1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include "sdk_version.h"
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "android-base/logging.h"
25 #include "base/bit_utils.h"
26 #include "base/dumpable.h"
27 #include "base/macros.h"
28 #include "base/hiddenapi_stubs.h"
30 namespace art {
31 namespace hiddenapi {
33 // Helper methods used inside ApiList. These were moved outside of the ApiList
34 // class so that they can be used in static_asserts. If they were inside, they
35 // would be part of an unfinished type.
36 namespace helper {
37   // Casts enum value to uint32_t.
38   template<typename T>
ToUint(T val)39   constexpr uint32_t ToUint(T val) { return static_cast<uint32_t>(val); }
41   // Returns uint32_t with one bit set at an index given by an enum value.
42   template<typename T>
ToBit(T val)43   constexpr uint32_t ToBit(T val) { return 1u << ToUint(val); }
45   // Returns a bit mask with `size` least significant bits set.
BitMask(uint32_t size)46   constexpr uint32_t BitMask(uint32_t size) { return (1u << size) - 1; }
48   // Returns a bit mask formed from an enum defining kMin and kMax. The values
49   // are assumed to be indices of min/max bits and the resulting bitmask has
50   // bits [kMin, kMax] set.
51   template<typename T>
BitMask()52   constexpr uint32_t BitMask() {
53     return BitMask(ToUint(T::kMax) + 1) & (~BitMask(ToUint(T::kMin)));
54   }
56   // Returns true if `val` is a bitwise subset of `mask`.
MatchesBitMask(uint32_t val,uint32_t mask)57   constexpr bool MatchesBitMask(uint32_t val, uint32_t mask) { return (val & mask) == val; }
59   // Returns true if the uint32_t value of `val` is a bitwise subset of `mask`.
60   template<typename T>
MatchesBitMask(T val,uint32_t mask)61   constexpr bool MatchesBitMask(T val, uint32_t mask) { return MatchesBitMask(ToUint(val), mask); }
63   // Returns the number of values defined in an enum, assuming the enum defines
64   // kMin and kMax and no integer values are skipped between them.
65   template<typename T>
NumValues()66   constexpr uint32_t NumValues() { return ToUint(T::kMax) - ToUint(T::kMin) + 1; }
68   // Returns enum value at position i from enum list.
69   template <typename T>
GetEnumAt(uint32_t i)70   constexpr T GetEnumAt(uint32_t i) {
71     return static_cast<T>(ToUint(T::kMin) + i);
72   }
74 }  // namespace helper
76 /*
77  * This class represents the information whether a field/method is in
78  * public API (whitelist) or if it isn't, apps targeting which SDK
79  * versions are allowed to access it.
80  */
81 class ApiList {
82  private:
83   // Number of bits reserved for Value in dex flags, and the corresponding bit mask.
84   static constexpr uint32_t kValueBitSize = 3;
85   static constexpr uint32_t kValueBitMask = helper::BitMask(kValueBitSize);
87   enum class Value : uint32_t {
88     // Values independent of target SDK version of app
89     kWhitelist =    0,
90     kGreylist =     1,
91     kBlacklist =    2,
93     // Values dependent on target SDK version of app. Put these last as
94     // their list will be extended in future releases.
95     // The max release code implicitly includes all maintenance releases,
96     // e.g. GreylistMaxO is accessible to targetSdkVersion <= 27 (O_MR1).
97     kGreylistMaxO = 3,
98     kGreylistMaxP = 4,
99     kGreylistMaxQ = 5,
101     // Special values
102     kInvalid =      (static_cast<uint32_t>(-1) & kValueBitMask),
103     kMin =          kWhitelist,
104     kMax =          kGreylistMaxQ,
105   };
107   // Additional bit flags after the first kValueBitSize bits in dex flags.
108   // These are used for domain-specific API.
109   enum class DomainApi : uint32_t {
110     kCorePlatformApi = kValueBitSize,
111     kTestApi = kValueBitSize + 1,
113     // Special values
114     kMin =             kCorePlatformApi,
115     kMax =             kTestApi,
116   };
118   // Bit mask of all domain API flags.
119   static constexpr uint32_t kDomainApiBitMask = helper::BitMask<DomainApi>();
121   // Check that Values fit in the designated number of bits.
122   static_assert(kValueBitSize >= MinimumBitsToStore(helper::ToUint(Value::kMax)),
123                 "Not enough bits to store all ApiList values");
125   // Sanity checks that all Values are covered by kValueBitMask.
126   static_assert(helper::MatchesBitMask(Value::kMin, kValueBitMask));
127   static_assert(helper::MatchesBitMask(Value::kMax, kValueBitMask));
129   // Assert that Value::kInvalid is larger than the maximum Value.
130   static_assert(helper::ToUint(Value::kMax) < helper::ToUint(Value::kInvalid));
132   // Names corresponding to Values.
133   static constexpr const char* kValueNames[] = {
134     "whitelist",
135     "greylist",
136     "blacklist",
137     "greylist-max-o",
138     "greylist-max-p",
139     "greylist-max-q",
140   };
142   // Names corresponding to DomainApis.
143   static constexpr const char* kDomainApiNames[] {
144     "core-platform-api",
145     "test-api",
146   };
148   // Maximum SDK versions allowed to access ApiList of given Value.
149   static constexpr SdkVersion kMaxSdkVersions[] {
150     /* whitelist */ SdkVersion::kMax,
151     /* greylist */ SdkVersion::kMax,
152     /* blacklist */ SdkVersion::kMin,
153     /* greylist-max-o */ SdkVersion::kO_MR1,
154     /* greylist-max-p */ SdkVersion::kP,
155     /* greylist-max-q */ SdkVersion::kQ,
156   };
158   explicit ApiList(Value val, uint32_t domain_apis = 0u)
159       : dex_flags_(helper::ToUint(val) | domain_apis) {
160     DCHECK(GetValue() == val);
161     DCHECK_EQ(GetDomainApis(), domain_apis);
162   }
ApiList(DomainApi val)164   explicit ApiList(DomainApi val) : ApiList(Value::kInvalid, helper::ToBit(val)) {}
GetValue()166   Value GetValue() const {
167     uint32_t value = (dex_flags_ & kValueBitMask);
169     // Treat all ones as invalid value
170     if (value == helper::ToUint(Value::kInvalid)) {
171       return Value::kInvalid;
172     } else {
173       DCHECK_GE(value, helper::ToUint(Value::kMin));
174       DCHECK_LE(value, helper::ToUint(Value::kMax));
175       return static_cast<Value>(value);
176     }
177   }
GetDomainApis()179   uint32_t GetDomainApis() const { return (dex_flags_ & kDomainApiBitMask); }
181   uint32_t dex_flags_;
183  public:
ApiList()184   ApiList() : ApiList(Value::kInvalid) {}
ApiList(uint32_t dex_flags)186   explicit ApiList(uint32_t dex_flags) : dex_flags_(dex_flags) {
187     DCHECK_EQ(dex_flags_, (dex_flags_ & kValueBitMask) | (dex_flags_ & kDomainApiBitMask));
188   }
190   // Helpers for conveniently constructing ApiList instances.
Whitelist()191   static ApiList Whitelist() { return ApiList(Value::kWhitelist); }
Greylist()192   static ApiList Greylist() { return ApiList(Value::kGreylist); }
Blacklist()193   static ApiList Blacklist() { return ApiList(Value::kBlacklist); }
GreylistMaxO()194   static ApiList GreylistMaxO() { return ApiList(Value::kGreylistMaxO); }
GreylistMaxP()195   static ApiList GreylistMaxP() { return ApiList(Value::kGreylistMaxP); }
GreylistMaxQ()196   static ApiList GreylistMaxQ() { return ApiList(Value::kGreylistMaxQ); }
CorePlatformApi()197   static ApiList CorePlatformApi() { return ApiList(DomainApi::kCorePlatformApi); }
TestApi()198   static ApiList TestApi() { return ApiList(DomainApi::kTestApi); }
GetDexFlags()200   uint32_t GetDexFlags() const { return dex_flags_; }
GetIntValue()201   uint32_t GetIntValue() const { return helper::ToUint(GetValue()) - helper::ToUint(Value::kMin); }
203   // Returns the ApiList with a flag of a given name, or an empty ApiList if not matched.
FromName(const std::string & str)204   static ApiList FromName(const std::string& str) {
205     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kValueCount; ++i) {
206       if (str == kValueNames[i]) {
207         return ApiList(helper::GetEnumAt<Value>(i));
208       }
209     }
210     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kDomainApiCount; ++i) {
211       if (str == kDomainApiNames[i]) {
212         return ApiList(helper::GetEnumAt<DomainApi>(i));
213       }
214     }
215     return ApiList();
216   }
218   // Parses a vector of flag names into a single ApiList value. If successful,
219   // returns true and assigns the new ApiList to `out_api_list`.
FromNames(std::vector<std::string>::iterator begin,std::vector<std::string>::iterator end,ApiList * out_api_list)220   static bool FromNames(std::vector<std::string>::iterator begin,
221                         std::vector<std::string>::iterator end,
222                         /* out */ ApiList* out_api_list) {
223     ApiList api_list;
224     for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = begin; it != end; it++) {
225       ApiList current = FromName(*it);
226       if (current.IsEmpty() || !api_list.CanCombineWith(current)) {
227         if (ApiStubs::IsStubsFlag(*it)) {
228         // Ignore flags which correspond to the stubs from where the api
229         // originates (i.e. system-api, test-api, public-api), as they are not
230         // relevant at runtime
231           continue;
232         }
233         return false;
234       }
235       api_list |= current;
236     }
237     if (out_api_list != nullptr) {
238       *out_api_list = api_list;
239     }
240     return true;
241   }
243   bool operator==(const ApiList& other) const { return dex_flags_ == other.dex_flags_; }
244   bool operator!=(const ApiList& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
245   bool operator<(const ApiList& other) const { return dex_flags_ < other.dex_flags_; }
247   // Returns true if combining this ApiList with `other` will succeed.
CanCombineWith(const ApiList & other)248   bool CanCombineWith(const ApiList& other) const {
249     const Value val1 = GetValue();
250     const Value val2 = other.GetValue();
251     return (val1 == val2) || (val1 == Value::kInvalid) || (val2 == Value::kInvalid);
252   }
254   // Combine two ApiList instances.
255   ApiList operator|(const ApiList& other) {
256     // DomainApis are not mutually exclusive. Simply OR them.
257     const uint32_t domain_apis = GetDomainApis() | other.GetDomainApis();
259     // Values are mutually exclusive. Check if `this` and `other` have the same Value
260     // or if at most one is set.
261     const Value val1 = GetValue();
262     const Value val2 = other.GetValue();
263     if (val1 == val2) {
264       return ApiList(val1, domain_apis);
265     } else if (val1 == Value::kInvalid) {
266       return ApiList(val2, domain_apis);
267     } else if (val2 == Value::kInvalid) {
268       return ApiList(val1, domain_apis);
269     } else {
270       LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid combination of values " << Dumpable(ApiList(val1))
271           << " and " << Dumpable(ApiList(val2));
272       UNREACHABLE();
273     }
274   }
276   const ApiList& operator|=(const ApiList& other) {
277     (*this) = (*this) | other;
278     return *this;
279   }
281   // Returns true if all flags set in `other` are also set in `this`.
Contains(const ApiList & other)282   bool Contains(const ApiList& other) const {
283     return ((other.GetValue() == Value::kInvalid) || (GetValue() == other.GetValue())) &&
284            helper::MatchesBitMask(other.GetDomainApis(), GetDomainApis());
285   }
287   // Returns true whether the configuration is valid for runtime use.
IsValid()288   bool IsValid() const { return GetValue() != Value::kInvalid; }
290   // Returns true when no ApiList is specified and no domain_api flags either.
IsEmpty()291   bool IsEmpty() const { return (GetValue() == Value::kInvalid) && (GetDomainApis() == 0); }
293   // Returns true if the ApiList is on blacklist.
IsBlacklisted()294   bool IsBlacklisted() const {
295     return GetValue() == Value::kBlacklist;
296   }
298   // Returns true if the ApiList is a test API.
IsTestApi()299   bool IsTestApi() const {
300     return helper::MatchesBitMask(helper::ToBit(DomainApi::kTestApi), dex_flags_);
301   }
303   // Returns the maximum target SDK version allowed to access this ApiList.
GetMaxAllowedSdkVersion()304   SdkVersion GetMaxAllowedSdkVersion() const { return kMaxSdkVersions[GetIntValue()]; }
Dump(std::ostream & os)306   void Dump(std::ostream& os) const {
307     bool is_first = true;
309     if (IsEmpty()) {
310       os << "invalid";
311       return;
312     }
314     if (GetValue() != Value::kInvalid) {
315       os << kValueNames[GetIntValue()];
316       is_first = false;
317     }
319     const uint32_t domain_apis = GetDomainApis();
320     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kDomainApiCount; i++) {
321       if (helper::MatchesBitMask(helper::ToBit(helper::GetEnumAt<DomainApi>(i)), domain_apis)) {
322         if (is_first) {
323           is_first = false;
324         } else {
325           os << ",";
326         }
327         os << kDomainApiNames[i];
328       }
329     }
331     DCHECK_EQ(IsEmpty(), is_first);
332   }
334   // Number of valid enum values in Value.
335   static constexpr uint32_t kValueCount = helper::NumValues<Value>();
336   // Number of valid enum values in DomainApi.
337   static constexpr uint32_t kDomainApiCount = helper::NumValues<DomainApi>();
338   // Total number of possible enum values, including invalid, in Value.
339   static constexpr uint32_t kValueSize = (1u << kValueBitSize) + 1;
341   // Check min and max values are calculated correctly.
342   static_assert(Value::kMin == helper::GetEnumAt<Value>(0));
343   static_assert(Value::kMax == helper::GetEnumAt<Value>(kValueCount - 1));
345   static_assert(DomainApi::kMin == helper::GetEnumAt<DomainApi>(0));
346   static_assert(DomainApi::kMax == helper::GetEnumAt<DomainApi>(kDomainApiCount - 1));
347 };
349 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ApiList value) {
350   value.Dump(os);
351   return os;
352 }
354 }  // namespace hiddenapi
355 }  // namespace art