Kitchen Sink Bluetooth pairing request Pair & connect Bluetooth Bluetooth pairing code PIN contains letters or symbols Type the pairing code then press Return or Enter Pair with %1$s? Allow %1$s to access your contacts and call history You may also need to type this PIN on the other device. You may also need to type this passkey on the other device. Must be 16 digits Usually 0000 or 1234 Pairing request Tap to pair with %1$s. AC OFF AC ON Auto OFF Auto ON Auto Recirc OFF Auto Recirc ON Front Defrost OFF Front Defrost ON Rear Defrost OFF Rear Defrost ON Dual OFF Dual ON Max AC OFF Max AC ON Max DEF OFF Max DEF ON Outside Temp: Face Floor Face+Floor Defrost Def+Floor Power OFF Power ON Turn Power And AC ON Fan Speed Down Fan Speed Up Recirc OFF Recirc ON Temp CELSIUS Temp FAHRENHEIT All Temp Down All Temp Up Driver Temp Down Driver Temp Up Passenger Temp Down Passenger Temp Up Get Capabilities Get RVC Crop Set RVC Crop Get RVC Pos Set RVC Pos Get State Set State RVC State Play Play Once Stop Play WAV Stop WAV Audio Focus Gain Gain (Transient) Gain (Transient, May Duck) Gain (Transient, Exclusive) Release request release Media Play HwAudioSource Not found Media With Delayed Focus Player Not Started Player Paused Player Started Player Delayed Player Stopped Nav Play VR Play System Play Config Index Choose config Audio Stress Test Nav Start Nav End VR Start VR End Radio Start Radio End Speaker Phone On Speaker Phone Off Mic On Mic Off Audio Mocking On Audio Mocking Off Select Zone to hear on speaker Select Device Activity\'s current audio zone id none Phone Player Play Stop Keyboard Test OnSearch: onEdit: Open IME Close IME Hide/Show Input Request focus Start turn-by-turn Abandon focus Stop turn-by-turn Navigation app context lost! Start Nav Activity Failed to start activity in cluster Missing navigation focus Volume + Volume - Mute Voice Mock HAL Mock HAL OFF Mock HAL ON Music Call Call end Home Next song Prev song Tune + Tune - Play Stop Steering Wheel Buttons: Left Right Up Down Center Back Select user contains only activities services are not exported does not require selected permissions sharedUserId is not system Show Request Shutdown Shutdown Sleep Clear Log Get Register Set Unregister Open Close Muted Unmuted Next Previous Cancel scan Tune to Station Step Up Step Down Enter Station Frequency (kHz) getProgramInformation AM FM Station info: %1$s Channel info: %1$s kHz Song info: %1$s Artist info: %1$s N/A Location/Orientation: Car Sensor Data: N/A Environment[%1$s]: temperature=%2$s Night[%1$s]: isNight=%2$s Gear[%1$s]: gear=%2$s Parking brake[%1$s]: isEngaged=%2$s Odometer[%1$s]: kms=%2$s RPM[%1$s]: rpm=%2$s Speed[%1$s]: speed=%2$s Ignition status[%1$s]: status=%2$s Wheel Distance[%1$s]: reset=%2$s, FL=%3$s, FR=%4$s, RL=%5$s, RR=%6$s Wheel Distance Config: Wheels=%1$s, FL=%2$s, FR=%3$s, RL=%4$s, RR=%5$s ABS[%1$s]: isActive=%2$s Traction Control[%1$s]: isActive=%2$s Fuel Level[%1$s]: %2$s Fuel Door Open[%1$s]: %2$s Engine Oil Level[%1$s]: %2$s Engine Is On[%1$s]: %2$s EV Battery Level[%1$s]: %2$s EV Charge Port Is Open[%1$s]: %2$s EV Charge Port Is Connected[%1$s]: %2$s EV Charge Rate[%1$s]: %2$s Oil Level[%1$s]: %2$s Volume Test Vol + Vol - Refresh volumes Recipient # Message Body Connect Disconnect Send Send new message (Short) Send new message (Long) Reset message counter Toggle Notifications List SMS Folder Count Offset Bt Sms Tester Enter Tel Num to send msg to Reply "I'm Busy" Reply Sent Reply Delivered Profile connect Profile disconnect SCO connect SCO disconnect Pick Device Quiet Mode Hold call Start call End call Enter number Start Voice Recognition Stop Voice Recognition Uploading_Supported bit value Garage Mode Customize your system maintenance Maintenance time Enable garage maintenance Garage maintenance on Garage maintenance off Maximum garage maintenance window Car Settings 5 Minutes 10 Minutes 15 Minutes "5" "10" "15" %d minutes Portrait Activity Landscape Activity Finish USB Devices settings Customize your USB Devices settings Connected devices Saved devices Remove handling app for USB device Are you sure you wan to delete dafault handling app for %1$s? Yes Cancel Getting supported handlers Start Activity Resize Apply createCarAndConnect disconnect createCar createCarWithStatusChange This screen is for showing initial user notice and is not for product. Plz change config_userNoticeUiService in CarService before shipping. Dismiss for now Do not show again Always Crash Activity No Crash Activity Empty Activity Ping Service Status Message