/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "chre/core/sensor_request_manager.h" #include "chre/core/event_loop_manager.h" #include "chre/util/nested_data_ptr.h" #include "chre/util/system/debug_dump.h" #include "chre_api/chre/version.h" #define LOG_INVALID_HANDLE(x) \ LOGE("Invalid sensor handle %" PRIu32 ": line %d", x, __LINE__) namespace chre { namespace { bool isSensorRequestValid(const Sensor &sensor, const SensorRequest &sensorRequest) { bool isRequestOneShot = sensorModeIsOneShot(sensorRequest.getMode()); bool isRequestOff = sensorRequest.getMode() == SensorMode::Off; uint64_t requestedInterval = sensorRequest.getInterval().toRawNanoseconds(); bool isRequestPassive = sensorModeIsPassive(sensorRequest.getMode()); bool success = false; if (requestedInterval < sensor.getMinInterval()) { LOGE("Requested interval %" PRIu64 " < sensor's minInterval %" PRIu64, requestedInterval, sensor.getMinInterval()); } else if (!isRequestOff && isRequestOneShot != sensor.isOneShot()) { LOGE("Invalid request type for sensor reporting mode"); } else if (isRequestPassive && !sensor.supportsPassiveMode()) { LOGE("Passive mode not supported"); } else { success = true; } return success; } /** * A helper function that updates the last event of a sensor in the main thread. * * @param eventData A non-null pointer to the sensor's CHRE event data. */ void updateLastEvent(void *eventData) { CHRE_ASSERT(eventData); auto callback = [](uint16_t /* type */, void *data) { auto *sensorData = static_cast(data); Sensor *sensor = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getSensorRequestManager().getSensor( sensorData->header.sensorHandle); // Mark last event as valid only if the sensor is enabled. Event data may // arrive after sensor is disabled. if (sensor != nullptr && sensor->getMaximalRequest().getMode() != SensorMode::Off) { sensor->setLastEvent(sensorData); } }; // Schedule a deferred callback. EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->deferCallback( SystemCallbackType::SensorLastEventUpdate, eventData, callback); } void sensorDataEventFree(uint16_t eventType, void *eventData) { EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getSensorRequestManager() .releaseSensorDataEvent(eventType, eventData); } /** * Posts a CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_SAMPLING_CHANGE event to the specified Nanoapp. * * @param instanceId The instance ID of the nanoapp with an open request. * @param sensorHandle The handle of the sensor. * @param status A reference of the sampling status to be posted. */ void postSamplingStatusEvent(uint32_t instanceId, uint32_t sensorHandle, const struct chreSensorSamplingStatus &status) { auto *event = memoryAlloc(); if (event == nullptr) { LOG_OOM(); } else { event->sensorHandle = sensorHandle; event->status = status; EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop().postEventOrDie( CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_SAMPLING_CHANGE, event, freeEventDataCallback, instanceId); } } /** * Sets the latest sampling status for a given sensor and notifies all listening * nanoapps of the latest update. * * @param sensorHandle The handle of the sensor. * @param status A reference of the sampling status to be updated. */ void updateSamplingStatus(uint32_t sensorHandle, struct chreSensorSamplingStatus &status) { Sensor *sensor = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getSensorRequestManager().getSensor( sensorHandle); if (sensor != nullptr && !sensor->isOneShot()) { sensor->setSamplingStatus(status); // Only post to Nanoapps with an open request. const DynamicVector &requests = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getSensorRequestManager().getRequests( sensorHandle); for (const auto &req : requests) { postSamplingStatusEvent(req.getInstanceId(), sensorHandle, status); } } } } // namespace SensorRequestManager::~SensorRequestManager() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mSensors.size(); i++) { // Disable sensors that have been enabled previously. removeAllRequests(mSensors[i]); } } void SensorRequestManager::init() { // The Platform sensor must be initialized prior to interacting with any // sensors. mPlatformSensorManager.init(); mSensors = mPlatformSensorManager.getSensors(); } bool SensorRequestManager::getSensorHandle(uint8_t sensorType, uint32_t *sensorHandle) const { CHRE_ASSERT(sensorHandle); bool sensorHandleIsValid = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mSensors.size(); i++) { if (mSensors[i].getSensorType() == sensorType) { sensorHandleIsValid = true; *sensorHandle = i; break; } } return sensorHandleIsValid; } bool SensorRequestManager::setSensorRequest( Nanoapp *nanoapp, uint32_t sensorHandle, const SensorRequest &sensorRequest) { CHRE_ASSERT(nanoapp); bool success = false; bool requestChanged = false; if (sensorHandle >= mSensors.size()) { LOG_INVALID_HANDLE(sensorHandle); } else { Sensor &sensor = mSensors[sensorHandle]; if (isSensorRequestValid(sensor, sensorRequest)) { size_t requestIndex; uint8_t sensorType = sensor.getSensorType(); uint16_t eventType = getSampleEventTypeForSensorType(sensorType); bool nanoappHasRequest = sensor.getRequestMultiplexer().findRequest(nanoapp->getInstanceId(), &requestIndex) != nullptr; if (sensorRequest.getMode() == SensorMode::Off) { if (nanoappHasRequest) { // The request changes the mode to off and there was an existing // request. The existing request is removed from the multiplexer. The // nanoapp is unregistered from events of this type if this request // was successful. success = removeRequest(sensor, requestIndex, &requestChanged); if (success) { cancelFlushRequests(sensorHandle, nanoapp->getInstanceId()); nanoapp->unregisterForBroadcastEvent(eventType); uint16_t biasEventType; if (sensor.getBiasEventType(&biasEventType)) { // Per API requirements, turn off bias reporting when // unsubscribing from the sensor. nanoapp->unregisterForBroadcastEvent(biasEventType); } } } else { // The sensor is being configured to Off, but is already Off (there is // no existing request). We assign to success to be true and no other // operation is required. success = true; } } else if (!nanoappHasRequest) { // The request changes the mode to the enabled state and there was no // existing request. The request is newly created and added to the // multiplexer. The nanoapp is registered for events if this request was // successful. success = addRequest(sensor, sensorRequest, &requestChanged); if (success) { nanoapp->registerForBroadcastEvent(eventType); // Per API requirements, turn on bias reporting for calibrated sensors // by default when subscribed. uint16_t biasEventType; if (sensor.getBiasEventType(&biasEventType) && sensor.isCalibrated()) { nanoapp->registerForBroadcastEvent(biasEventType); } // Deliver last valid event to new clients of on-change sensors if (sensor.getLastEvent() != nullptr) { EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop().postEventOrDie( eventType, sensor.getLastEvent(), nullptr /* freeCallback */, nanoapp->getInstanceId()); } } } else { // The request changes the mode to the enabled state and there was an // existing request. The existing request is updated. success = updateRequest(sensor, requestIndex, sensorRequest, &requestChanged); } // TODO: Allow translating the sensor request if (requestChanged) { // TODO: Send an event to nanoapps to indicate the rate change. } if (success) { addSensorRequestLog(nanoapp->getInstanceId(), sensorType, sensorRequest); } } } return success; } bool SensorRequestManager::getSensorInfo(uint32_t sensorHandle, const Nanoapp &nanoapp, struct chreSensorInfo *info) const { CHRE_ASSERT(info); bool success = false; if (sensorHandle >= mSensors.size()) { LOG_INVALID_HANDLE(sensorHandle); } else { mSensors[sensorHandle].populateSensorInfo(info, nanoapp.getTargetApiVersion()); success = true; } return success; } bool SensorRequestManager::removeAllRequests(uint32_t sensorHandle) { bool success = false; if (sensorHandle >= mSensors.size()) { LOG_INVALID_HANDLE(sensorHandle); } else { Sensor &sensor = mSensors[sensorHandle]; uint8_t sensorType = sensor.getSensorType(); uint16_t eventType = getSampleEventTypeForSensorType(sensorType); for (const SensorRequest &request : sensor.getRequests()) { Nanoapp *nanoapp = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getEventLoop() .findNanoappByInstanceId(request.getInstanceId()); if (nanoapp != nullptr) { nanoapp->unregisterForBroadcastEvent(eventType); } } cancelFlushRequests(sensorHandle); success = removeAllRequests(sensor); } return success; } Sensor *SensorRequestManager::getSensor(uint32_t sensorHandle) { Sensor *sensorPtr = nullptr; if (sensorHandle < mSensors.size()) { sensorPtr = &mSensors[sensorHandle]; } return sensorPtr; } bool SensorRequestManager::getSensorSamplingStatus( uint32_t sensorHandle, struct chreSensorSamplingStatus *status) const { CHRE_ASSERT(status); bool success = false; if (sensorHandle >= mSensors.size()) { LOG_INVALID_HANDLE(sensorHandle); } else { success = mSensors[sensorHandle].getSamplingStatus(status); } return success; } const DynamicVector &SensorRequestManager::getRequests( uint32_t sensorHandle) const { if (sensorHandle >= mSensors.size()) { LOG_INVALID_HANDLE(sensorHandle); sensorHandle = 0; } return mSensors[sensorHandle].getRequests(); } bool SensorRequestManager::configureBiasEvents(Nanoapp *nanoapp, uint32_t sensorHandle, bool enable) { bool success = false; if (sensorHandle >= mSensors.size()) { LOG_INVALID_HANDLE(sensorHandle); } else if (enable && !mSensors[sensorHandle].isSensorEnabled()) { LOGE("Bias events can't be configured for a disabled sensor!"); } else { uint16_t eventType; Sensor &sensor = mSensors[sensorHandle]; if (sensor.getBiasEventType(&eventType)) { uint64_t currentLatency = 0; if (enable) { currentLatency = sensor.getMaximalRequest().getLatency().toRawNanoseconds(); } success = mPlatformSensorManager.configureBiasEvents(sensor, enable, currentLatency); if (success) { if (enable) { nanoapp->registerForBroadcastEvent(eventType); } else { nanoapp->unregisterForBroadcastEvent(eventType); } } } } return success; } bool SensorRequestManager::getThreeAxisBias( uint32_t sensorHandle, struct chreSensorThreeAxisData *bias) const { CHRE_ASSERT(bias != nullptr); bool success = false; if (bias != nullptr) { if (sensorHandle >= mSensors.size()) { LOG_INVALID_HANDLE(sensorHandle); } else { success = mPlatformSensorManager.getThreeAxisBias(mSensors[sensorHandle], bias); } } return success; } bool SensorRequestManager::flushAsync(Nanoapp *nanoapp, uint32_t sensorHandle, const void *cookie) { bool success = false; uint32_t nanoappInstanceId = nanoapp->getInstanceId(); if (sensorHandle >= mSensors.size()) { LOG_INVALID_HANDLE(sensorHandle); } else if (mSensors[sensorHandle].isOneShot()) { LOGE("Cannot flush a one-shot sensor of type %" PRIu8, mSensors[sensorHandle].getSensorType()); } else if (mFlushRequestQueue.full()) { LOG_OOM(); } else { mFlushRequestQueue.emplace_back(sensorHandle, nanoappInstanceId, cookie); success = makeFlushRequest(mFlushRequestQueue.back()) == CHRE_ERROR_NONE; if (!success) { mFlushRequestQueue.pop_back(); } } return success; } void SensorRequestManager::releaseSensorDataEvent(uint16_t eventType, void *eventData) { // Remove all requests if it's a one-shot sensor and only after data has been // delivered to all clients. mPlatformSensorManager.releaseSensorDataEvent(eventData); uint8_t sensorType = getSensorTypeForSampleEventType(eventType); uint32_t sensorHandle; if (getSensorHandle(sensorType, &sensorHandle) && mSensors[sensorHandle].isOneShot()) { removeAllRequests(sensorHandle); } } void SensorRequestManager::handleFlushCompleteEvent(uint32_t sensorHandle, uint32_t flushRequestId, uint8_t errorCode) { if (sensorHandle < mSensors.size() && mSensors[sensorHandle].isFlushRequestPending()) { // Cancel flush request timer before posting to the event queue to ensure // a timeout event isn't processed by CHRE now that the complete event // has been received. mSensors[sensorHandle].cancelPendingFlushRequestTimer(); struct CallbackState { uint8_t errorCode; uint32_t sensorHandle; }; auto *cbState = memoryAlloc(); if (cbState == nullptr) { LOG_OOM(); } else { cbState->errorCode = errorCode; cbState->sensorHandle = sensorHandle; auto callback = [](uint16_t /* eventType */, void *eventData) { auto *cbState = static_cast(eventData); EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getSensorRequestManager() .handleFlushCompleteEventSync(cbState->errorCode, cbState->sensorHandle); memoryFree(cbState); }; EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->deferCallback( SystemCallbackType::SensorFlushComplete, cbState, callback); } } } void SensorRequestManager::handleSensorDataEvent(uint32_t sensorHandle, void *event) { if (sensorHandle >= mSensors.size()) { LOG_INVALID_HANDLE(sensorHandle); mPlatformSensorManager.releaseSensorDataEvent(event); } else { if (mSensors[sensorHandle].isOnChange()) { updateLastEvent(event); } uint16_t eventType = getSampleEventTypeForSensorType(mSensors[sensorHandle].getSensorType()); // Only allow dropping continuous sensor events since losing one-shot or // on-change events could result in nanoapps stuck in a bad state. if (mSensors[sensorHandle].isContinuous()) { EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getEventLoop() .postLowPriorityEventOrFree(eventType, event, sensorDataEventFree); } else { EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop().postEventOrDie( eventType, event, sensorDataEventFree); } } } void SensorRequestManager::handleSamplingStatusUpdate( uint32_t sensorHandle, struct chreSensorSamplingStatus *status) { struct StatusUpdate { uint32_t sensorHandle; struct chreSensorSamplingStatus *status; }; auto *cbData = memoryAlloc(); if (cbData == nullptr) { LOG_OOM(); } else { cbData->sensorHandle = sensorHandle; cbData->status = status; auto callback = [](uint16_t /* type */, void *data) { auto cbData = static_cast(data); updateSamplingStatus(cbData->sensorHandle, *cbData->status); EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getSensorRequestManager() .releaseSamplingStatusUpdate(cbData->status); memoryFree(cbData); }; // Schedule a deferred callback to handle sensor status change in the main // thread. EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->deferCallback( SystemCallbackType::SensorStatusUpdate, cbData, callback); } } void SensorRequestManager::handleBiasEvent(uint32_t sensorHandle, void *biasData) { Sensor *sensor = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getSensorRequestManager().getSensor( sensorHandle); CHRE_ASSERT(sensor != nullptr); if (sensor == nullptr) { releaseBiasData(biasData); } else { uint16_t eventType; if (!sensor->reportsBiasEvents() || !sensor->getBiasEventType(&eventType)) { LOGE("Received bias event for unsupported sensor type %s", sensor->getSensorName()); } else { auto freeCallback = [](uint16_t /* type */, void *data) { EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getSensorRequestManager() .releaseBiasData(data); }; EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop().postEventOrDie( eventType, biasData, freeCallback); } } } void SensorRequestManager::logStateToBuffer(DebugDumpWrapper &debugDump) const { debugDump.print("\nSensors:\n"); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < mSensors.size(); i++) { for (const auto &request : mSensors[i].getRequests()) { // TODO: Rearrange these prints to be similar to sensor request logs // below debugDump.print( " %s: mode=%d int=%" PRIu64 " lat=%" PRIu64 " nappId=%" PRIu32 "\n", mSensors[i].getSensorTypeName(), request.getMode(), request.getInterval().toRawNanoseconds(), request.getLatency().toRawNanoseconds(), request.getInstanceId()); } } debugDump.print("\n Last %zu Sensor Requests:\n", mSensorRequestLogs.size()); static_assert(kMaxSensorRequestLogs <= INT8_MAX, "kMaxSensorRequestLogs must be <= INT8_MAX"); for (int8_t i = static_cast(mSensorRequestLogs.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const auto &log = mSensorRequestLogs[static_cast(i)]; uint32_t sensorHandle; if (getSensorHandle(log.sensorType, &sensorHandle)) { debugDump.print(" ts=%" PRIu64 " nappId=%" PRIu32 " sensType=%s mode=%s", log.timestamp.toRawNanoseconds(), log.instanceId, mSensors[sensorHandle].getSensorTypeName(), getSensorModeName(log.mode)); } if (sensorModeIsContinuous(log.mode)) { debugDump.print(" int=%" PRIu64 " lat=%" PRIu64, log.interval.toRawNanoseconds(), log.latency.toRawNanoseconds()); } debugDump.print("\n"); } } void SensorRequestManager::postFlushCompleteEvent(uint32_t sensorHandle, uint8_t errorCode, const FlushRequest &request) { auto *event = memoryAlloc(); if (event == nullptr) { LOG_OOM(); } else { event->sensorHandle = sensorHandle; event->errorCode = errorCode; event->cookie = request.cookie; memset(event->reserved, 0, sizeof(event->reserved)); EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->getEventLoop().postEventOrDie( CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_FLUSH_COMPLETE, event, freeEventDataCallback, request.nanoappInstanceId); } } void SensorRequestManager::completeFlushRequestAtIndex(size_t index, uint8_t errorCode) { if (index < mFlushRequestQueue.size()) { const FlushRequest &request = mFlushRequestQueue[index]; uint32_t sensorHandle = request.sensorHandle; if (request.isActive) { mSensors[sensorHandle].clearPendingFlushRequest(); } postFlushCompleteEvent(sensorHandle, errorCode, request); mFlushRequestQueue.erase(index); } } void SensorRequestManager::dispatchNextFlushRequest(uint32_t sensorHandle) { for (size_t i = 0; i < mFlushRequestQueue.size(); i++) { FlushRequest &request = mFlushRequestQueue[i]; if (request.sensorHandle == sensorHandle) { uint8_t newRequestErrorCode = makeFlushRequest(request); if (newRequestErrorCode == CHRE_ERROR_NONE) { break; } else { completeFlushRequestAtIndex(i, newRequestErrorCode); i--; } } } } void SensorRequestManager::onFlushTimeout(uint32_t sensorHandle) { if (sensorHandle < mSensors.size()) { Sensor &sensor = mSensors[sensorHandle]; sensor.setFlushRequestTimerHandle(CHRE_TIMER_INVALID); } } void SensorRequestManager::handleFlushCompleteEventSync(uint8_t errorCode, uint32_t sensorHandle) { for (size_t i = 0; i < mFlushRequestQueue.size(); i++) { if (mFlushRequestQueue[i].sensorHandle == sensorHandle) { completeFlushRequestAtIndex(i, errorCode); dispatchNextFlushRequest(sensorHandle); break; } } } void SensorRequestManager::cancelFlushRequests(uint32_t sensorHandle, uint32_t nanoappInstanceId) { bool removeAll = (nanoappInstanceId == kSystemInstanceId); for (size_t i = 0; i < mFlushRequestQueue.size(); i++) { const FlushRequest &request = mFlushRequestQueue[i]; if (request.sensorHandle == sensorHandle && (request.nanoappInstanceId == nanoappInstanceId || removeAll)) { completeFlushRequestAtIndex(i, CHRE_ERROR_FUNCTION_DISABLED /* errorCode */); i--; } } if (!mSensors[sensorHandle].isFlushRequestPending()) { dispatchNextFlushRequest(sensorHandle); } } void SensorRequestManager::addSensorRequestLog( uint32_t nanoappInstanceId, uint8_t sensorType, const SensorRequest &sensorRequest) { mSensorRequestLogs.kick_push(SensorRequestLog( SystemTime::getMonotonicTime(), nanoappInstanceId, sensorType, sensorRequest.getMode(), sensorRequest.getInterval(), sensorRequest.getLatency())); } bool SensorRequestManager::addRequest(Sensor &sensor, const SensorRequest &request, bool *requestChanged) { CHRE_ASSERT(requestChanged != nullptr); size_t addIndex; bool success = true; SensorRequestMultiplexer &multiplexer = sensor.getRequestMultiplexer(); if (!multiplexer.addRequest(request, &addIndex, requestChanged)) { *requestChanged = false; success = false; LOG_OOM(); } else if (*requestChanged) { success = configurePlatformSensor(sensor); if (!success) { // Remove the newly added request since the platform failed to handle // it. The sensor is expected to maintain the existing request so there is // no need to reset the platform to the last maximal request. multiplexer.removeRequest(addIndex, requestChanged); // This is a roll-back operation so the maximal change in the // multiplexer must not have changed. The request changed state is forced // to false. *requestChanged = false; } } return success; } bool SensorRequestManager::updateRequest(Sensor &sensor, size_t updateIndex, const SensorRequest &request, bool *requestChanged) { CHRE_ASSERT(requestChanged != nullptr); bool success = true; SensorRequestMultiplexer &multiplexer = sensor.getRequestMultiplexer(); SensorRequest previousRequest = multiplexer.getRequests()[updateIndex]; multiplexer.updateRequest(updateIndex, request, requestChanged); if (*requestChanged) { success = configurePlatformSensor(sensor); if (!success) { // Roll back the request since sending it to the sensor failed. The // request will roll back to the previous maximal. The sensor is // expected to maintain the existing request if a request fails so there // is no need to reset the platform to the last maximal request. multiplexer.updateRequest(updateIndex, previousRequest, requestChanged); // This is a roll-back operation so the maximal change in the multiplexer // must not have changed. The request changed state is forced to false. *requestChanged = false; } } return success; } bool SensorRequestManager::removeRequest(Sensor &sensor, size_t removeIndex, bool *requestChanged) { CHRE_ASSERT(requestChanged != nullptr); bool success = true; sensor.getRequestMultiplexer().removeRequest(removeIndex, requestChanged); if (*requestChanged) { success = configurePlatformSensor(sensor); if (!success) { LOGE("SensorRequestManager failed to remove a request"); // If the platform fails to handle this request in a debug build there is // likely an error in the platform. This is not strictly a programming // error but it does make sense to use assert semantics when a platform // fails to handle a request that it had been sent previously. CHRE_ASSERT(false); // The request to the platform to set a request when removing has failed // so the request has not changed. *requestChanged = false; } } return success; } bool SensorRequestManager::removeAllRequests(Sensor &sensor) { bool requestChanged; sensor.getRequestMultiplexer().removeAllRequests(&requestChanged); bool success = true; if (requestChanged) { success = configurePlatformSensor(sensor); if (!success) { LOGE("SensorRequestManager failed to remove all request"); // If the platform fails to handle this request in a debug build there // is likely an error in the platform. This is not strictly a programming // error but it does make sense to use assert semantics when a platform // fails to handle a request that it had been sent previously. CHRE_ASSERT(false); } } return success; } uint8_t SensorRequestManager::makeFlushRequest(FlushRequest &request) { uint8_t errorCode = CHRE_ERROR; Sensor &sensor = mSensors[request.sensorHandle]; if (!sensor.isSensorEnabled()) { LOGE("Cannot flush on disabled sensor"); } else if (!sensor.isFlushRequestPending()) { Nanoseconds now = SystemTime::getMonotonicTime(); Nanoseconds deadline = request.deadlineTimestamp; if (now >= deadline) { LOGE("Flush sensor %s failed for nanoapp ID %" PRIu32 ": deadline exceeded", sensor.getSensorName(), request.nanoappInstanceId); errorCode = CHRE_ERROR_TIMEOUT; } else if (doMakeFlushRequest(sensor)) { errorCode = CHRE_ERROR_NONE; Nanoseconds delay = deadline - now; request.isActive = true; NestedDataPtr index(request.sensorHandle); auto callback = [](uint16_t /* eventType */, void *eventData) { LOGE("Flush request timed out."); NestedDataPtr nestedIndex; nestedIndex.dataPtr = eventData; EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getSensorRequestManager() .onFlushTimeout(nestedIndex.data); // Send a complete event, thus closing out this flush request. If the // request that has just timed out receives a response later, this may // inadvertently close out a new request before it has actually // completed. // TODO: Attach an ID to all flush requests / responses so stale // responses can be properly dropped. EventLoopManagerSingleton::get() ->getSensorRequestManager() .handleFlushCompleteEventSync(CHRE_ERROR_TIMEOUT, nestedIndex.data); }; sensor.setFlushRequestTimerHandle( EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->setDelayedCallback( SystemCallbackType::SensorFlushTimeout, index.dataPtr, callback, delay)); } } else { // Flush request will be made once the pending request is completed. // Return true so that the nanoapp can wait for a result through the // CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_FLUSH_COMPLETE event. errorCode = CHRE_ERROR_NONE; } return errorCode; } bool SensorRequestManager::doMakeFlushRequest(Sensor &sensor) { // Set to true before making the request since the request may be a // synchronous request and we may get the complete event before it returns. sensor.setFlushRequestPending(true); // TODO: Refactor code to take the request ID into account so multiple flush // requests can be issued. uint32_t flushRequestId; bool success = mPlatformSensorManager.flush(sensor, &flushRequestId); sensor.setFlushRequestPending(success); return success; } bool SensorRequestManager::configurePlatformSensor(Sensor &sensor) { bool success = false; const SensorRequest &request = sensor.getMaximalRequest(); if (!mPlatformSensorManager.configureSensor(sensor, request)) { LOGE("Failed to make platform sensor request"); } else { success = true; // Reset last event if an on-change sensor is turned off. if (request.getMode() == SensorMode::Off) { sensor.clearLastEvent(); } } return success; } } // namespace chre