1 /*
2  * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.media.tv.tuner.frontend;
19 import android.annotation.IntDef;
20 import android.annotation.NonNull;
21 import android.annotation.SystemApi;
22 import android.hardware.tv.tuner.V1_0.Constants;
23 import android.media.tv.tuner.Lnb;
25 import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
26 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
28 /**
29  * Frontend status.
30  *
31  * @hide
32  */
33 @SystemApi
34 public class FrontendStatus {
36     /** @hide */
47     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
48     public @interface FrontendStatusType {}
50     /**
51      * Lock status for Demod.
52      */
53     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_DEMOD_LOCK =
54             Constants.FrontendStatusType.DEMOD_LOCK;
55     /**
56      * Signal to Noise Ratio.
57      */
58     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_SNR = Constants.FrontendStatusType.SNR;
59     /**
60      * Bit Error Ratio.
61      */
62     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_BER = Constants.FrontendStatusType.BER;
63     /**
64      * Packages Error Ratio.
65      */
66     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_PER = Constants.FrontendStatusType.PER;
67     /**
68      * Bit Error Ratio before FEC.
69      */
70     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_PRE_BER = Constants.FrontendStatusType.PRE_BER;
71     /**
72      * Signal Quality (0..100). Good data over total data in percent can be
73      * used as a way to present Signal Quality.
74      */
75     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_SIGNAL_QUALITY =
76             Constants.FrontendStatusType.SIGNAL_QUALITY;
77     /**
78      * Signal Strength.
79      */
80     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_SIGNAL_STRENGTH =
81             Constants.FrontendStatusType.SIGNAL_STRENGTH;
82     /**
83      * Symbol Rate in symbols per second.
84      */
85     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_SYMBOL_RATE =
86             Constants.FrontendStatusType.SYMBOL_RATE;
87     /**
88      * Forward Error Correction Type.
89      */
90     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_FEC = Constants.FrontendStatusType.FEC;
91     /**
92      * Modulation Type.
93      */
94     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_MODULATION =
95             Constants.FrontendStatusType.MODULATION;
96     /**
97      * Spectral Inversion Type.
98      */
99     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_SPECTRAL = Constants.FrontendStatusType.SPECTRAL;
100     /**
101      * LNB Voltage.
102      */
103     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_LNB_VOLTAGE =
104             Constants.FrontendStatusType.LNB_VOLTAGE;
105     /**
106      * Physical Layer Pipe ID.
107      */
108     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_PLP_ID = Constants.FrontendStatusType.PLP_ID;
109     /**
110      * Status for Emergency Warning Broadcasting System.
111      */
112     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_EWBS = Constants.FrontendStatusType.EWBS;
113     /**
114      * Automatic Gain Control.
115      */
116     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_AGC = Constants.FrontendStatusType.AGC;
117     /**
118      * Low Noise Amplifier.
119      */
120     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_LNA = Constants.FrontendStatusType.LNA;
121     /**
122      * Error status by layer.
123      */
124     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_LAYER_ERROR =
125             Constants.FrontendStatusType.LAYER_ERROR;
126     /**
127      * Modulation Error Ratio.
128      */
129     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_MER = Constants.FrontendStatusType.MER;
130     /**
131      * Difference between tuning frequency and actual locked frequency.
132      */
133     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_FREQ_OFFSET =
134             Constants.FrontendStatusType.FREQ_OFFSET;
135     /**
136      * Hierarchy for DVBT.
137      */
138     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_HIERARCHY = Constants.FrontendStatusType.HIERARCHY;
139     /**
140      * Lock status for RF.
141      */
142     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_RF_LOCK = Constants.FrontendStatusType.RF_LOCK;
143     /**
144      * PLP information in a frequency band for ATSC-3.0 frontend.
145      */
146     public static final int FRONTEND_STATUS_TYPE_ATSC3_PLP_INFO =
147             Constants.FrontendStatusType.ATSC3_PLP_INFO;
150     /** @hide */
151     @IntDef(value = {
152             DvbcFrontendSettings.MODULATION_UNDEFINED,
153             DvbcFrontendSettings.MODULATION_AUTO,
154             DvbcFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_16QAM,
155             DvbcFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_32QAM,
156             DvbcFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_64QAM,
157             DvbcFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_128QAM,
158             DvbcFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_256QAM,
159             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_UNDEFINED,
160             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_AUTO,
161             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_QPSK,
162             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_8PSK,
163             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_16QAM,
164             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_16PSK,
165             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_32PSK,
166             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_ACM,
167             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_8APSK,
168             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_16APSK,
169             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_32APSK,
170             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_64APSK,
171             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_128APSK,
172             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_256APSK,
173             DvbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_RESERVED,
174             IsdbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_UNDEFINED,
175             IsdbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_AUTO,
176             IsdbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_BPSK,
177             IsdbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_QPSK,
178             IsdbsFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_TC8PSK,
179             Isdbs3FrontendSettings.MODULATION_UNDEFINED,
180             Isdbs3FrontendSettings.MODULATION_AUTO,
181             Isdbs3FrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_BPSK,
182             Isdbs3FrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_QPSK,
183             Isdbs3FrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_8PSK,
184             Isdbs3FrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_16APSK,
185             Isdbs3FrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_32APSK,
186             IsdbtFrontendSettings.MODULATION_UNDEFINED,
187             IsdbtFrontendSettings.MODULATION_AUTO,
188             IsdbtFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_DQPSK,
189             IsdbtFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_QPSK,
190             IsdbtFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_16QAM,
191             IsdbtFrontendSettings.MODULATION_MOD_64QAM})
192     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
193     public @interface FrontendModulation {}
196     private Boolean mIsDemodLocked;
197     private Integer mSnr;
198     private Integer mBer;
199     private Integer mPer;
200     private Integer mPerBer;
201     private Integer mSignalQuality;
202     private Integer mSignalStrength;
203     private Integer mSymbolRate;
204     private Long mInnerFec;
205     private Integer mModulation;
206     private Integer mInversion;
207     private Integer mLnbVoltage;
208     private Integer mPlpId;
209     private Boolean mIsEwbs;
210     private Integer mAgc;
211     private Boolean mIsLnaOn;
212     private boolean[] mIsLayerErrors;
213     private Integer mMer;
214     private Integer mFreqOffset;
215     private Integer mHierarchy;
216     private Boolean mIsRfLocked;
217     private Atsc3PlpTuningInfo[] mPlpInfo;
219     // Constructed and fields set by JNI code.
FrontendStatus()220     private FrontendStatus() {
221     }
223     /**
224      * Lock status for Demod.
225      */
isDemodLocked()226     public boolean isDemodLocked() {
227         if (mIsDemodLocked == null) {
228             throw new IllegalStateException();
229         }
230         return mIsDemodLocked;
231     }
232     /**
233      * Gets Signal to Noise Ratio in thousandths of a deciBel (0.001dB).
234      */
getSnr()235     public int getSnr() {
236         if (mSnr == null) {
237             throw new IllegalStateException();
238         }
239         return mSnr;
240     }
241     /**
242      * Gets Bit Error Ratio.
243      *
244      * <p>The number of error bit per 1 billion bits.
245      */
getBer()246     public int getBer() {
247         if (mBer == null) {
248             throw new IllegalStateException();
249         }
250         return mBer;
251     }
253     /**
254      * Gets Packages Error Ratio.
255      *
256      * <p>The number of error package per 1 billion packages.
257      */
getPer()258     public int getPer() {
259         if (mPer == null) {
260             throw new IllegalStateException();
261         }
262         return mPer;
263     }
264     /**
265      * Gets Bit Error Ratio before Forward Error Correction (FEC).
266      *
267      * <p>The number of error bit per 1 billion bits before FEC.
268      */
getPerBer()269     public int getPerBer() {
270         if (mPerBer == null) {
271             throw new IllegalStateException();
272         }
273         return mPerBer;
274     }
275     /**
276      * Gets Signal Quality in percent.
277      */
getSignalQuality()278     public int getSignalQuality() {
279         if (mSignalQuality == null) {
280             throw new IllegalStateException();
281         }
282         return mSignalQuality;
283     }
284     /**
285      * Gets Signal Strength in thousandths of a dBm (0.001dBm).
286      */
getSignalStrength()287     public int getSignalStrength() {
288         if (mSignalStrength == null) {
289             throw new IllegalStateException();
290         }
291         return mSignalStrength;
292     }
293     /**
294      * Gets symbol rate in symbols per second.
295      */
getSymbolRate()296     public int getSymbolRate() {
297         if (mSymbolRate == null) {
298             throw new IllegalStateException();
299         }
300         return mSymbolRate;
301     }
302     /**
303      *  Gets Inner Forward Error Correction type as specified in ETSI EN 300 468 V1.15.1
304      *  and ETSI EN 302 307-2 V1.1.1.
305      */
306     @FrontendSettings.InnerFec
getInnerFec()307     public long getInnerFec() {
308         if (mInnerFec == null) {
309             throw new IllegalStateException();
310         }
311         return mInnerFec;
312     }
313     /**
314      * Gets modulation.
315      */
316     @FrontendModulation
getModulation()317     public int getModulation() {
318         if (mModulation == null) {
319             throw new IllegalStateException();
320         }
321         return mModulation;
322     }
323     /**
324      * Gets Spectral Inversion for DVBC.
325      */
326     @DvbcFrontendSettings.SpectralInversion
getSpectralInversion()327     public int getSpectralInversion() {
328         if (mInversion == null) {
329             throw new IllegalStateException();
330         }
331         return mInversion;
332     }
333     /**
334      * Gets Power Voltage Type for LNB.
335      */
336     @Lnb.Voltage
getLnbVoltage()337     public int getLnbVoltage() {
338         if (mLnbVoltage == null) {
339             throw new IllegalStateException();
340         }
341         return mLnbVoltage;
342     }
343     /**
344      * Gets Physical Layer Pipe ID.
345      */
getPlpId()346     public int getPlpId() {
347         if (mPlpId == null) {
348             throw new IllegalStateException();
349         }
350         return mPlpId;
351     }
352     /**
353      * Checks whether it's Emergency Warning Broadcasting System
354      */
isEwbs()355     public boolean isEwbs() {
356         if (mIsEwbs == null) {
357             throw new IllegalStateException();
358         }
359         return mIsEwbs;
360     }
361     /**
362      * Gets Automatic Gain Control value which is normalized from 0 to 255.
363      */
getAgc()364     public int getAgc() {
365         if (mAgc == null) {
366             throw new IllegalStateException();
367         }
368         return mAgc;
369     }
370     /**
371      * Checks LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) is on or not.
372      */
isLnaOn()373     public boolean isLnaOn() {
374         if (mIsLnaOn == null) {
375             throw new IllegalStateException();
376         }
377         return mIsLnaOn;
378     }
379     /**
380      * Gets Error status by layer.
381      */
382     @NonNull
getLayerErrors()383     public boolean[] getLayerErrors() {
384         if (mIsLayerErrors == null) {
385             throw new IllegalStateException();
386         }
387         return mIsLayerErrors;
388     }
389     /**
390      * Gets Modulation Error Ratio in thousandths of a deciBel (0.001dB).
391      */
getMer()392     public int getMer() {
393         if (mMer == null) {
394             throw new IllegalStateException();
395         }
396         return mMer;
397     }
398     /**
399      * Gets frequency difference in Hz.
400      *
401      * <p>Difference between tuning frequency and actual locked frequency.
402      */
getFreqOffset()403     public int getFreqOffset() {
404         if (mFreqOffset == null) {
405             throw new IllegalStateException();
406         }
407         return mFreqOffset;
408     }
409     /**
410      * Gets hierarchy Type for DVBT.
411      */
412     @DvbtFrontendSettings.Hierarchy
getHierarchy()413     public int getHierarchy() {
414         if (mHierarchy == null) {
415             throw new IllegalStateException();
416         }
417         return mHierarchy;
418     }
419     /**
420      * Gets lock status for RF.
421      */
isRfLocked()422     public boolean isRfLocked() {
423         if (mIsRfLocked == null) {
424             throw new IllegalStateException();
425         }
426         return mIsRfLocked;
427     }
428     /**
429      * Gets an array of PLP status for tuned PLPs for ATSC3 frontend.
430      */
431     @NonNull
getAtsc3PlpTuningInfo()432     public Atsc3PlpTuningInfo[] getAtsc3PlpTuningInfo() {
433         if (mPlpInfo == null) {
434             throw new IllegalStateException();
435         }
436         return mPlpInfo;
437     }
439     /**
440      * Status for each tuning Physical Layer Pipes.
441      */
442     public static class Atsc3PlpTuningInfo {
443         private final int mPlpId;
444         private final boolean mIsLocked;
445         private final int mUec;
Atsc3PlpTuningInfo(int plpId, boolean isLocked, int uec)447         private Atsc3PlpTuningInfo(int plpId, boolean isLocked, int uec) {
448             mPlpId = plpId;
449             mIsLocked = isLocked;
450             mUec = uec;
451         }
453         /**
454          * Gets Physical Layer Pipe ID.
455          */
getPlpId()456         public int getPlpId() {
457             return mPlpId;
458         }
459         /**
460          * Gets Demod Lock/Unlock status of this particular PLP.
461          */
isLocked()462         public boolean isLocked() {
463             return mIsLocked;
464         }
465         /**
466          * Gets Uncorrectable Error Counts (UEC) of this particular PLP since last tune operation.
467          */
getUec()468         public int getUec() {
469             return mUec;
470         }
471     }
472 }