSet.end(); mAnimatorSet = null; } // Should be finished after the animator set. if (mTitleFadeOutAnimator != null) { mTitleFadeOutAnimator.end(); mTitleFadeOutAnimator = null; } } }