"Styles & wallpapers" "Style" "Clock" "Grid" "Wallpaper" "Apply" "Tap to edit" "Keep current wallpaper" "Apply" "Page %1$d of %2$d" "Next" "Previous" "%1$s, currently applied" "%1$s, currently applied and previewed" "%1$s, currently previewed" "Font: %1$s, icons: %2$s, shape: %3$s, colour: %4$s" "Default" "Font" "Icon" "Colour" "Shape" "Wallpaper" "ABC • abc • 123" "Add your favourite fonts to every screen" "%1$dx%2$d" "Style applied" "Clock applied" "There was a problem applying the style" "Next" "Previous" "Custom %1$d" "Custom Style" "Delete" "Choose font" "Choose icons" "Choose colour" "Choose shape" "Name your style" "Icons %1$d" "Delete Custom style?" "Delete" "Cancel" "Set style wallpaper" "Use %1$s instead?" "The components you chose match the %1$s style. Do you want to use %1$s instead?" "Use %1$s" "No thanks" "%1$s clock preview" "Oops! Something went wrong."