1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include "escape.h"
21 #include "nodes.h"
22 #include "optimization.h"
24 namespace art {
26 // A ReferenceInfo contains additional info about a reference such as
27 // whether it's a singleton, returned, etc.
28 class ReferenceInfo : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocLSA> {
29  public:
ReferenceInfo(HInstruction * reference,size_t pos)30   ReferenceInfo(HInstruction* reference, size_t pos)
31       : reference_(reference),
32         position_(pos),
33         is_singleton_(true),
34         is_singleton_and_not_returned_(true),
35         is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_(true) {
36     CalculateEscape(reference_,
37                     nullptr,
38                     &is_singleton_,
39                     &is_singleton_and_not_returned_,
40                     &is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_);
41   }
GetReference()43   HInstruction* GetReference() const {
44     return reference_;
45   }
GetPosition()47   size_t GetPosition() const {
48     return position_;
49   }
51   // Returns true if reference_ is the only name that can refer to its value during
52   // the lifetime of the method. So it's guaranteed to not have any alias in
53   // the method (including its callees).
IsSingleton()54   bool IsSingleton() const {
55     return is_singleton_;
56   }
58   // Returns true if reference_ is a singleton and not returned to the caller or
59   // used as an environment local of an HDeoptimize instruction.
60   // The allocation and stores into reference_ may be eliminated for such cases.
IsSingletonAndRemovable()61   bool IsSingletonAndRemovable() const {
62     return is_singleton_and_not_returned_ && is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_;
63   }
65   // Returns true if reference_ is a singleton and returned to the caller or
66   // used as an environment local of an HDeoptimize instruction.
IsSingletonAndNonRemovable()67   bool IsSingletonAndNonRemovable() const {
68     return is_singleton_ &&
69            (!is_singleton_and_not_returned_ || !is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_);
70   }
72  private:
73   HInstruction* const reference_;
74   const size_t position_;  // position in HeapLocationCollector's ref_info_array_.
76   // Can only be referred to by a single name in the method.
77   bool is_singleton_;
78   // Is singleton and not returned to caller.
79   bool is_singleton_and_not_returned_;
80   // Is singleton and not used as an environment local of HDeoptimize.
81   bool is_singleton_and_not_deopt_visible_;
84 };
86 // A heap location is a reference-offset/index pair that a value can be loaded from
87 // or stored to.
88 class HeapLocation : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocLSA> {
89  public:
90   static constexpr size_t kInvalidFieldOffset = -1;
91   // Default value for heap locations which are not vector data.
92   static constexpr size_t kScalar = 1;
93   // TODO: more fine-grained array types.
94   static constexpr int16_t kDeclaringClassDefIndexForArrays = -1;
HeapLocation(ReferenceInfo * ref_info,DataType::Type type,size_t offset,HInstruction * index,size_t vector_length,int16_t declaring_class_def_index)96   HeapLocation(ReferenceInfo* ref_info,
97                DataType::Type type,
98                size_t offset,
99                HInstruction* index,
100                size_t vector_length,
101                int16_t declaring_class_def_index)
102       : ref_info_(ref_info),
103         type_(DataType::ToSigned(type)),
104         offset_(offset),
105         index_(index),
106         vector_length_(vector_length),
107         declaring_class_def_index_(declaring_class_def_index),
108         value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_(true),
109         has_aliased_locations_(false) {
110     DCHECK(ref_info != nullptr);
111     DCHECK((offset == kInvalidFieldOffset && index != nullptr) ||
112            (offset != kInvalidFieldOffset && index == nullptr));
113     if (ref_info->IsSingleton() && !IsArray()) {
114       // Assume this location's value cannot be killed by loop side effects
115       // until proven otherwise.
116       value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_ = false;
117     }
118   }
GetReferenceInfo()120   ReferenceInfo* GetReferenceInfo() const { return ref_info_; }
GetType()121   DataType::Type GetType() const { return type_; }
GetOffset()122   size_t GetOffset() const { return offset_; }
GetIndex()123   HInstruction* GetIndex() const { return index_; }
GetVectorLength()124   size_t GetVectorLength() const { return vector_length_; }
126   // Returns the definition of declaring class' dex index.
127   // It's kDeclaringClassDefIndexForArrays for an array element.
GetDeclaringClassDefIndex()128   int16_t GetDeclaringClassDefIndex() const {
129     return declaring_class_def_index_;
130   }
IsArray()132   bool IsArray() const {
133     return index_ != nullptr;
134   }
IsValueKilledByLoopSideEffects()136   bool IsValueKilledByLoopSideEffects() const {
137     return value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_;
138   }
SetValueKilledByLoopSideEffects(bool val)140   void SetValueKilledByLoopSideEffects(bool val) {
141     value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_ = val;
142   }
HasAliasedLocations()144   bool HasAliasedLocations() const {
145     return has_aliased_locations_;
146   }
SetHasAliasedLocations(bool val)148   void SetHasAliasedLocations(bool val) {
149     has_aliased_locations_ = val;
150   }
152  private:
153   // Reference for instance/static field, array element or vector data.
154   ReferenceInfo* const ref_info_;
155   // Type of data residing at HeapLocation (always signed for integral
156   // data since e.g. a[i] and a[i] & 0xff are represented by differently
157   // signed types; char vs short are disambiguated through the reference).
158   const DataType::Type type_;
159   // Offset of static/instance field.
160   // Invalid when this HeapLocation is not field.
161   const size_t offset_;
162   // Index of an array element or starting index of vector data.
163   // Invalid when this HeapLocation is not array.
164   HInstruction* const index_;
165   // Vector length of vector data.
166   // When this HeapLocation is not vector data, it's value is kScalar.
167   const size_t vector_length_;
168   // Declaring class's def's dex index.
169   // Invalid when this HeapLocation is not field access.
170   const int16_t declaring_class_def_index_;
172   // Value of this location may be killed by loop side effects
173   // because this location is stored into inside a loop.
174   // This gives better info on whether a singleton's location
175   // value may be killed by loop side effects.
176   bool value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_;
178   // Has aliased heap locations in the method, due to either the
179   // reference is aliased or the array element is aliased via different
180   // index names.
181   bool has_aliased_locations_;
184 };
186 // A HeapLocationCollector collects all relevant heap locations and keeps
187 // an aliasing matrix for all locations.
188 class HeapLocationCollector : public HGraphVisitor {
189  public:
190   static constexpr size_t kHeapLocationNotFound = -1;
191   // Start with a single uint32_t word. That's enough bits for pair-wise
192   // aliasing matrix of 8 heap locations.
193   static constexpr uint32_t kInitialAliasingMatrixBitVectorSize = 32;
HeapLocationCollector(HGraph * graph)195   explicit HeapLocationCollector(HGraph* graph)
196       : HGraphVisitor(graph),
197         ref_info_array_(graph->GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSA)),
198         heap_locations_(graph->GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSA)),
199         aliasing_matrix_(graph->GetAllocator(),
200                          kInitialAliasingMatrixBitVectorSize,
201                          true,
202                          kArenaAllocLSA),
203         has_heap_stores_(false),
204         has_volatile_(false),
205         has_monitor_operations_(false) {}
CleanUp()207   void CleanUp() {
208     heap_locations_.clear();
209     ref_info_array_.clear();
210   }
GetNumberOfHeapLocations()212   size_t GetNumberOfHeapLocations() const {
213     return heap_locations_.size();
214   }
GetHeapLocation(size_t index)216   HeapLocation* GetHeapLocation(size_t index) const {
217     return heap_locations_[index];
218   }
HuntForOriginalReference(HInstruction * ref)220   HInstruction* HuntForOriginalReference(HInstruction* ref) const {
221     // An original reference can be transformed by instructions like:
222     //   i0 NewArray
223     //   i1 HInstruction(i0)  <-- NullCheck, BoundType, IntermediateAddress.
224     //   i2 ArrayGet(i1, index)
225     DCHECK(ref != nullptr);
226     while (ref->IsNullCheck() || ref->IsBoundType() || ref->IsIntermediateAddress()) {
227       ref = ref->InputAt(0);
228     }
229     return ref;
230   }
FindReferenceInfoOf(HInstruction * ref)232   ReferenceInfo* FindReferenceInfoOf(HInstruction* ref) const {
233     for (size_t i = 0; i < ref_info_array_.size(); i++) {
234       ReferenceInfo* ref_info = ref_info_array_[i];
235       if (ref_info->GetReference() == ref) {
236         DCHECK_EQ(i, ref_info->GetPosition());
237         return ref_info;
238       }
239     }
240     return nullptr;
241   }
GetFieldHeapLocation(HInstruction * object,const FieldInfo * field)243   size_t GetFieldHeapLocation(HInstruction* object, const FieldInfo* field) const {
244     DCHECK(object != nullptr);
245     DCHECK(field != nullptr);
246     return FindHeapLocationIndex(FindReferenceInfoOf(HuntForOriginalReference(object)),
247                                  field->GetFieldType(),
248                                  field->GetFieldOffset().SizeValue(),
249                                  nullptr,
250                                  HeapLocation::kScalar,
251                                  field->GetDeclaringClassDefIndex());
252   }
GetArrayHeapLocation(HInstruction * instruction)254   size_t GetArrayHeapLocation(HInstruction* instruction) const {
255     DCHECK(instruction != nullptr);
256     HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
257     HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
258     DataType::Type type = instruction->GetType();
259     size_t vector_length = HeapLocation::kScalar;
260     if (instruction->IsArraySet()) {
261       type = instruction->AsArraySet()->GetComponentType();
262     } else if (instruction->IsVecStore() ||
263                instruction->IsVecLoad()) {
264       HVecOperation* vec_op = instruction->AsVecOperation();
265       type = vec_op->GetPackedType();
266       vector_length = vec_op->GetVectorLength();
267     } else {
268       DCHECK(instruction->IsArrayGet());
269     }
270     return FindHeapLocationIndex(FindReferenceInfoOf(HuntForOriginalReference(array)),
271                                  type,
272                                  HeapLocation::kInvalidFieldOffset,
273                                  index,
274                                  vector_length,
275                                  HeapLocation::kDeclaringClassDefIndexForArrays);
276   }
HasHeapStores()278   bool HasHeapStores() const {
279     return has_heap_stores_;
280   }
HasVolatile()282   bool HasVolatile() const {
283     return has_volatile_;
284   }
HasMonitorOps()286   bool HasMonitorOps() const {
287     return has_monitor_operations_;
288   }
290   // Find and return the heap location index in heap_locations_.
291   // NOTE: When heap locations are created, potentially aliasing/overlapping
292   // accesses are given different indexes. This find function also
293   // doesn't take aliasing/overlapping into account. For example,
294   // this function returns three different indexes for:
295   // - ref_info=array, index=i, vector_length=kScalar;
296   // - ref_info=array, index=i, vector_length=2;
297   // - ref_info=array, index=i, vector_length=4;
298   // In later analysis, ComputeMayAlias() and MayAlias() compute and tell whether
299   // these indexes alias.
FindHeapLocationIndex(ReferenceInfo * ref_info,DataType::Type type,size_t offset,HInstruction * index,size_t vector_length,int16_t declaring_class_def_index)300   size_t FindHeapLocationIndex(ReferenceInfo* ref_info,
301                                DataType::Type type,
302                                size_t offset,
303                                HInstruction* index,
304                                size_t vector_length,
305                                int16_t declaring_class_def_index) const {
306     DataType::Type lookup_type = DataType::ToSigned(type);
307     for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_locations_.size(); i++) {
308       HeapLocation* loc = heap_locations_[i];
309       if (loc->GetReferenceInfo() == ref_info &&
310           loc->GetType() == lookup_type &&
311           loc->GetOffset() == offset &&
312           loc->GetIndex() == index &&
313           loc->GetVectorLength() == vector_length &&
314           loc->GetDeclaringClassDefIndex() == declaring_class_def_index) {
315         return i;
316       }
317     }
318     return kHeapLocationNotFound;
319   }
321   // Returns true if heap_locations_[index1] and heap_locations_[index2] may alias.
MayAlias(size_t index1,size_t index2)322   bool MayAlias(size_t index1, size_t index2) const {
323     if (index1 < index2) {
324       return aliasing_matrix_.IsBitSet(AliasingMatrixPosition(index1, index2));
325     } else if (index1 > index2) {
326       return aliasing_matrix_.IsBitSet(AliasingMatrixPosition(index2, index1));
327     } else {
328       DCHECK(false) << "index1 and index2 are expected to be different";
329       return true;
330     }
331   }
BuildAliasingMatrix()333   void BuildAliasingMatrix() {
334     const size_t number_of_locations = heap_locations_.size();
335     if (number_of_locations == 0) {
336       return;
337     }
338     size_t pos = 0;
339     // Compute aliasing info between every pair of different heap locations.
340     // Save the result in a matrix represented as a BitVector.
341     for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_locations - 1; i++) {
342       for (size_t j = i + 1; j < number_of_locations; j++) {
343         if (ComputeMayAlias(i, j)) {
344           aliasing_matrix_.SetBit(CheckedAliasingMatrixPosition(i, j, pos));
345         }
346         pos++;
347       }
348     }
349   }
351  private:
352   // An allocation cannot alias with a name which already exists at the point
353   // of the allocation, such as a parameter or a load happening before the allocation.
MayAliasWithPreexistenceChecking(ReferenceInfo * ref_info1,ReferenceInfo * ref_info2)354   bool MayAliasWithPreexistenceChecking(ReferenceInfo* ref_info1, ReferenceInfo* ref_info2) const {
355     if (ref_info1->GetReference()->IsNewInstance() || ref_info1->GetReference()->IsNewArray()) {
356       // Any reference that can alias with the allocation must appear after it in the block/in
357       // the block's successors. In reverse post order, those instructions will be visited after
358       // the allocation.
359       return ref_info2->GetPosition() >= ref_info1->GetPosition();
360     }
361     return true;
362   }
CanReferencesAlias(ReferenceInfo * ref_info1,ReferenceInfo * ref_info2)364   bool CanReferencesAlias(ReferenceInfo* ref_info1, ReferenceInfo* ref_info2) const {
365     if (ref_info1 == ref_info2) {
366       return true;
367     } else if (ref_info1->IsSingleton()) {
368       return false;
369     } else if (ref_info2->IsSingleton()) {
370       return false;
371     } else if (!MayAliasWithPreexistenceChecking(ref_info1, ref_info2) ||
372         !MayAliasWithPreexistenceChecking(ref_info2, ref_info1)) {
373       return false;
374     }
375     return true;
376   }
378   bool CanArrayElementsAlias(const HInstruction* idx1,
379                              const size_t vector_length1,
380                              const HInstruction* idx2,
381                              const size_t vector_length2) const;
383   // `index1` and `index2` are indices in the array of collected heap locations.
384   // Returns the position in the bit vector that tracks whether the two heap
385   // locations may alias.
AliasingMatrixPosition(size_t index1,size_t index2)386   size_t AliasingMatrixPosition(size_t index1, size_t index2) const {
387     DCHECK(index2 > index1);
388     const size_t number_of_locations = heap_locations_.size();
389     // It's (num_of_locations - 1) + ... + (num_of_locations - index1) + (index2 - index1 - 1).
390     return (number_of_locations * index1 - (1 + index1) * index1 / 2 + (index2 - index1 - 1));
391   }
393   // An additional position is passed in to make sure the calculated position is correct.
CheckedAliasingMatrixPosition(size_t index1,size_t index2,size_t position)394   size_t CheckedAliasingMatrixPosition(size_t index1, size_t index2, size_t position) {
395     size_t calculated_position = AliasingMatrixPosition(index1, index2);
396     DCHECK_EQ(calculated_position, position);
397     return calculated_position;
398   }
400   // Compute if two locations may alias to each other.
ComputeMayAlias(size_t index1,size_t index2)401   bool ComputeMayAlias(size_t index1, size_t index2) const {
402     DCHECK_NE(index1, index2);
403     HeapLocation* loc1 = heap_locations_[index1];
404     HeapLocation* loc2 = heap_locations_[index2];
405     if (loc1->GetOffset() != loc2->GetOffset()) {
406       // Either two different instance fields, or one is an instance
407       // field and the other is an array data.
408       return false;
409     }
410     if (loc1->GetDeclaringClassDefIndex() != loc2->GetDeclaringClassDefIndex()) {
411       // Different types.
412       return false;
413     }
414     if (!CanReferencesAlias(loc1->GetReferenceInfo(), loc2->GetReferenceInfo())) {
415       return false;
416     }
417     if (loc1->IsArray() && loc2->IsArray()) {
418       HInstruction* idx1 = loc1->GetIndex();
419       HInstruction* idx2 = loc2->GetIndex();
420       size_t vector_length1 = loc1->GetVectorLength();
421       size_t vector_length2 = loc2->GetVectorLength();
422       if (!CanArrayElementsAlias(idx1, vector_length1, idx2, vector_length2)) {
423         return false;
424       }
425     }
426     loc1->SetHasAliasedLocations(true);
427     loc2->SetHasAliasedLocations(true);
428     return true;
429   }
GetOrCreateReferenceInfo(HInstruction * instruction)431   ReferenceInfo* GetOrCreateReferenceInfo(HInstruction* instruction) {
432     ReferenceInfo* ref_info = FindReferenceInfoOf(instruction);
433     if (ref_info == nullptr) {
434       size_t pos = ref_info_array_.size();
435       ref_info = new (GetGraph()->GetAllocator()) ReferenceInfo(instruction, pos);
436       ref_info_array_.push_back(ref_info);
437     }
438     return ref_info;
439   }
CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(HInstruction * instruction)441   void CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(HInstruction* instruction) {
442     if (instruction->GetType() != DataType::Type::kReference) {
443       return;
444     }
445     DCHECK(FindReferenceInfoOf(instruction) == nullptr);
446     GetOrCreateReferenceInfo(instruction);
447   }
GetOrCreateHeapLocation(HInstruction * ref,DataType::Type type,size_t offset,HInstruction * index,size_t vector_length,int16_t declaring_class_def_index)449   HeapLocation* GetOrCreateHeapLocation(HInstruction* ref,
450                                         DataType::Type type,
451                                         size_t offset,
452                                         HInstruction* index,
453                                         size_t vector_length,
454                                         int16_t declaring_class_def_index) {
455     HInstruction* original_ref = HuntForOriginalReference(ref);
456     ReferenceInfo* ref_info = GetOrCreateReferenceInfo(original_ref);
457     size_t heap_location_idx = FindHeapLocationIndex(
458         ref_info, type, offset, index, vector_length, declaring_class_def_index);
459     if (heap_location_idx == kHeapLocationNotFound) {
460       HeapLocation* heap_loc = new (GetGraph()->GetAllocator())
461           HeapLocation(ref_info, type, offset, index, vector_length, declaring_class_def_index);
462       heap_locations_.push_back(heap_loc);
463       return heap_loc;
464     }
465     return heap_locations_[heap_location_idx];
466   }
VisitFieldAccess(HInstruction * ref,const FieldInfo & field_info)468   HeapLocation* VisitFieldAccess(HInstruction* ref, const FieldInfo& field_info) {
469     if (field_info.IsVolatile()) {
470       has_volatile_ = true;
471     }
472     DataType::Type type = field_info.GetFieldType();
473     const uint16_t declaring_class_def_index = field_info.GetDeclaringClassDefIndex();
474     const size_t offset = field_info.GetFieldOffset().SizeValue();
475     return GetOrCreateHeapLocation(ref,
476                                    type,
477                                    offset,
478                                    nullptr,
479                                    HeapLocation::kScalar,
480                                    declaring_class_def_index);
481   }
VisitArrayAccess(HInstruction * array,HInstruction * index,DataType::Type type,size_t vector_length)483   void VisitArrayAccess(HInstruction* array,
484                         HInstruction* index,
485                         DataType::Type type,
486                         size_t vector_length) {
487     GetOrCreateHeapLocation(array,
488                             type,
489                             HeapLocation::kInvalidFieldOffset,
490                             index,
491                             vector_length,
492                             HeapLocation::kDeclaringClassDefIndexForArrays);
493   }
VisitInstanceFieldGet(HInstanceFieldGet * instruction)495   void VisitInstanceFieldGet(HInstanceFieldGet* instruction) override {
496     VisitFieldAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->GetFieldInfo());
497     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
498   }
VisitInstanceFieldSet(HInstanceFieldSet * instruction)500   void VisitInstanceFieldSet(HInstanceFieldSet* instruction) override {
501     HeapLocation* location = VisitFieldAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->GetFieldInfo());
502     has_heap_stores_ = true;
503     if (location->GetReferenceInfo()->IsSingleton()) {
504       // A singleton's location value may be killed by loop side effects if it's
505       // defined before that loop, and it's stored into inside that loop.
506       HLoopInformation* loop_info = instruction->GetBlock()->GetLoopInformation();
507       if (loop_info != nullptr) {
508         HInstruction* ref = location->GetReferenceInfo()->GetReference();
509         DCHECK(ref->IsNewInstance());
510         if (loop_info->IsDefinedOutOfTheLoop(ref)) {
511           // ref's location value may be killed by this loop's side effects.
512           location->SetValueKilledByLoopSideEffects(true);
513         } else {
514           // ref is defined inside this loop so this loop's side effects cannot
515           // kill its location value at the loop header since ref/its location doesn't
516           // exist yet at the loop header.
517         }
518       }
519     } else {
520       // For non-singletons, value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_ is inited to
521       // true.
522       DCHECK_EQ(location->IsValueKilledByLoopSideEffects(), true);
523     }
524   }
VisitStaticFieldGet(HStaticFieldGet * instruction)526   void VisitStaticFieldGet(HStaticFieldGet* instruction) override {
527     VisitFieldAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->GetFieldInfo());
528     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
529   }
VisitStaticFieldSet(HStaticFieldSet * instruction)531   void VisitStaticFieldSet(HStaticFieldSet* instruction) override {
532     VisitFieldAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->GetFieldInfo());
533     has_heap_stores_ = true;
534   }
536   // We intentionally don't collect HUnresolvedInstanceField/HUnresolvedStaticField accesses
537   // since we cannot accurately track the fields.
VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet * instruction)539   void VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet* instruction) override {
540     HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
541     HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
542     DataType::Type type = instruction->GetType();
543     VisitArrayAccess(array, index, type, HeapLocation::kScalar);
544     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
545   }
VisitArraySet(HArraySet * instruction)547   void VisitArraySet(HArraySet* instruction) override {
548     HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
549     HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
550     DataType::Type type = instruction->GetComponentType();
551     VisitArrayAccess(array, index, type, HeapLocation::kScalar);
552     has_heap_stores_ = true;
553   }
VisitVecLoad(HVecLoad * instruction)555   void VisitVecLoad(HVecLoad* instruction) override {
556     HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
557     HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
558     DataType::Type type = instruction->GetPackedType();
559     VisitArrayAccess(array, index, type, instruction->GetVectorLength());
560     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
561   }
VisitVecStore(HVecStore * instruction)563   void VisitVecStore(HVecStore* instruction) override {
564     HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
565     HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
566     DataType::Type type = instruction->GetPackedType();
567     VisitArrayAccess(array, index, type, instruction->GetVectorLength());
568     has_heap_stores_ = true;
569   }
VisitInstruction(HInstruction * instruction)571   void VisitInstruction(HInstruction* instruction) override {
572     // Any new-instance or new-array cannot alias with references that
573     // pre-exist the new-instance/new-array. We append entries into
574     // ref_info_array_ which keeps track of the order of creation
575     // of reference values since we visit the blocks in reverse post order.
576     //
577     // By default, VisitXXX() (including VisitPhi()) calls VisitInstruction(),
578     // unless VisitXXX() is overridden. VisitInstanceFieldGet() etc. above
579     // also call CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType() explicitly.
580     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
581   }
VisitMonitorOperation(HMonitorOperation * monitor ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)583   void VisitMonitorOperation(HMonitorOperation* monitor ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) override {
584     has_monitor_operations_ = true;
585   }
587   ArenaVector<ReferenceInfo*> ref_info_array_;   // All references used for heap accesses.
588   ArenaVector<HeapLocation*> heap_locations_;    // All heap locations.
589   ArenaBitVector aliasing_matrix_;    // aliasing info between each pair of locations.
590   bool has_heap_stores_;    // If there is no heap stores, LSE acts as GVN with better
591                             // alias analysis and won't be as effective.
592   bool has_volatile_;       // If there are volatile field accesses.
593   bool has_monitor_operations_;    // If there are monitor operations.
595   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapLocationCollector);
596 };
598 class LoadStoreAnalysis : public HOptimization {
599  public:
600   explicit LoadStoreAnalysis(HGraph* graph, const char* name = kLoadStoreAnalysisPassName)
HOptimization(graph,name)601     : HOptimization(graph, name),
602       heap_location_collector_(graph) {}
GetHeapLocationCollector()604   const HeapLocationCollector& GetHeapLocationCollector() const {
605     return heap_location_collector_;
606   }
608   bool Run() override;
610   static constexpr const char* kLoadStoreAnalysisPassName = "load_store_analysis";
612  private:
613   HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector_;
615   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LoadStoreAnalysis);
616 };
618 }  // namespace art