/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.car.test.mocks; import static com.android.dx.mockito.inline.extended.ExtendedMockito.doAnswer; import static com.android.dx.mockito.inline.extended.ExtendedMockito.mockitoSession; import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any; import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyInt; import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString; import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.notNull; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD; import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.annotation.UserIdInt; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Trace; import android.os.UserManager; import android.provider.Settings; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Slog; import android.util.TimingsTraceLog; import com.android.dx.mockito.inline.extended.StaticMockitoSessionBuilder; import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import org.mockito.MockitoSession; import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock; import org.mockito.quality.Strictness; import org.mockito.session.MockitoSessionBuilder; import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Base class for tests that must use {@link com.android.dx.mockito.inline.extended.ExtendedMockito} * to mock static classes and final methods. * *

Note: this class automatically spy on {@link Log} and {@link Slog} and fail tests that * all any of their {@code wtf()} methods. If a test is expect to call {@code wtf()}, it should be * annotated with {@link ExpectWtf}. * *

Note: when using this class, you must include the following * dependencies on {@code Android.bp} (or {@code Android.mk}: *

    jni_libs: [

      libdexmakerjvmtiagent \
      libstaticjvmtiagent \
*/ public abstract class AbstractExtendedMockitoTestCase { private static final String TAG = AbstractExtendedMockitoTestCase.class.getSimpleName(); private static final boolean TRACE = false; private static final boolean VERBOSE = false; private final List> mStaticSpiedClasses = new ArrayList<>(); // Tracks (S)Log.wtf() calls made during code execution, then used on verifyWtfNeverLogged() private final List mWtfs = new ArrayList<>(); private MockitoSession mSession; private MockSettings mSettings; @Nullable private final TimingsTraceLog mTracer; @Rule public final WtfCheckerRule mWtfCheckerRule = new WtfCheckerRule(); protected AbstractExtendedMockitoTestCase() { mTracer = TRACE ? new TimingsTraceLog(TAG, Trace.TRACE_TAG_APP) : null; } @Before public final void startSession() { beginTrace("startSession()"); beginTrace("startMocking()"); mSession = newSessionBuilder().startMocking(); endTrace(); beginTrace("MockSettings()"); mSettings = new MockSettings(); endTrace(); beginTrace("interceptWtfCalls()"); interceptWtfCalls(); endTrace(); endTrace(); // startSession } @After public final void finishSession() { beginTrace("finishSession()"); completeAllHandlerThreadTasks(); if (mSession != null) { beginTrace("finishMocking()"); mSession.finishMocking(); endTrace(); } else { Log.w(TAG, getClass().getSimpleName() + ".finishSession(): no session"); } endTrace(); } /** * Waits for completion of all pending Handler tasks for all HandlerThread in the process. * *

This can prevent pending Handler tasks of one test from affecting another. This does not * work if the message is posted with delay. */ protected void completeAllHandlerThreadTasks() { beginTrace("completeAllHandlerThreadTasks"); Set threadSet = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet(); ArrayList handlerThreads = new ArrayList<>(threadSet.size()); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); for (Thread t : threadSet) { if (t != currentThread && t instanceof HandlerThread) { handlerThreads.add((HandlerThread) t); } } ArrayList syncs = new ArrayList<>(handlerThreads.size()); Log.i(TAG, "will wait for " + handlerThreads.size() + " HandlerThreads"); for (int i = 0; i < handlerThreads.size(); i++) { Handler handler = new Handler(handlerThreads.get(i).getLooper()); SyncRunnable sr = new SyncRunnable(() -> { }); handler.post(sr); syncs.add(sr); } beginTrace("waitForComplete"); for (int i = 0; i < syncs.size(); i++) { syncs.get(i).waitForComplete(); } endTrace(); // waitForComplete endTrace(); // completeAllHandlerThreadTasks } /** * Adds key-value(int) pair in mocked Settings.Global and Settings.Secure */ protected void putSettingsInt(@NonNull String key, int value) { mSettings.insertObject(key, value); } /** * Gets value(int) from mocked Settings.Global and Settings.Secure */ protected int getSettingsInt(@NonNull String key) { return mSettings.getInt(key); } /** * Adds key-value(String) pair in mocked Settings.Global and Settings.Secure */ protected void putSettingsString(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value) { mSettings.insertObject(key, value); } /** * Gets value(String) from mocked Settings.Global and Settings.Secure */ protected String getSettingsString(@NonNull String key) { return mSettings.getString(key); } /** * Asserts that the giving settings was not set. */ protected void assertSettingsNotSet(String key) { mSettings.assertDoesNotContainsKey(key); } /** * Subclasses can use this method to initialize the Mockito session that's started before every * test on {@link #startSession()}. * *

Typically, it should be overridden when mocking static methods. */ protected void onSessionBuilder(@NonNull CustomMockitoSessionBuilder session) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, getLogPrefix() + "onSessionBuilder()"); } /** * Changes the value of the session created by * {@link #onSessionBuilder(CustomMockitoSessionBuilder)}. * *

By default it's set to {@link Strictness.LENIENT}, but subclasses can overwrite this * method to change the behavior. */ @NonNull protected Strictness getSessionStrictness() { return Strictness.LENIENT; } /** * Mocks a call to {@link ActivityManager#getCurrentUser()}. * * @param userId result of such call * * @throws IllegalStateException if class didn't override {@link #newSessionBuilder()} and * called {@code spyStatic(ActivityManager.class)} on the session passed to it. */ protected final void mockGetCurrentUser(@UserIdInt int userId) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, getLogPrefix() + "mockGetCurrentUser(" + userId + ")"); assertSpied(ActivityManager.class); beginTrace("mockAmGetCurrentUser-" + userId); AndroidMockitoHelper.mockAmGetCurrentUser(userId); endTrace(); } /** * Mocks a call to {@link UserManager#isHeadlessSystemUserMode()}. * * @param mode result of such call * * @throws IllegalStateException if class didn't override {@link #newSessionBuilder()} and * called {@code spyStatic(UserManager.class)} on the session passed to it. */ protected final void mockIsHeadlessSystemUserMode(boolean mode) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, getLogPrefix() + "mockIsHeadlessSystemUserMode(" + mode + ")"); assertSpied(UserManager.class); beginTrace("mockUmIsHeadlessSystemUserMode"); AndroidMockitoHelper.mockUmIsHeadlessSystemUserMode(mode); endTrace(); } /** * Starts a tracing message. * *

MUST be followed by a {@link #endTrace()} calls. * *

Ignored if {@value #VERBOSE} is {@code false}. */ protected final void beginTrace(@NonNull String message) { if (mTracer == null) return; Log.d(TAG, getLogPrefix() + message); mTracer.traceBegin(message); } /** * Ends a tracing call. * *

MUST be called after {@link #beginTrace(String)}. * *

Ignored if {@value #VERBOSE} is {@code false}. */ protected final void endTrace() { if (mTracer == null) return; mTracer.traceEnd(); } private void interceptWtfCalls() { doAnswer((invocation) -> { return addWtf(invocation); }).when(() -> Log.wtf(anyString(), anyString())); doAnswer((invocation) -> { return addWtf(invocation); }).when(() -> Log.wtf(anyString(), anyString(), notNull())); doAnswer((invocation) -> { return addWtf(invocation); }).when(() -> Slog.wtf(anyString(), anyString())); doAnswer((invocation) -> { return addWtf(invocation); }).when(() -> Slog.wtf(anyString(), anyString(), notNull())); } private Object addWtf(InvocationOnMock invocation) { String message = "Called " + invocation; Log.d(TAG, message); // Log always, as some test expect it mWtfs.add(new IllegalStateException(message)); return null; } private void verifyWtfLogged() { Preconditions.checkState(!mWtfs.isEmpty(), "no wtf() called"); } private void verifyWtfNeverLogged() { int size = mWtfs.size(); switch (size) { case 0: return; case 1: throw mWtfs.get(0); default: StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("wtf called ").append(size).append(" times") .append(": ").append(mWtfs); throw new AssertionError(msg.toString()); } } @NonNull private MockitoSessionBuilder newSessionBuilder() { // TODO (b/155523104): change from mock to spy StaticMockitoSessionBuilder builder = mockitoSession() .strictness(getSessionStrictness()) .mockStatic(Settings.Global.class) .mockStatic(Settings.System.class) .mockStatic(Settings.Secure.class); CustomMockitoSessionBuilder customBuilder = new CustomMockitoSessionBuilder(builder, mStaticSpiedClasses) .spyStatic(Log.class) .spyStatic(Slog.class); onSessionBuilder(customBuilder); if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "spied classes" + customBuilder.mStaticSpiedClasses); return builder.initMocks(this); } /** * Gets a prefix for {@link Log} calls */ protected String getLogPrefix() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "."; } /** * Asserts the given class is being spied in the Mockito session. */ protected void assertSpied(Class clazz) { Preconditions.checkArgument(mStaticSpiedClasses.contains(clazz), "did not call spyStatic() on %s", clazz.getName()); } /** * Custom {@code MockitoSessionBuilder} used to make sure some pre-defined mock stations * (like {@link AbstractExtendedMockitoTestCase#mockGetCurrentUser(int)} fail if the test case * didn't explicitly set it to spy / mock the required classes. * *

NOTE: for now it only provides simple {@link #spyStatic(Class)}, but more methods * (as provided by {@link StaticMockitoSessionBuilder}) could be provided as needed. */ public static final class CustomMockitoSessionBuilder { private final StaticMockitoSessionBuilder mBuilder; private final List> mStaticSpiedClasses; private CustomMockitoSessionBuilder(StaticMockitoSessionBuilder builder, List> staticSpiedClasses) { mBuilder = builder; mStaticSpiedClasses = staticSpiedClasses; } /** * Same as {@link StaticMockitoSessionBuilder#spyStatic(Class)}. */ public CustomMockitoSessionBuilder spyStatic(Class clazz) { Preconditions.checkState(!mStaticSpiedClasses.contains(clazz), "already called spyStatic() on " + clazz); mStaticSpiedClasses.add(clazz); mBuilder.spyStatic(clazz); return this; } } private final class WtfCheckerRule implements TestRule { @Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) { return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { String testName = description.getMethodName(); if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "running " + testName); beginTrace("evaluate-" + testName); base.evaluate(); endTrace(); Method testMethod = AbstractExtendedMockitoTestCase.this.getClass() .getMethod(testName); ExpectWtf expectWtfAnnotation = testMethod.getAnnotation(ExpectWtf.class); beginTrace("verify-wtfs"); try { if (expectWtfAnnotation != null) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "expecting wtf()"); verifyWtfLogged(); } else { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "NOT expecting wtf()"); verifyWtfNeverLogged(); } } finally { endTrace(); } } }; } } // TODO (b/155523104): Add log // TODO (b/156033195): Clean settings API private static final class MockSettings { private static final int INVALID_DEFAULT_INDEX = -1; private HashMap mSettingsMapping = new HashMap<>(); MockSettings() { Answer insertObjectAnswer = invocation -> insertObjectFromInvocation(invocation, 1, 2); Answer getIntAnswer = invocation -> getAnswer(invocation, Integer.class, 1, 2); Answer getStringAnswer = invocation -> getAnswer(invocation, String.class, 1, INVALID_DEFAULT_INDEX); when(Settings.Global.putInt(any(), any(), anyInt())).thenAnswer(insertObjectAnswer); when(Settings.Global.getInt(any(), any(), anyInt())).thenAnswer(getIntAnswer); when(Settings.Secure.putIntForUser(any(), any(), anyInt(), anyInt())) .thenAnswer(insertObjectAnswer); when(Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(any(), any(), anyInt(), anyInt())) .thenAnswer(getIntAnswer); when(Settings.Secure.putStringForUser(any(), anyString(), anyString(), anyInt())) .thenAnswer(insertObjectAnswer); when(Settings.Global.putString(any(), any(), any())) .thenAnswer(insertObjectAnswer); when(Settings.Global.getString(any(), any())).thenAnswer(getStringAnswer); when(Settings.System.putIntForUser(any(), any(), anyInt(), anyInt())) .thenAnswer(insertObjectAnswer); when(Settings.System.getIntForUser(any(), any(), anyInt(), anyInt())) .thenAnswer(getIntAnswer); when(Settings.System.putStringForUser(any(), any(), anyString(), anyInt())) .thenAnswer(insertObjectAnswer); } private Object insertObjectFromInvocation(InvocationOnMock invocation, int keyIndex, int valueIndex) { String key = (String) invocation.getArguments()[keyIndex]; Object value = invocation.getArguments()[valueIndex]; insertObject(key, value); return null; } private void insertObject(String key, Object value) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "Inserting Setting " + key + ": " + value); mSettingsMapping.put(key, value); } private T getAnswer(InvocationOnMock invocation, Class clazz, int keyIndex, int defaultValueIndex) { String key = (String) invocation.getArguments()[keyIndex]; T defaultValue = null; if (defaultValueIndex > INVALID_DEFAULT_INDEX) { defaultValue = safeCast(invocation.getArguments()[defaultValueIndex], clazz); } return get(key, defaultValue, clazz); } @Nullable private T get(String key, T defaultValue, Class clazz) { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "get(): key=" + key + ", default=" + defaultValue + ", class=" + clazz); } Object value = mSettingsMapping.get(key); if (value == null) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "not found"); return defaultValue; } if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "returning " + value); return safeCast(value, clazz); } private static T safeCast(Object value, Class clazz) { if (value == null) { return null; } Preconditions.checkArgument(value.getClass() == clazz, "Setting value has class %s but requires class %s", value.getClass(), clazz); return clazz.cast(value); } private String getString(String key) { return get(key, null, String.class); } public int getInt(String key) { return get(key, null, Integer.class); } public void assertDoesNotContainsKey(String key) { if (mSettingsMapping.containsKey(key)) { throw new AssertionError("Should not have key " + key + ", but has: " + mSettingsMapping.get(key)); } } } /** * Annotation used on test methods that are expect to call {@code wtf()} methods on {@link Log} * or {@link Slog} - if such methods are not annotated with this annotation, they will fail. */ @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({METHOD}) public static @interface ExpectWtf { } private static final class SyncRunnable implements Runnable { private final Runnable mTarget; private volatile boolean mComplete = false; private SyncRunnable(Runnable target) { mTarget = target; } @Override public void run() { mTarget.run(); synchronized (this) { mComplete = true; notifyAll(); } } private void waitForComplete() { synchronized (this) { while (!mComplete) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } } }