/* * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "l2cap/internal/sender.h" #include #include #include #include "l2cap/internal/channel_impl_mock.h" #include "l2cap/internal/scheduler.h" #include "os/handler.h" #include "os/queue.h" #include "os/thread.h" #include "packet/raw_builder.h" namespace bluetooth { namespace l2cap { namespace internal { namespace { using ::testing::Return; std::unique_ptr CreateSdu(std::vector payload) { auto raw_builder = std::make_unique(); raw_builder->AddOctets(payload); return raw_builder; } PacketView GetPacketView(std::unique_ptr packet) { auto bytes = std::make_shared>(); BitInserter i(*bytes); bytes->reserve(packet->size()); packet->Serialize(i); return packet::PacketView(bytes); } class FakeScheduler : public Scheduler { public: void OnPacketsReady(Cid cid, int number_packets) override { on_packets_ready_(cid, number_packets); } void SetOnPacketsReady(std::function callback) { on_packets_ready_ = callback; } std::function on_packets_ready_; }; class L2capSenderTest : public ::testing::Test { public: std::unique_ptr enqueue_callback() { auto packet_one = CreateSdu({'a', 'b', 'c'}); channel_queue_.GetUpEnd()->UnregisterEnqueue(); return packet_one; } protected: void SetUp() override { thread_ = new os::Thread("test_thread", os::Thread::Priority::NORMAL); user_handler_ = new os::Handler(thread_); queue_handler_ = new os::Handler(thread_); mock_channel_ = std::make_shared(); EXPECT_CALL(*mock_channel_, GetQueueDownEnd()).WillRepeatedly(Return(channel_queue_.GetDownEnd())); EXPECT_CALL(*mock_channel_, GetCid()).WillRepeatedly(Return(cid_)); EXPECT_CALL(*mock_channel_, GetRemoteCid()).WillRepeatedly(Return(cid_)); sender_ = new Sender(queue_handler_, nullptr, &scheduler_, mock_channel_); } void TearDown() override { queue_handler_->Clear(); user_handler_->Clear(); delete sender_; delete queue_handler_; delete user_handler_; delete thread_; } os::Thread* thread_ = nullptr; os::Handler* user_handler_ = nullptr; os::Handler* queue_handler_ = nullptr; common::BidiQueue channel_queue_{10}; std::shared_ptr mock_channel_; Sender* sender_ = nullptr; Cid cid_ = 0x41; FakeScheduler scheduler_; }; TEST_F(L2capSenderTest, send_packet) { std::promise promise; auto future = promise.get_future(); scheduler_.SetOnPacketsReady([&promise](Cid cid, int number_packets) { promise.set_value(); }); channel_queue_.GetUpEnd()->RegisterEnqueue( queue_handler_, common::Bind(&L2capSenderTest::enqueue_callback, common::Unretained(this))); auto status = future.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(3)); EXPECT_EQ(status, std::future_status::ready); auto packet = sender_->GetNextPacket(); EXPECT_NE(packet, nullptr); auto packet_view = GetPacketView(std::move(packet)); auto basic_frame_view = BasicFrameView::Create(packet_view); EXPECT_TRUE(basic_frame_view.IsValid()); EXPECT_EQ(basic_frame_view.GetChannelId(), cid_); auto payload = basic_frame_view.GetPayload(); std::string payload_string(payload.begin(), payload.end()); EXPECT_EQ(payload_string, "abc"); } } // namespace } // namespace internal } // namespace l2cap } // namespace bluetooth