/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.carrier; import static com.google.common.collect.Multimaps.flatteningToMultimap; import static com.google.common.collect.Multimaps.toMultimap; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static java.util.Comparator.comparing; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters; import com.google.auto.value.AutoValue; import com.google.common.base.Ascii; import com.google.common.base.CharMatcher; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; import com.google.common.collect.MultimapBuilder; import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors; import com.google.protobuf.TextFormat; import com.google.carrier.CarrierConfig; import com.google.carrier.CarrierId; import com.google.carrier.CarrierList; import com.google.carrier.CarrierMap; import com.google.carrier.CarrierSettings; import com.google.carrier.IntArray; import com.google.carrier.MultiCarrierSettings; import com.google.carrier.TextArray; import com.android.providers.telephony.CarrierIdProto.CarrierAttribute; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * This command converts carrier config XML into text protobuf. * * */ @Parameters(separators = "=") public final class CarrierConfigConverterV2 { @Parameter(names = "--assets", description = "The source AOSP assets/ directory.") private String assetsDirName = "/tmp/carrierconfig/assets"; @Parameter( names = "--vendor_xml", description = "The source vendor.xml file(s). If multiple files provided, the order decides config" + " precedence, ie. configs in a file are overwritten by configs in files AFTER it.") private List vendorXmlFiles = ImmutableList.of("/tmp/carrierconfig/vendor.xml"); @Parameter( names = "--output_dir", description = "The destination data directory, with tier1_carriers.textpb in it.") private String outputDir = "/tmp/carrierconfig/out"; @Parameter(names = "--version", description = "The version number for all output textpb.") private long version = 1L; // For configs in vendor.xml w/o mcc/mnc, they are the default config values for all carriers. // In CarrierSettings, a special mcc/mnc "000000" is used to look up default config. private static final String MCCMNC_FOR_DEFAULT_SETTINGS = "000000"; // Resource file path to the AOSP carrier list file private static final String RESOURCE_CARRIER_LIST = "/assets/latest_carrier_id/carrier_list.textpb"; // Constants used in parsing XMLs. private static final String XML_SUFFIX = ".xml"; private static final String CARRIER_CONFIG_MCCMNC_XML_PREFIX = "carrier_config_mccmnc_"; private static final String CARRIER_CONFIG_CID_XML_PREFIX = "carrier_config_carrierid_"; private static final String KEY_MCCMNC_PREFIX = "mccmnc_"; private static final String KEY_CID_PREFIX = "cid_"; private static final String TAG_CARRIER_CONFIG = "carrier_config"; /** Entry point when invoked from command line. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { CarrierConfigConverterV2 converter = new CarrierConfigConverterV2(); new JCommander(converter, args); converter.convert(); } /** Entry point when invoked from other Java code, eg. the server side conversion tool. */ public static void convert( String vendorXmlFile, String assetsDirName, String outputDir, long version) throws IOException { CarrierConfigConverterV2 converter = new CarrierConfigConverterV2(); converter.vendorXmlFiles = ImmutableList.of(vendorXmlFile); converter.assetsDirName = assetsDirName; converter.outputDir = outputDir; converter.version = version; converter.convert(); } private void convert() throws IOException { String carriersTextpbFile = getPathAsString(outputDir, "tier1_carriers.textpb"); String settingsTextpbDir = getPathAsString(outputDir, "setting"); CarrierList tier1Carriers; ArrayList otherCarriers = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList outFiles = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap> rawConfigs = new HashMap<>(); TreeMap tier1Configs = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap othersConfigs = new TreeMap<>(); DocumentBuilder xmlDocBuilder = getDocumentBuilder(); Multimap aospCarrierList = loadAospCarrierList(); Multimap reverseAospCarrierList = reverseAospCarrierList(aospCarrierList); /* * High-level flow: * 1. Parse all input XMLs into memory * 2. Collect a list of interested carriers from input, represented by CarrierId. * 2. For each CarrierId, build its carreir configs, following AOSP DefaultCarrierConfigService. * 3. Merge CarrierId's as per tier1_carriers.textpb */ // 1. Parse all input XMLs into memory Map assetsXmls = new HashMap<>(); List vendorXmls = new ArrayList<>(); // Parse assets/carrier_config_*.xml for (File childFile : new File(assetsDirName).listFiles()) { String childFileName = childFile.getName(); String fullChildName = childFile.getCanonicalPath(); if (childFileName.startsWith(CARRIER_CONFIG_MCCMNC_XML_PREFIX)) { String mccMnc = childFileName.substring( CARRIER_CONFIG_MCCMNC_XML_PREFIX.length(), childFileName.indexOf(XML_SUFFIX)); if (!mccMnc.matches("\\d{5,6}")) { throw new IOException("Invalid mcc/mnc " + mccMnc + " found in " + childFileName); } try { assetsXmls.put(KEY_MCCMNC_PREFIX + mccMnc, parseXmlDoc(fullChildName, xmlDocBuilder)); } catch (SAXException | IOException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to parse " + childFileName, e); } } else if (childFileName.startsWith(CARRIER_CONFIG_CID_XML_PREFIX)) { String cidAndCarrierName = childFileName.substring( CARRIER_CONFIG_CID_XML_PREFIX.length(), childFileName.indexOf(XML_SUFFIX)); int cid = -1; try { cid = Integer.parseInt(cidAndCarrierName.split("_", -1)[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IOException("Invalid carrierid found in " + childFileName, e); } try { assetsXmls.put(KEY_CID_PREFIX + cid, parseXmlDoc(fullChildName, xmlDocBuilder)); } catch (SAXException | IOException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to parse " + childFileName, e); } } // ignore other malformatted files. } // Parse vendor.xml files for (String vendorXmlFile : vendorXmlFiles) { try { vendorXmls.add(parseXmlDoc(vendorXmlFile, xmlDocBuilder)); } catch (SAXException | IOException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to parse " + vendorXmlFile, e); } } // 2. Collect all carriers from input, represented by CarrierId. List carriers = new ArrayList<>(); // Traverse labels in each file. for (Map.Entry xml : assetsXmls.entrySet()) { if (xml.getKey().startsWith(KEY_MCCMNC_PREFIX)) { String mccMnc = xml.getKey().substring(KEY_MCCMNC_PREFIX.length()); for (Element element : getElementsByTagName(xml.getValue(), TAG_CARRIER_CONFIG)) { try { CarrierId id = parseCarrierId(element).setMccMnc(mccMnc).build(); carriers.add(id); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { throw new IOException("Unsupported syntax in assets/ for " + mccMnc, e); } } } else if (xml.getKey().startsWith(KEY_CID_PREFIX)) { int cid = Integer.parseInt(xml.getKey().substring(KEY_CID_PREFIX.length())); if (aospCarrierList.containsKey(cid)) { carriers.addAll(aospCarrierList.get(cid)); } else { System.err.printf("Undefined cid %d in assets/. Ignore.\n", cid); } } } for (Document vendorXml : vendorXmls) { for (Element element : getElementsByTagName(vendorXml, TAG_CARRIER_CONFIG)) { // First, try to parse cid if (element.hasAttribute("cid")) { String cidAsString = element.getAttribute("cid"); int cid = Integer.parseInt(cidAsString); if (aospCarrierList.containsKey(cid)) { carriers.addAll(aospCarrierList.get(cid)); } else { System.err.printf("Undefined cid %d in vendor.xml. Ignore.\n", cid); } } else { // Then, try to parse CarrierId CarrierId.Builder id = parseCarrierId(element); // A valid mccmnc is 5- or 6-digit. But vendor.xml see special cases below: // Case 1: a element may have neither "mcc" nor "mnc". // Such a tag provides a base config value for all carriers. CarrierSettings uses // mcc/mnc 000/000 to identify that, and does the merge at run time instead of // build time (which is now). // Case 2: a element may have just "mcc" and not "mnc" for // country-wise config. Such a element doesn't make a carrier; but still keep it so // can be used if a mccmnc appears in APNs later. if (id.getMccMnc().isEmpty()) { // special case 1 carriers.add(id.setMccMnc(MCCMNC_FOR_DEFAULT_SETTINGS).build()); } else if (id.getMccMnc().length() == 3) { // special case 2 carriers.add(id.build()); } else if (id.getMccMnc().length() == 5 || id.getMccMnc().length() == 6) { // Normal mcc+mnc carriers.add(id.build()); } else { System.err.printf("Invalid mcc/mnc: %s. Ignore.\n", id.getMccMnc()); } } } } // 3. For each CarrierId, build its carrier configs, following AOSP DefaultCarrierConfigService. for (CarrierId carrier : carriers) { Map config = ImmutableMap.of(); CarrierIdentifier id = getCid(carrier, reverseAospCarrierList); if (id.getCarrierId() != -1) { HashMap configBySpecificCarrierId = parseCarrierConfigFromXml( assetsXmls.get(KEY_CID_PREFIX + id.getSpecificCarrierId()), id); HashMap configByCarrierId = parseCarrierConfigFromXml(assetsXmls.get(KEY_CID_PREFIX + id.getCarrierId()), id); HashMap configByMccMncFallBackCarrierId = parseCarrierConfigFromXml(assetsXmls.get(KEY_CID_PREFIX + id.getMccmncCarrierId()), id); // priority: specific carrier id > carrier id > mccmnc fallback carrier id if (!configBySpecificCarrierId.isEmpty()) { config = configBySpecificCarrierId; } else if (!configByCarrierId.isEmpty()) { config = configByCarrierId; } else if (!configByMccMncFallBackCarrierId.isEmpty()) { config = configByMccMncFallBackCarrierId; } } if (config.isEmpty()) { // fallback to use mccmnc.xml when there is no carrier id named configuration found. config = parseCarrierConfigFromXml(assetsXmls.get(KEY_MCCMNC_PREFIX + carrier.getMccMnc()), id); } // Treat vendor.xml files as if they were appended to the carrier configs read from assets. for (Document vendorXml : vendorXmls) { HashMap vendorConfig = parseCarrierConfigFromVendorXml(vendorXml, id); config.putAll(vendorConfig); } rawConfigs.put(carrier, config); } // Read tier1_carriers.textpb try (InputStream carriersTextpb = new FileInputStream(new File(carriersTextpbFile)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(carriersTextpb, UTF_8))) { CarrierList.Builder builder = CarrierList.newBuilder(); TextFormat.getParser().merge(br, builder); tier1Carriers = builder.build(); } // Compose tier1Configs and othersConfigs from rawConfigs rawConfigs.forEach( (carrierId, configs) -> { String cname = getCanonicalName(tier1Carriers, carrierId); CarrierConfig.Builder ccb = toCarrierConfigBuilder(configs); if (cname != null) { // tier-1 carrier if (tier1Configs.containsKey(cname)) { tier1Configs.put( cname, CarrierProtoUtils.mergeCarrierConfig(tier1Configs.get(cname), ccb)); } else { tier1Configs.put(cname, ccb.build()); } } else { // other carrier cname = generateCanonicalNameForOthers(carrierId); otherCarriers.add( CarrierMap.newBuilder().addCarrierId(carrierId).setCanonicalName(cname).build()); othersConfigs.put(cname, ccb.build()); } }); // output tier1 carrier settings for (int i = 0; i < tier1Carriers.getEntryCount(); i++) { CarrierMap cm = tier1Carriers.getEntry(i); String cname = cm.getCanonicalName(); String fileName = getPathAsString(settingsTextpbDir, cname + ".textpb"); outFiles.add(fileName); try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName)); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, UTF_8))) { CarrierSettings.Builder cs = CarrierSettings.newBuilder().setCanonicalName(cname); if (tier1Configs.containsKey(cname)) { cs.setConfigs(sortConfig(tier1Configs.get(cname)).toBuilder().build()); } cs.setVersion(version); TextFormat.printUnicode(cs.build(), bw); } } // Output other carriers list String otherCarriersFile = getPathAsString(outputDir, "other_carriers.textpb"); outFiles.add(otherCarriersFile); CarrierProtoUtils.sortCarrierMapEntries(otherCarriers); try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(new File(otherCarriersFile)); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, UTF_8))) { CarrierList cl = CarrierList.newBuilder().addAllEntry(otherCarriers).setVersion(version).build(); TextFormat.printUnicode(cl, bw); } // Output other carriers settings String othersFileName = getPathAsString(settingsTextpbDir, "others.textpb"); outFiles.add(othersFileName); try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(new File(othersFileName)); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, UTF_8))) { MultiCarrierSettings.Builder mcs = MultiCarrierSettings.newBuilder().setVersion(version); othersConfigs.forEach( (cname, cc) -> { mcs.addSetting( CarrierSettings.newBuilder() .setCanonicalName(cname) .setConfigs(sortConfig(cc).toBuilder().build()) .build()); }); TextFormat.printUnicode(mcs.build(), bw); } // Print out the list of all output file names System.out.println("SUCCESS! Files generated:"); for (String fileName : outFiles) { System.out.println(fileName); } } private static DocumentBuilder getDocumentBuilder() { try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); return dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } private static Multimap loadAospCarrierList() throws IOException { com.android.providers.telephony.CarrierIdProto.CarrierList.Builder aospCarrierList = com.android.providers.telephony.CarrierIdProto.CarrierList.newBuilder(); try (InputStream textpb = CarrierConfigConverterV2.class.getResourceAsStream(RESOURCE_CARRIER_LIST); BufferedReader textpbReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(textpb, UTF_8))) { TextFormat.getParser().merge(textpbReader, aospCarrierList); } return aospCarrierList.getCarrierIdList().stream() .collect( flatteningToMultimap( cid -> cid.getCanonicalId(), cid -> carrierAttributeToCarrierId(cid.getCarrierAttributeList()).stream(), MultimapBuilder.linkedHashKeys().arrayListValues()::build)); } // Convert `CarrierAttribute`s to `CarrierId`s. // A CarrierAttribute message with fields not supported by CarrierSettings, like preferred_apn, // is ignored. private static ImmutableList carrierAttributeToCarrierId( List carrierAttributes) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); ImmutableSet supportedFields = ImmutableSet.of( CarrierAttribute.getDescriptor().findFieldByName("mccmnc_tuple"), CarrierAttribute.getDescriptor().findFieldByName("imsi_prefix_xpattern"), CarrierAttribute.getDescriptor().findFieldByName("spn"), CarrierAttribute.getDescriptor().findFieldByName("gid1")); for (CarrierAttribute carrierAttribute : carrierAttributes) { if (!carrierAttribute.getAllFields().keySet().stream().allMatch(supportedFields::contains)) { // This `CarrierAttribute` contains unsupported fields; skip. continue; } for (String mccmnc : carrierAttribute.getMccmncTupleList()) { CarrierId.Builder carrierId = CarrierId.newBuilder().setMccMnc(mccmnc); if (carrierAttribute.getImsiPrefixXpatternCount() > 0) { for (String imsi : carrierAttribute.getImsiPrefixXpatternList()) { result.add(carrierId.setImsi(imsi).build()); } } else if (carrierAttribute.getGid1Count() > 0) { for (String gid1 : carrierAttribute.getGid1List()) { result.add(carrierId.setGid1(gid1).build()); } } else if (carrierAttribute.getSpnCount() > 0) { for (String spn : carrierAttribute.getSpnList()) { // Some SPN has trailng space character \r, messing up textpb. Remove them. // It won't affect CarrierSettings which uses prefix matching for SPN. result.add(carrierId.setSpn(CharMatcher.whitespace().trimTrailingFrom(spn)).build()); } } else { // Ignore other attributes not supported by CarrierSettings result.add(carrierId.build()); } } } // Dedup return ImmutableSet.copyOf(result).asList(); } private static Multimap reverseAospCarrierList( Multimap aospCarrierList) { return aospCarrierList.entries().stream() .collect( toMultimap( entry -> entry.getValue(), entry -> entry.getKey(), MultimapBuilder.linkedHashKeys().arrayListValues()::build)); } private static Document parseXmlDoc(String fileName, DocumentBuilder xmlDocBuilder) throws SAXException, IOException { try (InputStream configXml = new FileInputStream(new File(fileName))) { Document xmlDoc = xmlDocBuilder.parse(configXml); xmlDoc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); return xmlDoc; } } private static ImmutableList getElementsByTagName(Document xmlDoc, String tagName) { if (xmlDoc == null) { return ImmutableList.of(); } ImmutableList.Builder result = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); xmlDoc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); NodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodeList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { result.add((Element) node); } } return result.build(); } static CarrierConfig sortConfig(CarrierConfig in) { final CarrierConfig.Builder result = in.toBuilder().clearConfig(); in.getConfigList().stream() .sorted(comparing(CarrierConfig.Config::getKey)) .forEachOrdered((c) -> result.addConfig(c)); return result.build(); } static String getCanonicalName(CarrierList pList, CarrierId pId) { for (int i = 0; i < pList.getEntryCount(); i++) { CarrierMap cm = pList.getEntry(i); for (int j = 0; j < cm.getCarrierIdCount(); j++) { CarrierId cid = cm.getCarrierId(j); if (cid.equals(pId)) { return cm.getCanonicalName(); } } } return null; } static String generateCanonicalNameForOthers(CarrierId pId) { // Not a tier-1 carrier: generate name StringBuilder genName = new StringBuilder(pId.getMccMnc()); switch (pId.getMvnoDataCase()) { case GID1: genName.append("GID1="); genName.append(Ascii.toUpperCase(pId.getGid1())); break; case SPN: genName.append("SPN="); genName.append(Ascii.toUpperCase(pId.getSpn())); break; case IMSI: genName.append("IMSI="); genName.append(Ascii.toUpperCase(pId.getImsi())); break; default: // MVNODATA_NOT_SET // Do nothing } return genName.toString(); } /** * Converts a map with carrier configs to a {@link CarrierConfig.Builder}. * * @see #parseCarrierConfigToMap */ private static CarrierConfig.Builder toCarrierConfigBuilder( Map configs) { CarrierConfig.Builder builder = CarrierConfig.newBuilder(); configs.forEach( (key, value) -> { builder.addConfig(value.toBuilder().setKey(key)); }); return builder; } /** * Returns a map with carrier configs parsed from a assets/*.xml. * * @return a map, key being the carrier config key, value being a {@link CarrierConfig.Config} * with one of the value set. */ private static HashMap parseCarrierConfigFromXml( Document xmlDoc, CarrierIdentifier carrier) throws IOException { HashMap configMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Element element : getElementsByTagName(xmlDoc, TAG_CARRIER_CONFIG)) { if (carrier != null && !checkFilters(false, element, carrier)) { continue; } configMap.putAll(parseCarrierConfigToMap(element)); } return configMap; } /** * Returns a map with carrier configs parsed from the vendor.xml. * * @return a map, key being the carrier config key, value being a {@link CarrierConfig.Config} * with one of the value set. */ private static HashMap parseCarrierConfigFromVendorXml( Document xmlDoc, CarrierIdentifier carrier) throws IOException { HashMap configMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Element element : getElementsByTagName(xmlDoc, TAG_CARRIER_CONFIG)) { if (carrier != null && !checkFilters(true, element, carrier)) { continue; } configMap.putAll(parseCarrierConfigToMap(element)); } return configMap; } /** * Returns a map with carrier configs parsed from the XML element. * * @return a map, key being the carrier config key, value being a {@link CarrierConfig.Config} * with one of the value set. */ private static HashMap parseCarrierConfigToMap(Element element) throws IOException { HashMap configMap = new HashMap<>(); NodeList nList; // bool value nList = element.getElementsByTagName("boolean"); for (int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++) { Node nNode = nList.item(i); if (nNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element eElement = (Element) nNode; String key = eElement.getAttribute("name"); boolean value = Boolean.parseBoolean(eElement.getAttribute("value")); configMap.put(key, CarrierConfig.Config.newBuilder().setBoolValue(value).build()); } // int value nList = element.getElementsByTagName("int"); for (int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++) { Node nNode = nList.item(i); if (nNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element eElement = (Element) nNode; String key = eElement.getAttribute("name"); int value = Integer.parseInt(eElement.getAttribute("value")); configMap.put(key, CarrierConfig.Config.newBuilder().setIntValue(value).build()); } // long value nList = element.getElementsByTagName("long"); for (int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++) { Node nNode = nList.item(i); if (nNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element eElement = (Element) nNode; String key = eElement.getAttribute("name"); long value = Long.parseLong(eElement.getAttribute("value")); configMap.put(key, CarrierConfig.Config.newBuilder().setLongValue(value).build()); } // text value nList = element.getElementsByTagName("string"); for (int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++) { Node nNode = nList.item(i); if (nNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element eElement = (Element) nNode; String key = eElement.getAttribute("name"); String value = String.valueOf(eElement.getTextContent()); configMap.put(key, CarrierConfig.Config.newBuilder().setTextValue(value).build()); } // text array nList = element.getElementsByTagName("string-array"); for (int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++) { Node nNode = nList.item(i); if (nNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element eElement = (Element) nNode; String key = eElement.getAttribute("name"); CarrierConfig.Config.Builder cccb = CarrierConfig.Config.newBuilder(); TextArray.Builder cctb = TextArray.newBuilder(); NodeList subList = eElement.getElementsByTagName("item"); for (int j = 0; j < subList.getLength(); j++) { Node subNode = subList.item(j); if (subNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element subElement = (Element) subNode; String value = String.valueOf(subElement.getAttribute("value")); cctb.addItem(value); } configMap.put(key, cccb.setTextArray(cctb.build()).build()); } // bool array nList = element.getElementsByTagName("int-array"); for (int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++) { Node nNode = nList.item(i); if (nNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element eElement = (Element) nNode; String key = eElement.getAttribute("name"); CarrierConfig.Config.Builder cccb = CarrierConfig.Config.newBuilder(); IntArray.Builder ccib = IntArray.newBuilder(); NodeList subList = eElement.getElementsByTagName("item"); for (int j = 0; j < subList.getLength(); j++) { Node subNode = subList.item(j); if (subNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element subElement = (Element) subNode; int value = Integer.parseInt(subElement.getAttribute("value")); ccib.addItem(value); } configMap.put(key, cccb.setIntArray(ccib.build()).build()); } return configMap; } /** * Returns {@code true} if a element matches the carrier identifier. * *

Copied from AOSP DefaultCarrierConfigService. */ private static boolean checkFilters(boolean isVendorXml, Element element, CarrierIdentifier id) { // Special case: in vendor.xml, the element w/o mcc/mnc provides a base config // value for all carriers. CarrierSettings uses mcc/mnc 000/000 to identify that, and does the // merge at run time instead of build time (which is now). // Hence, such an element should only match 000/000. if (isVendorXml && !element.hasAttribute("mcc") && !element.hasAttribute("mnc") && !element.hasAttribute("cid")) { return MCCMNC_FOR_DEFAULT_SETTINGS.equals(id.getMcc() + id.getMnc()); } boolean result = true; NamedNodeMap attributes = element.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String attribute = attributes.item(i).getNodeName(); String value = attributes.item(i).getNodeValue(); switch (attribute) { case "mcc": result = result && value.equals(id.getMcc()); break; case "mnc": result = result && value.equals(id.getMnc()); break; case "gid1": result = result && Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(value, id.getGid1()); break; case "spn": result = result && matchOnSP(value, id); break; case "imsi": result = result && matchOnImsi(value, id); break; case "cid": result = result && ((Integer.parseInt(value) == id.getCarrierId()) || (Integer.parseInt(value) == id.getSpecificCarrierId())); break; case "name": // name is used together with cid for readability. ignore for filter. break; default: System.err.println("Unsupported attribute " + attribute + "=" + value); result = false; } } return result; } /** * Returns {@code true} if an "spn" attribute in element matches the carrier * identifier. * *

Copied from AOSP DefaultCarrierConfigService. */ private static boolean matchOnSP(String xmlSP, CarrierIdentifier id) { boolean matchFound = false; String currentSP = id.getSpn(); // means expecting SIM SPN empty in AOSP convention. if (Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("null", xmlSP)) { if (currentSP.isEmpty()) { matchFound = true; } } else if (currentSP != null) { Pattern spPattern = Pattern.compile(xmlSP, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = spPattern.matcher(currentSP); matchFound = matcher.matches(); } return matchFound; } /** * Returns {@code true} if an "imsi" attribute in element matches the carrier * identifier. * *

Copied from AOSP DefaultCarrierConfigService. */ private static boolean matchOnImsi(String xmlImsi, CarrierIdentifier id) { boolean matchFound = false; String currentImsi = id.getImsi(); // If we were able to retrieve current IMSI, see if it matches. if (currentImsi != null) { Pattern imsiPattern = Pattern.compile(xmlImsi, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = imsiPattern.matcher(currentImsi); matchFound = matcher.matches(); } return matchFound; } /** * Parses a {@link CarrierId} out of a tag. * *

This is purely used for discover potential carriers expressed by this tag, the return value * may not reflect all attributes of the tag. */ private static CarrierId.Builder parseCarrierId(Element element) { CarrierId.Builder builder = CarrierId.newBuilder(); String mccMnc = element.getAttribute("mcc") + element.getAttribute("mnc"); builder.setMccMnc(mccMnc); if (element.hasAttribute("imsi")) { builder.setImsi(element.getAttribute("imsi")); } else if (element.hasAttribute("gid1")) { builder.setGid1(element.getAttribute("gid1")); } else if (element.hasAttribute("gid2")) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not support attribute `gid2`: " + element.getAttribute("gid2")); } else if (element.hasAttribute("spn")) { builder.setSpn(element.getAttribute("spn")); } return builder; } // Same as {@link java.nio.file.Paths#get} but returns a String private static String getPathAsString(String first, String... more) { return java.nio.file.Paths.get(first, more).toString(); } /** Mirror of Android CarrierIdentifier class. Default value of a carrier id is -1. */ @AutoValue abstract static class CarrierIdentifier { abstract String getMcc(); abstract String getMnc(); abstract String getImsi(); abstract String getGid1(); abstract String getSpn(); abstract int getCarrierId(); abstract int getSpecificCarrierId(); abstract int getMccmncCarrierId(); static CarrierIdentifier create( CarrierId carrier, int carrierId, int specificCarrierId, int mccmncCarrierId) { String mcc = carrier.getMccMnc().substring(0, 3); String mnc = carrier.getMccMnc().length() > 3 ? carrier.getMccMnc().substring(3) : ""; return new AutoValue_CarrierConfigConverterV2_CarrierIdentifier( mcc, mnc, carrier.getImsi(), carrier.getGid1(), carrier.getSpn(), carrierId, specificCarrierId, mccmncCarrierId); } } private static CarrierIdentifier getCid( CarrierId carrierId, Multimap reverseAospCarrierList) { // Mimic TelephonyManager#getCarrierIdFromMccMnc, which is implemented by // CarrierResolver#getCarrierIdFromMccMnc. CarrierId mccMnc = CarrierId.newBuilder().setMccMnc(carrierId.getMccMnc()).build(); int mccMncCarrierId = reverseAospCarrierList.get(mccMnc).stream().findFirst().orElse(-1); List cids = ImmutableList.copyOf(reverseAospCarrierList.get(carrierId)); // No match: use -1 if (cids.isEmpty()) { return CarrierIdentifier.create(carrierId, -1, -1, mccMncCarrierId); } // One match: use as both carrierId and specificCarrierId if (cids.size() == 1) { return CarrierIdentifier.create(carrierId, cids.get(0), cids.get(0), mccMncCarrierId); } // Two matches: specificCarrierId is always bigger than carrierId if (cids.size() == 2) { return CarrierIdentifier.create( carrierId, Math.min(cids.get(0), cids.get(1)), Math.max(cids.get(0), cids.get(1)), mccMncCarrierId); } // Cannot be more than 2 matches. throw new IllegalStateException("More than two cid's found for " + carrierId + ": " + cids); } private CarrierConfigConverterV2() {} }